The original redemption of the bride in the fabulous style. The script of the ransom of the bride "fabulous"

The modern original redemption of the bride is an unforgettable adventure for all participants in the celebration. The redemption is designed to make the beginning of the day cheerful and pleasant for the perpetrators of the celebration. Almost every girl since childhood dreams of feeling the heroine of favorite fairy tales, beautiful princess in a magnificent dress. The redemption of the bride in the style of Cinderella will allow the girl to feel herself in a beautiful fairy tale from the pages of the book, which will become real, reviving the magical characters.


Preparation of this event will be a cheerful point: the creation of fabulous costumes, the production of scenery, selection of the ideal script for the embodiment of the magic book. It will also include other actions of the text, joint rehearsals, inventing all sorts of games, mysteries, competitions and trials for the groom, development of the style of entry, yard, apartments. The task of the organizers is to create a unique festive atmosphere, in which magic and love reigns.

Requisite for redemption

As a rule, the main organizers of the Cinderella style is a witness and girlfriend of the bride. A joint pastime with rehearsals and a search for a unique props, smoking girls. Here are the necessary things that will help save the mood of the ransom of Cinderella:

  • Fabulous costumes are a mandatory part of the redemption. We need an outfit of the wizard-fairie, which the witness can play, will also need a magic wand, and another dress for "stepmother" is the main character of the celebration, stylized under ancient costumes who will wear evil sisters. It is necessary to make a crown that it corresponds to the image of a beautiful prince.
  • White horse. The original way of the prince is a real horse, but the white-colored limousine is suitable, which will bring him and a witness to guests.
  • Various shoes are sneakers, men's huge shoes and charming shoes.
  • Candy, sweets, alcohol.
  • A lot of balloons and keys that will be needed for the competition with the opening of the door.
  • Paper. Bridesmaid girlfriends draw posters that will decorate the room will cut out all sorts of details for redemption contests: traces, flower.

  • Paints, markers, handles for drawing on paper.
  • A red carpet, which disseminated in front of the prince "Lackey" is his friends.
  • One of the interesting elements of the decor - pumpkins, placed on the stairs along the way to the bride, and they are toy mice.

Music will become an excellent holiday decoration. Styles that are suitable: fabulous cartoon melodies, as well as songs with the sound of classic tools, bells, flutes. Ideally, if you manage to invite real musicians who will perform the waltz for the final dance of the Prince and Princess.


In the implementation of redemption, do not do without leading - the main actors:

  • Evil stepmother. It can play a future mother-in-law or a witness - it all depends on the desire. She will try to marry other her daughters, not subparent prince to his beloved.
  • Sisters. Sisters play bride girlfriends. They are still trying to pull on themselves too much a shuffle, but nothing comes out.
  • Kind fairy. This role can be given to relatives who strongly want to participate in the presentation - for example, a grandmother, a godmother or aunt.
  • The beautiful Prince, who fights for the heart of Cinderella - the groom, as well as his faithful friend.
  • Lakes that will follow the culprit of the celebration.
  • Bride - Cinderella.
  • Photographer-professional, which captures fabulous action in the photo and video shooting.

Registration of premises for redemption

When decorating the room for the redemption of Cinderella, it is necessary to use beautiful scenery of an old house. Girlfriends can independently come up with a style and draw them. Candles with beautiful candlesticks are also suitable, carpet tracks. If finance is allowed, the ransom should be carried out in a pre-prepared room - on the territory of an old building with elegant marble stairs or in an expensive restaurant.

Cinderella Style Scenario

The groom drives up to the bride's house, where meets the witness, which is dressed in a fabulous style. She keeps several boxes. The witness says:

- Finally you came! Your story is a real fairy tale. Therefore, we prepared a fabulous redemption on the tale "Cinderella", which starts right now. The first thing to be done is to guess which box is a shower of a beautiful bride.

Of the three boxes, the future spouse needs to choose the one where the lover's shoe is hidden. For each new attempt, the culprit of the celebration pays a small ransom. When the shoe was found, the witness says:

- Congratulations, the groom! You have what belongs to the beautiful bride. And now - let's start! Just do not forget to wear it.

The witness is handing the head of the cardboard crown, a mother-in-law or a witness comes from the entrance, disguised as an evil stepmother.

- Who granted it to us so early? Who are you? Please introduce yourself!

It is worth warming that he plays the role of a prince, so replicas must be appropriate. The future spouse replies that the prince.

- Prince ... Prince, God! Forgive me, Your Majesty that I am in such a dress. There was no time to like. What an awkwardness, no one said that you will come, we did not wait! And where are you from where? Tired? Maybe seagull? Or wines - we have a good wine! And the cook will prepare baked duck on the best recipe of the kingdom.

The narrowed answers what is looking for a bride.

- Bride ... Yes! We have a lot of them. Now I'm just calling my daughters! Do you have this shoe in your hands, should it belong to her? Daughters! Go here, the prince comes to us! Crumbs, go, rather get down!

While the girlfriends of the bride, disguised as evil sisters, descend, stepmother says:

- Well, the day is issued - who knew that there would be a wedding? How wonderful! My daughter is time to get married ... Oh, finally, you are here, babies! Come on, come here!

Evil sisters are suitable for the bridegroom, they are behind the mother's back.

- Girls, I present to you a beautiful prince, the heir of our kingdom! Great honor to see him here. And this is my wonderful daughters. Elder - master on all hands, embroiders, sings, musitis! And it has another indisputable advantage (hints at the larger breasts "daughter"). And this is younger! Well, what a miracle - perfectly dancing, and the face which is cute, the back is smooth! Well, straighten! So, the prince, who of them is your bride?

The future spouse replies that there is no lover. Step says:

- How not? Well, let's give here (picks up a shoe with a prince). Let's, Girls, show that you come to the prince! He is a lover of small legs!

Bridesmaid girlfriends are trying to wear a shoe, nothing comes out.

- crumbs, what is it? How does not fit?! Let me!

Steph is angry and herself is trying to wear a shoe. Fat, says:

- Well, there is no court, the prince! Take a shuffle and leave!

The groom asks whether there is no one bride here. Magic sternly looks at him, answers:

- There is one, but only the deeds of the girl nevid! She still needs to be washed the floors, wash things, clean the dishes. Maybe by the end of the week will be released.

There is another bride girlfriend, which is playing creeper playing on the redemption.

- Well, what are you, stepmother, so angry! You see - the prince needs a bride. I have long been married to her, but leave you, ungrateful.

"Well, a good fairy, and whether the prince is it, since he needed such a zamhrochka?" Prince, prove that you are real! I do not believe, since the blood nobility of my daughters did not conquer you!

Fairy joins again, turning to the witness:

- Young man, quickly call the advantages of the groom so that the stepmother believes!

The witness is involved in the testing of the bride, after stepmother says:

- Well, good! Let's see what you become talkative with your mouth, bored with sweets (stepmother gives candy witness)! Repeat the same.

Witness funny repeats compliments. Stepmother:

- OK OK! Enough already to wash myself under the nose. There are still rumors on the kingdom that our prince perfectly performs lyrical works. Check if it really is. And let the witness play! Daughters, carry everything.

Bridesmaid girlfriends endure "Musical Instruments" - Cups, Pans. Witness with the bridegroom should play them and play a song about love. When participants take this test of the buyout of the bride, stepmother says:

Members of the repurchase with leading are at the door of the bride's apartment, the entire door is wanted by balls. Fairy:

- So we got! Only the trouble happened - the evil stepmother hid the key in one of these balloons ... You need to guess, in which one is the key, which opens the cherished door. If you do not guess, this greedy will require a redemption, try!

The groom guess from the first attempt, immediately goes inside, if not, stepmother says:

- I see, you have not guessed! Well, you will have to go a little to upset before trying again - after, the prince, I tried a free journey to arrange yourself!

When this bride's redemption test ends, stepmother says again:

- Eh, the groom, maybe, in vain you are looking for our girl? I am sure that that bride do you need? Let's honestly - describe her features, tell everything right - let go further, if not - you will leave my daughter! For the older!

Fairy asks the groom by the signs of the bride - growth, weight, leg size, rings. If he is responsible correctly, goes on, no - pays redemption. Stepmother:

- Well, it looks like she is ... However, I'm not sure! I demand re-identification, it will only be so easy! Here is the bandage on the eyes, here is the sheet of Watman, here is a felt-tip pen. Draw a portrait of my beloved!

The bridegroom tie his eyes, he passes a ransom test, drawing a bride. When finishes, sisters say:

- Oh, this is our sap!

- Mommy, mommy, as it looks like!

Magic evil pushed:

- Well, okay! Looks like you know what kind of bride you want! Okay. My paddle is waiting for you in that room, however, before that, prove that she will have a normal living space - put the future house on the tray!

On the tray of the bridegroom, there is a house, stepmother says:

- A good house is a real palace! Well, congratulations on you. Peace and love. Crumbs for me.

Magic with sisters-girlfriends bride leaves the room, the fairy remains, which says:

- How wonderful that you coped with all obstacles! Last remains. Bride, are you ready?

Bride through the door:

- Ready, but I have no wedding dress!

Fairy smiles, makes wander with a wand and opens the door, the bride with the bridegroom is found, the redemption ends.

Contests for the bride and witness

Before meeting a beautiful princess, you need to go through a few tests. Options for contests for the future spouse to redeem the desired bride in the style of Cinderella:

  • Guess the shoe. The witness offers the bridegroom to choose one of the three packages - in some lies the wedding shoes beloved. The competition continues until the celebration's culprit chooses the correct option with the bride's shoe. For each mistake, the future spouse pays a small redemption of the witness.

  • Pueps and love songs. Competition for a witness. A good fairy asks the witness to tell about the merits of the groom. When he copes with the task, stepmother takes place: she stretches the candy witness to repeat the compliments, but with a little difficulty - putting the mouth with chocolate. A funny test ends with the performance of a song about the love that the stepmother asks.
  • Hidden key. To enter the entrance, it is necessary to go through the following ransom test: find, in which of the balloons, the key from home (intercom, entrance), where Cinderella lives. He is transferred to the balls on the ropes, the groom shoves them until it finds suitable. For each error pays a coin.
  • Test on knowledge of biographies. On the floor lie carved traces, where the dates associated with the biography of the conviction of the celebration are indicated. Dates can mean the following - acquaintance of the beloved, the date of birth of the bride, the birthday of Mom's beloved and others. The groom should tell the value of each date, and pays for the error.
  • Secret cipher. Before giving a girl to marry, Fairy must make sure that the groom will properly take care of her. From the hats, it is necessary to get a few cards, on which abbreviations are written, and decipher them, according to how he is going to care for the bride. For example, DBKK - give a bouquet every day, PVPM - go together shopping, DS - do surprises.
  • The question of the main thing. To make sure that the main heroine of the holiday is the one looking for the groom, Fairy asks the culprit of the celebration to answer questions about the future spouse, for each incorrect answer, that pays off-bought. Examples of questions: "What is the color of the eyes of Cinderella?", "Growth of the Beloved?", "The size of the bride's legs?".
  • Causal relationships. On the strokes of the entrance, the cut sheets of paper, where the causes are written why the groom chose this girl. Examples of inscriptions: "Friends advised", "Mom said", "Royal Decree", "By Love". He must get to the one that is a real reason. The groom may ask for the help of the witness to convey it.

Take advantage of the fantasy, inventing the original contests for the redemption of young, then the event will be unforgettable.

Video process

See an interesting video, where it is shown, how is the fabulous redemption in the style of Cinderella:

The original fabulous ransom will give the future spouses inspiration, joy before going to the registry office. Therefore, it is important that the organizers responsibly come to work, taking into account the little things, took care of the beautiful execution of the script.

Bridesmaid girlfriends meet the groom with a witness. A fairy tale is played, the main characters: Baba Yaga and Vasilisa is beautiful. For the designation of Baba Yagi, there is enough signs and appropriate behavior, speech manners.

Dear my readers!

The site contains only introductory information to create an original and beautiful wedding holiday. I do not sell anything;)

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Baba Yaga:
Good afternoon, a fun hour!
We are glad to see you from us!
Veri Hud, Salam Aleikum,
Bon Sir, you East Das!
Who are you from? .. How old?
Are you married ali not?
Do not want from our Froylen
Point aunt-a-a-tet?

Folk element
I have a document.
I want the area
And maybe not.

Well, the beauty is the maiden
On all the hands of the master
What is impossible to hide the eye ...
Vasiliso is called ...

We are young girls,
All beauties are
But I see me, you are mine,
What you suffer on another.
We have one maiden,
But she sits in Svotlice. Baba Yaga:
Wash it - not work,
Yes, the populists hurt cool.
How to learn that the task
I will erase me in powder.


What are the guests, we are glad to you,
But go through the barriers.
You admit and not LGI,
Why did you decide to marry?

Before the bridegroom, balloons in which are notes. The groom shoves the balls until he arranges the answer.

Notes in balls:

  • I get married because the mother-in-law is good
  • I get married because I'm sick
  • The devil is attacked
  • I get married because friends advised
  • The habit of stupid
  • Because I love
Baba Yaga:

Well, witness, come out,
And the answer you hold us.
Not tai of any sin
Tell me about the groom.
Good, is the bad news, -
I think everything is as it is!
Better bitter, but truth
What is nice, but flattery!

The witness must list the ten qualities of the groom ... for failure to fulfill


Who is in the light of all the Mile
All beautiful and whiter?
Name you tell her
Letters with silver layer.

Lays the name of the bride with coins (if not, then paper bills) on a tray.

Baba Yaga:
Krique for the whole light,
What you love (name of the bride) most!
Groom Krcchit
For a cry in a public place - pay a fine,
And if I do not get
From what you want
You will go from Sed
Straight to the palet's paws!


It is not even a task,
It's just nonsense!
Look at these numbers
And tell me what? Where? When?

Before the fiance on the steps there are papers on one side. The question (birthday of the bride, her moms, day of dating, wedding day, etc.) on the other side the cost of the issue. If the groom does not respond correctly, pays the specified amount.

Baba Yaga:
Something you groom not cheerful
Buchene hung his head.
Well, a sweat, song
And I will send everyone home.


And the bride is far
It is not easy to get to her
To achieve her hands,
You need to work well!

For nonsense ringing laughter
Give candies of you at all!
For nonsense smile
Chocolate give us a tile!

For nice walking
Submire a bottle of vodka!

Odari for money copper
So that we see that you are not poor!

For clarity eyes
Give poems beautiful!

Baba Yaga:
Well, the groom, now hold on!
The case is true, it seems!
Here is an integration set
You will not do not burn!
You are walked to us fun
Dance of small swans!

To deliver the bride
Must you, like goose, ride.
Yes friends of his ask
To dance with you walked!

And now find the keys
Accordingly, the door!
If you find it correctly
You will enter your bride !!!

Before the fiance, a few keys - one of which opens the door

Baba Yaga:

Well done! Found keys
Well, come on, do not be silent:
Speak, call, shout!
How many hearts here
So much affectionate words!

On cut from paper hearts wrote letters. The groom should come up with affectionate words about the bride who begin on these letters

Tests End - Well, the bridegroom - you are well done!
I proved to us in full,
That your love is strong!
Take away the bride of Pava
Wedding with her play fame !!!

There is no man in the world who did not like fairy tales in childhood! Therefore, the redemption of the bride in the style of Russian fairy tales can only bring the most pleasant emotions!

Moreover, the Russian fairy tales are filled with a Russian soul and have their own special highlight! Here and the Goldfish with the execution of desires, and the princess frog, and Baba Yaga, and Koschey ...

And if you plan, then the redemption in the style of Russian fairy tales will suit you as it is impossible!

In this article you will find an interesting in which you will meet with your favorite fabulous characters!

Groom meeting

The groom's house (Ivan Tsarevich) meets the guests a super colorful Baba Yaga. As the basis of the image, you can take a roar from Comedy Club or Andrei Rozhkov from the Ural dumplings in the role of grandmothers. Baba Yaga, in a joking style, learn from Ivan Tsarevich and his squads: who they are, why pressed and breed Ivan Tsarevich for several coins.

After Ivan Tsarevich explains that he is the bride and came to marry his princess, Baba Yaga informs him the most examples of the news: the old worship of Koshchey became all the spells with his dark, everything was mixed and confused, and now they are in the fantastic world of Russians folk fairy tales. And in order to return everything to its places and find the bride, the groom needs to get to the death of the Koscheeva, having passed the path is not easy to test the oldest!

Competition "Goldfish"

Bridegroom need to catch a goldfish with a fishing rod. What will be completely not easy! And when he finally caught her, the fish will not fulfill his desires, but on the contrary, 3 wishes will perform the groom himself. Of course, and here it was not without blame.

For the competition you will need a person who performs the role of goldfish, fishing rod (or stick with a rope) and a3 sheet with drawn pond. To be more fun, and the groom harder was to pull out a goldfish, on the other hand, the fishing rods can help others and other people pull the fishing line on themselves!

Competition "Tsarevna Frog"

To tell where the bridegroom goes on, only the princess frog can only. To do this, get the arrow exactly in the frog. The problem is that thanks to the blasphemous charm, frogs on the swamp apparently invisible, and all of them are princes! Therefore, the whole squad of Tsarevich should demonstrate its exceptional accuracy and take turns to get along each frog.

For the competition you will need toy frogs, drawn or blinded from plasticine, arrows, lysun or chains for throwing. Under one frog it is necessary to put a bundle with the designation of the next fabulous place that you need to visit.

Competition "My Light, Mirror, Say"

The bridegroom is invited to assure an evil queen to learn from the mirror the location of the death of Kosheyeva. For this, the groom will need to wear a wig or just robble with a mirror with a female voice:

"My mirror light say,

Yes, all the truth reports:

I am in the light of all Mile,

Is everything beautiful and whiter?

Mirror: You, the queen, beautifully,

Yet the bride is above the Red!

The mirror is not as simple as it seems, and requires to guess a few riddles. (A couple of complex mysteries, for example, on the topic of wagons of the bride and a couple of comic).

When all the riddles are deposited or paid, the mirror reports the location of the wicked death:

"The death of Koshcheev in the egg, then the egg in the duck, that duck in the hare, that hare in Larz, and that the casket of Koschei as his eye coats!"

A man can act as a mirror, also a tablet can also be used as a mirror, and a man, connected by Skype, will make riddles - it will be much mysterious and more interesting.

Competition "medicinal drug"

The fiance you need to cook the drug yourself, so that Babui Yagui passed the head (mojito or any cocktail to choose from). And, of course, to buy all the necessary ingredients from Baba Yaga.

Competition "Cashie with the death of Koscheyeva"

To open the casket of the bridegroom, you need to pronounce a fun spell, which he will have to say seriously and loudly, every time waving a magic wand, which will have to buy in Baba Yaga.

And in order to get a hen spell, you will need to guess several magic numbers (important dates for the bride and groom).


Larius dumplings! - Magicus Extreme! - Circling on Mordius! - resistance in vain! -Babius Astalavistius!

For the competition you will need a box for shoes on which you can stick beautiful paper for decoupage from all sides. Thus, the casket will turn out beautiful! From above, Lartz paste 5 stickers, which are written important dates newlyweds. And on the reverse side of each sticker, write 1 magic phrase.

Competition "And in Larz Egg"

When the groom opens the casket inside, he discovers a hare, and behind the hare - duck, and behind the duck - an egg.

To end the smash once and for all, the fiance with the help of a sword-kesthenman (inflatable ball or cardboard) you need to break the egg in which death hidden death.

For the competition you will need a toy molding sword (or made of cardboard), toy bunny and duck, egg from Kinder Surprise.

Competition "Fun of grandmother's Yellow"

Baba Yaga on the joys that destroyed Koschey, invites all those present to steal the folk dance of grandmothers to everyone together for the song: "Hey, come on, nairry ..." from the cartoon "Flying ship".

Competition "Kimikora Bolotnaya"

When Tsarevich came to the apartment with a friend, the room pops up at Kimor and begins to ask Tsarevich so that he takes her to his wife. You can go past it only by catching the snake of Gorynych!

For this, the groom with a witness is associated with a rope (as a result, they turn out like one body and two heads. You can bind and one more person, so that the Snake Gorynyach has three heads, but then the kicker's tasks will be more complicated.

In this form, with the help of the left hand of one and right hand, they must do several tasks, which they will give Kikimor, in order to confirm that they are snakes Gorynych! After the successful implementation of the quests of Kimikor, it reports that the blade has crossed the bride in the Dark Tower (room) and sealed the door with his black spells. Only the real power of love is capable of destroying the spell!

Competition "Oath of Love"

Therefore, in front of the door to the house, the bride brings the bride romantic with the leaflet! He opens the door where his narrowed princess is waiting for him. Tsarevich asks the hands of the princess under the applause of guests.

The redemption of the bride based on Russian fairy tales will take you into a beautiful fabulous world and will make it a special day atmosphere of magic and fulfillment of all desires!

Wedding traditions, have changed quite a lot over the last century. However, there are moments whose script is practically not changed. One of these moments is the redemption of the bride, which is the mandatory attribute of any wedding.

However, it is advisable to spend, which would be distinguished from the traditional redemption for money. Thus, you not only give the wedding of originality, but also get a great material that helps you make a unique wedding film.

Despite the many possible options, a fabulous script, is the best itself, and at the same time you can always come up with many options, as the fairy tale is a place for magic, and it is always unique.

The plot of fairy tales that you choose as a basis should be rich in both female and male characters. This will help you distribute the roles between girlfriends of the bride and friends of the groom. The friends of the groom should have to turn into positive characters that must be saved, the mala is a girl from imprisonment. Bridesmaid girlfriends, on the contrary, should become negative characters who do not let go of a prisoner. It is based on such a fun and comic confrontation that you can write the best scenario.

In addition, for girlfriends it is necessary to prepare costumes that will correspond to the plot of the chosen fairy tale. Accordingly, the scenario needs to be developed, namely, come up with his friends. At the same time, to make a video interesting, you need to maximize the fabulous lexicon. Then on the video you really get into a fairy tale, which took place at your wedding.

Fairy tale about the blasphemy of the immortal

This scenario provides for the redemption of the bride in the style of liberation from captivity from the negative hero. Girlfriends should be divided into two groups, one, should be on the side of evil, and try not to give the bride to the bride. The second half can act as helpers with the good heroes that are the groom and his friends. Such a fabulous scenario may include trials for the groom on the smelter, and how he loves his chosen.

In this case, you can use in the form of tests and standard test options. However, the scenario should carry a fairy tale imprint on which it is written.

Therefore, at the end, the hero must defeat the villain and thus save their narrowed. After all, the fairy tale, should always have a happy end. Therefore, all tasks for the groom should be light to show that he is a brave warrior who will not stop any obstacles.

Attributes for fabulous redemption of the bride

Any scenario provides for many attributes. After all, to give video brightness, you can use a wide variety of suits and inventory.

For example, in a fairy tale about Koshiya, one of the girlfriends can change clothes to Babu Yagu, and the other in her assistant Kickimaru. Other bridesmaids can become good forest faces that will help hero in everything.

In addition to the costumes in this fairy tale, there should be a sword-mowner and, of course, the cherished egg in which the needle is with the death of Koschey. It is this needle that should turn the bridegroom to free the wonderful bride.

If you understand, any scenario of this focus includes the image of the witch , Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of the suit of this character. After all, the tale can not have an interesting plot without negative characters.

You can also agree with the operator so that it takes off a small story about how the bride is kidnapped, and how the groom goes to search. Such a small pun also helps you make a wedding video really unique and exciting.

In the process of filming, you will also use all the accessories that you later use when buying a bride.

Another important moment, which is always worth remembered is the need to play the operator. For completeness of incarnation in the image, you can simply imagine yourself with actors. Thanks to this you can really play your role on perfectly.

How to choose the plot

Working out the script, do not hesitate to show a fantasy. And one more important moment, this is originality, so you can not stop on one fairy tale, but to mix multiple plots at once to get your own unique.

At the same time, you need to ensure that the fairy tale is logical and at the same time unpredictable. It is the unpredictable plot that is the basis of any good film.

The second, it is not afraid to experiment with costumes, since the video entertainment will also depend on this factor. Therefore, costumes and makeups should be pronounced. The makeup is also an important part, so in the cooking process, try several options to give positive and negative characters the corresponding look.

No need to listen to the advice of home-grown specialists, about how you arrange a wedding. After all, the wedding is only once in life, so listening only to those tips you like. Therefore, you can choose the script yourself on your own, thereby showing your originality and uniqueness.

Such a joint work, for the newlyweds, will be a very good start of family life. Since in the future, all the problems you have to decide on your own. And it is before the wedding, you need to learn how to work in the team and respect the opinion of your second half. After all, the married life is full of unpredictable situations from which to get out one one, it will be extremely difficult for you.

The redemption of the bride will symbolize what the groom is really ready for everything. And the jointly developed elements of this presentation will become one of your first joint work. Which even a few decades after viewing will always remember with a smile, and you can show it to children and grandchildren. If you try well, then your work will be assessed close to dignity, and you will be proud of the work done all my life.

Wedding - a very exciting day in the life of every person, including for the culprits of the celebration.

As a rule, on the eve of this day, men are afraid of not the appearance of a stamp in a passport, but how they will buy a bride from relatives of the girl.
Therefore, as you guessed, a set of all kinds of competitions and tests will not only lead to confusion of even the smartest groom, but will not give such an effect and pleasure from a costume show made in the style of "Russian Fairy Tale" ("Russian Fairy Tale").

If such a redemption is not to taste for you, you can make the buying bride on the tale Cinderella

First Test - Water

Water bride

The groom came to their accompaniment to the desired entrance, in one of whose apartments he is waiting for his beloved. Before the entrance itself, a blue-green canvas (swamp) is already distilled.

You can put at the request of the decoration in the form of a root. If it is rain, then transfer the necessary props to the first floor in the entrance.

Q: Well, hello, well done! What was the case to me on the swamp? (Listens to the groom). Oh, here it is! I want to warn it: For what you go further, you have to pay full, otherwise I will have a servant forever (accompanying should offer various gifts, but duct water refuses). I need a faithful service. If you prove that you can handle - I will skip further, no - turn the lag, dear (the groom agrees).

Q: Look, fish float (you need to put in aquarium of cardboard or plastic fish, attach to their "sponges" loops from the tapes so that you can somehow grab the crochet, and a piece of paper should be attached to each fish).

IN: I will float me, Tsarevich, fish, but not just a fish, but gold! It will be that of them that the truth will vomit, and you look at how many of them here, and you will not understand where. Let that fish say, why did you decide to marry our beauties. (The bride and his friends say that the wedding is exclusively in love).

IN: Well, if so, then prove! Here you have a tool! (Hands fishing rod). If you catch the one that it is not true, then you will be bought off, I'm a passion as I love everything sweet, Nam Yam!

(In each piece of paper, it is written: "According to love", "the mother-in-law forced," "ended clean socks L", "I'm afraid to sleep one," "I do not know how to cook", "to work for work").

Q: Well done, coped with my instruction. And since you are brave well done, I want to warn that my friends are waiting for you. Be careful and khter, but see what they do not have you.

The second test is the buyout of the bride among the mermaids

There is a ransom produce even in water

On the walls -, stones and algae.

R: Oh, how handsome came to us! Girls, he is also not alone! Why did you complain to us? (The groom says that for the bride). Well, what are you? You never know the girls in the world, you can choose any of us, we will only be glad! We will drown the ships and divide the gold together. Do not bother with us! (The groom politely refuses). Well, okay .. once you want to find a virgin, then make us a pleasant: we love girls, very compliments.

If we like your compliments, and it will be a sweeter of honey, then you will miss your beloved.

(Girls start slowly to give way to the road, and there are one big letter at each stage)

R: Ball your girlfriend on the desired letter so that even we understand how much you love her. If the soul is driving - you can go further.

So the groom with friends is slowly, but surely dismisses every step and rises higher and higher. Mermaids climb together with Tsarevich.

(At the end of the steps): P: Well done, Ivan-Tsarevich, pleased us, but here we would only like Virgin Capricious, would like you to sing to us! SPEA SONS LOVE. If we enjoy - please please, go to the bride!

(Bride and groom start singing. It should be at least 2-3 purchases).

P: Well, thanks, becharged, pleased. Now you can go further. True, not all tests are finished - ahead on the way of Baba Yaga will take you out!

Testing number 3 - buying brides near women Yaga

On the background, on the walls you can attach the drawing of the hut on the legs.

BYA: Oh, you, who came here! Probably for dinner to me, yes? I am now overlooking something flooded! (The groom says she came to the bride).

BA: Ba, so you're not to me ... And I thought what delets go to me. You, look, also acknowledged, once onions and arrows with you have? Then the entertainment grandmother, and then here are the worst of yes left - a pond of a pride!

We will fall into Voi those supplies by winter, then I miss, and so only in the oven! Only I have my own rules: You will use my tool.

(Bride groom is awarded a dart. On the wall there are various "supplies" of grandmother, on each of which some kind of name is written. If you fall into a goal with the name of the bride, the task has been completed. After Yaga releases well done and warns that it is necessary to find a scientist to complete the ritual Cat).

Final Test - Cat Scientist

On the walls of the posters of the centuries-old oak with a chain. Nearby is a cat with a chain.

Ku: Hello, dear! It looks like a smartest person, and in the woods the dark for some reason it wandered (the groom explains that he came for the bride).

Ku: aa, then I can help and spend it. Just understand whether I am a free cat, but the chain makes me undermineum. Make a favor, find the key and from the castle. I would have done myself, but health is no longer you, the paws are shaking ... (the cat gives a bundle of keys. The groom needs to find a suitable).

Ku: I freed the old, Tsarevich! Something is ready to thank, so I went, I will bring to the bride!

(The cat leads the groom to the desired door, from the same bundle that he gave Tsarevich another key and opens the door, the inlet of the groom on the threshold to the bride).