Gender differences of boys and girls according to the results of indirect express diagnosis of mental development. Psychological differences of boys and girls

2.9. Features of the development of boys and girls

Average development rates of certain mental functions (the level of intelligence, emotionality, etc.) in boys and girls, men and women, if they differ, it is not very significant. A more important difference consists in another: the boys have more "scatter" of all these indicators, the girls usually seek the Golden Middle. This is also manifested when analyzing averages of many people, and when considering the peculiarities of the development of a particular person. For example, in almost all areas of activity, maximum results are achieved by men, and on this basis it can be assumed that talented people among them are much more than among women. It is so, but ... After all, the intellectually low-depleted people among men is much more than among women! On average, it comes out, but the "scatter" (academic, dispersion) of the figures in men is much higher.

Girls estimates for different subjects at school are usually quite close, the difference rarely turns out more than one point. The boys often meet the situation when the diary is a shot of the entire gamma marks from the twos to the five.

Differ general pace of development Boys and girls. On average, girls are somewhat higher. Although in preschool and younger school age, these differences are not very noticeable: in general, boys and girls interact quite on equal. But this difference begins to clearly manifest themselves in the younger teenage age: the sexual ripening in girls begins, on average, for a year and a half earlier than their peers boys. (However, it is only medium differences: individual ripening rates can vary quite strongly, and not so rare the situation when the boy turns out to be more developed in physiological terms than the girl of the same age).

Differ severity of development various mental functions. So, girls usually begin to say, which significantly affects their further intellectual development. After all, when they meet with some problems, they are trying to solve them, first of all, with a support for speech: to formulate, discuss (either with interlocutors, or with themselves, in the inner conversation). The boys develop a clear-effective and clear-shaped thinking, with a support for him, they solve problems. They need to touch everything and / or imagine in the form of some kind of image, and not discuss. For them, this is a more efficient path of knowledge of the world, unlike the girls, they need not to tell so much how much to show and give "turn in the hands" interested in their objects.

There is evidence that girls are generally superior to boys in speech deposits, the boys are stronger in spatial and visual. So, they have a rich imagination, but it works "in pictures", it is more difficult for them to express what they imagine with speech. This is one of the reasons that adults are often more difficult to establish trust contacts with boys than with girls. After all, their inner world, rich and interesting, usually hidden from us, as they are not very inclined to reveal it in words.

There are a number of other curious differences in the pace and order of development of mental functions. So, the memory of the girls develops somewhat faster than the boys, but only to the youngest school age, and then the pace of its development begins to lag behind the boyish.

Differ dynamics of health. Girls are gaining the optimal level of performance faster than boys, easier are included in new activities. But they get tired faster. The boys longer "swing", but also slowly tired.

Probably, many readers will have a desire to argue with this statement. In fact, the boys most often demonstrate higher distractions, especially when performing training tasks. However, the point here is still not in performance as such, but in the fact that they are usually somewhat less developed by the ability to volitional regulation of their behavior and, in particular, to arbitrary concentration of attention. That is, they are no less efficient, and more active, dynamic and distracting.

There are differences in self-perception. They are clearly visible on the example of children's drawings. Boys more often draw any actions or inanimate objects, and girls - people, including themselves. If, for example, ask the child to draw a snowfall, then the boy is most likely depicting anything like a working snow blower, and the girl - himself jumping through the drifts. What about such differences? For girls, self-perception is built, first of all, through the prism interpersonal relationship. They consider themselves such as, from their point of view, they are seen around them. For boys, perception itself is based on those actionWhat they do.

Differ reactions to complexity. In the event of difficulties, the girls prefer to adapt to the situation, and the boys - to change this situation itself or just leave it. So, when adults scold a girl, she usually seeks to change behavior to begin to meet their requirements. The boy in such a situation is inclined to "close" and ignore criticism, and if she repeats - it begins to avoid those situations in which I encountered it (according to the type "I scold me once at school - it means that I will walk it"). They do not adapt so much to the requirements, for one reason or another, which causes them to protest, how many are trying to leave from under the control of the one who presents them. And if such a style of interaction between parents and son becomes sustainable, then one step remains to the so-called "hard-primaryness", persistent and sometimes aggressive rejection by the boy of any educational effects, from whom they would proceed.

Girls, if difficulties, usually seek to discuss them, and boys, on the contrary, tend to close themselves.

Differ the reaction of boys and girls to criticism. If you need to make a comment to the girl, you should not hurry to express a negative emotional attitude towards its act - most likely, it will cause a response storm of emotions, which will prevent the girl to understand, for what they scold. First you need to calmly indicate what it is not right, and already, making sure that she understood it, you can express your own negative attitude. In communication with the boys, the reverse sequence is allowed (but it is necessary to explain what caused a negative reaction, it is necessary in any case: the child is not psychic, it does not know how to read your thoughts). It is necessary to say briefly and accurately, long notations in communicating with the boys are unacceptable, since in these cases they simply "disconnect", cease to perceive the words addressed to them.

Differ treatment reaction. The boys first of all decrease the efficiency of logical operations and speech thinking, the girls have emotional well-being and figurative thinking. This is explained by the fact that the boys are more susceptible to fatigue the left hemisphere of the brain (and it manifests itself, respectively, in reducing the functions of this hemisphere), the girls are right. Therefore, girls have fatiguely in whims without reasons for either insignificant reasons, the boys begin to "pull" in such cases, they seem to forget that they have a mind, poorly perceive the information and show a tendency to commit stupid actions. Scold children and in that and in another case it is useless, it only aggravates the situation. More effectively just to leave the child alone, give him a small rest.

Boys and girls different tasks are coping in different ways.. Girls are easier than those assignments in which the solution is already known in advance, only careful execution is required, the study of parts. Most of the training tasks, especially in primary classes, are precisely such - it is first explained how to solve them, and then it is necessary to carefully embody it into life (here, by the way, one of the reasons that girls usually manage to better boys). Boys are better solved by those tasks that are for them fundamentally new, where you need to put forward original ideas, but the requirements for the quality of its incarnation, punctuality and accuracy are small. At school, such tasks are quite rare, and these qualities inherent in boys are unclaimed. Meanwhile, it is important not to overdo it, requiring the accuracy and carefulness of tasks from boys.

These differences, by the way, are preserved in adults: women are better coping with such work, which is monotonous, where it is necessary through day day carefully and gently perform the same thing. Men are quickly losing interest in monotonous work, they are more typical of the desire to master or create something new (which is why, for example, women usually work on conveyors more efficiently men, but almost all engineers designing these conveyors are men).

Parents, not wanting to grow a son aggressive, did not give him toys of military topics and sought to isolate him at all from all militarist (for example, forbidden him to watch such films). What was their surprise when they found that he glittered from gingerbread something resembling a gun on the shape and plays with him in "Winkers"!

Parents dreamed of her son, and her daughter was born. It was sought to educate her in the boyish: in particular, they were given to the game not dolls, but military toys. And here they are observed, as she plays with three tanks. And then they decided to ask what she had in the game. She told: "This tank is dad, this one is mom, and this is a daughter. They feed it, then they put sleep. "

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The main conclusion, which suggests an analysis of empirical material related to research common intelligence- The absence of sexual differences.

Some studies have demonstrated the superiority of the boys of 8-11 years in solving non-verbal tasks (in particular, on subtests of Waxlera "Completion of pictures" and "Collecting objects") - at the same age they begin the development of visual-spatial abilities. Men have excellence in total intelligence after the age after 38 years.

According to speech abilities, for the first time, the superiority of male is found for about 3 years, it reaches its peak in 5-11 years old, and separate "bursts" are observed in 14, 17, 29 and 41 years. The following groups of indicators are allocated:

  • - speech articulation;
  • - her decoding;
  • - vocabulary;
  • - speech fluency;
  • - read speed;
  • - Understanding read;
  • - Intelligent indicators.

In these results, it is perhaps an intelligent component. The advantage of boys in articulation is observed only at 7 years.

The superiority of girls and women is much brighter both by the number of indicators and in the age range. The superiority of female begins in 6 months, continues to other age periods (from 3 years to 21 years) and ends (based on available data) in 84 years. This superiority is equally manifested in all cultures, as well as among the usual subjects and among the gifted, i.e. When comparing talented boys and talented girls.

Female superiority in verbal, or linguistic, functions are celebrated from infancy to mature age:

  • - Girls in infancy begin to speak 2-4 months before boys;
  • - At 18 months, the girls know about 50 words, the boys acquire the same stock only by 22 months.
  • - vocabulary;
  • - speech activity;
  • - Clear speech.

Girls use suggestions earlier than boys and show the tendency to the longer and mature proposals in their structure. They are faster progress in learning to read. Articulation abilities, i.e. A clearer pronunciation of the sounds of girls, in the 1st grade is comparable to such abilities of boys of the 2nd class. In adolescence, there is also a slight prevalence of the linguistic indicators of girls in articulation. E. M. Danilovich in his studies established a higher pace of articulation in women compared to men revealed.

Possible reasons for the obvious superiority of girls and women on speech abilities:

You can put forward a hypothesis about the earlier ripening of girls, but why then and in 84, the speech of women is less than involutionary changes?

Perhaps the case in the functional asymmetry of the brain.

The gender socialization factor is likely to also play a role: humanitarian items are traditionally considered more "female", and in the school girls are oriented primarily on them.

Mathematical abilities. First of all, many results indicate the absence of sexual differences. This applies mainly computational abilities, as well as non-verbal intelligence.

All these patterns indicate a more significant predominance of boys and young men over girls and girls in mathematical abilities.

It would seem that there is nothing dramatic here, especially since no one has drawn conclusions about the lower intelligence of women: just at one floor was revealed in one, in another - in another indicator. However, in the 1970s. In the psychology of sexual differences and in the psychology of a woman there was no topic more controversial than the topic of mathematical abilities. There were even appeals to prohibit similar studies that allegedly discredit the mental development of women. Until now, this problem remains one of the most controversial in the psychology of a woman, and ridiculous calls are still being distributed to prohibit similar research.

Interesting is the consideration of sexual differences in manifestation of emotionsin children and adults. Crying and anxietyin children (grouping data from the book E. McCobi and K. Jacqueline). In most cases, sexual differences are missing for this characteristic. They are not in the frequency and duration of crying, according to the manifestations of concern, by reactions to the presence and lack of a mother or an unfamiliar person, and this seems to be naturally. The crying and concern of the child indicate that he notices changes in the situation and emotionally reacts to it.

Boys Cry is most often when a new or frightening stimulus appears, which indicates their superiority over girls by the ability to recognize a new stimulus and novelty of the situation.

Girls They cry in another situation, namely, when the threat of deprivation of communication with others arises. T. V. Bendas, suggests considering the crying boys - "Research", and girls - "communicative". This corresponds to tool and expressive styles that are gender-typical for both sexes. It's amazing that such a difference begins to manifest themselves at a fairly early age.

Analysis of data relating to fear It shows that in situations that can be really dangerous for a small child, and boys, and girls are equally typical of fear:

  • - when meeting with an unfamiliar person;
  • - lifting pa height;
  • - by reaction to unusual (bright and buzzing) toys and a loud voice;
  • - to overcome timidity, if necessary, move away from Mom to get an attractive toy;
  • - on bringing during the first visit to the children's institution.

The emotion of fear allows you to adapt in the world of adults, alertness before danger - an adequate reaction. But at the same time, neither in one study the boys were not tested and did not demonstrate greater fear than girls. On the contrary, girls and girls in most situations showed a big timidity than boys.

The following empirical facts are evidenced by the large emotionality of women:

  • 1) the great anxiety of women compared to men;
  • 2) for girls and women The connection of emotions with interpersonal relationships is more significant than for boys and men;
  • 3) women are more sensitive to men to those negative life events that are experiencing their friends and relatives;
  • 4) women are more susceptible to depression;
  • 5) Women more often talk about their negative emotions, such as sadness and fear;
  • 6) Women's positive emotions are experiencing more brightly;
  • 7) girls and women are not shyless to demonstrate their emotional reactions;
  • 8) Women are superior to men in the field of non-verbal expression: they are more accurate in non-verbal expression of emotions and better decoded non-verbal emotional signals of others.

Indirect evidence of greater emotionality of women are data on the smaller emotionality of men:

  • 1) boys and men do not seek to show their emotions, especially negative;
  • 2) they are emotionally restrained even with friends of their sex;
  • 3) they are exposed to more rigid than women, regulation from the Company on the demonstration of emotional experiences.

There are data - on the absence of gender differences in the field of emotional experiences: gender equality in the experience of professional stress in organizations.

Sometimes men even exceed women by emotionality: to experience such negative emotions as:

  • - anger,
  • - contempt;
  • - disgust;
  • - According to the accuracy of decoding of non-verbal signals, testifying to the experience of anger of the surrounding.

Finally, we can talk about the existence of "male" and "female" emotions, i.e. Emotions, more significant for a particular floor: For men, this is primarily anger, and for women - sadness and fear.

Anger (anger). INthe first years of life there are no differences in the frequency and duration of this negative emotional reaction in boys and girls, but with the age of their frequency and the intensity of the boys increase, and girls decrease. Scientists explain that girls, having the same aggressive trends as boys, are afraid to show them due to possible punishment, while the surrounding boys are more favorable.

Next to the experience of anger.The younger schoolchildren, the more this tendency is expressed in male people, and the older schoolchildren, the more it is expressed in female people.

Sorrow.L. V. Kulikov revealed significant differences in sacrifice: in women it is higher. This was also identified by M. S. Ponomareva with the only difference that the younger schoolchildren have a tendency to sorrow more pronounced in boys.

Emotional attitude to potential sources of negative emotions The young men and girls were different.

Comparison of the tendency to experience basic emotions in schoolchildren and schoolgirls of different ages, conducted by M. S. Ponomareva, showed that girls and girls in all age groups the tendency to fear is expressed significantly more than the boys and boys.

According to D. I. Zakharova

Severity of insurance

In girls, the number of imaginary fears is 6 times more than the young men.

Joy.Not discovered clear sexual differences.

In the literature there is a big emotional sensitivity and emotional instabilitywomen. The study of this issue by E. P. Ilyin and V. G. Pinigin on schoolchildren and students with the help of self-esteem of life manifestations of emotions showed that female people clearly exceed the male people in all age groups by:

  • - emotional excitability;
  • - to a lesser extent - intensity;
  • - to a lesser extent - in the duration of the preservation of emotions and emotional stability.

Hot temper(Manifestation of emotional excitability in a conflict situation) - the large emotional excitability of female individuals is more pronounced with them than men.

All children develop in different ways. Scientific psychophysiologists obtained data on differences in perception, thinking, the emotional sphere of boys and girls, the foundation of which lies at the level of the intermetrous interactions of the brain.

Girls are much faster developing the functions of the left hemisphere responsible for the recognizable arbitrary acts, the verbal-logical form of memory, rational thinking, positive emotions. And boys faster ripens the right hemisphere, leading in the implementation of involuntary intuitive reactions, irrational mental activities, shaped memory, negative emotions.

Girls are better aware of their behavior and know how to manage them, to comprehend the actions in different directions, more often openly rejoice. The boys have a slower development of the left hemisphere, which leads to the underdevelopment of the sphere of positive emotions, affecting behavior, where negative emotions are easier and brighter, even some aggressiveness. For boys, the positive assessment of its activities is more significant, for girls - negative; For boys, it is important "that" is estimated in his activities, for girls - "by whom" is estimated; Boys show lower indicators of the understanding of another person, since they have a "understanding" of the other occurs through the intellectual similarity, in girls - through emotional sympathy, empathy. Girls rarely overestimate the qualities of their personality and give adequate or understated self-assessment due to the great criticality. The overestimated or understated self-assessment of boys is, as a rule, with a low level of evaluation of the other. Boys better decide the tasks and guess crosswords; They are more excited, irritable, restless, intolerant, are not confident and more aggressive than girls. Girls are sensitive to noise, sharp sounds annoy them, they have more developed sensitivity of the skin, so the girls need to be more often ironing their skin. Girls are better developed by speech fluency and reading speed; Girls have better developed small motility of hands, so they write carefully and better perform work associated with shallow motility (embroidery, beadwork). The brain of girls is ready to answer any trouble, ready to respond to the impact on any side (survival instinct), since the female goal is the birth of life and its preservation. And the purpose of the male is progress. Discovery make men, and women these discoveries improve.

In assessing the behavior of children and their results, the teacher must be remembered that girls are extremely sensitive to intonation, to the form of an assessment, its publicity. For girls, it is very important that they admired them in the presence of other children, parents, etc. For boys, the most significant is the indication that he achieved the result specifically: I learned to greet, follow my clothes, design something, etc. Each acquired skill, the result that the boy managed to get positively affecting his personal growth, allows him to be proud of himself and strive for new achievements.

Aspects of learning


Using language

Pronounce more words. Teach out loud, communicate with the help of a language saturated with details

Teach silently, in speech using encoding or jargon

Abstract and concrete thinking

Better perceive material on the textbook using the abstract

It is better to calculate, it is better to perceive the material if it is presented on the board, visual aids, signs, symbols are used. (Methods V.F. Shatalova)

Deductive and inductive thinking

When forming concepts. Characterized by inductive thinking (gradually expanding the database formation of concepts). Of the specific examples are building a common theory.

When forming concepts. Prone to deduction. The thinking process begins from a common one to private (show the best results in fast tests with specified response options (fast deductive conclusions).

Logic and evidence

Listen better, remember numerous details, less need for control

Hear less, more often require clear evidence reinforcing the statement


Better cope with boredom

To keep attention requires a large number of diverse incentives.


Limited to a small space

Seeks to use more space (even in the desk captures large territories)


More busy personal self-confidence

Their place in an informal hierarchy significantly affects the success of training (the level of stress hormones increases if they feel unnecessary).

The situation in society affects the success of learning slightly

If they are leaders, then the cortisone, which makes the brain switch from intellectual activity to overcome stress produced less


Do not require a large number of movements

Movement helps to stimulate the brain and reduces the impulsiveness of behavior. Their movements are natural in a closed space. Fizkultminthki in the lesson is necessary.


Prefer written texts with pictures

Symbols, diagrams, graphics. Working with pictures stimulates the developed right hemisphere

Group training

Create free associations

Create structured commands. Quickly choose the leader, spend less time to manage the process of working in a team, focusing on the final goal.

psychological mental teenage

Summary: Psychological features of boys and girls. Boy raising. Education of the girl. Why nature is male and female. Emotional spheres boys and girls

Why is the nature of male and female

And really, why? After all, once the plants and the simplest animals did not have this: "He" and "she". But at a certain stage, evolution suddenly it turned out that the division of the living beings of the same type of male and female organisms is very profitable. Why?

The answer to this question suggested in its theory of asynchronous evolution of floors Doctor of biological sciences, geneticist V. A. Geodakian. He proceeded from the situation that in evolution always fighting two opposite trends. The first is the need to preserve what has already been created, consolidate those signs that are beneficial to transfer them by inheritance, to make descendants as similar to parents as much as possible. And the second is the need for progress, further search and change, the diversity of descendants, among whom it will once be the one who will give evolution to the new favorable direction and will ensure adapt to new conditions will allow expanding the habitat. So, the struggle of conservative and progressive, sustainable and changing, old, reliable and new, unknown, risky.

These two trends are embodied in the division of living beings on male and women's individuals, which gives a tangible benefit in implementing both trends. At the same time, the feminine floor retains in its genetic memory all the most valuable acquisitions of evolution, and its goal - if possible, prevent their changes, and the male floor, on the contrary, easily loses the old and acquires a new one: something from these acquisitions can be useful in the future or Already in the present, especially at the time of the occurrence of some extreme conditions. That is, the female floor is focused on survival, and male - for progress.

Therefore, nature "protects" the female sex, and she doesn't "feel sorry for men." On male individuals, all the "new items" of evolution are being worked out. The scatter of congenital signs in the male is significantly larger. Women as if more the same. In men, more and useful, and harmful mutations (genetic deviations). So, according to some data, 100 deaf girls account for 122 deaf boys. Deviations in color vision are also more common in men. Among children with squint, as well as with stuttering, dyslexia, alalia and other speech defects, with a delay in mental development, etc. significantly more boys. Spenting groups of kindergartens and other groups for children with deviations in development mostly consist of boys.

So, men in genotype (a set of congenital signs) have a much greater variety than women. But every living being throughout his life is influenced by the external environment, the conditions in which it is, and under their exposure to some extent changes. For example, the weight of the animal depends not only on the congenital properties of the constitution, but also from nutrition, the presence of stress, the need to conduct a movable or low-wear lifestyle. A set of signs of the body, formed taking into account the influence of the external environment, is called a phenotype.

It turned out that there will also be significant differences between male and female. So, watching vapors of single-time twins (their genotype of the same), noticed that even in the case when the twins from childhood were separated and lived in different conditions, the similarity was significantly higher in male couples than in female. On the contrary, if the twins were diverse (they have different genotypes, and the effects of the medium are almost alone), then more similarities are observed in women's pairs. Why? It turns out that nature gave female individuals is a wider opportunity to change under the influence of external conditions. Therefore, even with one genotype, a woman can, for example, lose weight or fully in broader limits, therefore, and one-way twins girls (one genotype) can differ in a rather noticeable (different phenotype), and with the same conditions even the same variant Gemini (different genotype) can become largely similar (close phenotypes). For boys, the external similarities are determined by the congenital properties and significantly less - the influence of the external environment.

Thus, with a sharp change in living conditions to which genotypically, this type of animal is not adapted, female individuals can be adapted to phenotypic variability, while maintaining the entire set of hereditary information - genotypes. For example, with a sharp cooling, even individuals, "not inclined to completeness," can significantly increase the layer of subcutaneous fat. That is, women's individuals can leave the discomfort zone or even death in the zone of comparative comfort and survival (they better adapted to the cold, they became warm, although they continue to live in the same cold conditions). And the individuals of the male with the same genotype cannot change so quickly and strongly (to get from the cold by changing the phenotype). They can only die.

With all changes in the medium, including social, males suffer more. But they still have a way out: find another habitat, where it would be warmer, or invent a fur coat. The female floor is so straining for nothing, they have already adapted.

These are the differences and the high predisposition of male individuals to search behavior. It is vital for them, this is the way that nature gave them. And their brain is larger, more advanced in development, but as a payback - and less reliable, more wound. The search behavior is determined by the traction of males (including men) to master new spaces, their greatness in difficult situations, a tendency to find non-traditional new solutions, to risky enterprises.

All evolutionary-progressive signs are more pronounced by the male. If we, after V. A. Geodakyan, follow the dynamics of duration of different periods of life in animals (for example, primates) located below or higher on the evolutionary staircase, then note that the period of childhood increases in higher animal forms. So, Lemurov, he is only 2-3 years old, the monkeys of the old world - 7 years, in human monkeys - 8-12 years old, and in a person - about 20 years. That is, the elongation of the childhood period is a progressive sign, and it is more pronounced in men's individuals: the boys have a child last longer than girls.

Girls and are born more mature for 3-4 weeks, and by the period of puberty this difference reaches about two years. Then in primary school boys like younger girls in their biological age for the whole year. So we got in this conversation about the origins of the differences between the male and female floors to such conclusions that are already important for educators, parents, teachers.

So, we know that boys for 2-3 months later begin to walk, 4-6 months later begin to speak, at birth, boys are more likely there are complications than at the birth of girls. Women's miscarriages are more common if they wear boys. According to various sources, the 100-180 success of the boys accounts for 100 girls' slighters. Often the death of a future boy happens earlier than a woman learns that she is pregnant. Statistics show that among children of 7-15 years, the boys injuries happen almost 2 times more often than girls. Favorable children are also more often boys. Boys, even very small, more often scold, less often take on the hands. In relation to them, the speech of adults more often contains only direct instructions (go away, bring, give, do, stop ...), and in a conversation, even with one year old girls, the older mentions sensual states (like, love, sad, cheerful ... ).

The physiological side of perception is also somewhat different from boys and girls. It is shown that up to 8 years of hearing acuity in boys are on average higher than girls, but girls are more sensitive to noise. In the first second classes in girls above the skin sensitivity, i.e. They are more annoyed by body discomfort and they are more responsive to touch, stroking. Girls girls are more likely based on the closest vision: they lay out their "wealth" - dolls, rags - and play in a limited space, they have a rather small corner. Games of boys are more likely based on day vision: they run on each other, throw items in the target, etc. And with all the space provided to them. This cannot but affect the peculiarities of the development of the visual system.

In addition, it is shown that the boys, unlike girls, requires more space for their full mental development than girls. If the space is not enough in the horizontal plane, then they are mastering the vertical: climbs on the stairs, closer closet. If you ask children to draw a plan of neighborhoods of your home, then the boys in the drawings reflect more space, fit the large square, more streets, yards, houses. Do we know how to use or at least understand and take into account these differences in raising children of different sexes?

We bring up a boy, bring up a girl

Let us ask yourself: if the boys have so many different deviations, if there are many duals and hard-advisable among them, then why almost all outstanding scientists, artists, writers, doctors, composers, designers - men? And why many great people have poorly studied at school? Probably, among the boys' two, many of those who will not be able to realize what the nature presented them. Why?

Apparently, because we do not know how to teach boys. Training strategy and in kindergarten and school is most often designed for girls. Take girls and boys more often Women: Houses - Mom and Grandma, in kindergarten - the teacher ("Usatny Nian" is, unfortunately, almost everywhere dry dream), in elementary school - teacher, and only in the middle and older school Occasionally, subject teachers appear - men. Is it too late? Boys and girls have already turned into boys and girls, and all hidden preparatory work for this difficult transformation occurred without the participation of men. Or maybe a woman grow a real man? Hardly. Do you know why? She has a different brain type and another type of thinking.

Let's imagine the drawings of children, because Features of thinking are brightly manifested in the children's drawing. Here are children painted on the topic "Cosmos". Before us is one of the drawings. Here is a rocket: all the junk and nozzles are diligently, near Cosmonaut. It stands back, but on the back there are many different sensors. Without a doubt, this is a boy's drawing. But another drawing: the rocket is diagnosed schematically, next to her cosmonaut - face, and on the face and eyes with cilia, and cheeks, and sponges - everything is carefully identified. This, of course, painted the girl. In general, the boys more often paint equipment (tanks, cars, airplanes ...), their drawings are filled with action, movement, everything is moving around, runs, noise. And girls draw people (most often princesses), including themselves.

Let's compare the real drawings of children of the preparatory group of kindergarten: a boy and girls. The topic is asked the same "after the snowfall". All the boys in the group except one, drew cleaning equipment, and girls are jumping through the drifts.

Fig.1. Zhenya boy, 6 years old. Typical drawing of a boy of this age on the topic "After Snowfall".

Fig. 2. Olesya, 6 years old. It looks like the drawings of girls on the same topic ("after the snow"). The girl's center usually put yourself.

If you ask children to draw the way to kindergarten, then the boys are more likely to draw transport or scheme, and girls themselves with her mother for a handle. And even if the girl draws a bus, then it's necessary to look out of the window: with cilia, cheeks and bows.

And how do boys and girls respond to classroom in kindergarten or school? The boy looks at the desk, aside or in front of him, and, if he knows the answer, responds confidently, and the girl looks in the face to the educator or teacher and, answering, looking for them in the eyes, confirmation of her answer and only after the adult's nodding continues more confident . And in matters of children, the same line is traced. Boys more often asked adult questions for the sake of obtaining some particular information (and what is our next lesson?), And girls to establish contact with adults (and you will come to us?). That is, boys (and men) are more oriented on information, and girls (and women) are on the relationship between people.

Experts note that the time required to enter the lesson - the period of workability - in children depends on the floor. Girls usually after the start of classes quickly gain the optimal level of performance. Teachers see it according to their eyes facing them and build a lesson in such a way that the most difficult part of the material fell on peak performance. But they are focused on girls. The boys are swinging for a long time and looked rarely on the teachers. But here they reached the peak of working capacity. And girls, on the contrary, have already begun to get tired. The teacher immediately noticed this, because He has a good contact with his girls - he sees their faces all the time. It begins to remove the load, the lesson goes into another phase. And the boys would be now and must be given a key material for the lesson. But the most important thing is already given, and they missed it or did not understand, because At the right moment, their level of performance, the ability to learn difficult knowledge was low. The lesson is over. But was it designed for boys, on the features of their physiological and psychological functions? Unfortunately not.

If the group of children ask a question, for example, about the origin of a person (this is a study of the Moscow teacher-art historian N. L. Kulchinskaya), then girls are acting forward and, interrupting each other, they say that a person has occurred from the monkey. Boys are silent. Then they tried to lead the girls and ask the same question only by boys. First, silence, and then firework versions: from the monkey, from the "human rib cage", flew from space, etc. Why is it going on?

In the girls in preschool and younger school age, it is usually better developed by speech, often they are physically stronger than boys, their biological age (even with the same so-called "passport" age) above. They pushed the boys physically and "scoring" them in a speech plan. But their answers are more monotonous, and apparently, their thinking is more likely. Among the boys more personality options, they are not standard and interestingly thinks, but their inner world is often hidden from us, because They are less likely to reveal it in words. They are silent, and it seems to us that they do not think, they are not looking for solutions, and the search goes, it is interesting and richer than we can imagine.

In the gymnasium to children of the first class psychologist (N. A. Gudkov) gave a number of test mathematical problems with the growing level of difficulty. Each task was added one additional condition. When the schedules of the success of the solution for each of the tasks were compiled separately for boys and girls, then the result is somewhat puzzled. Girls, as expected, with an increase in difficulty, the number of solved problems decreased and the schedule smoothly dropped. The boys could not solve a few tasks of the average degree of difficulty, and with subsequent more complex tasks they coped significantly better. What's the matter?

We thoroughly sharpened everything themselves, and it turned out that typos were made in several tasks: one of the conditions already occurred in previous tasks were missed. That is, these tasks did not have a solution, more precisely, had many solutions. It is these tasks that boys could not solve or gave one of the possible solutions. And what about girls? And they did not even notice typos and continued to solve problems on the previously specified template.

The same children were asked for what the brick could be used for. The first answer was lying on the surface - of course to build a house. Further, the girls raised their hands and began ... From the brick you can build a "garage", "and the fence", "and a barn" ... Finally the topic of construction is exhausted. Raisses the hand of a boy: "Brick can be put in a bucket when mom holves mushrooms - for gravity." A new version. Again, the hands of girls and a variety of proposals on where you can use a brick as a cargo. Again, the topic was exhausted, and again the boy: "Bricks can be chosen a bonfire, so that the grass is not caught fire." Girls again pick up this version and give different recipes for rescue from fire with bricks. And again the boys: "You can put on a brick board, and it turns out a swing", "you can throw them like shells", etc.

Of course, this does not mean that no girl will never put forward a new idea, but the tendency is very clear here.

It has been established that men better perform search engines, put forward new ideas, they work better if you need to solve a fundamentally new task, but the requirements for quality, care, accuracy of the execution or design of it are small. And at school, the boy can find a new non-standard solution of the mathematical task, but make a mistake in calculations and obtain a two as a result.

Women usually better perform tasks no longer new, typical, template, but when the requirements for thoroughness, the working out of the parts, the performing part of the task is great. And this is exactly what they require school. First explains how to solve the problem. That is, the search phase is excluded, he is taken by an adult, and from children require solutions of typical tasks that disassembled the lesson. Minimum requirements for searching and innovation, maximum - to carefulness. It is good for girls, and the boy needs to be a little unplanned and push it into finding the principle of decision. With this, of course, we will not teach his neat and consistent entry in the notebook, but only this way he will understand, which means that the principle of decision will remember: what has reached his mind, is usually not forgotten.

Turn to the story. Already familiar to us V. A. Geodakyan reminds that the knitting invented men in Italy in the XIII century and for several centuries it was a purely male business. Then knitting began to master women and brought the process to such perfection that men could no longer compete and retreated. Now knitting is purely female. And so it was in everything. At first, the profession was mastered by men, and then women brought it to the heights of perfection.

In any activity requiring a search, fresh, non-standard solution, ahead of the man. And where you need the highest performing skill, women lead or, at least, are not inferior to men. So, composers are more among men, and among the good performers women are not less; Inventors are more among men, and our rationalizers are both those and others. Previously, the profession of cook was male. These are the men, looking for new components, relations, invented recipes, wrote cookbooks, and women cooks are perfectly prepared on these recipes. Men are not interested in every day to do the same thing, such work does not meet the peculiarities of organizing their brain and psyche. That is why men, for example, experience great difficulties when working on the conveyor.

Psychologists believe that women (and girls) exceed men in speech jobs. Even initially spinning tasks they can solve a speech way. Men (and boys) exceed women in video transparal skills, because Performing spatially visual tasks requires search. Special studies have shown that boys have a specialization of the right hemisphere of the brain for spatial functions, space-time orientation, and therefore the best organization of those activities where the spatial thinking is needed, there is already six years, while girls do not even even Thirteen.

Take such an example as a solution of geometric tasks. Geometry is a science of ratios and spatial forms.

Boys more often solve the geometric problem with the help of geometric, spatial methods: they mentally turn compared figures in space and impose one on the other.

Girls and women, including usually a geometry teacher, denote all the corners and sides with letters and further act with the letter symbols and with learned theorems templates. Actually, geometric methods are practically not used. But at school, the principle of "do, like me", and the teacher requires the boy who has a unusual speech strategy to solve the solutions of originally spatial, spatial tasks. But geometry is a science for men.

Teachers of higher educational institutions know that it is for girls-female students the descriptive geometry is a stumbling block. It is possible to feel when teaching mathematics in high school schools: girls are easier to cope with algebra (account, manipulation with numbers and formulas), and boys with geometry (spatial thinking, mental manipulations with geometric shapes).

So it is better developed in girls and women? It turns out that this statement is controversial. As for the "performers" part of speech, perfection of the speech process, this side of speech is undoubtedly better developed in women and girls: they have a higher freight of speech, reading speed, perfect spelling. But the party of speech, which is associated with the search: finding verbal associations, the decision of crosswords, is better presented in boys and men. This once again proves that the strong side of men is the ability to find a new non-standard solution, to innovation.

With regard to male, the evolution was selected for intelligence, resourcefulness, ingenuity. It is important to survive the female floor, and the selection went on adaptability (adaptability to changing living conditions), rapidness. Therefore, under adverse conditions, for example, when our pedagogical impacts do not correspond to the individual characteristics of the child's psyche, the girls take the tasks unusual for them imposed by adults, and to a certain extent, better or worse, cope with the tasks. Boys in such a situation try to leave the adult control, do not obey him, because Adapting to unusual activities to it, the boy is extremely difficult.

And what are the features of the emotional sphere of boys and girls?

A survey of educators and teachers regarding the individual characteristics of the behavioral characteristics of children makes it possible to believe that the boys are usually more excited, irritable, restless, impatient, unrestrained, intolerant, are unsure of themselves and even more aggressive than girls. Apparently, in most cases, this is true. However, it should be borne in mind that our vision of the child does not always objectively reflect what is really.

We compared the characteristics that our parents gave the same child (almost exclusively moms, not dads) and educators (also women). To our surprise, discrepancies were very significant and different for boys and girls.

So, boys parents often consider non-modest, when educators celebrate their increased emotionality. At the same time, in assessing the emotionality of girls, the characteristics and mothers, and educators coincide. But parents often consider disturbing girls when neither the educator nor the psychologist of anxiety is noted. The boys meet only inverse cases when a psychologist says that the boy is very disturbing, and parents with complete confidence declare that their son is not typical of their son.

So parents tend to somewhat increasing the emotionality of daughters, apparently because it is manifested in their speech and more visual, and not to notice the emotional experiences of sons. That is, parents usually understand the inner world of boys worse. Even such, it would seem clear features of the behavior, which we usually associate with the concepts of "fast" or "slow" child, parents and educators are evaluated differently. If they are unequivocal against girls, then the boys in the eyes of parents are more often slow, although the educators consider them fast. True, sometimes, on the contrary, it is the educators complaining about the slowness of boys, and their parents believe that their sons are very mobile and fast. That is, and here disagreements concern almost exclusively boys.

This leads us to think about some significant differences in the organization, in the regulation of the motor and emotional sphere of boys and girls. And organizes and regulates any activity of man's brain. It is possible to investigate the peculiarities of the brain using objective neuropsychological tests and direct records of the bioelectric activity of the brain during different types of activities.

At first we conducted a neuropsychological study, which was that the child was simultaneously each eye separately - the picture was presented, but the pictures were different, and the child did not know. Such a test is called dioptic browsing. Usually, the children were told that they would see only one picture, and called the right or left. Now we will now leave the question of the specifics of the processing of incoming information by the left and right hemispheres of the brain and focus our attention on the child's perception of emotionally painted information.

In a number of other pictures, we showed a smiling and sad face, and if the right eye saw a smiling face, the left is sad. After some time, the pictures changed places, and there were already positive information into the left eye, and the right one was negative. If you bring all the results on six-year children together, it turns out that both boys and girls, no matter what eye show what kind of picture, more often they say that they see a smiling face. Sad face they see less often, i.e. The eye sees the eye, the information about what he seen came into the brain, but it is not allowed into consciousness.

And here our children went to the first class. This is a colossal nervous burden on their psyche. All the usual way of life changes, the external environment changes in which the child lives, and in response to it starts to work out otherwise his brain. At the end of the first class, we again spent the same study with the same and new children. In girls, the picture was preserved almost completely and practically did not differ in different classes. But for boys, this year did not pass without a trace: they began to say more often that they would see a sad face. That is, negative information began to break into consciousness, and at the perception of simultaneously positive and negative, the brain began to choose the negative, which is usually children's (and maybe adult) perception is not peculiar.

It is important that the results of analyzing the brain of positive and negative impacts very depended on the identity of the teacher who worked with them. The teacher of an authoritarian type (the requirement of unconditional subordination, focus on the tough rules, the elimination of subtle mental contacts, even with the external visibility of the goodwill relationship: "I said - you did") such an increase in brain mood for adoption of an unpleasant, causing negative experiences, and ignoring a positive, The emotionally positive side of the perceived world is pronounced.

In those classes where the teacher preferred a democratic type of education (the desire to achieve the desired behavior is not through the pressure with its authority, not through the requirement of submission, but through the desire to understand the inner world of the child, the ability to hear and understand the essence of his difficulties), children, and first of all Boys, lucky more, they retained the quality characteristic of childhood: to see the world of good and joyful. And specifically, in our case, the boys continued, as before the school, more often see the smiling face and less often sad.

Recalling the biotoks of the brain of children, we also learned a lot about how boys and girls perceive and analyze pleasant and unpleasant influences. For children of different ages, we gave to feel different items, and the child did not see them, and touched what was hidden in the box. Some of the items were pleasant to the touch: soft, fluffy, and other unpleasant - spiny or rough. It is known that the kids love soft fluffy things very much, they are happy to play with plush, fearful toys or touch the mother's mamina with soft wool sweat. But barbed clothes they hate, rough, spiny items usually bypass.

In children, starting in four years of age, we found differences in brain activity in the perception of pleasant and unpleasant. Girls have the activity of the brain at the moment when they touched the fluffy item was much higher than that of boys. But when the subject was unpleasant to the touch, the brains of boys showed greater activity. Three-year-old such pronounced reactions were: the level of inclusion of the highest departments of the brain cortex in perception and analysis of the information did not depend on the sex of the child, no on which emotional sign it was carried (Fig. 3). True, more subtle studies show that even in such kids, different structures of the brain are included in this activity inequal.

Fig.3. Stakes show the level of activity of the left hemisphere of the brain of children while feeling different items.

If we trace how the brain activity changes throughout the long-term activity that has an emotional character, then surprises are waiting for us. Children's preschoolers watched and listened to the fairy tale "Red Hap". From time to time, the action was interrupted and gave children to feel among others invisible by them nice to the touch subject (it was a sand foot from an old collar covered with soft wool). Once they did it to the tragic events of the fairy tales, and the adult called the subject: "This is a foot." Another time, the fairy tale was interrupted after the wolf rushed to the red hat (but he had not yet had time to eat it) - the children had spoiled her paws again, but the adult suddenly spoke to them: "This is a wolf's paw."

Of course, it caused unpleasant emotions from most children: some silenced, others challenged them, their eyes were rounded, vegetative reactions showed the presence of emotions. Then the fairy tale began to show again and, when the wolf rushed to the red hat, again gave to feel the same subject. Children, of course, immediately recognized him. Adult said again: "This is a wolf's paw."

But far from all the children at the same time experienced negative emotions. Some rare children (and it were girls) smiled, recognizing the subject, and joyfully reported that they thought so it was a wolf's paw. For them, it was more important not what happened in the fairy tale, and whether they guessed that they gave them an adult for the subject. The main thing for them is to establish contact with adults, correctly fulfill the task that gave an adult, and not worry about the red hat. As soon as the adult joined the activity - began to give some tasks, in this case to feel the subject - the installation of these girls has changed and completely switched to contact with adults. You can think that they also looked at the fairy tale too to be able to remember everything and, if necessary, answer questions. The boys, however, like many girls, looked fairy tale, almost paying attention to an adult until he broke them away from the action of a fairy tale to perform some tasks, but then they still lived a fairy tale.

But what was happening at this time in their brain?

In girls, even before showing the fairy tales, as soon as working with adults began (feeling different items), the level of bioelectric activity of the brain increased and remained high all the time until the girl watched a fairy tale and feel the items.

The boys painting are different. When they simply feel the subject, only those centers that directly participate in the regulation of this particular activity are involved, and the overall activity of the brain is small. After the paw is the wolf paw, the activity rises, and then falls again. When a boy himself recognizes the subject (paw of a wolf), the activity again increases and falls again, without increasing even on the words of an adult ("it's paw wolf"). Moreover, activity is very selective: the auditory and motor centers of the speech hemisphere are included, as well as the frontal structures that program the subsequent actions of the child and predict the result.

You can think that the boys comprehend the situation and prepare a way to exit her. Girls also activates the entire brain: both visual, and the auditory, and the motor cortex, and the associative structures of both hemispheres.

So, the boys briefly, but brightly and selectively react to the emotional factor, and the girls in the situation, causing emotions, the general activity increases sharply, the emotional tone of the brain cortex increases. The brain of girls seems to be preparing for answering any trouble, maintains in a state of readiness all the structures of the brain so that in any second to respond to the impact that came from any side. Apparently, this is achieved by the maximum orientation of the female organism on survival. Men usually quickly remove emotional tension and instead of experiences switch to productive activities.

Adults must take into account the features of the emotional sphere of boys. Mama, educators and teachers are difficult to understand this side of the boy's life - they themselves are others. So it turns out that mom (or teacher) is scolded for a long boy, nervous emotions, and it is angry because he is not worried with her, but as it may remain indifferent to her words. No, it is not indifferent. Just he already gave the peak of emotional activity, responded in the first minutes of the conversation, but he, in contrast to mom (and sister or classmates), cannot hold emotional tension for a long time, he is not adapted to this and not to break, just turned off the hearing channel And the information does not reach his consciousness. He no longer hears you. Your educational efforts are wasting. Stop. Limit the notation length, but make it more rapidly in meaning, because The brain of the boy very selectively reacts to emotional effects. If your whole is coming down to two words: "You're bad," what do you expect from the boy? He disoriented. Explain to him the situation very briefly and very specifically - what you are unhappy.

So, we came to an important conclusion: a boy and a girl are two different peace. Very often we misunderstood what they are behind their actions, which means that they react wrong with them. If you are already growing a nice daughter, and you have a son born, know that in many ways you will have to start from scratch and your daughter's education experience sometimes will not only help you, but even interfere. The same happens if after the son you had a long-awaited daughter, although there are usually less difficulties here.

The boy and the girl in no case cannot be educated equally. They look differently and see, listen and hear, they speak differently and silent, feel and worried. We will try to understand and take our boys and girls as they are, so different and in their own wonderful, which nature created. But whether it will be possible to save, reveal, develop these deposits, not to damage, do not break - depends only on us with you.

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Already at the moment of conception, the child receives the main thing in order to become a man or a woman: a set of genital chromosomes. Sexuality is laid at the time of fertilization. It is precisely it that the nature of reactions to the conditions of development is determined.

So, psychological differences of boys and girls. First, these are differences in surrounding reactions, including public events. Differences in the focus of interests and inconsistencies. Secondly, these are the stages of maturation of the psyche necessary for the person to become able to have his own offspring.

Differences between boys and girls can be revealed before birth: the boys are usually stronger than the mother (during the movement of the fetus). Physically (on average) boys are stronger. They are louder and more insistent shout when hungry. They are born with a lot of weight (for 200-300 g), they begin to keep their heads before the stomach position. Already at an early age, the difference is manifested: the upbringing of the girl and care for her is usually associated with many small worries and concerns, which, as a rule, there is no time when upbringing a boy and care. But for a longer time, the girls are "with mothers" - near. The boys as agreed are inclined to be deleted to more significant distances, which generates the concern of the parents.

With age, the differences between boys and girls are becoming increasingly distinct. These differences are manifested long before puberty and are not determined by the nature of the upbringing: only the manifestation of their manifestation depends on it.

It is believed that the child unconsciously imitates the behavior of the parents of his sex: a boy - father, a girl - mother. At the same time, choosing the same classes or participating in the overall game, they behave differently. For example, helping the father of something to make something, the boy seeks to repeat his actions, working with the tool itself. The girl may well be content with only participation in the general case, the fact of assistance and auxiliary role.

Female sex feels worse than the time of time - apparently, higher emotion is affected. The fact is that it is the emotional state of a person who determines the subjective perception of time. As for the space, it is not random to the boys toys - these are objects of movement, impact, transformation. It is the male floor that tends to disassemble the whole on the part - and not only in thinking (analysis), but also in reality. On the contrary, the toys preferred by girls are an imitation of living beings and means that contribute to everyday life. In the consciousness of the girl from an early age man dominates, and all that is connected with him. Hence the features of the choice of toys space, representing interest to the girl, relatively small. However, it is carefully, to the smallest detail worked and relevantly reflected in consciousness. On the contrary, the boy has a space in which its objects you are interested in are practically unlimited. For this reason, much of the immediate environment eludes his attention, is not enough in consciousness. Much depends on the upbringing: the girl is more often attracted to households. The boys, as a rule, show less interest in home affairs.

Girls are prone to guardianship activities - care, nursing, show care. Girls tend to teach, instruct, criticize their younger brothers or peers. This is not noticed in the relationship of the older brothers to their sisters or boys to the girls in general.

Girls, as a rule, use a toy for their intended purpose, making mistakes in its application only by ignorance. Boys can adapt to the toy to various purposes, often not for their intended purpose, consciously finding unexpected applications. They are more interested in a toy device than its purpose. In constructive games, boys show more ingenuity. They build cities, railways, paying attention mainly to the designs themselves. In similar conditions, the girl does not build a city, castles, and the house, but with furniture, household items, with various decorations.

Male's creativity is more importantly innovative, while the creativity of a female is a life-affirming, ordering and decorative.

The superiority of boys in spatial memory is manifested in the fact that they know the territory adjacent to the house, the relative location of those or other objects, transport routes.

In girls from the first months of life, there is a higher sensitivity to sounds. Not by chance they begin to speak a few months before the boys.

Increased interest in people and their relationship breeding such a female behavior as gossiping. Already to adolescent age it is clear that gossiping is a feature of predominantly female. Adolescent boys in the role of gossips are harder. The differences between the boys and girls are manifested in the fact that girls are inclined to appeal more often to the elders. In similar situations, they often complain about boys than boys on girls. The female floor is more inclined to believe the authorities and rely on credibility in difficult cases.

Girls are more executive. The boys must make sure of certain actions themselves. The circle of interests of boys is wider than girls. In the speech, the boys prevail the words transmitting actions (verbs, interjections), while girls are prone to objective and evaluation speech (nouns and adjective names, denial and approval).

Noticeable differences in learning interests. Usually boys love labor, physical education, from humanitarian items - history. They are least loved by their native and foreign languages. Girls often prefer humanitarian objects - history, literature. Among the unloved items from many of them physics, biology, mathematics. Boys, significantly more than girls, read books on history and travel and travel, but less fiction and especially poems.

In their free time, the activities of the boys are more diverse, but less organized. Outside the house, in the unusual setting of the girl faster, they are faster, with difficulty find a lesson. Going somewhere, they have a certain goal, while the boys find a lesson in the course, easier to focusing in an unfamiliar atmosphere and perceiving it positively.

But the boys are usually worse to self-service: they are embarrassed and rejected, they do not know where to start duty in the classroom, do not know how to use a broom, cloth. In many ways, this is due to the lack of permanent orders for the house.

Girls are more proud and touchy, more sensitive to criticism. They are more often an increased interest in their appearance, and they are more sensitive to evaluating it by other people.

Another feature of the feminine psyche is associated with differences in the volume and nature of a conscious and unconscious in the psyche. The man has more thought processes in direct in the sphere of consciousness, and its thinking is more logical and critical.

Thus, the male and female sex is psychologically different in many ways, but in general are equivalent and equivalent, in different ways complementing each other in a particular life situation.

There are opposite opinions about the accounting of gender differences. Wheels D.V. It believes that the differences in boys and girls must be taken into account in the process of education, starting from early age.

Bern believes that parents and teachers need to learn how to approach children, based on the individual characteristics of the latter, and not from the proposed gender differences. Teachers can be sent to courses on which gender tendency in pedagogy will be discussed and how to deal with it. It assumes that innocuous in first glance gender differences in the study atmosphere nevertheless play a very important role. Bern recommends teachers and parents to consciously create for children Wednesday free from gender differences in which a joint game would be encouraged, equal relationships between boys and girls and participating in games, usually preferred by some gender.