How to choose a good ski suit. Ski clothing - how to choose the right one? Choosing insulation separately from the ski suit

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Choosing ski clothing is now no easier than understanding the electronics market. Modern models can be as technologically advanced as some fancy gadgets.

The materials used in their sewing, as well as the microcircuits, are developed in laboratories and undergo several types of tests. But because of this very technology, the labels on clothes mockingly laugh with incomprehensible symbols and abbreviations. Manufacturers, naturally, speak well of each of their products. And the opinions of users who fill the forums seem contradictory: “I have been wearing Gore-tex for 10 years. There is nothing better! Or: “Membrane? Avisent - that’s my answer!” So who to believe? Draw your own conclusions, but accept supporting material.

Firstly, it’s worth starting with the fact that the price does not always justify the “stuffing”.

Sportalm ski suit

Here, for example, is a suit from the famous Austrian brand Sportalm. This vestment, according to the seller, combines 3 trends - python print, bright crimson and Native American embroidery. As for the non-aesthetic characteristics that will be responsible for the sensations when riding, they are at an average level (waterproofness - 9,000 mm, breathability - 10,000g/m2/24h), although the price is far from average - 33,000 rubles (including off-season discounts 14,000 rub.). And that's just the jacket and trousers. But we, at a minimum, need some kind of insulation, since raccoon fur on the hood will not warm you up.

The other extreme is buying clothes from the lowest price segment. You need to understand that you will still have to pay for some of the properties of the suit (or not pay, but change your mind about skiing and sign up for the pool). So, you can buy a suit for 3-4 thousand rubles, but it will not perform the main tasks - wick away moisture and not get wet from the snow.

Glissade insulated jacket model

This model of the Glissade insulated jacket can be purchased with a 50% discount for RUB 1,500. The specifications say that this jacket will be comfortable in any weather, which is already suspicious. The main emphasis is on details such as pockets and cuffs. There is no protection in the form of a membrane, so it is likely that the jacket will get wet when it snows, and the built-in “skirt” will only save you in case of falls. The seams on the jacket are only partially taped - in many models the seams are now completely taped. Protection against moisture penetration is the main function of the jacket. And such a model will protect against it only in mild weather conditions.

Mountains are extreme sports, not a fashion show or jogging in a park area. That is why high demands should be placed on all parts, and not just on equipment. These requirements are based on physical laws known from school. Understanding them, on the one hand, will allow you not to overpay for properties that are not necessary, for example, at the initial level of skating; and on the other hand, don’t cheap out and invest 2-3 thousand rubles in those functions without which it will be uncomfortable on the slope.

How NOT to dress for a slope

Wool and cotton can be the main enemies on the slope!

An improperly dressed skier suffers from either heat or cold, because his clothes quickly get wet and, with a decrease in activity, cool down and turn into an icy captivity. And its main enemies are such outdated ideas as: cotton fits best with the body, and wool and down warm best. Cotton clothing worn as underwear does not wick away moisture and gets wet quickly. Down and wool retain heat well, but as you become more active, clothing made from these materials becomes hot and humid.

The 3-layer rule and key performance indicators

All of the above materials, except down, are used by manufacturers of modern ski clothing in combination with others, but not separately. In addition, it is useful not only for athletes, but for everyone involved in active tourism to observe 3 layer rule:

The first, inner layer, should wick moisture away from the body;

The second is to keep warm;

The third is to protect from snow, rain and wind.

And this rule applies both in terms of the layers of clothing worn and at the level of the design of individual materials.

Here, it is necessary to reveal the essence of “wicks away moisture” and “does not get wet.” The two most important indicators that are responsible for comfortable riding are waterproofness and vapor permeability. Waterproof shows what water pressure the material can hold without leaking, it is measured in millimeters of water column (mm

Waterproof measurement

Vapor permeability coefficient is responsible for how much steam per square meter the material can pass per day (g/m²/day).

Vapor permeability measurement

The first outer layer, or protective layer, is mainly responsible for these indicators in ski clothing.

Protective layer, or how to choose a suit with a membrane

The protective layer (in terms of the clothing being worn, not the material) consists of a jacket and trousers/overalls. The jacket may also include insulation, thereby partially or completely assuming the role of the 2nd layer. The highest rates of waterproofness and vapor permeability are found in suits made with the addition of membrane material, or (the commonly used abbreviation) membrane. The material itself is a thin film attached to other materials that act as protection for the membrane itself. Thus, a modern jacket resembles a sandwich in its composition.

Membrane material

Since the membrane material appeared several decades ago, it has undergone a significant number of changes. During special research and testing, many technologies for its production were developed. This is why a person who first encountered the concept of a membrane will find it difficult to navigate the store. Most likely, he will return from there with a headache and a purchase that the seller recommended.

The task of a novice skier is to choose clothes from a membrane material that:

a) will correspond to the activity that he will show on the slope;

b) the weather conditions in which he will ride;

c) the funds he is willing to spend.

Therefore, the decision will be individual for each rider. At the moment there are 3 types of membranes.

1. Poreless (hydrophilic) membranes

Hydrophilic membrane

This membrane works on the principle of diffusion: enough condensation must first accumulate on its surface so that the moisture begins to saturate the fabric and is removed outside. This is why hydrophilic membrane suits are almost always a little damp. It does not work well in high humidity and low temperatures. But this material is durable, elastic, and does not require particularly careful handling. Great for riding in moderate temperatures.

Latest modifications: Toray Dermizax NХ 3L, Saleva PowerTex Ultimate 3L, Sivera Shell-Ter Pro 3L.

When you look at the alpine skis in the collections of popular brands, your eyes literally run wild: at least three dozen models only for adults. Finding “your” pair of alpine skis can be difficult even for an experienced skier, let alone a beginner. Among all the variety, the basic characteristics of alpine skis, which each manufacturer publishes both on the website and in the catalog, will help you find “your skis” or at least reduce the number of options.

How to choose alpine skis according to characteristics

Ski radius

The radius of alpine skis, or more precisely, the radius of the side cut, simply “radius”, and sometimes you can also find the “radius of the arc”, is measured in meters. A characteristic that determines how sharp the turns will be, which are easiest to perform on such a ski. The smaller the cutout radius (11...13 m), the more the ski is tuned to frequent and fast turns; the larger this parameter is (17... m), the more prone such a ski will be to smooth turns. Of course, an experienced skier will be able to “drive” a ski with a large radius into a short arc, and on skis with a large cutout - that is, with a small cutout radius - he will travel in a long arc. But this will require a little more strength and skill. This means that the pleasure from riding will be somewhat less.

This is not the most important characteristic when choosing. The lighter the ski, the easier it is to control, but at the same time it will be less stable in the direction set by the skier, and it will be easier to knock it off course. This is useful for beginners - after all, skiing speed is still low, but you learn faster on skis that are easy to control. As experience increases, skiing speed also increases; more and more stable skis are required with predictable behavior even on uneven snow - and the skis become a little heavier. Women's alpine skis are shorter and lighter, they have lighter bindings, so their weight is around 4.5 - 5.5 kg/pair, men's skis are longer, more powerful and heavier, their weight is from 5 to 7 kg, you can find more heavy models, especially for high-speed freeride.

Alpine ski width

The width of alpine skis is measured in millimeters. The waist width of alpine skis is one of the key characteristics that determines the all-terrain qualities of skis. A waist width of up to 73 mm is typical for models for skiing on prepared slopes. The narrower the waist, the faster the ski can move from turn to turn and change the direction of sliding on a hard slope. Waist width in the range from 73...75 mm to 85...90 mm - the most universal models ( all-mountain) for skiing on prepared slopes, on broken snow, and on shallow virgin soil. The wider the waist, the better the ski floats in deep snow. Accordingly, alpine skis with a waist wider than 90 mm are chosen by those who have almost no plans to ski on prepared slopes.

Ski geometry

The geometry of alpine skis is given in catalogs in the form of numbers, for example 120/73/103 mm, next to which is the length of the skis - the size for which the geometry is given. The wider the toe in relation to the width of the waist, the more willing the ski begins to turn. And the narrower the heel, the easier the ski goes into sliding. In other words, a ski with 125/73/97mm geometry will dive into a turn faster, and it will be easier to drop your heels on such skis than a ski with 120/73/103mm geometry.

Heel drop is a slang expression. This is a technique that is used to stop or change the direction of movement in the event of an unexpected obstacle - for example, a skier who has fallen in front of you. In this situation, the most natural movement is to place the skis across the slope, for which, with the force of the legs, the skis are released into slipping - they begin to slide sideways, and the heels of the skis slide more than the toes.

Alpine ski stiffness

The stiffness of skis is not standardized in any units, and you can only compare two models in terms of stiffness with your own hands. In general, we can say that within the same line of skis, models for more experienced skiers are stiffer, but you will have to compare with models from other manufacturers either “manually” or by studying the design of the skis - how many layers of metal are in each of them, what the core is made of and so on. The more layers of metal, the stiffer the ski, the wider the ski, the stiffer it is with the same design, and so on.

The distribution of stiffness for different skis may be different - some models are distinguished by uniform stiffness along the entire length, as a rule, these are models for prepared slopes, while others (universal models and skis for freeride - off-piste skiing) have a softer toe and heel, and the middle part is noticeably tougher. The most powerful reinforcement is the layers of metal located below and above the core, or only below. Alpine skis with two layers of metal will almost always be stiffer than models in which one layer of metal is replaced by lightweight fiberglass or carbon.

How to choose alpine skis by height

Alpine ski size

When selecting skis by height, it is important to understand that in most cases a skier can ski on several sizes, depending on how he likes to ski, his level of technique, what slopes he prefers, what model of recommended skis, etc. Skiers try to use sizes that are close to the generally accepted ones. One of the reasons is that all men use alpine skis with a size of 165 cm in slalom, and all women use skis with a size of 155 cm. The most generally accepted “psychological” sizes for piste skiing are: for men (weight 60-100 kg and height 160-190 cm): 165 cm for lovers of short turns, 170-175 cm for medium and large arcs; for women (weight 40 - 80 kg and height 150-180 cm): respectively 155 - 165 cm.

Subtleties when selecting alpine skis by height

A shortening of the height by 5-10 cm should be taken into account: for skiers specializing mainly in carving skiing (on well-prepared slopes), for skiing on short and gentle slopes, if your weight or height is less than the above, for beginners, at the special request of the instructor, girls vacationers who prefer careful and leisurely skiing.

Lengthening the size by 5-10 cm from the main one should be done if: your weight, height is higher than indicated, you are going to ride on steep and long slopes, for carvers who prefer arcs of larger radius and high speeds. Lengthening the size by more than 5-10 cm from the main one is recommended for skiers in deep fluffy snow and radical supporters of traditional techniques (make sure that the geometry of the recommended models is also not too radical).

We wish you successful shopping and great riding!

When you choose alpine skis, you must understand that these are not only two flat skis, but also ski boots, bindings and poles.

All these elements are an integral part of alpine skiing, so every novice skier needs to know how to select them correctly.

Is it worth renting equipment?

Of course, you can go the simple route and rent equipment. A competent manager will select everything correctly and give the necessary recommendations.

But if you want to ski on your own ski equipment, which you completely trust, then you cannot do without the correct selection.

Selection of ski boots

There are now a lot of manufacturers of ski boots and it is difficult to single out a clear leader among them. They are all good in their own way. But the most important indicator of ski boots is their comfort.

After all, you will agree that you will not buy shoes or boots for yourself if they do not sit comfortably on your feet and rub your heel or toe.

Therefore, when choosing ski boots, pay attention to the shape of their last and their comfort.

Also, you should not save on used ski boots, since during their use their internal space has already acquired the shape of the foot of their previous owner, and believe me, this shape is unlikely to coincide with the shape of your foot. The consequences of such a purchase are obvious.

For many novice skiers, it is a discovery that ski boots come in children's, women's and men's sizes. Therefore, when choosing them, pay no less attention to this criterion than to the other selection criteria.

Now let's talk about the stiffness of ski boots. Yes, imagine, there is such a criterion.

Ski boot stiffness

Depending on whether you are a beginner skier, a skier with skiing experience or a professional, a certain stiffness of ski boots is not suitable for everyone, and it has indicators from 7 to 12 units:

  1. Up to 8 – for beginner skiers;
  2. From 8 to 10 - for middle-class skiers (the most popular hardness);
  3. More than 10 – for skiing and extreme skiing.

You probably already realized that the higher the rigidity of the boot, the more control over the ski you have, but the less comfort you get. The less rigidity, the greater the comfort of skiing, but the control over the ski is less.

The stiffness indicator can be seen in the name of the ski boot model.

If you are planning to become a good skier, then you need to know that for skiing on high-speed, well-groomed trails, alpine skis with a boot stiffness of 10 or higher are perfect.

But for skiing on hillocks and unmaintained mountain slopes, wear boots with medium or low hardness, otherwise your feet will be severely rubbed and the ski season will be ruined.

You should also understand that nothing lasts forever and over time hard boots become less rigid, and boots with medium hardness become soft over time.

When choosing a ski boot, do not forget about the ski sock, which should be longer than the boot itself and fit tightly around your leg.

When using a boot, the foot should not dangle, the toes should be pressed on top, but not pinched on the sides. The heel should rest against the back of the boot.

After putting on the boot, be sure to sit down as if you were sliding down the side of a mountain and see how comfortable you are, how your foot behaves, and whether the heel comes off. If necessary, tighten the fastenings, but not so much as to pinch your leg, as during the descent the load on the leg will increase and the leg will quickly become numb.

If you are in doubt about the choice of product, agree to return it if it is not suitable.

But of course, don’t immediately go skiing and check the product in this way. Walk around the carpet in it for a few tens of minutes at home and you will already be convinced that this is what you need.

Alpine skiing can be divided into several types according to its use:

  1. For beginners or ski enthusiasts;
  2. Special alpine skis;
  3. And alpine skis for big alpine skiing.

Alpine skis have the following characteristics, based on which you should make the right selection.

The stiffness of alpine skis characterizes the ability of a particular model to sag or twist under the influence of the weight of the skier and skiing conditions.

This indicator varies from 6 to 12 depending on the manufacturer.

For example, you weigh 70 kg. Then you better choose alpine skis with a hardness of 7 or better 8 (with a small margin).

If the skis are not of high quality, you will not see a stiffness indicator on them.

So which ski should you choose with a soft flex or a high flex?

The fact is that different skis behave differently in certain conditions.

Soft alpine skis are more suitable for beginner racers, as they take sharp turns well and are most stable when exiting turns.

For more experienced skiers, hard skis are more suitable. They hold the turn reliably, although they tend to throw the skier out of it, but for an experienced person this is not a problem.

Also, stiff skis dampen vibrations well from skiing on uneven surfaces, which is also important.

Many beginner skiers, when choosing alpine skis, first of all pay attention to their height and then select skis based on it.

Yes, the height of the skier is important, but the first place when choosing alpine skis should be not the height, but the weight of the skier himself and his skiing style.

When choosing alpine skis, you should know that the greater the weight of the skier, the longer the skis are needed. Why longer? Yes, because the surface area of ​​the ski increases, which means it will penetrate less into the snow. Therefore, look at your weight first, and then at your height.

Also, a longer length of alpine skis is advantageous when you have an aggressive skiing style or ski on unprepared mountain trails.

But if you don’t want to buy too long alpine skis, then you need to buy ones with a stiffer stiffness than the one that suits you, but you don’t need to buy skis that are too short.

Short alpine skis are less stable than long skis, although they are more maneuverable and lighter.

Therefore, when you choose your alpine skis, pay attention to all the criteria listed above.

You've probably noticed that alpine skis have different appearances, i.e. different geometry.

The geometry of racing skis is determined by the dimensions of the skis in the front, middle and back.

The wider the waist, the better the cross-country ability of the ski. Wide alpine skis with a width of more than 75 mm have shown themselves well on unequipped mountain slopes.

Alpine skis with a waist width of up to 68 mm performed well on equipped slopes.

You've also probably come across alpine skis with a wide tip and wide tail. Such skis, thanks to their wide tip, allow you to smoothly and safely enter sharp turns, and thanks to their wide heel, exit the turn more quickly. This is not bad, since the speed is lost when turning.

If you are in doubt which alpine skis to choose based on waist width, then take universal models, the width of which varies from 6.8 to 7.5 cm, and the width of the heel and toe is 10 - 11 cm. you'll be wrong.

Selection by turning radius

Rarely do novice skiers pay attention to this criterion, but in vain, because it is no less important than the rest.

There are alpine skis with a turning radius from 10 to 40 meters. The larger the permissible turning radius, the more professional and speedy the ski.

There are also categories of alpine skis SL, SC - slalom and slalom carving with a turning radius of about 13 meters with a ski length of about 170 cm. SG - alpine ski category for Super Giant, turning radius of more than 30 meters.

For beginner skiers, alpine skis with a turning radius of 15 - 17 meters are most suitable.

As an example, let’s decipher the markings of mountain skis from one well-known brand.

The stiffness of the ski is equal to criterion 9, which means that the recommended weight of the skier should be in the range of 80 - 90 kg. The number 170 indicates the recommended height of the skier + 15 cm, which means 180 cm. The waist of the ski at the toe is 105 mm, in the middle 64 mm, at the heel 97 mm. This waist tells us that this model is perfect for prepared descents, since the waist is quite narrow in the middle, only 64 mm.

We must not lose sight of the other beautiful half of humanity, our women.

When choosing alpine skis for women, you need to understand that the above recommendations remain in force.

But for women lovers, separate models are produced, which can be recognized by a longer back, i.e. The leg mounts on these skis are moved slightly forward.

Also, alpine skis for women are usually produced with less rigidity, since women weigh less than men.

First of all, ski bindings are for your safety and health.

The main purpose of ski bindings is to automatically detach the boot from the ski. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing such fasteners, and especially when setting the actuation force of the release mechanism.

Ski bindings have special symbols that are located on the scale. As a rule, their number is from 3 to 10. A unit indicates 10 kg of the mechanism’s actuation force. Those. if 3, it means 30 kg, if 90, it means 90 kg.

To make it clearer how to set the scale correctly, we will give an example.

Let's say you weigh 90 kg. So we set the scale to 9 and decrease it by 1 - 2 values. We get 7 or 8. That is for a 90 kg skier we set the value to 7 or 8.

The more experienced the skier, the greater the loads on the ski bindings, so you need to set the scale values ​​higher, but it is not recommended to exceed them by more than 1 weight.

For example, you weigh 90 kg, but unlike the first case, you are an experienced skier and ski at high speed, then the scale value can be set to 9 or 10, but not more, otherwise serious injuries are possible.

There are mounts that are adjustable in size, such as CENTRO. You can choose ski boots of any size for such bindings, since their toe and heel move in different directions.

And lastly, if you constantly set the scale indicator to, for example, 8 while riding, then this should not be the maximum value on the mount. Then buy ski bindings with maximum ratings of 10 and above. It will be more reliable this way.

In most cases, ski poles are made of high quality and no special problems arise during their operation. Of course, if you buy them in the right places, and not at flea markets.

Another important point is to choose the right ski poles for your height.

Methods for selecting ski poles

There are many methods. Here are some of them.

We stand on a flat, hard surface, for example, in a store, and turn the ski pole upside down, point up. We place it perpendicular to the floor and take it by the tip with either hand, so that the fist rests on the ring.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

When planning to spend a weekend in the mountains, everyone has the same question: how not to make a mistake when choosing a ski suit and shoes? This issue of equipment can be said to be the most important, because renting skis or a snowboard in the modern world will not be a problem. But the choice of clothing must be taken with full responsibility and seriousness. After all, if the suit is chosen correctly, then the person will feel comfortable while skating, which means that the possibility of injury is significantly reduced.

When we come to a sports equipment store, we face a difficult choice. Ski jacket, shoes, and the rest - all this is presented in a variety of models, for example, different styles, quality, sizes and prices.

To understand which ski suit to buy, you need to carefully consider all its varieties. Let's pay attention to the following:

  • Used for one season.
  • For frequent wear.
  • For professionals.

When considering a ski suit, pay attention to the following features:

  • All locks should not jam.
  • The zipper should be closed with a valve, so there will be no air flow.
  • There should be as many pockets as possible.
  • The cuffs on the sleeves should be fastened simply and simply to prevent snow from getting inside.
  • The inside of the collar should be made of a material such as fleece. This will protect your face from chapping.
  • The ideal option would be to purchase a RECCO suit. This sign is a reflector for rescuers in emergency situations.

Ski shoes

The ideal footwear is ski boots. Choosing them is not as easy as choosing a suit.
There are a couple of main rules that must be followed when choosing shoes.

  • The boots should fit the foot perfectly, they should not press or dangle anywhere on the foot. To determine whether a particular model is right for you, walk around in it for some time. When lifting onto your toes, the heel should not be detached from the insole.
  • The stiffness of ski boots is determined according to your riding style. Shoes made from less rigid material are ideal for beginners. These boots make it easier to switch from riding to walking and vice versa, and also give you freedom in the process of bending your leg at the shin. Professional skiers need stiffer shoe models.

This classification is explained depending on the skill of the skier. If an athlete is not a professional and specializes in descents from simple slopes, there is no need for him to purchase an expensive suit. But for true fans of difficult descents, everything in the outfit is important: size, material, quality, appearance.

To avoid negative consequences, you should carefully consider the choice of suit; even the smallest defect can be dangerous. Before choosing a ski outfit and purchasing it, you need to figure out what it is needed for: for a long time, for professional activities or just for walking? Understand the goal, start considering the parameters by which the suit is selected.

How to choose the right suit size

This issue affects both the selection of style, design and material of clothing, as well as size. To determine the correct size, you need to use a measuring tape and take measurements.

The jacket size is selected using:

  • Shoulder width measurements.
  • Chest and waist circumference.
  • Sleeve length determinations.
  • The back length is determined by measuring the distance from the transition of the neck at the shoulder to the end of the material.

To select pants you should:

  • Measure the width of the belt - the girth of the body in the navel area.
  • Measure the circumference of the hips - at the highest points of the buttocks. If you need to set a half-girth, the existing result must be divided in half.
  • Measure the height of the belt - from the waist to the crotch.
  • Length measurements should be taken along the middle of the front side of the trousers, from the last point at the top to the last point at the bottom.
  • Step seam - along the inner side seam of the trousers, from the groin to the last point at the bottom.

One-piece jumpsuit or suit?

One-piece suits are often chosen by professionals. They are made to make movement easy and keep you warm. The special cut of this clothing can even add speed. This suit is full of various advantages. It is waterproof and protects against strong winds.

Separate type options are in demand among amateurs. They include a jacket and trousers. This outfit can be worn even in the city. However, it is equipped with all the necessary technologies. Very often, trousers and a jacket are connected with fasteners or laces.

The best brands of women's sports winter clothing

There are popular and high-quality brands. Let's take a closer look at them. The cost of expensive ski suits can reach up to 55 thousand rubles. They are designed for dangerous descents in various weather conditions.

The following brands specialize in expensive equipment for skiers: Phoenix, Killy, Descent. They use expensive and good membrane materials. All seams are taped, and shoulders, elbows and knees are provided with material Cordura companies DuPont or Kevlar. This suit is designed for several seasons.

Various brands that make ski clothing use their own membrane materials, with different names of technologies. However, everything is almost the same.

Budget suits of decent quality and popular brands will not be cheap (from 10 thousand rubles)

Brands Forward, Colombia, Trepass, etc. are focused on this equipment. A suit costing less than 10 thousand is not recommended to be purchased. It is likely that the suit will be without a membrane with the simplest polymer treatment. They may be water resistant, but most likely they are not breathable.

Video about the rules for choosing a women's ski suit:

Interesting too

Congratulations, you are the happy owner of alpine skis. But they require special equipment, the selection of which requires special attention - otherwise you risk paying with your health by catching a cold on the track in the cold winter.

The set includes not only a pair of “jacket + trousers”, but also underwear, which is not customary to skimp on - it also determines whether you will shiver under gusts of icy wind or return home only slightly flushed from its pressure.

How to choose ski clothes is a question that is not so easy to answer. This is all because of the complexity of the process itself, because in order to descend from snow-capped peaks at high speed, you must take care not only of what is outside, but also of what will protect you from the inside. Collect a complete set, and you are guaranteed a sea of ​​impressions instead of the only desire to quickly get into the warmth and keep warm.

What to look for when choosing

  • For the material. Down and wool are not suitable because they easily collect moisture and quickly get wet. As a result, you will quickly freeze and get sick after your first ride. Do you want your first experience to be remembered for a long time? Then give preference to fabrics with high waterproofness and vapor permeability. With it you are not afraid of wet snow flying from all sides.
  • On the inside of a jacket, pants, overalls. It should be made of fleece. This is a type of knitwear that easily absorbs moisture - do not forget that wet clothes will lead to a mild cold at best, and pneumonia at worst. Take the time to look at what insulation the manufacturers used. It should retain its properties after many washes. Let's go through the indicators. From 40 to 70 g/sq.m – this is clothing for a relatively warm winter, 200 g/sq.m. – extreme conditions and activities that do not involve a high level of activity, suitable for fishing, but not for skiing. The optimal option is 100 g/sq.m.
  • On the number of layers - and this is important. You shouldn’t be dressed in “a hundred fur coats,” but you shouldn’t go down the slope light either. Three layers is what you need. The first is good thermal underwear and underwear, the second is a jacket or sweater, the third is pants and a jacket/overalls. The latter should be made of particularly dense fabric - windproof and resistant to moisture.

How to dress for skiing on winter holidays: some general recommendations

  • If you choose pants, make sure that the legs are moderately narrow, but also check whether it is easy to perform simple actions in them - squatting, jumping, bending. Be guided by your own comfort. If you don't feel it, look further.
  • When purchasing a jacket, make sure it has plenty of pockets. It would seem like a small thing, but it’s important - you can put your phone in one, in the second other things that will be useful during outdoor activities, and so on. On models from Stayer, the cuts are made with a laser, and the fastening is done by thermal welding. There is also a convenient pocket for a ski-pass and one internal pocket - you can put documents in it.
  • Don’t forget that the hood should be adjustable to fit your head so that you don’t get caught in the wind while riding.
  • The jacket should tightly cover the lower back and the pants by about 10 cm. For example, like the best models from Stayer, which, among other things, have a function for adjusting the fit on the hips.
  • Jackets or sweaters must be made of fleece. As we have already said, it absorbs moisture well and reliably retains heat.

A few words about thermal underwear

Modern samples are entirely made of synthetics, but this is not something to be afraid of. In this case, the material is more than appropriate: the skin underneath “breathes”, the fabric itself dries quickly. In addition, it does not cause allergies, is made without seams or folds, and fits perfectly on the body. Another plus is that such underwear will never stretch and turn into a rag.

What is contraindicated:

  • Wool and cotton are not our option. Why - we have already written.
  • Folds are everywhere - even on the socks. The fabric should fit the body well. In a sense, it is your second skin.
And now the conclusion: underwear for a person who is interested in skiing and other active winter sports should, first of all, be functional. It performs both a protective and practical function. It should be comfortable and warm, no matter what movements you make. Choose a model that fits your figure, with flat seams that will not chafe the skin. If there are labels, they are on the outside. If the material is polypropylene.

How to choose ski pants

This is one of the main elements of equipment, so choosing it is not an easy task. First of all:

  • Make sure you use quality material as a basis. Like the Stayer pants, made from a membrane fabric with elastic fibers that allow complete freedom of movement.
  • Take only the model that suits you in size. But don’t forget that there will be thermal underwear underneath. In other words, trousers should neither hang nor be too tight.
The optimal option is equipped with functional pockets (preferably on the sides, not in the back), removable straps (necessarily adjustable), reinforced seams, zippers with non-metallic tongues, and internal cuffs for reliable protection from snow. It’s good if there are hooks for attaching trouser legs to boots.

How to choose the right ski suit: women's and men's

The modern assortment consists of 4 options:


It has strict forms and only those colors that will never go out of fashion. This option is for a wide range of skiers, those who ski on prepared slopes and want to be sure of the comfort of movement at high speed. All models of this type are insulated, equipped with high-quality membranes, and effectively protect against snow and biting wind.


This is what people choose with their eyes – bright models, fashionable styles. The target audience is girls, although men can also pay attention to suits from this category, because they are not only good-looking, but also practical. The only negative is that the cut is not always convenient for riding. Outwardly, this is more of a casual wear for a winter holiday within the city. But the combination of “style plus quality” has not been canceled – in this case it comes in handy.

Fashion premium sport

This is two in one - advanced technologies for reliable protection from cold and moisture, and interesting decorative elements for the original look of the models. The cut is increasingly tight-fitting, emphasizing the figure. But it does not restrict movement, but gives complete freedom of action. All because of the elastic materials from which such suits are made. Another advantage of clothing in this category is the high quality of the membrane and insulation for excellent thermoregulation.


If the colors are muted, if the prints are discreet. Freeride is before you - it does not set itself many tasks, but with enviable stability it copes with one thing - impeccable protection from the cold and maintaining comfort while riding for those who like to leave the track and create a new route. The cut is baggier, rougher, the thermal insulation is adjusted using a separate down jacket and fleece, each detail is highly functional.

How to choose a good ski jacket and which model to prefer

First, let's list all the required elements:

  • Membrane fabric removes excess heat and prevents rain and snow from getting under the top layer of your equipment. Typically, the more efficient the material, the more expensive the jacket. The exception to the rule is Stayer, where even the most reliable models remain affordable.
  • Snow skirt - located on the belt, everyone always needs it. If the one you bought does not have it, you were deceived by selling an ordinary down jacket. The main functions of this part are protection from snow and wind. Do you want to not only ride, but also walk in new clothes? Choose an option with a skirt with a zipper - it will be easy to unfasten.
  • The seams are necessarily taped to reliably protect against moisture.
  • Adjustable hood – it should have drawstrings so you can adjust the fit. If you buy a model without this important function, your skating will be ruined and you will catch a cold.
  • Pockets – lots of pockets. For gloves and masks, gadgets, documents - everything that may be useful on vacation. They must be both inside and outside.
  • Ventilation - as a rule, it is done in the armpit area. She must be present. If there are extensions on the zippers, great, it will be easier for you to close them. And one more important nuance - the zippers themselves must be reliably protected from moisture so that water does not flow inside.
  • Cuffs - they will prevent snow from getting into the sleeve, even if you fall. It is better to buy models that have double ones. It looks like this - the inside is more elastic and tight-fitting, and the outside is longer, adjustable, with convenient Velcro.
  • Adjustment from below - everything is clear here - it is needed so that the wind does not blow. Most often this is a regular lace or elastic band. We pulled ourselves up and went for a ride for our own pleasure.

How to choose a snowboard jacket

Basically the requirements are the same. This is practicality, no parts that would hinder movement, good thermoregulation, water resistance, protection from the cold. But there is one difference - the size. It is slightly larger than that of ski models.

A little tip: when trying on, close the zippers and raise your arms up. Not because you’re giving up, but to check whether your clothes ride up or not. If it lifts up and exposes your body, it is problematic to move your hand, and you are frankly uncomfortable, look for another option.

It is also worth paying attention to:

  • Availability of laser perforation for ventilation.
  • Zipper with special impregnation, protected from water, with non-metallic tongues.
  • Two-layer cuffs.
  • Hood – it should be large so that it can be worn over the helmet without any problems.
  • Taped seams.
  • Lining - it should be made of synthetic materials or semi-natural ones that easily absorb moisture and dry quickly.
  • Pockets - for all the necessary little things.
  • Inner skirt – protection from snow.
If you want to find high quality ski and snowboard clothing and not be disappointed in its functionality, buy Stayer brand models, made using modern technologies and tested in extreme conditions. They are suitable for both professionals and amateurs who are just beginning their acquaintance with new slopes and routes. It is in this equipment that athletes from the Russian team perform at the Olympics in South Korea. You too will evaluate it to be convinced of its unsurpassed quality, reliability and original design.