Salon and home facial treatments. Daily facial treatments

Our appearance primarily depends on how we live and what kind of health we have.

Outwardly, our skin seems to be a simple shell. But first impressions are deceiving. Before us is an important and complex organ that protects the human body from hordes of microorganisms, adverse environmental influences.

In addition to disease, poor nutrition, physical inactivity and excessive exposure to sunlight, polluted environment, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs can have a negative effect on the skin. To have good skin, it must be protected from all dangerous factors.

Start taking care of your skin from the inside. It is known, for example, that in violation of the activity of the intestine, enlarged pores appear on the face. With problems with the stomach - red streaks. Those with liver problems may be annoyed by brown spots. Exhaustion of the nervous system, stress leads to premature aging of the skin, hair loss. Anger, envy, strong negative emotions corrode the body from the inside like rust, which, of course, leads to a deterioration in appearance. The hereditary ability of the skin to retain or lose moisture also matters.

An important factor in maintaining the attractiveness of the skin, along with many others, is saturating it with moisture from the outside.

❀ First of all, do not forget to “water” your skin more often, since the human body is 60% water. In the aquatic environment, many biochemical reactions take place that support all life processes. And our appearance is no less than these 60% dependent on skin hydration: well-moisturized skin retains softness and elasticity, does not have wrinkles. The water content of the skin can vary significantly depending on nutrition and diet. With a diet rich in carbohydrates, the amount of water in all organs, including the skin, increases significantly.

❀ Washing with water is the simplest and most common way of cleansing. Water cleanses the skin of dust, products of the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands, removes exfoliating epidermal cells, microbes.

❀ The temperature of the water for washing is essential. You can use hot water (37-45°C), warm (28-37°C), cool (20-28°C) and cold (12-20°C).

Hot water well cleanses the skin and causes a rush of blood. Recommended by some cosmetologists for washing at a young age, with oily skin. If you decide to choose such a temperature regime, then it is better to wash your face with hot water in the evening, since a rush of blood passes overnight and the natural fatty lubrication is restored.

After washing with hot water, be sure to rinse your skin with cold water. Remember that such washing in the presence of dilated capillaries on the skin is contraindicated.

warm water useful for normal skin. But prolonged and frequent washing can relax the tone of the skin and muscles.

Cool and cold water improves skin tone, strengthens it, makes it more resilient. Washing with cold water causes narrowing of the skin vessels, and then their expansion, slows down the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

❀ The most favorable rejuvenating effect on the skin has a contrast washing alternately with hot water (45 ° C) and cold (not lower than 12 ° C). Contrasting washes are especially useful for oily skin with enlarged pores, but are undesirable in the presence of dilated capillaries.

❀ In addition to temperature, purity and mineral composition of water are important. Calcium, magnesium and iron salts are harmful to the skin. Therefore, hard water, which contains these substances, is unsuitable for washing. In any raw water there is a different amount of salts and mechanical impurities. After washing and wiping, some of the water remains in the pores, wrinkles and folds of the skin. After the final evaporation of moisture, salts and substances remain on the surface of the skin, which gradually lead to blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands, dryness, irritation, loss of elasticity and premature fading and aging of the skin.

hard water softened by prolonged (over 1 hour) boiling (in which salts and mechanical impurities dissolved in water settle to the bottom) or by adding baking soda, or boric acid, or almond bran (1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Before using softened water, let it stand for 10-15 minutes.

❀ It is not recommended to wash your face in a hurry in the morning, as frequent washing before going outside contributes to dry skin. In the morning, it is recommended to rinse your face with water at room temperature, followed by applying a greasy cream to a wet face. After that, self-massage should be carried out. This procedure takes 30-40 minutes.

❀ If time allows, then 2-3 hours before going out, it is useful to wash the face and neck with cold water. It is useful for any skin, and especially for flabby and dry.

Ways to moisturize your skin

From time to time, irrigate the skin with a spray bottle of clean water or herbal infusion (or an ice cube from herbal infusions). Spray your face and neck in the evening. Moisten rough (“burned”) skin often with soft water. After washing or showering, do not dry yourself dry, but just blot falling drops with a towel or paper napkin, or let the skin dry on its own. But do not wet your face with water outdoors - the sun or the slightest breath of breeze will take away from the skin not only the moisture introduced, but also its own.

Moisturizing can be combined with hydromassage using a shower. Elastic streams of water, drumming on the skin, penetrate it better, cause blood flow, improve nutrition, make the skin vibrate, thereby increasing its elasticity.

Skin care (both evening and morning) begins with cleansing. In the morning, the skin needs to be cleansed of the products of nocturnal activity of cells, since at night the cells do not sleep, the sebaceous and sweat glands function, and metabolic processes take place. By cleansing your skin in the morning, you are helping your cells function properly throughout the day.

In the evening cleansing should be more thorough, as a mixture of makeup residues, street dust, exhaust fumes, microorganisms, etc. forms on the surface of the skin.

The next step in your daily skin care routine is toning. The purpose of toning is to narrow the pores, restore the normal pH level of the skin, and prepare it for further care. Long-term and regular use of the tonic allows you to hide the microscopic irregularities of the skin, thereby improving its appearance.

Among other advantages, the tonic completes the cleansing procedure after applying the cleansing cream, removes its residues and hardly soluble particles of cosmetics. Keep in mind that at night more active metabolic processes take place in the skin, and if in the evening the skin of the face was well cleansed, then nothing prevents the skin cells from fully functioning, actively absorbing cosmetics and restoring the balance disturbed during the day.

Moisturizing- the last, final stage in the system of daily skin care, it helps to replenish the missing amount of moisture and nutrients.

In addition to these three basic daily procedures, there are others that are just as important, but less frequent and deeper: steam baths, compresses, peels, masks. Their frequency depends on the type of skin. A significant role in skin care is given to massage and exercises for the mouse, face. Auto-training and rational nutrition can also provide you with an invaluable service. With regard to direct skin care, it should be remembered that any of the stages, whether it be cleansing, moisturizing, toning, mask or massage, should be carried out with light movements along the so-called massage lines, i.e. lines of the least stretching of the skin. And apply creams, masks, scrubs to wet skin after washing. This promotes better, more complete absorption. The remains of nourishing creams must be removed with a napkin 10-20 minutes after application.

An axiom that does not need proof: complete facial skin care allows you to prolong youth, look fresh and attractive. But how do you take care of your skin? Weekly face masks? Monthly facial? Or maybe it is enough to use expensive professional cosmetics and no care procedures are needed?

When is it necessary to take care of the skin of the face?

Daily skin care should be carried out throughout life, starting at the age of 16. But different skin care products should be used. The selection criteria are skin type and age.

All cosmetics must be applied along the massage lines. Violation of this rule will lead to stretching of the skin, early wrinkles.

There is a mandatory minimum program, consisting of 3 stages, which should be performed daily, in the morning and in the evening.

1. Skin cleansing. In the morning, the skin must be cleansed to remove traces of the nocturnal activity of skin cells, otherwise they can be absorbed back when applying the cream. Evening cleansing removes dirt and makeup. After washing, the skin should be slightly blotted with a towel, do not rub.

To avoid transepidermal moisture loss and, as a result, dryness and tightness of the skin, you need to use "washers" that do not contain sodium sulfate.

2. Skin toning. Wipe the face with tonic after each cleansing to normalize the pH of the skin, as well as prepare it for the subsequent application of a moisturizer. For owners of all skin types (including those with oily skin), it is preferable to use an alcohol-free tonic. For problem skin with acne, an AHA tonic is ideal.

3. Moisturizing the skin. A must-have even for oily skin! Lack of moisture in the epidermis is the path to early skin aging.

Day cream is recommended to be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside. The optimal time to apply a night cream is 1-2 hours before going to bed: a face care product is effective only when the muscles are mobile.
Girls under 25 can not use a night cream, as young skin regenerates itself. Evening care is enough to reduce to cleansing and toning.

In addition, in order for the skin to remain smooth and fresh, it is necessary to periodically free it from dead cells. To do this, you can scrub your face 2 times a week. Owners of problem skin with acne should not perform deep cleansing, and for excessively dry, sensitive skin, scrub can be used less often - a couple of times a month.

What are skin care treatments?

“How to take care of the skin of the face correctly,” millions of women are interested. We answer: it is ideal when competent home skin care is combined with regular visits to a beautician.
During care procedures, the doctor, depending on the age and type of skin of the client, selects a program that allows solving a specific problem.
Most care procedures include: skin cleansing, light peeling, toning, facial massage (classic, plastic, Jacquet or lymphatic drainage), application of an active concentrate, then a mask.
Also, care procedures are often performed according to a more accelerated program: peeling, facial massage and, of course, applying a mask - cream, alginate, collagen or matrigels.

In addition, in the price list of many salons, a facial massage is separately presented, which is recommended to be carried out in a course of 10-15 sessions. This massage improves blood microcirculation, strengthens the muscular frame of the face, providing a lifting effect. To enhance the result, concentrates are usually applied under the massage cream. When caring for a face after 40 to reduce wrinkles, a more noticeable effect, of course, will be from hardware or injection methods.

After the care procedures, the beautician, having diagnosed the skin, can choose facial skin care products at home. The effect of properly selected professional cosmetics for facial skin care will be many times higher than from the use of self-selected mass-market products.

In addition to various facial procedures, the price list of salons also, as a rule, contains skin care programs for the skin of the eyelids, neck and décolleté.

Indications for care procedures

Since skin care procedures are selected individually, they can solve almost all skin problems, including facial care after 40 years. Main indications:

  • problematic skin with rashes, enlarged pores, increased greasiness
  • rosacea
  • dry, dehydrated skin
  • the presence of age-related changes (fuzzy oval of the face, loss of skin elasticity)
  • swelling of the face and eyelids
  • the need to restore the skin after surgical interventions
  • upcoming gala event (most salons offer express programs for radiance, freshness of the skin)
  • aging prevention
  • hyperpigmentation.

Skin care contraindications

Since care programs are usually selected individually (after consultation), it is difficult to single out common contraindications. Most manufacturers offer "constructor" facial skin care products that can be combined with each other, making up a program that is suitable for this particular client.

Alginate masks - the most popular salon procedure - have practically no contraindications (only individual intolerance to the components). With facial massage, there are more restrictions:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin, its inflammation, including acute dermatoses
  • active stage of herpes
  • infectious diseases
  • bleeding

  • diseases of the trigeminal nerve, circulatory system
  • malignant neoplasms.

With a facial massage according to Jacques (it is often used for problem skin with acne), pronounced rosacea is added to this list.

Effectiveness of skin care

Many clients believe that home care using professional cosmetics can replace beauty treatments in the salon. To think so is wrong. In the assortment of each manufacturer there are face care products intended for salon and home use. Professional preparations have a higher concentration of active substances, but using them without undergoing special training is difficult, and sometimes dangerous. In addition, since the care programs are developed individually, using cosmetics for facial skin care that complement each other, the effect cannot be compared with the consequences of self-healing!

Another common misconception is that skin care procedures are less effective than hardware and injection techniques. Since the mechanisms of action are different, it makes no sense to compare these techniques. The result depends on the desired effect. For example, to improve the condition of the upper layers of the skin, treatments using quality facials can provide more results than other methods. Often, to achieve the best effect, a cosmetologist combines hardware, care and injection techniques.

Therefore, the question "How to care for facial skin?" the answer is always different. For each patient, the transformation program is individual. Some girls are better suited for skincare procedures using high-quality facial skin care products, others - a combination of several methods. The main thing is to quickly achieve your goal, namely, a professional with a medical education will recommend optimal care for oily skin, facial care after 40, etc.

Our skin is the most exposed part of the body, which is constantly exposed to external influences. Weather conditions, anthropogenic load factor, various kinds of pollution can create problems for the skin. Skin care, is a term that carries a different meaning for different people, therefore, in order to understand skin care tips and stick to your chosen care regimen, you need to know your skin, know what functions it performs, which will certainly help you take care of it in the best possible way.

Skin structure

The skin is made up of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. A detailed description will help us understand what important functions each layer of the skin performs and how they interact.

epidermis layer, consists of five layers of cells that are responsible for various functions of the skin as a whole. Also, the epidermis layer contains melanin, which is responsible for the darkening of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, for skin coloring.

dermis layer, consists of connective tissue and, in fact, represents the skin. Sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve endings and receptors, blood vessels, hair follicles are located in the dermis. It is in this layer of the skin that most of the processes associated with skin aging take place.

hypodermis layer, or sub-dermis, or subcutaneous fat, the main function of which is to store and accumulate essential nutrients.

sweat glands are responsible for the elimination and partial removal of water-soluble waste from the body. Sebaceous glands secrete fats that lubricate the surface of the skin, which prevents its excessive dryness and cracking. Blockages and congestion in these processes are considered to be the main causes of our many skin problems.

The need for skin care

Skin care, is a complex of procedures that are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the skin. Skin care exists at different levels in everyone's life. It can range from the use of simple soap and cream to more significant treatments such as anti-aging treatments.

Skin Care Tips are of great interest to many and different groups of the population. Everyone wants to look good and be confident in their attractiveness.

Facial treatments

most popular and effective skin care, which gives the most positive result, includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and using sunscreen.

Step 1 Cleansing

The cleansing procedure is the most important aspect of skin care. It is carried out primarily in order to remove makeup, cleanse the pores of the skin.

In this case, you need to find a good cleanser that your skin will respond well to and stick with.

Can use a cleansing cream without using water. You can choose a combined option: remove makeup with makeup remover and use a little cleanser with water. Use only warm water. Never wash your face with hot or very cold water as this can damage the capillaries.

Morning cleansing includes light washing with warm water. This is usually enough to remove excess nighttime skin hydration.

Step 2: Exfoliate

Scrub works to remove the top layers of dead cells that tend to give skin a dull color. Most cosmetologists are of the opinion that skin peeling once a week, keeps your skin glowing all year round.

Most people skip peeling often, but if you start exfoliate skin properly you will notice the difference very quickly. According to Ron Berg, one of the reasons why men's skin looks younger than women's is because men exfoliate some of their skin every day when they use a razor.

There are several ways to exfoliate the skin: microdermabrasion, chemical peeling.

Use gentle scrubs with small grains. The large grains in cheap scrubs can tear the skin and do more harm than good. One of the best microdermabrasion kits is made by Lancome.

Chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin with various chemical agents. Superficial peeling is carried out once a year. Medium peeling - from two to six times throughout life. Deep peeling - up to three times over the entire period of life.

Step 3: Moisturize

The basic law of skin beauty says that regardless of its type, the skin must be moisturized. Even if your skin is oily, it needs hydration too. Acne is the only exception. How much hydration is needed? Your skin will tell you when and how much moisture and nourishment it needs. However, be careful if you overdo it, it can lead to clogged pores.

Do I need to nourish the skin around the eyes? The skin around the eyes does not contain fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special creams for the skin around the eyes, as it were, "thicken" this area. Therefore, some beauty experts strongly recommend using an eye cream.

Step 4: Use sunscreen

Many experts recommend using sunscreen. O Magazine published an article with an interview in which leading dermatologists took part. Each of them said that sunscreens are an important part of skin care.

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, according to experts, is the effect of sunlight, so it is important to use sunscreen from an early age, even in winter and on cloudy days. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

healthy eating . Healthy eating leads to healthy skin.

Dream. You must sleep for eight or ten hours every night because the skin repairs itself when you sleep.

Cleansing the body . The elimination of toxins helps maintain healthy skin.

Emotions. Negative emotions can contribute to rashes and red patches on the skin. So smile more often.

Exercises. Deep breathing exercises are beauty treatments, especially when you fill your lungs with clean and fresh air. Oxygen is a vital element for the skin.

Skin care should be carried out comprehensively and regularly, according to an individual scheme for you.

A healthy look is supported by cosmetic procedures for facial care, the program of which is compiled by a specialist cosmetologist. It is a professional approach that is the key to effective and efficient care, as well as the growing profits of a beauty salon.

What groups are divided into all facial treatments in a beauty salon

Timeliness and professionalism in facial skin care help to give it a healthy look, prolong youth and preserve natural beauty. Modern means and techniques push back age-related changes, counteracting time. A highly qualified cosmetologist in a beauty salon can perform any facial treatment.

All types of facial care can be divided into ordinary, performed daily and independently, and professional, performed by a master cosmetologist in a beauty salon, clinic or cosmetology room.

Professional facial care means a program of cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and restoring the skin of the face. Comprehensive care with the use of modern equipment and cosmetic products is available in the beauty salon.

The selection of a complex of facial skin care procedures directly depends on the desired result. It is affected by age and the initial condition of the skin. Conventionally, all procedures are divided into:

  • restoring;
  • supporting.

The maintenance care program consists of regular cleansing of the skin, removal of dust particles, sweat, makeup, sebum, etc. that appeared during the day. The regenerative care program consists of procedures aimed at maintaining the optimal level of skin moisture, nourishing it with vital components. The modern market of the beauty industry offers the widest range of cosmetic products for self-implementation of facial treatments.

A professional approach to the selection of facial treatments begins with an examination of the skin, identifying its problem areas and determining ways to eliminate them.

For women with oily skin, hardware cosmetology facial procedures aimed at restoring the skin, as well as masks, are best suited. Properly selected complex improves skin condition. It consists of the following steps:

  • whitening;
  • moisturizing;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes characteristic of this type of skin.

As a standard, owners of this type of skin are recommended to undergo a minimum course of 10 procedures. They are held no more than twice a week. The duration of the procedure is approximately 40 minutes, during which the client is immersed in an atmosphere of peace, relaxation and comfort.

Dry skin owner should pay even more attention to facial treatments. Their peculiarity is in thorough moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Peeling, hydration, restoration with vitamin C masks, light massage - this is an incomplete list of essential care for dry skin.

Professional care, consisting of various procedures carried out twice a week for five weeks by an experienced beautician, will easily help to restore dry skin to perfection.

For women with oily sensitive skin the modern cosmetology market offers the latest facial care products, which are increasingly being used in beauty salons. A course of specially selected facial treatments normalizes the condition of problem skin, removes inflammation and gives it a healthy tone. It is important to observe the duration of the course, which is three weeks with two visits.

The complex of procedures for oily sensitive skin includes:

  • cool soothing hydrogenation;
  • all kinds of absorbent masks.

The benefit of professional care is obvious for any skin type. Masters of cosmetology rooms use the most modern techniques and the latest achievements to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin.

A professional cosmetologist cares not only about the high quality of the work performed, but also about the safety of his health and the health of the client. An individual approach is also important in the selection of the most effective cosmetic products for the development of a set of procedures.

The benefits of professional skin care are:

  • in the correct selection of cosmetic procedures;
  • in the use of the latest technologies, methods and skin care products that can effectively combat age-related changes;
  • in the elimination of existing skin problems;
  • in the correct and timely implementation of deep cleaning and hydration;
  • in exemption from unnecessary costs for useless cosmetics;
  • in the preservation and maintenance of a healthy appearance of the skin.

Facial treatments according to age

For each age period, there are especially effective procedures that are of the greatest relevance.

Facial treatments at 20-25 years old

The skin at this age is firm, toned and elastic. She shines with a healthy glow. The main task of the beautician is to keep this look as long as possible. It's real if you follow some rules:

  1. Professional facial cleaning should be systematically carried out in a beauty salon or cosmetology room. Cleaning can be ultrasonic, manual or vacuum. A great option is to combine several methods.
  2. The master should not forget about light peeling. With its help, the client will be able to forget about acne and blackheads forever.
  3. It is necessary to inform the client that he should have professional face masks done regularly. The specialist should choose an effective moisturizing and soothing mask.

Only a professional will be able to choose the right products and procedures for facial care.

Facial treatments at 25-30 years old

Biologically, a person begins to age at about 25 years of age. It was then that the first signs appear, expressed in poor skin exfoliation, thickening of the stratum corneum, slowing down the regeneration process, faster evaporation of moisture, etc. Systematic visits to the beautician will help the client get rid of these symptoms. The cosmetologist can offer mesotherapy, fruit peeling or biorevitalization.

Facial treatments at 30-35 years old

After 30 years, the first changes in the contour of the face appear, the nasolabial fold becomes more visible, the corners of the mouth are slightly lowered. The cosmetologist can easily remove all these age-related manifestations with the help of fillers with hyaluronic acid. The first mimic wrinkles on the forehead can be corrected with Botox injections, and the skin will again become smooth and elastic. Also, a professional cosmetologist should advise a set of simple exercises for lifting the cheeks.

Facial treatments at 35-40 years old

Approaching this age, women increasingly notice a dull complexion, traces of fatigue on it, a fuzzy oval, age-related bags under the eyes. An individual program of facial treatments, compiled by a professional cosmetologist, works wonders and easily corrects all age-related changes. Include revitalization, plasmolifting and peeling procedures, laser resurfacing, botulinum toxin injections, fillers to fill the nasolabial folds, as well as simple exercises for the chin and cheeks to tighten the skin, and the client will be satisfied with his appearance.

Facial treatments after 40 years

By the age of 40, the skin becomes more and more dry, women notice the appearance of age spots, the volume in the cheeks and cheekbones changes, and nasolabial folds are more noticeable. Even very oily skin becomes drier by this age. A complex of modern face care procedures will help to remove these defects.

To correct them, modern technologies will come to the rescue. Fillers and volumizers will lift the cheekbones and improve skin turgor. You can do a facelift or laser resurfacing, which will reduce wrinkles and improve complexion. Thanks to modern thread technologies, it is possible to correct the oval of the face. With the help of Japanese facial massage, age-related changes in the skin can be made less noticeable.

What are the most popular skin care treatments?


Only the right selection of facial treatments guarantees the preservation of youthfulness and freshness of the skin. The most popular and effective facial treatment is massage. It is vacuum and lymphatic drainage.

A professional cosmetologist, developing an individual complex, will include light peeling and a half-hour massage of the face, neck and decollete. The session ends with a nourishing or rejuvenating face mask. It is reasonable to conduct a session at least once a week. In terms of effectiveness in restoring and maintaining youthful skin, massage has no equal. Already after five procedures, even on the most tortured skin, a positive result is clearly visible. Massage helps to moisturize the skin, stimulate the work of facial muscles that support the skin and prevent it from sagging.

Face cleaning

Skin cleansing - facial treatment. It can be ultrasonic or hardware, combined and mechanical. The most commonly used combination cleaning.

This facial treatment is completely painless, cleanses and tightens pores quite well. After the procedure, there may be slight redness, which quickly disappears, and the skin shines with a healthy glow.

Regular facial treatments keep the skin in good condition, and it needs to be cleansed only once a year. Running skin requires a monthly visit to a beautician and cleansing.


Peeling can help restore the skin, increase collagen production, smooth and tighten the skin of the face. Facial treatments such as superficial-median and median peeling are considered effective.

With median peeling, the surface of the skin of the face is cleansed, all impurities are removed, pores are narrowed, fine wrinkles, small scars and irregularities are smoothed out. The nuance is that this type of peeling is carried out only in the cold season - in autumn or winter.

Another type of peeling is superficial-median, performed with the help of glycolic or fruit acids.

Fruit acid is applied to the skin surface, and then the pores cleansed by it are filled with oxygen.

This facial treatment ends with the application of a nourishing or moisturizing mask. This cleansing erases pigmentary changes, giving the skin a matte finish.

Fruit peeling can be done at any time. But after it, the client should not visit the solarium and the beach.

Median peeling is prescribed by a professional cosmetologist and depends on the age-related changes in the client's skin. Such facial treatments can be carried out twice a week, or maybe once every two weeks. Here everything is considered individually. After the course, a massage is prescribed.

Glycolic peels are also performed with an individual approach. Most often, it is once or twice a week.

Non-injection mesotherapy

The most effective remedy in the case when you need to additionally nourish the skin of the face. A mesotherapeutic cocktail consisting of hyaluronic acid, or a lipid-balanced cocktail, etc. is injected into the skin with a special device. This facial treatment moisturizes the skin from the inside and out, smoothing out fine lines and giving the skin a healthy look.

This is one of the most popular eye treatments. It is completely painless and leaves no marks.

The course consists of 5 or 10 procedures, depending on the initial condition of the skin.


This hardware procedure for facial care and maintaining its ideal condition is the most popular among visitors to salons and beauty parlors. Thermolifting activates the body's own resources, enhances the production of collagen. The skin of the face after the course is beautiful, well-groomed. This is an absolutely safe procedure and very comfortable to carry out.

You can do thermal lifting not only on the face, but also on the neck, décolleté, skin around the eyes.

The peculiarity of this facial treatment is the cumulative effect, so the client needs to complete the full course. Ideally once or twice a week. The course for young skin is 8 procedures, and for aged skin - 10.

The result obtained is supported by a visit to the beautician once a month.

Facial treatments in the salon depending on the problem

According to many studies, skin aging is accelerated by the presence of one of the following four factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits of a person;
  • his wrong way of life;
  • the level of stressful situations.

Looking at them, you can see that at least three of the four factors we can control. For example, it is worth getting rid of the habits of puckering your eyebrows, sleeping with your face on a pillow, propping up your face, etc., as they all increase the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Dealing with stressful situations is difficult, but essential. You need to properly prioritize and not worry about trifles. This is at least. It is also important to avoid sleep deprivation. The skin rests and gains a healthy glow during sleep. Depriving yourself of proper sleep, you will soon notice fatigue on your face.

In addition, a person should drink more water. Saturating the skin with water, we give it youth and beauty.

Consider the procedures that will help you forget about the seven age-related skin changes.

1. Nasolabial folds

  1. Biorevitalization, which consists in the introduction of an injection of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Bioreinforcement, which consists in the introduction of injections of a rejuvenating composition containing the same hyaluronic acid.

2. Bruising under the eyes, puffiness, circles, crow's feet

The following are considered as life-saving facial treatments:

  • fractional photothermolysis or laser procedures;
  • the procedure of radio wave lifting or thermage, carried out under the influence of high-frequency and low-power waves;
  • blepharoplasty procedure. This method of surgical removal of overhanging eyelids is performed with a pronounced age-related change.

3. Age spots, dilated blood vessels

The following are considered as life-saving facial treatments:

  • photorejuvenation procedure carried out under the influence of light pulses on the skin;
  • laser and chemical peel procedures.

4. Reducing the volume of the lips, as well as thinning the contour, color

The following are considered as life-saving facial treatments:

  • injection of hyaluronic acid;
  • fractional thermolysis procedure;
  • laser peel procedure.

5. Mimic wrinkles

Botox and Dysport injections are considered as life-saving facial treatments.

6. Floating oval face

The following are considered as life-saving facial treatments:

  • gymnastics for the face, or face-building;
  • facial massage that strengthens the muscles;
  • bioreinforcement procedure;
  • mesothreads;
  • thread lift procedure.

7. Wrinkles on the neck and its decreased tone

The following are considered as life-saving facial treatments:

  • biorevitalization procedure;
  • mesotherapy procedures;
  • carrying out ultrasonic lifting;
  • carrying out radio wave lifting;
  • thread lift.

What facial treatments do you need a license for?

Some cosmetic procedures can only be performed by a specialist who has a medical education and a license authorizing this activity. Any beauty salon or beauty parlor can provide aesthetic and medical services to its clients. The obligatory presence of a medical license is determined by the category to which the service belongs.

In beauty salons or beauty parlors, the following are considered aesthetic:

  • services of a manicurist;
  • services of a pedicure master;
  • hairdressing services;
  • hair styling services;
  • services for coloring hair, eyebrows, eyelashes;
  • make-up services;
  • applying various masks for the face, body, hair;
  • aesthetic face and neck massage services, etc.

All these services are decorative, hygienic and aesthetic procedures for face, body and hair care and do not require compulsory medical licensing.

Owners of beauty salons or beauty parlors should take into account that a relaxing massage that does not involve the use of manual therapy does not require a license. It is quite another matter when the massage is medical. The provision of such a service is not possible without obtaining medical permission. This is true for the solarium, and for all complex procedures that require any intervention in the skin or the use of special equipment.

It is mandatory to obtain a medical license for the following procedures.

  1. Facial massage.
  2. Neck massage.
  3. Peeling massage.
  4. Chemical peeling.
  5. Vacuum skin massage.
  6. Cosmetic procedures with injections.
  7. Piercing.
  8. Tattoo.

A master of piercing and tattooing, in addition to a license, must have a diploma of medical education.

A medical license is also required for a beauty salon or cosmetology office providing therapeutic cosmetology services. This category includes the following services:

  • comprehensive facial skin care, including hygienic cleaning, applying nourishing and healing masks, applying makeup;
  • all types of peeling, except for phenol;
  • face care procedures using cellular cosmetics preparations;
  • skin cryomassage (cryotherapy);
  • invasive procedures: piercing, permanent tattooing, facial cleansing using the Una spoon, Vidal needles, Spears, etc.;
  • injections of cosmetic preparations, such as Botox, Dysport, Restylane, which are included in the State Register of Medicines and have an annotation for use;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures for facial care, including correction using ultrasound and ultrasound therapy, ultrasonic liposuction, myostimulation, darsonvalization of the skin;
  • electrolysis;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • exposure to light radiation, including all solarium services;
  • paraffin applications, including paraffin baths and biodepilation with hot wax, as well as the application of a post-depilation gel;
  • a set of measures to strengthen tissues;
  • cryodestruction;
  • cryotherapy;
  • diathermocoagulation, which allows to remove benign neoplasms;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • mesotherapy;
  • removal of skin formation, excess skin and hernia of all sizes and levels of complexity;
  • plastics of the bone section of the nose, including local tissues;
  • skin tightening in the neck area, plasty of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck of any level of complexity, as well as procedures for excising a skin formation, etc.

How to Get a License to Provide Facial Treatments

To obtain a medical license, you will need:

  1. Determine the premises that are optimally suited for the planned business, give it the desired look, while taking into account all the requirements of the SES, which are individual for each type of activity.
  2. Compliance of the premises with the requirements of the SES gives a guarantee of obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  3. Prepare all documents required to obtain a license.
  4. Highly qualified medical specialists, doctors with specialized education, who have five or more years of experience in their specialty, who have completed advanced training courses and correspond to your types of medical services, must perform facial care procedures of a medical orientation.
  5. The purchased medical equipment must be certified and comply with GOSTs covering your activities. It is necessary to determine in advance an organization that can service medical equipment, having a license for that, and conclude an agreement with it.
  6. Fulfill all other necessary requirements.

Step 1. We draw up a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion

It will take about a month to issue the conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. Making this conclusion requires a fairly large package of documents. Required to have:

  • constituent documents (charter, memorandum of association, order on the appointment of the head);
  • certificates of state registration of the organization;
  • certificates of registration with the tax authority;
  • certificates of changes (done when changing the director or when making any changes in the constituent documents);
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Goskomstat codes;
  • documents for non-residential premises: lease agreements. If it is concluded for a period of less than one year, then a certificate of ownership of the premises will be required;
  • floor plan of non-residential premises;
  • explications to the floor plan;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the equipment or permission to use it;
  • employment contracts, work books of personnel, for medical staff - with confirmation of work experience in this specialty for five or more years;
  • an order to appoint a head physician or an employee responsible for the medical part of the work. This employee must also have a higher medical education and proof of work experience in the specialty of five or more years;
  • copies of the act of sanitary and epidemiological examination;
  • documents confirming the medical education of personnel engaged in medical activities: diplomas, certificates and certificates of advanced training, certificates of employees;
  • staffing approved by the head of the organization;
  • certificates of quality of medical equipment (certificates of verification, certificates of calibration of equipment);
  • registration certificates for medical equipment manufactured after 2000;
  • contracts for the maintenance of medical equipment;
  • a document confirming the payment of the license fee for consideration of the application for granting by the licensing authority (about 6,000 rubles);
  • contracts with the necessary medical and preventive institutions;
  • metrological control of equipment.

Step 2. We select a room according to certain requirements

When choosing a room that meets all the requirements for a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, carefully study the owner's documents, floor plan and explication. The following requirements must be met:

  • the presence of at least one bathroom on each floor;
  • Compliance with the area of ​​the medical room is not less than 14 sq. meters;
  • at least one window and ventilation. You should not even consider the basement, they will not work.

We have provided a list of the basic requirements required to obtain a free economic zone. All questions can be clarified on the website of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Having issued the premises in ownership or under a lease agreement, you should prepare the remaining documents for obtaining a free economic zone. Required to have:

  • premises lease agreements;
  • floor plan of the premises;
  • explanations to the architectural plan of the premises (explication) with a description of the technical, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the building;
  • contracts for the removal of solid household waste and for the destruction of fluorescent lamps;
  • agreements on disinfection and a register of disinfectants;
  • laundry contracts;
  • contracts for the maintenance of air conditioners and ventilation.

A clinic performing any research in laboratories must provide protocols for these studies.

In addition, the registration of the SEZ is impossible without:

  • copies of employment contracts of employees;
  • contracts for medical examination of personnel;
  • sanitary-medical books of employees.

Step 3. We issue a medical license

Having received a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, you should begin to staff the organization and prepare a package of documents necessary for obtaining a medical license. To do this, you need to study all the requirements for specialists, namely:

  • compulsory medical education in a highly specialized field of work;
  • at least five years of work experience in the profile specified in the diploma;
  • the presence of postgraduate or additional education in the medical field is welcome;
  • the presence of a certificate of additional education or the passage of specialized courses that improve qualifications is welcome;
  • Licensing authorities put forward special requirements for an employee who is recommended for the position of head physician.

The existence of an LLC requires the employment of qualified and responsible personnel. When registering an individual entrepreneur, the requirements of the head physician are presented personally to an individual entrepreneur. Accordingly, he himself must have a higher medical education and work experience in the specialty for more than five years. The founders of an LLC do not need to have a medical education to obtain a license.

The number of specialists required in the state to obtain a medical license directly depends on the planned activities. Usually it is from two to five people.

The following documents are required:

  • order on the appointment of the chief physician as the head of all medical issues. Mandatory requirement - the presence of higher medical education and work experience of more than five years;
  • diplomas, certificates and certificates confirming the appropriate education of the staff;
  • approved staffing table.

Among other things, medical offices must be appropriately equipped, and all equipment requires well-prepared documents.

  • Each type of activity has its own set of equipment. All equipment must be certified. In the medical office, everything is placed according to the requirements of the classifier according to GOSTs;
  • installation of medical equipment is carried out without fail only by an organization that has the right, confirmed by the presence of a license;
  • it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a company that has the right to carry out maintenance of medical equipment, confirmed by a license.

But properly executed documents will not save you from an on-site inspection of government agencies. The issuance of a license may also be denied on the basis of visual observations, for example, the unimportant condition of the walls, ceiling, ventilation, repairs, etc.

A medical license can be issued for three years or more, because the inspector does not voice all the shortcomings noticed, but indicates one from the whole list. Elimination of all inconsistencies requires the submission of documents again, as well as the departure of the inspector.

That is why most entrepreneurs who decide to open their own business and obtain a medical license for this turn to lawyers for qualified assistance. The duration of registration, as well as the cost of the service, depends on the general situation and the level of complexity of the preparation of documentation. On average, this is up to 45 working days and from 40 to 250 thousand rubles.

Legal support in obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion costs from 30 to 90 thousand rubles. It should be understood that each type of activity requires a different amount of work and budget: for a medical office, massage office, dentistry office or multidisciplinary medical clinic.

After collecting the necessary package of documents, filling out the application and paying the state duty, go to Roszdravnadzor. From the moment of submitting the application within 45 days, the entrepreneur either receives a license or a refusal, but clearly motivated. The authority may notify the absence of at least one document in the package within 30 days. If this situation repeats, obtaining a license may be delayed for several weeks and months, which threatens the company only with costs and fines. The main motive for refusing to obtain a license is non-compliance with the norms of the SES and the unreliability of the facts.

Innovative facial treatments

Anti-aging injections from dead horses, replacing Botox

Betty Bo, a 60-year-old English woman, is confident that she tried a completely new method of rejuvenation, replacing Botox injections with collagen injections taken from deceased horses. The product is obtained from the tendons of horses sent for slaughter. Completed a full course of beauty injections gave an incredible result - Betty began to look at least 10 years younger. Considering that earlier Betty did not perform any anti-aging facial procedures and started right away with the experiment. This created a sensation in cosmetology. It is possible that this method will soon become very popular.

The company that produces this product has already become interested in 85 beauty salons. The owners are sure that in a short time their product will become much more popular than Botox. Many women are ready to take a course of rejuvenation in order to maintain their former beauty and defeat age-related skin changes. Botox is a pure protein, artificially obtained from bacteria, and here only natural ingredients.

Studies have shown that collagen taken from dead horses and injected into human skin stimulates the release of its own. Being a natural protein, collagen contributes to the natural strengthening of skin cells from the inside, smoothing it and making it elastic.

Collagen production is also promoted by polylactic acid, obtained from calcium and some plants. It has been proven that horse and human collagen are very similar in structure. Just 3-4 ml is enough for the injection to stimulate the cells of the connective tissue, and the release of an additional supply of collagen begins.


Another innovative non-surgical facial treatment. The method consists in injections with the thinnest needles at certain points on the face. As a result, the appearance of the skin improves and rejuvenates for 5 or even 10 years. It is not difficult to guess that the method came from traditional Chinese medicine. Each of us has at least 600 acupuncture points that are responsible for emotions, tissues or organs. The introduction of sterile thinnest needles into such points wakes up the energy channels of the human body.

Acupuncture sessions are like working out at the gym. The human body is made up of muscles, and the face is no exception. These muscles can only be used in this facial treatment. Acupuncture restores microcirculation of blood and lymphatic vessels. Unfortunately, serious scientific research on this topic has not been carried out, therefore, great importance is attached to possible injuries. But this does not affect the popularity of this service. The result becomes apparent only after 10 facials, each of which costs from 150 to 200 dollars. Thanks to acupuncture, the skin is also rejuvenated in a natural way, and a full-fledged course brings amazing results, in no way inferior to injections of artificial Botox.

The acupuncturist works only with the energy of the body and forces the patient's facial muscles to work, improving their tone, smoothing out wrinkles and improving complexion. A person noticeably rejuvenates, his skin acquires a fresh, healthy look, all traces of fatigue are removed, filling the face with the radiance of natural beauty.

Eternal youth is an unattainable dream of the female half of humanity. However, by properly caring for yourself and doing facials regularly, you will look even ten years younger. In cosmetology, there are many different procedures. Consider the main and most popular.

Procedures in the salon

  • Facial massage. This is a common way of care among clients of spa salons, because with its help you can achieve an amazing effect. Among salon procedures, massage has no equal for maintaining the tone and elasticity of the skin of the face. As a rule, light peeling is done first, and then a classic massage.
  • Face cleaning. If the skin is prone to redness and has enlarged pores, then facial cleansing is the best way to care. After the procedure, the skin becomes matte, uniform and with proper care later, it is enough to visit a beautician only once a year. But if the skin is in poor condition, the procedure is recommended to be done once a month.
  • Peeling. When using this method of facial care, the skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles disappear, age spots disappear. Deeper peeling - fruit acids. Which type to apply depends on what effect the beautician seeks. It is important to remember that it is recommended to carry it out in autumn and winter, when the sun's rays are not so active. But even in these seasons, it is essential to use a face cream with the highest sun protection factor.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy. With this procedure, the skin is nourished with special cocktails, based on hyaluronic acid, for example. It works best if you take a course of 5-10 procedures. It all depends on the condition of the skin. The number of procedures is negotiated separately.
  • Thermolifting. This is a hardware method of care, the most popular among salon clients, because this procedure uses the body's own resources - the production of collagen. This procedure is best done in a course of 8 times for young skin and 10 times for mature skin. And then go through it once a month to maintain the result.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained IS FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Facial care at home


The first step of cleansing depends on the type of skin. Owners of oily skin should first wash with warm water and soap, and then remove the remnants of contamination with a sponge moistened with a special lotion. If the skin is dry, you should not use soap, as it dries the face even more, it is better to use special foams for washing.

Peeling at home

Cosmetic scrubs are used for peeling, but they should be used carefully by owners of dry skin. Therefore, at home you can cook a gentle option.

Oatmeal scrub. In oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder, add a little warm water, yogurt or sour cream. Mix everything until the consistency of gruel. Treat the skin of the face with the resulting gruel, avoiding the area under the eyes. This peeling is best done once every 2 weeks.

A good effect is peeling with coffee grounds. To do this, apply a warm thick on the face, previously cleansed, wait until it cools down, and then remove the composition from the skin of the face with gentle massaging movements. Wash off the rest with warm water.

Chemical peeling is replaced by rubbing the face with a slice of lemon. Citric acid will remove keratinized scales. Then wash your face with warm water and moisturizing foam.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, it can be concluded that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

After all the procedures performed, be sure to use a cream according to your skin type. Do not leave your skin without moisture and nourishment.

Take good care of your face regularly to keep your skin young and healthy for many years to come. Our advice will help you with this.