An easy way to breed men for money. How to promote a man for gifts? Effective ways

How to breed a man for money? Let us not touch on the ethical and moral side of this issue. In the end, men are also not always highly ethical and deeply moral in relation to us. And we are gentle, weak and defenseless creatures. As a proof of love, we often consider a man's willingness to spend a certain amount on us (albeit a small one). True, there is another category of gentle and weak among us who, while promoting a man for money, are trying to solve their financial problems or are simply gambling and profitable.

In a word, whatever the purpose of such a financial attack, in case of success, the lady breaks the jackpot - either a confirmation of her own irresistibility, or complete moral and material satisfaction. And yet, how to promote a man for money (or for gifts) beautifully, gracefully and tastefully?

It's worth a lot to breed a man beautifully: a lot of strength, certain skills and talents will be required from us. For some reason, our already stingy men today have become even more tight-fisted. And where is the vaunted breadth of soul? Cavaliers, Don Juans, heartthrobs, what have you decided to save on? On women? And women, offended by such an attitude, went on the warpath: if you don't want to pamper us yourself, then we will learn to breed men.

The end, as you know, justifies the means. Therefore, a correctly formulated goal will always find justification in the reasons. For what reason are you going to hunt? In general, all the reasons that push women to lure money can be reduced to the following points:

  1. The lady has a very difficult financial situation.
  2. A woman simply seeks to attract attention.
  3. The lady is obsessed with a sense of revenge for an unsuccessful personal life.
  4. Awareness of their own superiority over men.
  5. The desire to assert herself and prove to herself that a woman can do anything.

These are, perhaps, the most significant moments that make ladies shake out men's wallets. And every self-respecting lady has her own secrets. Moreover, almost every woman has these secrets, regardless of status: wife, mistress, kept woman, girlfriend.

Start position

The solution to the question of how to breed men for money should be approached, first of all, creatively. Perhaps the first golden rule should be the presence of self-esteem. You should not beg, you should not complain about a meager salary (scholarship), an ungrateful state or your own failed life. If you want to breed men for money, then you should forget about self-pity (in any case, do not try to cause this pity).

A man, of course, will sympathize, he will regret, but such a situation is more than beneficial to him. Agree that satisfying the needs of a poor student or a poor civil servant is much easier than winning the attention of a wealthy lady. Therefore, a woman should look independent and successful. This is the only way to successfully breed men. The gentleman must once and for all understand that the lady of the heart does not need small handouts: only things that are larger and more valuable will help him achieve what he wants.

Another rule - you love to ride, love to carry sledges. So be prepared for the fact that a man will not fork out just like that. Just don't immediately talk about the lack of principles, and even more so about the venality of women. This is how the world works: if you want to take, be able to give. And your task is to convince the man that there will definitely be a return. Let not now and not this minute, but it will definitely be. As the poet said: "The hopes of young men are nourished." Believe me, young men are not the only ones who have hopes. To reassure a mature man means to force him by all means (and above all financial) to try to bring the "moment of reckoning" closer.

And the third rule - keep your ears open. We are not the only ones who are so smart and learn how to promote a man. Men also love (and know how) to change. It is not in vain that all kinds of schools, courses and societies of pickupers (seducers) are created. So it is possible: in your hunt you will become the prey, not he. Therefore, do not be lazy and ask what exactly they are taught in such schools. And then you can go into battle, which must be fought according to your own rules.

Preparing the battlefield

How to breed a man “naturally”? Intrigue and make the man want you. The male passion of the hunter will make him fork out even in the process of courtship, and on the way to the cherished goal, men do not save. After all, they are sure that they are doing it for themselves, and not for the woman.

When thinking about how to divorce a man, remember: very wealthy and well-to-do men are sincerely sure that beautiful women want to meet them only because of money. Of course (let's not dissemble), in fact, it is so, but they do not need to know about it. True, on the basis of their solvency, some men simply go crazy, considering themselves an invaluable treasure, the navel of the Earth and downright utter happiness, for which they also need to run. Well, let them think so.

It is useless to convince such fools (but what else to call such specimens?). Your task is to strengthen him in these thoughts and awaken in him the desire to make you happy. Or it is necessary to provoke the money-bag to a constant desire to prove his worth.

How? First of all, when going out hunting, be fully prepared. Get ready to start investing in creating your own image of a wealthy and unapproachable beauty. An impeccable appearance, "traces" of visiting expensive beauty salons, branded accessories should become your weapon in this hunt.

By the way, in some men the Pygmalion complex lives and flourishes: they are simply looking everywhere for the "material" to create their Galatea. Therefore, the opposite image of a simpleton (with inclinations!) Will also help to put on the hook a fat man who imagines himself to be a teacher and connoisseur of beauty. True, it is almost impossible to recognize when and which image will “work”. So you can only rely on your intuition.

Combat rules

At the first stage of the hunt, you need to place snares and traps. The main trap is the man’s confidence that you don’t need his money. If you are hunting in the form of a gorgeous vamp woman, then let him know that you already have everything, and that what is missing, you will get without his help. If you have tried on the image of a charming simpleton, then a man should be sure that you simply do not need "extra" and you are quite happy with what you have. Only self-confidence (whether you are poor or rich) will help promote a man for money.

Naturally, this will not go on like this all the time (not our goals!). Accordingly, we are smoothly moving on to the second stage - "shaking out the wallet". Now that he is convinced that you are completely independent and self-sufficient, and at the same time a miracle is as good and necessary for him as air, let the man understand that the time spent on him needs to be compensated. Moreover, demand compensation in monetary terms. And don't be shy about asking for money. But in any case, do not be too assertive and impatient. Try to find a middle ground and accurately guess the moment when your request will be perceived as something natural and self-evident.

Another rule of luring is a sense of proportion. A man should not see you as a predator obsessed with gutting his wallet. Raise the bar gradually, accustoming him to spending on you. Do not be capricious, or rather, be moderately capricious. Excessive assertiveness will only scare your man away. Therefore, if he is ready to buy you new boots, do not insist on the need to buy a fur coat for them. A fur coat - a little later.

"Divorce" tricks

The question of the divorce of men for money is very relevant. Judging by the women's forums, there ladies and girls of all ages willingly share their own experiences. Here are some practical tips from girls who quickly managed to cheat a guy for money:

  1. It is better to postpone going to an expensive boutique in order to buy something expensive there. At first, choose only those things that you can afford. This is the surest way to how to breed men for money.
  2. The most important thing in the question of how to breed men for money is not to put pressure on him. At the store, pay for yourself, even if he insists. So your boyfriend will also be grateful that you agreed to take money from him.
  3. When you master the subtle science of how to breed men for money, you should be patient. If you liked something in the mall that you clearly cannot afford, then you should not immediately start begging. Just look at the thing for a very long time, try it on, sigh over it and ask the seller a million questions. After that, leave without buying anything. And when the guy asked why you didn't buy it, answer that you are used to spending large sums only on useful and practical things. After that, the new thing will definitely be yours.
  4. In a restaurant, after the waiter has placed the bill in the middle, take it first and get ready to pay it in full. Strong men love independent and independent women, so your zeal will be appreciated. However, a man does not tolerate female domination and will definitely insist that he must pay the bill.
  5. To properly breed a man, you should show him that you are not so easy to achieve. If he invites you to visit him for a coffee (ha! As if you haven't had enough of it already) or offers to show you a collection of butterflies, then it is better to delicately refuse. Make it clear that you are young and beautiful - he is too tough and to get you, he will have to try and ... fork out big. This is perhaps one of the most important points in the question of how to cheat a guy for money.

Enemy weapon

Lovely women! Do not be naive and do not think that you are surrounded by only fools and suckers. There are also many hunters among men. And do you know what the main weapon they use? The pressure on pity, on the ability to sympathize, on decency, in the end. Therefore, if suddenly after dinner in a restaurant a man is surprised to find that he has “forgotten his money at home,” this should alert you. And if the next time he suddenly "grasps his stomach" and he insistently requires you to immediately buy a fast-acting medicine, this is another bell.

Or, walking by the cinema, he, reading the poster, says that this film reminds him so much of your relationship and awakens such warm or ardent feelings that you need to watch it immediately, but, bad luck, there is not enough money for tickets ... And you, touched, go buy tickets. What do you think? He just teaches you to think that paying for him is normal, and there is nothing shameful in such a situation. By the way, the “rule of three payments” is one of the favorite pick-up tricks. Don't fall for provocations. And if you went hunting, then this is clearly not your prey. Run away from such men and faster!


And finally. Breeding advice only works for normal men who really need a woman, who always get what they need. Such a man will simply wait and receive it later, making a note "here it will be necessary to huddle a little longer." But the inconsistent specimens only theorize on the topic of women dynamos, but they themselves are trying to profit at our expense.

And about the moral side (after all, we started talking about it). On the same forums, the same women and men, along with them, tirelessly argue on this topic. Men stubbornly call such women corrupt, and ladies ... Ladies say a lot of things in their own defense. For example: "Ah," to dissolve! " This is not because there is not enough money, it is just like a balm for the soul - gifts ... Every woman has her own quirks, that's all. " So, dear hunters, choose worthy prey. Good luck with your hunting and catch!

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Men also often show immorality towards women, so let our conscience not torment us. Very often, women perceive a man's desire to spend countless amounts of money on her as a manifestation of love and admiration. This is the first group of women.

But the second group includes seemingly weak women who breed the surrounding men, thereby solving their own financial difficulties, and more often just whims.

We must not forget that men are also far from stupid creatures, and how to breed men for money correctly, and most importantly beautifully, will require certain, albeit moral, but costs from a woman, as well as a lot of effort.

The modern world has made men even more greedy, but that was not the case. If you are not going to pamper the opposite sex yourself, then women will finally learn to skillfully breed men.

Why do you need money from a man

To begin with, you should form your goals, which will then find an excuse for themselves. Ask yourself why you decided on this method of obtaining benefits.

The most common reasons for action are:

  • difficult financial situation,
  • the desire to attract male attention,
  • the desire to prove to herself her own power,
  • obsession with revenge for unsuccessful love in the past, or the awareness of the superiority of the female sex over the male.

These drivers of the process are perhaps the most essential, and help women make good money on the wallets of men.

Rules of Conduct for a Successful Woman

And so let's get started. In order for you to be able to usefully spend time with a man, that is, to achieve the above goal, you need to approach the matter from a creative side, but the main thing is not to lose your own dignity. Do not try to beg for money, complain, whine about the lack of money.

  • Remember the basic rule - a woman should look successful on the part of men, not knowing the feeling of self-pity.

Only in this context will it be possible to achieve your goal.

  • The next important rule is to be patient, because not every man will just take it and lay out a tidy sum on your whims.

Here the main task is to be able to convince a man of his full dedication to him, to win his trust. Give him hope and he'll give you everything.

  • And the last rule - be extremely careful.

After all, not only women have intelligence and want to promote the opposite sex for money. Everyone is capable of this. I think you've heard of the seduction courses that are popular in big cities.

Getting ready for battle. To breed a man unnoticed for him, you should create a riddle around yourself, force a man to achieve his goal with all his might. Believe that natural passion will make the imaginary hunter stop saving money on you on the way to his goal.

How to make him not notice anything

How to dissolve a man for money and gifts so that he does not feel the trick? In such a case as in war, you first need to set the traps correctly. The main trick is to completely convince the man that you are not interested in money at all. It is best to pretend that you have enough of them, and your interests are directed towards other things.

But you can play the role of the so-called simpleton, who is quite happy with her, albeit average, financial situation. But money is our goal. Therefore, do not delay this stage.

After fully instilling in the man that you do not need money, show that you are spending too much time on him, and since he can no longer refuse you, then hint that this time requires compensation in monetary terms. But do not try to insist on your own too much. Think over your request, choose the right moment and make it so natural that the man does not even have a thought to refuse you. The main principle in divorce is the ability to feel the measure. Do not show your man your essence and desire to get to his wallet as soon as possible. Try to be capricious skillfully.

Important to remember. Do not forget that men, just like us, are not fools, among them there are many sane and cunning specimens, the main weapon of which is the ability to evoke pity and compassion in women. So try not to get caught by their sharp hook yourself. Avoid the so-called gigolos and seducers and quickly run away from such males, they are definitely not your option.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that all the above tips will help to influence only real men who strive for their goal and conquer it in any way possible and impossible.

"Darling, give me something to make me shout" Wow Lexus! " - for many women this joke causes only a sad smile ..

Natalya Tolstaya, a psychotherapist, author of five bestselling books, and host of the weekly Advice of a Psychologist on the Internet TV channel, tells about what to do if a man is “embarrassed” to spend money.

We are still talking about love, so we will change the question: "How to make a man want to present a woman with pleasant surprises?" The main task of a woman is not to "untwist" a man, but to stimulate his desire to be attentive and caring.

We know that the artist Pirosmani died of hunger, spending all his money on a million scarlet roses. They wrote a song about him, but what in the end? Who was happy in this situation? Perhaps the composer after the payment of the royalties? A song appeared, but life was cut short. It is unlikely that your chosen one will want to repeat this feat.

Of course, the more a man loves, the more he shows such a quality as generosity. That is why many charmed men at the beginning of the novel give their chosen one jewelry and trips to expensive restaurants - just so as not to hear "no". A strange pattern is born: misers raise bitches for themselves. After a while, the woman communicates with him exclusively on a wave of whims and ultimatums - if you don’t buy, I’ll leave. So love is replaced by ordinary blackmail. One is greedy for his own reasons, the other requires attention not in words, but in deeds. Vicious circle. What to do?

  • 1

    Do not be capricious and say "must" instead of "want"

    If you want a present, don't be silent. The beloved is not a "wizard on a blue helicopter" who reads your mind. As a rule, the word “must” works flawlessly: “Honey, I need to give money for shoes / dress / dishwasher.” The word “must” is more likely to be heard than the word “want”. Be sure to argue why you need a dishwasher. A man wants to hear a specific request, and not “if only, but if only” ... He will say “yes”, well, this is a holiday! “No” - don't take it personally. This attitude is not to you personally, but to money. Either you agree with this situation, or say: “Your rules worked when you lived alone, since we are together, then you should allocate some part of the income for the household and for some emotions, besides satisfying hunger and watching movies on DVD ". Ideally, a certain amount should be kept at home - a stash, which for the time being is not allowed to touch. Then, the second pile - "interceptor", that is, everyday, and then - in your husband's wallet and you. You don't need to count them. A very handy thing for a miserly man is a credit card. It is more difficult to part with rustling pieces of paper than to “roll” a card and sign a check. Believe me, it's much easier to say goodbye to your money to someone for whom cash is an indicator of success, freedom, security, strength, potency and the ability to control any situation
  • 2

    Educate by example

    Take the first step towards. Somehow present your man a nice "little thing" or your favorite cheese, ice cream, or just buy some groceries to prepare his favorite dish. While cooking, say: "You see, I care about you, I want to do something nice - I will cook what you love." You have to say it out loud. After a while, the man will have a reflex, he will want to do something in response. Take an interest in his hobbies and "connect" to yours to the maximum. Perhaps he is “greedy” with emotions. So, you can start with them!
  • 3

    Don't let him laugh it off

    Stop the phrase in mid-sentence: "Your best gift is me." Comes home for your birthday without flowers? Don't let him laugh it off. Say, looking into your eyes, “Do you think this is normal? Let's shoot take two - you go out, and in 15 minutes I'll be waiting for you with a bouquet. " During this time, you put on a dress and high-heeled shoes (if you have not put it on before). And wait for him. If he does not return, then "ce la vie" - draw your own conclusions!
  • 4

    "Stop" Mom's influence

    Most likely, your man was pressured by his mother. Mothers of boys and mothers of girls bring up their children in different ways. Sometimes the same woman, whose son and daughter are growing up, says different things to her children. Quite often, we women tell our sons: "Don't let her twist ropes out of you, don't spoil her." These verbal codes become the blocks in your money turnover. If mom didn’t teach her son to give gifts to women, then sometimes a man should be told in plain text: “Mom you are not the only woman on the planet, there are still women, in particular me, and I have a different opinion on this matter - I want attention or go, keep living with your mom. "
  • 5

    Sanitize his brain!

    There are men who are used to living a bachelor life, they have everything for everyday life - one roll of toilet paper, one cup, saucer. Of course, it is very difficult for these philosophers to let someone else's, albeit a loved one, into their world, not to mention their wallet. It is necessary to reorganize the brain. Complete dry cleaning. Anyone who does not know how to spend money needs to show the budget statement: “You earn so much, I earn so much. Here is the total amount, of which we spend on the main thing - payment of utilities, food; then we spend a certain amount on travel, and the other part we put aside in the category of "the stock of your solvency."
  • 6

    Don't be easy prey

    You need to constantly be unconquered and "not completely" conquered. As soon as you become a "read book", then immediately enter the position - "Yes, we will not go to a restaurant, because I will cook it myself", "Yes, we will not go to the cinema, the money will be more whole." We need to state this directly: “We must have time for entertainment. You and I will save money, but without fanaticism. We need to travel, we need to look for new adventures. There will not be enough money for trips abroad, we will travel around our native country. "
  • 7

    "Decode a Dream"

    Many men say - "While you do not have enough money, you run and cook soup for me, when you have enough of everything, you will be rude and sad." He is afraid that She will get used to it and that every month the amount "for the beloved" will increase. Many men like to whine for a long time on the topic: "She begged for money so much that" she broke my soul on my knee. " And, again, give reasons for your desire! Once you come across a tough nut to crack, then decipher your dream to him, be as specific as possible.
  • 8

    Think before you say

    Often a woman forgets to weigh her words and from the doorway gives out: "Again I came without anything, who am I for you - a free moth or a cook?" And he comes to you because he thinks that you are waiting for him. So another complex is born in his head!
  • 9

    Feel free to remind

    A very good sign is to see a stack of money in his hands. Come up, hug and whisper in your ear: “What a fine fellow you are! I inspired you! Recently I looked at such a beautiful ring, buy it, please. " If he says no, then three days before your own birthday, go and remind him - I have a holiday in three days, do not forget to drop into the store and buy me a ballpoint pen or a toy mouse in the passage, and at the same time buy me a vibrator - I’ll have a week greedy for affection. "
  • 10

    Earn on the pins yourself!

    If your loved one is economical to heartburn, you will have to earn on trinkets on your own. Try asking for large and very expensive items. Surprisingly, he is the one who can buy a car or a computer. Do you know why? He sees the result of his labor! Now don't forget to express 1000 times your sincere delight. Is it difficult even after six months to write an SMS just like that? For example: “Today I got into a downpour in my car, turned on the heater and my favorite music, food and I think, what a fine fellow you are that you gave me my“ Belka ”! Thank you again, my heart! "
  • 12

    Use heavy artillery occasionally

    Sometimes you can use female artillery - tears. Brought some trash from a sale, sit quietly in the corner and casually mutter: “That's how much I stand in your eyes! Do not buy gifts for me without me anymore. I didn’t live curly and I don’t want to get used to it. We, my friend, are not rich enough to buy unnecessary things of dubious quality that will become unusable after 3 washes. Buy yourself some decent things, maybe after that you will understand how nice it is to go out to people in what you really like. "
  • 12

    Do not be intimidated by the scale of acquisitions!

    Do not intimidate him with global amounts, especially at the beginning of his purchasing feat. Collect your own stash, and ask him for half of the necessary cash. Rejoice like a child when you buy things. Kiss him from head to toe, bathe him in happiness (do not forget to discard the receipt and the packing bag first)
  • 12

    Change your role!

    He may simply be afraid not to please with a gift. Remove the phrase "I myself" from the lexicon. Flirt and pout, climb on the handles and ask for "Navel". He may find the strength to refuse the “housewife” or “the commander Kutuzov in your face,” but he will hardly offend the “baby”. Remember how young chicks take pot-bellied daddies to the shops. What do they take, don't you guess?

Not only women, but also men are bred for money. And they do it very skillfully and competently. Therefore, girls, be careful and vigilant! And take a close look at the one next to you: if he has such symptoms. Here's the real story.

Everything was fine until I noticed that it was not the first time he was interested in the cost of my apartment, that I was paying the bill in restaurants, and now we were going on vacation again at my expense.

Unfortunately, a man does not always act like a man. Some of them try to take all the best from a woman to the maximum, without giving anything in return. When he gets what he wants, he immediately leaves the unfortunate woman. And she blames herself for what happened and looks for reasons for parting. But the gigolo cannot be kept, as soon as he gets what he wants, he immediately goes in search of a new victim.

Fortunately, I managed to escape from the tenacious clutches of such a man just in time - my natural suspicion helped.

In order not to fall into the trap, you need to know the signs that the gigolo possesses.

These men are bred for money very competently. Alphonse cannot look bad, otherwise they will simply not pay attention to him. Its main task is to please a woman. He earns his living with good looks and gallant manners, so the gigolo perfectly hones this art. Haircuts, good perfume, beautiful clothes - all this requires funds and a woman is happy to allocate money to maintain a presentable appearance of a man. She likes an imposing companion and if she doesn't pay, he won't look as good as when she met.

Alphonses "catch" their victims with pitiful stories. The bottom line is that everyone abandoned the unfortunate man, but he does not give up and does not give up, because fate itself gave him a gift, in the form of a beautiful woman whom he accidentally met. He assures the woman that all his difficulties are temporary, and he will definitely find a new job. Then it turns out that he has housing problems, and the reason for this is the deception of a friend or relative. He can tell a story about an unfaithful wife who betrayed him, and he gave his apartment so that she had a roof over her head. And you can also hear a story about insidious relatives who fraudulently took away his home.

During the acquaintance, the gigolo does not forget about the manners, he will always open the door for the woman, will not forget to thank for the help provided. And gigolos are also very attentive to their victim. Such a suitor will always appreciate a new hairstyle, make a whole bunch of compliments. Contrary to popular belief, gigolos also give gifts, only small ones, on which you do not need to spend a lot. However, he will not forget to mention that he spent almost all of his savings on this present. And he can also say that he could not but please such a beautiful woman, he would rather sit on bread and water than leave her without a gift. At the same time, he will not forget to sigh a couple of times, say a couple of compliments and make promises that when he has money, he will shower the unfortunate woman with presents.

This behavior makes a woman's heart flinch. She thinks that she has met the man of her dreams and takes on his salvation. And the gigolo tightens his lasso even more. He thanks for the help provided, he can say that he is very uncomfortable and in other circumstances he would not accept help. Now he is in debt to her and he will not forget it. As soon as the opportunity arises, he will certainly thank her. In the meantime, he will do whatever she wants for her.

Many of them know how to beautifully give flowers, even sing ballads, write poetry. This behavior can strike any woman outright. What can we say about those ladies who are desperate to find a worthy man. They begin to take care of the man, prepare food for him, wash his things, and do various household chores. That is, a kind of exchange takes place: the gigolo gives ballads and attention, and the woman contains him and courtesy.

Much more dangerous gigolo is a rogue. He is an excellent psychologist, well-versed in legal matters. His goal is to rob a gullible woman to the bone. The enchanted lady shares her dreams with him, and then he uses them against her. Often borrows money under various pretexts. If a woman wants a child, he “feeds” her with promises of a baby, but finds excuses that force her to wait a little. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are times when gigolos really make a child for a woman, and then leave them just before the wedding, taking all the valuables from home. Many of them justify their chosen one to the last, believing that a child will stop him.

These unprincipled personalities are gigolos. These men are bred for money, regardless of the feelings of the chosen one. They play their role beautifully, and some victims, even after deception, look for an excuse for his actions. It's one thing to read about such scammers and quite another to meet them in real life. So be careful - even the most intelligent and cautious women fall under their spell.