Wedding script for an elderly couple. Cheerful wedding script for a small company without a toastmaster

Good evening, invited guests, welcome guests!
Welcome to the wedding table,
For good bread and salt,
To the word red, hello,
The feast is cheerful, sonorous!

Today there is joy in this house
For family, friends, acquaintances.
Today the holiday is big here,
Because two are happy
Two lovers and beautiful
Became husband and wife.

And now I propose to open overseas wines and pour them into Russian glasses.

I ask everyone to stand up, raise their glasses,
Congratulate standing young
To herald the beginning of the wedding
The beginning of a new life!
Wait for everyone to get up

May this day
Like a bright holiday
It will pour joy into your home,
And your life will be adorned forever
Hope, Happiness and Love.

And let Love be a spring dawn
It does not go out for many years
Let it be "bitter" only at the wedding,
And never in your life.

I suggest raising glasses and a drink to our dear ... (names)! Bitterly!

For a long time rumor has been going around
That there is a wonderful country.
At least go around the whole world
And there is no better (name of the city, village).
There is a girl in that city (village),
You can’t, friends, and avert your eyes.
For happiness she was born, (name) is named.

Yes, not over the blue seas,
Not in the thirty kingdom of God,
And here, in the Russian state,
The boy lives with his head
He is glorious, kind, daring.
He is in (name of the city, village) of all the most beautiful
And it bears the name - ...

But as usual with everyone,
Once I saw a maiden wonder
The arrow of love pierced him.
And the virgin diva to everything
Suddenly he fell in love with him.

Virgo quickly conquered
And captivated with his soul.
And in the end to the Palace
Introduced down the aisle on an autumn day.
There they were quickly turned around,
The marriage union was consecrated,
They wished great happiness
They ringed with gold.

According to the old tradition
The young need a mandate
Let it not seem long to you
This wedding decree.

So that you live in harmony
And we cherished each other,
You, groom, love your wife,
Don't look at others
Because - let's say boldly -
This is a bad thing.
To protect your wife,
You must go to bed later
You should get up early
I must clean the room
Gotta go to the store
Rinse all dishes,
Sometimes make lunch
And not to contradict the wife.
You will settle everything -
And then wake up your wife.
Get ready yourself quickly
Go to work.

Congratulations to the newlyweds
And we give advice to my wife:
So that your husband is not frail,
You feed him twice.
Well, if it gets thicker
And the pants will be small
Make him more often
Washing dishes and floors.

And I would also like to give our dear groom some practical advice.

Don't waste your time on your honeymoon.
Do not read poetry to your wife, it is better to read her the book "About tasty and healthy food".

Have time to speak today, soon you will only listen and perform.

Start thinking about buying a car now: carrying your wife in your arms, well, as you promised, is very tiring.

Do not forget the name of the witness: in which case she will feed you.

If at the golden wedding you manage to sit idly with folded hands, consider yourself the happiest husband.

We would like to advise our dear bride in her future life together to be guided by the following rules.

The husband should not know the total cost of things - this will protect his nervous system from shocks. Love and take care of your husband's health.

Leave the important and honorable right to earn money to your husband, and take on yourself the difficult and difficult task of spending it. One must at least be inferior to her husband in some way.

Obey the rules of the road: cross the street where your husband wants, but take him wherever you want.

Remember that by yielding small things, you have the opportunity to win big.

From the first day, decide the question "Who is the boss in the house?", But let the hostess always have the last word.

Remember: never argue with your husband, but start crying right away.

Record all his promises before the wedding on tape: when your husband becomes sad, it will make him laugh to tears.

Do not forget the name of the witness, he can help you with the housework when your husband is late at work.

If the husband is delayed at work, the smart wife changes her husband's profession.

And now, dear guests, let's fill our glasses and drink to the well-being and happiness of the newly created young family. Bitterly!

Dear guests! To create a warm and friendly atmosphere for a wedding evening, you need a Charter for the guests. We offer the text of the Charter for approval.

If you came to the wedding,
Dressed up, perfumed
You are no one else now
Like this private wedding.
Wedding Charter you know
And, of course, do it!

If a wedding breaks out, "Bitter!"
Scream how much urine you have
Tired - take a quiet nap,
I drank a glass - you can eat.

If a wedding song breaks out,
You don't know the words - don't be shy
Sing without words - the neighbor will pull up,
Sing along, pull together!

If they say a table toast,
Pick up the glass at once.
Support a worthy initiative
If you can't drink, rest.

If the dance suddenly starts -
Feel free to join the circle as soon as possible!
Know that everyone benefits from a shake-up
If you don't know how - squat!

Mood and fun
We will help you create,
To long this wedding
Everyone wanted to remember.

Now let's raise our glasses and approve the Charter.

Dear guests! Just a moment of attention! Our wedding session continues with a fairy tale.

Once upon a time (name) and (name) did not know each other. Do you think they were sweet? Bitterly!

They lived on different streets. Do you think they were sweet? Bitterly!

Now they have signed, and everything is fine with them! And the children will go ... Do you think they will be sweet? Bitterly!

It is good if they study well, but what if they are bad? Do you think they will have a sweet tooth? Bitterly!

Today is the most beautiful and most significant day for newlyweds - the day of conferring new and expensive titles: husband and wife. They have joined their lives, and therefore this is a day of great joy. And walking the road of life together, hand in hand with a loved one, is a great success. May this luck always be with you, and you will find happiness in your children and grandchildren. For you, for your prosperity! Bitterly!

Happiness to you, newlyweds friends,
Joy and the brightest days.
You are family now, and by law
You both belong to her!

You will have joys and troubles,
You will have to experience everything in life ...
But keep the course only for victory!
"Bitterly!" to you,
But sorrow is not to know. Bitterly!

Let's raise our glasses to the successful transfer of the bride to the groom and the groom to the bride.

And now the first dance of the young!

First, some young people dance (waltz), then the witnesses (gypsy girl), after which the rest join them.

Just a moment of attention! Please fill your glasses! We continue our wedding meeting!

Dear parents, mothers and fathers of the young! Today your children are entering a new life, and we hope that they will be able to build a friendly and strong family. They will become good spouses, and this holiday is your holiday! For parental love, for maternal affection, for paternal care!

The groom's parents have a word for congratulations!

The groom's parents stand up and speak.

The bride's parents have a word for congratulations!

The bride's parents stand up.

And now we begin the main presentation - Presentation of wedding gifts. According to Russian custom, you need to give gifts to the young. But before that, listen to the instructions on what you can give.

You can use a veil to cover you from troubles.

You can use a log from the oven to keep hearts hot.

But the main thing: what they brought - to give, not to leave in your pockets.

Do not put your gifts together!

You can give flowers to the bride!

Handing envelopes to the groom! And everything else: a miracle chest!

Witnesses walk around the guests with a tray and a bottle.

Dear guests, fill your glasses.

And we dedicate this toast to you, guests:
Thanks a lot to all of you,
May your life be the same
Full of joy, like this glass.
So let's drink it to the bottom ...

The poetry is good, and the music is better.
Shouldn't we dance and sing?
Show yourself and see others?

Music turns on. Guests are invited to dance and play a variety of games.

The place of action is the hall of a cafe or restaurant, where the newlyweds and invited guests have come to celebrate the wedding celebration. The newlyweds enter the hall after performing traditional ritual actions: having tasted bread and salt from the hands of their parents, drinking a sparkling drink and breaking glasses for good luck, passing by all the guests who showered them with rose petals. After the presentation of the bouquets, the newlyweds and guests are seated at the tables according to the seating cards or the seating plan established in the hall.

Good evening, dear guests, relatives, friends. Today we are gathered in this beautiful hall to celebrate the happy day in the life of our couple - (names of the bride and groom). We are celebrating the birthday of a new family. Day of Love.
(The name of the groom and the name of the bride), look at each other.

Happiness is a look in each other's eyes
It's time to celebrate the wedding!
How happy we are for the spouses!
We will not let our guests get bored!

We wish you boundless feelings
Faithful, faithful love
A pure, gentle relationship
And excitement in the blood.

Let it live as if in a fairy tale
With shine, bright, for the soul.
Let for joy and affection
Kids will be born.

Dear guests, now let's shout a three-time "Hurray" to our couple!
Have you, dear guests, drained your glasses? Didn't the taste of the drink seem a little strange to you?
What is a bitter drink? So bitter! "Bitter" for our young people!

Pause for eating 5-10 minutes.

Dear friends, on this wedding evening it is nice to see the happy faces of the newlyweds, the smiling faces of the guests. But I see that at the tables are sitting those who have no, no, and a shadow of sadness flickers on their face. And these people can be understood. These are the parents of our young people. They are happy that their children have become adults, that they have such a wonderful holiday today, but they are sad that they flew out of the parent's nest, and after all, for parents, children always remain children.
Remember what they were like when they were born, how they pronounced the first words, probably these were the words "mom" and "dad", how your little ones did the first steps, how they went to school. And then on the first date. And today your children have tied their lives with family ties. Thank you, dear parents, for raising them and helping them get back on their feet. Young people want to say - when you stand on your feet, do not forget about the hands that raised you.
I give the floor to your parents.

Congratulations, words of parting words from the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride.

I propose a toast to those
Who is closer and dearer than everyone
Who rocked you in the cradle,
I didn’t sleep long nights.
Who shared the joy with you in half ...
Let's drink to dad and mom!

A short break for eating.

Behind the noisy wedding slot
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness
You two will light it now

A star is trustworthy and a dream come true.

The newlyweds leave the table, holding the Family Hearth candle in their hands. To a touching melody, mothers approach them with burning candles and light the family hearth of a new family.

So let this bright light
Your life shines to the end,
To carelessly, many years
Two rings were intertwined.

Now the first dance composition will sound at our evening. But it will not be the groom and the bride who will open it, but the bride and her father. Dear guests, form a circle where dad will bring his daughter and dance her, and then give the hand of his beloved daughter to her chosen one.

The guests form a circle, candles in their hands, the bride and her father come to the center of the circle, and the groom is standing a little to the side. Music starts playing. After several dance steps, the father hands over his daughter's hand to the groom. The groom kisses the bride's hand and the first dance of the newlyweds begins.
Then a dance break for 15-20 minutes, after which all guests are invited by the host to their places at the table.

Dear guests. The family hearth of the new family is kindled, the words of parting words from the people closest to the bride and groom sounded. The parents of the bride and groom received new titles. Father-in-law and mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law. Having put their signatures in the state document today, the young not only tied their fates, but also two large families. And now we will hold an official ceremony of twinning families (family names)

Parents of the newlyweds and the groom and the bride go to the center of the hall for a comic ceremony of twinning families. Chastooshkas sound to cheerful music. Those in question are kissing.

We went into the grove.


OU-KA, Dear mother-in-law,











General applause is heard


All sit at tables. Pause 5-10 minutes.

Who should be in charge of the family? Some will say - wife, others - husband. We are now all together experimentally find out who will be the head of the family.

The host brings the newlyweds a loaf on a tray. The groom and the bride, holding the loaf with their hands, break it into two parts. Whoever has a larger share is also the head of the family.

We found out who is the head of our newly-made family, but the responsibilities will lie with both. Now we have to assign responsibilities.

The toastmaster invites the newlyweds to go to the center of the hall, where there are 10 balloons, which contain 9 pieces of paper with the duties of the "young".

I will give birth to children
I will bring up children
I will make money
I will spend the money
I will drive the car
I will clean the apartment
I will bring coffee to bed
I will wash the dishes
I will go and rest.

The newlyweds take turns piercing the balls and reciting their family responsibilities
The tenth ball is put 1 dollar. Whoever got this ball will be the family financier.
There is a tradition that this dollar must be preserved and sealed in a frame, and it will bring good luck in the welfare and in the family business.

Do you know what a marriage looks like from the outside? At first, the wife speaks and the husband listens. Then, on the contrary, well, it all ends with the fact that both speak, listen only to the neighbors. Therefore, I want to wish the young that their marriage is always at the initial stage, that mutual understanding reigns in their family, and they listen to each other.
Let's raise our glasses to mutual understanding.

And how well do our newlyweds know each other? We will now check it out. Another competition for young people.

The bride and groom rise from their seats. Stand with their backs to each other. They are given a shoe in each hand, white in one hand and black in the other. They need to vote. White means the bride, Dark means the groom.

The principle is as follows: I ask a question about this or that responsibility, if you think that the answer refers to the groom - you vote - with a black shoe, if for the bride - white! And we will count the number of matches!
Who will be the head of the family?
Who is the most jealous?
Who knows more affectionate words?
Who will manage the family budget?
Who will keep the secret stash?
Which one of you loves to eat more than the other?
Who will make the money?
Who will be happy to spend them?
Who will snore in old age?
Who will clean the apartment?
Who will wash the dishes?
Who will run to change the channel if there is no remote control at hand?
Who has more moles on their back?
Who is the strictest?
How many of you like to visit guests?
Which of you loves kissing the most.
Bitterly! Bitterly young!

We found out who would be the head of the family, shared responsibilities, explained to the young that mutual understanding is important in the family, and for this you need to know each other better. But in family life there are many pitfalls, you need to understand a lot in order to live happily ever after together. And who can know the secret of a long life if not the elders of the clan? Therefore, now the grandparents of the young will say their words of congratulations and parting words..

Congratulations, words of parting words from the elders of the family of the bride and groom.

And now I invite other relatives and friends to say their words.

Congratulations, words of parting words. No more than 7 toasts. In conclusion, witnesses say the words of congratulations.

Wonderful words, kind parting words were heard from the witnesses. These are the main assistants of the young today. They have many responsibilities and concerns, so I suggest choosing witness assistants. We have witnesses: the main friend of the bride and the main friend of the groom, and we will choose them, so to speak, deputies: the bridesmaid and the groom's friend.
Let's start with the girls. Please come out here, to me, the most beautiful, the most lively, the most artistic

The girls come out. We each put on a hand number: 1, 2 and 3

The first task: you are given a unique opportunity to feel like models! Pass beautifully, so that the hearts of the strong half sank, send an air kiss to the young and all those present.
The second task: there are three bags in the center of the hall. To the music, I ask you to go around or around these bags several times. As soon as the music ends, each of the girls grabs her bag.

The bags contain costumes. 1st - gypsy skirt. 2nd - oriental costume - loincloth and skullcap., 3rd - Ukrainian wreath and apron. Each of the girls opens her bag. Dressing up. And she must dance to the music in accordance with the image. Next, we choose a girlfriend with applause. A prize for the winner and a boutonniere on hand.

And we will choose the first guy in the village for other qualities. We need a guy who is dexterous, nimble, skillful and economic and with a sense of humor!

The groom's friend is chosen with applause.

And now a competition for girlfriend and boyfriend. I ask the witnesses to help me. I will now hand out tear-off calendars. Certain sheets will need to be removed from them. Please tell me what day of the week is considered the most difficult? That's right Monday. And our participants will now pluck out as many difficult Mondays as possible, especially in the first year of marriage, to the music.

A friend and a friend pull out Mondays, and witnesses count who has more torn sheets. The winner receives a gift from the young.

Dance break for 20 minutes.

After the dance, a series of competitions are held for guests. You can see their description in the "Contests" section.
During one of them, the host organizes the kidnapping of the bride.

There was an emergency at our wedding. A group of kidnappers stole the bride. They demand a ransom. But they are not interested in money, gold and silver. Assignment to the groom: demonstrate biceps, call the bride, dance a striptease. Men are called and with the fifth point to the music in the air they write the word HAPPINESS!

When the bride and groom are happily united, they all sit down at the tables. Those who wish to say congratulations pronounce them. But no more than 7 toasts.

What is expected first of all from a young family? Right! Heirs. And it is desirable that there were more children. Will we have a boy or a girl as the firstborn? Let's vote, but not empty-handed. Let's vote with the ruble! A witness collects money for a girl, a witness for a boy.

Witnesses count each other's income.

We announce the results. I think that our newlyweds will not waste time in vain, there will be daughters, there will be sons. And we will support them with our toasts in this responsible business.

Those who wish to make toasts, but no more than 3-5 toasts.

It's cake time. I ask the witnesses to take this masterpiece of culinary work to the hall, this is a real work of art.

The newlyweds are cutting the cake. The first pieces are given to the parents. Next, the presenter holds an auction for the sale of pieces of cake.

We drank tea, ate cake. It's time to deal with the bride's bouquet. I ask the bride to go to the middle of the hall. On the contrary, unmarried girls are lining up. While the bride and the girls are getting ready, I will say a few words about this ceremony. The tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet came to us from North America. It was born as a result of a touching story, when the bride, saying goodbye to the guests, presented a bouquet to her best friend, as a sign of happiness. The friend soon married happily. This story spread throughout America, the bridal bouquet has become the most desired item of all unmarried women. In order not to offend any of the girlfriends and leave the choice to chance, the tradition of throwing the bride's bouquet has appeared, bringing a successful and early marriage to the one who will get it.
By the way, in the Russian (Slavic) tradition, there was also a similar rite, when the newlyweds, before leaving the wedding feast, passed their wreaths (that's where the word "wedding" comes from) to the next couple, who had an early wedding. Perhaps that is why the tradition of throwing a bouquet at our modern city wedding has so easily taken root.
So are you ready? Before throwing the bouquet, one piece of advice for the bride: toss the bouquet up and to the side. One two Three…

The bride throws the bouquet.

Now it's the groom's turn. But first, the garter must be removed from the bride's beautiful leg! And make it beautiful! So, get ready, whoever catches - that promises good luck and an early marriage.

Dance break.

This wonderful evening has come to an end. I invite all guests to the center of the hall. Let's join hands friends. I invite our newlyweds to the center of the hall. Let's all together beautifully spend the newlyweds.

Everyone joins hands. A wish song sounds. In the end, the newlyweds are shouted "Bitter", turning into shouts of "Sweet".

If you are interested in the script or its individual parts, you can download it

Not everyone succeeds in finding love the first time. Therefore, some couples get divorced due to the fact that feelings have died out or love could not stand some difficulties. In this article, we will present you a wedding scenario for your second marriage.

General rules

It matters for which of the young people this marriage will be the second. If only for a man, and a woman is getting married for the first time, then most of the traditions should be followed. And if this is not the first marriage for a woman, then some customs can be dispensed with.

For example, you can remove the bride ransom or make it small with two or three contests.


For many years, there has been a rule that a girl can wear a wedding dress and a white veil only once. For the second wedding, you should choose a bright dress and not wear a veil. Nowadays, these traditions are not very much adhered to, so you can wear a snow-white dress with a veil again. Instead of a veil, you can wear an elegant hat or a wreath of flowers.

The dress can be of different colors and styles. Therefore, be guided by the style of the wedding and its colors. It is necessary that the dress fit into the theme of the wedding.

The outfits of the bride and groom should be combined with each other. Therefore, a man should choose a suit that matches the image of the bride.

If there are children at the wedding, then they can also choose suits that fit into the theme of the wedding.


The hardest part is letting go of past relationships. After all, only then is a successful marriage possible. Just draw your conclusions and move on.

Registration of marriage implies new obligations of the right. Therefore, you need to be confident in choosing a soul mate.

The ceremony itself will be standard, so you may have associations with the first wedding. To prevent this from happening, you can change the place of the wedding. For example, to have a wedding on the banks of the river or in the mountains.

Don't be afraid to try something out of the ordinary. After all, your new life stage begins. You will definitely like new emotions and sensations.


Try to make it unusual too. You've probably already had a ceremony with sights. Now you can walk around your favorite places and enjoy each other. After all, this is only your holiday, give each other love and tenderness.

A leisurely walk is ideal for an elderly couple who no longer need loud celebrations.

Meeting of the young

The banquet doesn't have to be big. Invite only the people closest to you. Small celebrations are in vogue now.

To make the holiday more fun, invite the toastmaster. This does not have to be a professional presenter; one of the guests will be suitable for this role. It is especially good if this person has known the newlyweds for a long time.

Live music will perfectly complement your celebration.


The wedding cake for the first wedding was traditional. For the second wedding, you can order an original cake. For example, instead of figurines of the bride and groom, you can make animals, but unusual ones - hares in wedding dresses.

Or make a whole scene on the cake. You can depict the first meeting of the newlyweds or their first kiss.


Since the wedding is unusual, the dance must be original. For example, let not the bride and groom dance this time, but witnesses. It will be much more interesting if the witness and the witness put on special costumes, for example, cartoon characters and dance a dance from the favorite cartoon of the young.

Can be excluded

You can do without traditional contests. For example, you can omit the moment when the bride is being stolen.

The ceremony of removing the veil is not always relevant. After all, not every bride will wear a wedding dress for the second time. Instead, you can thank the parents for their understanding and support, say words of gratitude. Say "thank you" not only to your parents, but also to the parents of your partner, because they raised and raised him.

The oath speech does not have to be written in advance. Improvise, this is the only way you can show your real feelings.


You may already have children from your first marriage. The girls are especially worried about the children's reaction to her new husband. A warm and trusting relationship should develop between your chosen one and the children. Then only can you get married.

In a new way

You can skip the traditional celebration entirely. You can get together with friends and go hiking, kayaking or sailing. If you want to celebrate your wedding more extreme, then duck with a parachute or go diving.

There are many ideas, the main thing. That there was a desire to bring them to life. Do not be afraid to do crazy things so that the second wedding is very different from the first. Feel free to open the chapter of your new life!

Video on the topic of the article:

The young, accompanied by witnesses, step onto the carpet. The guests stand on both sides, building the "gate of happiness".
Music sounds festive today!
______________ with ____________ we congratulate,
May they always remain in their memory
The joy of first meeting and love.
Young people walk along the carpet, guests shower them with wheat.
Welcome! Welcome!
Dear newlyweds!
Your parents meet you, go up to them, bow to them for their affection, love, for raising and educating you, and today they bless you for a happy life.
Young people approach their parents who are at the end of their journey and greet them with bread and salt (the groom's parents). The bride's father is holding two glasses of champagne on a tray, tied with a ribbon; mother of the bride on a platter - grain.
Dear young people!
According to the old Russian tradition, bread means prosperity in the house,
and glasses of wine, so that you will be together all your life and not part.
May these glasses be inseparable together never,
For life, the bride and groom will be for many years!
For joy and happiness for many years, kiss the bread and accept the blessing of your parents.
The groom's parents bless the young. The mother of the bride sprinkles grain on the newlyweds.
Mother of the bride:
I will sprinkle rye on you,
So that your family is good
Sprinkle with wheat yar,
So that you are a friendly couple!
Now kiss your parents and drink the wine
without undoing the glasses.
Now everything is according to the law,
The marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing.
Let it be sweet and bitter across the sexes.
Dear parents, step aside and make way for your children.
Lovely and glorious newlyweds, go to the most honorable places of the wedding table.
Dear guests, we are seeing the young people off with music and applause.
Young: _________ and ____________!
Their witnesses: ___________ and _________!
Dear parents, we ask you to take pride of place
near their children. Music and applause sounds for you.
Glory to the grandmothers and grandfathers of the family,
And honor, and our respect for them,
So that happiness spreads out two wings to them,
So that their viburnum blooms forever.
Dear grandmothers and grandfathers, we also ask you to take pride of place only near your children. Thank you for coming to rejoice in the happiness of your grandchildren and children. Music and applause sounds for you.
And you, invited guests, welcome guests, for bread, salt, for the word red, at a merry, sonorous feast, pass.
Young people and guests sit at tables
Dear guests! Wedding is a long-term affair, so choose
a comfortable place for yourself and a more cheerful neighbor, behind which
can be courted. However, do not forget to
and there was someone to take care of you.
The seating at the table will be as follows:
men - closer to the snack,
women - closer to drinking.
Every fifth will be a commander. His responsibilities include:
pour, pour, but do not forget yourself.
Now commanders, make some champagne!
Well, my friends, we are all already here.
Bride in wedding dress
The groom has long been in place
And faithful, as always, to the bride.
Friends are sitting at a feast next to
They follow the wedding ceremony.
Let us open the wedding
Say from everyone, so as not to forget ...
Dear ___________ and _________! (young)
You have a special day today,
One of the best days!
Both of you chose today
One path of a hundred paths.
To the sound of a crystal glass
Under a splash of boiling wine
Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you happiness and goodness.
May every day lived side by side
It shines with turquoise for you,
Then you don't need gold either,
And the stone looks like a star.
Live together, up to two hundred years old,
To the good envy of friends
There was love that you won't find
From year to year, everything is stronger!
We'll fill our glasses
And the first toast is ready:
We drink for the young, for happiness,
We drank.
Dear guests, while you are having a snack, I would like to inform you about the forecast for today's celebration.
To the music.
Today is expected:
Cloudy, wedding hurricane with champagne shower;
t ° above the table 40 °, the air is filled with family happiness;
At night there is fog in the head, in the morning it may become clearer;
We ask all of you to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
The first 3 glasses should be drunk by everyone, the rest will go without a special invitation!
After the 8th glass it is allowed:
ladies, restore hair and plaster;
gentlemen, take off your tie and unfasten the first top button ... (of course, shirts)
After the 18th glass, it is advisable to sing, but ... it is undesirable to elbow into the neighbor's plate!
If you're not relying on yourself, put a note with your home address in your pocket!
Dance only with another man's wife, leave yours to your best friend.
You cannot dance while standing, dance while sitting, but at the same time try not to step on your neighbor's hands!
Do not wipe your hands on the tablecloth, it is better to do it on the dress next to the lady sitting!
Put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor's pocket!
Remember: drink to the bottom, but don't lie down!
If you want to drink little by little, or in large quantities, but so as not to forget the way to the bed!
Everyone can drink, you just need to know:
For what? When? and how much?
Wedding witness:
Lights, golden fireflies
They lit up with a bright light today.
Relatives to the young for a walk
And relatives, friends gathered.
We see cheerful faces here,
And all eyes are turned to the young,
And we, friends, want to turn
On this day, solemn to them:
Wedding witness:
You walk hand in hand together
From now on, there is only one road for you.
You were only the bride and groom,
And now the husband and wife have become.
Wedding witness:
Gold rings are put on
There is a seal in the wedding certificate,
Well, the spouses are young,
We wish you this day?
Wedding witness:
Happiness to you, friends - newlyweds,
Joy and the brightest days
You are family now, and by law
You both belong to her!
But how did the word "family" come about?
Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him,
But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:
"Now I will ask you seven questions:
- Who will give birth to children, my queen?
And Eve quietly answered: I "". "
- Who will bring them up, my goddess?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will care for the grandchildren, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I am."
- Who will cook food, iron the linen,
Will he caress me, decorate my home? "
I, I, - answered, inhaling, - "I, I".
This is how "FAMILY" was born.
Dear _______ and _________!
Peace, harmony and joy to you,
Happiness, bad weather are all in half.
A good smile, good wine,
Let the house shine with a good mistress.
A good husband, a good wife,
Let's drink to friendship, family happiness.
They drink. Fire is brought on a tray (dry alcohol burns in a ceramic bowl).
From our grandfathers a custom came to us
Bring fire to the newlyweds' house,
So that they light up the reliable and familiar,
The hearth of the family, a symbol of great love,
And so that his fire gave warmth and the light of love,
And in life, joint work,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy and interesting.
And the more beautiful your life will be, the hearth will flare up brighter!
Young people are handed fire to music and applause.
We raise a toast to you, to your love, to your happiness!
We drank.
Guests! We ask for silence!
You must accept the WEDDING REGULATIONS!
If you came to the wedding,
Dressed up, perfumed
You are now none other than a private at the wedding!
Therefore, listen to the Wedding RULES, drink and eat between the lines!
If the wedding breaks out: "BITTER!"
Scream how much urine you have
At the Bridal Regulations, take a breath,
Have a glass and eat.
If they say a table toast,
Raise the glass at once!
Support the initiative with dignity
If you can't drink, rest!
If a wedding song breaks out
You don't know the words - don't be shy.
Sing without a word, the neighbor will pull up
Sing along - pull together!
If the dance suddenly starts
Go into the circle, get up boldly!
Know that everyone benefits from a shake-up
Don't know how, squat!
So, drink more, be sad less!
Do not hide the plugs! Do not eat flowers!
And do not be discouraged - you can hurt yourself a lot!
Guests! Brothers! What is happening!
Take a look at these faces!
Everyone has drunk and is silent, but the wine is bitter,
It's inconvenient to shout only
But in fact: BITTER! BITTERLY!…
Volleys of balloons. The guests are drinking while standing.
We give the word for congratulations to parents
bride and groom! You have lived for many years -
give them good advice! ...
Parents give advice.
Dear Parents!
There are tremendous changes in your life today,
let us present you with these Wedding Certificates,
I certify your new titles: SWEKRA, SWEET, TEST and MOTHER.
Hear the Wedding Wedding Mandate Mother-in-law.
You blessed love
What did you know in advance,
What did you bring up your son,
His family is your family
And don't grumble now you're in vain.
Daughter-in-law son half,
So love her like a son.
Not all mistakes are noticed
If it is not so, then everything forgives,
And there will be such a harmony in the family
That anyone would envy.
They say there is a lot of blood
Daughters-in-law spoil their mother-in-law,
But we hope that you
You will always be right
You will be fair
To this beautiful girl.

You have a daughter-in-law
It's not nonsense, it's not nonsense
See her left and right
And the bride and the queen.
You should be silent in front of her,
Do not grumble or lecture,
You are obliged to help in everything,
Bring, bring, send.
Do not pour, dear, combustible tears,
Do not regret your daughter before the deadline,
Her husband got the best
Of all modern husbands,
Of all the guys that you knew
He will be your best son-in-law.
Forget the fears you hid
Beginning to dance a waltz with him,
He's a nice guy,
Everything is agile and lively,
Not rude, not whimsical,
In short, he is an earthly angel.
You will find such a person, where you went,
And everything will not be lazy to him,
But provided that morality
You won't read every day.
Father-in-law - you are a father - a hero!
Be a mountain for your son-in-law!
Invite you to visit more often
Treat yourself to delicious beer!
It is proposed to wash new titles !.
Dear Parents!
You are a little sad today
Your children are leaving you.
But, probably, this is how it should be,
So that the hour of parting has come.
And how long have they timidly walked barefoot under the table
The clumsy, clumsy ones plowed the floor with their feet.
And today they are already quite adults
You had to part with your children.
Bitter, bitter for parents, bitter,
So that the children live happily!
Dear guests to our wedding, in spite of their age, the tortoise Tortilla has risen from the bottom of the pond to congratulate the young.
To the song, Tortilla the tortoise rides in on an armchair.
Turtle song:
"Dragged on by brown mud
The smooth surface of an old pond
I was like ______ (bride) ____,
300 years ago.
Was naive and careless
_____ (groom) _____ - that look,
And then they decided
Create a new family. "
Oh, how wonderful you are!
Lovely, glorious newlyweds!
I want to give you this key. It is not easy.
You will open the door for them to life, where happiness will meet you,
love, respect and wisdom.
The turtle gives the key to the young.
May life always be your paradise
And you always have the key to it.
I wish you all the best
And do you remember my Wedding Wedding Order:
May it always be in life together
The sun will shine on you
May the whole century happen to you,
How to live on a honeymoon.
The turtle drives off.
Dear guests, I propose to raise your glasses so that this young couple will always be accompanied by peace, love, warmth and happiness!
Well, what about the guests, took the glasses
Together, cheerfully raised!
So that they have full happiness
The glasses must be drained to the bottom! ...
We drank. Break.
We ask everyone to sit down at the table and eat and drink!
Morgunov, Vitsin and Nikulin enter with the song.
We came to the wedding
To congratulate you
Sing with you, dance,
Treat all of you.
We wish you all happiness and good,
And now together we will all drink to the bottom.
It's not too bad to walk at a wedding,
But it's still better ... to drink 100 grams.
They treat the guests, dance and leave.
And now, dear guests, I propose to hear the love affair that was initiated on our young people.
All rise, the court is in session!
The prosecutor enters. The guests sit down, the young ones stand, the field business and the marriage code are read to the wife and husband.
Case No. 2507 is being heard
In the dock, a native
___________, currently residing at:
st. , - and a native of ________, currently living at the address: st. , ____________.
On the night of July 25, 1998, a citizen attacked a civilian woman. In turn ... ... .. tried in every possible way to cover up, for which she was sentenced to criminal liability under Article 187. But thanks to the excellent work by the police, this case was solved and brought to court. There were witnesses at the crime scene: ………. and ____________.
Question to _____________:
1. You do not deny that on the night of 25.07.1998 you were at the address: st. ________________?
2. Question to the witness:
3. Where did you find ______________ on the night of July 25, 1998?
4. Question to the Wedding Witness:
5. Have ______ and ___ been registered before?
The court makes its decision!
1. Sentence ___________ and __________ under Article 198 of the Criminal Code.
2. For life __________ give salary to _______.
3.Starting today, announce:
4.________ - husband,
________ - wife.
5. __________ bear the husband's surname for life.
To your honey month
Make it five years long
The code is somewhat harsh
It must be strictly observed.
This code is very old
But in the century you will not find
And for every new pair
He's good in his own way.
Make the room cozy
So that the husband, coming home,
I was absolutely satisfied
The furnishings and you.
Learn to cook deliciously.
Make a salad like this
So that there is a cabbage leaf in it
It looked like grapes.
Women are divided into 3 parts:
Body, thoughts and soul.
In every part there is a drop of happiness
Give it to your spouse slowly.
Always meet your husband with a smile,
Look into his eyes
Tell us about all the mistakes
Ask about all the cases.
And she herself, without laziness,
State your business
So that in a friendly exchange,
Radiate a stream of heat.
Don't drink, don't torture your husband,
For various cases,
You are a wife and you are a spouse
Not a rusty saw.
We stand for the fact that in the world,
There would be peace, not war.
Mean in your own apartment
You must observe the world.
But don't be completely simple
If we say - the husband is lazy,
You, removing only shavings,
Hit him sometimes.
But do not scourge him at once,
And not an empty phrase,
And by example and show,
Personal business acumen.
If with the opinion of a spouse
Sometimes I disagree
Be, like a twig, resilient
Don't say NO or YES.
Smile at him pleasantly
And cunningly keep in the shadow
Slowly, delicately
Turn the course of events.
But a little boring
So that a family paradise does not become,
You are always SMART and HOLY
Obey this code
MARRIAGE CODE (to husband)
To your honey month
Lasted 20-30 years,
The code is somewhat harsh
Remember, it’s a big secret.
Sleep well after the wedding
Do not disturb your wife in a dream
And behave yourself
If the room is not the same.
Take care of your budget
And keep order.
Don't keep your money secret
Give everything to your wife.
And over the years and with deeds
Do not forget about love
And my wife with my words
Call them dear!
If children appeared
And the hassle increased
Both are to blame
But add some worries to yourself.
Wash the baby's diapers
Cook semolina porridge,
Do not spare your strength
Don't say harsh words.
Always be shaved, trimmed,
Neat and not fat
You will not be offended by your wife,
If you're going to be silk as canvas.
You must take care of your wife,
Bring hot coffee to bed
And slippers in time to serve.
Milk a cow a little light
Prepare dinner and lunch
Repair the iron and the tiles
Wash the apartment on Saturdays.
Make the beds in the morning
Wash diapers cleanly,
Shave off your mustache during the time,
Children to wipe their noses.
If you follow these tips,
You will be the best husband in the world!
Exit the prosecutor.
So let's drink to the good outcome of the field business and the marriage code.
Peace to all of you!
And here is Hymen himself - the ancient Greek God of newlyweds!

I see you are all gathered to congratulate the young.
But before congratulating you,
You must convince us.
That the best family
Created here, friends!
You tell __________ straight!
Weren't you drunk for an hour, having given consent to the marriage?
Once you decided not to back down?
Will you be faithful, won't you stop loving?
Lay it all out, don't be afraid!
Do you swear to us?
Oath of the bride
1. Do you swear, spouse, to protect and love your husband?
2. To be friendly and affectionate with him all your life?
3. Do you swear that at any cost
4. Will you be a good and faithful wife?
5. Do you swear lips on your husband not to blow,
6. Don't even let the wind blow on ________?
7. Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often,
8. Is it thicker to pour tea, but sweeter?
9. And after dinner, as he lays down with a newspaper,
10. Swear that you will not swear for it!
11. Do you swear to spend money with caution,
And if you borrow, then at least a dozen?
Well, and you, brave bridegroom,
Who was named _____________ in childhood.
Swear a hundredfold
As once Hippocrates,
That you will love your wife,
Will you always be faithful to her, do you promise it?
The Groom's Oath
1. You swear to be an exemplary husband,
2. An advocate, friend, faithful helper?
3. You swear to take care of her,
4. Always kiss when leaving for work?
5. You swear to give all the money to your wife,
6. With advice to help where to put them?
7. You swear to eat her porridge without grimacing,
8. If the wife puts salt "in reserve".
9. Yes, all sorts of things happen in life,
10. Wife on stockings will wear out half a half.
You swear that your business is the side
She won't go to work when she is thin?
The oath was taken at a solemn wedding meeting in the presence of a large number of guests. One copy was handed out. To keep the document forever, to keep the oath.
I ask all guests to raise their glasses
Friends, acquaintances, relatives and friends
And to drink to the love and charm of our couple
For the happiness and health of the young! ...
We drank.
And now we start the show -
Presentation of wedding gifts.
Guests, kind congratulations,
Friends and elders counseling.
Stand up, young couple!
Close ones came to you, relatives,
Congratulate you, present your gifts,
Watch the wedding game show!
You, dear guests!
Do not put gifts together,
You can give flowers to the bride,
All congratulations, wishes to the groom,
Everything else is a miracle to the chest.
They enter, in Russian folk costumes, a man and a woman with a chest and a tray of cheese, with them an accountant with accounts.
Oh, empty, empty box,
There is no chintz and brocade in it.
Oh, you, father-in-law and mother-in-law,
Get presents.

Oh, you, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law,
I need to please my son-in-law
Take out your present
To put it in our chest.
Take the cheese, put it on the cheese, and say kind words to your children.
Parents say kind words and give a gift.
Oh, you grandmothers, grandfathers are cute,
Get out your wallets
For a car, for an apartment
The grandchildren need to scrape together.
Grandparents give gifts.
Oh, brothers and sisters,
Help the young
On stockings and blouses
You also need to put it.
Give gifts.
Oh, you, guests, lovely guests,
What will you give!
For diapers, undershirts
Add to the young.
All guests are bypassed.
Here is a full, full box,
There are both chintz and brocade.
There were many congratulations here,
Let's shout: "BITTER!" from the heart.
We gave you gifts,
So that the chickens do not peck money,
So that we live more beautiful every year,
So that your house would be a full cup.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life,
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding itself, golden.
While the counting commission is summing up the results, I ask the young to come up to me.
Young wife
And beautiful and slender,
She matches the groom,
The first dance of the young!
All guests do not lose heart
Until I drop - dance!
You went out into the circle of guests under the veil,
Blinded the walls with white
Like a tender cherry blossom
She showered foliage on you.
The walls of the house turn white from you
How good is your wedding dress,
How are you dancing smoothly, weightlessly
You swim like a snow-white swan
Young people and guests are dancing. Break. Contests and games are held.
Danced, it's time to catch your breath
For bread - salt is taken!
Bread - eat salt
Yes, a kind word to listen.
Friends! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!
We drank. The postman Pechkin drives in on a bicycle.
Hey! This is me - the postman Pechkin.
Can you tell me where the wedding is?
Postman Pechkin, you just hit it.
Who do you want?
Let's see. Well well! Valuable parcel post, telegrams, parcels.
Is reading.
Wedding. To the bride and groom. Only I won't give them to them, they have no documents.
No, no, postman Pechkin. This is how they got their wedding certificate today. We are all witnesses.
Well, if so, then I hand the parcel to the bride / with a saw /.
We give you a precious item
Hello spouse with this item!
The saw is not for wood - for a conjugal purpose,
They drank to her until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up, you drank again,
Then they made money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take the saw instead of the delicious seasoning.
The husband will eat and only praise!
And you constantly try to cut!
And as soon as you show your subject,
The husband will affectionately say: "Dove, hello!"
And you, the groom, another little parcel / with tight-knit mittens /.
We give you not chain mail, not a saber
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever,
So that your wife bows down to you.
You wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you will dream of devils all night
If you take off your mittens.
Make your wife cook tasty
Always fit with a mitten.
Caress with a prickly hand more often.
Happiness will flow like a river to you.
If you take your wife to manufactured goods,
Put mittens on goods
Mittens will serve you faithfully,
If you store them, you will be approximately!
And this package contains a bottle of champagne with the paintings of the guests present here. But you will open it when your firstborn is born.
Now hear the telegrams.
He reads out the telegrams and leaves.
So that the sun shines on the young
And there would be so much happiness in life
So that until the last days is enough
Let's shout in unison BITTER!
Yes, the young kiss sweetly, but in life you will have to share both grief and joy in half. Moreover, every family has a distribution of responsibilities.
Tell fortunes on a chamomile
Find out your roles.
Chamomile with responsibilities. The bride and groom take turns tearing off the chamomile petals and reciting their responsibilities.
I will love you dearly
But I will not forget to saw.
I'll be the first in the kitchen in the morning
I will not forget to wash the dishes.
I will cherish and undead you,
I won't forget to wash my socks.
I will give all the salary,
I won't forget to buy flowers.
I will cook delicious lunch,
I won't forget a bottle of beer.
I will go to the theater with you,
I will not forget to drive in the cinema.
I will not make a scandal,
I will not forget beautiful words.
I will wash the diapers myself,
I will not forget to walk with the child.
I will be obedient, kind, faithful,
I will not forget to give gifts.
I will go shopping
I won't forget to wash the floors.
I will idolize you
And I will forget about men.
I will love you all my life
I will forget about women.
We heard that you can handle the responsibilities
in your life, and now you overcome the obstacle,
which will meet on your way.
Pull on the ribbon, the groom must carry the bride in his arms.
Great, just great!
And here is the counting commission, which will announce the result to us (announce).
But who will we give the family budget to?
Friends, we have no order
If we do not solve the riddle,
Which of the newlyweds should be the head!
And, perhaps, we will find out
If we will treat them with a loaf.
Explain that bread must be broken, whoever is bigger is the head.
Now, as a sign of the unification of the two clans and your hospitality, treat everyone with bread.
But that's not all.
Let our young people know
Secrets of wedding ventures
That often the nests are empty
Storks bring children,
Or leave them in cabbage,
Or they bring it right into the house,
So that neither calmness nor sadness
It did not start in that house.
So that chicks are found more often,
Transforming your family,
As it was in Russia for a long time,
You must clean up the porridge.
Young people treat guests with bread and porridge.
And this wedding glass
We'll drink it all to the bottom
So that the husband is the best of husbands
And my wife is the best.
We drank.
While we were drinking, walking, dancing, having fun, Evgeny and Irina did not waste their time, they successfully completed the courses of the family-building academy.
And we want to present them with diplomas.
Bride diploma
This "diploma" was issued to a resident of the city, down the street, in house no. This paper claims to have taken a course in marriage and family sciences. During her studies, she showed the following knowledge:
1. Food preparation - 5
2. Waste cleaning - 5
3. Family vision - 5
4. Laughing - 5
5. Humor studies - 5
This "diploma" claims to have been transferred from the department of girlhood to the department of the family life institute.
The diploma gives the right to become a mother-heroine in the future.
Bride and groom diploma
This "diploma" was issued to a person living in the city of ___________, down the street, in house no., Apt. No.
This document claims to have taken a course in Marriage Sciences. During the training, he showed the following knowledge:
1. Earning money - 5
2. Telefootballhockeyball - 5
3. Fishing - 5
4. Computer love - 5
5. Scrubbing - 5
“Diploma” claims that he was transferred from the department of bachelors to the department of the family life institute and gives him the right to become a father in the future.
Handing over, drank.
Let's check how our young people know each other.
To the groom: recognize the bride by kissing (the groom is seated on a chair, three girls call, he is blindfolded; the bride always kisses).
Bride: Get to know the groom by hand (five men).
Why are you guests laughing? Now we will check you too!
For guests: recognize your wife by the knee, by touch (they call one family and several girls, the girls sit on a bench in a row, legs crossed, the man is blindfolded).
Let's raise our glass to the one
Who became the chosen one
Eugene whose preferred beauty
And in whom I found a lot of merits.
We wish, Ira, to be always loved!
The union of hearts is considered indissoluble!
And let the husband report daily
That he does not like a soul in his wife,
That for him she is more beautiful than all,
For (name) - our bride!
We drank.
We have problems in life,
However, everyone cares about blood in life.
One openly, and the other furtively,
Simple feelings are friendship and love.
Love ... is there anything else,
That brought so much light to life.
She does not like boredom and peace,
Love is not just a feeling - a craft!
So let's drink to those who are waiting, forgetting that there are others.
Whom you can't help but love
For those who are forever dear
Only one eyes shine with love.
For the love that transforms life
That makes the heart beat again
For that love that conquers troubles,
We drink to true love !!!
We drank.
Young people ask to get up
They invite you to dance!
Shining with her beauty,
Our swan is young
Invites you to a round dance
All honest people are dancing.
Drank, break, games, contests.
We announce a beauty contest.
Beauties under No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. (under construction)
So, let me introduce:
beauties # 1 - Marisabel (steps forward);
# 2 - Just Maria (steps forward);
# 3 - Manka Bond (go ahead).
But men will not forgive us if we hold a competition without them. Therefore, at the same time we will hold a contest "Handsome Man" called "Strength and Dexterity".
Let me introduce the participants:
handsome men # 1 - Arnold Schwarzeneger;
No. 2 - Sylvester Stoloni;
No. 3 - Damchik for you.
We announce a music competition.
Participants dance a dance.
The girls invite the boys. The crucial moment has come.
Highlight the perfect match and award prizes.
In the role of beauties, disguised men, beauties - women; the perfect match is identified and prizes are awarded.
We ask everyone to sit down at the table,
And eat and drink!
Hey men, to places
Don't forget your ladies.
Look at them:
How the groom is drawn!
And the bride is no secret
Bloomed like a poppy flower.
Let the bottle spray with foam
Let him laugh with all his might
May in your family life
Whatever you want will come true!
To make you newlyweds
We remembered this evening
So that bachelors, dudes,
The happiness of marriage is understood!
Kiss the newlyweds,
Let those kisses countless!
Otherwise, the poor invitees
And it is bitter to drink, and it is bitter to eat!
You got married today
Happy day in the world for you
Once you have lit a beacon of love,
Then let it shine for you all your life.
Our wedding night is coming to an end. For the solemn farewell of the young, I ask everyone to get up. We met the young people solemnly, let's celebrate them solemnly. Dear our witnesses, you are going to see off the young,
Walk the earth happily
Carry love, songs and hopes,
And your radiant youth.
May Mother Fatherland be joyful and tender
Bless another family.
And today I admonish you young,
And in love with each other
We say: "Good luck, dear friends,
Be worthy of each other forever. "
We see off the young.
We continue the wedding together!
You are guests - guests,
Don't sit like hemp
Drink, eat, be merry.
How much the soul wishes.
Come back tomorrow by 12 o'clock! (second day)
2nd day
There is a table in the doorway, at which the Opochmetologist is sitting,
Head Aibolit Pokhmelyaevich, Happy lover.
On the table are bottles of lemonade, vodka, wine, water, champagne.
On the bubble labels:
Lotteries for the second day
Potion of love
Potion of happiness
A potion for treason
Indigestion medicine
Headache medicine
Potion for 100 diseases
Separation medicine
Guests buy 100 grams, go to the hall, those who wish to buy wedding lottery tickets from the cashier.
When everyone gathered, invite them to the table, but the place of the bride and groom was taken by the "false bride and groom".
Ask the guests to buy out the place of the bride and groom. /
Good afternoon dear friends!
Another happy family has appeared. We express our hope and full confidence that this family will be beautiful, happy and kind all their lives.
Lovely ____________ and ______________!
We congratulate you on this solemn day,
Pour golden wine into glasses,
We wish everything to be in order in life,
So that there are no storms and everything is smooth,
So that you live together, love each other,
So that children are born, they bring joy into the house,
With the big word "WE" you will replace "I",
FAMILY means a lot in life.
So let's drink to a new young family, to their love!
We drank. Noodles are served, but there are no spoons.
The guests sat down, the guests are waiting:
Why don't spoons carry?
A gypsy woman runs in with spoons. The gypsy sells spoons.
Happens in a person's life
Especially memorable days
But among the days of any century
We remember our weddings.
Years, decades will pass
But they sacredly remember HE, SHE.
Happy their betrothal day.
HE is a husband now, SHE is a wife.
So let's drink to them!
To the health of the young!
For a family for a new one,
For a merry wedding!
We drank.
They say love is not verbose: suffer, think, see through.
This is all, in my opinion, conditional, we are people, we are not crucians.
And if you really want your head to spin with happiness,
Speak, people, speak the nicest words!
Wedding witness:
Both the groom and the young woman live for 100 years
No, not knowing troubles.
So that they respect each other,
To be loved, to help,
So that families honor the laws
And they loved their parents.
Wedding witness:
May your love not melt like smoke
You, husband, do not forget that you were born a man,
And the woman is your weak half.
Give her flowers, talk about love,
Take it harder for yourself.
Wedding witness:
Let the wife be affectionate, kind
She guards the family hearth.
Feed your hubby tastier,
Then you will enter stronger into his heart.
Wedding witness:
Let peace and tranquility settle in the family,
You will live to see your golden wedding!
May every day be lived in harmony
And God forbid you to live such a life,
Which is similar to a good song,
And the song is not easy to put together.

Women's desire to get married "once and for all life" is often due to a natural desire for stability and constancy. Indeed, everyone dreams of a happy and strong family. However, on the life path of the spouses, many trials and difficulties await that must be adequately endured. Some families succeed in this and their union is only getting stronger and hardened under the onslaught of everyday storms. Unfortunately, some spouses, having lived together for a certain time, for various reasons decide to leave.

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Photo gallery: Second time getting married: scenario of the second wedding

Of course, such a decision is often not easy for a woman - although sometimes it seems like the only way out. As a rule, the first time after a divorce, a woman rests, enjoys the unusual "freedom" and restores the nervous system. There is an opinion that this condition can last on average 1 - 2 years, and then the woman is ready for a new relationship and even remarry. The second wedding is no less significant than the first. Therefore, the organization of a holiday can be carried out by analogy with a regular wedding, with the addition of certain author's "innovations".

Second wedding script

Meeting of the newlyweds

So, after registering at the registry office, young people drive up to the venue of the festive banquet. During the procession to the entrance to the banquet hall, guests standing on both sides shower the newlyweds with rose petals, wheat and coins.

At the entrance, the spouses are greeted by parents with traditional bread and salt (loaf) on an embroidered towel, blessing a long and happy life. The bride and groom bow, break off a piece of loaf, sprinkle with salt and eat. Alternatively, young spouses feed each other with broken bread. At this time, the guests congratulate the newlyweds with flowers and say wishes for happiness, love and prosperity. Further, according to the scenario of the second wedding, at the wedding table, the young are presented with a glass of wine that must be drunk to the bottom - first the groom, and then the bride. An empty glass breaks (for luck) and the young go over the pieces. The fact is that this ritual symbolizes the unity of spouses, parting with the past and entering a new stage in life.

Witnesses greeted the newlyweds with a ribbon almost touching the ground. At this time, the presenter says: “We wish you that from now on you will make all important decisions together, and that you will also overcome the obstacles that arise in your life together. Here is a tape that you can easily step over. May you overcome all the obstacles and problems in your life together with the same ease. "

Wedding banquet

The presenter says: "We invite our dear guests to take their places at our wedding table." When the newlyweds and guests are seated, a festive banquet begins. Of course, the wedding toasted for the second time is no different from the first, and the cries of "Bitter!" are also dealt periodically from different ends of the table. Here are some examples of wedding toast wishes for newlyweds that the host can give or the guests can prepare in advance.

“A new family is being born today. Let's tell the newlyweds about the laws of family life. So, now you must make all decisions together, listening to each other. "Resolve" problems and disputes peacefully. Remember that jokes and a good mood will always help you overcome adversity. The husband should love his wife and forget about other women. And the wife, in turn, undertakes to always be beautiful and in a good mood. Maintain mutual respect and love. Let the son-in-law love the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law - the mother-in-law. "

“Today this beautiful couple has united their hearts and destinies, having sealed this union with two wedding rings. Let these two rings become strong links in one chain that no one can break. May only luck, happiness and love be in your life. Let's raise our glasses to the "newborn" family! Bitterly!".

What are the toasts at the second wedding made by the parents of the newlyweds? Whatever the number of marriage, parents always wish their children only the best. “Our dear children! Today is the bright day of your marriage - you have become husband and wife. May your love for each other pass with you through the years. May all your dreams and desires come true ”.

You can include some fun contests and quizzes in your second wedding script. should be prepared in advance by choosing interesting and entertaining contests for newlyweds and guests. The banquet will end with a wedding cake cutting ceremony.

Registration of a second marriage

Many women, having survived their first unsuccessful marriage, are in no hurry to legalize even serious new relationships again. Of course, previous negative experiences create "obstacles" to building a future happy life. However, you do not need to close your heart with a lock and endlessly mentally return to the past. It will be enough if you drew the right conclusions from your first marriage to avoid a repetition of this in your second marriage.

And experience, son of difficult mistakes ...

First of all, leave the previous marriage in the past and do not carry it over to the relationship with your second husband. Remember that during the registration of your second marriage, you will have to give certain obligations, the fulfillment of which is imposed by the married status. Therefore, you should carefully weigh all the circumstances. Moreover, now you have a certain idea of ​​family life.

Children and remarriage

If you are going to celebrate the wedding for the second time, then it is quite possible that you have a child (or children) from your first marriage. It is no secret that for many women, a serious deterrent against a second marriage is anxiety about the child's reaction to the "new" dad. Before making a fateful decision, take a closer look at the relationship between your chosen one and your baby. If warm friendly feelings are tied between them, then your fears are groundless - make up your mind and be happy!

Love yourself!

After a divorce, a woman has a feeling of uselessness and abandonment, even if she herself was the initiator of the separation. Do not lock yourself in four walls! Spend time with friends, participate in recreational activities, pay attention to your appearance. After all, only a happy and self-sufficient woman attracts men like a magnet. Become interesting to yourself first.

Second wedding - choosing a dress

Who said that a wedding dress and a second marriage are incompatible? Throw away these vestiges of the past and indulge in a luxurious outfit. Indeed, in addition to the snow-white dress, there are many options for wedding dresses. For example, our Slavic ancestors wore a red dress for remarriage. Today it can also be a white or cream outfit with red accents, a cocktail dress or a wedding suit (jacket and skirt). A beautiful wedding hairstyle can be decorated with an elegant hat with a veil, a tiara or a string of pearls - elegant and simple.

Remember that the second wedding is not a "double" of the first, but a completely new and significant event in your new life. Be happy and loved!