Interesting simple inventions. DIY home inventions

Convenience and comfort appreciated by people are created by little things. This is not only furniture, but also various items that help in cleaning and repairing a home. for home help to quickly perform the necessary actions and start resting. Such devices improve the quality of life, with them the apartment becomes more comfortable, and business is done without difficulty.


A resident of America invented a unique device that will help in the repair of absolutely any breakdown. This is the Steranka wrench (named after the inventor), special in that it can change its internal dimensions.

It is capable of replacing many fixed-diameter keys. With the help of such an invention for the home, you can repair gadgets, household appliances or furniture. In addition, the device will help you create your own household items. And also an adjustable key can be used when working with faulty plumbing. It's pretty easy to learn how to use it. In addition, consumers will enjoy the opportunity to save space and money. One item instead of a whole toolbox!

Cooking appliances

When preparing food, it can be very important to measure the exact amount of food. Usually a kitchen scale is a somewhat cumbersome thing, and they determine the mass with an error of several grams. But sometimes in cooking it is necessary to know precisely small fractions of weight. For example, it is almost impossible to measure 16 grams on a regular scale. Therefore, a spoon-scales appeared for the house. It is enough to scoop up a loose or liquid product with it, and the numbers will be shown on the handle - the exact number of grams. Such a spoon will become a convenient purchase for housewives and everyone who has to cook from time to time.

Another home invention that will come in handy in the kitchen is the pancake and fried egg pan. Dishes in it will acquire an original and aesthetic look, which will delight loved ones, especially children. Most often, these items are made of silicone. They can be in the shape of a heart, an animal's face, a sun, a flower. The imagination of designers can be limitless. But another feature of this thing is that the shape can be made with your own hands. A regular tin can is suitable for this. The bottom is cut out, and the edges are folded quite easily in the shape of a heart. Another way is to make an edible scrambled egg mold. For this, a regular sausage cut lengthwise or a slice of bread without a middle is suitable. Such a creative solution will help you make a delicious and beautiful breakfast, and you will not have to spend money on buying a silicone part.

For convenience and relaxation

For those who keep up with the times, it is necessary to always have a favorite gadget at hand: a phone, tablet or laptop. But it is not very convenient, being in the kitchen, to hold the tablet computer in hand all the time. Therefore, you can make an invention for your home with your own hands. It will be a convenient holder for a tablet computer made from an old cutting board.

The lower part of the board will have to be sawed off and attached to the base with good glue. Such an amazing device can always be kept in the kitchen. None of the guests will even guess about its purpose. And the stand will become another invention for the home, increasing the convenience and comfort of living.

Original inventions in everyday life

A very interesting selection of inventions from improvised means. Some were struck by their simplicity and at the same time originality. You look and wonder: why didn't it occur to me, because it suggests itself ?! But, apparently, here we need a completely different outlook on the world, on things, on phenomena. Look for yourself and be surprised ...

A sponge that always contains detergent. In a hospital, this can be made from a dropper. The main thing is not to confuse, and not to pour FAIRY into the dropper:

Remember how Pinocchio planted his gold coins on the Field of Fools? It turns out that if you plant a CD, you can also get a good harvest. The main thing is a special mini-greenhouse made of disc boxes:

How many flies can you shoot down with a regular fly swatter? Do you want to multiply the result? Then - running behind the wheel of a bicycle, on your head - a special Helmet of the Flyer and - forward! By the way, on a motorcycle, the result can be safely increased tenfold!

Do you think this is just a paper bag handbag? Nah. This is an option for those who do not wear high heels:

In my son's kindergarten, the lockers are marked with spider-animal-fruit bugs. And Pinocchio had his own personal hanger in the kindergarten:

For the very, very, very forgetful (like me):

And let's take this not as an invention, but as a reminder to more often look into textbooks for children, not from afar through the door of their room, but coming closer. Who knows - what is there in the child's cover from the textbook?

I don’t believe that a person with a blue Boshevsky puncher may not have good headphones, but if suddenly on the tennis court you are tired of the fashionable oohs-sighs-screams-screams of the opponent (s), then you can make such headphones without leaving the cash register ..., oh, courts:

Children, if your parents do not allow you to play gambling games, such as Dominoes, then play ordinary constructors, such as LEGO:

Do you want to know what is the minimum distance cars pass from you when you cycle on the highway? Then you will need a folding rule ... The rest of the ruler will indicate the minimum distance ...

If the candle has burned out, but you don't want to forget about the romantic evening, then take an empty glass from the candle and a photo from the evening, and you will remember this event for a long time ...

By the end of the holiday, the Chinese can only use special chopsticks ...

And this lamp goes into our crafts from cans.

It is interesting that a lot of household appliances, which have recently become widespread in our country, have actually existed for many years. A striking example of such a device is a familiar and familiar household appliance - a vacuum cleaner.

The first handheld vacuum cleaner was designed in 1907 by J. Spengler, a department store guard in New Berlin (now Canton), Ohio. The wood-and-tin clumsy machine was fitted with a mop handle and dust-collecting pillow Spengler had asked for from his wife. However, he managed to interest Hoover, a local horse harness manufacturer, with this design. Hoover bought the rights to the invention and built a $ 70 model; the first two-page announcement of the new product appeared in the Saturday Evening Post on December 5, 1908. Hoover very quickly established a network of distributors and, thanks to the successful sale of hand-held vacuum cleaners, opened another factory in Canada three years later. And if today no one remembers Spengler, then Hoover has received a rare honor: his surname has entered everyday English: to hoover - to remove dust.

Safety glass triplex today it is used in very many industries, it is especially widely used in the manufacture of machines and in construction. But such glass appeared purely by accident. A French scientist named Edouard Benedictus in the distant 1903 accidentally dropped a glass flask on the floor and saw something strange - the flask did not break. Trying to determine the reason for this circumstance, the Frenchman found out that collodion had previously been stored in the flask, which had already evaporated, but still the walls of the vessel were covered with it.

The automotive industry in France developed very rapidly in those years. Due to the fact that the windshield was made of ordinary glass, drivers were very often injured during accidents. Benedictus suggested using his invention in cars, but the French, considering it very expensive and unprofitable, rejected his idea.
Ultra-strong glass was named triplex, and only during the Second World War it began to be used for gas masks, and in 1944 Volvo first used it in the production of cars. Nowadays, triplex is used very widely, in particular, it is used to create unique decorative elements.

This miracle of technology was invented in 1922 by the American Stephen Poplavski. The original purpose blender there was mixing water with syrup and crystals of carbon dioxide to obtain carbonated water with syrup, but very soon the functionality of this device began to grow.

The bartenders liked the new technology very much, who, due to the prohibition in force at that time, were forced to sell alcohol only as part of cocktails, and the blender, in turn, performed very well the function of mixing.
The device was improved by Fred Osius in 1935 - now the blender could not only mix products, but also grind them, chop and make mashed potatoes from them. Since the introduction of this appliance at the International Technology Exhibition in 1955, the blender has become a must-have kitchen element, which in its importance has come to be equated with a knife or grater.

According to one version, the first computer mouse invented in the Xerox laboratory, but this is not so - Xerox invented the copier, and only used the mouse in 1973 in the Alto computer. Others believe that the mouse is an Apple invention, which is also not true. In fact, the mouse, also known as the "x and y position indicator", it is also the manipulator, "saw the light" in 1964. It was invented by Douglas Karl Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute.

Note that Engelbart did not work alone on the creation of the manipulator: he is the author of the idea and developer of the concept, but he did not make the device itself. The first mouse was made by the hands of a graduate student named Bill English, and Jeff Rulifson, who later joined, significantly improved the design of the mouse and developed software for it.

Engelbart can't remember who owns the copyright for the device's name: "The device looked like a mouse with a tail, and that's what we all called it in the laboratory." The first mouse looked like a wooden box that moved around the table on wheels, counting their revolutions and turns. Then this information was entered into a computer and controlled the movement of the cursor on the screen.

Now Douglas Engelbart could be richer and more famous than Bill Gates, but he deliberately “went into the shadows” and few people remember him. In 1968, he received a check for $ 10,000 from employers for his invention and contributed the entire fee as the first contribution for a modest country house. However, on December 1, 2000, Douglas Engelbart was awarded the National Medal of Technology, the highest award of the US government. So the White House appreciated all the technological achievements of the scientist, including the invention of the computer mouse.

Now it is difficult to find a house that does not have a little helper - TV remote... The remote control makes the rest convenient and comfortable. With the help of the remote control, you can control not only the TV, but the music center, computer, air conditioner. I wonder who invented this device?

The first radio-controlled mechanisms were invented in 1898 by Nikola Tesla, and he laid the foundation for remote control devices. After the invention of the first television set, which happened in 1936 thanks to Vladimir Zvorykin, it took 20 years before the innovative development of the American Robert Adler - the remote control. The inventor was awarded an Emmy for this. 6 years before the advent of Adler's invention, a device was still developed that could only regulate sound, then a remote control with a cord that connected to a TV was released, then a wireless version of the remote control was released, the signal in which was transmitted using a beam of light. And only after all these unsuccessful attempts, Adler managed to develop a remote control with ultrasonic signal transmission. At this time, remote control televisions became very popular among the population.
The remote control model that Adler developed has been around for 25 years. Only in the 80s was the signal transmission system changed from ultrasonic to infrared radiation. Adler had a very productive career, during which he managed to patent about two hundred devices. He was a genius inventor who will forever remain in world history.

Microwave was patented on October 8, 1945 by Percy Spencer in Massachusetts. This idea came to him after he, standing near the magnetron (part of the radar), found that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. The next day, he placed an egg in a pot with a perforated wall in front of the magnetron. An engineer passing by raised the lid out of curiosity, and a hot egg mass splashed right into his face - the shell could not withstand the pressure of the steam.

Since Spencer's new oven was essentially a radar adapted for culinary purposes, Raytheon, which launched the first microwave oven in 1947, named it Radar Range. Models of that time were intended for hospital and military canteens and large restaurants, they weighed 340 kilograms, were 175 centimeters high and cost about three thousand dollars. The prototype was installed in the house of the director of "Rytheon" Charles Adams, after which the Irish chef refused to work, believing the microwave oven to be a fiend.
The first home microwave ovens were sold in 1955 in the USA by the firm "Tappan" for $ 1,295. They had the dimensions of a refrigerator, operated from a 220-volt network and were installed not only by an electrician, but also by a hydraulics engineer - to connect the cooling system. With all this, they could have sold much better, if not for one small thing - the only dish that could not be cooked in the new oven was every American's favorite dish - a large, thick, juicy steak. From 1953 to 1967, about 11 thousand microwave ovens were sold in the United States, including those in canteens. The turning point came with the miniaturization of devices - stoves began to be massively bought up. In the USSR, since the mid-80s, microwave ovens have been produced at the factories ZiL (model "ZIL") and YuzhMASH (models "Mriya MV", "Dnepryanka-1" (1990, 32 liters, power 2300 watts, weight 40 kg, price 350 rubles), but they used imported Japanese-made magnetrons.

Microwaves are considered radioactive by some, but this is a misconception. They, like the sun and fire, simply heat food. The ovens emit microwaves, which cause the water molecules to rub together (dipole shift), resulting in heating.

It's hard to believe that we have done without these incredible things so far. But their ideas are simple, like everything ingenious. Moreover, there is a feeling that these 15 “gardener's friends” were created according to our dreams. The good news is that most of these inventions are easy to put into practice.

1. Original molds for vegetables and fruits

Alas, not everyone and not always succeed in experimenting with garden exoticism. However, with such molds, exoticism can be obtained even from familiar vegetables and fruits. The thing is that the ovaries, developing inside the attachments, gradually take their shape... Slicing these vegetables looks amazing!

Important: The boxes are reusable as they have a "lock" that can be easily opened. You can try to create something similar from small plastic bottles... To do this, you need to cut off the top and bottom of the bottle, and cut the rest of the bottle so that you get an even "canvas". Then fold the plastic into an accordion and give it the desired shape. The attachments are ready.

2. Temporary garden paths

A good idea is a temporary path that appears when and where it is needed most. Most often it is used after rain on, and. Eventually:
  • the wheels of the summer cottage do not make a rut on wet ground,
  • the grass is not damaged
  • does not cling to dirty shoes.

The design of the track allows it to make smooth bends, so the decorative and utilitarian possibilities of this useful find are quite extensive. After use, it is removed for storage. It is not difficult to make such a path if take wooden planks and treat with a special moisture repellent.

3. Car pillow-collar for those who are tired of the sun

This is perhaps the most amazing invention for long trips to the countryside. This collar pillow slips easily over your head, creating a comfortable and sleep-friendly atmosphere. You are in the "house", in general, quite comfortable.

By the way, according to the designer's idea, this pillow can replace a scarf in cold weather. For needlewomen, such a model will not be a problem: sew a wide ring sealed with padding polyester or other soft material.

4. Multifunctional "bucket"

There are miracles when a bucket is not a bucket, but lot functional something... This and a watering can, and a basket, and a bag, and a container for toys, eventually. Do you need to wash your puppy's paws, collect fallen leaves or cut grass, water the flowers, or maybe tidy up the nursery? Easy!

Let's leave the pleasant candy colors of this invention without comment. Although no, it is impossible to resist - they are delicious! A man-made alternative to such a miracle can be waterproof bucket bag, in which the bottom and top are reinforced with two rings for shaping.

5. A new look at knee protection

The first were simple knee pads made of dense fabric, later garden rugs, high chairs and many other tricks appeared. The same invention added to all the advantages of the ancestors handles-stops, which are adjustable in height... You can sit / stand up without assistance, even if you had to work all day.

Do you just want to relax? Remove the handles. Soft landing is ready! Now let's look at this from a practical point of view. You can build such a knee support with a comfortable pad and handles yourself. She will not look so cosmic, but if you try, you can create an amazing thing.

6. Wood splitter, "clicking" logs like nuts

Chopping wood will become easier and more fun, because the power of this wood splitter is not discussed. This device can be stationary, that is, firmly nailed to the post, or marching- then it is attached to any tree using special belts.

When working, do not forget about safety precautions. Such an invention is only possible for dacha professionals.

7. "Stop-escape" for curious dogs

Our four-legged favorites should also be allowed to enjoy the free life in the country. However, so that walks in the yard do not end with announcements of the missing dog, buy or make such a limiter from available tools.

For those eager to learn about the world of pets, this is a must-have country "gadget". The main thing is that your dog gets used to it and does not resist. Dogs have different morals.

8. Armbands for garden work

You need to protect your hands not only with gloves, but also with long sleeves. During garden work, they will become a shield from stinging nettles, sharp branches, rose thorns, insects and even.

« Impenetrable "fabric, elasticity and comfort- these are the three whales on which the success of this invention rests. Those wishing to sew such armbands need to remember that the fabric should be very dense.

9. Original rainwater catcher

Cheerful rain knocks on the roof, and the gardener's head is busy with thoughts of how not to lose priceless moisture. So that the water does not go under the house, eroding the soil and flooding the foundation, they put on the drainpipe special vinyl sleeve... Dozens of holes in it drain water slowly and to the right place.

At home for making such a sleeve you can use thick film that sticks well.

10. Forever "living" camouflage bushes

An air conditioner unit, basement hood and other unsightly objects can ruin the appearance of even a well-equipped area. It is easy to hide them under such bushes, woven from artificial twigs.

The camouflage is just excellent: both the technique is good, and the eye is pleasing. You can find the elements necessary for camouflage bushes at a garden decoration store.

11. Fruit picker - a master of high-altitude affairs

Recently, fruit pickers from plastic bottles have become a hit of country crafts. It's a good thing, but take a closer look at this photo.

Perhaps the new bowl design with curved wire ends will impress you. After all it is these "hooks" that help to capture the naughty fetus holding tightly to a branch. Just improve your invention.

12. Mobile flower stand

It is convenient to place large flowers on mobile stands with wheels. This will allow you to move them around the site with little effort.

In addition, you can easily create garden compositions that you never dreamed of before. Options for creating such coasters at home are shown in the photo.

13. Protective mesh-hood for products

Towels and napkins shyly covering sandwiches and cakes on the table are weak protection from annoying flies. Nice mesh-caps are more effective in this case.

Their original design can become a real decoration of the table. So join us!

14. Portable hose stand

- an important part of the work of any summer resident. So that the hose does not curl, does not get tangled and is always ready for use, such a stand will come in handy. She, among other things, will increase the service life of the hose.

The design can be very different. To a greater extent, it is dictated by the existing design of the site.

15. Pocket Miracle Saw

It is a convenient thing in the household, and it is also interesting for walks in the forest. This saw is very sharp and can be used to cut even dry branches, high up in a tree... To do this, ropes are tied to the saw handles. One edge is thrown onto a tree, then the saw is pulled up and sawed. In the same way, the saw returns to the ground.

You can try to make such a saw, however an important role here is played by the quality of its "canvas".

Several similar inventions can already be found in our catalog of products from the largest online stores:

Manual wood splitter, 28x28x35cm, 5.7kg (Firewood)

If the product you need is not yet on sale, do not despair: most of the items on this list are very original in nature and at the same time very simple to execute. Do not be afraid to experiment, dare, come up with your useful inventions!