How to draw a large dog. Step-by-step lesson on drawing a dog with a pencil

Hello again everyone!
Call your kids to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion in stages. For those who do not know minions - these are such cute and funny characters from the cartoon trilogy "Despicable Me". All of them are yellow, look like packaging from a toy made from a chocolate egg, speak their own language and all the time find themselves in interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, an awkward man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, imagines what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if something happens. Take a sheet of paper better than landscape.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to arrange the sheet vertically, if you plan to depict several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - one is more fortunate and they have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will be drawing a more advanced yellow slider, which sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we draw two identical circles, around which we make a border. The edging will serve as glasses in the future. It turned out like this eight.

To make the eyes look real, let's add pupils to them. I draw two things, who decided to portray a one-eyed cyclops will cope in twice as fast!

In the next step, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be high, low or normal, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Certainly! But I decided to make mine a handsome man, gave him such rare curls. You can depict the vegetation on the head in a different way, for example, draw a dense bunch from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And don't forget to draw the goggle strap at this stage. It turned out like this.

The little yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words, just pants with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I will draw the very straps on which the pants are held. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

I almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss the latest news with his brothers. Let's go back and draw a mouth for him. I love to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Next we will draw hands, one is raised up, the other is lowered. You can be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks, a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's go back to the body and clothes, draw a jumpsuit with an obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the hands and paint the brushes, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What is not? Draw the legs of the minion correctly. This is also easy and simple to do. That's all the drawing is ready!

Of course, children are more fond of colorful and bright drawings. Therefore, in order for the impressions of today's lesson to remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or felt-tip pens and decorate the picture, as I did. The minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. In my opinion, it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

A puppy is a baby dog

Before how to draw a puppy with a pencil I started looking for interesting things on the net. I came across a forum of dog breeders, where the owner gives interesting statistics, the result, so to speak, of the acquisition of a tailed friend:

  1. Network cable - changed about once a week for three months
  2. Toys - an immeasurable amount, we gnaw to this day.
  3. Linoleum in the corridor gnawed into trash
  4. Over the course of two years, he thoroughly smashed the bathroom three times (everything from tubes of shampoo to the washing machine was damaged)
  5. Once they chewed on a television antenna.

Fun, in short! In order for a full-fledged dog to grow from a small fluffy lump, it is necessary to seriously engage in raising it literally from the cradle! So, tips for raising a puppy:

  • While the dog is small, or even small breed, carefully open the doors. Do not jump from chairs or nightstands! Always, always watch your step. In general, move around the apartment with extreme caution!
  • At the first moment, you only want to squeeze and squeeze a fur friend, but in fact, it's time to educate. Literally from the moment you met!
  • The first commands that need to be learned: "Come to me" and "Fu!".
  • The importance of the first you will understand at the very first walk. Actually, the second is in the same place.
  • The carrot and stick method is used for training. If your dog understands you perfectly, you need to let him know that you really, really like it.
  • Play and play with the puppy again. After all, this is a social animal!
  • Make sure you have toys available. Otherwise, your toys may be damaged: shoes, furniture, wires from a computer, etc.
  • Walking! Walk, walk more often! This will contribute to the physical development of your pet and yourself.

Patience and good luck. We know how to raise a puppy, let's start drawing!

How to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step

Step one Draw a circle in the very center of the sheet. This is the future head of our dog. We draw the lines of the body contour down from it. And on the left we will draw a small oval - this is the thigh.
Step two Draw the details of the head: curled ears, an oval muzzle. Now let's show the paws. Look carefully at their position in the figure to depict them as well.
Step Three On the "face" we will draw the eyes of the nose, from it downwards - the mouth. A small tail sticks out from behind the leg. Fingers are visible on the paws - "lumps". And one foot is unfolded and its "sole" is visible. Try to draw it too.
Step Four Give the ears a rounded shape. Let's paint the eyes. Above them are the eyebrows and folds of the skin. There are a couple more folds on the forehead. The body also needs to be turned from angular to realistic, with smooth lines. Individual hairs stick out in places.
Step Five Along the contour of the dog, sketch out the fur. It looks a bit like shading. Let's show a couple of skin folds on the paw. Let's brighten the outline.
Step Six Let's do the hatching. This is a crucial moment. We need to show the bump of our image, but not darken too much. In places of folds - darker. Also a darker muzzle. How is it? You should also succeed!
And I also suggest that you try to draw other four-legged ones.

Remember the Soviet cartoon "Kid and Carlson"? For his birthday, the boy wanted a dog so badly. And how a child rejoiced at the appearance of a new friend! No wonder folk wisdom says that a dog is a friend of man. Today in the fine arts lesson you will learn how to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step.

Draw a four-legged friend

How to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step for beginners? This question is asked by many who decided to try their hand at the field of fine arts. You may need to help your child do their homework. The drawing is very simple. Step by step, a cute and funny little dog will appear on your sheet.

  • album sheet;
  • a set of pencils with different levels of hardness;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step description of drawing:

Tip: Use pencils with varying degrees of hardness. Draw the fur along the contour with zigzag lines.

The incredible beauty and dedication of the Husky

Recently, dogs of this breed are popular among breeders. You can paint a portrait of your pet. If you are wondering how to draw a Husky puppy with a pencil step by step, pay attention to the previous master class. The principle is practically the same, only you need to take into account some of the nuances.

Attention: when drawing a Husky dog, pay attention to its specific color, muzzle shape and look. This is what needs to be emphasized.

Required materials and tools:

  • album sheet;
  • eraser;
  • a set of pencils with varying degrees of softness.

Step-by-step description of drawing:

Drawing with children

Review together with your child the cartoon about Carlson. "Prostokvashino" is also suitable. There are such funny puppies! Almost the same, we are now going to learn to draw. You will not have any difficulties, and from now on you will know how to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step for children.

Required materials and tools:

  • album sheet;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step description of drawing:

A dog is the most popular and beloved animal by many, children especially love them. But they like puppies more - small, affectionate and so unintelligent. How about spending time with your child in a pleasant and useful way? Surely he will really like drawing a dog or a little cute puppy?

Dog watercolor for New Year

Before the New Year 2018, you should definitely learn how to draw a dog, because such a pet becomes a symbol of the next 12 months. When choosing a dog for drawing, you should give preference to the cutest and most plush one, so that there is a great desire to get a finished New Year's picture. Let's add a funny red cap with a fur insert at the base and a small bubo to it.

Required materials for drawing a dog:

  • a sheet of paper (preferably watercolor);
  • simple HB pencil and eraser;
  • watercolor;
  • brushes;
  • palette and glass of water.

Stages of drawing a New Year's dog:

1. Any animal or cartoon character should start drawing from the head. To depict a dog, as a symbol of 2018, draw a small oval. We will add one triangle to it on each side. We connect the shapes with an arc and get a sketch of the pet's head.

2. Draw the semi-oval to the head to get the front part of the body. We will add legs to it, which will look like triangles. Draw in the background a part of the left leg and tail.

3. Let's add some New Year's attributes to the dog's drawing. For example, on the top of the head of a fluffy pet, we will put on a beautiful hat-cap with a cute bubo. We will attach a collar with a decorative element to the neck.

4. Remove the auxiliary lines so that you can draw the dog's face. We draw a large nose and small, but such natural eyes. We correct the contour of the body and head so that the dog becomes fluffy and plush in appearance. We will also work on the hat so that it becomes voluminous and wavy on the objects of fur inserts.

5. Paint over the areas of the cap and collar with a decorative element with red and burgundy watercolors.

6. Now let's move on to drawing the fur. Apply a yellow-brown shade of watercolor paint to all areas of the animal. We give the layer time to dry and once again paint over the ears, muzzle, body with paws and tail with a more saturated and darker color.

7. Gently paint over the nose with black watercolor, and the white areas of the cap with blue. Let's also go over the fur again and create a third coat of paint, where we apply dark brown shades of watercolor mixed with burgundy and reds.

8. Finally, paint over the eyes and shadow under the dog at the base of the picture with black watercolor.

9. The finished watercolor drawing of the dog for the New Year 2018, if desired, is finalized with black liners. For the general contour, 0.7 mm should be selected, but for fine shading - 0.1 mm.

10. We get just such a New Year's illustration, which just asks for a handmade postcard to embellish it! But such a thoroughbred dog looks very natural, picturesque and festive here.

DIY Dalmatian drawing

A Dalmatian puppy in a festive sock is the main topic of this drawing lesson. Therefore, if you want to draw a New Year's drawing, then for animal lovers you cannot imagine anything better! This tutorial uses many shades of colored pencils. However, if such a picture can be drawn with a minimal set. After all, it all depends on your desire and imagination!

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

01. Let's use simple lines to mark the general shape of the Christmas sock. Let's draw all the curves.

2. Then draw the upper part of the sock, which has a fur insert. You also need to show that the sock is hanging on a fireplace or other piece of furniture. To do this, draw a circle at the top.

3. The toe will be striped. To show this, we draw several lines and draw a patch on the heel.

4. A Dalmatian puppy will look out of the sock. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to draw the correct silhouette of the head and front paws of the animal.

Then we clarify the small details. Since this is a Dalmatian, you should not forget about the specks on his short coat.

5. With a red pencil, we begin to paint individual fragments of the sock.

6. Use other shades of red pencils to add volume to the New Year's sock.

7. For contrast, use green for the sock. We paint the rest of the sock and patch fragments with pencils.

8. We will make the fur insert in the sock light blue. You can walk along the contour with a blue pencil.

9. Now let's paint the Dalmatian puppy itself. To begin with, we will outline the legs, head and muzzle with a black pencil. Then paint over the pupils, nose and spots completely with black. To add volume, use flesh-colored and light brown pencils.

10. We clarify and check all the details in the drawing. This completes the phased drawing of the New Year's drawing with colored pencils, because we have got a nice Dalmatian puppy in a New Year's sock.

Drawing a yellow dog step by step

In anticipation of the New Year 2018, you can already learn how to draw a dog. After all, she will become a symbol for the whole year. Its main color is yellow.

So when choosing colored pencils, you should give preference to exactly shades from yellow to red. Light tones are suitable for the base coat color, while dark tones are suitable for volume and contouring.

Necessary materials:

  • a blank sheet of paper;
  • pencils;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the dog's head in the form of a circle. We deform the contour from the sides.

2. Then draw with a simple pencil the torso of the symbol of 2018. It will consist of the neck, chest, and forelegs.

3. Next, draw on the sides of the dog's back and the outline of the hind legs.

4. At the top we draw two ears in the form of triangles with rounded corners. In the middle of the head, draw a spot of a disproportionate shape, which starts from the top and flows smoothly to the center towards the nose.

5. Let's supplement the New Year's drawing of the dog with small details on the body and head. We draw in the middle of each ear the middle in the form of small triangles with rounded corners, but on the muzzle - eyes, nose and mouth.

Also on the legs we will draw several vertical lines to delimit the pads. We clarify the outline and smoothly move on to coloring the picture.

6. First, take a yellow pencil and color the dog's coat on the hind legs and back, on the head and ears. Already with an orange pencil, you can add contour and volume.

7. Paint the middle of the ear with red and burgundy pencils and additionally create volume in the yellow areas of the drawing.

8. Take a black pencil and paint completely the eyes, nose and mouth. Then we create an outline of the whole drawing.

9. Finally, take a red pencil and color in the tongue. In the white areas of the design, you can add a light shade to give a little volume.

10. We get the finished drawing for the New Year 2018 in the form of a yellow dog. But from such a bright picture you can get a wonderful front part of a New Year's greeting card.

Drawing a dog with a pencil - educational lesson with explanation

Lesson for beginners

Probably everyone in childhood created masterpieces on paper. Someone liked more paint or felt-tip pens, while others preferred pencils. Not many have carried this exciting hobby into their adult life, but with the advent of children, they have to remember their old skills again.

After all, children often ask their parents to help them with a drawing. Then we think about how to draw a dog easily and simply?

First you need to choose the right tool. Exactly the pencil leaves a trace that can be corrected, erase or tweak a little if desired.

Simple pencils are soft and hard.

If the letter B is written on the pencil, it means that the rod is soft. If you saw the letter H, then such a pencil is more rigid, it is used to outline the contours. And the number, which is sometimes located next to the letter, indicates the degree of this softness or hardness.

For drawing a dog choose a medium hardness tool. We also need a sheet of paper and an eraser. It is better to stock up on paper thoroughly. And the quality of the eraser depends on how well it erases unnecessary lines.

Step by step instructions

Pencil drawing

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to draw a dog sitting sideways.

  1. We draw an eye. It may well be a bold point on a piece of paper that is clearly visible.
  2. We draw the head. To do this, draw a semicircular line above the eye.
  3. We draw the face and nose. Draw a curved line from the end of the semicircle, which is located near the eye.
  4. We draw a mouth. We draw the line that we drew from the end of the semicircle to the nose a little lower.
  5. We draw an ear. We remember that the dog in the picture will sit sideways, which means that it will have one ear, like an eye. The shape of the ear can be different, at the request of the artist: oval, round, pointed.
  6. If the ear is long and hanging, then from its lower part we draw down a curved line that will back of the dog. In other cases, this can be done from the free end of the semicircle.
  7. From the opposite side draw the chest.
  8. At the end of the back, you need to portray tail.
  9. We draw the front and hind legs. The front is depicted by straight lines going down from the chest, and the back looks like a curved line facing the stomach, which will be the final stage in the drawing.

If the instructions are still not very clear, then the image will help you figure out all the subtleties. By the way, the resulting profile may remind the dog breeder of a puppy, or.

Cell by cell

With the help of all the same tools, you can easily depict the dog in the cells. Only a sheet of paper is needed already.

Such drawings are called graphic dictations.

Their essence is to following certain tasks, circle a specific number of cells in one direction or another. Graphic dictations develop not only fine motor skills, coordination of movements, but also form the child's spatial thinking. How to draw a dog cell by cell? Let's consider one of the tasks.

  1. We draw a point on paper.
  2. Then we draw a line in two cells to the right.
  3. One cell up and again two cells to the right.
  4. One cell up and one cell to the right.
  5. Five cells down.
  6. Seven cells to the right.
  7. Two cells up and one to the right.
  8. Three cells down and one to the left.
  9. Seven cells down.
  10. Two cells to the left and one up.
  11. One to the right and three cells up.
  12. Six cells to the left.
  13. Four cells down and two cells to the left.
  14. One cell up and one cell to the right.
  15. Three up and one to the left.
  16. Five cells up.
  17. Three cells to the left and two cells up.

It is worth following these instructions exactly, being careful, and the outline of the dog will appear on the notebook leaflet.

Graphic tasks differ in the level of complexity, so you can always choose the most suitable one for a particular child.

How to draw a husky

Everyone loves every child dreams of a puppy. Invite him to draw a husky dog ​​with a pencil. How to do it? The instruction is very simple, it contains 8 steps.

  1. First we need to draw the outline of the body. To do this, draw an oval, which will serve as the body and a circle, slightly superimposed on top of the oval, which will be the head.
  2. We draw paws. The limbs are parallel to each other. To do this, draw two oblique lines under the body and head.
  3. The contour of the paws can be depicted as slightly curved. On each paw there are two oblique lines going to the body.
  4. We will mark the feet with small circles.
  5. Now we need to erase unnecessary details and bend the back of our animal, as well as give shape to other parts of the body: the stomach, chest.
  6. We draw medium-sized triangular ears on the head. In this breed, they are located close to each other, and the ends are pointed upwards.
  7. The slightly rounded head tapers towards the nose, which we slightly lengthen and draw a bold point.
  8. There are a couple of strokes left as bends on the head and muzzle and eyes.

The drawing is painted in black and white color combination, only the eyes will be blue.

In creating a drawing the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and in no case rush. In order for the drawing to be as accurate as possible, every detail must be drawn with great care.

Well, that's all, the instruction on how to draw a husky dog ​​with a pencil is completed in stages for beginners. It remains to note that details are of the utmost importance because they make the image come alive.

We hope that our detailed instructions will help parents and kids create their own masterpieces easily and with pleasure.

Additionally, check out a short video on how to draw a dog with a pencil easily and beautifully: