How to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the environment. Protective mechanisms of the skin Protects the skin from damaging effects

The fight against dirty air, water - what is commonly called the harmful effects of the environment and bad ecology - today is becoming more relevant than ever. Not a day goes by without news channels sharing information about another metropolitan city in Europe, Asia, America, whose residents are suffering from severe smog. Mobile applications are gaining relevance, allowing at any time to assess the degree of risk of inhaling too many substances hazardous to health from the ambient air. Designers bring models to the catwalk wearing protective masks that protect the respiratory system. And how to protect the skin, which itself is the first and most important protector of our body? The skin of the face is the first to face harmful environmental influences and needs the support of its resources, which is why Académie Scientifique de Beauté has developed a cosmetic novelty, which the site learned in more detail about.

What is the danger of environmental pollution for our skin

Under the influence of industrial and tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, dry conditioned air and other environmental troubles, the skin weakens and loses its ability to perform its barrier function.

So, for example, polluted city air can contain particles of heavy metals, carbon, various gases, which are 20 times smaller than the pore diameter on human skin and freely penetrate inside. The causes of skin pollution in everyday life can be the chemicals of the materials from which furniture, carpets, and hygiene products are made. Every day, the average city dweller is in contact with thousands of all kinds of pollutants that harm their skin:

  • accelerate the appearance of wrinkles due to the effects of free radicals;
  • provoke the development of pigmentation;
  • deplete the lipid mantle of the skin and cause its increased dryness;
  • cause dull, pale skin and hair color;
  • cause brittleness and hair loss.

According to some studies, in 80% of cases, the aging process is triggered by negative environmental influences (exposure to the sun and air pollution), and only 20% remain on the share of age and genetic characteristics.

In order to reduce the harmful effects of negative environmental factors on the skin, Académie Scientifique de Beauté has developed a novelty, a “shield for city dwellers”, which helps to protect the skin from the influence of pollutants, creating an invisible film on the skin that reliably protects the epidermis.

How to protect your skin from airborne contaminants: special hydration

The Académie Beauty Institute invites you to pay attention to a new product - the first moisturizer that helps protect the skin from pollution - the “Moisturizing Eco-Protection Mist” make-up fixing spray. It is a reliable "shield" for all skin types, which protects it from air pollutants, helps fight free radicals, and at the same time fixes makeup.

Académie Scientifique de Beauté's Moisturizing Eco-Protect Haze offers an ultra-light texture with a “second skin” effect that creates an invisible protective film, allowing the epidermis to breathe, while reliably preventing small harmful particles from penetrating the pores.

The moisturizing mist consists of 88% spring water, 5% anti-pollution active ingredients, and 3% a unique moisturizing biocomplex.

You can buy the spray in beauty salons:

Anti-pollution active ingredients create a second skin effect that protects against household and external pollutants. This effect is achieved through the fermentation process, and the high molecular weight anionic polysaccharide (2 million daltons), which limits the penetration of external pollutants as much as possible, does not create a dense film on the skin, allowing it to breathe.

The main purpose of the active ingredients against pollution:

  • protection of the epidermis against the accumulation of carbon particles;
  • increasing the protection of cells from heavy particles that penetrate the skin and are the cause of oxidative stress, changes in mitochondrial metabolism and lipid peroxidation;
  • increased protection of the skin from damage as a result of exposure to sulfates contained in hygiene products.

Moisturizing biocomplex allows:

  • improve the condition of the skin surface due to active ingredients that help balance the desquamation process and improve skin microrelief;
  • restore hydration of damaged hair, deeply penetrating into the cuticle, and protect their fibers, restoring shine and silkiness to the hair.

The unique composition of spring water (mineral salts, trace elements and sulfur), extracted in the heart of the Southern Pyrenees from a 64 m deep well, has exceptional moisturizing, soothing and antioxidant properties, which have been repeatedly proven by scientific research.

The eco-friendly moisturizing haze is a kind of last touch before leaving the house to the street. The product is used as the last step after completing skin care - it is sprayed from a distance of 20 cm onto the face, hands and hair. It helps to improve skin tone, give hair a special shine, protect the epidermis from external irritants, and is ideal for maintaining skin freshness. The moisturizing emulsion can be used not only at home - for skin care and makeup fixing, in the office - to maintain the skin's protective resources throughout the day, but also after cosmetic procedures - on the face, neck, décolleté, hands - to withstand urban stress.

Official representative of the Academie Scientifique de Beaute trademark in Ukraine

The way of life a girl leads can be recognized by the condition of the skin of her face.
Lack of proper care and bad habits leave an imprint on how women look at one time or another in their lives. In our review, the first 10 factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin of the face.

1. Chlorinated water

The first factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin is water procedures with chlorinated water.
Chlorine-treated water dries the skin, causes peeling and irritation. Therefore, it is better to use a liquid purified from harmful impurities for washing.

2. Makeup left on while sleeping

Makeup that is not removed before bed is the second factor that negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face.
In no case should you go to bed wearing makeup. Even late at night, when you really want to sleep, you definitely need to carry out the make-up removal procedure and wash your face with cleansers. If you do not remove cosmetics for a long time, this will lead to the formation of free radicals, which can disrupt the vital functions of cells and lead to premature aging of the skin.

3. Abuse of coffee drinks

The third factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin is a large amount of caffeine.
Excessive consumption of coffee leads to the formation of wrinkles on dry and sensitive skin.

4. Hot shower

Long bathing in hot water is the fourth factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin.
Taking hot showers every day for long periods of time can disrupt the lipid balance of the skin, leaving it dry and dehydrated. For the face, washing with cool water is much more beneficial.

5. Squeezing acne

The fifth factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin is the mechanical fight against inflammation.
In no case should you press acne with your hands. This can lead to infection and new inflammation. Also, squeezing acne leads to enlargement of pores, the formation of scars and scars.

6. Unbalanced diet

Lack of vitamins and minerals is the sixth factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin.
The fair sex should definitely include in the diet fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, cheese and dairy products. We must not forget about meat and fatty fish, which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (also called "Omega-3") - these substances are simply necessary for women who want to have beautiful skin. These types of fish include trout, salmon, salmon, pink salmon, cod, mackerel, sardine, sturgeon, herring, halibut, saury.

7. Lack of physical activity

The seventh factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin is a passive lifestyle.
Exercise improves blood circulation so that skin cells are more oxygenated and nourished. This gives the face a more natural complexion. Exercise also stimulates collagen and elastin production, which means your skin is more resistant to wrinkles. Sweat helps cleanse pores of dirt, grease, dead cells and bacteria. However, after playing sports, you need to take a shower immediately, otherwise sweat will begin to negatively affect the skin.

8. Wearing dirty glasses

Dirty glasses are the eighth factor that negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face.
When caring for glasses, attention should be paid not only to glasses, but also to the frame, on the surface of which a lot of dirt and bacteria accumulate, which inevitably get on the skin of the face.

9. Lack of fluid in the body

The ninth factor that negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face is insufficient water intake.
You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, otherwise the skin will suffer from dehydration.

10. Frequent phone calls

Finding a smartphone near the face for a long time is the tenth factor that negatively affects the condition of the facial skin.
If you talk on the phone too often and, accordingly, keep the device near your face for a long time, this is fraught with a decrease in skin tone.

Inga Vasilieva

Expert in the selection of protective equipment


The times when workers were given soda, soap and even washing powder to clean their hands from industrial pollution have not yet been erased from the memory. The main and only protection for the hands were mittens and there was no question of any special means. Only at the beginning of the new millennium, the Ministry of Labor issued Decree No. 45 of 04.07.2003, obliging employers to provide workers not only with soap, but special cleansing pastes, creams to protect and regenerate the skin of the hands. At the moment, Resolution No. 45 has ceased to be in force and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 1122N of 12/17/2010 is currently in force.

This document identifies the types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents, the name of the work and production factors and the rate of issue per employee per month.

The main document regulating the requirements for dermatological hand protection is the technical regulation of the Customs Union. All means of protection are divided according to their purpose into the following groups:

- protection

- cleansing

- regeneration

Only the use of a full range of products can provide full protection and regeneration of the skin after contact with harmful materials and substances.

Protective cream - an alternative to gloves?

Handling aggressive substances requires special hand protection. Most often, special gloves become such protection. It is far from always convenient to manipulate hands and fingers while wearing gloves: hands sweat due to impaired air exchange, the sensitivity of the fingers becomes worse. In some situations, it is quite possible to replace them with a protective cream (of course, if this is not working with especially dangerous substances).

The task of the protective agent is to prevent the penetration of harmful substances to the skin surface. Depending on the type of contamination, the type of protective cream is selected.

Protective equipment is of the following types:



Combined (universal) action

From exposure to low temperatures and wind

From exposure to ultraviolet radiation of the A ranges; IN; FROM

From the effects of biological factors (insects and microorganisms)

Hydrophobic creams used in enterprises where workers are often in contact with water-soluble substances. Such substances include solutions of acids, salts and alkalis, fertilizers, detergents and disinfectants, lime and cement solutions. When such a cream is applied to the skin of the hands, a water-repellent layer is formed, which prevents the contact of harmful substances with the skin. Rinse off the hydrophobic cream from your hands with a cleansing gel or paste.

Example. Protective hydrophobic cream ARMAKON Servolin Protect can be used as an independent protective agent, and together with rubber gloves. When applied, it forms a thin, transparent film on the skin that prevents the penetration of chemical irritants.

Hydrophilic creams protect against contamination by substances not soluble in water. These include varnishes, paints, resins, petroleum and petroleum products, soot and graphite. When applied to hands, a breathable film is formed that prevents corrosive impurities from absorbing into the skin. The hydrophilic cream can be easily washed off with warm water and soap.

Example. Protective hydrophilic cream ARMACON Servolin, contains substances that block the harmful effects of chemical irritants. The cream is quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling, and greatly facilitates the cleaning of the skin of the hands after work.

Agents that have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties are called universal or combined action... They are ideally suited to work in a variety of contaminants.

Example. De-12 Cream effectively protects the skin from the effects of aqueous solutions of acids, alkalis, lime, cement, disinfectants, fertilizers, solvents, technical oils, paints, petroleum products. It is quickly absorbed and forms a breathable protective microfilm on the skin, as a result of which the penetration of pollutants does not occur.

Protect skin from insects, namely mosquitoes, horseflies, fleas, midges and other bloodsucking will help high-quality repellents... Substances of natural and synthetic origin are designed to scare away animals, which makes it possible to provide more comfortable working conditions in the summer, in the open air.

Contact repellents can be in the form of ointments, sprays, lotions, creams, or emulsions. Their action can be deterrent or disguising. Active active substances against insects can be such chemical compounds as diethyl toluamide, oxamate, carboxylic acid, dimethyl phthalate.

Example. The repellent agent ARMACON Camara Anti-mite in the form of a spray can be used to protect against any blood-sucking insects. The spray contains a whole range of highly effective components. Forms a thin film when applied to the skin. The repelling effect lasts more than 4 hours, after which it is necessary to use the spray again.

UV protection, the source of which can be both the scorching summer sun and welding equipment. Large doses of ultraviolet light can lead to pigmentation, aging and skin burns. Moreover, doctors believe that prolonged exposure to UV rays can trigger the development of skin cancer. To avoid these troubles, special UV-protected creams should be used.

These creams contain one or more light filters of physical and chemical origin, which reflect, absorb or scatter UV rays of various ranges. In addition, the creams contain substances that moisturize and soften the skin, as well as antioxidants.

An alternative option for protecting the skin during summer work in the open will be a universal product with protection against insects and ultraviolet radiation at the same time.

Example. Cream ARMACON SVETOVIT (optional) of combined action reliably protects the skin from corrosive impurities of any type, and is also effective for protection against UV radiation of A, B and C ranges of any origin. Protection factor - SPF 30.

Anti-cold and wind cream designed to protect the skin when working in low temperatures, wind, snow, and other adverse weather conditions.

Aggressive impact of external factors negatively affects the condition of the skin of the hands of workers, whose activities are associated with a long stay in the open air, with constant contact with harmful substances. This can cause pathological skin disorders, with prolonged exposure to frost and wind, the skin of the hands and face loses moisture. As a result of this effect, peeling and cracks appear. To restore damaged skin and restore its elasticity, it is necessary to use a regenerating cream.

Clean hands in the workplace

Any production activity is a source of pollution with varying degrees of sustainability. To remove mild contamination from your hands, just wash them in warm water and soap. You won't be able to get rid of grease, soot, silicone, paint, or oil with simple soap. For such purposes, you will need a special tool.

What is the ideal industrial hand cleaner? One of the most important components of a cleaning agent is an abrasive. With the help of an abrasive, keratinized skin cells are easily exfoliated, and with them, ingrained dirt. Natural materials can be used as an abrasive: crushed apricot and nut shells, salt and volcanic sand. Artificial polymers in the form of microgranules are also used.

The cleanser completely removes work dirt without damaging the skin.

The base of the cleanser is most often a gel or paste, the composition includes various components that allow you to cleanse the skin without injuring it, such as glycerin, vegetable oils, oleic acid, etc.

High-quality cleansing pastes are free of solvents, harmful dyes and preservatives. Modern cleaning agents do not require a lot of water, which is important for work sites with no water supply.

Example.Paste ARMACON LYMEX is intended for cleaning hands from all types of stubborn dirt. Abrasive particles from crushed walnut shells do not have sharp edges, therefore they easily and painlessly remove dead cells, stimulating skin renewal. The paste contains vegetable oils that soften, nourish and moisturize your hands. Suitable for daily use.

Regenerating creams

Regenerating agents restore the integrity of the skin after working with aggressive materials and substances and negative environmental influences. Its task is to supply the skin with the necessary moisturizing and nourishing substances and to stimulate the process of tissue regeneration.

The composition of the regenerating cream includes substances with a healing effect (keratin, allantoin, liquid paraffin), components that slow down the loss of moisture (glycerin), as well as vitamins and vegetable oils to nourish the skin. Thanks to its deep effect, the cream helps to quickly restore the lost integrity and elasticity of the skin, to protect it from negative environmental influences.

Example. The regenerating regenerating cream ARMACON Velum is intended for the skin of the hands and face. It is formulated with the unique Armakon® Nutrio Pro-V Nutrient Complex, which allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin after working in bad weather and with chemicals.

Who is entitled to dermatological remedies?

It must be remembered that the purchase of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is mandatory and is carried out at the expense of the employer.

Dermatological skin protection products - cleansing pastes, protective and regenerating creams are required by workers whose activities are associated with aggressive and hard-to-remove contaminants, lubricants, oil, petroleum products, oils, chemicals, adhesives and bitumen, etc. The choice of funds should take into account the specifics of the enterprise, the type of pollution, working conditions. All funds must be of high quality and meet the requirements of national or international standards.

According to Appendix N1 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of December 17, 2010 N1122n (as amended on February 20, 2014), the table below shows the norms for the free issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to workers

Types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Name of works and production factors

Issuance rate for 1 employee per month

I. Protective equipment

Hydrophilic agents (absorbing moisture, moisturizing the skin)

Work with organic solvents, industrial oils, greases, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, oil and oil products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal, glass, paper and others), fuel oil, glass fiber, cooling lubricants oil-based liquids (hereinafter referred to as coolant) and other water-insoluble materials and substances

Hydrophobic agents (repelling moisture, drying the skin)

Work with aqueous solutions, water (provided by the technology), water-based coolants, disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other water-soluble materials and substances; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymeric materials (without natural lining), closed safety shoes

Combined action means

Work under alternating exposure to water-soluble and water-insoluble materials and substances specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of these Model Norms

Means for protecting the skin from negative environmental influences (from irritation and damage to the skin)

Outdoor, welding and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation of ranges A, B, C or exposure to low temperatures, wind

Means for protection against bacteriological harmful factors (disinfectants)

Work with bacterially hazardous media; when finding a workplace remotely from stationary sanitary facilities; work performed in closed special shoes; with increased requirements for sterility of hands in production

Means for protection against biological hazards (from arthropod bites)

Outdoor work (seasonal, at temperatures above 0 ° Celsius) during the period of activity of blood-sucking and stinging insects and arachnids

II. Cleansers

Soaps or liquid detergents including: hand wash body wash

Works related to easily washed off contamination

200 g (toilet soap) or 250 ml (liquid detergents in dosing devices) 300 g (toilet soap) or 500 ml (liquid detergents in dosing devices)

Solid toilet soap or liquid detergents

300 g (toilet soap) or 500 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

Cleansing creams, gels and pastes

Works associated with difficult to remove, persistent contamination: oils, greases, oil products, varnishes, paints, resins, adhesives, bitumen, fuel oil, silicone, soot, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal)

III. Regenerating, restoring agents

Regenerating creams, emulsions

Work with organic solvents, industrial oils, greases, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, oil and oil products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, glass and others), fuel oil, water and oil-based coolants, with water and aqueous solutions (provided by the technology), disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other working materials; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymeric materials (without natural lining); negative environmental impact

Everyone knows very well that modern ecology leaves much to be desired. And some understand that it has a negative impact on health. But it also affects our skin. How exactly? And how to prevent such influence and protect yourself?

What exactly affects the skin?

To begin with, it is worth listing the negative environmental factors that have a tangible and extremely adverse effect on the skin:

  • Dust. It is contained in the air and easily settles on the skin of the whole body.
  • Smog. It is a mixture of burning, smoke, soot and other components that rise into the air and hover in it in the form of a kind of suspension.
  • Traffic fumes. Today, there are so many cars in medium and large cities that the exhaust gases simply do not have time to evaporate and are in the air.
  • Ultraviolet radiation. It can refer to environmental factors, since recently the sun has become very active and aggressive due to atmospheric pollution. Of course, the sun is necessary for everyone, but not always and not in excessive quantities.
  • Water. Water in reservoirs is polluted by emissions from industrial factories and plants, as well as by human waste products. And the water in the taps, which has gone through several stages of purification, is extremely hard.

What is the impact of ecology?

How does ecology affect the condition of the skin? It is clear that it is extremely negative. Here are just some of the areas of such impact:

  • Dust and smog accumulates on the skin, clogging and dirtying pores, resulting in acne and pimples.
  • Hard water can form an impenetrable plaque on the surface of the skin, which interferes with the normal breathing of the skin, and also clogs the sebaceous and sweat glands. This can result in unpleasant odor and irritation. With prolonged use of hard water for washing and bathing, the production of sebum is disrupted, and the skin becomes either excessively dry (this is most often the case) or excessively oily (the sebaceous glands can begin to produce even more sebum due to clogging). In addition, hard water often causes severe allergic reactions.
  • Exhaust gases can penetrate the skin, destroy epidermal cells and elastin and collagen molecules, and trigger free radicals. As a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases, it becomes dull, fragile, and its color changes. And free radicals start the aging process.
  • Ultraviolet light is not only harmful but also dangerous. Firstly, an excessive amount of direct sunlight contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the skin and, accordingly, it dries out. Areas of skin that are more exposed to ultraviolet radiation become dry and rough. Secondly, the active sun can provoke the development of cancer, especially in fair-skinned people. The most dangerous and insidious of these is melanoma. Thirdly, due to increased dryness and activity of free radicals, the skin will age quickly, which means that wrinkles and other signs of aging will appear much earlier than they should.
  • Some components of the air can cause severe allergic reactions, manifested in the form of a rash, burning sensation, itching and severe discomfort. And if unpleasant sensations arise often or even more so constantly, then this can significantly worsen the quality of life, disrupt and worsen the functioning of the nervous system, provoke the development of complexes and even lead to depression or a nervous breakdown. In addition, allergic skin diseases can take on a more serious and complex or chronic form.

How to protect your skin?

What can be done to protect the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors? A few practical tips:

  1. Cleanse your skin regularly. This should be done in the morning after waking up, as well as in the evening before bedtime. But simply washing your face is not enough. Use a toner, its components penetrate the skin and effectively remove all impurities. It is important to purchase a quality product, as a poor quality tonic can only aggravate the condition. It is also very important to choose the right product. Consider your skin type and your specific problems.
  2. Exfoliate regularly to remove impurities and old dead skin particles that are interfering with breathing. A gentle home exfoliation should be done once a week. And about once every 1-2 months, you need to arrange a deeper cleansing. It is better to entrust it to an experienced beautician.
  3. It is better not to use hard water for washing. A simple boiling procedure, as well as the use of special multi-stage filters, will help to reduce its hardness. In addition, you can use natural mineral water, it not only does not pollute the skin, but also helps to cleanse it, and also provides nutrition.
  4. It is extremely important to lead a healthy lifestyle, this will help the body cope with the negative effects of the environment and improve the condition of all tissues and the functioning of organs and systems. First of all, you should eat right. Especially the skin needs proteins and vitamins A, E, D and group B, which are found in orange and red fruits and vegetables, in sea fish, fermented milk and dairy products, as well as in greens and green vegetables. It is also useful to play sports, since regular physical activity normalizes metabolic processes. And walk as much as possible in the fresh and clean air, for example, outside the city.
  5. Use the right cosmetics. First, they must be right for you. Secondly, they must nourish and moisturize the skin, but at the same time not leave a film on it. Thirdly, the products should protect the skin from the negative effects of both environmental and natural factors, for example, from wind, sun, cold. Use only high quality cosmetics. You can also use some folk remedies, they will also help improve the condition of the skin.
  6. See a professional beautician whenever possible. He will assess the condition of the epidermis, identify existing problems and give useful recommendations for correct, safe and effective skin care and protection.
  7. It is imperative to protect your skin from the sun. So do not sunbathe during the hours of increased solar activity (from 12 noon to 16: 00-17: 00 pm) and be sure to apply sunscreen to your body.
  8. Try to be less nervous, as stress also has a very negative effect on our skin.

Protect your skin from negative environmental factors to keep it beautiful, well-groomed and healthy!

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We know the sun is bad for the skin. However, we often neglect this fact and make many mistakes that lead us to burns and other unpleasant consequences. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, about 86% of melanoma cases are caused by sun exposure. To avoid dangerous sun exposure, there are some simple rules to follow.

We are in website decided to figure out why we get sunburn every summer, although we use sunscreen. We will tell you how to properly protect yourself from the sun.

Mistake # 1: We Think Sunbathing A Lot Is Good

Many people sunbathe not only for a golden complexion, but also for the production of vitamin D. Scientists at the University of Georgia believe that this vitamin protects against depression.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin by exposure to ultraviolet rays. But this does not mean that you need to lie for hours under the scorching sun and go to the solarium all year round.... Walking around on sunny days is enough to maintain adequate vitamin D production. The amount of vitamin D a person needs depends on their age, where they live and the intensity of the sun. So, for example, if you have fair skin, it is recommended to spend no more than 10 minutes a day under the sun.

Mistake # 2: Not Examining the Composition of Sunscreen

Mistake # 3: Buying one cream for the whole family

Everyone knows how important it is to cover your skin with clothes on a sunny day. However, not all clothing can provide sufficient protection.... For example, a white cotton T-shirt only protects against UV rays at an SPF 4 level, although you need 30 for protection. It is worth choosing darker colors, as they reflect UV better.

Mistake # 5: Taking Late Bites

In principle, this is not useful, and if you are under the sun the next day, it is doubly harmful. A study from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that late snacks disrupt the biological clock of the skin... People who eat late are more vulnerable to sunburn.

Mistake # 6: Using perfume

After sunbathing, your skin needs to breathe. Any interaction of the skin with the sun is a priori damage to it. The only question is how strong. Tight clothing can worsen even mild redness.

As the body reacts to damage to the skin, it tries to heal it by increasing blood flow. Tight clothing can increase the reaction, resulting in more intense redness, swelling and blistering. Therefore, when going to the beach, put on something light and loose.