Why do you need a white pencil? How to use white eyeliner in makeup: photos and videos

White is one of the most unusual and practical eyeliner colors. It allows you to adjust the shape, place accents, enhance the shades of decorative products and create many other impressive effects. Let's try to figure out how to use a white eyeliner and what to look for when choosing it.

Why do you need a white eyeliner?

Using a white shade in a make-up can work wonders, especially when it comes to eye makeup. Choosing the perfect pencil in terms of texture and format, you can:

  • 👁 erase traces of fatigue;
  • 👁 to achieve the ideal shape of the eyes;
  • 👁 visually correct the position of close-set eyes;
  • 👁 highlight graphic arrows;
  • 👁 to visually enlarge the eyes;
  • 👁 enhance the shade of the shadows;
  • 👁 give openness to the look.

You can achieve different effects using white, but it is very important to choose a quality pencil. The universal version is soft, with a creamy texture, safe for the sensitive skin of the eyes. A pencil intended for frequent use should be cared for. So, in the formula of the classic Slim Eye Pencil in a snow-white shade of White Pearl from NYX Professional Makeup, there are several types of wax, castor and coconut oils that nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. To draw the eyelid waterline, you need to choose the most delicate kayal. The quality of the liner determines the resistance to lubrication and contact with moisture. For example, the waterproof Retractable Eye Liner in mechanical pencil format will last all day while retaining its rich white color.

Makeup with white eyeliner

The white pencil is suitable for modern nude, elegant business and bold evening make-up. Below we will tell you exactly how to use it to get this or that effect.

✎ Get rid of traces of fatigue

Light neat strokes at the inner corner of the eyes with further delicate shading towards the bridge of the nose and eyebrows will help to mask the effects of lack of sleep or long work at the computer. If you need to remove redness, you can lighten the lower eyelid with a very soft kayal, and this technique is especially effective when using a concealer to correct dark circles and swelling.

✎ Change shape

A simple technique will help to make the eyes visually larger. On the upper eyelid, you need to apply a thin line of a natural light shade and gently blend it. It is important that the liner does not extend beyond the outer corner. With an overhanging eyelid, you can draw an arrow from the middle of the movable eyelid outward. The same technique works for narrow eyes.

✎ When the eyes are close

A white pencil will easily make close-fitting eyes more proportional. All that is needed for this is to emphasize the inner corners with a soft white color, stretching it to the middle of the lower eyelid. For a more dramatic result, go for a shimmery liner like NYX Professional Makeup's Slide on Pencil. It creates a pearlescent finish with a soft shine, blends easily and is not afraid of contact with moisture. By the way, you can make the eyes almond-shaped in the same way. To do this, it is necessary to lighten the inner corners, emphasize the outer ones with shadows and darken the fold of the moving eyelid.

✎ In makeup with arrows

Graphic arrows make the eye catchy and deep, and you can enhance their effect by creating contrast. You need to choose the thinnest of mechanical or wooden pencils and, after drawing a black line with a liner, duplicate it from above - very carefully, without affecting the outline or changing the shape. The long-lasting Faux Whites Eye Brightener from the NYX Professional Makeup collection is ideal for this purpose. An alternative solution is to create a light background on the movable eyelid, which becomes denser at the upper eyelashes, and already on top of it draw an arrow with a liquid or gel eyeliner.

By the way, white itself is suitable for creating arrows. For example, in a festive, club or original romantic make-up, you can draw single or double arrows with a thick pencil with a shiny texture. They look best on the owners of dark brown and "transparent" blue eyes.

✎ Combination with shadows

A white pencil can be used as a base for shadows. For example, a thick and soft Jumbo Eye Pencil will create a dense, light foundation that will make shades overlaid on top appear cleaner and more intense. It simplifies the creation of tonal transitions and clear contours and can be easily combined with any shadow - compact, pressed or cream. It is necessary to apply such a remedy depending on the desired effect. The easiest option is to shade the entire movable eyelid, blend to a thin, easy finish and start working with shadows or eyeliner.

✎ For a wide-open look

Various techniques allow you to open your eyes. In a few seconds, the easiest way to achieve this effect is with a white eyeliner along the growth line of the lower eyelashes: the entire waterline is highlighted with a kayal. In the daytime look, it is enough to complete the make-up with ultra-black mascara. In a brighter evening look, you can highlight the area near the outer corner with dark shadows, stretching the color outward and upward. For both options, you can use such a technique as drawing the lower contour of the eyebrow. Under the hairline with a light pencil, you need to draw a thick line, which is shaded onto the motionless upper eyelid. For these purposes, you can take an eyeliner supplemented with small reflective particles.

With the help of a white pencil, experimenting with makeup is easy and pleasant. This versatile product will be the perfect complement to your cosmetic bag and will allow you to create attractive and memorable looks with minimal effort.

White pencil is very often used by makeup artists to create romantic images or to visually correct the eyes. The most popular varieties:

  • kayal - used to draw the contour of the eyelids;
  • pencil shadow - can perform the function of shadows;
  • highlighter - contains fluorescent substances;
  • classic pencil, packed in a plastic or wooden bottle (designed for accurate drawing of the contour and shape of the eyes). By their texture, pencils come in different densities - soft and hard.

In this article, we will consider what results can be achieved using a white pencil when doing makeup, and also touch on the issues of its varieties.

So, using a white pencil, you can:

Make eyelashes thicker

In order to make the eyes appear larger, to refresh the look, give it shine and make the eyelashes thicker, a white pencil is applied along the inner edge of the eyelid:

Draw white arrows

With the help of a white pencil, you can create various versions of interesting arrows - both classic and futuristic.

When creating arrows in the classic version of makeup, no matter what shade of eyeliner, a white pencil is used as an additional "tool" for the purpose sharpen arrow borders.

To do this, white is applied over the eyeliner, and then shaded. Daring fashionistas using this technique can make a double arrow, applying it over black or colored eyeliner.

Make your eyes shine

The white color applied to the inner corners of the eyes gives a radiant look and also reshapes the eyes, emphasizing their almond shape.

Brown-eyed women in this way usually give their look a mystery. Models use white kajal to make narrow eyes wider. It is also irreplaceable for creating a romantic image of the bride, when it is necessary to emphasize her youth and freshness.

Soften shadow color

White pencil can be used as a base for shadows, as well as for creating interesting effects in makeup, for example, to soften the color of the shadows and smooth out the gradations of shades. To do this, you need to apply it over shadow and then blend.

Correct the shape of the eyes

The ideal distance between the eyes was easily calculated by the Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci. He believed that a third should fit between the two eyes. This proportion is supposedly conceived by nature itself and is perfect. Since then, women of fashion around the world have been striving to improve their appearance, correcting, if possible, flaws thanks to decorative cosmetics.

White pencil easily copes with the problem of deep-set eyes. It is enough to apply the product around the inner corners in a dotted manner, wait until the pigment is absorbed into the skin and becomes homogeneous. Sometimes the line is brought almost to the middle of the century, then slightly shaded to visually alienate the eyes.

Care must be taken when using it for owners of wide-set eyes, since, on the contrary, you can distort facial features and make the image less attractive.

For those with large eyes, apply white pigment to the inner corners of the eyes, visually lengthening them.

Correct the eyebrow line

To make the brow line clearer and more visually raised, apply a white pencil under the brow and blend it slightly.

And if you want to adjust the eyebrows, outline their shape with a white pencil. Remove the hairs protruding from the contour. Fill in the inner part of the eyebrow with shadows or a pencil that matches the hair color. Finally, blend the white border of the pencil with a cotton swab.

Increase lip volume

To increase the volume of your lips, apply a white pencil after lipstick along the edge of the upper lip (Cupid's arc) and along the edge of the lower lip in the middle part of it.

As for the varieties and choice of white pencil:

Since there are a huge number of pencils, let's try to figure out what are the main points to pay attention to when choosing.

Soft or hard?

Many makeup artists recommend choosing pencils with a dense texture... They are easier to apply on the eyelid surface, they do not smudge and do not create problems with makeup a few hours after application. However, to emphasize the inner side of the lower eyelid, it is better to buy products with a soft texture or special kayals.

If the girl does not know how to draw neatly, it is better for her to give up pencils altogether, choosing a white eyeliner with a thin brush.

Wooden or plastic?

Plastic pencils with a collet mechanism are very convenient to use. They don't need to be sharpened. They allow you to draw a neat, thin line.

But, alas, in the event of a rod breakage, such a product can only be thrown away. The advantage of wooden pencils is that they can always be sharpened to the desired sharpness.

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  1. Thick eyelashes and big eyes
    Every girl knows that one little touch can change the whole makeup. So it is in this case. If you lightly line the inner surface of the eyelid with a white pencil, you can give your eyes a shine, as well as make your eyelashes thicker. This trick will visually enlarge the eyes and make them look more open. For this, it is best to choose a pencil of soft consistency.
  2. Base for shadows
    Very suitable as a base replacement for eyeshadow. You just need to apply a couple of strokes on the upper eyelid and blend. And on top of such a "canvas" you can apply any shadows, they will lie down better and last longer.

  3. Arrows
    You can also make stylish and unusual arrows. In the classic version, you just need to apply white on a dark eyeliner and shade. If you are a fan of more daring decisions, then you can make a double arrow. Just draw a white line next to the dark one. It will look very unusual and original.

  4. Shining eyes
    With a pencil, you can add a little shine to your eyes. If you paint over the inner corners of the eyes with them, then you can correct the shape of the eyes, giving them an oriental cut.

  5. Eyebrow shaping
    A white pencil is also irreplaceable for manipulating eyebrows. To give the eyebrows a more neat look, emphasize them and make the outline clearer, draw the lower border of the eyebrow with a pencil, and then carefully blend the line.

    It will also become indispensable for those who carry out eyebrow shaping on their own. Professionals advise to outline the desired shape with a white pencil. It will help you define boundaries and not pull out too much. Unlike dark, it will not confuse you.

  6. Changing the shape of the eyes
    All girls know that if you want to visually enlarge an area, it must be lightened, and vice versa. If you have narrow-set eyes, apply a couple of white strokes to the inner corners and blend well. If you have wide-set eyes, it is best not to use a white pencil.

  7. Lip augmentation
    White pencil can be used not only for the eyes, but also for the lips. To plump up your lips, draw a V-shaped line over your upper lip and blend.

    There is another trick you can do. Paint your lips with lipstick, then highlight the center of the upper and lower lips with a pencil, blend the borders. Then apply another layer of lipstick. This will make the lips appear more voluminous.

Every woman strives to be special in everything. The desire to stand out among girlfriends manifests itself in makeup. Cosmetics manufacturers offer a lot of tools for masking flaws and highlighting the advantages of the face. But in such a variety, you still need to know which tool is intended for what and how to use it correctly. A very interesting white pencil, which is able to make the eyes more expressive and give the whole image individuality. In addition, when applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe moving eyelid, it allows you to apply an even layer of eyeshadow and maintains makeup throughout the day.

He is able not only to correct the shape of the eyes, but also to make it perfect, as well as to make the natural color of the iris even brighter.

Types of white eyeliners

Makeup artists distinguish several types of this cosmetic product. Depending on what it is called, it has a different purpose.

  1. Kayal is usually applied to the eyelid contour.
  2. The pencil shadow can be used just like a regular shadow.
  3. A highlighter is essential for highlighting individual parts of the face and giving them a shine.
  4. A regular pencil is used to paint the contour of the eyelids.

When choosing this cosmetic product, a few tips are needed.

How to choose a white eyeliner

If the pencil will be used to draw the inside of the eyelid, it is best to choose a soft pencil to avoid injury to the skin. In the case of using a pencil for application on the eyelid, it is better to use a hard pencil, which will keep the makeup for a long time and will not smudge. For those who have never used such a tool at all, it is better to use a regular white eyeliner equipped with a soft brush.

Such a make-up item can be in a wooden case and a plastic one. The choice of this or that instance depends on the habits of the woman. Plastic ones do not have to constantly sharpen, but if the rod breaks, then it will not work to sharpen it or insert it back. A wooden pencil is more durable to use. And when buying this product, special attention should be paid to the pencil lead itself, which should have a flat surface without any pieces and plaque.

How to use such a pencil correctly?

Well, now you need to read the instructions for applying this product.

For girls with light eye color, you can trace the contour of the eyes or use it with retro-style makeup. For this, the pencil is applied to the inside of the eyelid. Then you can use shades of yellow, brown or blue. It is advisable to use pearlescent shadows. And at the end, you need to very thickly paint your eyelashes with black ink.

For girls with green eyes, it is better to apply such a pencil only on the lower eyelid, so as not to create unnecessary pallor on the face. But when wearing lenses of a rich green color, it is better not to use a white pencil in makeup.

For girls with a brown eye tone, this tool is very suitable, as it gives a special magnetism and refreshes the look. It is imperative to apply it on both eyelids to clearly outline the contour.

Older ladies should pay attention to a matte white pencil, which will go well with shadows of light tones. Glitter pencils or highlighters are not recommended for such women.

With narrow eyes, you can visually open them with the help of a white arrow on the upper eyelid. Moreover, it should be applied from the center of the eyelid to the edge, without leaving the eye. Thus, the eyes appear larger.

With an almond-shaped eye, makeup looks good, in which lines are drawn with a white pencil along the upper and lower eyelids, and then light shadows are applied. This makes the eyes look even bigger.

If the eyes are very small, then a miracle remedy in the form of a white pencil will help with this. It is necessary to complete the arrow with a white pencil along the upper eyelid. It would be nice to apply light shadows after that.

When using this product at home, it is necessary to apply light-colored pearlescent shadows under the eyebrows and shade well. Then you need to bring your eyes up using eyeliner. Now a fuzzy contour of the upper eyelid is drawn with a white pencil and everything is carefully shaded.

Double-sided pencil

Among the wide variety of white pencils, double-sided takes a special place. On one side of this product is a pencil with reflective particles to highlight the corners of the eyes and the area under the eyebrows. On the other side is a pencil for use as an inner eyeliner with a softer shaft. It promotes precise alignment and visual enlargement of the eyes.

To get the most out of such a product, you should know how to use it. For example, to complete a bright line, it is necessary to take a stable position before drawing it, allowing you to draw a clear line. To reveal small eyes with makeup, apply white kajal to the inner corners of the eyes and blend.

If, when using a white pencil, suddenly some detail did not work out, then it can be easily removed with an ordinary cosmetic product and a cotton swab. When using a waterproof copy, you can use a special cleanser to slightly correct unsuccessful makeup. More detailed instructions for using such a tool can be found in the step-by-step application instructions supplied with a photo, or choose video tutorials on makeup using kayal.

White pencil is one of the few tools that can be called universal. In addition to such widespread use in eye makeup, a white pencil is also used for eyebrows. But not at all for coloring. It allows you to give a symmetrical shape to the eyebrows when shaping them and correcting them with tweezers. In order not to suffer with uneven eyebrows, you can draw the desired shape with this tool and remove excess hairs. True, this option is suitable for girls with dark eyebrows, since a white pencil will be invisible on light eyebrows.

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Greetings, dear readers! My next post will be for flirty beauties who love to use all possible ways to become prettier, sweeter and whiter. And today we will talk about how to use a white eyeliner.

This cosmetic item is optional and not essential for a girl who looks after herself. But its use will embellish and complement the image of any fashionista. With its help, it is good to visually enlarge the eyes and generally experiment, creating expressive images.

You can have beautiful eyes, but you can do them. Neyach

And here the waterproof liner will be the most suitable for you. They can perfectly correct the face, you can also use it as a base under the shadow, which will add extravagance and originality to your beautiful image.

What is a white pencil for?

It is ideal for girls with close-set eyes. Apply it to the inner corners of your eyes and blend it well, this manipulation will visually correct this feature of yours. It also makes the eyes appear larger, the color of the eyes becomes brighter, and the whites become even whiter.

For smoky ice (smoky makeup), white is also suitable, with it the eyes will become more expressive, thanks to the contrast of colors.

If you prefer metallic eyeshadows, black mascara, then white pearl color will also be appropriate here and will perfectly complement your look, even if you combine it with black eyeliner.

If you want the shadows to last as long as possible, then use a soft white pencil as a base. Apply it on the upper eyelid, then on top you can apply your chosen shadows. Thus, you will make your makeup much more expressive and richer. The color will be brighter and last much longer.

For an avant-garde evening make-up, paint over the eyes in white at the inner corner, and in the outer corner with dark shades of shadow.

Another option is to paint over the eyelids with bright shadows, and on top of them outline the eyes, and the upper and lower eyelids in white with mother-of-pearl.

This pencil can also be used to plump lips seductively by thinly tracing the lip contour in white.

What kind of pencil is there

  • powdery
  • wax
  • auto

For eye correction, the powdery option will be ideal, it shades well, becomes almost invisible on the skin.

For eyeliner inside the eyelid, choose waterproof products, they will adorn you for several hours in a row.

For evening makeup take a product with a pearlescent or melted sheen. These shades will look spectacular in artificial light, and the reflections will accentuate the beauty of your eyes.

To sum up the arrows, sharpen the lead sharply so that the makeup is expressive, precise and neat.

There are also double-sided pencils on sale, white on one side and any other color on the other (pick your favorite color). Such a "duet" allows you to make a complete make-up, then you just have to go over the eyelashes with mascara.

Definitely now, I think you will be happy to add a white eyeliner to your makeup bag. Thanks to which, your image will sparkle with new colors, you will become damn attractive and seductive. What I wish you!) Share the article with your favorite girlfriends, put the likes and ... go ahead, conquer the world with your beauty! Until! Until!