As a condition of a child who has lost in the forest. The chances of the little dimma is. Three incredible stories of salvation worn in the forest

A four-year Dima Peskov, who disappeared on June 10 in the forest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Reftinsky reservoir in the Sverdlovsk region, was found alive, reported on the website of the regional management of the TCR.

The first to discovery the child declared volunteers of a search and rescue unit "Liza Alert" , then the information was confirmed to the police.

On the morning of June 14, the child was found alive, but in serious condition, the TCR reported. The boy was in support of the power line, approximately seven kilometers from the place of its disappearance. Now the child is brought to the hospital, he is needed by the necessary help.

On the fact of the disappearance of the child, the investigators opened a criminal case under the article "causing death by negligence." Despite the fact that the boy is found, the investigation of the case continues - the forensic medical examination will establish the degree of harm caused to the health of the child.

Over 50 people are now questioned as witnesses - child relatives, his neighbors, officers of a kindergarten, which he visits, as well as fishermen who were on the banks of the reservoir on the day of the boy's disappearance. Over 10 inspections of the scene of the incident were held in the case - the place of residence of the child, the path of the family from home to the place of rest, the place of establishing the family of the tent, the places of stopping fishermen, the location of the detection of traces in the forest, etc.). Investigators find out the causes and conditions that contributed to the emergence of the situation in which the life and health of the young child was delivered to the real threat.

In May 2016, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote with reference to the curator of the search squad "Lisa Alert" in the Sverdlovsk region, which every month there is more than six applications about the disappearance of children in the region. Some children are found during the day, others are looking for months. If we talk about Russia as a whole, about 50 children disappears daily, of which each fourth is either not found, or find the dead, told in the PSO "Falcon". The leaders of search detacies recommend parents to never leave a child without supervision.

On June 11, the SC opened a criminal case on the failure of a boy on causing death by negligence, but a four-year-old child was alive. Doctors recorded in the boy Dima strong supercooling and dehydration, also herself tights strongly. The child was looking for more than 500 people, including the police, investigators, MES rescuers and volunteers.

Four-year-old Dima, which disappeared in the Sverdlovsk region four days ago, was found alive. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Boreh.

"Today, one of the groups, fusifying the terrain, discovered a child. It happened near the marsh, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe LAM, "said the burners.

At the time of discovery, the boy was in an exhausted state, he needs evacuation to the hospital on a helicopter.

In the public "Typical Yekaterinburg" in VKontakte reported that the child had a hypothermia, dehydration, as well as his ticks strongly. The child was under the supervision of doctors, he was put a dropper and a pole of immunoglobulin.

For Dima sent a helicopter, which should deliver it to the hospital in Yekaterinburg.

In the search detachment "Falcon", which took part in search, clarified that the boy was found near the swamp, approximately seven kilometers from the unfolded rescuer headquarters.

The child was disappeared on June 10 on the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir near Yekaterinburg. As the "Our Ural" portal notes, this is one of the most popular places in the region. The boy rested there with his parents. In the morning on Saturday, he left Pope for firewood, but quickly tired and began to ask for mom, writes the Russian newspaper. Deciding that the parking lot, where the family broke the tent, quite close, the father let go of Dima alone. Since then, before the medium, no one has seen him.

The Ural newspaper "Arguments and Facts" writes that, according to the Father, the distance from him to the mother was only about ten meters, and he had no doubt that the child would find the road. However, when he returned, the boy was not near.

Realizing that the child was disappeared, the parents were looking for him for an hour. As local fishermen told them, the boy approached someone else's tent, but when I realized that I was mistaken, went into the forest. After unsuccessful search, the parents appealed for help in law enforcement agencies. For four days, the forest was searched by police, MES rescuers, investigators SC and volunteers.

As clarifies, Dima was searched for 300 police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Asbesta, Yekaterinburg, dry Loga and Bogdanovich, as well as volunteers, including search engines "Lisa Alert" and "Falcon". The search immediately connected in a total of about 500 people. The operation was also involved the unmanned aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Parents of the missing boy explained the rescuers that he is not sociable and help himself will not ask.

The Father and Mother of Dima law enforcement officers checked on a lie detector: they seemed a strange child's behavior of the child. Having learned about the disappearance, the mother after some time left the scene, referring to the fact that it was frozen - it was alerted the police.

Father remained in place and assisted rescuers.

As the police found out, Mom Dima works in kindergarten in which the boy himself goes. With the father of the child, they are civil marriage. The child's father himself has several convictions, including the articles "illegal turnover of weapons" and "theft".

The next day, after the loss of the boy, the rescuers discovered traces of children's boots in the forest, which broke off at the swamps. On the same day, the traces of the moose and a bear found in the forest in search of Dron. Experts came to the conclusion that the predator could not attack the child, so passed quite a long time after he moved away from the hibernation.

At the same time, precisely because of the bear, the search and rescue group had to cut a part of the volunteers from among women and children. As explained in the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Sverdlovsk region, in the evening, on the road in the forest, where one of the search groups was located, a brown bear was released, which had a "psychological impact" volunteer, in connection with which part of non-professional rescuers from the forest had to be removed.

On June 1, the management of the SK in the Sverdlovsk region opened the criminal case on the fact of the loss of the boy under part 1 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). Despite the lack of evidence of the death of the child, the investigators did not rule out the likelihood of such an outcome.

The probability of death also did not exclude fortunewrites and psychics, which also asked to help find a child, writes the local edition of Our Gazeta. So, the predictor Elina Hoffman did not see the boy among the living and advised the parents to look for his body in the water. Medium Zarina, in turn, stated that the boy is alive, but more detailed information about his whereabouts agreed to give only money. "I can go to the telepathic session and accurately indicate the location, but it is paid," she said.

The family broke the tent, and the father and his son went for firewood. But soon the boy became boring to collect branches, and he was asked to the mother. Then father and sent him one in the forest. According to a man, the baby needed to pass only 50 meters in a straight line. But Dima never went to the tent.

The child was looking for 5 days. About 300 people were released in search. Ministry of Emergency Situations and Police even involved the drone and thermal imager. But everything was in vain. Rescuers feared that a bear could deal with the boy. During the search, volunteers have repeatedly stumbled upon the owner of the taiga. One day, Kosolapi even stood on the hind legs, preparing for attack. And now, when there were no hope left, the child was alive.

As volunteers tell, the boy was found on the afternoon in the forest. They were left after the rain - and therefore fresh. All the forces immediately pulled to the place and began to look hard to look for a child.

- All guidance ran to cars, gathered all the military to buses and left. The first time such kipish was. Fresh traces found quite close to the place of his loss, - explains volunteers.

As a result, the boy was found in the morning of 7 kilometers from the place of disappearance. The child was lying under the tree. Search engines Ahunuli - Boy breathes!

The child was looking for about 300 people A photo:

"I just called a police officer who said that Dima was found in the forest," the mother of the boy Alfia said "KP-K.KATERINBURG". - said he was alive and healthy. In what hospital, I do not know, now I try to find it.

Dima was conscious. One of the volunteer groups came across it.

"The boy found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe power line, near the marsh," adds the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Sverdlovsk region Valery Boreh. - A child in an exhaust state. Now they decide on his evacuation by helicopter.

Divers examined all swamps and reservoirs A photo: State Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk region

Siloviki clarify that the child is in serious condition.

- The boy was discovered 7 kilometers from the place where he was disappeared - added to SU SCR in the Sverdlovsk region. - Doctors now provide him with help.

Now two ambulance cars have already arrived in the Reftinsky. The child is removed from the forest in their hands. His hundreds of people meet him.

Two ambulance cars arrived in the Reftinsky photo: Outheaper Kamyshlov

In search of the child used drone A photo: State Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk region

Chronicle of search

- On Saturday at 09.15, his father returned with firewood, but his son did not find. The excited parents decided to look for themselves. After an hour of vain search, they caused rescuers and the police.

- Around noon on June 10, almost 300 people were already torn on Saturday to the search area. Among them are the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Police, Rosgvardia and Volunteers. Siloviki together with trained dogs fusified the meter forest for meter. A drone with a thermal imager was raised into the air to find any living creature within a radius of five kilometers. Divers examined the bottom of the reservoir. The first day of the search results did not give.

- On Sunday morning, the number of people involved in the search exceeded 1,200 people. Responted search on land. By noon, 25 square kilometers of the territory were examined. While in vain.

- By three o'clock in the day on June 11, volunteers stumbled upon the first track from Dima's boot. It was found three kilometers south of the swamp. By evening, the quadrocopter in the area found a bear and wild moose.

- On Monday, the volunteers continued to bypass the forest. The security forces took up the nearby residential area, as well as any pits, collaborators and the buildings where the baby could hide.

- By the evening of Monday, fishermen were found, which on Saturday morning noticed the boy in the forest. But they then decided that everything was in order with the child. And he does not need help. Dima walked in the opposite side of his handkerchief.

- The fourth day of search results also did not. During this time, the number of volunteers and security officials in place has grown to two thousand people. More than 150 square kilometers of forest were investigated. "As long as the child is not found, we will assume that he is alive," the rescuers say and continue to search.

- Fifth day of searches. In the morning, the volunteers found children's trails that remained after the rain. To the place was pulled by all search engines and the child was found under the tree. Volunteers ashung - the child was breathing.

The history of the courageous 4-year-old Dima Peskov from Reftinsky, struck everyone. The boy found her shelter, drank water from the swamp, ate grass and berries. He saved him and the fact that he was in the jacket - she warmed it with cold nights. Now the child is in the hospital in Yekaterinburg, his life does not threaten, although health, of course, is undermined.

In the situation in which the boy was, you can get your child. And how your child will behave in the forest, largely depends on you. So that the child was not confused and did not give up a panic, it is better to tell him in advance what to do in such a situation.

We studied memo, published on the regional EMERCOM of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and amounted to 10 items that you must tell your child - in case it will be one in the forest. And for the child better learned the lessons, rescuers advise to organize a hike in the forest and clearly in the form of the game to show how to act in an extreme situation.

1. stay in place, and not go without a goal

It is important that the child remains in one place. If he goes without a goal, then it can go too far.

2. Hug a tree

This will help to overcome the fear of loneliness, calm the child and create a sense of security. Let the tree become a child with a friend while adults are looking for it.

3. Find a cozy, but undisguised place to expect

Show the baby in the forest fluffy tree. Tell us that she can protect from wind and rain. Let the child tries to build a shelter under Christmas tree. At the same time, tell me that the shelter should attract the attention of those who will look for it. You can, for example, build a fence, rave a bright fabric.

4. Do not lie on bare earth

Explain that cold earth can take warm. Build along with a child flooring, using a bark, moss, leaves.

5. Nothing is not sure

You can not eat any berries, mushrooms or something else if there is no confidence that they are edible. Tell the child that you can eat, but what is not.

6. Do not approach animals

From forest beasts you need to stay at a distance so as not to get injured. If the meeting still happened, you should not be afraid and panic. You can not move and attack - allow the animal to calmly leave. If it behaves aggressively - shout loudly, knock the stick and retreat, without turning the back.

7. try to sign a sign

Let the child scream or whistle, if there is such an opportunity. To do this, when hiking in the forest, the child is better to give a whistle. If for some reason the child continued the path, let him leave signs indicating the direction of movement.

8. Make yourself more

Explain the child to find a place in the meadow. If the helicopter flies - you need to lie on the ground to become noticeable. You can also lay out a cross or SOS from branches or decompose bright things on earth.

9. Do not be afraid that dug off

The child can be frightened that he dug out because of a large pursuit, and just do not go to rescuers. Explain the child that it can happen with any, including with adults that you will look for it, whatever happens.

Tell the child that you need to drink water from small sources in which it does not drown, if suddenly falls. And water can also be found on the leaves in the form of dew.

Text: Maria Black
Photo: MES in the Sverdlovsk region
Infographics: Peter Gindin /

A few days in the forest, one. A four-year-old boy who was lost in the Urals still on Saturday, found rescuers. He has a shock, suspicion of pneumonia, but the main thing - the child is alive. The trouble happened on June 10: the family went camping. Father let go from his son on dates. All these days, parents and search engines did not lose hope and the present miracle happened.

Without food and water, adults to help not call. Where to go - unknown. As in the horror movie. Four-year Dima Plutal in the forest and swamps. According to his footsteps and the day, and at night they walked search engines. Some - with a gun.

At the weekend, the sands family went to relax on the Reftinsk reservoir. The boy went with his father in the forest for firewood, but almost immediately asked for his mother, who was left in the tent, 100 meters from them. Dad released him, thinking that it was not getting lost to the parking hand, the son would not get lost. Since then, Dima has not seen no one.

"Over 50 people are questioned as witnesses. Relatives, officers of the kindergarten, which he visits, as well as fishermen who were on the banks of the reservoir on the day of the boy's disappearance, "Maxim Chalkov told Assistant to the head of SU SC.

The boy was looking for more than 500 people. From the air he was trying to detect drones. Divers examined the bottom of the reservoir. Rescuers, police and simply volunteers.

Speed \u200b\u200bshore around the perimeter. Visited the place around the tent. The search diameter had to expand to four kilometers. As a result, Dima found much further.

The rescuer who found a child tells: the forest is thick, the swamp, swollen from the search squad and almost lost himself.

"I go beyond the birch - a child is lying, I have fallen out of everything, I will shout in the radio:" He is here! " - Tell Pavel Karpenko.

Frightened, the exhausted four-year-old Dima did not immediately realize what happened to him. Usually talkative, he could not assiminate a word, even seeing his parents.

"He only washed, could not speak. Frightened! " - Says Mother of the boy Alevtina Saynurova.

"Fifth day, like hungry. He eats like some pestles, saw water from the swamp. He supported himself, of course. Eveling grass, "says the father of the child Andrei Sadkov.

It is good that the boy dried warm, the temperature was six degrees, watering rain.

"There is a hypothermation syndrome, stress is very serious. How it will affect his organs - will be visible soon, "Oleg Aurianov said the head physician of the regional clinical hospital.

Dima is not the only one who was born in the shirt. Seven-year-old Vitya from the Kursk region went to the grandmother in the neighboring village, as a result, three days plut in the forest. Rescuers led to him, with whom he went on the road.

Thanks to the puppy, a four-year-old Karine from Yakutia was survived. Dog two weeks in the forest saved the girl from the cold while she was wanted.

Dima Peskov in the coming days will remain in the hospital. As doctors say, the condition is severe, but will recover quickly. It will go away from shock and then can tell that it really happened to him.