How to make the letter e out of cardboard. I have an idea! Original hand-made articles on the theme “My favorite letter. Tight-thread letter "N"

The popularity of volumetric letters in the interior or inscriptions from them is growing more and more. Because of this, many design and construction companies began to provide the service of such decoration. But of course, it is much better and more interesting to make such letters yourself, especially since the manufacturing process is not very complicated.

Of course, this does not apply to working on plastic or metal, they require special equipment. But there are many materials that are quite suitable for self-processing. We will consider them and the methods of making such letters with our own hands that can advantageously decorate your apartment in this article.


The most popular material for making letters with your own hands is fabric and its filler. If you have at least minimal skills in working with a needle and thread or with a sewing machine, then it will not be difficult for you to make soft letters. They can be made small if they are then strung on a fishing line, or a thread to form words and large if you decide to get a floor pillow in this form. The most common option is the medium-sized sofa cushions.

When working on making letters with your own hands, you will need to follow these steps:

Choose the fabric most suitable for the interior,
- make a stencil for future letters,
- transfer it to the fabric, while helping yourself with a piece of cardboard,
- to make a couple of blanks (moreover, on the one hand, you need to attach the stencil directly, on the other hand, it must be turned over, that is, placed in a mirror image),
- then sew them together in the most elementary way.

This can be done with a sewing machine or by hand. You need to fill the volume between the pieces of fabric with padding polyester, fabric scraps, cotton wool or foam rubber. Use the most durable materials so that you do not have to often resort to repairing the final result in the future.

You can sew the fabric in a variety of ways, the seams can be left inside or outside, while turning the product inside out. You can decorate it with lace, pebbles, buttons, butterflies or flowers. If you want to please children, then glue the tongue, eyes, hair, nose to it and make symbolic legs and arms with threads. In the final stage, you don't have to limit your imagination.


DIY cardboard letters can be made in a variety of ways. To this end, you need to keep a stencil at hand, where the letter will be depicted with the font that you want to see on the wall or shelf. For beginners, it is best to choose a classic, non-serif typeface for this purpose. Once you have mastered this skill, you can move on to more original fonts. Using a stencil, transfer the image to corrugated or ordinary cardboard, thick thick paper. Then wrap the cardboard blank with woolen or other thick threads. Then decorate the result with flowers from the same threads, pebbles, shells or beads.

There is a second way to get letters from cardboard, it is more difficult, but using it you can make full-fledged, and not just soft products. So, with a little more effort, you can decorate both minimalist and classic interiors with high quality. To do this, you also need to make stencils and cut out a couple of parts. If you want to make a letter with holes, then cut them with a clerical knife, and then cut them out with scissors. For the ribs, cut a piece of cardboard, it should be three to four centimeters thicker than the letter itself. Now take a pen without ink, and use it to push the fold lines along which the parts will be connected. Bend the cardboard over them. Glue the part to the edge of the letter (to make this step more convenient, make a notch along the way to fold the edge in the part of the product where the lines are smooth). After you glue the rib and the first part of the product, do the same with the second part. Then place the letter under the press for two hours.

Then you can start decorating the finished product, made by hand. If your interior is designed in a minimalist style, then simply paste over it with white paper. And to brighten the letter, decorate it with sparkles, shells, gift ribbons, beads, wrapping paper, gift ribbons and other materials. You can also cover it with paints to make it more suitable for individual pieces of furniture or for a specific style of interior design.

In this, more complex method, letters are made to decorate the holidays. In the case of celebrating weddings, they can put the words "Happiness", "Love" and others, as well as the names of the spouses. In the case of anniversaries, there may also be not letters, but numbers made according to the same technique. There is another way to make numbers and letters from cardboard - this is papier-mâché. To make a product using this technique, make a drawing of what you have in mind in the amount of two pieces, and connect them to each other. Some people do this by taking paper cups and applying glue to their tops and bottoms. You can also take pieces of cardboard of the same size for gluing. Then cover the product with newspapers or pieces of paper and decorate with applique, painting, or using decoupage.


Another fairly common material for making letters is wood. The easiest way to do this is to use bars of it or plywood. It should only be remembered that the plywood letter turns out to be voluminous, it will need to be decorated, for example, with acorns or cones. When production begins, you will also need a stencil. Transfer it to a piece of plywood and cut it out with a jigsaw. Sandpaper the resulting letter to get rid of splinters and irregularities. After that, it can be covered with paint and decorated with some materials. Then make it moisture resistant by varnishing.


If you have enough material, you can make your own styrofoam letters. You can find it either in specialized stores or in equipment boxes. Letters are made from it, as well as from wood. Transfer, using a stencil, the pattern to the foam, and then saw it out with a construction knife or jigsaw. Now take a fine skin, align it and clean the product. When decorating such letters yourself, you must first cover them with two layers of paint. Then you can cover it with tulle, burlap, lace, thread and other materials. Plus, you can decorate the letters with handmade ladybirds, small flowers, butterflies, etc. In no case do not use Moment glue for this, it is destructive for polystyrene. Take rubber glue for this.


Also, for making letters with your own hands, gypsum can be suitable. Just stock up on gloves for this. Make a mold into which you want to pour the solution. Draw a drawing of the letters on a piece of cardboard and cut out long strips that are the same thickness as the letter. Stick them along the contours on cardboard, because of this, a cavity will turn out that will need to be filled with plaster. Before that, it is best to cover the cavity with tape so that there is no particular difficulty in removing the part when it hardens. When mixing gypsum, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the container.

A properly made solution is likely to be similar in consistency to yogurt. Fill out the form halfway with them. Place a piece of burlap on top, and then pour the solution to the top. Wait 4-5 hours for the solution to harden. Take a knife and use it to remove the plaster from the mold. Go over it with sandpaper to remove bumps and unnecessary corners.

In most cases, after this work on the plaster letters is completed. If you don't want to, then you can paint them, as well as decorate with some small details. Cover them with acrylic spray to avoid contamination.

We offer you to watch a short video about the easy process of making volumetric letters:

Today, three-dimensional letters, folded into words and sentences, are often used in photo shoots, wedding decoration and home interior decoration. You can make such a decoration yourself, and the basis can be fabric, foam, and even ordinary paper napkins.

Below are the most interesting ideas with photos and instructions for making crafts on the theme of "Letters". Choose the option that suits you and get started.

Made of cardboard

The simplest master class on how to make a letter craft is to make a volumetric composition from cardboard. This option is suitable even for small children, it does not take much time, and basic materials can be easily found in every home.

The instruction is as follows:

  • Draw a letter on a sheet of cardboard, not forgetting to leave an allowance in the desired thickness along the straight edges, cut it out.
  • Attach the blank on a new sheet and make a second copy.
  • Cut strips from the remaining material and glue the circles.
  • Stick the mugs on one of the bases.
  • Glue the blanks together.


Having a sufficient amount of foam, you can make large and small letters with your own hands on its basis.

  • Having decided on the size and shape of the future product, we start working with airy material:
  • We make a piece of paper or print it from the Internet.
  • We circle the stencil with a marker on a piece of styrofoam.
  • Cut with a sharp knife.
  • We sand all the edges with sandpaper.

From fabric

A similar principle for the manufacture of letters from fabric: it is necessary to circle the pattern with chalk on the seamy side of the material, provide for allowances for the seams, sew, remembering to leave a few centimeters unstitched.

From paper napkins

To get an interesting craft on the topic of alphabet letters, you can experiment with paper napkins:

  • Choose a suitable color.
  • Collect a napkin into a lush and tight flower: twist and pull off the tip with a thread.
  • Make the required number of buds, depending on the required size.
  • Glue the flowers together securely.

The main thing is to first outline the boundaries of the future craft on a sheet of paper and glue the buds, focusing on the sample. It is also important to ensure that the flowers are dense, keep their shape, for which you can use several napkins at once.

Made of wood

Those who know how to work with wood will like the volumetric letter made of wood. You can make such a decoration from a solid array, but in the absence of special tools, you can go another way:

  • Gather up thin branches, wash and dry.
  • Collect letters from them, depending on the desired thickness, varying the number of rods.
  • Fix the twigs with a rope.
  • Trim or break off excess edges.
  • Cover with varnish.

Salted dough

For children's creativity, a craft in the form of a living letter, made by hand from salt dough, is more suitable. True, the final product will be small and heavy, but it provides tremendous opportunities for experimentation and motor development.

An approximate algorithm looks like this:

  • Dilute the dough: stir three quarters of a glass of salt with a glass of flour, five tablespoons of vegetable oil and a little warm water.
  • Blind the letter by gently leveling the surfaces.
  • Allow the product to dry.

How to decorate

Volumetric letters-crafts from any materials at hand need decoration. You can decorate the base in many ways:

  • Paste over with beads, beads, rhinestones, as well as bows, flowers, applique.
  • Cover with cloth or gift paper.
  • Wrap with satin ribbons.
  • Paint or pattern.
  • Supplement with a luminous garland.
  • Spray with sparkles from a special spray can.

The nature of the decorations is selected taking into account the colors and style of the event or room, the materials available and your own skills.

The basis should also be taken into account, for example, natural materials, figures of animals and insects are more suitable for decorating wood, beads and rhinestones for fabric blanks, paper and appliqués for cardboard, and glitter varnish is enough for structures with paper napkins.

To make the product beautiful, even and harmonious, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • It will be useful to study the photos of handicrafts in the form of letters available on the network in order to find the best option and have a sample on hand.
  • Not knowing how to use a compass and a ruler, it is better to print the finished stencil.
  • If it is planned that the letters should stand, you should take care of a wide and stable base in advance.
  • Do not overuse colors: just three shades in the entire composition.
  • Illuminated letters are installed next to the outlet.

Having figured out how to make 3D letters, you can not only help your child excel at school at a craft competition and have a good time, but also make an unusual photo zone, decorate your home interior with an interesting accessory, or prepare a personalized gift for your friend.

In any case, the above tips, instructions and ideas will help you determine the materials and the sequence of actions in order to immediately create the perfect product.

Photo of craft letters

Inscriptions and individual letters of various sizes and fonts have been used in the design of premises for a long time. This type of design can safely lay claim to a whole direction in interior design. So let's make decorative bright cardboard letters with our own hands!

They are often used as decoration at corporate parties, weddings, photo sessions. This can be an unforgettable birthday present for a loved one and a unique decoration for a child's room. You can also use cardboard letters as head decorations for children, for example, to school or to study the alphabet at home.

Be aware that you will not find such jewelry at neighbors or friends, because hand-made things are unique and inimitable. And right now we will tell you how to make such letters with your own hands.

We make letters from cardboard with our own hands in a step-by-step master class

You need to take a good thick cardboard, you can corrugated, an unnecessary cardboard box from packaging equipment and even shoes is also suitable.

So, to make letters out of cardboard, you will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Knife or scissors
  • Hot melt glue, PVA glue or Moment glue
  • Scotch tape, regular and double-sided
  • Paper towel or toilet paper tubes
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • White paper, or design
  • Decor elements (braid, rhinestones, buttons)

Do not worry that the list is long, you do not need everything at once, but only what you choose depending on the version described below.

If this is your first such work, do not worry, everything is not so difficult, you need to carefully follow all the steps using our master class. And you will succeed.

  1. You should start by making a template or stencil for future letters, which is easy to make yourself. You need to draw the required letter on the album sheet and cut it out. If you are not very good with drawing, then you can print this letter on a printer. For beginners, it is advisable to choose the simplest and most even font without squiggles and curls.
  2. You need to put the template on cardboard, circle and cut out with a tool convenient for you. The workpiece is ready.
  3. The next stage is registration. In this case, we chose threads. Thicker threads are most suitable. We determine by color and wrap tightly on our workpiece. If you have opted for a synthetic thread, then know that it is less susceptible to mechanical stress, more practical and easier to clean. If you chose natural, then they also have their own charm.
  4. Also, in the design of letters, you can use various fabrics and unused wallpaper, which can be used to paste over our blank.

It will be about making volumetric letters from cardboard. It is suitable for those who are fluent in a simple way and for those who are not used to dwelling on the achieved result.

  1. As in the first variant, we repeat the first step with only one difference. Cutting according to the template requires not one part, but two.
  2. To connect the cut out blanks, you need to cut out a cardboard strip, which is equal to the thickness of the letter, and add two centimeters to the width, on each side.
  3. We draw lines with a pencil at a distance of two centimeters from the edge, along the entire length of the strip, and gently bend along the line. You should get an u-shaped detail, thanks to which our letter will become voluminous. The length of such a part should be equal to the perimeter of the letter, which can be measured with an ordinary rope and transferred to the ruler.
  4. Now we cut off the U-shaped piece along the length of each side of the letter and glue it with the curved side to one of the blanks to form a side. We repeat this operation for all sides of the letter.
  5. When the sides are dry, it's time to glue the second blank to the sides, so to speak, the face of our letter. We do this in the same way as with the first blank.

There is another way to add volume to the letter. This time, toilet paper tubes or paper towels will be used.

  1. We cut the tubes into rings, the height of which is the thickness of the letter. If you want to make mega thick letters, you can use paper or plastic cups instead of tubes.
  2. Place the rings onto one of our cut out cardboard blanks
  3. We apply hot melt glue to the rings on one side and glue them to predetermined places. We also spread the rings with glue on the other side and glue the other half of the letter. Hot glue dries quickly, so you need to act quickly and clearly. If there is no hot glue, then you can use Moment glue.

You can also use the scheme of the desired letter drawn on cardboard in a sweep with all sides and the second front side and "ears" for fastening. You just need to bend and glue such a letter, and the letter is ready. To avoid damage to the material, it is better to make a reduced copy of the scan on a notebook sheet in a box.

A do-it-yourself volumetric cardboard letter is ready. It can be decorated with threads, as in a simple letter. But there are other decor options:

  • Colored and design paper
  • Textiles and lace ribbons
  • Buttons, beads, shells
  • Aerosol paints

Or you can just glue the volumetric letter with paper and paint it with acrylic paint in your favorite color. In the end, I would like to add that there is no limit to the imagination and skill of the person who creates.

Related videos

And finally, I would like to offer a video master class on the letters of cardboard, which will help the assimilation of the material. Happy viewing!

It is quite popular abroad to use letters in interior decoration, which can be hung on ribbons, placed on shelves, etc. You can also add names or any phrases from them, or you can chaotically "scatter" around the wall to decipher anagrams. Recently, such volumetric letters have begun to be used for photo shoots and decorating the festive hall. Today we offer you to make such letters yourself from an unnecessary cardboard box.

To make three-dimensional letters, you will need:

Corrugated cardboard (you can use an old box);
- design paper;
- regular and double-sided tape;
- ruler, pencil, cutter;
- marking board;
- decorative elements (ribbon, rhinestones, buttons, etc.).

Volumetric letters from cardboard step by step:

Take a piece of cardboard and draw a simple letter on it, no roundness. Then cut out the letter in duplicate with scissors / paper knife (photo 1). The cut out letter will look like in photo 2.

Make sides on one letter, for which cut from cardboard strips about 7 cm wide and as long as possible. Cut them into pieces so that there is enough for the entire perimeter of the letter. Fold 2 cm allowances on both sides and glue to these allowances along a strip of double-sided tape. Then glue the resulting "sides" to the "letter" part (photo 3).

Glue a second cardboard letter to the sides and press firmly, but try not to bend the corrugated cardboard (photo 4-5). From above, you can fix it with more strips of double-sided tape (photo 6).

Start decorating the letter. Trace it on design paper and roughly figure out how to cut to cover the letters from all sides (its entire surface). The wrapper for the letter may not work the first time - it's okay, try again (photo 7-9).

Lyudmila Dudoladova

For manufacturing, we need thick cardboard, a stationery knife, a glue gun, paper napkins (a lot, a stapler, a glue stick, scissors, paper cups.

So you can start. Draw a template on cardboard letters

I cut two at the same time letters from two pieces of cardboard, if you have a good stationery knife, this will easily work

Then I fastened the two halves together letters using thick paper cups

Paper cups are thicker than plastic and our the letter will be more stable

Then we begin to paste over the sides of our letters

To do this, we procure a lot volumetric napkin circles

I think many already know how to make blanks, but I will repeat myself. We take a napkin, fold it in half, then again in half, fasten it with a stapler and cut out a circle (I used the template so that all the circles were even)

How do you decorate letters- your imagination will tell you. We do it like this!

These volumetric letters- a gift by September 1 for my daughter. We will have an inscription - grade 3. I think my daughter and her students will be happy with such a decoration of the class. Thanks to all. Until September 1, there is still someone who can take advantage of my idea.

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