New Year's circus performance. Scenario of the New Year's Matinee in the preparatory compensating group of children with severe violations of the Speech "New Year's Circus

Developed by the musical leader of Poppova Galina Leonidovna, MBDOU Kurgan "Child Development Center - kindergarten number 45", Dolphin.

On the matinee, children will be surprised by Grandfather Frost - to act as the artists of the circus. They will help them merry clowns Bim and Bom.

Circus view of the New Year's Matinee Circus

Children to music enter the hall and get up around the Christmas tree (magazine "Child in the Deska Garden" No. 6 2008, p. 74).

Leading: - Is the grandfather Frost stay without a gift? Let's come up with something! What can I give Santa Claus?

Children's proposals.

Snow Maiden:

- Toys and sweets at the grandfather.
He has both sledges and skates, and skis, and even a snowmobile.
Most he likes to be
Among joyful and fun people.

Leading: - Think where Grandpa Frost can see something funny and interesting?

Children: - in the circus.

Leading: - SOLVED: We will arrange a circus presentation for Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:

- We are just waiting for a long grandfather,
Maybe loudly call?
Oh, I worry, I seriously,
Where are you, Grandfather Frost?

Kids name Santa Claus. Under the music of A.Varlamov "Russian Santa Claus" in the hall includes Santa Claus.

Santa Claus:

- Hello, guests are expensive!
Hello, my little friends!
Finally I got to you.
Hope not to be late?

Leading: - No, Santa Claus, was not late. We are very glad to see you.

Santa Claus:

- And I am glad to meet you.
Happy new year you congratulate you!
I wish you happiness to everyone.
Let this new year
You will bring joy to all!
Stand all of us in the dance,
Together to meet the new year!

Children sing the song "New Year's Dreams" (Magazine "Music Manager", No. 7 for 2008, p. 65).


- That came to us in a circle, here and stay.
Do not leave you, frost, how not to pull out!

There is a game "I will not release."

Santa Claus:

- How to sleep, witness
Yes frost
The crock of all in a row.
Once, two, three, (knocking the staff.)
Figure Snowy, Zamri!

Children freeze in various poses. Santa Claus guess what they wanted to portray.

Santa Claus:

- Once, two, three, four, five, (knocking the staff.)
You can dance again.


- Children forgot how to dance. Remind them, Santa Claus!
You break for us, our delete show.

Santa Claus dances on the melody of Russian folk dance.

Snow Maiden: - How fun you danced!

Santa Claus: - I traveled, tired.

Leading: - And you sit, rest, yes, listen to the poems.

Children read poems.

Santa Claus:

- Many poems you know, read well.
And I got around you, it's time and honor to know.
Gifts you hand, and in Terem, I will go my ice.

Children sitting on the ground are gripped, lights fell on the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus:

- What are you whispering guys?
What is your secret there?


- We want a surprise to arrange,
There is no amazing!

Leading: - Children have prepared a gift for you - a circus performance.

Santa Claus:

- Circus? And what is it? Okay.
Granddaughter, let's sit and let's see this miracle.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden sit together with children.

Leading: - Our New Year's Circus program will lead clowns Bom and Bim. We welcome them.

Clowns run into the hall to the hall, ride around the Christmas tree and stop in the center of the hall.


- Circus! Circus! Circus!
The circus is very good! Everywhere is festive, light!


- Merry laughter rings here!
Acrobats and jugglers,
Trainers, dancers
Invite to visit everyone!

Bim and Bom: - Welcome! Circus lights lights!

On the Christmas tree light lights.


- Circus presentation!
Fun begins,
The circus is also a new year,
So get up in the dance.

Children sing the song "New Year's wish."


- on ropes Ballerinka,
Like light snowflakes,
And dance, and spin,
And at the same time they are not afraid!

Girls show an acrobatic etude.


- Figure ride in fashion
And revered in the people.
We have no "stars" today,
So, the offer is:
Let's start Competunign
In figure skating!

Bom: - And Santa Claus in our jury, look so carefully.

Children in pairs depict figure skaters. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden expose estimates.

Santa Claus:

- "6.0" to all, all, without exception!
We do not hide admiration!


- For the first time and only now
Silita in the arena with us!

Boys show an acrobatic etude.

Santa Claus:

- Oh, how fun you have! Do not stop in place
I also want to advocate, only with you together.

Snow Maiden:

- You can't tumble like that,
Will get your back,
Maybe in the audience to stay ...

Santa Claus:

- No, you, granddaughter, not right.
I guys, old grandfather,
After all, many, many years,
But how to come for a holiday,
I'll buy the game right away
Who wants to play?
Snowball Let's go roll?

Chooses two children who roll two balls, covered with white cloth, around the Christmas tree in different directions. The game is carried out on speed.

Santa Claus:

- And now everything go out,
Show your delets.

Snow Maiden:

- get up around the Christmas tree,
My grandfather is playing.

There is a game "You, Frost!". At the end of the game, Santa Claus catches up children, and they run away for chairs.

Santa Claus:

- Something my parents bored,
It can be seen, I haven't played with children for a long time,
Disassemble, guys, snowballs,
We play with adults we.

There is a game in snowballs. Kids throw snowballs in parents, and they are in them. After the game, Santa Claus asks for children to collect snowballs in the basket.

Santa Claus:

- Oh, I'm tired, sort of
I sit down again.

Sit into the auditorium.


- The children dressed brightly,
The dance quickly spoke.

Children perform a pair dance to the music of A. Varlamov "Horovod".


- Presentation is completed
It's time to say goodbye to us.
Spectators, praise
Merry circuschas!

Clowns go to the music.

Santa Claus: - You have shown a wonderful idea - this is the best gift for me, I even took part myself. And clapped so that it was even hot. It seems to be starting to calm ...

Snow Maiden:

"I am you, grandfather, I will help all girls in the snowflakes."
Girls, eat three times and turn into snowflakes.

Girls dancing snowflake dance.

Santa Claus:

- Now another thing, immediately everything is zaled ...
But it's time for us, granddaughter, gather yes in the road - go the road!

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, have you forgotten anything? Children made you a gift, and did you cook something?

Santa Claus:

- Here I am old, head with a hole,
About gifts forgot, granddaughter,
Here my bag was somewhere!
Here under the Christmas tree, Ile in a snowdrift,
Or in circus, in the wardrobe?
Well, magic my lace
Without difficult it will find a bag:
As if the fishing roller will abandon
A couple of words will find good.
Where you need to fall
All you need, will find me!

Takes a brilliant long cord from a belt.

Santa Claus:

- You fly, lace twisted,
My magic, golden,
Straighten, lengthen
To find my bag!

Pumps the cord into the open door, slowly pulls back. Pulls into the hall with a saucepan, angrily looking at the cord.

Santa Claus:

- What are you, lark- learn,
I decided to joke for a holiday?
You are looking for a fly,
More with my grandfather do not joke!

Take the cord again, pulls the boots in the hall, angry.

Santa Claus:

- Wear joking, mischievous?
I'm not used to this!
Gifts if you do not find,
You will no longer go with me!

Again the cord, together with the Snow Maiden pulls into the bag in the hall. Gifts gives gifts.

Santa Claus:

- It's time for us with my granddaughter. Farewell,
And adults, and kids!
Merry New Year meet,
We congratulate everyone from the soul!

To the music of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden go.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

kindergarten combined type number 96

Scenario of the New Year's matinee in the preparatory compensating group of children with severe speech disorders.

"New Year's Circus"


Agulent Nadezhda Petrovna,

Music leader

Municipal pre-school educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 96

komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory

komsomolsk-on-Amur 2015.

Lead: Opens new year

Fabulous doors

Let him enter this room

Who in a fairy tale believes

Let him enter this house
One who is friendly with the song.
We start a winter holiday,
No wonderful!

Children under the music "White Snowflakes" enter the hall and face the audience in 5-6 lines (5 people), dance dance.

1-reb: A cheerful holiday came to us - a videos, joker, pitchpie!

In the dance he calls us, this holiday is a new year!

2-reb: He will give songs, fairy tales, everyone will be swollen in a noisy dance!

Smile, Wim, this holiday - New Year!

3-Reb: The golden rain sparkles our cozy, bright room.

The Christmas tree invites you, the hour has come for the holiday!

The song "In the spacious light hall" 45 (2/2) Podg.

    In a spacious bright room

We decorated the Christmas tree.

Jamily and bright

Lights on it are lit

And Santa Claus for a holiday

Brought toys of different

And jokes and song

He is having fun guys

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, he merges guys (2 times)

    Fly, fly snowflakes

Snowfield - refrigerators.

And fun circle,

And fall on the fur.

We celebrate New Year

Dance and play

The Christmas tree has an elegant

Rings cheerful laughter.

Yes, yes yes, yes, yes, yes, rings cheerful laughter. (2 times).

4-reb The Christmas tree came to visit us

Snow on branches brought

We are singing her song

Horovoda is their head

5th child:Beautiful hall glitters today,
Sparkles with many lights.
And dance our New Year's
Calling friendly children.

Children rearranged in a circle around the Christmas tree

6 Reb .: We are on the Christmas tree today I'll light the lights,

And tightened in the dance, the song is ringing SPOO!

7 Reb.: Sign, lights bright, Green Beauty!

Flashlights with various faces of Ozari!

8 Reb.: New Year's toys are very likely to us,

Elegant, fragrant, shine, sparkle, burn!

Children repeat "Siai, sparkle, burn!" (Christmas tree is angry.)

Horovodel "(children sit down)

Leading: Spurla fires, Christmas tree!

Into the world magic perch,

All desires will be

All dreams to do!

They say, for the new year that it does not wish,

Everything will always happen, everything always comes true.

What do children dream about?

What do you like most about the world?

- Music sounds about circus

- Three children run out - in the costumes of parsley

1reb: Here! Here! Rather! Here will be a circus with us!

Because the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fun now!

2-reb. How many viewers are a lot here! Please sit comfortably.

Artists have fun, and do not forget to slap.

3rd Let's get everyone today, the circus spere a speech.

Let the funny laugh rings, and the whole evening will not be silent. (sit)

(Under the "Circus March" in the hall 2 clowns are run by 2 clowns. The Christmas tree is found in the center of the hall).

Clo. (Joyful ) Funtik!

Funtik. (Furiously ) Cool!

Clo. I'm so glad to see you!

Funtik . And I am even more glad!

Clo. Hello, Funtik!

Funtik. Hello, cool!(Long shake hands for a long time)

Clo. Funtik, we have forgotten something with you.

Funtik. I did not forget anything!

Clo. We forgot to say hello to the guys and guests.

Funtik. It's true. Oh, how not good! It's you, cool, to blame!

Clo. Anyway, who is to blame. We must say hello, start!

Funtik. And I do not know how!

Clo. You can not? Then I will say hello first, and you learn. It's very simple! (Children :) Hello guys, hello! (Located in all directions).

Funtik. Well, now I am. (Children after pause ) It's very simple! Hello guys, hello.(in all directions is bounted)

Clo. (In low voice , issue pounds to side) "Very simple" do not speak. Say only: "Hello, guys, hello!" So go!

Funtik. (Children) "very simple" do not speak. Say only: "Hello, guys, hello!" So go!

Clo. You do not understand anything! Do not talk to the guys "very simple." Say "Hello, guys!" Even little children know how to greet, and you are no longer small!

Funtik. You teach me badly, but they scold me!(Departs to the side )

Clo. (Pulls it back) Do not be angry, let's say hello together. Repeat after me!

Together. Hello guys and guests, hello!(Bow)

(Children meet applause).

Clo. Attention attention! Circus came to you.

Merry scenes, cheap prices. Full fees, huge success.

Chair - Filnicker, Lodge - more expensive. Exit back - for everyone free!

Funtik. Circus! Circus! Circus! The circus is very good!

Acrobats and juggles, trainers, dancers.

For the first time in Komsomolsk, today, now

Our circus present for you.

Clo. Then we will go on tour in New York

And we will call there universal delight.

Well, now - a presentation for everyone.

I hope we will have a huge success

Funtik. Chloat, clap, you can with a whistle, meet our artists together!

Clo. So, see the idea carefully! Okhant and fill it optional!

Funtik. Do not get up from the spot, clap louder and singing.

Clo. And now in our arena Parad-Alla.

(Performed dance-game "Circus"). P.9 / 1

Pounds:. Guys! The first number of our program.

Clo. We begin the idea, everyone is surprising!

Fight on the hind legs all the artists in fashionable hats!

Stupid, squeal, finely tails tremble!

On the circus arena! Trainer with his dogs.

Pusik! (One dog runs)

Music! (Runs the second)

Kusik! (Third)

Chushik! (Fit)

Trainer, your way out.!

(Performed dance "Trained dogs"). P.26 / 4

Funtik : : Attention! Before you will perform, the only in the world,
ATHET-SIDS! Take up weights like baby balls!
No, Schwarzenegger and Wang Damm will not compare with them,
And they will show the silicon to joy to us.

2 strongholds come out with a helper that holds a bowl with a talcometry.

Soldy take out Giri.

1 Silal: Look, I strongly! Like a baby, playing the ball!

2 strong : Only such a soda this ball on the shoulder:
Silver, new, hundredokilogram!

The phonogram of the music "American", which strongholds perform their number. 29/6

At the end of the Pillars, the hall is around, the assistant runs behind them, it carries Giri.

Funtik. Fun continues! On the beach are invited

Petrushki -Orvniki, joker-merchant.

(Performed by the "Dance of Parsley") Up.Malchiki

(Clep will run out with a cry).

Clo. Oh oh oh. Theft! Kaul, robbery, loss!

The thief sneaked in the morning early! He stole everything from his pocket.

Funtik. Stop, you're cool, shed! Sorry, you, do not shout!

You can't live without cheating, you have no pocket!

Clo. How! Why didn't you say before? Guard! Pocket stole !!!

Funtik. Again you confused everything. What is what happened?

Clo. I lost the circus program on which numbers announced.

Funtik. What to do now? And let's now arrange an intermission, and then come up with how to find the program.

Clo. Intermission!

Funtik. In the intermission, children will play!

(The dance game "Snakes") is held.

Children are divided into 4 teams, take each other for the waist and move only under their music.

Clo. Oh oh oh. Intermission is over, and we did not find the program that we will


Funtik. Or maybe the Snow Maiden will help you find the program? It is necessary to call it loud: "Snow Mary, we call you, come soon, we are waiting!"

(Clowns repeat words, attracting children).

(Under the music included Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden. Before the new year from the country of snow and ice

Together with the grandfather frost to visit you I hurry here.

Everything is waiting for me for a holiday, everything is called the Snow Maiden.

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

With new happiness! Happy New Year! With a new joy for everyone!

Let the worship be fulfilled! And there will be great success!

Funtik. Hey, Snow Maid - Master Snow White Sister

Clowns you help and the program of finding.

Snow Maiden. 1,2,3,4,5 - We begin to search.

You go to the right (clowns). You go to the left.

How to hear the noise yes the knock, then the program here!

(Clowns are looking for as soon as they meet, children clap and shop, as they diverge - sit quietly. Once - clowns look at each other, shrugged, another time - they searched each other. At the end, they find the program ).

Fntic. I add the next number of our program:

Clep. They throw rings up

They will arrange fireworks.

And five, and six, and seven rings,

And twelve finally

Surprised around

How long is only hands?

Speech by gymnasts with balls and hoops. " (p. 19. F.2.)

Game »Who soon swept the ball around the Christmas tree" (play two children. Root the ball in different directions).

Reprise "Shawl" isp. Clowns adults.

Snow Maiden. Well done boys. And now, friends, I will continue!

And the next number of our program ...

On the circus arena! Only once!

East Fakir and Slavica Suleiman!

Included Fakir

Wizard. I am Fakir and Wizard. 300 years for my chalme.

The art of transformation three thousand years owned,

I will give an embarrassment of any sorcery!

I can get a moon with my heaven with his hand,

I will make an elephant from flies and the eye is not a morgue!

In the world, everything is under the power of Magu. I can swallow the sword.

I want, swallowing, you have this one

I can swallow candy. (eats candy)

Snow Maiden. That deftly did you. Such tricks are simple.

And you can or not, guess, not seeing color?

Wizard. For me, this is nothing, I'm not in vain a great magician.

(Snow Maiden gives three children on a handkerchief of different colors: blue, red, yellow. Then asks a question to the wizard, in which the phrase is built so that the tip is contained in the first word. The letter stands out in the word. ("Say, what a scarf is ......... ..? "(Blue)," It is advisable to find out what color the handkerchief ......... ...? "(Yellow)," What a scarf is here ............? "(Green)," What do you think what color The handkerchief is .......? "(red).

("Focus handkerchief »).

Wizard. Give me another task - all the fulfillment of wishes!

I will not refuse the old man! How happy I am in this moment!

Snow Maiden. More focuses show us. All guests are you surprising!

Wizard. SIM Salabim, Rakhat Lukum! Hair, tear off!

Wonderful table appear!

(Clowns put the table for focus).

("Focuses with water").

Snow Maiden thanks the magician and asks him to stay on the holiday

Snow Maiden. And then in the program it is written:

"I am shipping WHO gifts, I will soon. Santa Claus!"

Santa Claus is not easy to find, he lives far away in the forest.

Funtik. We will go to meet him, I need my grandfather to help.

(Clowns run away from hall

Snow Maiden. While clowns will search for him, I want to make a riddle riddles.

Guys, you carefully listen to questions and answer "yes" or "no".

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)

He comes exactly at seven. Right? (No!)

Santa Claus Old man is good. Right? (Yes!)

Wears hat and calosa. Right? (No!)

He brings the Christmas tree true? (Yes!)

With the Snow Maiden, he friendly right? (Yes!)

Wizard. Well, the answers are given to questions, you know everything about Santa Claus.

And this means it is time that the entire deformation awaits.

Let's all together with a call of Santa Claus.

Children: Santa Claus!

Wizard. Well, louder!

Children: Santa Claus!

(Music sounds. The hall includes Santa Claus.)

Santa Claus. Hello guys! Hello, guests are expensive!

She walked through the storms and blizzards to achieve their goal.

And I thought one thing: I dreamed in the circus for a long time.

And I got the desired hour, I am very pleased to see you!

Well, the circus people, stand together in the dance!

(Marks dance "New Year" Filippenko 52 (10/2).

    We will dance in the dance we will dance today

Near the Christmas tree to celebrate the holiday of New Year.

Chorus: New Year. New Year! Songs are distributed.

Outside the window sparkles ice and snowflakes.

    Watching a Christmas tree on balls, motley clappers,

Brightly spars burn on her paint.

    Near the Christmas tree in Korovod, we stand all together,

Hello, hello new year,

Our holiday is wonderful!

Santa Claus. Ah yes song! How wonderful! It was very interesting!

And now I want to know - you know how to dance?

- Dance "Ice palms"

Santa Claus : Ice palms. Speak ... And here I am now lady with ice, I will make it, well, to substitute them to me here.

Playing with D. Moroza "Corporal"

Well, here ... I did not frighten anyone.

But now I am at your magic breeze on you, and you will sit on chairs. (Children sit down)

So, songs sang, kids mixed

Well, it seems nothing forgotten.

Snow Maiden. How so! And what are all children waiting for the new year?

Children shout. Gifts, gifts!

Santa Claus . Of course, children, but what about the new year and without gifts, now ...

(Music and song Santa Claus sounds, another Santa Claus comes - disguise. Cool)


Leading: Here are miracles for the New Year: Santa Claus is coming to us!

2nd frost. (Funtik). Hello, girls and boys! You know me on the book.

I'm with a long, long beard, although, of course, not gray.

Hurry up in your hands, because I am so good!

(Persuades children to pat him).

Snow Maiden. Oh, guys, what is? Santa Claus has become two?

Each with the staff and in the fur coat, in a shiny hat.

How can I find out now where is the real?

2nd frost. (Funtik). This is me!

Santa Claus . Do not believe him, friends!

Snow Maiden. So how do we find out who is right? Invented. Attention!

We will make a test of frosts.

The first test - let the lights on the Christmas tree will lit as soon as possible.

And we will be on the holiday of light and cheerful.

2nd frost. (Funtik). I'm not scared test. I can fine with the task.

Christmas tree, lit for us! (hits the staff. In the hall goes out the light, it becomes dark.)

2nd frost. (Funtik). Oh, oh, my staff does not want to work.

Santa Claus . And I know how you can light the Christmas tree. The guys will help me.

Let's say together, once, two, three, well, a Christmas tree burn.

(Children and Santa Claus speak on the Christmas tree and flashed lights in the hall.).

Snow Maiden. Here. Happened!

2nd frost. (Funtik). Appoint us another test.

What can I cope with him, I'm sure I am in advance.

Snow Maiden. I think it will help us the magician and the magician Suleiman.

(It comes to the music of the magician and alternately turns the D. Morozov to the hoop closed. Says magic words. Last cool.)

2nd frost. (Cloes). Oh, oh, help, stripped, rolled, robbed (drops Santa Claus's clothes, and pops out of the hoop.)

Funtik. So, are you cool, I decided to joke with us?

Clo. So we are in the circus today, and in the circus it is necessary to joke and laugh.

Santa Claus. And you still have to give children gifts. And now my turn to everyone surprise.

Make my magic cap.

(Inside the cap on the rope hangs a gift. For the first time, Santa Claus raises the cap for the rope, there is no gift, and the second time says the magic words: "Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice! Miracles for the New Year!", Wonders And there is a gift).

Santa Claus. Here are the guys treat, for your circus and speech.

Snow Maiden. This is a focus! Thank you, grandfather.

(Distribution of gifts).

Santa Claus. Well, be deuberring healthy, live together, without worries.

Snow Maiden. And do not miss you will return to you in a year. (Go.)

Clo. That ended our New Year's circus performance.

Funtik. In the arena performed, everyone tried everyone,

For guests in our hall have fun laughing.

Clo. Goodbye, goodbye, we will come to you!

Funtik. And today on the farewell, you chose to us together!Educational webinars

New Year's circus presentation in kindergarten. Scenario

Author: Tkachenko Irina Viktorovna, MBDOU Kindergarten number 2 "Bell", city Stary Oskol, Music leader.
Matinee scenario for senior preschool children.
It will be interesting to educators and musical leaders of pre-school institutions.
Two children run into music: clown and clownes.
Acrobatic representation of "Circus"
Here! Here! Rather! Here will be a circus with us!
Beginning performance fun now!
Today everyone has a great mood!
We begin the New Year's view!
(run, clapping and become the first leading to boys and girls, take their balls)
Festive rebuilding with balls.
Children rolls.
The best holiday -
It is a New Year!
Everyone loves him
Everyone is waiting for:
Grandmothers and moms
Grandparents and dads
Adults and children,
All in the world!
Everything is unusual today -
Ware we will be ...
(Show the thumb)
Everything is beautiful, exactly in a fairy tale,
The dance rushes in a dance.
And above this round
Jokes, songs, baby laugh
Happy New Year!
Happy new happiness at once!
Song "New Year at the gate"
(let go balls)
Mom spruce daughter christmas tree
Combed all the needles,
Shoes trendy bought
Dress is new to sew!
Dressed the daughter of the Christmas tree
Putted bangs bang:
College in the garden to the guys!
There will be very happy children!
Go, babe, on the road
Decorations do not forget!
In a new dress on Divo
You will look beautiful!
The Christmas tree in the garden came running,
Here guests, children a lot!
Dejected the branches, got up ...
All children:
Here and the holiday start!
Horror "Our Christmas tree"
For the first time! For the first time! Today now
Our circus present for you!
Special circus! This Circus in the New Year
Many miracles will bring us again!
Fun begins.
In the arena invited:
Joker - Merchant!
Cloanese output
I'm on the Christmas tree New Year
The most funny!
Who will see - all laugh.
I am a row is clown!
And here I are -Passed
Nose like potatoes!
So rushing
From the Christmas tree fell.
On the needle fled.
Ball nose Bottles!
Let on our holiday on our
Wondering cheerful laughter,
We laugh and drink!
We will try for everyone!
Dance clowns.
(Photo file number 1)
And now Zarbit
Dyhanye !!!
There is a magician magazine in our circus.
He will surprise all guests now!
Focusing output.
I am Fakir and Wizard.
Two hundred years of the chalme of mine.
And now expensive audience
Focus lovers
I have a hurry for you
Focus show now!
You are water-water
Light as anaya!
Wilder a red
Yellow or blue.
Something strange rattling
The guest is in a hurry to us.
And I heard everything! And I know everything! New Year Meet! Santa Claus is waiting? And he will bring gifts to all children! Oh, how enviable me! I am I Sosillaka - Iron! All these children: And Christmas tree, and holiday, and fun, and gifts! And I can succeed, envy !!! Oh, look at this goal! (addresses the educator) Oh, what is her dress! I would like the same hairstyle! Oh, what a charm! And what shoes you have! Otherwise from Versace?
Clowns: (loud) Hi!
Icicle (jumps)
Hello !!! And there is no need to yell like that!
Enough to envy, say, with what pleased?
And what should I please?
Well, you got into the circus for the New Year's view, with you a number!
Oh, what is the circus?
Children from place.
Circus is sure to smile and bad
There will surprise you a magician, and surprising - juggler.
Under the dome there, the gymnast flies, the juggler throws the balls,
And the clown of the spectators is mixed, laughs big and small.

Riders on horseback in a circle rushing fun
And we look at it and slam down the song.
Wow! Blimey! All-I will act today! And my number is called "Sosetkins spiny frills!"
The lights are fucked. Glass sound
Fu on your Christmas tree, and lightheads are ugly! Ha ha ha! Furious. You still remember me! I'll be back!!! (runs away)
Our Christmas tree burned-twigs fluffy lowered
And we will not be discouraged:
We will sing and dance.
Text of children.
Roof in snow cap
White smoke above head.
Courtyard in the snow, in the snow at home
So I came to us?
Children: Winter !!!
What happened? Outside the window
Snow is rebuilt.
This is winter winter
Fun laughs!
White paint zimushka
We draw a blizzard,
And guys near the tree
Gently dancing so much!
Dance - Song "Winter Lullaby" with garlands
Expensive wound spectators,
Play the game do not want?
Game - joke, with acceleration
Lift the mood!
Do you like to play snowballs?
Do you like to chew snowballs?
I do not advise you, brothers,
Snow Paws Combine!
All play exit
Take spoons in the hands.
Game "Snow Porridge"
Enclosures on the scooter Soselka-envoy.
Rides in a circle, saying:
Here I describe the circle
On the arena very cool
I used to eat without hands,
(falls, knocks down a saucepan with snow)
And now without a tooth.
Okay, we will arrange a contest, who will gain snow in the bucket more! Agree?!
I'll take the biggest bucket and win you all!
"Collect snowballs" game
Yes, you snorked me a bucket of a bucket, my beloved was deceived! You are out how much, and I am alone! All, offended. I am leaving from you.
All today is unusual
Have fun we great!
And for the Christmas tree who goes,
Does the song calls?
Exit and song Snow Maiden.
Hello my friends!
The Circus came to the holiday I!
So, continue the presentation.
All in surprise!
Artists have fun.
And slap do not forget
For the first time on a Manege, a charming snow maiden with her cute butterflies.
Dance - Butterfly and Snow Maiden game "Snow Butterflies"
In the morning there is training at the Manege:
Monkeys are attracted to the hoop.
Room monkey with hoop
Children all came to the Christmas tree, guests here, but here's the question:
Where does our cheerful, deprivable Santa Claus go?
There are no free places in the circus,
Just give me the answer:
Brillose and gifts
Who will help us?
All children.
Horse yield.
We are unusual in a horses circus
We sleep only on a white crib.
In the dolls play, we erase handkerchiefs,
In Czech, we walk and wear socks.
We have beautiful princesses we are in the carriage,
Love to play like small children.
In the evening in the circus we have a presentation.
We are smaller, easily by arena.
Long learn all animals
In the circus do wonders,
We - horses learned
Dance for half an hour.
Dance horses on Fitbol.
(photo file number 2)
New Year's horses
You are rather rich
Santa Claus way to find
Help faster.
Horses will be captured by Santa Claus.
Santa Claus song
Hello you guys! Girls and boys!
Merry, funny, kids are very nice!
Congratulations on your fun holiday!
Low bow to all of you, pursuit!
Snow Maiden.
Grandfather, what pursules?
Do you think that there are no purses among these guys?
Snow Maiden.
No one!
Yes? Well, ask themselves.
Guys, are there a pursuit among you?
And ugly?
And mischievous?
And chali?
And good kids?
Snow Maiden.
Oh, grandfather, again you are joking, and by the way we are waiting for you for a long time!
Well, the guys are expensive,
We have not seen all year!
Create near Yolka
Friendly, noisy dance!
Song - Dance "Who said that Santa Claus is an old man"
Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus, and the lights on our Christmas tree are not lit!
So it is also fixed not long. Now I mittens magic flapping ... ..
It enters the hall of the icicle with a stepladder moved to the electrician.
Skip! Must!
You're grandfather, here you hold hard. And you, Snow Maiden, my tool hold!
SANTA CLAUS. Allow! Who are you?
ICICLE. I'm electric!
SANTA CLAUS. What are you going to do?
Now electricity will turn off, light bulbs!
All! The holiday will not be! The tree will not light up!
How will not? How not to light up? Well, go down here! Yes, this is my old familiar! Again, you spoil the holiday, and my march is from here!
Well, what is I old? Look at yourself!
I, I, I am a young!
I, I, I am spiny and evil,
If you suddenly touch me,
That will become the same prickly as me!
I need your Christmas tree! Fi ... Think .. (leaves)
Well, and lights on the Christmas tree will not be lit!
(To all children), let's say loud: "1.2.3. Well - ka, Christmas tree, Gori! "
We continue the New Year's presentation,
Poems Read everyone in surprise!
New Year, New Lod,
New songs dance.
New wind rushes away.
New calendar house.
New Stars Magic Light
Sends us hello.
Beat clock 12 times
Everything will be fulfilled with us.
Snow hats trees put on
Meet a rush new year
Yelochka - daughters around mothers
Water dance water.
On the holiday, the cheerful shiny needles
Under New Year's Moon
Let you have good friends so much
How many snowflakes in winter!
If the hedgehog is small
Woven boots
So soon the new year
Hedgehog to the Christmas tree will go
To talk to her
Give her gift
Yolk Yuzh wanted to congratulate
After all, they are similar!
If the frost is over, the snow melts white,
What grandfather frost poor will be done?
Will run from it water with streams on the floor,
From his beard then will also drip.
Good Grandfather Frost, Pretty, Fumby!
Hanging Grandfather Frost in our refrigerator.
Coming Sosillak, disguised into the girl
ICICLE. I also prepared poems.
SANTA CLAUS. Well, what, let's listen!
Icicle (gets on the chair)
Santa Claus Old man chrome, scary and terribly angry!
Well, and clowns are Zhada, Zhada - Beef! (Shows language)
What are these verses? You can spoil all the holiday to the whole holiday! Girl, what group will you from?
ICICLE. I'm from the support group! (Whistles in the whistle)
SANTA CLAUS. All clear! This is again our acquaintance, icicle jealous. Want to spoil your holiday again?! Last speaking, go away! Do not bother us to have fun!
Santa Claus comes on her, she is five, but rests on his head, shouts: "I don't want!"
Circus representation continue
Winter dance start.
Dance "Ice palms"
SANTA CLAUS. Well done, pleased with the old man!
CLOWN. Santa Claus with children danced?
Clounes. Song sang, read poems?
CLOWN. Santa Claus was cheerful?
Clounes. What else was he forgotten?
SANTA CLAUS. Gifts I, of course, prepared! I have a magic bag. Clowns, help.
An icicle is entered, dressed in a medical bathrobe.
ICICLE. Stand everyone, do not move! I take this bag with me!
SANTA CLAUS. Who is this? What do you command here?
ICICLE. I'm from the children's clinic. Sweet children give not allowing! From them their teeth hurt! Belly reduces!
SANTA CLAUS. And where are you all right?
SANTA CLAUS. Well, I do not! I learned you, I Soselka - jealous. I wanted to pick up your gifts!
Yes, I also want gifts, holiday, fun!
And nobody gives me gifts!
CLOWN. Maybe therefore she is so angry that no one gives her gifts?
ICICLE. Yes, so! And how would I like to get at least on the candy, for all my works!
SANTA CLAUS. Okay! I have beautiful and delicious gifts. Here they are!
What kind of kind I became! What a pretty I became!
Thanks Grandfather Frost! I will never be harmful to do!
Soselka, guys love and wait for gifts. Better dance with them. Dance with gifts
(photo file number 3)
Thank you for fun,
Goodbye saying.
I promise that I will come to you
Only next year!
Circuschas I send hello
I wish everyone for long years.
Come to the circus more often.
Do not forget never.
Snow Maiden
And the fairy tale will be with you near
In a dream and reveal, always!
The presentation is completed
Our circus closes!
Song "New Year's Mood Today" with soloists
And parents
Congratulations to educators.
Dance - improvisation with balls

1. Children to music enter the hall, dancing.


Hello, New Year's holiday,

Holiday Christmas trees and winter

All friends of their today

Call on the Christmas tree we!


We all very well,

Fun today

Because it came to us

New Year's holiday!


Everything is unusual today -

Have fun we great!

For guests and for guys

Circus came to kindergarten.

And our children will have artists.

Hey, a defector, who wants to be the circus artists - shout: I! (Children scream).

Then without progress, we start a presentation!

Listen and look all -

We start our parade alle!

2. Sounds "March" I. Dunaevsky from k / f "Circus". Children perform rebuilding before the Christmas tree in the "Four". Two children leading.


The program begins,

Hurry up in circus, friends!

Daisher, dad, moms,

All guys: you and me!


Cheerful circus - Wonderland,
Country with open borders.
Where are all kinds where laughter is heard,
Where there are no people with frowning faces!


This holiday day

Cheerful song about the circus right!

Performed song "Circus"

4. Then again under the "march" I. Dunaevsky children diverge and sit on the chairs.


Today circus, smiles, laughter

And the tree is lush for everyone.

We praise in your hands,
Because we love everyone!

There are no free places in the circus,

Just give me the answer:

Who should come big

With a long white beard?

Children. Santa Claus!


Let the drum rumbles -

Santa Claus ask us!

5. The drum fraction sounds.

6. Coming Father Frost.


Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello dear adults: High and low-speed!

She walked through the storms and blizzards to achieve their goal.

And I thought one thing: I dreamed in the circus for a long time.

I am very glad that in this room Grandfather Frost was waiting

Call for the holiday did not forget and the wonderful Christmas tree dressed up.

Congratulations on your fun holiday!

Low bow to all of you ... Lesson!

Veda: Grandfather! What purses?

DM: Do you think that there are no purses among these guys?

Veda: Neither one!

DM: Yes? Well, ask themselves.

Guys, are there a pursuit among you? (Not!)

And ugly? (Not!)

And mischievous? (Not!)

And chali? (Not!)

And good kids? (Not!)

You see, there are no good kids among them too.

Veda: Oh, Grandfather Frost, oh, and joker.

DM: And what on the festival with such fun guys not to joke? I joked, and now you can pay.

Happy New Year congratulations on the owners and guests.

Happiness to everyone, good and good, clear days.


Grandfather Frost, today Circus on the Christmas tree here -

It's time and the Christmas tree will light!

The main focus show -

Christmas tree with fires lit!

Santa Claus.

Well, look careful,

Speak loud together:

One two Three,

Christmas tree, Sveti!

7. Sticks the staff 3 times. The Christmas tree lit up with lights.

Santa Claus.

Christmas tree glows sparkles

We will have children to have fun!

Well, the circus people,

Become a dance!

We will sing and dance,

In the Circus New Year to meet!

8. Horovod

Because of the Christmas tree he is heard: "AU-AU!".

Santa Claus.

Quiet, listen to another time!

Snow Maiden (because of the Christmas tree). Grandfather!

Santa Claus (knocking the staff).

One two Three! Snow Maiden, come out!

9. Snow Maiden comes out, dancing. Sings a song.

Snow Maiden.

Hello, grandfather!

In the circus on the Christmas tree I hurried

And snowflakes ripped

I'll show you focus -

In the snow hall will notify.

Hey, you, cute snowflakes,

My empty stars,

Squeeze a blizzard,

White snowy carousel!

10. Girls performedDance with pigeons

Snow Maiden: (after dance).
Happiness - all people!
World - all nations!
We congratulate everyone we happy New Year!

Santa Claus.

Immediately became so light,

All around white-white!


Good and also

Our winter winter!

11. Children perform the song "Ah, Winter"


Well, the circus program continue

In the arena of trained dogs we invite.

(For the "dog walt", children run in the costumes of dogs, with them a trainer.)


Here are circus dogs,

Smart and mischievous

The alphabet knows, to five consider.

Can perform the number,

Sing and even dance.

12. Children perform all the proposed tasks, then dancing under the "dog waltz"

Santa Claus.

Presentation continue

I propose a speech.

13. Under the "march" go "Silacha"


I want to be a strong

To move the wardrobe to the shoulder.

I want to be a strong

So that Giri were nipple.

To pig-iron balls

I was useful for the game,

So that your muscles are barely

I could squeeze into the sleeve!

(Under the song "Arquino" Saluchah blows a boutofore horseshoe, the shoulder movement tears a paper chain. Begins to easily and easily play the girlfriend from Paper-Masha, throws her from one hand to another, raises her head. Then comes to a wooden bar, which "with difficulty Bim and Bom are introduced. Deeply breathing deeply, rubs his hands. Puts his legs on the width of the shoulders. Slowly leans, takes the bar, quickly raises her, keeps on the elongated hands. It turns out and sits in place.)

























































19. {!LANG-dfafe54bb336f76b337cda6bcda45a87!}







Santa Claus.



















Santa Claus.




Santa Claus.












Santa Claus: {!LANG-b87b9f8093a8bda624ec8eae40713a22!}



Santa Claus: {!LANG-9b1a34cb4ada1dc59118444f86b05ebb!}





Santa Claus.











Santa Claus.










Santa Claus.














Santa Claus.








































































































