I fell in love, but we have a big age difference - is this normal? School. I like a guy older than me

The desire to please a guy arose in any normal girl, in
in some cases, the girl sought to create mutual sympathy, which in
in the future could go into a serious relationship, and in some -
seductress just wanted to win over a man to her, for the sake of
selfish purpose or to be treated more loyally and condescendingly.
However, if you put your hand on your heart, you can honestly answer that
far from always worked female charms of seduction. Why is that?!

we will just talk about why some girls manage to please
guy and others don't. And most importantly, we will tell you what methods should be
apply in a variety of situations.

How to like a guy who is older than you

first of all, in this case, you need to study the guy: his
hobbies, tastes, hobbies, lifestyle, life goals, priorities, etc.
Only after all this knowledge, you need to start making plans for
seduction of a man. If the guy is 2-4 years older than the girl, then their image
life and outlook on life in general should be approximately the same,
so there will be no difficulty. But if the gap widens, then
a man can really be different from those representatives of a strong
the sexes that you mostly had to deal with.

change in appearance, you must dress to match your gentleman, then
it will be easier for him to get in touch with you (to speak). You do not
be sure to dress in the same price range in which you dress
a man (for example, if he wears exclusively expensive things from
famous brands). The main thing is that you have the same style. but
the style in which he goes to work is not necessarily the clothes in
which he is comfortable, it is better to find out his taste preferences in
informal setting.

To please an older guy
You will have to change not only externally, but naturally internally. Again
same need to start to study a man. Some guys like girls
self-sufficient, self-confident, independent and purposeful.
Others, on the contrary, are indecisive, timid, shy, infantile and
requiring care. It is foolish to believe that if a guy is older, then he
like a girl with a more adult outlook on life. yes it can
happen, but not always, because a lot of men want to feel that
women are dependent on their opinions, money and male power.

How to get a guy to like you at school

For example, start
give compliments, and they can relate to literally everything: a new
clothes, a new hairstyle, the ability to answer well in class even without knowledge,
beautiful handwriting, strong physical fitness, etc. compliments on
men act in a completely different way compared to how
Compliments work on women. Guys can literally fall in love with
a girl who will admire his abilities, so do not
miss this opportunity!

After you have passed the stage
friendship and have already conquered him with their compliments, then you need a little
change your behavior. If before that, you did everything to please
him, now it is necessary to cool off a little towards him, because he is already
almost yours, so don't be afraid to do it. To do this, answer
a phone call not in the first seconds, but in the last, leaving with it
for a walk, be a little late and in general you can hint to him that
that a couple of nice guys are flirting with you. This behavior and
conversations will not leave him indifferent, because in the blood of any man boils
a sense of excitement and leadership, so the guy will do everything to make you
got only to him, and not to someone else.

relations improved and you started dating, now try
like his friends, because male friendship takes far from
the last place in the life of every man, so hear the positive
exclamations from his friends about his girlfriend, he will be doubly pleased, and
he loves you even more.

How to like a pen pal

on the Internet is a funny thing, because you have the opportunity
get to know men not only from your circle of acquaintances, but also with
those men with whom in reality you would never dare
speak. However, often on the Internet, the first ones to write are not always those
guys with whom you want to start a relationship, therefore, for starters
You should learn some tips on how to get to know
guy who liked it.

First of all, you don't have to be
predictable, do not start your messages with banal words: “Hi! How
business? ”, You should know for yourself how such messages get bored, because they
asks every second person on a dating site. Try to come up
original question, for this, carefully study his profile, and, to
For example, ask a question related to his hobby, and in the second
text message "Hi! I forgot to say hello :) In one of
following your messages, write that you don’t write first at all
guys first, so he can consider himself the only exception to
all rules. With these words you will emphasize the uniqueness of the guy that
will make him proud of himself and increase his interest in you too.

the fact that you could be the initiator of an acquaintance does not need to be
annoying in communication. Don't need it now whenever you see it on the site
write messages to him, let him do it, and he may turn out to be
busy person, which means your regular messages will start

Sincerity and openness can attract anyone
man, so you have a chance to start a relationship with the truth. Be
sincere before him, do not exaggerate, but do not reduce your
merit in self-talk. Thus, you can not only
arrange a man for communication, but the main thing is that such virtual
relationships appear real future.

How to make a guy like you the first time you meet

one of the most helpful tips in this case would be to
that, first of all, you must learn to love yourself for who you are
in fact. Learn the fact that there are no perfect people,
some do not like their short legs, others - wide hips, others -
small breasts, the fourth - their voice, etc. Understand that even the most
ideal girl (in your opinion) you can find a bunch of flaws. Only
when you like yourself, you can win the sympathy of others.
To do this, find in yourself the best qualities and traits in appearance,
emphasize them with clothes or make-up and forward towards beautiful

To please a guy at the first meeting, you need not
go too far with makeup, that is, it should be on your face, but it
the amount is reported only to emphasize facial features, and not completely change
Your appearance. Men do not like it when a woman has a lot of "plaster".

getting ready
to the meeting, try to study your man in advance - find out about
all his hobbies, perhaps some of them will coincide with yours,
so it will be easier for you to find common ground. If such points
is not found, then you can try to explore those hobbies that
interesting guy. For example, if these are cars, then look
video reviews of popular, recently released car models, and when
meeting, you can find out what your boyfriend thinks about them, you can also
express your opinion (based on reviews). Believe the guy will
pleasantly surprised that a girl can support even such a topic
conversation like "cars".

On the first date, we wouldn't
recommended to enter into disputes or be categorical in their judgments,
because it can harm the opinion that is only being formed about you.
Be sincere, natural, compliant and positive, then you can
any guy will love it! However, beautiful diminutives
the names "Kotk, Bunny, Rybka, Darling, etc.", better keep it to yourself, on
on the first date, it is enough to call your man by name, and the more often
You will do it, the better.

How to get a guy who has a girlfriend to like you

that many girls have a rule - not to date married men
or unfree men, it's still a rule from time to time
is violated. Yes, this often happens when you like exactly that one.
a guy who is already dating another girl. way out of the situation
two: either forget it forever, or continue to seek it. If you
chose the second option, then you need to listen to our advice.

You should not independently destroy the already established relationship between
couple, it should be done by the guy himself and it should be his decision, and
not yours. You can only hint that he likes you and is ready
start building new relationships, even though he is "busy"
another girl.

Secondly, shorten the distance between you,
get closer to him. Start talking more often, call up, meet in
companies, etc. Find out his "weak points", that is, what he does not
enough in life: female support, affection, compliments, or just

Third, show him your admiration for him by making
compliment. However, compliments should be spoken only for the cause, and not
just. For example, praise him for how well he understands
computer technology and cope with any computer problem.
Say you never would have thought of this before. Place emphasis on
his strength by asking him to move a table or chest of drawers. Show weakness more often
in front of him so that he can always help you, and you, in turn, expressed
would like my gratitude.

Fourth, after you have received
location, now get his male attention by dressing in
beautiful and sexy clothes. Try to make every gesture or posture
were twofold. For example, on the one hand you can suck Chupa-Chups, with
another can do it so sexy that it will be extremely difficult for a guy
turn your eyes aside, as you are very skillful with

How to please a guy in bed

a girl is not only a good housewife, a beautiful companion, but also
sexy mistress. Men attach great importance to sex in their
life, so if a girl doesn't match his sexual fantasies,
this can create a number of serious problems that will affect
family life and relationships in general. Although really like
a guy in bed is easy enough.

You need to start with what
girls should never hide their emotions and pleasure from
sex. Temperamental girls attract more attention than
restrained, but insatiable beauties. Shame and complexes work for you in
harm in bed games. Passionate groans, languid breathing, wild cries,
sharp body movements - that's what every normal man expects from
girls in bed, a guy will definitely like such a hot thing.

your man with special pleasure, showing him how you like
do it. Less words, more actions, it is not enough for men to hear words about
how you like it, you have to show it, for this, explore
the body of a man with special attention and thirst.

We all know that
girls love with their ears, and girls love with their eyes, so you shouldn't do it
sex in the dark, on the contrary, turn on the light, and if it interferes with you, then
try to turn on a night light that will only light up a little
room, but at the same time will give him the opportunity to enjoy not only himself
process, but also your beautiful body. By the way, that's why it's very important to wear
sexy lingerie that can excite a guy even more.

a guy in bed can also use his determination. You must exactly
know how you want to do it, in what positions, what kind of sex
and even in what place of the apartment. Don't be afraid to be pushy, here
You cannot overdo it. To make sexual games more
piquancy, you can purchase products from the sex shop, which also
the guy will like it.

How to dress to please a guy

Is it a secret for someone that the fact that men are attracted to that
clothes that fit the figure of the girl as much as possible, emphasizing her
waist, hips, chest and other equally beautiful parts of the body. Also
attracts openness: deep necklines, mini-skirts, tops and
things like that. However, all this is quite risky to wear if you
want to please a guy, because you can tarnish your reputation, and
because I really want it to be free of stains. Therefore, everything needs
know the limits! Simultaneous use of all listed examples
leads to bad consequences, but the use of some of them, in
in small quantities, on the contrary, “warm up” relationships and male
interest in a woman.

In addition to the spell of seduction, one must not forget about
the place where you are going to go with a guy on a date. Agree that
tight evening dress will look very silly on you if
You will go to a pizzeria in it, but a short one will also look stupid.
topic, in an expensive restaurant setting. Therefore, please consult with
a guy, where will you go together, if he tries to hide the place
rest, then directly ask: “In what way should I go to you?”. He, of course,
may perceive such a phrase as a joke or flirting, but nevertheless
less, understand what you mean and prompt.

choose a style of clothing that will be simple on the one hand, on the other
very sexy. Men do not understand complex clothing patterns, their logic
they just don't deliver. Clothing must be closed on one side
(after all, men are very jealous of clothes that attract
attention of other men), but on the other hand, to have intrigue. For example, neckline
should not be very deep, but nevertheless, it should emphasize
breast beauty. The skirt is not long, but perhaps with a slit in the front to
the man saw the beautiful legs of his girlfriend.

And finally: trying
like the guy of your dreams, you should never forget that in
First of all, you must be sincere with your companion. Starting out
build relationships on your honesty and disinterestedness, you thereby
laying one of the strongest foundations for long-term and strong
relationship between a man and a woman.

From this article you will learn:

Every girl once has to solve the problem, so that he pays attention to her. So you want to stand out for him from the whole crowd, so that his awesome smile is addressed only to you. Not everything always goes smoothly: sometimes you need to overcome serious difficulties - a boy may like another girl, he may not notice you point-blank, or you are completely unfamiliar. What to do? How to achieve what you want? If you take into account a few useful tips, perhaps you will succeed.

What kind of boy would like?

What kind of boy would like?

If you want to please a boy, everything will depend on who he is. It's one thing if you are in the same class with him and are constantly in front of each other. And it's a completely different thing when you barely know each other. So, who do you want to like:

  • at school: a classmate, a boy from another class;
  • beloved;
  • former;
  • unfamiliar;
  • if he loves another;
  • by correspondence.

If you need to please a boy who is not on this list, act according to the circumstances. In addition, there are some universal tips that can be used in any situation. Even if your boy is the most extraordinary in school.

Do you want to please a tough boy and therefore try to be a match for him - impudent, vulgar and overly self-confident? Be careful: psychologists say that it is these guys who are distinguished by complexes and vulnerability. So by your behavior you can inadvertently offend him and push him away from you forever.

Tips on how to please a boy

Small universal instructions on how to please a boy, will help you establish a relationship with any person. Just do not break the rules outlined here, otherwise you will not be able to achieve any results.

  1. Find out his interests and look for information that might captivate him. This will help to start a conversation, you will have something to talk about.
  2. Start taking care of yourself. To please a boy, you need to be beautiful. Do your hair, make-up should be unobtrusive, clothes - not defiant, emphasizing the dignity of your figure. And don't forget well-groomed nails.
  3. act natural. Do not begin to grimace at his appearance, laugh out loud and joke stupidly.
  4. At the same time, sometimes throw ambiguous glances at him, distinguish him from the crowd, turn to him more often than others - let me know if you like the boy.
  5. When communicating more closely, do not open up 100%. Let you have a secret that the boy will definitely want to solve.
  6. Don't brag. Don't just talk about yourself. Be able to listen to him and empathize with his problems.
  7. smile at him. We have already talked about the magical effect of a smile on a person.
  8. Show that you have many images. If you are an obedient student at school, and he is used to seeing you like this, do not be afraid to play a little hooligan on a date outside the school walls.
  9. Praise him.

The main thing - do not overdo it. Do not be intrusive - and you can any boy will like whoever he is. As for common interests, there is a risk of completely dissolving in his world and completely forgetting about your own. Do not do this. He should know that you are a complete person who has his own hobbies. So he will respect you. Well, if you add a few specific ones to these universal tips that relate specifically to your situation, success is guaranteed.

How to please a boy at school?

How to please a boy at school?

Situation #1: how to please a boy at school, who is so close - here he is, passing you along the corridor, sitting next to you in the dining room ... Much will depend on whether he is your classmate or not.


So, how to please a boy from the class:

  1. If you're a better student than him, try offering to help him with his homework.
  2. If he learns better than you, ask him for help with this.
  3. Try to get close to his friends, who are probably in your class. From them you can learn more about him and easily join his company.
  4. Participate in extracurricular activities with him. Make a wall newspaper together, put on a skit, dance or sing a song - rehearsals and success after the concert will bring you together.
  5. You have the same number of lessons at school - so what's stopping you from going home together?

If you need to please a boy classmate, act according to this scheme - and there will be no disappointment.

From another class

You will have to behave a little differently if you do not study together. How can like a boy from another class especially if he is older than you?

  1. Try to catch his eye more often during changes, but at the same time do not be intrusive. Model the situation so that you find yourself next to him by chance.
  2. Get friends who communicate with him - this will help you cross paths more often.
  3. If he is older, you must match his level. Develop, read books, watch the news. If in a conversation with him you express your own opinion about something to him, he will surely be amazed and will stop seeing you as a little girl.
  4. Ask him for help in something: in studies, in sports, in staging a school scene.

To please a boy at school, find any points of intersection with him - this will allow you to get closer, get to know each other better. So it will be easier to become necessary to him and attract his desired attention.

Did you know that...

do most boys really enjoy the process of conquering a girl in order to enjoy the victory that follows? So do not give up to him right away: play and stay for him that very impregnable fortress, for the sake of taking which he will move mountains.

How to please your beloved boy?

How to please your beloved boy?

Very often, girls want to please their beloved boy, with whom they seem to have a good relationship, but they want him not to be disappointed in you and love you more every day. Well, there is nothing difficult in this.

  1. Don't try to have him run after you in front of everyone. You must be equal in relationships.
  2. Respect his opinion. Listen to what he says.
  3. Never make fun of him in front of others.
  4. try hard do not sort things out with raised voices. Whims and tantrums are what boys don't like.
  5. Do not demand too much from him: do not force him to give you expensive gifts, leave his friends for you, run away from home, etc.
  6. Take care of him.
  7. Show him your love, and preferably not in public, but when you are alone.
  8. Always look good.

These useful tips on how to please a boy, with whom relations have already been established, will help to continue and strengthen them. Do not allow yourself to relax and think that he is attached to you forever. Love in adolescence is a very fragile flower that needs to be groomed and cherished.


It turns out that boys are madly in love when compliments are given to them.

How to please an ex-boy?

How to please an ex-boy?

Everything is much more complicated if you want, with whom, for some reason, relations were severed. To begin with, decide exactly for yourself: do you really want to renew them, or is this desire just an amusement for wounded pride? If the latter, then it's not worth starting. Well, if this desire is the only thing you need, proceed as follows.

  1. Don't run after him. Show that you are fine without him. Communicate with everyone, smile more often, have fun and enjoy life.
  2. Communicate with him at ease: say hello, smile.
  3. Now you need to look much better than before. Make a new hairstyle, manicure, it’s good to add fashionable little things to your wardrobe and generally change your image.
  4. Intersect with him more often so that he sees your cheerfulness and ease. This will make him look at you in a new way.
  5. Don't tease him with relationships with other boys. He may think that you are serious with someone, and will refuse you.

Now you know how to make a boy like you, with whom, it would seem, you no longer have anything in common. Interest him again, as before, and the relationship will be renewed. Perhaps you both will take into account your old mistakes and not make them again.

Keep in mind that the boy in any situation must be a winner. So if you want to really like him, you have to lose something to him. Are you ready for this?

How to please a stranger boy?

How to please a stranger boy?

It will not be very easy, with which nothing connects you at all: neither a common company, nor a school, nor interests. But even here the situation is not hopeless. You can always try to do something. What if he is your destiny?

  1. If there are no mutual acquaintances, it is necessary to establish visual contact. When meeting, cross your eyes with him and hold your eyes on him for a few seconds.
  2. This will make him pay attention to you. After 2-3 days of such visual contact, you can smile at him.
  3. Say hello to him first in a couple of days.
  4. After 2-3 days after that, you can unobtrusively talk about anything.

Here's what you need to do to please a boy you don't even know. And do not be afraid to take the first steps: drop all prejudices. If it is unobtrusive and modest, he will later only be grateful to you for your acquaintance.

How to please a boy who loves another?

An extremely difficult situation develops when it is not clear how to please a boy if he loves another. Intrigue, intrigue and try to separate a couple - there is nothing worse. Discard this scheme of action immediately. It will not lead to anything good, it will only exhaust everyone's nerves. The only thing that can be advised:

  1. Become his friend.
  2. Don't interfere in his personal relationship with another girl. Never. You can give advice, but only if he himself asks you about it.
  3. Wait patiently for this relationship to end. Perhaps it is you who will be the only one from whom he will seek solace.
  4. There is one big risk in all this: if a boy is used to seeing you as a girlfriend, it will be difficult for him to see in you a girl that he wants to date.

Here how to please a boy if he likes another. This is the only way out of this situation. In general, it’s better to understand right from an early age that you won’t be forced to be nice and you can’t interfere in a couple’s relationship. You don't have to be the third wheel.

How to please a boy by correspondence?

Today, social networks have become an integral part of teenagers. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more often the question arises, how to please a boy by text. There are a few unshakable rules and tips that you should follow if a similar situation arose.

  1. Don't bombard him with messages.
  2. You can start the day with an unobtrusive “Hi!” and end it with a non-binding “Bye-bye”.
  3. Once every few days, when he is online, you can ask how he is doing.
  4. Post photos, but not 10 at a time.
  5. You can ask him for his opinion on one of them.
  6. Ask for his advice more often.
  7. Offer to help him solve some problems. Be helpful to him.

Now you know, what to do to please a boy, - so you can act according to useful advice from psychologists, and not at random. If you do not chop off your shoulder, be able to control your emotions and find a golden mean in everything - the boy you like will definitely pay attention to you.

Older than yourself? This question becomes relevant for them for a number of reasons. Girls are interested in the life experience of older men, their established views on life, financial independence, as well as the feeling of confidence and security that, in their opinion, an older man can give.

To know how to please a man older than himself, you need to consider that age is just numbers that are not an obstacle to real feelings. If a man is 4-5 years older, then this difference is almost imperceptible. If the difference is more than 10 or 15 years, the differences in life priorities can be significant.

In order to take action, you need to understand how to please an older man, based on what can attract an older man, and what, on the contrary, repel.

How to please a man older than himself: appearance.

Mature men will not like untidiness and excess in all its manifestations. Natural beauty is not given to everyone, but being well-groomed and looking good is not difficult at all. How to please a man older than yourself, try to emphasize only the favorable aspects of your appearance and do not overdo it. If you have beautiful legs, wear skirts, but not too short so as not to look vulgar. - a beautiful cut and depth of the eyes can be emphasized by properly applied and discreet makeup.

How to please a man older than himself: a line of conduct.

Older men, as a rule, already have experience of serious relationships and are familiar with the manifestations of the bad sides of the female character. All sorts of whims can attract only at first, then they begin to annoy and infuriate. How to please a man older than himself, a mature man does not need a spoiled doll, he needs a girl who can be a good conversationalist and serious moral support.

How to please a man older than himself: communication.

Due to the fact that a man is much older, some girls are embarrassed when communicating with him, sometimes bringing the situation to the point of absurdity, almost addressing the man as “you”. If a man is your boss, then subordination must be present. But if in an informal setting a man suggested switching to “you”, you should not be embarrassed, but you should fulfill his request.

How to please an older man? There is probably no clear answer to this question. Each man is individual and there can be no general rules for “seduction”. Just try to be yourself, be moderately serious, forget about frivolity and inconstancy, find out about his interests in order to always be a pleasant conversationalist. And everything will work out!

As trite as it may seem, you can’t command your heart. Love or falling in love does not take into account such conventions as social status or age. Especially when it comes to that cute high schooler…

In adolescence, love can be the most unexpected and sharp. And this is normal and not at all scary. The main thing is not to lose your head and not make mistakes. What to do if you fell in love with an adult guy: a neighbor, a counselor, a friend of an older brother or a teacher, and now you don’t know what to do?

Let's figure out how to please a guy older than you, and do you need it?

Why do you like older guys?

The fact is that girls are subconsciously drawn to those who are older, smarter and can protect them. And how favorably a smart, adult and intelligent guy differs from cocky and immature boys! He is like a hero in a movie. You are drawn to his inaccessibility. Perhaps you don’t even know him personally and don’t know his character, but your fantasy has already drawn a very specific heroic image. Meanwhile, the object of your attention has his own personal life, perhaps a family, and the same set of good qualities and bad habits as other guys.

Here's what's important: suddenly erupted feelings are like an obsession. But if you focus on the image now, then you can be disappointed later, when you get to know the person better. When you get older, you will come to the conclusion yourself: it is better not to build illusions and not deceive yourself about this.

Fell in love - head over heels?

Let's be honest right away: I didn't fall in love, but I came up with a "beautiful love story." Accept it as a fact: you are very different, your lives, deeds, habits, goals and values ​​are also very different. Remember, this is just an image that has formed in your head. After all, you are practically not familiar with this person, although you may think the opposite.

Pay attention to those features of character that you liked in this person. Is he smart and responsible? Helps you and gives you advice, has a great sense of humor and good manners? Remember these character traits, and try to find them in your peers. Or keep these positive traits in mind for the future. In the future, you will be able to use this information in everyday life and in personal relationships. Perhaps if you analyze your surroundings for a set of these qualities, you will see really interesting guys around you that you used to ignore. The main thing is to understand what is important to you!

What to do with your feelings?

Confessing feelings is always difficult, especially in the case of unrequited love. But a significant age difference is the very situation when you definitely should not commit a rash act. Do not embarrass yourself or the subject of sighs. If you talk a lot about your feelings and somehow provoke him, this can negatively affect his reputation and ruin his career and life.

If this is a university crush, for example, with a young professor or graduate student, you can gently hint about your interest. Even in the absence of mutual sympathy, he, as an adult, will not react sharply, but will politely refuse and explain the reason.

Is there any benefit to unrequited love?

Certainly! Use your love to your advantage. The feeling of falling in love inspires, every girl must go through this! You begin to take care of yourself more, dress more beautifully, take care of your skin, experiment with hairstyles. And also - pay attention to things that you didn’t notice before, discover new topics and study them in order to keep the conversation going at the right moment. If you are in love with a teacher, you begin to study his subject more diligently in order to attract his attention and earn praise, to speak the same language with him. This will be very good for your learning. What if you become so interested in the subject thanks to the charisma of the teacher and decide to connect your further education and work with this topic?

And for relationships… look around! There are so many guys in your environment, and each of them has a chance to please you. May your feelings be mutual!

Fell in love with an older guy

Do you like a high school student or your older brother's friend? The difference of 3-5 years is no longer so noticeable and hopeless. Some even consider it ideal if the guy is several years older. If you are sure that you are suitable and can be interesting to each other, then you can confess your feelings. But in any case, you should not rush, you need to carefully weigh everything.

Communicate, ask him questions, ask for help, find out by chance about the family. But do not be too intrusive, better - observant! His actions, the way he communicates with you, feedback about friends will help to form a more honest image, not at all the same as in a big company.

How to behave?

For many, it is teenage and youthful love that turns out to be the most emotional and memorable. How to behave and what to do to please a boy or young man who evokes strong feelings? In our article you will find the answer to this question! At such a young age, it is not easy to understand what exactly attracts the opposite sex and what to do so as not to spoil the impression of yourself. However, if you take into account a few recommendations, then, for sure, you will be able to achieve the desired result!

I want to please a boy at 10-11-12 years old

At 10-11 years old At this age, girls and boys are just entering adolescence. It is noteworthy that in these years girls are already quite ready to start relationships with the opposite sex, while young schoolchildren, for the most part, do not yet think about it. Ten and eleven year old boys like to hang out with friends, play games and so on, so you have to make some effort to attract their interest. If you yourself are 10-11 years old and you are hoping to get the attention of a peer, then one of the possible options is to help him lessons. On this basis, you will be forced to communicate, and, most likely, you will be able to interest the boy, while simultaneously talking about your hobbies. It is desirable that your interests are similar to his. At 12 Boys are increasingly beginning to pay attention to their peers, however, even at this age, girls often have to take the initiative more often. At the same time, it is advisable not to rush and not show excessive activity, because while the girls have already studied many topics about relationships, the boys are still shy and do not know how to build them correctly. Since at this age the boy is already interested in friendship with the girl, but does not dare to say so yet, you can try to establish contact through correspondence on the Web - for sure, it will be easier for him to open up not in a personal conversation, but through virtual communication.

What to do to please a boy at 13-14-15 years old

At 13 As she grows older, the girl realizes that ordinary glances and friendship are no longer enough for her - she wants real romance. Meanwhile, many boys of this age are far from this lyrics, and are already beginning to look at their peers differently - they are more and more interested in the female body. At this age, relationships need to be built more carefully, to be open, but not to allow the young man too much - while holding hands is enough. If you are really dear to him, this will be enough for him for some period. At 14 At this age, girls are already beginning to realize their sexuality, and understand what exactly the opposite sex likes. Often they wear short dresses and skirts, put on blouses with a rather revealing neckline, and so on. Moreover, this behavior can only arouse sexual interest in a guy or provoke a wave of bad rumors, but it is unlikely to lead to falling in love. Try not to go this way - dress simply and stylishly, keeping some intrigue and mystery in yourself, because this attracts the opposite sex at any age. At the age of 15 Fifteen-year-old boys attach great importance to appearance, therefore, in order for him to like it, you need to take this nuance into account. Emphasize the dignity of your figure with interesting, but not defiant outfits, and with light makeup - the most advantageous facial features.

If you want to make a boy fall in love with you, be sure to pay due attention to your appearance. Of course, we are not talking about revealing outfits and defiant makeup - it is possible that you, without noticing it, go too far with this and in the end you will look just ridiculous. Enough well-groomed appearance and a few interesting accents in appearance. You can start dressing in a slightly different style, change your hairstyle. The main thing is that all these changes suit you and look feminine. Also, watch how you behave. Do not be overly intrusive - not all guys like talkers, most like it when a certain mystery remains in a girl. At the same time, you should not be too closed - it may seem strange to the chosen one, or he simply will not notice you. Be open and positive, but never intrusive. Talk not only about yourself, be interested in him too. Some girls, seeing interest from boys, often begin to ignore them, believing that the chosen one will appreciate them more if you make him “run” for the object of sympathy. Such a strategy is more effective at an older age - in school years, and sometimes in student years, it may not work, because during this period guys switch to other people much easier. That is why, seeing that you have aroused the interest of a young man, show him reciprocal sympathy - so you have more chances to “bind” him to yourself.

How to get a guy to like you at school

Trying to attract the attention of a young man, his age should be taken into account. Let's consider some options. If he is your classmate If we are talking about a classmate, then you have a lot of advantages - you see him quite often, you can know about his hobbies, and so on. Try to get close to him on the basis of your studies. If he does not study well, help him with some subjects. Perhaps his academic performance is higher than yours - in this situation, on the contrary, ask him to explain some topic to him (choose something easy so that your request does not seriously burden him). Give periodic compliments to a classmate (“How do you manage to grasp everything so quickly”, “A cool backpack, and I want one like this”, and the like).

If he is older than you Try to catch his eye more often. It would be nice to enroll in the same sections that he also attends, to learn more about his interests. Thus, he will see that despite the age difference, it is interesting to communicate with you, because you are passionate about the same thing as him. If he himself does not visit any sections, but is registered on social networks, you can see there what topics he is interested in. Start defiantly interested in the same things - sign up for the same groups, add similar posts. Of course, it is important that he sees this. If possible, in order to show his importance, ask him for advice on a particular topic - for sure, he will like it. If he is younger than you If the guy you're interested in is a grade or two younger, you can get his attention by helping out with his homework. Find a friend in this class and find out what subjects the young man has problems with. Subsequently, you can offer him the services of a tutor in a "problematic" subject, saying that you are just learning this, and it's completely free. You can also just invite him for a walk. It's that simple! Schoolchildren usually have a special interest in girls who are a little older, and if he likes you, then he will certainly agree. In order not to take him by surprise and not to embarrass him with such an offer, it is better to make it on a social network or via SMS.

How to get a boy's attention if he likes someone else

First of all, think about whether you like this boy so much, or you can easily switch your interest to someone else. This will be quite appropriate if the person who likes this young man has similar feelings for him. Believe me, a new love will soon happen in your life, which will turn out to be happier! If you do not want to retreat, and you understand that the “competitor” does not care about your chosen one, then, of course, you can join the fight. At this stage, we recommend that you become friends with the young man you like. Start to get involved in the same thing that interests the guy, go with him to the same places, if possible, consult with him on this or that issue. However, do not be intrusive! Once the contact is established, you can go for a little trick. You can tell the guy in a personal conversation or on a social network that you need his advice, since you can’t figure out who else to ask. Complain that a guy who is not interested in you is courting you, and you want to know what words are best to choose so that he stops showing himself, but does not take offense. Thus, you will show the young man that you are of interest to the opposite sex, which will make him look at you from a different angle.

At first, nevertheless, admit the thought that this boy may actually like you, but you just don’t suspect it yourself. Many young men are very shy in expressing their feelings, even if outwardly they seem to be the "soul of the company." So, if the young man he likes does not look interested, it is possible that he simply does not know how to show his sympathy, or is afraid of being rejected. In this case, you need to win him over by showing that you are interested in him - ask about his hobbies, make compliments, ask for advice, joke. However, even if you are convinced that this guy is really not fascinated by you yet, then still let him know that you are interested. Subconsciously, he will start thinking about you and presenting you as a possible lover. If you manage to establish friendly contact with him, then it is possible that in the end he will still want more. To please the boy, focus all your attention not only on him, but also on other things - otherwise you will be an unremarkable person for him . Sign up for several circles in order to be comprehensively developed and interesting not only to him, but also to other people. Seeing that you have many hobbies, the boy will never think that you are boring, and, most likely, he will want to know more about you. If this does not happen, then you are unlikely to be very worried - by enrolling in several sections (especially those that other boys attend), pretty soon you will realize that your life is already full and exciting. Be more often in crowded places of guys - this way you increase the chance to make an interesting acquaintance. Visit a sports ground with a friend, where young men chase the ball, do exercises on the horizontal bars, and so on. Of course, you need to look appropriate in the situation - do not wear high-heeled shoes and do not wear elaborate makeup. Dress simply and tastefully - sneakers, sundress, jeans or something like that. Just look at the young man with interest, and he will definitely pay attention to you too. However, these days, you can get to know guys not only at school, on sports fields or in parks - you can make acquaintance with the young man you like on a social network. First, you can start liking his posts, then write something (“Where do you find such great music?”, “In what area did you take such cool pictures”, and the like). Show the interlocutor that he causes you sympathy, and if it is mutual, you will soon see it yourself. As you understand, in order to make friends with a guy, you need to show him that you are really interested in him - this can be done with a look, a compliment, any signs attention. Any guy will be pleased to know that some girl likes him - thanks to this knowledge, he begins to look at her from the other side, presenting her as a girl, even if he did not particularly notice her before. However, do not overdo it - it is enough to show that you are interested in him, but you do not need to impose yourself.

What kind of girls do boys like and why?

It is hard to argue with the fact that young men pay attention to attractive girls. To interest a guy, you don’t have to be like a model from the cover of a magazine, but you shouldn’t forget about the general nuances. Make sure to always look neat and appropriate. In high school, wear things that show off your winning side, but don't let there be any hint of vulgarity. Be sure to take care of your skin (choose care according to age, visit a dermatologist if necessary), hair (make masks, rinse your hair in a decoction of herbs). It would be nice to choose your own special style in clothes, accessories. Perhaps it’s not worth explaining why guys like well-groomed girls, because the female gender also initially pays attention to the appearance of the chosen one, and this is quite natural. In addition, guys love open and cheerful girls, because it’s always interesting with them. However, young people are often attracted to mystery girls. Who exactly the opposite sex does not like is the upstarts and upstarts - you never know what to expect from such persons, and these expectations often do not bode well. In general, be positive, simple, pay attention to your appearance, find yourself an interesting hobby, and then, undoubtedly, you will be successful with the boys!