If the girl is very offended: an apology plan. What comes up as a surprise. sees in a man more positive qualities, and accepts shortcomings as they are

What does sincerity mean?

Sincere feelings are a genuine, natural manifestation of emotions that arise in a person. The concept of sincerity is based on the word "spark". Feeling, arises as a spark, and immediately manifests itself in the external world, consistent with the behavior, facial expressions and internal state of a person at the moment of demonstrating sincere feelings. Sincerity means:

  • manifestation of feelings in a "pure", unveiled form: joy, sadness, anger, anger, envy;

  • openness of a person;

  • honesty;

  • clarity of thoughts;

  • sincere attitude not only to other people, but also to yourself.

The psychology of sincerity

The phenomenon of sincerity in psychology is studied by social psychologists. Sincerity is formed in childhood. A small child still does not quite understand what the parents require or want from him, but he unmistakably distinguishes the emotional state of the mother and the father. Expression clearly manifests itself through facial expressions, gestures, voice intonation. The mother scolds the child, speaks in an angry voice, but he sees that the face is not angry, that means she is swearing "insincerely", for fun. A person's sincerity can be read through non-verbal manifestations:

  • symmetrical display of emotions on the right and left sides of the face;

  • during a conversation, an interested glance towards the interlocutor;

  • free coordinated gestures.

Sincerity and honesty are the difference

The concepts of "sincerity" and "honesty" are often considered synonymous, they are similar, but not the same. How sincerity differs from honesty:

  1. Sincerity- an emotional phenomenon, expressed in a direct, not analyzed by a person, manifestation of feelings: an emotion originated inside and immediately manifested itself in the outside world.

  2. Honesty- a moral and social phenomenon, comes from "honor", "respect", "honor". It is customary in society to respect honest people. Honesty is associated with a person's actions.

  3. Sincerity- consistency of speech with external manifestations (congruence).

  4. Honesty- includes sincerity and truthfulness based on moral values.

Sincerity - is it needed now?

Sincerity is a character trait and for people who grew up in a family where any expression of feelings was encouraged, it is difficult to restrain yourself emotionally. Such people have a difficult time in society, because sincerity implies the transmission of both positive and negative emotions. Sincerity is considered a quality of a mature person who is ready to resist ridicule, slander and remain herself. Sincere feelings will always be in demand because:

  1. Any person, even someone who is insincere himself, is important to have a sincere attitude.

  2. In the family - sincerity is an indicator of trust and mature relations between spouses;

  3. In the development of a child, sincere emotions and feelings are a necessary element in the upbringing of a harmonious personality.

How to check a man for the sincerity of feelings?

What girl or woman doesn't dream of mutual feelings with her partner? The degree of sincerity on the part of a man is not always clear, since the stronger sex shows any feelings in a metered manner, because by nature a man is "supposed" to be restrained. The sincerity of a partner's feelings can be recognized by the following criteria:

  • the man's words do not disagree with his actions and actions;

  • he likes to take care of the woman he loves;

  • in difficult times, sincerely empathizes and tries to reduce the discomfort of the partner;

  • spending time together is important for him;

  • gives gifts;

  • ready for a lot for the sake of his beloved;

  • Reasonable jealousy can also be an indicator of sincere feelings.

How to check a woman for the sincerity of feelings?

Honesty and sincerity are the key to a trusting and successful relationship between a man and a woman. What is sincerity in a relationship, it can be more difficult for the stronger sex to understand if a loved one is sincere with him or pretends to be because of his selfish goals. Some men, trying to figure it out, go to extremes and begin to follow every step of their girlfriend. Sincere feelings on the part of the weaker sex are manifested as follows:

  • the warmth with which a woman communicates with her beloved;

  • she gives her feelings without demanding something in return;

  • is sensitive to a man's flirting with other women;

  • sees in a man more positive qualities, and accepts shortcomings as they are;

  • devotes a lot of time to appearance in order to be attractive to him;

  • is interested with genuine interest in the life of a loved one;

  • shares both joy and sadness with a partner.

How to recognize a friend's sincerity?

Friendship is, first of all, sincerity, as women believe. The very concept of female friendship is very energy-intensive. Women are vulnerable and emotional creatures and in many aspects are more likely rivals to each other: who is more beautiful, more successful or more successful with men. True sincere friendship between women is of great value and is a gift that must be cherished. Shows of sincerity of a friend:

  • keeps all the secrets and secrets discussed;

  • she can “cry into the vest”;

  • respects the interests and moral values ​​of a friend;

  • sincerely rejoices in success and saddens when failures pursue;

  • does not flirt with her friends' boyfriends;

  • will always express a critical opinion in the right place, if a positive outcome of the situation depends on it;

  • understands without words;

  • knows how to forgive.

How to develop sincerity?

How to learn sincerity and is it really possible to develop this quality in yourself? Psychologists say that like any skill, sincerity can be developed through practical actions:

  1. Communication with sincere people... If you pay attention, such people seem to be surrounded by special energy and charisma, others are drawn to them. An insincere person doesn't get that much attention.

  2. Reading relevant psychological literature... It is useful in that tasks are given in stages to improve the skill of sincerity.

  3. Getting rid of complexes... Often indecision, shyness and shyness interfere with being sincere with others, any step towards sincerity causes painful thoughts about their imperfection and the fear of "what will they think of me?"

  4. Openness... If the environment inspires confidence, why not try to open up, show your benevolence, warmth and sympathy even to strangers. Only in this way can a person gain experience of sincere self-expression.

The simplest thing will be to tell about your feelings for this person, to confess your love to the girl. The main thing is to find the right time and place for this. It's better not to do this in a company. In general, it all depends on your sincerity. You don't need any blanks, banal phrases. Say what you feel. The word has tremendous power.

Therefore, never (!) Do not talk with your beloved about your previous relationship. The more you talk about a girl, the more feelings you have for her. Try not to start this topic at all. If the girl begins to pester with questions, then gently turn the conversation into another direction. She only needs to know that for you she is the best in the world. Words are one thing, but it is important not to forget about actions. Small signs of attention in the form of a hand, which you give when exiting the transport, the door you open in front of the girl, will cause her a lot of pleasant emotions.

The gift is a symbol of attention. And its significance is not in its value, but in the very fact of the gift. Flowers, without them in any way. Almost all girls love flowers. Since flowers are a kind of symbol of freshness and youth, then by giving them, you make the girl feel young and carefree. Well, not a single girl can resist flowers with a small souvenir.

Well, without romance anywhere. This is a great way to prove your love to a girl. A simple romantic evening, homemade dishes will not leave indifferent any girl. The fact that you prefer preparing a surprise for your beloved to friends, computer or football will be the best proof of your love. Balls, incense sticks, flowers, music - all this will help you create the necessary environment. It will not be superfluous to invite the girl to dance after dinner.

You should not forget about your significant dates: the day of acquaintance, the day of the first kiss, the birthday of her close relatives. Women are very sensitive to this, but men constantly forget. If you already remember the day when you kissed for the first time, then she is really loved.

Nothing shows an attitude towards a woman like planning a joint future. Don't be afraid to make plans. And even if the girl does not think about what will happen, but still the seriousness of your intentions will show your love. And if we also talk about children, then all her doubts will finally be dispelled.

Try to get to know the girl's parents. This desire will be taken very seriously by her. As soon as possible, ask to arrange a meeting with her close relatives. You definitely need to prepare. Ask her what topics are best to start a conversation with dad, what are his hobbies; what flowers do mom like to present to her when she meets. But try to be not very courteous and in no case overeat: flattery and excessive courtesy can alienate the relatives of your beloved. Meeting the girl's parents is remembered forever and is a kind of impetus in the development of your relationship, an indicator of the seriousness of your intentions. During the meeting, communicate not only with your parents, but also with your beloved, otherwise it may offend her.

Well, the best proof of your love for a girl will be a marriage proposal. But only if you are absolutely sure of your choice. There is no need to rush into making a decision. It is worth weighing the pros and cons dozens of times.

What you shouldn't forget

Treat the woman with respect. Never allow yourself to offend her, humiliate her, make fun of her, and even more so in front of strangers. And in any case, do not use physical force;

Protect, protect your girlfriend, help her. It costs you nothing to meet her in the dark, to take heavy bags from her hands;

Your girlfriend shouldn't need anything. Try not to deny her anything (within reasonable limits, of course);

Accept her for who she is, with all the merits and demerits. Understand the woman. Endure changes in her mood, close your eyes to her "whims", do not be offended by her. Although, there is a limit to everything;

Help her around the house. Do not divide household chores into “male” and “female” ones. If you wash the dishes, then you will only be a plus;

If you have a choice of how to spend the evening, with friends or a girlfriend, make a choice in favor of your beloved. Enjoy every second you spend with her.

If you do not have the opportunity to be near and are apart, call her, write pleasant SMS.

The girl's heart is a complete mystery, a riddle that is not so easy to solve. It is not always possible to understand what is in her thoughts. How often women's actions are contradictory to all logic! Therefore, in a relationship, it is difficult for a guy to predict the course of future events: there is no guarantee that tomorrow she will not leave you, or maybe she is with you only because she wants to annoy her ex. In addition, at the present time, when the world is ruled by material values, it is difficult to find a girl who will love you for your inner world, and not for your wallet in your pocket. You can understand a girl's sincerity only by checking her feelings.

When does it become necessary to test a girl's feelings? If a guy has no feelings for his chosen one, you must admit that he also does not need her love. But when a guy sincerely loves her, wants to introduce her to his parents and even make a marriage proposal, then you need to gain confidence in the girl's love.

How to check a girl's feelings?

It is necessary to test your beloved for feelings very carefully and carefully. Women have a keen inner instinct, so if you get caught on a test, you risk losing her trust forever. Therefore, consider if you have enough cunning and patience to check. Moreover, the result may not be at all what you expect. So, the main ways how to check the feelings of a girl - we will understand them in detail, consider. In what cases can one or another method be used.

Communication with a girl

Often, the sincerity of a woman's feelings can be understood simply by communicating with her in an informal setting. Intelligence tests are often critical. What is she interested in, how wide is her outlook. The range of her interest and topics of conversation speaks volumes. If your chosen one talks only in clothes and parties, then think about whether she is capable of loving someone other than herself? You don't even need to start a relationship with such girls, no matter how beautiful they are.

Her dating behavior will also tell a lot. Pay attention to how it looks. The girl will always try to be beautiful for you. Also, unforeseen situations will tell about what she really is. Does she treat the service staff well in the cafe, is the girl capable of sympathy, enjoy simple things. How will she react to the fact that you give her not an expensive, but original gift? Simple everyday situations will show how she relates to you.

Flirting with girlfriends

Surely, you often get together with her friends. Starting flirting with one of her friends is the best way to test the sincerity of her feelings. All women are owners, like men, so, naturally, she should feel jealous. A smart girl will not sort things out in public, but at home she can arrange a showdown. These are couples who have lived for many years together, can trust each other and allow easy flirting in companies, and at the beginning of a relationship, when love has not yet given way to habit, the feeling of possessiveness is greatly exacerbated. Therefore, you need to be surprised if your loved one remained calm, seeing how you flirt with her friend. But if she throws a scandal, then be sure - the girl loves you and is afraid of losing.

Difficult moments of life

The most effective means of testing the feelings of any loved one is to look at the attitude towards you in difficult life situations. Of course, you don't need to create such a situation artificially, but you can look at the girl's behavior, for example, during your illness. Will she be interested in you, visit you, or find a reason not to see you during this period. If your chosen one takes the time to take care of you, it means that she truly loves and worries you.

And in order not to resort to various kinds of checks, you just need to surround your girlfriend with care, tenderness and love. If she responds in kind to you, then her sincerity should not be questioned. And also think: if you doubt the feelings of your beloved, is it this person with whom you need to connect your life?

Good afternoon, dear readers! Do you trust your partner? Are you confident in his feelings? I often hear clients claim that their partner is insensitive. And men are increasingly asking the question - how to check a girl for love? Today I will tell you what such checks can lead to, how you can verify the feelings of your young lady and how to understand what she loves.


I will begin right away with the dangers of such sensory tests. Especially those that are carried out just like that, for the sake of the verification itself.

There are men who want to keep everything under their control, know about every step of their lady, do not tolerate competition and sometimes put girls in golden cages.

A large number of ways are described in the article "". There you can find not only about feelings, but also commercialism, selfishness, thriftiness and so on.

Remember that the girl can learn about the challenge. This can tell her that you do not trust, and she will leave you. In such a situation, it will be very problematic.

Think carefully about whether your venture is worth this relationship. And ask yourself a question - how I will behave if I find out that my passion is testing me. Put yourself in the shoes of the person being tested. Do you like it? Are you experiencing pleasant emotions? I think no.

Do not act rashly. In love, of course, as in war, all is fair. But you shouldn't go too far. Let's think together how you can understand the feelings of your chosen one without testing.

Great replacement check

Now I will reveal to you a great secret - instead of checking, you can learn about the feelings of another person, becoming more attentive to him. Very simple and corny. But it works one hundred percent every time. One has only to look closely at the young lady's behavior, hear what she says, notice the details and little things, and you can easily add two plus two.

You can find out what a young lady is experiencing by her behavior. Take a closer look at how she dresses for meetings with you, put on makeup, combed her hair. If a lady devotes a lot of time to her appearance, then this suggests that she wants to be attractive to you.

There are some signs of behavior that indicate the young lady's sympathy for you. She listens to you attentively, is sincerely interested in your life, tries to get to know you as best she can.

If it is still difficult for you to recognize such signals, then the article "" will come to your aid. In it, I describe in detail all the female tricks that we resort to to show sympathy for a man.

Learn to recognize such things and you will never doubt the sincerity of your lady. Be attentive, notice even the smallest deeds. More often than not, the minor details are the most important.

Moments that will help you make sure you love 100%

Let's talk about more serious things that really tell you that there is a loving woman next to you.

Sincere feelings are manifested in the attention and care of the young lady. She can set the table out of nothing, like the grandmother blinded a kolobok. Scratched on the bottom of the barrel - dinner is ready. She will keep an eye on your things so that everything is in order, there are no holes in the socks and so on.

In addition, difficult times and difficult situations can help identify feelings.

When problems are at work, with friends, with relatives. A loving person will be there, will support, help, calm. He will not leave you at the first minor failure. He will overcome obstacles and move forward with you.

Just do not deliberately create these obstacles in order to test a person. I have already said what such checks can lead to.

A girl who loves a man herself will want to change for him. She will not need to force, change or break her character. She will slowly do it herself, of her own free will.

In addition, a faithful and loving woman supports her faithful in difficult endeavors, while he is assimilated in a new job or starting his own business.

If you feel that your relationship is fading away, but cannot come to a final conclusion, I advise you to read the article "".

Remember that a woman's love is a mirror that reflects your feelings for her. Love a woman and she will give you all the best that is in her.

Have you ever done checks on your women? What did they lead to? Have you received an answer to the question that tormented you? Have you become a victim of verification from a woman?

Trust your beloved and love her as much as possible!

How to apologize to a girl if you hurt her badly? There are several ways to get the sweetheart's favor. We analyze even those situations when you do not understand what the essence of the whole conflict is.

It can be very difficult to apologize to a girl if you have seriously offended her. But more often than not, you can melt the heart of your beloved by simply asking for forgiveness. If that didn't work, then you should try one or more of the methods listed below.

In words

- For those who did not understand what, in fact, the matter is ...

I would like to start with this, because often the representative of the stronger sex does not understand female logic.

First of all, you need to analyze the reason for the quarrel, to understand what was the impetus for her resentment:

  1. Often men think that girls are just being capricious in this way, wanting to "rein in" their chosen one. However, this is not always the case. Yes, there are people who should be awarded the Oscar for the best dramatic role, but a sincere girl will not allow herself this, because she values ​​the feelings and emotions of her boyfriend.
  2. The girl's resentment is often based on her vulnerability: she did not expect you to do this or say such words. To which men often answer: "There is nothing wrong with this!" No, her eyes and demeanor tell a different story. In this case, in a conciliatory conversation with a girl, do not start “pulling the blanket over yourself”, they say, “You, of course, forgive me, but I’m in fact not guilty of anything…”. This will immediately end a good conversation.

In order to understand and be understood, you need to:

  • prepare to speak sincerely;
  • calm down;
  • be willing to control your words and tone in conversation;
  • start a conversation with the words: "I would like to talk to you" or something like that;
  • ask a question about what exactly offended her;
  • try to understand that this is really serious for her;
  • if you don’t understand, just humble yourself;
  • Explain that you did not see anything wrong with this, and did not want to hurt her;
  • promise that you will try to make sure this does not happen again;
  • smile and kiss your beloved.

If the girl doesn't make contact, give her some time to calm down. Tell her that you will wait until she is ready for a peaceful dialogue. This will impress her and make her “slow down”.

- For those who admit their guilt

In a situation where your guilt is obvious, and you have already realized it, you need to act a little differently:

  • “Put on” the guilty person;
  • come up with a request to talk;
  • then start by fully admitting guilt, but be prepared that this is not enough;
  • if you can explain your act (roughly speaking, tell what made you do this: childhood traumas, upbringing, environment, influence of friends, etc.), be sure to do it - this will be a great bonus for you;
  • ask for forgiveness, but only sincerely, from the heart;
  • say that the most important thing is that you have already realized your mistake, so you are ready not to make it anymore;
  • mention how important your relationship is to you;
  • try to hug her or take her hand.

When you have such a conversation and talk about what motivated you to do so, speak with the intonation of a guilty person. Remember how you made excuses to your mom or dad as a child: with a pitiful intonation and guilt in your voice. Do not think that this will humiliate your manhood - for her it will look like your open soul. And for a girl there is nothing nicer than that.

Note! After you have received forgiveness and hugged your loved one, do not start with movements or words to hint at sex! Most likely, now she is moved and touched. Don't trivialize this moment! Of course, if she herself did not begin to act first!

In a letter

So what can a letter be like? There are several options:

  • a note left on the table, refrigerator, attached to the mirror, etc.;
  • letter by e-mail or on social networks;
  • a message thrown into a mailbox is a very romantic option;
  • text on beautiful paper embedded in a bouquet of flowers, which was brought from you by a courier / friend / acquaintance / neighbor boy, etc. - is also not inferior in romance, etc.

What you need to write in the letter:

  • Nice appeal. For example: "My dear Katyushka!" or "The most beautiful girl in the world!" etc.
  • Purpose of the letter: “I don’t know how else I can contact you…”, “I would like to ask you for forgiveness…”, etc.
  • Realizing your mistake: "I realized that I was wrong ...", "It was very bad of me, and I understood it ...".
  • Explanation of your action: "These are all friends, damn them ...", "I thought it would be better for both of us ...", "I don't know how it should be, honestly - I don't understand much about this", I didn’t think it was so important for you ... ”and so on.
  • Asking for forgiveness: “I'm sorry, I didn't want it to happen”, “I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you,” “I'm sorry that I offended the person dearest to me,” etc.
  • Closing words: "I would like to continue to be with you, so that you teach me how to do it ..." fireplace. Do not deprive me of this ... "and so on.
  • Signature: "A man who will not stop loving you ...", "Hopelessly in love with a beautiful girl (name)" or ironically - "Your dunce."

Please note that the text of the request for forgiveness can also be written in verse. Let it be clumsy and not very smooth, but your girlfriend will see that you are making efforts in order to achieve her location.

If you wrote with soul and almost with tears in your eyes - DO NOT READ the letter after you have finished it. It is possible that you will feel uncomfortable (it is always uncomfortable to open your soul), after which you will not dare to send a message. Just send it quickly, without hesitation, until “that” mood is gone, and do not regret that you did it.


In order to ask for forgiveness on the well-known social network Vkontakte, there are many ways: from those that take a minute to those that require a lot of effort:

  1. Graffiti... Write a beautiful inscription to your girlfriend with words of apology. Support this with a light, beautiful drawing (kiss, heart, sad face, etc.).
  2. Music or video... Find what works best for your situation. Be careful, because the girl will literally try on every word from the song for your pair. Therefore, she will be touched if the text is appropriate. It is advisable to throw the file on the wall, and not in a personal, because girls love demonstrativeness.
  3. Photo collage... Pick your best photos. The happiest moments will come. But you must be present at them together (and nothing else!), So that the girl has before her eyes what she is losing. It is worth attaching words of apology and a suitable music track here. The goal is that she should remember those good days, read your heartbreaking words and be moved by the song.
  4. Cool apology... Please note that this method is only suitable for those girls who have a good sense of humor. Otherwise, your significant other will think that you are bullying her. What can you think of here? Well, for example, send a photo showing how sad you are without her, demonstrate how gray and boring the world is without her (for this you can take a picture of your cat with a “sad” expression on his face, write on the refrigerator “How bad I am without your hungry eye, Dasha ", etc.).
  5. Shoot your own video... Here, ask friends, acquaintances, or even casual passers-by to say that you love her and yearn for you to forgive her. Then send the finished and processed material to her and wait for the reaction.

In sms

It is easiest to ask for forgiveness in this way: the phone is always at hand, it does not require much effort and time. But he needs your imagination! The main thing here is to sincerely express your thoughts.

Here is a sample message text:

  • “Sorry, I was wrong. This will not happen again. I promise!" - the simplest option;
  • "I feel bad without you. Sorry. I am an idiot ... "- this SMS will be especially effective and effective from very confident guys, because self-criticism in this case will really say a lot;
  • “I don’t want us to fight. Let's put up? Tell me where and how, I'll arrange everything! " - this is suitable if your girlfriend has little habits; most importantly, she will be touched by your willingness to try.

In the text, give your best 100%, write from the heart, and then it will definitely help you make peace.

When writing SMS, do not skimp on symbols (do not abbreviate words, do not remove spaces, etc.), otherwise such a message will produce the opposite effect.

Little surprise

Act outside the box! This will also help generate a positive response.

What comes up as a surprise:

  • soft toy;
  • flowers;
  • candies;
  • her favorite chocolate bar, etc.

Where to throw:

  • in your purse;
  • under the door;
  • to the workplace;
  • can be transferred with another person (friend, classmate, classmate, colleague, etc.).

It is advisable to attach a note here with a sincere request for forgiveness.
If this method does not help you to make peace, then it will definitely begin to melt the heart of your beloved, which is already considered a huge step!

  1. Don't tell other people about your fight.... They are able to oppose you without realizing it. Everything that has been said by you can be turned over and given to your beloved. And this will act against you. Moreover, the girl may be "hurt" by the fact that instead of trying to improve relations with her, you go and talk about your affairs from right to left.
  2. Don't give up quickly... Sometimes a girl's resentment is so strong that from the first and second time she will not be able to forgive you. If this person is really dear to you, try again. It is best to act according to the following scheme: at first, "break" to her with a conversation, then, if she did not accept you, let her "move away", having waited for about 1 day or even less. Then start trying again.
  3. Follow the conversation... Try to present your speech in a way in which it would be pleasant and not offensive to you.

And at the end I would like to remind you once again to be sincere with your loved ones. After all, this is the only way to really convey to a person that you are not indifferent to everything, but value what you have.

Video: How beautiful it is to apologize to a girl