Can the cashmere coat be washed. Preparing for washing. How to wash a cashmere coat

Another invariable property of cashmere is its high cost. And the appearance and durability depend primarily on proper care. Washing any products that a person wears is inevitable, since dirt accumulates on the fabric both from the outside and from the inside. A cashmere product in a machine will inevitably lose its shape and will be completely unusable. You can use special powders or liquid detergents for wool when washing, ordinary shampoo without conditioner will do. You will also need a thick cotton fabric for washing.

Methods for cleaning and washing cashmere items are most often written on the item's label by the manufacturing company. It is best to follow these recommendations exactly so that a good thing does not turn into clothes for a summer residence. Cashmere coat should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C and only with gentle washing agents or ordinary shampoo. When washing, do not use hard brushes or rub the coat with strong, rough movements. If the manufacturer allows the product to be machine washed, you can try washing the coat in the washing machine. But at the same time, it is imperative to set a delicate washing mode or a special program for wool, and also not to allow the temperature to rise above 40 ° C. Spinning is strictly prohibited.

After washing, the coat must be thoroughly rinsed using a large amount of clean water, the temperature of which should not exceed 30 ° C. Rinse until all residual detergent is completely removed from the fabric. Squeeze out the cashmere coat without twisting it, very carefully. If the cashmere is lifted and laid out on a wire rack, or if cashmere is hung without wringing it out, its shape is likely to be lost under its own weight. Here, a prepared cotton cloth comes in handy, in which you can wrap the coat to dry it. Large terry towels can be used for the same purpose. The coat is dried only on a horizontal surface and in a flattened form. It is best to put the product on a cotton blanket or on a thick terry towel, while avoiding direct sunlight. Artificial sources of heat should also be excluded, but long-term drying of cashmere should not be allowed. If the coat is left wet for a long time, it will smell very unpleasant. That is why it is necessary to change and separately dry the fabric on which the cashmere is dried. It is impossible to dry the cashmere coat with a hairdryer or move it towards the heater, the high temperature can cause the product to lose its shape.

Individual stains do not always need to be washed and can sometimes be removed with a brush. The product is laid out on a flat horizontal hard surface, and stains are removed from it with a brush moistened with detergent. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the pressure so as not to deform the product. Then the coat is dried in the same way as after washing - straightened out on a fabric that absorbs moisture.

The best way to get things back to their original fresh look is to dry clean them. But in some cases, the cost of processing by professionals can be quite high. Then the problem arises of how to wash the coat at home, while maintaining its shape and appearance.

Can the coat be washable?

Any outerwear needs washing after a while, and this can be done. Depending on the material of the coat and the method of its manufacture, the possibility of washing in the machine or only by hand is determined. For this, manufacturers indicate the available processing methods on the tag.

If the label indicates that washing is prohibited, as indicated by the crossed out icon, you will have to resort to dry cleaning.

The designation with a basin and a hand dipped into the water indicates an available hand wash. In this case, you should be patient, some knowledge, a soft brush and a large capacity. The absence of prohibition signs means that you can safely proceed to automatic washing, taking into account other requirements on the tag.

What to do to prevent the clothes from losing their shape and shrinking?

Regardless of the type of wash, it is important to adhere to a number of rules that apply to any coat material. This will not only provide a good result, but also keep the original appearance of the garment. When washing by hand, do not wrinkle or rub the fabric too much. Better to use a soft brush and spread the coat on a flat surface. When using the washing machine, wash only on a delicate cycle.


As a rule, the washing temperature is indicated on the product tag. In the case when the tag is absent, there is a single rule - the water should be + 30 ... + 40 ° С.


To keep your fabric safe, it is important to choose the right laundry detergent. Targeted liquid products (for colored or white products, natural or synthetic) are best suited for such purposes.

There are even liquid detergents that are specially formulated for the designated fabrics.

Correct drying

Another important stage of washing a coat that requires knowledge is drying. So that the outerwear does not lose its original shape and does not shrink after washing, it must be properly dried. In no case should you speed up the process with an automatic dryer, hair dryer or iron.

To ensure a positive result, you should use a hanger of a suitable size, on which the coats are hung, straighten all folds and folds, fasten the buttons and leave to dry out of direct sunlight and artificial heat sources.

It is better not to hang woolen and cashmere coats, as they tend to stretch. Such products are spread on a flat surface covered with a terry towel. On top, we also lay a fabric that absorbs moisture well. As the towels are moistened, the towels are changed and the item is left to lie down until it is completely dry.

Preparatory stage

  1. Fur details (cuffs and collar and hood with fur trim) are removed. If the manufacturers did not foresee this, they will have to be carefully ripped off. Faux fur inserts do not need to be removed.
  2. Decorative elements and large metal parts must be removed so that the fabric is not damaged in the process.
  3. For delicate natural fabrics, you need to choose a special detergent that is intended not only for washing, but also for softening and antistatic properties.
  4. Pockets should be examined carefully. Remove all of them.
  5. In the presence of specific stains (coffee, tea, grass, etc.), immediately before washing, they must be treated with anti-stain agents.

How to wash a cashmere coat?

You can wash your cashmere coat at home if you follow the manufacturer's exact recommendations on the tag. Any deviation from the rules entails irreversible harm: the thing loses its shape, wrinkles, the floors are wrapped.

Most products are strengthened by adding strong synthetic threads in different proportions. It is important to know exactly what fibers the material is made of. This will determine whether the cashmere coat can be washed.

The WS 100% mark indicates the cleanliness of the fabric. It is not recommended to wash such a thing on your own, only dry cleaning is permissible. Video can’t be loaded: HOW TO CARE FOR CASHMERE CLOTHES | TWINSTOREEZ (

How and how to wash?

Before starting a standard wash, it is best to first try to dry the fabric with a little moisture only on problem areas. Often, a surface treatment allows the coat to be completely cleaned. For this, soft brushes, rollers or rollers are used. You need to work with them carefully, without the use of effort.

If you decide to wash your outerwear, be sure to choose the right detergent, which is specially designed for cashmere. It can be shampoo or gel. At the same time, do not forget about the conditioner, which will soften both the water and the coat itself.

The water temperature should not exceed + 30 ° С. When washing by hand, take a basin of sufficient size, in which the item is first soaked, and then, lightly wiping the surface of the fabric, remove dirt and stains. When washing with a machine, select a delicate wash mode (if available, for cashmere or wool), turn off the spin function.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, you need to get rid of surface dirt and dust. To do this, the coat is hung on a hanger and the entire surface of the product is carefully treated with a soft brush. Additionally, you can use a roller. You need to comb the fabric in the direction of the pile location.

Thereafter, problem areas such as collars, pockets, and cuffs are carefully examined to identify tough stains and greasy areas. If there are any, using a brush dipped in a solution of water and stain remover, try to remove them without exerting effort. It is necessary to work softly, giving preference to blotting movements, rather than pulling ones, since inaccurate manipulations can lead to deformation of the material.

Immediately before washing, the coat is turned inside out, all buttons and snakes are fastened. Place the item in a mesh bag, folded it neatly, and wash in accordance with the rules.


The drying process plays an important role, since most often incorrect drying leads to deformation of the product, stretching and twisting of the hem. You cannot twist cashmere coats, you must allow excess water to drain immediately after washing. This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Hang a wet thing on a hanger over a basin or bathtub.
  2. On a flat horizontal surface, the coats are laid on a terry towel and covered with the same on top. Sometimes they simply wrap them up with a large terry sheet, gently squeezing out excess water.

Then place the item on a clean, dry, level surface in a well-ventilated area away from heat sources. Better to leave your coat outdoors. Most importantly, it is recommended to carefully smooth out all the wrinkles, straighten the details and wait until the coat is completely dry.

If, after washing, the clothes are sent for seasonal storage in the closet, it is imperative to use a breathable cover, the size of which will avoid creases along the entire length of the fabric. A cover for a white coat is especially important, as dust getting inside the closet will turn it gray. Video can’t be loaded: How to machine wash a coat (

Washing a wool coat: a guide

It is quite difficult to wash a wool coat at home due to the capriciousness of the material (wool shrinks from water), but it is possible with basic knowledge. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the tag on the product, from which it will become clear what type of washing can be used and at what processing temperature the thing will not lose its shape.

If the coat is made of alpaca or angora, it is better not to risk it and turn to specialists, as there is a high risk of ruining it. In the case when the composition of the fabric is woolen by half, this probability is reduced to zero. Even machine wash is allowed here.

If the tag has an icon that allows hand washing, the procedure is as follows:

  1. A liquid or gel-like product is selected for woolen products. Dry washing powder must first be completely dissolved in water (preferably hot) and cooled to + 30 ° C.
  2. Remove everything from the pockets. Unfasten fur collars and cuffs. Fastened with buttons and zippers.
  3. Depending on the size, things use a large basin or tub. The coat is immersed in the prepared soapy solution and allowed to lie down for 5 minutes.
  4. After the lapse of time, they begin to gently rub the surface with their palms, without stretching the fabric to the sides.
  5. Remove as much soapy water as possible. For this, the coat is laid out at the bottom of the container and the liquid is gently pushed out with your hands.
  6. The next step is rinsing. It is better to place the item on a smooth surface in the bathtub, ensuring a slope. Then pour from the shower, while stroking the fabric from top to bottom with your palms.
  7. Rinse the coat until the water is completely clear.
  8. It is impossible to twist things out of wool, therefore, at the final stage, lightly squeeze out the maximum amount of water with stroking movements and allow the liquid to drain.

If the tag on the product is machine washable, the process is simplified:

  1. Pockets are freed up. Fur, metal and decorative inserts are removed. Buttons or snakes are fastened.
  2. The coat is folded several times, avoiding creases in the fabric. They put it in a special mesh bag for washing or in a cotton pillowcase. The latter must be sewn up so that the thing does not fall out during the washing process.
  3. Choose a delicate mode if there is no special one for wool. Set the temperature to + 30 ° C and turn off the spin.
  4. After completing the wash, take out the product, place it on a flat surface and push out excess moisture with your hands. You can wrap your wardrobe in a terry towel.
  5. If possible, it is best to position the garment over the container. So in a short time, all the water will drain off without harm to the fabric.

Another important step is proper drying. The wool becomes quite heavy when wet, so you cannot hang such a coat on a hanger. Only spreading on a flat surface covered with a clean blanket is allowed. The garment is spread out, all folds and creases are smoothed out, given the desired shape and left to dry completely.

It is not allowed to use any household appliances to speed up the process. Leave the item to dry away from any heat source in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. Video can’t be loaded: How to take care of your coat? How do I clean my coat? How to store your coat? (

Can a drape coat be washed and how to do it correctly?

Wash your coat at home as a last resort when dirt is spread over the entire surface of the product. Partial cleaning of problem areas (edges of pockets, cuffs and collar) is most acceptable. To do this, dissolve a powder or liquid washing gel in warm water and gently clean the stains with a soft brush.

For convenience and shape retention during processing, it is better to place the coat on a horizontal surface. When cleaning is over, wash off the soap with clean water and let the clothes dry.

It is possible to wash a drape coat at home. The process consists of several steps, which are based on the manufacturer's requirements indicated on the tag.

First of all, this concerns the type of washing - hand or machine. In the second case, everything is simple - we fold the product, place it in a mesh bag, start the delicate mode using a liquid detergent suitable for woolen products. If manual processing is required, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour + 30 ... + 40 ° C water into a basin of a suitable size and add the cleaning agent. Dissolve it completely and soak the coat.
  2. After 5-10 minutes, lightly press the product over the entire area. You can use stroking movements without pulling in different directions.
  3. Rinse the item by changing the water several times. The process continues until it becomes completely clean, otherwise whitish stains will remain on the fabric.
  4. Place the washed and rinsed product on a fine grate, thus allowing all the water to drain off.
  5. Dry the woolen coat on a flat surface, straightening all the folds. Place the dryer away from heat sources.

How to properly wash your polyester coat?

Polyester outerwear is easier to care for and is not afraid of mechanical processing, intensive washing (both hand and machine). The type of cleaning can only depend on the filler used in the manufacture of the garment:

  1. Coat with padding polyester, with holofiber, isosoft or faybertek fibers, which are artificial and retain their original characteristics well, can be safely placed in a typewriter and run a delicate mode at low temperatures.
  2. If camel wool padding or other natural materials, washing should be treated more responsibly and adhered to the temperature regime. To prevent the fluff from straying into one continuous lump, it is recommended to place special or tennis balls in the drum.

Drying of polyester items depends on the size and weight of the filler after it gets wet. If the coat removed from the drum is light and practically free of water, you can hang it on a hanger and dry it in a well-ventilated area. Natural filler retains moisture more strongly. It is heavy, so it is recommended to place the product on a flat surface and wait until it dries.

The same phasing is used if autumn bouclé coats are washed, since synthetic threads are the basis of the material for production. The main thing is not to exceed the temperature level of the water (not higher than + 40 ° С) and to squeeze out at low speed (not more than 600).

How to wash a winter down coat without dry cleaning?

Any manipulation of clothes made using bio-down or natural filler requires special care. Washing mistakes will cause the filler to clump. The coat loses not only its appearance, but also its thermal insulation properties. Down jackets are cleaned both by hand and using a washing machine, if allowed by the manufacturer.

First of all, you need to determine whether you need to wash the entire product or it will be enough to lightly wash off greasy areas and stains. If possible, it is better to refuse from complete processing of clothes with bio-fluff, since the protective waterproof layer applied in production is washed out during washing.

If the garment is heavily soiled, or it is just a light coat, and there is no way to resort to dry cleaning services, you can wash the outerwear at home without losing the original characteristics of the thing.

First, the preparatory stage is implemented: pockets are cleaned, fur and decorative elements are removed. To prevent the fluff from getting lost, it is recommended to sew the coat over the entire area. A product quilted with fur does not need such processing. Then the product is turned inside out.

When washing in an automatic machine, it is better to use liquid detergents and be sure to select an additional rinse to avoid white streaks. Temperature range - no higher than 30 degrees. It is necessary to squeeze the coat only at the lowest speed - no more than 600.

Hand washing is more laborious and is performed in the following sequence:

  1. At the first stage, preparatory procedures are performed, including examining pockets, removing jewelry and natural fur. An artificial one can be left if it is sewn on.
  2. Prepare a solution of warm water and detergent in a suitable container. The thing is soaked for a short period of time. Then, armed with a brush of medium hardness, they begin to cleanse the fabric, paying special attention to problem areas.
  3. After achieving the desired result, the rinsing step follows. For this, the coat is treated in several waters until it becomes transparent.
  4. The final stage is the elimination of excess water. You cannot twist it by hand, you need to place the clothes over the basin, let the water drain.

Now the hand-washed coat needs to be properly dried. It is hung on suitable hangers and placed in a well-ventilated area (best outdoors if it is a warm season), away from heating appliances. To add volume to the fluff, periodically the coat needs to be shaken and kneaded.

With all its convenience, cashmere has several big drawbacks - it gets dirty quickly, since the fabric tends to easily accumulate dirt and it is difficult to care for it, since the material is very moody.

Therefore, the question arises - how to wash a cashmere coat so as not to spoil it? The old proven methods will help solve the problem.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to take the thing to dry cleaning, you can return it to its former appearance at home, while saving money.

Usually the need for cleaning arises after 6-8 times "walking" the coat, unless, of course, it is not entirely light.

The question of whether a cashmere coat can be washed at home arises for many, and the answer is indicated on the product label.

If there is no icon with a crossed out basin, then you can wash the thing, but carefully, having previously figured out all the subtleties and nuances that you will soon learn about.

If the aforementioned mark is present on the label, then the coat can only be exposed.

When not to wash your cashmere coat

On the label, in addition to the basin already known to us, there is also a lot of other important information.

If it is indicated that the coat is 100% cashmere, you can also forget about water procedures (at least in a washing machine).

You should also not wash a thing if it contains a lot of glued elements, because after contact with water, they may become unusable. It is also dangerous to wash variegated fabric, as it can lose brightness.

If there are fur accessories, they need to be ripped off or unfastened, if this is not possible, the washing of the cashmere coat is canceled.

Washing rules

Washing a cashmere coat in a washing machine has a number of important recommendations:

  • It cannot be washed at water temperatures over 30 degrees;
  • So that the coat does not show off white stains from the powder, it must be thoroughly rinsed several times;
  • It is not recommended to crumple and wash the fabric when washing by hand.
  • If the coat just needs to be freshened, then it is better to simply lift it out of the water several times and lower it back again.

In order for your favorite coat to retain its original appearance as long as possible, it needs appropriate care. Of particular difficulty are things made of such a delicate material as cashmere. Therefore, it is important to observe all the subtleties and recommendations for cleaning the product and not spoil it.

How to wash a cashmere coat in a typewriter

Cashmere is a very thin and delicate fabric, consisting not only of the wool of cashmere mountain goats, but also the undercoat. The material is very moody and requires a serious approach. Before deciding how to clean it, you should carefully read the recommendation label.

During the creation of a product from pure cashmere without additional impurities, it is glued with doublerin. This is a special composition that helps the soft fabric to keep its shape and fit the figure of its owner. In this case, it will fail. Otherwise, the coat will become very crumpled and lose its shape, which is almost impossible to return.

Two conditions will help to determine whether a cashmere coat can be machine washed:

  1. On the product label there is.
  2. The composition of the material is marked with polyester.

But even adherence to them does not yet allow you to wash in the standard mode.

Preparing for washing

Before looking for a way to make the right cashmere, you should prepare a thing. Competent preparation will help to avoid all kinds of damage to clothing. To wash a cashmere coat at home, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Remove all items from pockets. This rule is relevant for washing not only a cashmere coat, but all other things as well.
  2. Unfasten fur parts. This can be cuffs, a collar, additional inserts and decorations. If the manufacturer has not provided for such an option, then it is better to refuse washing in an automatic washing machine.
  3. Remove decorative elements. It is better to unfasten brooches and other elements that serve as decoration. During the washing process, they can not only lose their appearance, but also ruin the product.
  4. Remove all metal parts. On contact with water, they can rust and ruin the item, forming streaks on the material.
  5. Turn coat inside out and button up. Thus, the load on the item will be minimized and the risk of deformation of the coat will be reduced.
  6. Any stubborn dirt must be removed before the main wash phase.

Now the item can be rolled up with a loose roller and loaded into the washing machine. In this form, the risk of deformation of the coat is significantly reduced. Complete and competent preparation is not the only criterion when answering whether it is possible to wash a cashmere coat at home. It is equally important to be able to choose a detergent and set the correct mode.

Selecting detergent and washing mode

The first question when deciding how to properly wash a cashmere coat is the choice of detergent. The final result will depend on how correctly it is chosen. When choosing a washing mode, you should rely on safety rules and do not harm the product.


It is best to machine wash your cashmere coat with liquid detergents. They have the following advantages:

  • less foaming;
  • high efficiency against stains and other dirt;
  • rinse well and do not leave streaks on things;
  • to some extent replace fabric softener.

When buying a product, you should choose one that has a mark for:

  • wool;
  • silks;
  • cashmere;
  • delicate fabrics.

Special tools for this type of material have the following characteristics:

  • lack of chlorine and phosphates;
  • the ability to prevent the formation of pellets;
  • protection of delicate cashmere fiber;
  • softening the material;
  • preservation of the shape of the product.

If you don't have a special product at hand, then you can wash the cashmere coat with a regular baby shampoo.

Washing mode

It is recommended to wash this product, which is sensitive to external influences, on a delicate cycle. You can also use the hand wash or the wool cycle. Ideally, if the washing machine already has a program for washing cashmere items. If this is not the case, then you can set the necessary parameters yourself:

  1. The water temperature is no more than 30 degrees. When the degree rises, the woolen fiber tends to shrink and the favorite thing will become small.
  2. Spin. Set the minimum speed or turn it off altogether.
  3. You can set an extra rinse.

At the end of the wash cycle, remove the product from the drum and dry it.

Drying the cashmere coat after washing

At this stage, it is necessary to strive to give the product the desired shape. You cannot hang a cashmere coat on a string like other linen. As it can stretch out and become unwearable.

First you need to get rid of excess fluid. The water that remains in the fibers will stretch the product strongly. To avoid this, lay the coat on a light, undyed cotton fabric and roll it up with a roller. Wait until moisture is absorbed. Now you can proceed to the main drying stage:

  1. Horizontal drying. Spread a thick, large towel on the floor, table, sofa or other flat surface. On it, carefully lay out the coat, paying special attention to the folds. They need to be smoothed out immediately. As the clothes dry, turn it over. If the towel is too damp, it will need to be replaced with a dry one.
  2. Vertical. In this case, the product dries on a coat hanger. You should choose only those models that will not leave marks and stretch marks on the coat. The edges should be not sharp, soft, without rough elements. To get rid of excess water, the coat must be wrapped in a dense light-colored cloth and allowed to absorb the liquid. You can do this manipulation several times. It is not recommended to unfasten the buttons until completely dry. The best place to dry is in the open air. It is highly undesirable to place the washed item near radiators, stoves or other heating elements.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to carefully and carefully clean your favorite wardrobe item and keep it neat for more than one season.

Now it remains to lay out some valuable recommendations that will allow you to tidy up your cashmere coat as much as possible and avoid trouble.

Note to the hostess:

  • if after washing the product is too wrinkled, the creases can be smoothed out with a stream of water from the shower;
  • the sign on the WS 100% label indicates that the product is made exclusively of cashmere and will not be machine washed;
  • if there are only a few dirty spots on the item, it does not have to be washed completely. It is enough to run through the contaminated areas with a soft sponge dipped in a special solution, and then walk with clean water;
  • When mixed in a 3: 1 ratio of ammonia alcohol and glycerin, you get an excellent stain remover that is completely safe for fabrics.

Thus, washing a cashmere coat at home is available to every housewife. Responsible approach and proper preparation will help to get rid of contamination of the product with high quality without prejudice to its appearance.

The coat often becomes a favorite outerwear. This is a versatile item - it can be worn with jeans and a dress, shoes and sneakers. Great, isn't it? Only such clothes need to be washed much more often. The simplest way out is to dry-clean and forget about the problem. But what to do if you don't want to pay a big sum or there is no trust in the workshop? We'll have to figure out how to wash a coat at home.

Preparing for washing

To begin with, you need to decide when to wash: before the season of socks, after it, or even in its midst. In the process of wearing, such things are washed as they get dirty. Many people do this before packing clothes for long-term storage. Experts recommend timely cleaning of outer clothing from dirt, because moth larvae feed on grease stains and dirt on fabric and fur pile.

Any home washing of a coat begins with preparation. This has its own characteristics, you must:

  • Consider the label. If washing is prohibited, then there are no options - dry cleaning is needed.
  • Read the composition of the material. The more wool, the more chances for surprises.
  • Determine the places glued with non-woven fabric - they need to be wetted as little as possible. It's easy to do: pull up the lining and see where additional strips of fabric are glued from the inside. Most often these are the shoulders, collar, lapels, sleeve cuffs.
  • Unfasten or unfasten all fur parts.
  • Remove metal belts, jewelry.
  • Unplug buttons if necessary. Iron, painted or large wood.
  • Decide on a detergent. Its own for each type of material of manufacture.

General preparation has been completed. Now we determine the method of washing - hand or machine?

Can my coat be machine washed?

You can definitely machine wash your coat at home, but not everyone. Cashmere definitely goes by - only by hand or dry cleaning. Clothings with glued rigid forms are also sent for dry cleaning or in a basin. Soft ones without sizing will tolerate delicate treatment without loss.

Wool and polyester may well end up in the car. All modern washing machines have a separate “wool” mode, and for polyester a delicate or quick wash at 300C without spinning is suitable.

Machine wash

If the machine is allowed on the label, then the problem is solved. It remains to observe a few nuances:

  • Additional rinsing is always required.
  • Temperature is not more than 40C, for wool - 300C.
  • Spinning should not exceed 400 revolutions (provided that it is generally allowed).
  • Wool and cashmere are washed inside out.
  • Wash only on the "wool", "delicate", "hand wash" modes, depending on what material is present in the machine.
  • Drying can never be used.
  • It is better to wash natural fabrics and semi-wool in a mesh bag.
  • It is better to use liquid detergents strictly appropriate for the fabric.

Machine wash makes things a lot easier. However, there are things that should not be put into the drum, even with the permissive signs on the labels. These are brightly colored fabrics that are seen for shedding, coats made from several materials.


Hand washing is often the only option to bring things back to their former attractiveness. In such cases, when considering how to wash a coat, it is worth starting from the material of manufacture first of all.

Cashmere coat

A special cashmere detergent is used. No hard brushes and manic rubbing of dirty places. if it is heavily soiled, it is better to soak it for two hours in cold water with a cashmere stain remover or detergent. In their absence, baby shampoo is suitable.

Cashmere reacts strongly to any mechanical manipulation, so it should not be washed with the same intensity as regular laundry. All washing is reduced to soaking in cool water with occasional gentle “hammering”. You should not soak for a long time either - optimally half an hour or an hour for the whole process. During this time, the fabric is kneaded 3-4 times.

Woolen coat

The drape is not so capricious and perfectly tolerates washing with soft brushes. But it does not react well to soaking. Moreover, painted bright things often fade and lose color for the first few washings. Washing itself consists of placing in a bath with diluted detergent, passing with a soft brush over the entire area of ​​the fabric and hand wringing, followed by drying. This takes approximately 15–20 minutes. For a longer time, do not leave the drape in the water, the reinforced glued places may lose their shape.

Wool coat

How to wash a coat made of pure wool is always written on the labels. Strictly in cool water (no higher than 300C), without strong squeezing and rubbing with your hands. Something like this: wet, "shake", rinse, wring out. It should be washed with wool products, but if they are not available, dog shampoo will work fine.

Important! When washing natural wool or mixed materials with its content of more than 15%, the washing and rinsing temperature must be strictly observed - it must be the same and not exceed 300C. Otherwise, the wool will fall off and the coat will become a couple of sizes smaller.

Wool blend coat

All the rules for washing pure wool are relevant, with the difference that the half-wool can be soaked and washed with regular powder for a longer time.

Polyester coat

The most "indestructible" type of coat. Usually there are no restrictions on washing, except for the temperature: it should be no more than 400C. The material perfectly tolerates both machine wash on a delicate cycle and intensive hand wash. However, the label is still worth reading and following all the recommendations.

How can a colored item be washed?

Colored coat, especially with contrasting combinations, should not be soaked. When washing, you should immediately observe the shedding of the fabric. If there are even the slightest signs, you will have to wash under running water, quickly and constantly wringing out the washed piece. The process is time consuming and not very fun. Do not use whole stain removers on such items. After spinning, you should carefully examine the fabric and, if necessary, wash the faded areas again.

Drying features

The ideal drying option is on a mannequin. But who always has a mannequin in the house, and even the right size? Therefore, you have to get by with a hanger. During drying, the product should not touch anything, be near heating devices and in a stream of directed hot air. The hanger should imitate the shape of the shoulder, that is, thin wire hangers will not work, they are needed with wide shoulders.

If it is very tight with hangers and a place for drying in a vertical form, then you can do with a horizontal surface. It should be even and uniform, and the coat should be laid out in shape. Drying is not suitable for clothes, the ropes will leave marks, which will then be very difficult to remove without repeated washing. The substrate should be white and clean and should be changed whenever it gets wet. Therefore, it is better to leave the coat in the bathroom to drain after washing. Turn the product over every two hours.

Coat care rules

  • Ironing should only be done from the inside out, through damp gauze or a special steamer. This applies to cashmere and linen. The wool is only steamed, and the polyester is not ironed.
  • The more often the fabric is cleaned with the sticky roller, the longer it will not need to be washed.
  • Storage, both short-term and long-term - only on hangers. Moreover, it is long-lasting in a fabric or mesh breathable cover.
  • Before packing for long-term storage, the fabric should be treated with a moth repellent.
  • After each rain, the coat should be dried outside the cabinet, but far from the heaters. Even if on the street everything was covered with an umbrella. The fabric absorbs moisture well from the surrounding air.

With proper care and following the recommendations for washing and drying, a coat will last for more than one season. A stylish and warm wardrobe item will delight the hostess from year to year.