Are children conceived with IVF different from ordinary children, and what consequences may arise in the future? Eco children and possible consequences in the future

IVF consequences for women, men and children born

For the sake of having children, women are ready for much. And if it doesn't work out, then they look for ways to recover, find the cause, use the various possibilities of modern medicine, if only the happiness of motherhood happens in their lives. One of the ways to make a woman's desire to be a mother a reality is. However, is everything so beautiful or is there IVF consequences?

There are, of course, consequences. Let's take a look at them.

Consequences of in vitro fertilization

Let's start with what is most important and desirable the consequence after the IVF procedure is the onset of pregnancy. It is her that everyone who decides to undergo this procedure is waiting for. But this miraculous consequence does not come every time. Quite often, a woman has to undergo IVF more than once. And pregnancy may or may not occur.

Consequences at the stage of the procedure

Risks of the IVF procedure itself the same as for any surgical intervention. Infection of the genitals is possible (in case of violation of sterility, hygiene rules), as well as bleeding, smearing.

It should be borne in mind that with in vitro fertilization are frequent. This is due to the fact that, for greater success, several embryos are implanted at the same time for a woman. If they all take root, you get two or more children at once.

Consequences at the stage of pregnancy

The negative consequences of IVF during pregnancy can manifest as:

  • miscarriage;
  • the development of placental insufficiency;
  • the risk of premature birth;
  • impaired renal function (in later stages);
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • an increase in the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism (an embolus is a thrombus that has come off and migrates through the bloodstream).

Termination of pregnancy most often occurs in the first trimester. There is a further risk, but it decreases. This is due to a number of factors. Among them, the intake of hormonal drugs, the emergence of antibodies to, infections, inflammation, etc.

The risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism during pregnancy after IVF increases 3 times or more compared to natural pregnancy. This is warned by researchers tracking this problem. Therefore, it is worth taking measures to prevent this complication, as, in fact, others.

Unsuccessful attempts

Negative consequences after IVF there is also in case of unsuccessful cases. Women who have experienced this often develop depression.

In addition, there may be observed:

  • menstrual irregularities (in the first month after the procedure, menstruation may go on time, but in the second month it may fail; the cycle may also simply stop) - the first is observed quite often;
  • hair loss, brittle and peeling nails;
  • increase in body weight;
  • moderate increase in cellulite;
  • impaired liver function.

But after a dysfunctional IVF, there can be positive changes. We have already written about the fact that there are women whose hormonal levels after the IVF procedure normalize, and even a natural pregnancy occurs.

Consequences for men

From men only sperm is taken. It is practically safe, except in cases where the rules of hygiene are violated when taking it.

Risks to Children

It is often heard that babies conceived with this procedure grow up sterile. This is not true. The first girl born in 1978 after IVF successfully gave birth to a child, becoming pregnant naturally.

In the 90s of the last century, it was even said that they are more resistant to disease. But now they say a little differently. Negative effects of IVF nevertheless there are, although it is not necessary that all children will manifest.

The negative consequences after IVF in children include:

  • anomalies and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular, inert, muscular systems;
  • neurological disorders;
  • low birth weight.

It should be borne in mind that health problems are inherited. Therefore, for example, a boy, whose father suffered, may well have the same problem when he grows up. Plus, in children born after artificial insemination, genetic disorders are possible, since most parents have health problems, and they decide on the procedure more often, being not very young.

The risk of negative consequences is reduced if they are used or undergo serious examinations before selection.

Should you be afraid of the negative consequences of IVF?

Well, firstly, as they say, to be afraid of wolves - not to go to the forest, and secondly - a lot of negative things go away if a competent doctor leads a woman in a good clinic. Therefore, choose the clinic and your doctor very carefully.

A full examination before the procedure and prevention, treatment of existing diseases will also help to avoid many troubles. It is very good to do a genetic analysis of both parents-to-be.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that each organism is individual. Therefore, in each specific case IVF consequences both negative and positive, may differ, and the question of whether to go for IVF will have its own answer.

Today infertility can be overcome in several ways. One of these methods is in vitro fertilization. However, the society has accumulated many myths and conjectures about this procedure. For example, many believe that children after IVF are infertile, weak, and mentally underdeveloped. Is it really so? Is it true that children born after IVF are infertile or is this just another myth?

The availability of IVF in Russia is growing from year to year. You can use this method of overcoming infertility for free (learn more about this). Along with the increasing availability, questions arise about the consequences for children, for example, their imminent infertility.

Yes, there is a reason for this rumor. This version is inflated by the media. This topic is good for ratings. All programs talking about the dangers of IVF for children born by this method are reduced to the statements of scientists from Germany, Britain and Belgium. Studies conducted to test the theory of infertility in children after IVF partially prove the correctness of this statement.

It is impossible to prove that everyone who was born by the method of artificial insemination is infertile. Boys are more likely to be found to be unable to have children, the researchers say. As scientists note, many boys born by IVF have a short ring finger. This indicates a low testosterone content and poor semen quality.

In this video, a physician of the highest category comments on these studies:

It is interesting! In ancient times, in the East, the ring finger was considered a medical (medicinal) finger. It was with this finger that the healers mixed the drugs. It was believed that in this way the medicine became stronger.

Studies conducted in different countries have failed to prove the relationship of IVF with subsequent infertility. In the process of artificial insemination, the genes of the embryo are not damaged, therefore, it is impossible to influence the reproductive function of the child. There are no studies 100% proving that IVF is the cause of infertility.

Keep in mind that non-test tube infertility rates are 17% as of 2018. Moreover, this figure is constantly growing.

Is ICSI a cause of infertility in eco-friendly children?

Another scientists are spreading statements proving the danger of ICSI. Studies indicate that if a child is conceived by the ICSI method, he may be found to be infertile in the future.

In this case, research proves that the child can develop a defect or abnormality, which, in turn, can lead to infertility. Again, there is no 100% proof of the effect of ICSI on fertility. More details about ICSI are described.

Don't believe the rumors

There is no need to doubt - IVF should be done if there is no other choice. It can really help. Do not trust people who have heard something somewhere. There is no research to prove that IVF is the cause of infertility. Think logically, they would be allowed to do such a procedure if it had such consequences. The very problem of infertility appeared long before the discovery of IVF.

Don't believe the rumors - believe the facts.


Statistics is a science that is hard to argue with. So is it true that children born after IVF are infertile? There are statistics collected by doctors at reproductive medicine clinics on this issue as well. According to these data, about 60% of children born with the IVF method face impaired reproductive function in the future. These data have been obtained since the beginning of the application of this method in Russia.

Statistics on infertility among those born with IVF.

For example, academician V.I. Kulakov. speaks of no difference between test tube babies and normal children. More than 100 IVF babies took part in his research. Also, there are no prerequisites that later they will have problems with reproduction.

It is also worth noting the fact that in Russia there is no full-scale collection of statistics on children born by the IVF method. Perhaps, if such statistics were kept, it would be possible to judge the effect of IVF on children in full.

Children will be feeble-minded?

Some are convinced that test-tube babies will be intellectually underdeveloped. This is not true. Recently, there has been serious research on this topic. Scientists have compared the mental abilities of ordinary children and those born with IVF. As a result, it turned out that children are absolutely the same in mental development. Not infrequently, IQ indicators were higher in eco-friendly children.

For example, watch this short video about a family where three children were born using IVF:

Some IVF parents say their child has learned to crawl, talk, walk or read before. It is necessary to understand that IVF does not in any way interfere with the genetics of the unborn child.

Some people think that a test tube baby will not look like a parent. This question does not apply to couples who will use their genetic material, everything should be clear here. It is logical if the child will be similar to the parents when using their own genetic materials in fertilization.

As an example, a family from Britain, all of these children in the photo were born using IVF. For all the time they spent 30,000 pounds.

In a situation where a woman is forced to use genetic material, you need to familiarize yourself with his profile. Naturally, the patient will not be shown the photograph, but the questionnaire describes in detail the approximate phenotype of the donor. Based on these data, we can draw a conclusion about how the future IVF child will look like, whether it will look like a mom or dad.

A child with a mental disorder will be born?

Some seriously say that an eco-friendly child will be mentally disabled. I would like to ask, why is this? How will a baby born in the usual way differ from an IVF baby? There is no difference! The only thing that can raise questions is how future parents will tell their child that he is "out of a test tube" and how the child will perceive this information. The answer to this question is best obtained from an experienced psychologist.

Important! Experts do not advise overprotecting a child born by the IVF method. Such a child is no different from an ordinary one, and too obsessive care can badly affect the formation of a child as a person.

Will IVF babies be weak?

There is an opinion (rumor) that all eco-children are very sick and weak. This is not true. They cannot be sick for genetic (congenital) reasons because parents, in the process of preparing for IVF, fulfill all the doctors' prescriptions, increasing their immunity and general health. Parents undergo comprehensive examinations and treat all their diseases. Such parents are even better prepared for conception than ordinary ones.

In addition, the sperm undergoes special processing and preparation, as a result of which all non-viable sperm are eliminated. In some cases, such as IMSI, sperm will be manually sampled under a microscope. With a strong magnification of 6,000 times, the reproductive specialist can select the highest quality specimens.

Thus, children born with the help of IVF, at least, are no worse physically than ordinary children.

Bad consequences

IVF can have bad consequences that can be reflected in the baby. Such consequences may arise due to poor quality genetic material. In no case should you use poor quality sperm or eggs for conception. Such an oversight can cause many negative consequences: a violation in the work of internal organs (kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart), a violation in the physiological structure (cleft palate, cleft lip).

It is believed that due to hormonal therapy in preparation for IVF, a violation will occur in the process of fetal development and a baby will be born with hormonal disorders, problems with the thyroid gland. This rumor has no evidence.

If all the conditions for conception were met, the risk of bad consequences for the baby's body will be the same as for an ordinary child.

Will the child be different from the usual one?

No, it will not. Scientists have tried many times to find such differences, but all attempts have ended in vain. The result of such research is the statement that an eco-friendly child is no different from an ordinary one.

In this form, the doctor will tell you about the differences:

There are no differences either physically, emotionally, psychologically or intellectually. Ask the parents of such children about the differences and you will not get confirmation of such a hearing (opinion). Moreover, some teachers, when asked whether IVF children differ from ordinary ones, argue that eco-friendly children learn the material of complex subjects much better.

There are many married couples in the world who have been diagnosed with infertility. Therefore, more and more often there are children born after IVF. The in vitro fertilization procedure enables spouses to become parents and raise their child.

The method of conception belongs to the well-known and popular assisted reproductive technologies. Unfortunately, even now there are many misconceptions about what kind of babies are born after IVF. Let us consider in more detail all the myths about the procedure, how children differ from ordinary IVF babies, reviews and consequences.

Probably the biggest public misconception is that IVF babies are infertile. Doctors of the reproductive centers are inclined to agree that this belief is fundamentally wrong. In support of their words, experts always cite the example that IVF children began to appear since 1978. At this time, a girl was born who, in the future, was able to become a mother in a natural way.

Also, many are interested in how IVF children differ from ordinary children. As practice shows, there is no fundamental difference between babies. Moreover, the health of babies born after IVF is sometimes better than that of a normal baby. According to medical statistics, a disease such as Down syndrome occurs in them much less often than in babies conceived naturally. Thus, parents with children born after IVF leave only positive health reviews.

If you ask the question whether healthy babies are born after IVF, then the answer will definitely be positive. There is a group of people who call extracorporeal babies, IVF test tube freaks.

But one can argue with this, because when biological materials are taken for conception, they are thoroughly examined, and only the best sperm and eggs are allowed for fertilization. Therefore, it is safe to say that a healthy child will be born after IVF, because the likelihood of transmission of genetic pathologies and chronic diseases is minimized.

However, it cannot be denied that the full fertility of in vitro babies has not been studied. Therefore, the likelihood that there may be infertile children born after IVF still exists. Here, experts rely on some facts. First of all, an IVF test-tube baby requires more careful care than a baby conceived and born naturally. But all care should be aimed at improving the level of reproductive health.

Also, people born after extracorporeal conception, in the case when the donor's high-quality gametes were used during the procedure, have a greater chance of producing their own offspring at puberty. Therefore, there is controversy as to whether IVF babies can have babies of their own.


Many couples who wish to conceive a baby artificially are interested in the statistics of IVF children. It should be understood that this assisted reproductive technology has existed for a little over 37 years, which is not so much.

Moreover, on the territory of the post-Soviet space, it began to be implemented quite recently, which makes it impossible to provide extensive data on various indicators. Those who believe that IVF children are infertile are not able to convince the statistics, although there are many examples when people born in this way gave healthy offspring.

Yes, there is no clear medical statistics that children born from IVF will not be infertile. And this fact undoubtedly worries parents. But we must not forget that this technology of conception has existed not so long ago, therefore, it has not yet come to collect data on whether IVF children are infertile or not.

Now many children after IVF have not yet reached reproductive age, and those who have already crossed this line do not always want to make their intimate life public for everyone to see. Based on this, one cannot affirmatively state that children born from IVF are infertile, especially since with natural conception, the likelihood of having babies who are not able to give offspring also exists.


You can meet people who believe that an IVF baby is something unusual and not always natural. Someone thinks that such babies are underdeveloped, or weakened. Others are not convinced that IVF babies are infertile. All this simultaneously scares and alarms future parents who are unable to conceive a baby on their own.

IVF children, what they are in terms of physical and mental development, and also learn about the most common misconceptions about such babies.


First of all, unrecognized people believe that children born under IVF have a low level of health and are born too weak. This is a rather serious delusion, if only because such babies are always desirable, and their parents have a good level of health.

Moreover, IVF test tube babies are always under the supervision of experienced specialists in reproductive clinics. Thanks to this, babies are always carried out preventive examinations on time and tell their parents when it is best to get vaccinated or carry out any procedure. Doctors carefully monitor the health of these babies, therefore, IVF diseases are much less common in children than in ordinary babies.


Quite often you can hear questions of this kind: "Is it true that children born after IVF are infertile?" The danger that the baby will inherit the parents' problem in the future is frightening. That is why couples, when contacting a reproductive center, always ask doctors if it is true that IVF children are infertile.

For the answer, experts cite, albeit insignificant, but real statistical data. They clearly show that the statement that IVF children cannot have children is wrong. Yes, there is a possibility of infertility, but it is minimal.


To the question: whether children born from IVF can have their own children, parents always find an answer. The next concern is the likelihood of inherited genetic diseases. Again, medical statistics should be consulted. It always contains not only the answer to the question about what children are in IVF, can they have offspring, but also the probability of genetic abnormalities is indicated, which is minimized.

If you answer the question: what is an IVF child, then it is worth remembering the high-tech pre-implantation diagnostics of biological materials, which makes it possible to exclude the fertilization of a pathological egg. Accordingly, children "from a test tube" (reviews of IVF confirm this) are initially well examined and they are unlikely to develop serious illnesses.

Due to the fact that after conception, on about the fourth day, experts examine the embryo, during this period it is possible to establish whether the child will have developmental abnormalities, complex defects or genetic pathologies. IVF babies are healthy in the future, but the risk of developing pathologies still exists.


With what level of health and whether it is true that eco-friendly children are infertile, it is already clear. Often, parents are afraid that babies born after in vitro fertilization will not be like them. To make children from IVF look like mom and dad, it is worth choosing the right donor for fertilization.

When IVF children are planned, the photo of the person from whom the biological material was taken will most likely not be provided. However, spouses always have access to a detailed donor questionnaire. Thanks to this data, it is possible to select the most similar or identical phenotype. If everything is done correctly, then the children born from IVF will be as similar to their parents as possible.


There is an opinion that IVF children have problems in terms of mental development. This is another serious and misleading misconception. The fact is that massive studies were carried out, during which experts compared the level of intellectual development of ordinary babies and eco-friendly ones.

Those who are interested in IVF children, what they are, photos can be asked from their parents. But thanks to research, it was possible to establish that such babies often have high IQ indicators, they begin to walk, talk and dance earlier.

Parents should understand that people who claim that sick children are born after IVF have simply never seen them, but know about the procedure by hearsay, and their beliefs are based only on their own opinion and on the delusions of society.


When it comes to what kind of children are obtained after IVF, the developmental features of babies should also be considered in more detail. Each married couple, faced with the problem of the impossibility of conception, coming to the reproductive clinic is already mentally and physically ready for all the difficulties of this process.

Whether spouses have healthy children after IVF, or with any deviations directly depends on the degree of complexity of infertility. If a couple has genetic problems, then it is better for them to use biological materials, which in the future will guarantee the appearance of healthy offspring.

When babies are born after in vitro fertilization, parents are interested in such an aspect as the psychology of IVF children. To understand this issue well, experts always recommend contacting a doctor in this area of ​​medicine. Thanks to his advice, you can not only preserve the psyche of the child, but also build the correct model of upbringing yourself.

It is important to understand that babies born with IVF are less likely to differ from normal babies born after natural conception. That is why doctors do not advise taking care of the offspring too much, the health of IVF children is almost always good, which means that they will develop in the same way as their peers.

IVF child psychology is a very individual question. It is up to the couple to decide for themselves whether to tell the baby as a teenager or older about how he was born. Such information can traumatize a child to some extent, especially if he is very emotional and receptive.

Children born through IVF will definitely be relatives for mom and dad at the genetic level, but whether they will be able to explain this to the baby is an ambiguous question. If the parents decide that the baby should know the whole truth, then it is better to enlist the support and advice of an experienced psychologist.


The biggest fear among parents is that children after IVF are infertile. To dissuade them, they should talk to a fertility specialist. The fact is that the inability to conceive a baby is not an independent disease, therefore, it cannot be inherited.

It cannot be said with certainty that eco-friendly children are infertile, since all the factors that provoke this problem can equally be present in ordinary babies and a child after in vitro fertilization.

Let's look at a few examples. Let's say a woman comes to the clinic who cannot be a mother because of a congenital pathology or an anomaly in the development of the pelvic organs. In this case, children born through IVF may be infertile. But there are two conditions: a girl must be born, and also inherit the mother's pathology.

At the same time, if the problem with conception is acquired, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, then to the question: IVF children, can they have children, one can answer that such a possibility will definitely be there.

If we turn to the studies that were carried out in Germany and the UK, then scientists managed to find out that children born after IVF are infertile only in 6%, as for boys, provided that their genetic father had problems with reproductive function that could not be eliminated until the moment of in vitro fertilization.

What are the future consequences of IVF children, whether they are infertile, it will not be possible to find out even in the case of preimplantation genetic diagnostics. However, this procedure will eliminate the risk of giving birth to a baby with complex genetic diseases.

It is also worth understanding that if there were problems with reproductive function in the family, it is even better if the couple has IVF children, the consequences in the future will not affect their health, and the babies will be able to protect themselves from the problem of infertility.


If parents are looking for an answer to the question: IVF children, the consequences in the future, feedback from parents who have undergone this procedure can help to understand and identify any risks to development and health.

Let's consider what the consequences of IVF for a child can be. First of all, it should be said that children with IVF can appear only if poor quality biological material was used for fertilization.

In the case of the presence and use of bad eggs or sperm, such children from IVF can have consequences in the form of deficiencies in the development of certain body tissues, which will lead to the formation of a cleft palate, cleft lip, improper or insufficient work of the heart, stomach or intestines.

Someone thinks that the stimulation of the ovaries in a woman before fertilization has a bad effect on the body and the IVF child is overloaded with hormones. Against this background, he may develop problems with endocrine function after birth.

Often, children after IVF are in good health, and the likelihood that the mother will have to lie on preservation and take heavy medications exists even with the onset of a natural pregnancy.

We can say that if IVF children are born, the consequences for the baby's body after this procedure are not dangerous. To make sure of this, you can first talk to a reproductive specialist at the clinic and ask for statistics, which will describe in what percentage of babies after birth various defects or diseases were found. You can also read scientific articles about the consequences of IVF for children.


Many married couples are looking for information about what IVF children are, the consequences, reviews, and more. Another topic of general controversy is the reasoning about whether IVF babies are different from ordinary babies. If we consider this issue from the point of view of science, then it will not be possible to find any differences.

In world practice, there have been many studies on the topic of whether IVF children are different from ordinary babies or not. As a result, information was obtained that regardless of how the child was conceived, if he does not have health problems, then the level of development of peers is the same. Parents who have children born from IVF confirm this fact with reviews.

But if you delve deeper, to the question: how do IVF children differ from ordinary ones, you can see that they have a higher level of intelligence. Each individual child is more or less successful in various fields: music, singing, sports, creativity, and so on.

Also, when teachers were asked if IVF children were different from ordinary children, teachers pointed out that in the first case, babies excel better in more complex subjects.

Married couples who are faced with the problem of infertility are very often interested in whether the IVF procedure is safe and whether a child born with IVF will be different from ordinary children. What are they, IVF children?

Today IVF procedure is a very popular method of infertility treatment, which shows excellent results. Many couples who have faced the problem of infertility have been able to become parents thanks to artificial insemination. This method is well studied and appeared about thirty years ago. Thanks to him, more than five million families have received the opportunity to raise their child.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a method that belongs to assisted reproductive technologies. It is used in situations where other methods of fertility treatment do not give the desired result.

In vitro fertilization is still popularly known as in vitro conception. It has gathered around itself many guesses and myths. In order to understand the situation more accurately, you need to understand what IVF is and how IVF children can differ from the rest.

This method provides for the fertilization of a female reproductive cell (egg) with a sperm outside the body, that is, under laboratory conditions.

The main stages of IVF

  • The first stage provides for a complete examination of partners who cannot conceive a child. It implies examination by specialists and the delivery of a number of necessary tests (general analysis of blood and urine, blood to determine group affiliation and Rh factor, determination of infectious markers, etc.). In addition, you need to undergo a number of additional examinations (X-ray, ultrasound, colposcopy, etc.). Such a complete examination allows you to verify the rationality of the use of IVF. In the event that a decision is made to carry out artificial insemination, they proceed to the next stage.
  • The second step is to prepare and collect material (germ cells) from both partners. For a woman, this means taking a superovulation simulation course. It allows several sex cells in the ovarian follicles to ripen at once. After all, it is known that during one menstrual cycle in most women, only one egg matures. This is not enough for the IVF procedure. A woman is taken of mature eggs directly from the ovary. For this, a special manipulation is used using a puncture needle, which is inserted into the ovary. Usually, several eggs are taken in order to obtain several embryos. Various technologies can be used to collect male germ cells, most often it is just masturbation. If there is male infertility, as well as in women, invasive sperm collection techniques can be used.
  • The next stage of in vitro fertilization is the actual fertilization of female eggs with sperm in the laboratory.
  • At the last stage, the resulting embryos are delivered to the woman's uterine cavity. Often, several embryos are transferred so that the likelihood of implantation (attachment in the uterus) is higher. That is why twins after IVF are observed much more often than under normal conditions of conception.

IVF children: myths

Today IVF is not something unusual, but still it is accompanied by many myths that do not have a rational explanation. People who are far from medicine consider in vitro conception something unnatural and do not fully understand the essence of the IVF procedure. It is they who attribute negative characteristics to her and believe that IVF children are “different”.

Children after IVF: the first myth

You can often hear the judgment that IVF children in the future themselves will not be able to conceive a child, that is, they will be infertile. This myth is easy to dispel, because more than 5 million children were born as a result of IVF, and many of them already have children of their own, who were conceived in the usual way. For a more accurate explanation, we can say that the woman who was born the very first with the help of IVF gave birth to a healthy baby without resorting to the use of reproductive technologies.

Children after IVF: the second myth

After infertility, most often you can hear such a judgment that almost all IVF children have a variety of developmental defects. Dispelling this myth is also not difficult. Conception, which occurred in laboratory conditions, provides for a complete examination of the resulting embryo, but under normal conditions, with natural conception, this is not possible. Consequently, the embryo will be tested for any genetic (chromosomal) mutations. In addition, the child will be conceived through the fusion of the maternal and paternal germ cells, and, therefore, will receive only the hereditary material that they will pass on to him.

Children after IVF: the third myth

There is an opinion that children after IVF will be weaker and, as a result, will get sick much more often. Many observations of such children have shown that there is no direct relationship between the method of conception and the incidence of various diseases in children.

Children after IVF: the fourth myth

Developmental delays are another problem that has been attributed to in vitro babies. One can argue with this opinion, because such babies are the most long-awaited for their parents. They receive the attention they deserve, including full developmental care. At the slightest deviation, they turn to specialists for help and quite successfully solve the problems that have arisen. Most often, IVF children are surrounded by attention and care.

IVF children are genetically alien?

Sometimes artificial insemination involves the use of donor eggs or sperm in cases where the spouses have severe forms of infertility. In such a situation, they say that IVF children will be genetically alien to the couple. In fact, this is the only way out of the situation when there are no own germ cells. After all, we must agree that the adopted child will be “more alien” than the one that the mother carried and gave birth to herself. As for the donor material, it is always carefully selected. The germ cell donors undergo a series of in-depth medical examinations that confirm their complete physical and mental health.

Twins after IVF

One of the most serious and indeed real risks is multiple pregnancy. Twins after IVF is not the worst thing that can be. Sometimes triplets are born. In such a situation, the load on the body of a woman carrying a pregnancy is very high. This is due to the fact that several embryos are injected into a woman at once to increase the likelihood of implantation. In Russia, according to all recommendations, no more than 2 embryos can be transferred. Only in the case of special indications, transfer of three embryos is carried out. Twins after IVF develop very often.

IVF children and ordinary children

You need to understand that children after IVF will be born the same as the genetic material they receive from their parents. The only difference lies in the very process of fertilization. Further development of the embryo in the uterus and childbirth are no different from natural ones, and they do not carry a particular threat to the child. You should think about the question that there is a high probability that there will be twins after IVF. In the clinic "IVF Center" in Volgograd, you can carry out IVF, as well as carry out a full preliminary examination and treatment of infertility.

The content of the article:

IVF is a medical term, it completely sounds like in vitro fertilization. The main purpose of assisted reproductive technology is to help married couples who suffer from infertility to become parents. Let's find out if IVF is dangerous for a woman and her child, what are its benefits and how the procedure takes place.

What is IVF

The essence of IVF is to combine the sperm and the fertile egg outside the female body and to grow the embryo in a test tube. That is why about children who were born as a result of in vitro fertilization,
they say they are "test tube babies."

The main stages of the procedure: preparation of the female body, isolation and removal of oocytes, cultivation of embryos, transplantation of viable organisms into the woman's uterus.

Since IVF became widespread, more than 5 million babies have already been born, who were conceived in a test tube.

Currently, there are many options for using ECO technology:

  • The use of artificial insemination for women who cannot get pregnant themselves;
  • Application of donor sperm if the spouse is infertile;
  • The opportunity to become a mother for a woman who does not have a sexual partner.
The procedure is not cheap, its cost depends on the region in which fertilization is carried out, on the number and type of drugs used, the total number of services specified in the contract - preparation for the procedure, pregnancy monitoring, childbirth, etc.

IVF synonyms: artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilization. In Europe, the English abbreviation IVF is more commonly used.

What are the benefits of IVF

The main benefit of IVF is the ability to become parents for people who have lost hope in another way to conceive a child. Many women do not even want to know if IVF is dangerous, since for many years their attempts to get pregnant were in vain.

In addition, modern reproductologists have learned to masterfully "work" with embryos, select viable and healthy ones for replanting, weed out specimens in which damage is visible even at the cellular level. When hereditary diseases are detected, it is possible to protect the future generation using donor sperm, to check the biomaterial for genetic diseases.

Another plus of artificial insemination is the determination of the sex of the child, not only before birth, but also before the beginning of gestation. In most countries, this service is prohibited. For example, in India or China, the priority is given to the birth of boys, and if female embryos are not used, in the future, the already unfavorable gender situation in the countries will significantly worsen.

If geneticists know that hereditary pathologies in the family are transmitted through the male or female line, then for the birth of a healthy baby, the sex of the child is determined in advance. But artificial insemination is not able to interrupt the unfavorable hereditary chain; in the future, unhealthy offspring may be born again in healthy children during normal conception.

Indications for in vitro fertilization

For many women, in vitro fertilization, as already mentioned, is the only opportunity to become a mother.

Indications for artificial insemination are the following pathologies of the reproductive system in women:

  • Endometriosis is a disease in which the cells lining the inner lining of the uterus proliferate and disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive system, provoking inflammation during each menstrual cycle.
  • Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes - inflammatory diseases, surgical interventions in the genital area or abdominal cavity can provoke the development of adhesive disease, adhesions do not allow the egg to meet with the sperm in vivo.
  • Congenital abnormalities - the absence of a fallopian tube.
  • The husband's infertility - regardless of the reasons.
  • The transition to menopause, regardless of age, associated with disruption of the hormonal system.
  • Lack of ovulation, which cannot be cured by conventional means.
The most common indication for artificial conception is infertility, the cause of which is not always possible to determine, even with a high level of development of modern medicine.

Contraindications to the IVF procedure

Contraindications to in vitro fertilization can be classified as absolute and relative. The first group includes conditions in which carrying, regardless of the method, is impossible or poses a danger to the health and life of a woman. The second group includes diseases that should be treated or put into remission before pregnancy.

Absolute contraindications:

  1. Oncological diseases of a general nature and reproductive organs;
  2. Severe systemic diseases - multiple sclerosis, heart defects, diabetes mellitus, renal and hepatic failure, and the like;
  3. Anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs - a baby's uterus, two-horned, double, ovarian underdevelopment.
Relative contraindications are:
  1. Chronic diseases in a state of exacerbation, regardless of the location of the organ - peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases;
  2. Benign neoplasms - fibroids, fibromas, cysts, polyps, in this case the decision on the possibility of IVF is decided individually with each patient;
  3. Infectious diseases - active tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV.
Modern women take their own health responsibly and try to be fully examined at the stage of pregnancy planning, lead to remission or treat all existing diseases.

Before the implantation procedure, the doctor fully takes responsibility for the woman's health, and only he can determine how dangerous it is to do IVF for a particular patient and whether she can satisfy her desire to enjoy the long-awaited motherhood.

Why IVF is dangerous for health

Many prejudices against IVF are unfounded. For example, there is an opinion that children are “not like that”, that women become disabled after this procedure. However, there are real facts that confirm the development of negative consequences in the female body and the effect of artificial insemination on the child's condition after birth.

Why IVF is dangerous for a woman

During preparation for artificial insemination and removal of embryos, the female body is exposed to a shock dose of hormonal drugs. This does not go unnoticed and in the future may cause disruption of the functioning of organs and organic systems.

Dangers of IVF for a woman's health:

  • Due to ovarian hyperstimulation, the onset of menopause is further accelerated. Menopause can occur immediately after the baby is born and be accompanied by all the characteristic symptoms: sudden changes in blood pressure, nausea, insomnia, hot flashes, unjustified mood swings. But menopause caused by IVF can be reversible.
  • Thyroid function may be impaired. The endocrine organ does not always cope with the high load caused by hormonal stimulation, and in the future, the production of hormones becomes insufficient. If you start therapeutic measures on time, disruption of the endocrine system can be stopped.
  • Due to the weakening of the heart muscle caused by the increased intake of estrogen into the body, the permeability of the blood vessels increases, and cardiomyopathy develops. In this case, the woman may need treatment in a cardiological hospital.
  • The risk of malignant degeneration of cells of reproductive organs increases. Weakened by hyperstimulation, pregnancy and labor, the body cannot resist malignancy.
If there is a family history of a predisposition to oncological diseases, then the likelihood of developing an oncological process simply increases due to the exhaustion of the body with a shock dose of hormones. There is no direct relationship between IVF and cancer.

During the procedure, there is a possibility of infecting, damaging the bladder or urethra during manipulations, and provoking bleeding. These consequences are no different from the side effects due to any surgical intervention.

Why IVF is dangerous for a child

There is still no exact data on the dangers of IVF for unborn babies. Analyzing data on the health status of children born after artificial insemination, in 2008 it was established:
  1. Pathologies of underdevelopment of cardiac septa, esophageal atresia, anorectal atresia are 15% more common in them than in children whose conception occurred naturally.
  2. The number of children with congenital organic defects - cleft palate and cleft lip - increases by 3%.
However, whether these congenital anomalies are related to the health of the parents, who cannot conceive naturally, or to the fertilization procedure itself, is not yet clear.

Genetic abnormalities, such as Down's syndrome, occur only if a woman has decided on IVF after trying to become a mother in a different way through long and costly treatment. In this case, the appearance of pathology can be explained by the woman's age, and not by any therapeutic intervention.

It is impossible to determine by external data whether a "normal" child or "from a test tube". These kids are no different from their peers.

The fear that infertility is inherited in children conceived with IVF has not been confirmed. Many test-tube girls have already become mothers.

How is the IVF procedure done?

In vitro fertilization can be divided into several stages, each of which takes a sufficient amount of time. Patients should carefully prepare for transplantation, be fully examined, and undergo treatment with hormonal drugs.

Preparing for the procedure

The first stage of preparation for IVF is the need to consult with narrow specialists:
  • ... Chronic diseases are identified, drug treatment is adjusted.
  • Visit to an endocrinologist... This doctor determines whether a woman is capable of bearing a fetus.
  • Visit to the genetic center... Doctors of this profile advise a woman on possible genetic abnormalities in an unborn baby associated with the health status of the parents.
Analyzes and studies, according to the results of which the state of women's health will be assessed:
  • Routine blood tests - general analysis, biochemistry, hormonal profile, coagulogram;
  • Blood group and Rh factor;
  • Blood sugar;
  • Blood tests for infectious processes - tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • Hormonal blood tests;
  • Routine urinalysis;
  • Specific urine tests - according to Nechiporenko and Zemnitsky;
  • Urine cultures;
  • Vaginal smears - for flora and cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Fluorography;
  • ECG - electrocardiogram.
They may also recommend doing a hysteroscopy of the uterus, gastroscopy of the stomach, MRI or CT.

The need to visit narrow specialists is considered in each case individually.

Stimulation of superovulation

During natural ovulation, 1 egg normally matures in the ovaries. With artificial stimulation with high doses of hormonal drugs, up to 10-12 eggs can be obtained from one ovary at once.

Hormonal drugs are administered for 7-14 days, monitoring the state of the endometrium of the uterus in order to prevent its excessive growth.

Oocyte retrieval

Eggs ready for fertilization are removed on an outpatient basis in full sterility. Local anesthesia is administered to the woman to relieve pain.

If the woman's health condition allows, the ovarian follicles are pierced under ultrasound control. In some cases, to obtain biomaterial, it is necessary to do a laparoscopic operation.

After collecting the eggs, they are placed in a test tube in a nutrient solution, where they will be cultured until fertilization.

Oocyte fertilization

The purified and processed sperm are placed in a container with several eggs, which are in a nutrient medium. Then the container is placed in an incubator, where the sex cells of the parents merge.

If self-fusion does not occur, the sperm are injected artificially, implanting them under the shell of the egg, and the tubes with the fertilized material are also placed in an "incubator".

Fertilized eggs are constantly monitored. In the future, for replanting, those in which division is more stable are chosen.

The remaining biomaterial is usually frozen. It can be used in case of unsuccessful implantation or for the next pregnancy, so as not to expose the woman's body to additional stress.

Transfer of embryos to the uterus

On days 3-7 after fertilization, the embryo is implanted into the uterus. At this stage, it is already called a blastocyst, its size can be either 0.14-0.15 mm or 0.30 mm.

The implantation period depends on:

  1. From the appearance of a thrombophlast in the embryo, without it, it will not be fixed in the wall of the uterus;
  2. On the quality and quantity of biomaterial;
  3. From the state of the patient's reproductive system.
Embryo replanting is performed under conditions of complete sterility on an outpatient basis. The woman is placed in a gynecological chair and undergoes a procedure that feels like a regular gynecological examination. Mirrors are inserted into the vagina, the cervix is ​​fixed, then a flexible probe is passed through it, with which the biomaterial is transferred.

After removing the instrumentation, the woman lies on the chair for another 2-3 hours, “resting”. Spotting spotting may appear immediately after the procedure.

In the future, women begin to complain of sensations reminiscent of symptoms of toxicosis of the first trimester - nausea, change in taste perception, slight dizziness, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, sometimes the temperature rises to subfebrile values ​​- 37.3 degrees.

2-3 days after replanting, you can already understand whether the embryos have penetrated into the wall of the uterus or will be rejected.

An express pregnancy test will tell you about the onset of pregnancy, the onset of menstruation, during which the discharge will be more abundant than usual, about rejection.

Reduction of embryos

During IVF, several embryos are placed in the uterus to increase the likelihood of conception. Currently, it is customary to limit yourself to 2 fertilized eggs, but if doctors think they need to be on the safe side, there may be more of them.

If the implantation procedure is successful, then the excess embryos are removed using reduction. If it is not carried out, the pregnancy can be difficult. However, women endure natural multiple pregnancies much harder than singleton pregnancies.

During pregnancy, a woman is monitored by gynecologists in the same way as in normal cases. Sometimes a more frequent visit to a doctor, inpatient observation is required, even with an outwardly successful gestation.

They also prepare for childbirth in the usual way, although a cesarean section is done in 87% of cases. This is due to the state of health of a woman, because it is because of chronic diseases or pathological changes in the reproductive system that she had to turn to the procedure of artificial insemination.

If the first attempt is unsuccessful, women turn to artificial insemination again, sometimes several times.

What is IVF - watch the video:

Even knowing the dangers of IVF, women do not refuse the opportunity to bear and give birth to their baby. Indeed, for most of them, the main vocation is motherhood.