How to distinguish an ordinary kitten from a Maine Coon. What you need to know about the cons of the Maine Coon breed, lovers of this breed

The article will talk about the most famous cat breed, which many had to deal with, but not everyone knew what kind of breed this Maine Coon is and what it happens to be.

The answers to frequently asked questions about the breed and its description are presented with an emphasis on the most important points that are most often encountered when these cats, kittens and cats live permanently in an apartment or private house.

Breed of cats and cats, Maine Coon kittens description and characteristics of the breed, character, size, maximum weight of an adult cat

Maine Coon cats are distinguished by their large size and weight. If the average weight of a kitten of most cat breeds is about 70 grams, then a Maine Coon kitten is born 2 times larger than its counterparts, and in some cases it can weigh up to 170-180 grams.

The weight of an adult cat reaches 10-15 kg, and its body length is 1-1.20 m.

Despite their impressive size, Maine Coons are known for their accommodating and friendly nature and are successfully kept at home.

Maine Coon cat breed features, standard, origin, signs

The Maine Coon is distinguished from other domestic cats by its size. The history of their origin is not so distant. It is believed that the ancestors of the breed were cats that lived on the Isle of Man, among which the largest individuals were selected for mating. Local farmers were so fond of these animals that the image of a cat was placed on a 25p coin.

The breed standards predetermine that these cats should have a large muscular and broad-boned body, an equally massive head, a strong neck and large paws. The Maine Coon's coat is thick, water repellent, and short on the head and shoulders.

How much do Maine Coon cats cost, price in Ukraine

The price of a Maine Coon kitten in Ukraine is 7-15 thousand hryvnias. Such a significant difference in value is primarily due to the pedigree and color of the animal.

Maine Coon Ashera cat breed features

The Maine Coon Ashera cat breed is today considered one of the most expensive. Outwardly, the Maine Coon Ashera resembles a leopard - the cat is just as graceful and has a color characteristic of a leopard.

A feature of the breed is the fact that this cat calmly reacts to walks on a leash and has a friendly and playful disposition.

Maine Coon cats care, nutrition, health and character

Despite the exotic appearance, the Maine Coon cat does not need such exotic care and nutrition. She may well be content with a large cat house and a scratching post. Her short coat does not form tangles and does not need daily combing.

The main food product of such a large animal is meat and dry food of premium or super premium classes.

Maine Coons, with proper maintenance and timely vaccination, do not suffer from any of their typical diseases. These are healthy cats with an inquisitive nature and a developed intellect. Animals respond well to training and are able to carry out some of the commands of their owners.

Maine Coon cat and Siamese cat and children, dog

When thinking about whether to get a Maine Coon cat, the question arises about the relationship of a new pet with animals and children already in the house. Of course, it all depends on the nature of the animals, because they become attached to their owners in their own way and can be jealous of each other, but in most cases, the Maine Coon joins a new family without any problems. Despite its size, the cat has a calm and friendly disposition, not conflict.

Maine Coons are smart and can get along well not only with dogs and Siamese cats, but also with children.

Maine Coon cat hisses and aggressive, rushes

Maine Coon cats are known as animals with a balanced and peaceful character. The manifestation of aggression on their part can be explained as a defensive reaction to any threat or pain caused. Analyze what caused this behavior of the animal, what does not suit him, and try to eliminate annoying factors.

Maine Coons are smart and it is necessary to let them know that such behavior on their part is not acceptable. Stop attempts to show aggression with loud noises (for example, clapping your hands, throwing a bunch of keys on the floor, etc.) or water, but do it immediately, and not after a couple of minutes. If all attempts to re-educate the cat remain unsuccessful, then it is better to part with the “tyrant”, giving it to an animal shelter.

Maine coon cat and normal cat

A Maine Coon cat, compared to an ordinary cat, is Gulliver in the country of Lilliputians. However, consanguinity makes itself felt and cats, so different in size, can get along well with each other.
In order not to get into trouble when buying a kitten and not to buy an ordinary cat or mestizo instead of a Maine Coon, you should buy a new pet from breeders who have documents confirming the kitten's pedigree.

What is the difference between the Maine Coon Siberian and Norwegian Forest cat

The Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest and Siberian cats have a lot in common, especially when the animals have not reached puberty and the Maine Coons clearly do not stand out against their background with their dimensions. Nevertheless, the Maine Coon cat breed has a number of features that allow it to be identified among other kittens by the following external signs, namely:
- elongated body and neck compared to other breeds;
- a large head with protruding cheekbones and a massive chin;
- large erect ears, with tassels at the ends;
- slanted eyes.

Maine Coon cat is not gaining weight and eating poorly what to do

Maine Coons are large cats, but their maturation takes a long time and an individual is considered an adult if it has crossed the 3-year mark. Therefore, the fears of the owners about poor weight gain may be in vain, because a cat is not a piglet that must be fattened before the onset of winter.

Despite their impressive size, Maine Coons are not so gluttonous and in order to maintain a normal physical shape, they need a little more food than other mustachioed relatives. Therefore, before applying any measures and implementing dubious advice, it is better to find out the reason for the decrease in appetite by visiting a veterinarian with your pet.

Maine Coon cat pregnancy and childbirth

A pregnant cat often wakes up appetite and reduced physical activity. This is normal, and in order to support the Maine Coon's body and ensure the health of future offspring in the cat's diet, vitamin and calcium containing foods should be increased. It is not necessary to restrict the animal in food.

At the end of the expected gestational age, it is necessary to allocate a place for the cat to give birth. A “maternity hospital” can serve as a cardboard box from under household appliances, lined with newspapers or rags. Usually Maine Coons give birth on the 65th day after mating and last from 12 to 24 hours.

Maine Coon cat is afraid of new owners how to tame, what to name

A change of scenery is stressful for any animal, so at first, special attention should be paid to a new family member. To make adaptation easier and the Maine Coon quickly get used to your home, ask his old owners about the habits and diet of the future pet and try to create similar conditions for him in your home.

Also ask the former owners of the animal to give some filler from the old tray (then the cat will quickly learn where the latrine is in the new house). Do not force things, give the cat the opportunity to get used to it and gradually you will become best friends.
If the kitten did not have a nickname, or you don’t like it, then you can choose the right name by looking at sites with animal nicknames, which offer a lot of options for every taste.

How often does a Maine Coon cat walk?

Maine Coon cats are very temperamental and the desire for mating in sexually mature individuals can manifest itself every 3 weeks.

Maine Coon cat shits where it's wet, on the bed

This type of behavior is found in the Maine Coon when he seeks to establish his leadership over family members. In order to avoid these incidents in the future, some cat owners give advice to castrate the prankster.

Does the Maine Coon cat catch mice, fish, rats

Maine Coons, like other feline representatives, are excellent hunters. In addition to mice and rats, cats of this breed can destroy bird nests and catch fish in a shallow pond.

Maine Coon cats shedding what to do at home

Healthy Maine Coon cats shed gradually, so their owners should not have any special problems with wool. If you regularly comb your pet, give him vitamin preparations or food with a high content of amino acids, fatty acids, biotin and zinc, then the molting process goes almost unnoticed.

Big North American cats are so easy to love! Their calm nature, soft coat and large size are virtues that attract attention. These animals are very sociable, but at the same time they value their and your freedom. What can be the disadvantages of the Maine Coon breed?

Read more in the article:

gulliver cat

The pros and cons of the breed are closely interrelated. The shortcomings of the breed in many ways appeared with a departure from the wild and careful selection by man. The prototypes of the breed are cats that lived on US farms in the 19th century. In the official history of the Maine breed, the animals are described as large, strong. Their features - tassels at the tips of the ears and between the pads of the fingers, fluffy tail and huge eyes - are still carefully preserved by breeders.

But merging into civilization, the animal became more vulnerable, lost its natural immunity and became more susceptible to various diseases.

Today's Maine cats have forgotten how to catch mice. Terrible in appearance, they have an affectionate character. Maine Coons most often live in apartments, where their main function is to be a companion for a person. This significantly affected their weight - it is considered the norm for a cat to weigh 7-12 kg, and cats can gain from 6 to 9 kg in adulthood.

Heavy weight often leads to an increased likelihood of injury and an extended pregnancy period. It is now considered the norm for a Maine cat to lamb with a gestation period of up to 72 days. For comparison, in other breeds, pregnancy is allowed up to 65 days.

Cons of the breed

Maine Coons generously give positive emotions. Their mischievous nature and funny habits can be the subject of colorful conversations with friends and loved ones. Maine cats are characterized by a special tact, the reason for which is the developed intelligence of the pet. The disadvantages of the breed are insignificant compared to the advantages, and it is quite easy to adapt to them.

Expensive price

Any purebred cat will cost you a fair amount of money. The price of kunyats depends on the demand for them. The price of a kitten from a titled parent will be significantly higher than others. You should not try to save money by purchasing a pet without a document or a mestizo, as such actions support unscrupulous breeders.

Healthy! If you dream of a domestic Maine Coon, but the high price scares you, then pay attention to pet coons that are not intended for breeding, or teenage kittens that have been sitting in a nursery without an owner. As a rule, such animals have an affordable price.

Often, breeding kittens does not bring a lot of income to the breeder. Many procedures related to the maintenance of the nursery require a significant investment of funds:

  • food costs for breeding cats;
  • vaccinations;
  • paperwork;
  • genetic research;
  • maintaining the website, photographing cats and other advertising of the cattery.

Paperwork for a cat is not an empty bureaucratic formality. The felinological community represents the interests of buyers, and also monitors compliance with the rules that ensure the maintenance of the health of cats, the purity of the breed. Ignoring the rules when breeding animals leads to the appearance of half-breeds and increases the number of outbred cats.

When buying a thoroughbred kitten, you need to consider the cost of its further maintenance. A wide range of prices is explained by the different quality of kittens, which can be sold to nurseries as a producer or as a pet. When buying, it is better to focus on average prices.

Wool all over

Maine Coons have a medium length coat and this is often a problem. Such wool can be found everywhere in the house, even in soup pots. Combing twice a week will help to significantly reduce the size of the disaster. For such a purpose, a brush purchased at a nearby pet store is perfect, but do not forget about the latest technology. Engineers have provided cat owners with a useful device, the furminator, that can greatly reduce the size of a disaster.

Representatives of the Maine breed are very smart and intelligent. At the same time, the mind of a kitten develops up to 3 years and the animal becomes a full-fledged adult somewhere in two years after puberty. Given the weight of under 10 kg and high activity, maximum care should be taken when leaving a large kitten alone at home. In another case, returning home, you can find great destruction.

Aggressive leader and enthusiastic hunter

Maine Coons are confident leaders. If other cats or dogs live in your house, then the Maine cat will diligently win back its position as leader, using force. Since its size is much larger than the parameters of an average cat of another breed, fights and collisions are possible.

When going out of town with a kun, do not forget to grab a harness that will restrict your pet's freedom of movement. The secret passion of any Kuna is bird hunting. Awakened hunting instincts can lead to the destruction of the surrounding bird nests and complaints from neighbors-dacha residents about the missing chickens.

The need for increased nutrition

Due to their size, Maine Coons have an excellent appetite. When purchasing a pet home, do not forget to take care of proper nutrition. Maine Coon food should be rich in proteins and minerals to keep the cat's bones and muscles healthy.

Food and toilet issues are closely related. A concomitant disadvantage of the breed is abundant excrement, which also has a rather pungent odor. A properly selected tray, high-quality filler and regular cleaning will help solve the problem.

If you like big cats, then the minuses of the breed will seem insignificant to you. Every year the number of fans of large cats with a delightful fluffy raccoon tail in Russia is increasing.

They control people... They can wrap their toes around your forearm. They remember up to 300 phrases and can give clear feedback. Look into the vertical pupils of the interlocutor - they understand you, but they will never say "meow" in response. They remain silent or say “mrrr” with authority, which sends chills down their spines. They are Maine Coons, the largest domestic cats are Americans with a Russian character.

Every time has its own cats. The dashing 90s are the realm of the Persians, the consumer two thousandths are the plush British. Today, the Maine Coons are at the peak of demand. Professionals confidently assert that these American cats have a real Russian character. Absolutely brutal appearance, giving the impression of a wild beast, but at the same time absolutely “creamy” habits.

Where did the Maine Coon come from?

Maine Coon is a raccoon cat from Maine (the first part of the name of the breed. - Note. ed .). Kun is part of the English word, which translates as "raccoon". Cats were compared with raccoons for their long tail with a characteristic stripe. Many people compare Maine Coons with lynx because of the tassels on their ears. Oddly enough, the heroes of our article are not related to such formidable predators. These are originally ordinary American domestic cats. Maine is a northern, maritime state. There were no native cat breeds in North America. Together with sailors, Norwegian forest, Siberian and other long-haired cats got into Maine. They stayed on the coast, interbreeding. Since the range is closed, the breed was formed without a rush of real wild blood.

The first and main purpose of these beauties is to catch mice in farm barns. Farmers do not need capricious freezing animals, unpretentious hunters are beneficial to them. Forgot the cat in the barn, oh well. He will find food himself and will not freeze. Mice and rats, tremble. And if a cat has entered the house, so if you please endure, until the children drag you for everything that sticks out. Otherwise, there is no need to explain how they deal with objectionable pets in the village. Yes, even in the 19th century. But if the cat is “correct” - a pied-catcher and a nanny, her kittens will disperse to the neighbors, like, sorry for the comparison, hot cakes. This is how this breed naturally formed.

Content Features

Take the example of having one or two animals at home. First and foremost, there are no carpets anywhere. This will make it easier to remove the fur. No hanging curtains, pelmets and blinds are acceptable. Of the flowers, only citrus. Cats cannot stand the smell of these plants and will not touch them. Moreover, the flowers should be in the form of trees. Everything else will be broken, eaten or chewed.

Maine Coons are very fond of lying on the windowsills. If there is a small flower pot nearby, the cat will slowly move its paw until it knocks it over. Why would he interfere here, right? The animal thinks in this way. And this applies, in principle, to any objects that the Maine Coon will gladly throw off the surface where it deigns to rest, whether it be cabinets, cabinets and other horizontal planes.

Do you have a widescreen plasma on a stand? Screw the stand with bolts, or you will not enjoy its high-quality picture for long. Rare porcelain will also fly to the floor - just remove such things from open surfaces. The Maine Coon's jump does not violate the laws of physics. The cat cannot and does not want to drop anything, but inertia...

Animals do not have a single bed. In this sense, the Maine Coon, like a good videographer, is everywhere. These animals are highly people-oriented and prefer to be in places where the entire apartment is strategically viewed. And the angles have to change. After all, you need to closely monitor the movements. We humans are constantly under their control.

Why say no to curtains? Kittens love how they love them. A five-month-old Maine Coon kitten has a serious weight. It is about the size of a normal adult cat. Probably the issue is over. However, what are the curtains ... Everything hanging that hangs in the house, within the reach of the kitten, will become its toy, which means it will come off. On the walls, professional breeders do not recommend wallpaper. Better decorative plaster.

Cats' claws may not be cut. The animals are absolutely not aggressive and will never dig their claws into the skin of the owner or guest. Maine Coons treat strangers with great care. Most likely, your guest will simply not see the cat. Only with time, realizing that there is no danger, the animal will begin to walk in circles, to be curious, to get acquainted.

The apartment where the Maine Coon lives must be multi-room. At least one room will have to be allocated for clothes that the owners want to save from wool. This is especially necessary if there is more than one animal in the house. Cats are strictly prohibited from entering this room. In Maine Coons, molting does not occur in summer, like most cats, but in winter. More precisely - with the beginning of the heating season. It gets hot in the apartments, and this breed loves coolness.

If you pay attention to the ears and paws, you will see tassels and felt boots. This is for warmth in the cold that animals love. A cat can lie on the balcony for a long time and get high from the fact that minus 15 degrees. With pleasure to relax in a draft or in ... a kitchen sink. Adult animals ignore beds with owners - it's hot there. Wool must be brushed. The more often, the less it is where it is not needed. An important point: the more personal space a cat has, sunbeds, playgrounds, the less wool on the owner's things.

We bought a Maine Coon - stock up on rollers with adhesive tape. This is a permanent consumable. When ironing after washing, all things will have to be cleaned every time. Unless, of course, you want to be like a Wookiee. Wool for Maine Coon owners is generally a philosophical concept. She just is. This is a given. Soup? Nonsense! Matter of habit. But on a towel ... They are so nice to turn around after a shower, and then you feel ... Calm. Just don't wash items that might have wool along with your towels.

The structure of animal fur is very peculiar. For example, it is very difficult to get it wet through - it will hang like a raincoat, but the skin will remain dry. By the way, another feature of the breed is that Maine Coons are very fond of water. Give the animal a bowl of water. He will be happy. Wool after bathing does not tangle. And in general, it is always soft and tender if the animal is healthy.

Maine Coons, like most domestic cats, do not tolerate loneliness. On long trips, you will have to take your pet with you. If you need a flight, carefully consider the choice of airline. She must be a "friend of animals" so that there are no unpleasant overlays. Naturally, there can be no question of putting a cat in luggage, even if there are warm special places in the luggage compartment. When buying a ticket, you will have to take care and pre-book a place for the beast in the cabin. Carrying and weight of the cat must comply with the requirements of the carrier (weight - no more than eight kilograms). The cost of flying the beast will cost you about 50 euros.

Adult Maine Coons weigh on average 10-12 kilograms. These cats are literally hard to take with you on a trip. In this case, the size as a virtue becomes partly a disadvantage, but not significant. In general, for castrati is not the limit and 15 kilograms. Cats are much lighter.

Where did the myths about heavy Maine Coons come from? A man walks through the exhibition, sees a huge cat in comparison with others. They will tell him jokingly that the beast weighs 25 kilograms - he will believe it, everyone will believe it.

Should we buy a kitten?

The average cost of the right kitten is from 30 thousand rubles, if it is a neutered cat or a sterilized cat. If we are talking about the future producer (cat or cat), the price will fluctuate around two thousand euros. It is better to buy a kitten in a reputable cattery - with documents, certificates and a pedigree. Firstly, most likely, such a kitten will survive if the owner does not pinch it with a door or accidentally steps on it. Secondly, a Maine Coon is guaranteed to grow out of this kitten, and not a dozen variants of other breeds or crosses.

Maine Coons have a very high level of intelligence. The head is big, the brain is also rather big. They never meow. You won't hear the classic "meow" from them. In extreme cases, cotton “me”, it means “tired”, “let go”. Animals communicate either silently or with a characteristic caressing ear, cooing “mrr” in a variety of intonations. But the most amazing thing is that they are able to remember up to three hundred words and react, respond to them with action.

Animals easily accept the rules of the game offered by people: you can or cannot learn from the first or second time. The most terrible punishment is zilch in the face with water from a spray bottle. No punching or poking your nose. The nature of animals is stubborn. If you told the cat not to, it should not always be. Otherwise, blame yourself.

The life experience of breeders shows that if a kitten lives up to three months with a mother-cat, there are no problems with education. She ideally teaches all social skills of communication with people and other cats, how and where to go to the toilet, where to sharpen claws. At the same time, the mother naturally builds kittens as pioneers and looks at how someone manages to work out a new skill. The process takes two to three months. If a kitten is taken before this age, problems with it in the future are guaranteed.

Maine Coon must understand that the head of the house is the owner. And the owner must behave accordingly. Never let cats do things they don't like. Up to the point of talking to an animal in its language. It sounds weird, but if your cat is trying to hiss at you, it might be the right thing to do to grab him by the scruff of the neck and hiss back until he stops talking. What he will be silent about is his cat's business. But now he knows who's in charge here.

Our site thanks the professional Maine Coon breeder Ekaterina Solodyankina.

These largest pets always attract attention. Maine Coon cats at first sight amaze with a combination of restrained power and outward nobility. This incredibly attractive majestic cat has a powerful body with long fluffy hair, tassels on the ears, like a lynx, a long and beautifully feathered tail. The breed is not the result of artificial selection, people are not related to its appearance: Maine Coons remain the same as nature itself once created them.

These largest pets always attract attention

The Maine Coon cat breed is a large long-haired animal, their average weight is 4-8 kg in females and 8-12 kg in males, the body length can be more than 1 m. Distinctive features of this large breed are ears with peculiar tassels and beautiful long fluffy, often striped, like a raccoon tail.

A Maine Coon cat lives on average 12-15 years, a cat - 15-18. There are also centenarians living more than 20 years.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, the chest is wide, the neck is of medium length. The characteristic parameters of the breed listed by the standard are:

  • medium length strong paws;
  • massive large head;
  • vertically standing sharp ears;
  • long hair with thick undercoat, short on the head and shoulders;
  • allowed colors: black, white, red, tortoiseshell, cream, blue and blue-cream.

Maine Coon: the origin of the breed

The resemblance to a lynx and a raccoon gave rise to many different versions about the origin of the Maine Coon breed, including genetically impossible ones: the alleged crossing of semi-wild cats - the ancestors of modern Maine Coons - with a lynx or a raccoon. This widespread misconception about the origin of the breed remained in its name. In North America, the birthplace of this breed, large domestic animals were called Manx raccoon cats. Maine - the name of the state of Maine (Maine), considered the birthplace of the breed, coon - a piece of the English name for the raccoon - raccoon.

The Maine Coon cat breed standard characterizes the body as elongated, close to a rectangle, the chest is wide, the neck is of medium length.

At first, a large domestic cat on farms in New England helped the owners protect the harvest from pests by catching various rodents. The owners of these unusual animals in the mid-1850s began to organize exhibitions of their pets. Representatives of the breed began to settle from farms to the homes of large American cities, competing in popularity with Angora and Persian cat breeds.

By the beginning of the last century, the excitement around the exotic breed began to decline. Purposeful selection and breeding of Maine Coons started only in the mid-1950s. In 1953, the Central Club of Breeders was opened, and later the Association of Maine Coon Breeders appeared. Official breed nurseries began to open in virtually all countries of the world. Since then, the Maine Coon breed has been of great unflagging interest.

Maine Coon cats: features of the breed (video)

Gallery: Maine Coon cat (25 photos)

The nature and behavior of the Maine Coon

Cats that seem heavy on the outside are actually very agile, energetic and active. For a normal existence, they need space for games, an active lifestyle of a cat's life.

This is not a sofa cat. She, obeying her natural hunting instincts, will tirelessly hunt down and catch a toy mouse or a ball with pleasure. Playing with a Maine Coon is always exciting, it brings pleasure to both the cat and the owner.

Maine Coons have a docile nature, get along well with the owner's family and other pets. Aggressiveness is not inherent in this breed, but cats unmistakably identify strangers and maintain a distance of distrust towards them.

Cats that seem heavy on the outside are actually very agile, energetic and active.

Maine Coons are highly intelligent. They remember not only the words of a person and intonation, but also their correspondence to certain situations. From the outside, it seems that the cat understands the owner not only from one word - from one glance. The Maine Coon cat is happy to learn a variety of tricks, especially if this learning itself takes place in a playful way.

These cats have very sensitive hearing: being somewhere at the opposite end of the house or even in the yard, the cat will instantly rush to the call of the owner, whether it be a quiet command or a conditional sound.

The sounds that Maine Coons make are never like the shrill cries of cats of other breeds. This is a soft musical purr, unexpected for such a large animal. Moreover, this purr has a very individual tone, it is almost impossible to find 2 Maine Coons purring with the same voices. They emit not only the characteristic cat's purr - it may sound something similar to a bird's chirp, squeak or trill.

Usually the Maine Coon chooses a secluded place where he will not be disturbed. At the same time, they always remain somewhere close to the owner. If the owner is busy with some kind of work, the Maine Coon sits next to the person, for hours, intently watching what the owner is doing. Maine Coons are capable of falling asleep in the most unexpected place, in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but in fact both the place itself and the sleeping position are very comfortable for the cat.

Maine Coon: maintenance and care

When it is planned that a small Maine Coon cat will soon settle in the house, by this time his future place of residence should be equipped for him and prepared:

  1. A lounger measuring at least 90x60x20 cm (factory-made or self-made).
  2. Spacious litter tray (for a kitten, a cat litter box should not have very high sides).
  3. It is advisable to choose the filler for the toilet, which was in the nursery for easier adaptation of the animal.
  4. The scratching post is large, corresponding to the dimensions of the breed.
  5. Toys for a kitten must be safe, soft (mice, balls), without small parts (buttons, feathers) that can be torn off and swallowed during play.
  6. Bowls (ceramic, glass or steel) are hygienically safe and have plenty of room.

Maine Coons need regular outdoor exercise. It’s good when this happens on the territory of a summer cottage. Cats walk calmly, not trying to get out of the fenced area. In urban areas, you need to find a safe place to walk and take your pet out on a harness. Leaving the apartment is permissible only when all the necessary vaccinations have been made.

Caring for the chic Maine Coon coat is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to comb the coat 1-2 times a week, and during molting - daily. For bathing Maine Coons use special shampoos for long hair. The unique wool is able to self-clean, for this reason the bathing procedure is carried out not very often - 4-5 times a year.

The cat's eyes need care: they are wiped with a swab dipped in boiled water. Teeth care is carried out with a special brush and paste, earwax is carefully removed from the ears with the help of pharmaceutical cotton swabs.

Comparison of cats, cats and kittens of the Maine Coon breed (video)

What and how to feed the Maine Coon

First of all, you need to learn information about what absolutely can not be given to a pet:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • raw pork, fatty meat;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, smoked and any seasoned foods, sausages;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • human vitamins and medicines.

Maine Coon meals can be organized with natural or ready-made industrial feeds. Ready food is selected according to the age and weight of the pet. Extra-premium food for large cat breeds is preferred, they contain at least 50% meat in their composition.

Natural food does not imply that this cat breed eats from the human table - this is unacceptable and dangerous for the health of the pet. A healthy cat diet consists of:

  • daily portion of meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef (for disinfection, the meat is pre-boiled or subjected to a 5-7-day freeze);
  • vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beets, pumpkin;
  • greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • bran;
  • fish (frozen sea fish is given no more than 2 times a week, raw or boiled).

Sour-milk products of medium fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cereals (rice and buckwheat) alternate instead of vegetables and bran as an addition to meat or fish. Cereals and dairy products are not included in the daily diet - this can cause Maine Coon obesity, they are given 2-3 times a week.

Vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet, which ones and in what proportions - the veterinarian prescribes. And drinking water should be boiled or filtered, change it 1-2 times a day.

For feeding kittens, one type of food is used, for adult cats - another. A kitten in the first 9-12 months needs more nutrients for rapid growth. After reaching the age of one year, they are transferred to food for adult cats. Kitten food is used to feed pregnant and lactating cats.

Health, disease and vaccinations

They are in good health, but they often have a hereditary predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hip dysplasia and spinal muscular atrophy.

The cat is not in the mood, can react to weather changes. But it must be shown to the doctor if there is:

Vaccination of Maine Coon cats is similar to the vaccination schedule for dogs. The first vaccination is done at 2 months, the second - at 3, the third at 1 year, then annually. Antihelminthic drugs are given 10 days before vaccination. In some cases, you need to provide confirmation (a note about it is entered in a special column of the veterinary passport): transportation of the animal, mating, participation in the exhibition, accommodation in a hotel for pets.

Interesting facts about Maine Coon cats

  • A newborn Maine Coon cat weighs 120-170 g, kittens of other breeds - 70-120 g.
  • Previously, there were up to 12 kittens in litters, now usually no more than 5-7.
  • The Maine Coon is a unique animal adapted by nature itself to live in severe frosts. This is confirmed by the appearance: a special paw design that allows you to walk in the snow, a thick fluffy tail in which the cat can wrap itself like a scarf, dense water-repellent wool that reliably protects from the cold.
  • Maine Coon loves water. Other cats stay away from bodies of water, and the Maine Coon cat is able to voluntarily arrange a bath for itself.

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The Maine Coon breed is an excellent feline native to America. They have amazed many people with their unusual appearance, large size and playful nature. If you want to make yourself such a friend, then you need to read the description of these cats.

Description and photo of the breed

Maine Coon is a breed native to North America. Cats are considered noble due to their extraordinary beauty: powerful bodies, sophisticated muzzles and ears with tassels, like a lynx.

In addition, Maine Coons have very beautiful eyes: slightly slanted and large, the colors are golden, amber or green. The body is rectangular. A large and powerful chest completes the structure of the figure, but the dimensions of the body can be different.
This is not an artificially bred breed, Maine Coons are cats of natural origin. In their natural habitat - Maine - it's cold, so cats have a thick and warm coat that cleans them from freezing.

In addition, they often have to deal with snow. In this they are helped by rough paws, between the fingers of which you can find additional wool, which also warms them.

The most plausible and probable is the version of the origin of the breed, according to which Maine Coons are descended from short-haired and long-haired, which were brought to America by the Vikings.


In the photo, you have already been able to admire the charm of Maine Coon cats, and from the description it became clear that growth sizes can be different, although they always remain large compared to other cats. In addition, they have a different color and density of wool.

The head of a real Maine Coon should be extended in length(usually in cats it is extended in width). The skull is massive, the cheekbones on the muzzle are raised up.

The eyes are similar in color to the color of the coat. Neck of medium size. The limbs are as large as the body and head of the animal. All these features make Maine Coons the largest cats.
The length of the fluffy tail always reaches the base of the cat's neck. The highest weight value is 15 kg, when other breeds of cats weigh 5 kg. The life expectancy of a cat varies from 15 to 20 years.

Character is another reason why the presented breed is in great demand among people of many countries. They are distinguished by a complaisant, playful disposition. Curious animals that are always ready to help you. Such a set of qualities makes Maine Coons real friends of man.

Conditions for keeping

Suppose, after reading the description of the Maine Coon breed and character, you wanted to purchase. Be careful, you will need to create the right conditions for their maintenance, and this is not so cheap. Most of the costs are for the purchase of food for cats. The larger the body, the more nutrients it needs to restore energy and maintain health. That is why Maine Coons are animals that eat a lot.

In addition, you need to provide the cat with all the necessary things that may be needed after examination by a veterinarian (which is also a mandatory item).

If you plan to make your pet a participant in various exhibitions, then the conditions of detention will need to include such factors as the purchase of cosmetics and additional hair care products, haircuts.
Maine Coon houses require a lot of free space. In a small room, the cat will not feel comfortable, and due to the inability to throw out his energy through active ones, he will begin to experience stress.

It is desirable that the cat has its own corner in the house. It is preferable that it be some kind of hill. For example, you can free up the top shelf of cabinets or arrange space on the refrigerator. Of course, the cat may not appreciate your efforts to prepare his personal place, but choose it for himself.

Care rules

During the first two weeks after the cat moves into your home, experts do not recommend any procedures other than basic ones, as this can bring additional stress to the animal. The exception is combing and, if necessary, bathing.

Necessary items and accessories

You can quench your thirst for cat games with the help of any toy. It doesn't matter what it is exactly. You can, for example, use a regular rubber ball. Maine Coons are very fond of playing with him, chasing around the house for elusive fun.

When choosing a scratching post, you need to consider that the cats should stretch to their full height while they sharpen their claws. In addition to the high length, these devices must also be strong in order to withstand heavy weight. As a standard, the cat must have its own bowls (for water and food) and. Better if it is closed. Bowls must be durable, as it is likely that a strong animal will start playing with it, rolling on the floor.

Bathing, combing and other procedures

About the care of the Mei-coon breed (another version of their name, although not entirely correct), we can say that it is not so complicated. silk, so it almost does not get confused and does not require frequent combing. Once a week is enough.

Close attention to combing should be paid at a certain period in spring and autumn, when the period of active molting begins.

Did you know? Maine Coons began to lose their great popularity with the advent of Persian cats in 1900.

Bathing is an important part of animal care. First of all, the signal that it's time will be the detection of stains and any pollution on the wool. Bathing should take place with a special shampoo. It is better if you purchase it at a veterinary clinic.
In addition, it is necessary to carry out water procedures when found on the body of an animal. To do this, you should also purchase specialized drugs. In other cases, bathing the Maine Coon is not worth it. He may well independently monitor his cleanliness by licking his hair.

Exceptions are cases when (if) you are preparing your pet for an exhibition, you want to give his coat a certain styling.

Important! If there is no special need (the coat is not contaminated), then you need to bathe the Maine Coon no more than 1 time in 3 months.

It is strongly not recommended to bathe cats before and after vaccination, after suffering any disease and immediately after moving. The fact is that during bathing the animal experiences discomfort, which can lead to stress.
In addition to the above factors, the Maine Coon can experience very strong stress, and this in turn will lead to a decrease in immunity.

Maine Coon food

Even the photo shows the playful nature of the Maine Coon cat. Such an active lifestyle requires good nutrition for both adult cats and small kittens. They are slightly different.

Feeding a kitten

From a month it is in the stage of active growth. At this time, it can be taught to accustom to any food. At this time, milk porridge, scalded meat are well suited. However, for the most part, the kitten will continue to drink its mother's milk.

If you have already acquired a more or less adult kitten (aged 2 to 3 months), then start limiting his milk intake. Focus more on solid foods. It is better to feed the animal during this period often - 6-7 times a day. The daily norm is 150 g.
Over time, gradually reduce the number of servings, but increase their volume. By 1 year of age, the daily intake should be 200 g, divide them into 2 servings (morning and evening).

Important! Include in your diet not only meat, fish, poultry, but also plant foods.

adult cat diet

There are several ways to feed: one in which access to food is not limited, and one where you feed the cat at a strictly stipulated time. Everyone decides this individually.

Meat should be included in the diet of an adult cat. You can feed the Maine Coon dry food, but only high quality. Make sure there is always enough fresh water in the bowl.

Did you know? Seafood is a delicacy for pets. Maine Coons love to eat fish and mussels.

Possible diet options include:

  1. 100 g of meat, but only lean;
  2. 30-40 g of rice;
  3. 1 tsp sunflower oil;
  4. 2 tsp vegetable puree.

All these components must be combined, mixing well. You can include dairy products in your diet.

Make sure that the Maine Coon remains energetic and active, has a healthy appearance. All these signs will say that you have chosen the right diet. If not, then you need to change or add something. In such cases, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Learning and communication

Maine Coons are very sociable animals, they love to be in human society. Pets need to be raised from the earliest possible age.

The first thing cats have to learn is how to use the toilet, as well as the scratching post. This breed lends itself perfectly, they can easily learn anything in the language of carrots and sticks. But do not overdo it with the punishment system, otherwise the stress-prone animal will feel bad.
For example, you can wean an animal to jump on a sleeping bed or scratch a sofa with a spray gun. The water in it should be warm, you need to splash the animal very little: do not let the coat be too wet for water to get into the eyes.

Before punishing an animal for disobedience, consider whether it is to blame for the situation. Perhaps you yourself did not take care of finding a comfortable place to sleep, installing a scratching post or tray in an insufficiently secluded place.

Walking with a cat

The characteristic of Maikunov cats tells us that they are very active, which means they should like to walk on the street. But in fact, not all pets prefer going out.

Determine for yourself what type your pet belongs to. If he succumbs to your calls to take a walk, then you can take him out.

On the other hand, due to their curiosity and playfulness, your pets will be grateful for the opportunity for several hours a day, or at least a week, to be in the fresh air, surrounded by other felines.

If the cat is not accustomed to walking, then it is better to lead him with a leash that can be bought at a pet store.

Difficulties and possible illnesses

The breed is hardy and is distinguished by good health, but still sometimes there are cases of ailments. Among the most common diseases is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Spinal muscular atrophy is also among the most common. This disease is hereditary, so the cat's parents and their health is an important factor when buying a pet. Such a disease is incurable, it leads to muscle weakness and complete atrophy.
Hip dysplasia is also a hereditary disease. It is characterized by severe pain and even lameness of the animal. The disease is not fatal, but often it causes osteoarthritis.

In order not to encounter these and other diseases, periodically take your Maine Coon to the veterinarian. He should monitor the health of the animal, then you do not have to worry about the well-being of your pet.

The main rule of keeping a cat is love and respect for him. Before you decide to adopt a four-legged friend, make sure that you are ready to take on this responsibility.