Sad quotes about unrequited love. Statuses about mutual love

Love cannot be mutual or not mutual ... Love is reciprocity!

I want to live ... No, not good, but just happy. This does not mean mountains of money, but mutual love.

Love can be different, it does not always bring joy, but still it is beautiful!

Mutual love, but not together.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

Love is only mutual, and if one loves, and the other does not ... this is not love, this is some kind of f * cking ...

Love gives everything, but not everyone is able to take it.

My love, my destiny. You are the half, without which there is no me. My world, my thoughts, dreams, dreams, everything that is dear to me in the world is YOU!

When I think about him, I smile ... Lately I smile constantly ...

And in fun I love you, and in misfortune I love you, even if I am sound asleep, I still love you!

Whoever has loved once will not love again.

Mutual love is always wonderful, unfortunately it does not always happen, I hope it is not so with you.

"It makes no sense to live without you, our love is stronger every day, these feelings are not just sparks, they are the flame of our nights .."

This is not mutually mutual love ...

As it turned out, it is much harder to part with the one with whom you “just talk” than with the one with whom you “just sleep”.

On your heels, quietly, quietly, slowly, escorts, protects, protects - my soul.

The minutes spent next to you are sweet, like marshmallows under dark chocolate ..

Love to be loved.

The search for mutual love is like a car race ... We are racing after some, others are racing after us .... And we find reciprocity only by flying into the opposite direction.

May we be separated by kilometers and cities, My love is with you forever and ever.

- Evil dies without reciprocity! And goodness lives forever!

There are people who are just drawn to. And it doesn't matter how much you talked or saw in life!

Some are surprised and enraged that I do not reciprocate their feelings. Still would! I do not know how to hate so ...

It's just that when we're together, I feel like I'm alive again. not the heartbeat itself, but the lightness that lifts me to heaven.

"Mutual love is impossible - either you love, or you allow yourself to be loved"

Take care of love - if it is mutual. Protect your friendship - if it is true. Take care of your parents ... just take care and that's it. No if.

Stop! Stop talking about mutual love ..

There is love, but not always mutual.

Finding mutual love is like car racing. We are racing for one. Others are racing after us. And we find reciprocity only by flying into the opposite direction.

If the girl wants nothing! Suggest it to another. You look and be the first to change your mind)

In love, oddly enough, you have to work ... give all your best. And over time you will understand whether this is your person or not.

A loving woman is a beautiful woman, and a loving and beloved woman is doubly beautiful)))

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. When you give, you receive. There is no other way ...

LORD !!! Send MUTUAL love to all those who love !!! ... and don't forget about me, please ...

LOVE is unspeakable HAPPINESS when you know that you love and MUTUALLY love ...

Mutual love makes nests, unrequited love digs holes ...

If you love, then this is purely your problem. There is no need to demand reciprocity.

Mutual love is a thirst, which can be quenched by giving everything and not expecting anything in return ...

You will believe that a man is in love with you and you will fall in love yourself ...

To love a person who reciprocates you,
is a miracle in itself!

Love? - the main thing is that it is mutual ...

Statuses about mutual love and about mutual love

You need to live for the sake of those who need you constantly, and not temporarily.

If you are not around when a woman is feeling bad, then do not come when she feels good.

You will not find someone like him. You will find someone who will make you happy.

Worse than falling asleep without you, it can only be the same without you waking up.

Lovers do not tolerate loneliness. The unloved are even worse.

Those who have given their heart to someone and have not received anything in return often become heartless.

Among millions of women, you no, no, yes, and one catches your eye, which twists your soul.

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that now I can't believe you.

It makes no sense to demand from people what they do not have, for example, feelings that they do not experience.

Who left yesterday, I do not need today.

"I really like her, but I'm not in love with her." - "And she is in love with you, although she does not like you very much"

If a person has left, then it is not destiny, the sooner we understand this, the easier it will be to go through ...

Possessing an unloved is the unfortunate lot of beggars in body and soul. And men brag about it as a "victory".

I didn't love you less, I just decided that I should value myself more ...

Don't overestimate your importance in someone else's life. You can be wrong.

At some point, we still forget the person without whom we thought we would not be able to live.

Together with trust, respect, affection, he stole my heart. He didn’t notice, I didn’t find it in time. Now it's too late to blame someone for a crime.

One of the hardest things in life is watching someone you love love someone else.

It is better to remain a pleasant memory than an annoying presence.

Two things in a woman's life are absolutely inevitable: dust on furniture and disappointment in a man.

I loved and I was loved, but it never coincided in time!


Active sections:

“All ages are submissive to love” is a good and wonderful phrase! However, as often happens in life, a person fell in love with a person and is ready to give joy to him, to be near, to support in difficult moments and to experience with him his whole life. But he, in turn, does not really want a relationship, he has no "spark", no sympathy, and for logical reasons such relationships do not appeal to him. What's the first to do? Nothing, either to seek to the last breath of reciprocity, or simply to find another, someone who will treat him differently. Have you ever had a situation where your feelings were not taken seriously? Or maybe they were simply belittled and "wiped" their feet on them? Then we can say with confidence that you have experienced unrequited love! Feelings of this kind are very painful and do not carry any perspective. Why? Because "you can't be cute by force." No matter how you hammer your head into one wall, your head will not become sharper, but you can remain a fool for life. Remember, if the person doesn't want to spend time with you, don't waste your time on them. Surely there will be someone who will love and accept you for who you are, and for this he will not necessarily go out of his way and prove his innocence and loyalty. Statuses about unrequited love will push you to understand this problem and help you find the right solution. Good luck.

Mutual love is a second wind, unrequited love is the last breath.

It is impossible that the relationship was not reciprocal. If you suffer unrequitedly, is it an illusion of love?

A person in love is not weak, he has a special strength - wings behind his back.

If you are afraid of suffering on the way to mutual love, then you always have you. This novel is the most faithful.

Best status:
I'm so passionate about you that I even hate you. I hate it because I become a slave to my feelings.

Love for you is like my executioner. I feel sad and painful without you. Only you, by your presence, can save me from torment.

Among the many chaotic relationships, where money, lust, passion, the hymn of love sounds. This hymn is sung by hearts united by real feeling. This hymn is loyalty, purity, generosity.

Let it rain and bad weather, at any time of the year, you are the sun for me. Let wars and adversities, love is stronger than fire.

Not enough you, not enough warmth. So that the night quickly lights up all the stars. So that in my arms you could keep warm. In my kisses, life has found again. So that our love can last.

I go crazy and die when I leave you ... I feel very bad and sad ... I love you, my dear boy ...

When people look at the stars, and they are far from each other, then at that moment they are in place. Let's meet today at midnight near the Big Dipper ...

When the sun is shining outside, it’s my soul that sings, when the wind blows, it’s shivering inside me every time we meet, when it’s cold, it’s me freezing without your love.

youre still on my lonely mind.

There is one world in which my soul feels at home ... This is the world of your pensive eyes ...

Love the one for whom you would give your life without even thinking ... love the one whose smile is the sun for you, love the one with whom you are heaven on earth, love the one who makes your life a fairy tale ... After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than mutual love!

Everything will be super! Everything will be great! You are the best, and that's great!

There are seven wonders of the world on earth. But there is one more thing, the most amazing and beautiful thing - YOU!

Men are not much different from animals, and if they are, then perhaps for the worse ...

how do you feel when he's around? -happiness.

spring has come, flowers are blooming ... but it's all fucks, the main thing is you, you and me ... the rest is x% ynya! and you are x% ynya ... the main thing is me \u003d D

Love gives everything, but not everyone is able to take it.

Let's divide the World: the sea for you, the waves for me; heaven to you, stars to me; the sun is for you, the light for me ... or even better - everything is for you ... and YOU are for me! ..

Every moment with you is dear to me, And this right is not easy, I hate this city when you are somewhere far away, Its dull landscapes, houses and streets are a trap, And I'm still waiting for you to say that you cannot live without me !!!

I want to be a daisy in your hands, so that you, wondering: I love - I do not love, would tear off my clothes like its tender petals! and in the end I would have realized that I LOVE!

All girls are fools (as our beloved guys say), if we were smart, we could not love you!

And he ... he is kind of special. Another. He has something that is not present in any guy. As if he has some kind of zest. Especially for me ...

I want to caress you with my hands And kiss your lips And indulge in stormy caresses, I want to give myself to you!

Every moment spent with you is dear to me, you warm with the light of your eyes. I am drowning in them like in a bottomless pool and I do not want someone to save me.

The subscriber really needs affection and love

You are pain and light, peace and fear! You are the taste of the sky on my lips, the melody that I sing! You are life, and I love it!

Light your magic fire ... and gently touch ... my lips ... tell me ... only yes to me) ... and don't go anywhere ...))).

People who are destined to be together always find each other!

My love for you is growing sharper every minute. My heart is torn apart from you. Return to me. I love you!!

If there is beauty in the world, it is in your eyes. If there is pain in the world, then this is life without you. If in the world someone is sincerely loved, then this person is you, believe me.

I want to hug, kiss, and never let go, you believe in the cry of my soul, I will not give YOU now !!!

People are often lonely ... because instead of bridges we build walls ...

I know that I will miss you tomorrow more ... than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

It's cool to live in the world, but it's bad without you. There are many joys in the world, but I cannot live without You !!!

And he really loves ... different, well-groomed and disheveled, when all the cheeks are in eyeliner and mascara ... tear-stained ... no one needs ... only his little girl.

If the sky is in gloomy clouds, If you are sad again. Remember day and night you burn in my soul

All the minutes are the sweetest, I always share with you. You are my best half, I love you so much.

Mutual love is held together by children.

Let's go with you ssuma, without any “but” without any “against” In my eyes to look for you ... In your eyes, my opposite ...

You are still a child, you are still a child, just know the devil - I love you!

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What yesterday .. forgotten, What today .. does not matter, What tomorrow .. is not known, But one thing is clear, everything will become the past .. good or bad .. it's up to me ...

My love, my destiny. You are the half, without which there is no me. My world, my thoughts, dreams, dreams, everything that is dear to me in the world is YOU!

I want you to be near, I want you to be with me. I want you not to know grief, because I am always with you!

When I think about him - I smile ... Lately I smile constantly ...)

I'll write corny ... I love you

Little is left for us to be together (with) dawn

I need you like air and water, without you it is not life, but emptiness.

The eyes are smiling. Tolley is just happy, roofing felts are crazy ..

As the sun's rays warm the earth, so your love warms my heart!

Forgive me for what I love, but I will repeat again that I cannot live without you ...

When he was around, for some reason she always wanted to laugh, just laugh, with happiness ..

There are two infinite things in the world: this is the universe and my love for you ... although ... about the universe, I'm not sure ...

LOVE is a disease that requires bed rest

I love you so much that I am ready for you to get the moon from the sky, fill you with hundreds of red roses, steal everything you want.

When I’m next to you, I don’t notice anything around: I admire, admire and am proud! There is no one better than anyone, I assure you!

I need you like air and water, without you not life, but emptiness ...

I love to look into your eyes the color of milk chocolate ... kiss your sugar smile ... breathe in unison ... realizing that I am happy only with you !!!

Your eyes, like two fires, burn me with a flame and I cannot live without you in separation even for a day.

I love you as the sea loves a sunny sunrise ...

You will ask me that I love LIFE or YOU more ... And I will answer: “Life”. And you will leave without knowing that YOU are LIFE !!!

Do you know what is the difference between blood and you? Blood enters the heart and leaves it, but you enter the heart and stay inside ...

Read to the holes in the monitor message history: * Zaya, I love you) You are mine and I am happy * Again the tears end. I can’t and don’t want to remember about you ... I just want to be with you, but this is no longer in

i am horrible, disgusting ... the humble of your thoughts, cunning will not return .. but I will think ... well I will propose to you, I will tell you ... kill me, but I did not deserve love ... this darkness) love it and do not abandon it .. tell sk

i love you ... albeit in my own way, crooked and at times ... BUT VERY MUCH !!!

I think about you 61 seconds a minute, 25 hours a day, I'm already confused in time!

Have you ever danced on the moon? Around the star is so close that you can touch it with your hand and you seem to be drunk on golden champagne ... no? But with me every time it is when HE is near ...

I was born under a lucky star, once I met you, and if I follow her, we will be together forever!

When the current to you, in a whisper, they sincerely say * I love * it is more pleasant than when * I love * they scream pathetically all over the street

Snow quietly falls on the palm and melts. You are far away now. I miss you. How I would like to turn into this snow and slowly descend in your palm

Love resembles a pair of scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach anyone who tries to stand between them ...

You are the one I miss, you are the one I miss, you are the one whose eyes I remember and whom I love very much!

The sun is tangled in your eyelashes, in your palms, palms and the world for two))) in your eyes the sky, in your smile the dawn ... our similar love is gone !!!

And in fun I love you, and in misfortune I love you, even if I am sound asleep, I still love you!

I'll buy myself a Tefal frying pan. Let her think about me at least ...

an easy way to pour out your soul is to drink; An easy way to quarrel with your parents is to be late home; An easy way to lose friends is to find a boyfriend; An easy way to find a problem is to love; An easy way to go crazy is to love

Serious relationship is when you see a cute and stylish guy in the subway or on the street, you look at him, you look ... and you think: “The cute one should buy the same hat”

Suicide is a thing designed to kill all your thoughts, and destroy people who love you ...

at least I know that he and his ex will no longer have anything, I know that he only loves me, but I'm still jealous of him for his ex ((and I can't do anything about it ...

A kind Angel told me that you are my secret ideal! I thank heaven for loving you !!

I'm sorry, but I won't find tender words. I just want to say that I love you.

There was no love, no, and never will be! And what you mere mortals call love is just a disease. Which treatment is long and painful!

I want you to be my teddy bear that I can take to bed with me every night.

How I want to be with you in this dark wilderness of the night, my only and dearest!

My beautiful girl! I want to say as a boy, You are very dear to me! And may it always be so!

Everything will be fine with you and me when I touch you with my hand, as long as we trust each other, I know ... we will never lose each other !!!

love that is never mutual. love to motherland.

Here you can pick up statuses about this wonderful feeling. Forward!

With the help of short and beautiful statuses on the page, you can tell about the love that lives in your heart. Original words with meaning will help you reveal your state to the world.

Thanks to the achievements of modern civilization, it is not necessary to write poems for a declaration of love. Now the ability to tell about your sympathy using beautiful and short phrases is appreciated. Thanks to this status, your message will hit the target.

  • Maybe love, I don't know for sure. I only lose my head.
  • Do you want to take revenge on the enemy? Fall in love with yourself and then drop it.
  • The absence of love in the soul, like the absence of sunlight during the day, is also life-threatening.
  • For lovers, no formulas for happiness are needed.
  • Fate gave me a second chance - I met you and fell in love with you.
  • You, my muse, my inspiration.
  • When sadness does not bother the soul, it means that love reigns in the heart.
  • Nothing stimulates the heartbeat like a collision of two loving bodies.
  • Thank you for wanting to enjoy every day you live!
  • Tell me who your friend is in love with, and I will tell you who he is.
  • Nothing helps to live like the opportunity to give mutual love.
  • Love for a person is like fuel for an engine.
  • Do you know what is my favorite letter? She stands at the head of your name.
  • All-consuming love floods the heart of the mother, looking at the sleeping child.
  • I love it when you laugh. I melt when I'm near. No treasures are needed without you.
  • Little hands hug, and I soar with happiness. Pride fills my heart when I look at the baby.

You live peacefully, you don't bother anyone, and suddenly - "BAM", she is love and that's it, the end of calmness.

  • Your "love" for me is like the sun, air and water for a flower.

The statuses are gaining more and more popularity. that touch to the depths of the soul, will help not only to tell about your love to a certain person, but also to express the state of mind in general.

  • True love is vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
  • Thanks to your love, I feel like Hercules, ready for any deeds.
  • Love is like the wind. You don't see it, but you feel it.
  • True love does not pass in two weeks, it lasts forever.
  • How to tell love from a passing passion? The answer is simple: with sincere love, this question does not arise.

  • People in love are the most gullible creatures on the planet.
  • We don't choose who to love. It just happens and that's it.
  • That feeling when a loved one is far away ...
  • Do you want to know the frenzied power of love? Try to take the child away from the mother.
  • Gifts are not important for a heart in love, because this feeling in itself is already a huge gift.
  • Nothing adorns a woman like the morning kisses of a loving man.
  • True love of two hearts never fails, it continues in their children.
  • Thank you, love, for the good deeds done by your fans.
  • Want to see the most selfless love in the world? Look into your mother's eyes.

People who claim to have never loved are lying. They were small children, so they definitely loved.

  • Mutual love is the best medicine for any ailment.
  • Nothing strengthens the immune system like hot night kisses.

Tell the man about your sympathy using. You will see, he will rush to you on the wings of love.

  • You are my reward, I keep your kisses. I don’t need a heart without you. I give it to you.
  • Today I saw the perfect man - you.
  • Ready to look at you forever.
  • This is what love looks like.

  • I will be your guardian angel for the rest of your life.
  • Our love will shine like a star and illuminate our path.
  • Tell me "yes" and you will see what a heart in love is capable of.
  • You are mine, now and forever.
  • From now on, your happiness is the main priority in my life.
  • Don't ask anything, open your arms. Today we are only together and our love is near.
  • The earth spun before my eyes when I saw you and fell in love.
  • I will gently hug you and protect you from all adversity.
  • Dissolving in your smile, I forget about the sorrows of gray everyday life.
  • The shining of your eyes speaks of feelings more expressively than any words.
  • Your kisses inspire, help create masterpieces.
  • You are now the center of my universe.
  • Your love is my best decoration.
  • Our meeting is a huge gift of fate.

Probably, I did something very good, since fate gave your love.

Maybe I am writing this in vain and will not meet. One thing I know - I will never forget you.

  • You won my heart.
  • I'm ready to become your slave.
  • Or maybe these bans? Our love gives summer even in winter.

Remember, dear readers: it doesn't matter what statuses you have on the page, short or long. The main thing is to be meaningful. Only in this case, they will be able to tell the right person about your love.

I am begging you! Well, give me at least a little reciprocity. (

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity.

Help someone! I love, but this is not mutual ... Very sad, crying ... What to do?

It hurts, but it still knocks ...

For me, the most terrible thing is to love and know that the person I love doesn't give a damn about me and my feelings ... And I don't care how many votes this status will have ... I just want everyone to know ...

"There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity ..."

It feels like something has broken inside ... something that is impossible to live without ... a piece of a beloved man ...

They say that love is a rose and its hopes are good ... No, it's not true, love is tears, it is the cry of a sick soul ...

There is no non-mutual love! There are two people who do not fucking need each other, but one of them still does not understand this.

No, he doesn't like me, but from him only "hello!", Just a glance, or just your hand that he accidentally touched ... You don't sleep all night ...

I will never forget your hot lips and cold heart.

This is my world and it is for you! ... Show me what to change in it ...

Smile !!! After all, someone loves you !!!

It's broken ... don't touch it, or you'll hurt yourself ...

I miss warm hands, glowing eyes, tender words, touches.

Every night I fall asleep repeating the same thought: you don't love me. so that it suddenly does not seem different.

Non-reciprocal love turns our blood into wine with a very strong poison, poisoning our entire soul.

No, Mom, it’s not mutual love that smells like that ...

Dim life, colorless people, empty sky ... without him ...

One has only to make it clear to a person that he is needed, as he immediately leaves.

... Non-reciprocal love ... lonely game ...

Non-reciprocal love is the only thing that makes you suffer more than your morning hangover.

Non-reciprocal love is like a subway ... just on different lines ... I just go up the escalator, and you go down ... or maybe vice versa ... but the result is the same - just not together ..

If we can still love those who made us suffer, then our love only becomes stronger.

Love for music is the only non-reciprocal love that I agree to.

You may not love me ...

You may not love me
You can not remember me
Even curse and look away
And hate me too much.

And let it be indifferent to you
I will stay for many years
You won't look back when you pass by
I'll get tired of screaming at you.

I'll ask you just one thing
Promise that you will be happy!
So that no rain outside the window
Didn't wash away the love that you get.

So that the one with whom you want to live,
I was betrayed with all my heart
May she appreciate you very much
And he loves with all his soul ...
As I once did you ...

About non-reciprocal love statuses