Father's rejection. Rejecting the father. Rejecting Father: A Story with a Happy Ending

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the baby's body begins to grow actively, the work of all systems stabilizes, new skills and abilities appear. The development of the child by months will not necessarily follow a template pattern, since there are no identical people and each one has certain characteristics, so minor deviations from the standards should not scare you.

Child development calendar from birth to 3 months

The first three months of the first year of a baby's life are considered the most difficult, because at this time the work of all body systems is only getting better, and the baby is adapting to the world around him.

To monitor the correct development of the child, you can use the table of basic skills and indicators for children in the first months of life:

  • from birth to 1 month the baby is very weak, so he spends most of the time in a dream. The muscles of the body are not yet developed, the baby cannot hold the head on its own, at the same time the limbs are compressed for a longer time and are in a springy state. The normal weight for a child of this age is from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, with a height of 45 to 54 cm.The development of the organs of vision and hearing will continue during the first 90 days, at first the child does not distinguish colors, and his loud sounds are not at all frighten, which characterizes poorly developed hearing;
  • from 1 to 2 months, external changes are clearly manifested - facial features are pronounced, body swelling disappears, the skin acquires a normal shade. Muscle tone is passing, the child can already unbend his fists, briefly raises his head, actively waving his limbs. The development of speaking skills is manifested, the baby begins to gurgle and deliberately smile. At this time, it is already possible to establish eye contact with the baby, he carefully examines everything around him and already recognizes familiar faces, his eyes may still mow a little, but this will soon pass. Hearing development is very active, so beware of loud and harsh sounds - they can greatly scare the baby;
  • from 2 to 3 months - the active stage, the ability to take toys and any objects of interest is manifested. The time of daytime sleep decreases, while nighttime rest can be continuous for 5-6 hours. The baby seeks to know the world around him, for which he, on his own, tries to raise his head in a position on his stomach, rests on his legs to raise himself, etc. By the age of 3 months, the growth of children reaches 53-62 cm, and the weight can range from 4 to 7 kg.

The end of the first trimester of the year is marked by a relatively calm and planned development of the baby's body. All systems begin to work without interruption, the child's mental state is normalized, a certain wakefulness and sleep mode is established, which allows the mother to plan the day.

Child development chart from 3 months to six months

After 3 months, a period of relative calm begins, the child has already adapted to the environment, the feeding and sleep regime by this time has already stabilized, so the family's life is returning to normal.

The correctness of the child's development at this stage can be traced according to the proposed table:

  • 4 months - the baby himself holds his head and closely monitors the movement of objects and people around the room. Now he can stand on his legs with support under his armpits. The period of teething begins, which can be accompanied by whims and crying, the main symptom is active salivation and the habit of pulling everything into the mouth. The communication skill is fully developed - the baby beckons relatives with the help of sounds and gestures, examines faces for a long time and expresses pleasure with laughter and smiles;
  • 5 months - the baby begins to sit (while still with support, in a children's playpen, a chair), during active games on the bed, the child himself turns from his back to his stomach and back, some can climb in the arena without assistance. The social factor is activated, the baby cannot be alone for a long time, it constantly requires communication, which is reported by active movements and loud sounds. The grasping reflex is fully developed, the baby confidently takes the object he likes, can shift it from hand to hand and throw it away;
  • six months - muscle mass is activated, the child already owns his body, therefore he is able to rise, roll over, many begin to crawl. By six months, babies can grow up to 60-70 cm, while their body weight will be in the range from 5.5 to 9 kg. Teeth are being actively cut, which causes a lot of anxiety, it is important at this stage to help the baby escape from painful sensations with the help of rubber teethers and gels.

The first half of the year is marked by the emergence of such an important skill as crawling, now the baby can engage in active games without your participation, the main thing is to provide the child with a safe area in the apartment for research.

Child development calendar from six months to 9 months

The period after the first half of the year of life is distinguished by the activity of the child, now, when the baby is already able to crawl, it is interesting for him to study and touch everything that he sees around. Particular attention should now be paid to the psychological development of the baby.

  • 7 months - active crawling becomes a habit, the baby enjoys spending time on a children's rug with soft toys, likes to walk on the street, where he looks at everything with interest. Now the baby will definitely recognize native faces and voices, distinguish his name and memorize some objects by name. At this time, the first complementary foods are introduced;
  • 8 months - tweezers appear - the baby can take objects not with the whole palm, but with two fingers. The diet expands, while the increase in height and body weight slows down somewhat, instead, communication and conversation skills are actively developing;
  • 9 months - the most developed babies start to get up, holding on to a sofa or chair, you can see the first steps, however, so far with support. This is the time for the first conscious word, "ma-ma, ba-ba, etc.".

The third trimester of the year shows how socially adapted your baby will be. The desire to learn about the world around and communicate with family members is manifested in each child in its own way, some children spend a lot of time in independent study of new things, while others cannot be alone for a couple of minutes. Adapt to your baby, then his development will be more successful and faster.

Child development calendar from 9 months to a year

The last trimester of the first year is the most active stage in the development of the child's body. This is the time for the first steps, for expressing your interests and requirements, as well as for defining the framework of what is permitted and forbidden.

  • 10 months - crawling can be accompanied by overcoming obstacles, children try to climb over soft bolsters, chairs, go down the stairs for the first time. The first steps will be uncertain, but the baby will not stop trying to walk, so the room should be protected from sharp corners and dangerous objects;
  • 11 months - the diet includes vegetables, dairy products, cereals, fruits and meat, all these components are necessary for the full development of the body and replenishment of the energy that the child spends in a day. With the first introduction of complementary foods, you need to start brushing the teeth, this will prevent the development of caries;
  • 1 year - the child knows what can and cannot, remembers where the objects of interest are and understands almost everything that you tell him. The character of the baby is manifested - he often protests against activities that are undesirable to him, it is important at this time to teach him how to express protests correctly - not with shouts, but with the help of communication.

The monthly calendar of the child's development shows how the child's body should develop in the first year and what skills can manifest itself at a certain time. Knowing the standards can help your child develop new skills that are specific to their age.

In this article:

A child changes the life of a married couple and turns the perception of the world upside down. The appearance of a new family member is surrounded by positive emotions, warmth and tenderness, as well as solemn moments (the first push in the stomach, weighing, photo from ultrasound). But now, between holidays, parents will have to cope with everyday life, in which they have a direct responsibility - to raise a full-fledged person.

Let's talk about how the development of a child under one year old should proceed and how mom and dad can help this development.

Disputes about the need for a child's aesthetic education before birth and for months to a year do not subside. From the first months, young parents, worried about the future of their children, regularly go to the theater, listen to classical music, and read children's books aloud. However, there are skeptics who assure that this activity is pleasant only for mothers, and such actions do not affect the child. After all, geniuses and simply wonderful people are born in dysfunctional families.

Whom to believe? It is up to the parents to decide how to spend nine months of waiting, but when choosing their behavior, it is necessary to take into account that the development of your child depends on your attitude and behavior. If the baby intuitively feels that he is needed and important to his family, his interest in the world will drag him in much earlier.

Therefore, psychologists and pediatricians strongly advise parents to get used to the responsibility for the child, while he is in maximum safety - in the mother's belly.

Every month after birth, you will understand your baby faster and faster. What does the baby need, what he likes and dislikes, and when can you introduce educational games with more complex tasks?

How to treat a child in different periods up to a year

Naturally, a child under one year old is a helpless toddler who needs round-the-clock care, control, attention without interruption for sleep and rest. Its comfort is the basis of development. Motherly love, as a rule, knows no boundaries, and a woman tries to give all her warmth and all emotions to her own baby.

Naturally, at the time of the birth of the baby, the mother's energy reserve can overwhelm the entire globe. If necessary to splash this stream on one person? No - and this is the most difficult thing. In order not to spoil a child from infancy, in order to achieve mutual understanding and mutual respect, from the first days of living together at home, put everything in its place: a person came into your life to grow up healthy and beautiful, and this responsibility in this case lies with you. By endlessly pampering and giving exclusively goodness, you show the child his impunity. Fulfilling all his requirements immediately, you do not care about your beloved baby, but grow an egoist.

Giving your son or daughter the most delicious pieces of cake, sweets, you run the risk of not getting a glass of water from your children in old age. And it is necessary to start living "equally" from the first months. How should parents behave when the baby begins to change every week?

Up to 3 months

Your son or daughter needs a sense of comfort. Comfort is development in the right direction. Now development is limited to what the baby can perceive during wakefulness. It is your responsibility to ensure that the feeding is done on time and on schedule. As necessary, you need to change clothes for the baby, if the emu is hot or cold. You will have to learn how to put your baby to bed at the same time - in a word, remove any discomfort in any of its manifestations.

During this period, it is already necessary to start talking with the child in an even tone. Tenderness and positiveness must be present. After all, the little man still does not know much. Sounds, colors, new people frighten him. If you talk to him as smoothly as if he was already in first grade, the baby will get used to both intonation and the regular calmness emanating from his parents, thereby adopting the skill of controlling the situation and his psychological state.

2-3 to 5 months

These are extremely interesting months in the life of the baby and his parents. New horizons open up around the child. He begins to recognize his room, his street, and see animals. During this period, the child needs visual contact and juxtaposition of a smiling face with a pleasant tone and reasonable slow speech. In front of him, you can already act out small scenes with homemade toys, turn on music and be sure to show with facial expressions how pleasant it is for mom and dad. Such educational games delight the kid, but they give a lot of stress, so do not get too carried away. Also closer to 5 months, you can begin to show your displeasure to the baby in a mild form. "Oh, who spat porridge when we had to eat it all?"

During this period, the child learns to give back emotions. He begins to understand emotions and his participation in changing the mood of his relatives. For his mother to smile and praise again, he needs to eat all the porridge. When communicating with your baby, telling him children's stories, doing massage or playing rattles, catch his eye, "gag", make simple sounds and use short words more often. During this period, memorization is actively working.

From six months to a year

Finally, the baby is embraced by this huge, huge world. The child begins to crawl, tries to stand on his own feet. He touches, tastes, actively emits sounds, which he learned in communication with his parents. He clearly copies their demeanor, which is ingrained in his memory in the early months. Now do you understand how much the development of a child under one year old depends on your behavior?

With the baby, you can play goodies, "Magpie-crow", "Over the bumps", give in your hands multicolored smooth rattles. Listen to children's songs, poems, short stories together.

A child from birth to one year old, his feelings and perception

It was revealed that the psychology of the child is actively developing even before birth and after months along with the perception of the mother's world. Over time, you can forget a lot: how did you grow up to 3-5 years old, kindergarten, first grade at school. Forgetting your first book, your first step, or getting out of bed on your own. But reflexes are formed precisely at this early age. It is very important not to incite aggression, disgust, panic, resentment in a little baby, while the world for him is enclosed in four walls and is learned in his mother's arms.

When he begins to peer into details, to react with gestures and facial expressions to what is happening, development requires a dialogue. Begin to explain briefly, simply and intonally: "The dog" woof ", you can't have a finger (squeezing a small finger in your hand, gesture to show how the dog can bite): he will bite - am". Reassure the worry in the baby's eyes with a nod: “Yes, it hurts. Someone else's dog, let him walk. " In any situation, mom and dad are needed to explain, and not punish from the heart, breaking loose and not even explaining why the baby receives a dose of negativity.

How much time should you devote to a child aged 0 to 12 months?

Happy are those mothers who have time to watch their children grow up. More than half of the population cannot afford to stay at home because of work. After all, there is not a single woman who does not get tired of the atmosphere of motherhood. And, no matter how rude it may sound, but being tired of your own child is normal. After the first three months of 24/7 caring for a cute baby, parents should learn to trust their grandmothers or nanny.

This is useful for them and for the baby himself. Otherwise, the son or daughter will simply turn into a "bath sheet" with which
I go to visit, and often miss important evenings, which are undesirable to be present with children. If someone believes that a free life is not as important as children, and before you have a child, you need to realize that it's time to quit with past festivities - this is only partly true. The child should not be a kettlebell pulling you to the bottom. It is impossible to do the same day after day, without developing intellectually, without attending cultural events, without meeting new people. A child is a huge responsibility, but it is also a duty to educate a person, and not to grow a tail for oneself and bury oneself tightly in dirty diapers, forgetting about one's own appearance and life in general.

A child should see beautiful and calm parents not only in the first months of life, but also further, at any age. It is important for him to live with successful people, to see them striving for new discoveries - then he himself will be like that. Nobody forces you to abandon your baby by the age of three months. After the baby began to recognize faces, it is time for him to get used to being in the company of other people, so that later he can calmly go to kindergarten and school, adapt in his circle in the yard and not be ashamed of your guests.

Educational games for a child under 1 year old

Until 4 months, it is important for your child to simply be clean, well-fed and in a good mood. It will be good for him to be in the same room with you, but to sleep at a distance or in the next room. From 3-4 months, gradually introduce short games into education.

The best game for young children is peek-a-boo and bye-bye. Cover your face with your palms and say "crap", then remove your palms, smile and say "cuckoo."

When choosing toys for your child, make sure of them
safety and purpose. They should be bright, not contain substances and parts hazardous to health that may fall off and enter the respiratory tract.

Toys must be understandable so that you can study on them how animals, people, plants look like.

When your baby begins to sit on his own, strive to move, you can move on to games with buttons and sounds. "Singing" ducklings, which previously could have interested a child visually, now teach him anatomy and develop an ear for music.

The main thing is not to choose expensive or fashionable games for the child, but to be attentive to his mood. Nobody can understand a little person the way parents understand him. Its correct development is entirely up to you.

WHO tables give child development standards for a wide variety of parameters. You can use the WHO tables to understand in order to understand if your child is developing normally or there are some deviations from the norm.

You can easily find out if your child has the correct parameters, whether he is gaining weight and growing normally. If some of the parameters are too small or deviated from the norm recommended by WHO, then this is a serious reason to take the baby to a pediatrician or family doctor for up to a year.

Parents should not be negligent about the parameters of the child's development, since, for example, a child who is gaining excess weight must undergo a series of tests, including for diabetes. If your baby is lagging behind the norm, then you should not panic, but, on the contrary, believe another parameter - this is the body mass index.

It is on this number that you should rely on in order to understand what kind of child has a mass. The formula for calculating body mass index: I = m / h2 (body weight divided by height squared), where m is body weight in kilograms, h is height in meters. The body mass index is measured in kg / m².

Child development up to a year by months

In 2006, new standards for the development of boys under 1 year of age appeared. WHO has conducted research and gave out the average parameters of the development of boys who do not have any diseases and who are breastfeeding. As you know, children on artificial mixtures gain weight faster.

Year: month Month Weight, kg Height, cm Body mass index Head circumference, cm
min. Max. min. Max. min. Max. min. Max.
0:00 0 2,9 3,9 48 51,8 12,2 14,8 33,2 35,7
0:01 1 3,9 5,1 52,8 56,7 13,6 16,3 36,1 38,4
0:02 2 4,9 6,3 56,4 60,4 15 17,8 38 40,3
0:03 3 5,7 7,2 59,4 63,5 15,5 18,4 39,3 41,7
0:04 4 6,2 7,8 61,8 66 15,8 18,7 40,4 42,8
0:05 5 6,7 8,4 63,8 68 15,9 18,8 41,4 43,8
0:06 6 7,1 8,8 65,5 69,8 16 18,8 42,1 44,6
0:07 7 7,4 9,2 67 71,3 16 18,8 42,7 45,2
0:08 8 7,7 9,6 68,4 72,8 15,9 18,7 43,3 45,8
0:09 9 8 9,9 69,7 74,2 15,8 18,6 43,7 46,3
0:10 10 8,2 10,2 71 75,6 15,7 18,5 44,1 46,7
0:11 11 8,4 10,5 72,2 76,9 15,6 18,4 44,5 47
1:00 12 8,6 10,8 73,4 78,1 15,5 18,2 44,8 47,4

Parents must remember that every child develops according to his own nature. The rates shown in the tables are averages that can be used as a starting point and reference material. But if you have even the slightest suspicion that your child under one year old has a deviation from the norm, you should urgently show it to the doctor.

Norms for girls

The development parameters of girls, approved by the WHO, indicate what should be the average parameters of the development of girls to one. This data is a kind of static and reference material that is a starting point for diagnosing your child's development. But if you have doubts about whether your girl is developing normally, then you definitely need a pediatrician consultation.

Year: Month month Weight, kg Height, cm Body mass index Head circumference, cm
min. Max. min. Max. min. Max.
min. Max.
0:01 1 3.6 4.8 51,7 55,6 13,2 16 35,4 37,7
0:02 2 4.5 5.8 55 59,1 14,3 17,3 37 39,5
0:03 3 5.2 6.6 57,7 61,9 14,9 17,9 38,3 40,8
0:04 4 5.7 7.3 59,9 64,3 15,2 18,3 39,3 41,8
0:05 5 6.1 7.8 61,8 66,2 15,4 18,4 40,2 42,7
0:06 6 6.5 8.2 63,5 68 15,5 18,5 40,9 43,5
0:07 7 6.8 8.6 65 69,6 15,5 18,5 41,5 44,1
0:08 8 7.0 9.0 66,4 71,1 15,4 18,4 42 44,7
0:11 11 7.7 9.9 70,3 75,3 15,1 18 43,2 45,9
1:00 12 7.9 10.1 71,4 76,6 15 17,9 43,5 46,3
Month Weight gain, gram Growth gain, cm
Interval min Max min Max
0-1 611 1161 6,8 9
1-2 744 1290
2-3 502 944 4,2 6,1
3-4 383 796
4-5 293 695 2,7 4,5

Development table from 0 and by months to 1 year

There are some average physical and emotional indicators of the activity of a child under one year old. Based on these parameters, dad and mom can understand whether they are not lagging behind and whether they are ahead of their peers in development.

Age (month) Skills

The baby's eyes can follow a rattle that moves vertically. The baby has a reaction to loud sounds.

2 There is a grasping reflex, the baby can move the legs and arms both alternately and simultaneously. The child's eyes can track an object moving vertically.
3 The kid starts to gurgle. Finds out the parents. Raises his head while lying on his tummy. He examines the face with his pens.
4 In the position on the tummy, it raises the head and stretches it on the arms. May wiggle slightly.
5 Plays with "favorite" toy, can hold the bottle or breast while feeding. Recognizes mom and dad. At this age, the first teeth appear.
6 The first attempts to crawl on their bellies. Flips well. Knows his name. Repeats sounds and vowels for adults. Trying to sit down
7 Sits confidently. Makes the first attempts to get up. Knows close people. Pronounces several syllables.
8 Can transfer the rattle from handle to handle. Picks up a toy that has fallen. He can eat food himself, holding a piece in his hands.
9 Can sit. Pulls and crawls to objects of interest to him.
10 He recognizes those close to him and may be reluctant to go into the arms of strangers. He can already play peek-a-boo and hide and seek. Interest in small subjects appears.
11 Can sit down himself, crawls well, can crawl back. Expresses his displeasure when something is taken away from him
12 The kid can pronounce syllables, imitates the intonation of his parents.

He crawls well, walks, holding onto something, tries to walk on his own.

Teeth in children under one year table

There are norms according to which a child's teeth grow up to one year old. There is a table in which it is scheduled by months when and which teeth should grow in the baby.

Tooth arrangement (numbers show the order of appearance) Teeth in order of appearance Average appearance time (months)
1. Lower central incisors 6–10
2. Upper central incisors 7–12
3. Upper lateral incisors 9–12
4. Lower lateral incisors 7–16
5. First molars (upper) 13–19
6. First molars (lower) 12–18
7. Fangs 16–23
8. Second molars (lower) 20–31
9. Second molars (upper) 25–33

Considering all these data, in a child all milk jaws are formed only by the age of three. But at 12 months only 6-10 teeth erupt.

Sizes (girth) of the head in children table

In a baby under one year old, head coverage parameters are a very important indicator. Parents should monitor every month how much the child's head has grown, since an increase or decrease in growth rates may be the result of any health problems of the baby. There is a table that, according to WHO, shows the average head sizes for boys and girls under one year old.

in months
Girls Boys
head, cm
head, cm
0 33,9 34,5
1 36,5 37,3
2 38,3 39,1
3 39,5 40,5
4 40,6 41,6
5 41,5 42,6
6 42,2 43,3
7 42,8 44,0
8 43,4 44,5

Guidelines for testing vision in children

Children under one year old must have their eyesight checked, the first check takes place already in the hospital. The next check should be carried out at 3 months, then at 6 and a year. There is a chart that can be used to see if your child's vision is developing normally.

1 month 0.008-0.03 (up to 3%)
3 months 0,05–0,1 (5–10 %)
6 months 0,1–0,3 (10–30 %)
1 year 0,3–0,6 (30–60 %)

According to the normal development of babies under one year old, there is a table, looking into which, parents can make sure that their baby is normal and already knows how to do everything that needs to be able to.

What a child should be able to do

Child's age (month) What a baby can do

Can focus eyes on mom's face. He understands that he is communicating with him and listens.

2 Can smile, gag.
3 Agukaet, reacts to the attention paid to him.

On the tummy, slightly raises the head and holds it for several minutes.

4 Lying on the tummy confidently raises the head. Laughs out loud. If you hold the crumb vertically, it can rest the legs against the surface.
5 Keeps the head upright well. May roll over. Concentrates gaze on a small subject. Can transfer a rattle from one hand to another. Can pronounce vowels and consonants. Looks for interesting toys and reaches for them.
6 Sits already without support. First attempts to get up.
7 He plays cuckoo with pleasure. Stands, but with support or holding on to furniture. Waving a pen when someone leaves. Can say "mom" and "dad". He picks up something small with his thumb and forefinger.
8 Easily transfers items from one pen to another. Looks for items that have fallen. He walks with support. Can stand without assistance, but not for long. Understands "no".
9 He tries to reach or crawl to the toy, he can roll the ball away from himself. Drinks from a cup if supported. Speaks "mom" and "dad" very clearly. Can answer without words the request "Give".
10 Confidently worth it. Tries to get up from a sitting position. Shows dissatisfaction when something is taken from him. He babbles and speaks in an infant language. Tries to walk.
11 Can sit from a position on the tummy. Already walking well. Pronounces 3-5 words.

Walks leaning on furniture. Knows his name and responds to it. Can fulfill a simple request. Speaks 5-8 words. Knows the word no.

Baby height and weight chart

Below is a table that shows the average parameters of the development of a baby, established by the WHO. If your baby is breastfed, then you can track its development using these WHO parameters.

Age, months Boys Girls
Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm
0 (newborn) 49,9 3,3 0 (newborn) 49,9
1 54,7 4,5 1 54,7
2 58,4 5,6 2 58,4
3 61,4 6,4 3 61,4
4 63,9 7,0 4 63,9
5 65,9 7,5 5 65,9
6 67,6 7,9 6 67,6
7 69,2 8,3 7 69,2
8 70,6 8,6 8 70,6
9 72,0 8,9 9 72,0
10 73,3 9,2 10 73,3
11 74,5 9,4 11 74,5
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How does a little man develop in the first year of life? Every parent thinks about the physical, neuropsychological and mental development of their child. Therefore, for you, dear mothers and fathers, we publish tables compiled by the World Health Organization, with approximate parameters for the development of children.

The development of each newborn takes place on an individual basis. Therefore, the parameters presented in the table below have average indicators for the development of a baby up to one year old. It is acceptable if there are small deviations from these standards. It is worth remembering that boys and girls develop in different ways. In the event that children for a long time do not reach the norms at their age, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Age (month) Height (cm) Weight, kg) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
Newborn child 49,0 — 54,0 2,6 — 4,0 33,0 — 37,0 31,0 — 35,9
1 52,0 — 55,0 3,0 — 4,3 35,8 — 37,2 34,0 — 36,0
2 55,0 — 57,0 4,5 — 5,0 37,5 — 38,5 36,0 — 38,0
3 58,0 — 60,0 4,0 — 6,0 38,0 — 40,0 36,0 — 39,0
4 60,0 — 63,0 4,5 — 6,5 38,0 — 40,0 36,0 — 40,0
5 63,0 — 67,0 6,5 — 7,5 37,5 — 42,2 37,0 — 42,0
6 65,0 — 69,0 7,5 — 7,8 42,0 — 43,8 42,0 — 45,0
7 67,0 — 71,0 8,0 — 8,8 43,8 — 44,2 45,0 — 46,0
8 71,0 — 72,0 8,4 — 9,4 44,2 — 45,2 46,0 — 47,0
9 72,0 — 73,0 9,4 — 10,0 45,2 — 46,3 46,5 — 47,5
10 73,0 — 74,0 9,6 — 10,5 46,0 — 47,0 47,0 — 48,0
11 74,0 — 75,0 10,0 — 11,0 46,2 — 47,2 47,5 — 48,5
12 75,0 — 76,0 10,5 — 11,5 47,0 — 47,5 48,0 — 49,0

Psychological development and physical characteristics from birth to three months

With developed eyesight and hearing, a child is born. The baby is actively showing reflexes. He blinks, sucks, swallows, grabs immediately after birth. But newborns are not yet able to roll over. As well as keeping your head on your tummy.

1 month

But at one month, the baby can already raise his head for a few seconds, when

lies on his stomach. At this age, the baby develops reactions in response to extraneous loud sounds. The child expresses this state by pressing his hands to the body, spreading them. Lying on its back, the baby imitates walking with its legs.

2 months

When parents hold a newborn with a post, then he can hold his head more

minutes, sometimes almost two. And lying on his stomach, the child is able to raise his head and even his chest. The baby is actively turning his head in different directions, carefully examining the environment. At this age, the child develops a vestibular apparatus. Objects that move, the baby can grab the handles.

3 months

At this age, the baby can hold his head for one to three minutes. A 3-month-old baby is able to stand up when lying on his tummy, lean on his elbows. The baby does not have confident coordination when it turns or rolls over. There is an even greater interest in toys. The kid reaches out for them. He shoves his fingers into his mouth. The child pulls and grabs the diaper on which it lies. And when parents appear, the baby becomes joyful. He laughs, smiles, hums. It responds to harsh sounds by turning its head.

Physical features

Month Movement and skills Vision Hearing
1 Movements are poorly coordinated. Arms and legs bent. Everything is built on unconditioned reflexes. Sucking and grasping reflexes are especially evident. May turn head by the end of one month. A person or a toy can be kept in sight for several minutes. Keeps his eyes on toys moving in an arc ("automatic tracking"). The mucous fluid in the eardrum is gradually absorbed, therefore hearing improves. The child listens to the voice, the rattle.
2 Active movements are developing. The kid pulls his hands to the sides, turns his head. Lying on your stomach can raise your head for 5 seconds. Hand movements are improved: for 2-3 seconds the child hits the rattle, holds it. Tracks moving objects for 10-15 seconds. He fixes his gaze on a toy or face for 20-25 seconds. Can perceive objects in three dimensions. Focuses on sounds for 5-10 seconds. Turns the head towards sounds.
3 In the hands of an adult, holds the head for 30 seconds. And for about one minute, lying on your stomach. In this position, the baby rises on his hands, rests on his elbows. When the child is held under the armpits, he rests his feet on the surface. His legs are straightened at the same time. The kid can bend, while standing on the bridge. The grasping reflex turns into a conscious seizure. The child follows the toy moving in an arc with interest, and not automatically. Examines his hands for about five minutes. The child is interested in many close objects that are about 60 centimeters from the eyes. The child develops the perception of sound. The kid first averts his eyes towards the sound, and then turns his head. At loud sounds, he strains, freezes, frowns, may cry.

Neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
1 By the end of one month, the child smiles in response to the parents' affectionate intonation. Listens to the voice. Knocks with his feet, waves his hands in response to a loud speech. The child develops a lively reaction to loved ones. Makes guttural sounds - eh, kh, gee. The second stage of sensorimotor intelligence. The child adapts to the world around him. The baby develops an interest in objects. A coordinated movement of the hands and eyes develops.
2 The kid smiles when spoken to. At the same time, he knocks with his feet and hands. Humming appears: ah-k-x, k-xx. Different intonations when screaming. There is more interest in external objects. Visual orientation reactions get better.
3 The child is 100% animated. This is his first conscious act of behavior. It interacts with adults eye to eye. The kid publishes vowels and their combinations - ae, ay, aaa, a-gu. The child develops a conscious interest in the world around him.

Psychological development and physical characteristics from four months to six

4 months

When the baby is lying on its back, it raises its head. And if you put him on his feet, then he will already firmly rest on them. At this age, the child begins to sit. He is able to roll over from his back to his tummy. Lying in this position, the body raises and rests on the palms. Grabs items. Monitors them.

5 months

Child sit down. But its back is still not quite straight. When the baby is holding the hands of an adult, he will be stable on his feet. At this age, the baby is trying to roll over from belly to back. The baby can hold a rattle or other object in his hand for a long time. The child already recognizes mom and dad. He may be afraid of outsiders. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a baby at 5 months begins to understand mom's intonations. Also - her emotions.

6 months

A crumb can sit down in six months. His back is straight. Can be rotated. When mom and dad help a little, the baby gets up at six months and steps over a little. At this age, he gets down on all fours, can begin to crawl. Scattered rattles can be lifted. The child is already actively waving them. At six months, the child can begin to express his requests. The humming is replaced by sounds: "MA", "PA", "BA".

Physical features

Month Movement and skills Vision Hearing
4 The child independently turns on its side. Tries to roll over. He holds the toy confidently. She pulls into her mouth. While eating, the baby touches the mother's breast or the bottle with the mixture, tries to hold them. The kid will recognize his relatives. He smiles back at them. And in the mirror he recognizes himself. The child watches the rattle for about three minutes. Listening to music, the child freezes. He rolls his head in the direction of the sound. The kid can distinguish someone's voice.
5 The child, lying on his back, as if trying to get up: he raises his head and shoulders. When lying on his stomach, he tries to rise and lean on his palms. Can sit for a short time, holding the support with the handles. Pulls toys into his mouth, examines them, groping. Skills appear: the kid eats half-thick food from a spoon. And drinks water from a mug. The child distinguishes between close and unfamiliar. Observes the subject for 10-15 minutes. The child can distinguish between the intonations of speaking people. He turns to the source of the sound with his whole body.
6 Rolls over from tummy to back. Practices crawling by pulling up on his arms. Sits with support. Stands steadily if an adult supports the armpits. Confidently pulls out and grabs objects, transfers the toy from one hand to another. Can hold a bottle with one or two hands. Visual acuity develops, very small objects become interesting. Listens to whispers and other soft sounds. Sing along to the beat of the music.

Neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
4 The child really laughs. He does this in response to a smile. Your toddler may react to tickling. And he needs more attention. The kid is still walking. But he has not only vowel sounds, but also syllables. The third stage of sensorimotor intelligence comes when the child does something purposefully. At this age, reactions to innovations develop. Comprehension of cause-and-effect relationships begins.
5 The kid wants to participate in communication, he tries to draw attention to himself. Accepts other children with pleasure. The child has a melodious hum. He pronounces vowels: oo, aa, eu, uh, ah, haa, maa and others. The kid is interested in both close objects and those that are at a distance of a meter. The child begins to realize that he has other parts of the body besides the arms.
6 The child begins to feel the love and affection of adults. He expects praise from them. This means that communication becomes situationally business-like. Can speak some babbling syllables. Can pronounce about 30 - 40 sounds. Can set a goal and choose a way to achieve it. For example, in order to reach for the toy he likes, the child pushes another toy aside.

Psychological development and physical characteristics from seven to nine months

7 months

The child sits confidently for a long time. In this position, the baby can bend. The baby crawls well. He can kneel if there is support, for example, a sofa or a chair. And holding on to mom or dad, the child can walk and stand. He likes his own reflection in the mirror. If adults name objects, then the baby finds them with a glance.

8 months

Children at this age stand on their feet without assistance. They sit without support. Clap their hands playing the game "Okay". With the help of the elders, the kids are walking with joy. In children, facial expressions on the face become diverse. Surprise and fright are visible. Interest can be determined by the face. They reach for the items they need persistently. They can play for a long time. Interested in toys, children throw them or knock them.

9 months

The child, when he gets to his feet, may not accept the support of the adult. Moreover, the baby gets up from different positions. He walks, holding onto pieces of furniture. He is interested in climbing a bench, pillow and other tall objects in the house. The baby develops motor skills.

He is already trying to put together toys from different parts. Moves cars and is interested in the constructor. If mom asked to give a ball or wave her hand, then the baby can fulfill these requests. The child plays mostly sitting. He memorizes words with ease.

Likes to look for objects. Call your baby by name and he will respond. Distinguishes the shape, size and color of objects.

Physical features

Month Movement Skills
7 Sits without support. Roll over from back to stomach and back. Crawls on all fours. Likes to throw toys. Reaches objects independently. Takes a toy in his hand. She knocks and waves. He drinks confidently from the mug (from the hands of an adult), holds it. Eats from a spoon. Crack or drying, the baby slobber for a long time.
8 The child, holding on to the support, stands on his own legs. He crosses over them if mom or dad supports him. Sits and lies down on her own. Crawls for a long time. He pulls his hands to the mug, from which he usually drinks himself, if it is in the hands of an adult. He can hold the bread in his hand and eat it. At this time, the child can already be taught to sit on the potty.
9 If the baby is holding on to something with his hand, then he can do various actions. For example, with side steps to go to an adult and grab another support with your free hand. The child sits confidently for up to 15 minutes. Crawls well. Holds the mug when drinking (does mom or dad hold the cup). Doesn't get naughty when sitting on the potty (if they started to teach).

Neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
7 He tries to draw attention to himself. It is important for a child to play with adults. He may refuse to kiss and caress relatives. Babbling actively. Can speak clearly: ba-ba-ba, ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, a-la-la. The child develops an understanding of cause and effect relationships. He tosses the toys and watches where they fall. When the baby is hungry, he looks towards the room where he usually eats (kitchen).
8 There is a crisis of eight months. At this time, the baby likes to communicate only with loved ones, and he avoids strangers. With them, he may cry or worry. Pronounces syllables and syllables: a-la-la, a-de-de, ah, he, a-ba-ba, a-dyat and others. The fourth stage of sensorimotor intelligence comes: the child begins to act purposefully. The kid explores and explores his surroundings.
9 At this age, the child may experience anger, fear, surprise, joy. He wants to communicate with adults. I like it when they play and talk with him. The baby's first indicative words appear in speech. Basically only relatives and friends understand them. The child knows that there are prohibitive words - "no", "no". Also understands the teachings - "kiss mom" or "show how ...". The kid separates himself from the adults. Perceives himself as the center of the universe. The child develops long-term and working memory.

Psychological development and physical characteristics from ten months to a year

10 months

At this age, the baby independently gets on his feet and can walk. He walks, holding the hand of an adult. The baby takes small toys with his fingers. If the items he liked are taken away from him, then he is offended, capricious. The child imitates the movements of the adult. The kid can hide and find, throw and lift, open and close. The baby can already pronounce monosyllabic words.

11 months

The baby is developing very actively. His key skills are well developed. The baby points to toys, pieces of furniture, body parts and animals.

Can follow simple instructions, "Yes" - "No" expresses, shaking his head. This age is good for developing fine motor skills. For example, a child might tear apart a piece of paper with two fingers. Adults need to pay attention to the development of children's curiosity.

The child should be praised. It is necessary to talk with the baby as much as possible.

One year

At this age, the baby begins a difficult stage of development. Girls often develop faster than boys. In one year, the child can walk independently. If you call the baby by name, then he will approach the adult. Without help, the child can sit down and straighten. Without sitting down, picks up toys from the floor. The kid fulfills complex requests. He can bring an object from another room or open a door. The child is interested in taking off his clothes. He likes to swim. The baby should already speak about 10 words. At 12 months old, the baby likes to watch cars, people.

Physical features

Month Movement Skills
10 It stands alone for a short time without support and support. The child's skills and abilities that were acquired earlier are consolidated.
11 Without leaning, stands for about five seconds, balancing with his hands. At the same time, the child's legs are apart. The kid is trying to take the first steps. When an adult supports him, the child walks confidently. The child continues to consolidate the skills and abilities that were acquired earlier.
12 A child can walk three meters on his own. Crouches and rises freely. The kid bends over and picks up toys from the floor. Can climb up stairs. The kid drinks from the cup himself, without the support of mom or dad. He holds the spoon confidently, drives it around the plate.

Neuropsychic development

Month Emotions Speech Intelligence
10 The baby develops an attachment to people who are meaningful to him. He makes great contact with other children. The child repeats individual syllables after adults. Communicates in a language that only loved ones understand well. The child understands the words "where", "give." In a baby, all the quality sensations become more complicated: tactile perception, hearing, taste, smell.
11 She is selective about other children. It is a joy for the child to communicate with them. The kid babbles to them. Toys can be borrowed from other children. Speaks one or two words. Onomatopoeia "bb", "av-av". Understands and fulfills requests. For example, “feed the doll”, “drive the car”. The child learns to control his actions. He mentally organizes the information that comes in.
12 Experiencing various emotions based on the feeling of "separation" from the adult. After all, the baby can already move by himself. She repeats syllables after adults. Babbling denotes individual objects and concepts. If the object / toy is not shown, then the child understands what is at stake. Can carry out instructions: "bring", "show", "dpy", "find ...", "take to the place." The child has the fifth stage of development of sensorimotor intelligence. Understands the categories of phenomena and objects (furniture, animals, food). The baby develops voluntary attention.

Dr. Komarovsky on child development

In his book "The Beginning of Life: Your Child from Birth to 1 Year", as well as in his video lessons, the famous doctor Komarovsky tells interestingly and in detail about children and their development. Komarovsky says a lot about pediatrics. From his lectures and publications, you can also learn a lot about the main stages of development and growth of a child, about caring for him, about feeding a baby. Moreover, the doctor describes not only food according to WHO, but also his own method of complementary feeding.

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