From how many months does the baby begin to hold various toys and other objects in their hands? What time does the child begin to hold the toy in his hand

Things surrounding the baby affect its development, help develop motor skills, attention, concentration. An important stage is the time when the child begins to hold objects in his hands.

Development features

A newborn is not interested in toys, but at the 3rd week of life, he can get carried away with bright objects, follow the rattle with his eyes. The child does not yet control movements, but the grasping reflex is well developed. The baby will squeeze the thing put into the hand, will hold it, but will not understand what happened. This is an unconscious movement, also the baby grabs his mother's finger, clothes. He will not let go of the object on his own, you will have to unclench his fingers.

At what age will baby start holding a toy? He comes to grasping an object in several stages:

  1. After 8-10 weeks, he begins to hold nested objects in his hands, studies them, often pulls them into his mouth;
  2. Having reached 4 months, he consciously grabs objects that fall into the field of vision, attracts them, tries to shake and rejoices at the sounds received;
  3. After 5 months, the child tries to take objects from the crib, changing table, clamps them with both hands, gradually learns to cope with one;
  4. A six-month-old baby is able to grab things from a prone position, can simultaneously hold different objects in two hands. Up to this point, children lack the concentration to fix a pair of rattles. The child, holding the thing in the palm of his hand, unclenches it when receiving the toy in another handle.

Children accidentally touch the rattles hanging in the crib. They can rejoice, and adults think that this is a game. In fact, emotions can also be negative. To avoid fright, you need to hang toys at least 40-50 cm above the crib until the child is 2 months old.

Learn to hold an object

All classes are held in a playful way, with conversation and in a good mood. Any skill takes time, requires diligence and repeated repetitions from the baby. At the first attempts, it is difficult for him to hold the object, he cannot be angry with the child, compare, even mentally with familiar children, get upset. Be sure to deal with the baby, this will significantly speed up the acquisition of new skills and positively affect development in general.

Grip handles

A sure sign that the child begins to explore the world more actively is the connection of the handles above the chest. Usually this movement is accompanied by sipping to any object. To teach grip, you need to connect the baby's hands: this is how he feels the squeezing of his fingers. The exercise is convenient to perform when the baby is in your arms. During feeding, you can wrap the handles around the bottle.

Putting into the hand

It is necessary to interest the child, move the toy in front of him at a distance of 20-30 cm from the chest, rattle. Having noticed a thing, the child follows it with his eyes. Then the mother puts the rattle in the baby's hands.

You need to place it across the palm, between the thumb and the rest of the fingers - when squeezing it will be more convenient to hold. First, the mother needs to help the child and connect her fingers, clasping the toy.

At first, the baby can take and quickly release the object, then begins to fix it for a few seconds, gradually increasing the time.

When the child holds the toy tightly, you need to diversify the exercise, trying to “take away” it: gently pull it towards you. So he will feel the tension in the muscles. Gradually, the baby itself reaches for the rattles. Actions must be accompanied by speech, observing interrogative, exclamatory intonation.

A good developmental device will be a rug made of patches of different textures, with tightly sewn buttons, large beads, and similar things.

Grasping objects

To develop a grasping movement, you need to hang a bright object next to the left or right handle. No need to rush and put the toy in the palm of the baby. He must show independence, develop movements, learn their mechanism. You should not rush the child, you need to follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Touch the back of his hand, so he will open his palm;
  2. Interested in a thing, call;
  3. Wait for the child to take the offered thing;
  4. If the baby does not show interest, you need to change the rattle and repeat the steps.

Accompany the process with a smile and a conversation. Gradually, you need to help the child shake the rattle or squeeze the toy with the squeaker. He will remember the movement and try to repeat on his own.

Then you need to bring his free hand to the busy one and let him touch the object. This contributes to the formation of shifting from one handle to another. If you place several toys next to the baby, he will reach for the one he likes.

Important Points

When developing a child’s ability to hold objects, several recommendations should be considered:

  1. For the first lessons, pick up toys with a long handle, about 15 cm, then he will be able to take small objects. The colors should be bright, suitable green, red, orange. Until six months, do not put heavy objects in your hands, because the baby can hit himself on the head;
  2. Use toys of different colors, shapes, choose rattles with an unusual filler, as well as musical ones. It is necessary to allow the baby to feel objects with a variety of textures. New tactile sensations develop fine motor skills, gradually form preferences;
  3. You can not leave the baby alone with the toy, it is traumatic;
  4. It is better to choose a time when all needs are satisfied. In a good mood, the baby will be more willing to accept and hold the rattle;
  5. All exercises must be performed alternately for both handles. Otherwise, the skill of a left-hander or a right-hander is formed. The child takes the thing brought by the near hand: it is more convenient and faster. If you miss this moment, the movement becomes a habit after regular repetitions. Subsequently, the baby, simply by virtue of the skill, grabs the object with a certain hand from any side;
  6. Be sure to praise the child if he took the toy. This is important psychologically, allows the child to enjoy success and is a good incentive for further efforts;
  7. Keep toys clean. Babies taste everything, especially when they are teething. It is impossible and useless to scold them, but it is necessary to ensure safety;
  8. Regularly engage with the child or ask someone from the family to teach him. Children lose interest when a toy falls out of their hand. If an adult re-gives a thing, the child continues the lesson with pleasure.

Development in babies is individual, some take and examine objects with interest before 12 weeks, more often the skill is formed later. If even at four months the baby does not hold the toy well, you should not panic and consider this a deviation. Much depends on his individual characteristics, the time devoted to family games and learning, breastfeeding plays a positive role.

Suspicions must be reported to the doctor during the examination. If everything is in order with the reactions, vision and nervous system of the baby, you just need to wait, gradually he will learn to reach out and grab the rattle. Sometimes children refuse to take things that they do not like in their hands, you need to try rattles of different colors and shapes.

Rattles designed for newborns contribute to the development of cognitive processes, motor skills, and horizons. Before choosing a product, you should make sure the quality and reliability of the model. The toy should not include small, poorly fixed parts, and only hypoallergenic, non-toxic components should be included in the composition.

For the first three weeks after birth, the baby sleeps most of the time, and there is no particular need for entertainment items. But for development it is useful to purchase 2-3 toys:

  • Initially, the baby's eyes are attracted to bright, large objects. Therefore, for the first two weeks, classic toys can be hung over the crib. The distance from the eyes to the toy should be 27 cm.
  • For children under the age of one month, you should buy rattles that have a convenient ring and handle. The baby holds the toy unconsciously, but reacts to bright colors and sounds.
  • Closer to two months, you should choose a toy that rustles, rustles, makes sounds.
  • By the end of the second month of life, the child begins to follow the rattle in his hands. He enthusiastically shakes the toy, listens to the sound it makes, tastes it.
  • At three months, the baby tries to reach the object of interest. At this time, you should buy new rattles.
  • At five months, the baby can independently take his favorite toy.
  • At six months, a baby can hold a toy in each hand or shift it from one hand to another.

The first weeks due to the imperfection of the visual apparatus, the child sees poorly. All items that are further or closer than 26-30 cm look like a cloudy spot, so it makes no sense to buy a lot of toys during this period.

Approximately at what age does a baby start holding a rattle? Closer to the age of three months, the child begins to react more actively to toys, consciously holds and studies them. But he still shakes it unconsciously, not understanding the principle of action.

The benefits of rattles

Rattles contribute to the development of the cognitive sphere of the baby:

  • The concentration of attention develops.
  • Improving mental operations.
  • Hearing skills develop.
  • The visual apparatus improves.
  • Color perception is formed.
  • When the baby holds a toy in his hand, fine motor skills develop.

Parents should talk and play with the child as often as possible. This contributes to the active development of the baby.

How to teach a baby to hold a rattle?

In order to teach your baby to hold a rattle in his hand, you need to choose the right model. The preparatory stage includes a number of actions:

  • The initially chosen toy is shown to the baby, moving in different directions at a distance of 27 cm. Gradually, the child should follow the toy and turn his head to the sound.
  • As soon as the baby becomes interested in the toy (begins to follow it, happily knocking its legs and waving its arms), they start kneading their fingers. An exercise in squeezing and unclenching the cam will be useful.
  • Then the baby's palms are touched with a toy.
  • From two months, they put the rattle ring into the cam, and squeeze the fingers.

Gradually, the baby will be more confident in squeezing the toy in his hand and bringing it to his face for study.

Varieties of toys

All types of rattles differ in shape, color, sounds, material, resistance to water. It is important to select a product in accordance with the age characteristics of the baby.

classic rattle

The traditional first toy for babies looks like a figurine with a stick holder. Most often it is a ball with beads inside and a long handle, which is comfortable to hold on to. A simple rattle is suitable for babies in the first months of life.

Rattle pendant

The product is hung over the crib or stroller at the level of the baby's chest, at a distance of 25-30 cm using a special fastening mechanism. Details of the rattle should contain primary colors, individual objects can move and make a sound to attract attention. When the baby begins to reach for the suspension with handles (closer to 3 months), it is lowered lower.

Rattles for strollers or cribs

The rattle stretches over a long distance. It is stretched from side to side or fixed along one side. You can hang different models above the crib and in the stroller. Rattles consist of multi-colored balls, pendants in the form of various figures of animals, fruits, insects.

Textile rattles-socks, rattles-bracelets

Rattles in the form of bracelets are placed on the wrist or ankle of the child. Allowed to use from birth. Feeling the object and hearing the sound, the child will seek to examine and touch it. Develop motor skills and flexibility.

As soon as the baby is 3 months old, you can choose rattlesocks. They depict the muzzles of animals and attached rattles that make a sound. The product is worn on the legs, like ordinary socks.


Rustling products develop fine motor skills well. The inside of the toy contains rustling material. By pressing and fingering an object, it creates an interesting sound that will interest the baby.

Rattle puzzles

Babies older than 6 months become interested in more complex rattles. Puzzle pieces move, spin in different directions, glow, make sounds (rattle, rustle).


For children older than 5 months, rattles are offered, which simultaneously perform the function of a teether. Part of the product is made of rubber and filled with cooling gel. The device helps to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms that occur at the time of teething.

Slingo rattles

For parents who often use a sling, special hanging toys have been created. They are easy to carry around. Sitting in a sling, the baby plays and develops.

The main manufacturers of baby rattles

Popular rattle manufacturers include: Canpol Babies, Chicco, Heimess, World of Childhood, Teddykompaniet, Stellar, Halilit, Tiny Love:

  • The Bee model from Canpol Babies attracts the attention of the baby. The stretcher can be hung on a stroller or crib using hooks. Three figures of a bee are suspended on an elastic band, and between them there are multi-colored balls. The figures turn over, make sounds.
  • The Chicco Fruit Mix teether rattle is suitable for babies from 3 months old. The product is lightweight and comfortable to hold. Three multi-colored figurines in the form of fruits, filled with air, hang on a ring. The toy develops motor skills and helps to cope with pain during teething.
  • For children over 3 months old, the Pirate rattle from the well-known company Heimess is suitable. The ring fits comfortably in the baby's hand. A lace is missing along the diameter of the ring, on which various colored figures are strung, including a cheerful pirate. Pirates have movable body parts. The product is made of wood and coated with durable, safe water-based paint.
  • A child over 6 months old will love the Candy toy from the Russian manufacturer World of Childhood. The rattle consists of colored elements with different surfaces, which make sounds when moving. The product is made of high quality plastic.

You should buy toys only in specialized stores where the seller can present a certificate of product quality.

How to choose the right rattle?

A newborn child should choose toys with special care. The parameters of quality and reliability of the product include:

  • the absence of small parts, as well as parts that are poorly fastened;
  • availability of a quality certificate;
  • no harsh, repulsive odor;
  • there is no damage;
  • natural colors;
  • sounds are pleasant, clear;
  • weight up to 100 g.

The material must be safe. The product can be made of plastic, silicone, wood, fabric:

  • Plastic toys are easy and simple to care for. They can be washed after each use.
  • Silicone is often used for teething toys. It is important to ensure that the material is not damaged and the contents do not leak out.
  • Wood is considered a natural and safe material. But toys from it are heavy, and it is difficult for a baby to hold them in their hands. In addition, there is a risk of injury when a child inadvertently hits himself.
  • Fabric rattles are soft and light, but they require frequent washing.

It is necessary to buy a toy taking into account the age of the baby:

  • For newborns, toys are bought that are hung from the crib, stroller. At this time, the baby directs his gaze up, where the rattle will hang. It is allowed to use the first weeks of life and bracelets.
  • From three months, the baby begins to be more actively interested in what is happening. The child tries to reach objects that are around him. The rattle develops a grasping reflex, fine motor skills and sensory skills. More complex rattles that make a sound are suitable, you can buy socks rattles.
  • By 6 months, they buy rattles that are characterized by an even greater set of functions: teethers that simultaneously make noise when shaking, puzzles, suction cups, rings.

Before buying any model, you should check all the details, listen to the quality of the sound produced. The product is inspected for defects.

How to make a rattle for a newborn yourself?

You can make a rattle of any complexity with your own hands:

  1. To make the first option, you need to fill a small plastic bottle with beads, cereals or balls. The lid is tightly closed.
  2. It is possible to make a rattle from eggs from kinder chocolate. Inside each cell, a different material is poured that would create a sound. The cells are then glued together.
  3. It is not difficult to make a developing cube. Each side of the cube is made of different materials, so that the surface is smooth, rough, rustling, yarn or fabric. Additionally, pockets, flowers, applications are added.
  4. For a hanging toy, you will need a Kinder egg, a small piece of colored fabric, and a ribbon. Two details resembling a butterfly are cut out of the fabric. The parts are sewn together, foil is inserted into the hole left. Make two oval and round parts. A kinder cell is inserted into the sewn round parts, in which the beads are. The body is filled with rags of fabric or synthetic winterizer and sewn to the head. Then the eyes, mouth are embroidered, antennae and a detail for hanging are sewn from the ribbon.
  5. A little more difficult to make a bracelet on the handle. Measure the circumference of the baby's hand and add another 5 cm. Cut out two parts from the fabric, place a thick ribbon in the center and sew them together. Velcro is sewn to the edges. Then they sew a voluminous muzzle of any animal. Details are cut out, sewn together, filled with padding polyester, rustling fabric and sewn to the bracelet. Then the nose, eyes, antennae, ears are sewn.

You can make a toy from felt, crochet or knit. The main thing is that all the details are well attached and do not cause allergies in the baby. Give the baby a toy only under the supervision of an adult.

In the third month, the child enters an important stage in his life and the attention of parents should be concentrated on feeding and hygiene procedures. And most importantly, it is during this period that the daily rhythm of the baby is formed.

Norms of development of a three-month-old child

By the end of the second month, the child actively reacts to the world around him. It is the development of a baby at 3 months that begins with getting to know him. The kid consciously focuses his eyes on objects that are in close proximity to him. The baby reacts to various sounds, and he smiles at pleasant sounds, and weeps at unpleasant ones. That is, he already clearly expresses his emotions. If for two months the connection with the baby was one-sided, all his reactions were at the reflex level, now the child raises his head on his own, pulls his hands to the subject of interest to him, listens to voices and intonations.

A three-month-old child, being in the arms of his parents in an upright position, holds his head for 30 or more seconds, freely turns it 180 ° behind the object of interest. The eyes of such a crumb are still weak, so it is easier and more pleasant for him to concentrate his eyes on stationary or slowly moving objects.

Sometimes babies at the age of three months can slightly squint their eyes. This is due to the fact that the child adapts to a new vision of objects. It is best to hang several large toys over the crib on an elastic band in bright, mostly red shades. A kid at this age distinguishes colors and willingly reaches out with his hands to a toy that interests him.

The kid is moving

Strong, mobile babies are already moving at the beginning of the third month, but in accordance with the standards, the development of a baby at 3 months is considered normal only by the end of the third month or even the beginning of the fourth, when the baby turns over from his back to his tummy on his own. Thus, he develops "body stability", in other words, he tries the possibilities of his body. Lying on the tummy, the child himself rises and leans on his elbows, holds his head for 2-3 minutes, freely turns in different directions, considering everything around him. If the baby does all this, it means excellent neurological indicators.

But the most interesting thing is that already at this age, holding the child under the armpits, it is already possible to put it on its legs for a couple of seconds. Of course, he will not stand, this is only his visual perception so far, the baby is feeling the support with his legs. As a rule, this procedure is very popular with kids.


It is precisely because the development of a baby at 3 months goes into an active stage that a child needs especially careful care. Everything is interesting to the baby, he turns and spins in all directions all the time. Therefore, the baby should always be in a fenced area. It can be a playpen or a crib with a raised wall. Or at least pillows should separate the baby from the edge, preventing his possible fall. And of course, it is advisable not to take your eyes off the child, and since this is physically impossible, being at a distance, you can affectionately say something to him. He will concentrate on his voice for some time and will not spin, because at this age children cannot do two things at the same time.

Baby development (4 months).

Your baby is already 4 months old, at which time he begins to express his emotions more adequately. The first grasping movements of the handles are formed in him, the child pulls everything in the handles into his mouth and trains in coups - so it's time to take additional safety measures - these are clean toys that must be durable and not have small parts. But in no case should this skill be impeded, which is fundamentally important, because your baby in this way gets acquainted with the world around him. He licks everything and tastes everything, which is an important tool in his development. It is on this that the development of a baby at 4 months is based.

Use special detergents for cleaning toys that do not contain harmful components for the child. They need to be washed regularly and rinsed thoroughly.

Behavior of a four month old baby

At 3 months, the child should receive the first vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, and the first vaccination against polio.

The development of a baby at 4 months already allows you to consume food up to 1 liter per day. Breastfeeding is able to compensate for all the crumbs' need for food and fluids. If the child is artificially fed, then you can already start introducing complementary foods - these are vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, and also switch to feeding 5 times a day.

At this stage of development, the periods when the baby is awake have noticeably lengthened. He already confidently holds his head lying on his tummy and rises on the handles. He also examines objects with interest in front of him, trying to reach them and grab them with one handle, while leaning on the other. The child, lying on his back, happily plays with his legs, catches them with his hands and tries to reach him in his mouth, still trying to roll over from his back to his tummy. When pulling the crumbs by the handles from a supine position, he sits down and tries to straighten his back.


Now your child is very enthusiastic, hums a lot and well, and also laughs loudly, while training his speech apparatus. Fill such a bright and emotional month of the baby's life with the joy of communication - take him in your arms more often, smile, laugh and do not skimp on affection.

For this month, in the hit parade of games, the absolute leader is the game of peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek. You disappear from the baby's field of vision and then suddenly reappear, or you can do it differently - cover your face with something. And your "return" will always be met with laughter. Toys that have a positive effect on the development of a baby at 4 months old include tumblers that make melodious and unobtrusive sounds, pendant toys, developmental rugs and other toys that are designed for tactile and visual stimulation of development, and are made of non-toxic and durable materials.

At three to four months of age, the intensity of weight gain in the baby decreases - and is approximately 750g. His height increases by about 2 cm, and the circumferences of the chest and head are compared.

Baby development (5 months).

The development of a baby at 5 months focuses on the formation of motor activity - on the motor component. By the end of this month, the baby will already independently change the position of his own body in space, make coups from the tummy to the side and back. At the same time developing both physically and psychologically.

What abilities does the baby have?

At the 5th month of the baby’s life, the coordination of his movements continues to improve - he already grabs with dexterity, attracts and repels, catches, then feels the pendant toys, and in this way he “collects” sensory information about the surrounding objects, which is why the accumulation of sensory experience. When the baby lies on the back, it makes funny “pirouettes” and leg movements, and when the handles grab the hanging objects and lift them, not only the muscles of the hands, but also other muscles of the body are activated.

By the beginning of the 5th month of life, the baby can already sit on his own, while relying on his arms extended forward - this is an important step towards his and your independence. His attempts to sit should be encouraged, praised and expressed in every possible way your approval - this will stimulate him to repeat attempts to sit, which is an excellent workout for the back muscles. The baby can already stand steadily and evenly on a solid support if an adult supports him under the armpits.

If anxiety has appeared in the behavior of the crumbs, he pulls his fists into his mouth and gnaws them, then this is a sign that teeth have begun to cut. Symptoms include increased drowsiness, a slight increase in temperature, and twitching of one's ears. And these signs appear even a few weeks before the edge of the first snow-white incisor appears from the swollen gums.

Entering complementary foods

The development of the baby at 5 months is already fading the reflex of pushing the spoon out of the mouth, his digestive system is already strong enough and you can start introducing complementary foods. Provided that the child receives all the necessary substances during breastfeeding, then the first test of "real" food can be done later - this will reduce the possibility of food allergies. And if the child is fed artificially or mixed, he was born before the due date, there are manifestations of rickets or anemia, then it's time to introduce complementary foods, start the vegetable puree.


During this period, the best toys for the baby will be rattles with handles that are comfortable to hold in his handle, which stimulate the ability to intercept objects from the hands of an adult, musical objects, squeaker toys, soft cubes with bright colors, textured objects. For the eyes, such colors are genetically more useful - green, orange, blue, yellow.

The child in the process of communication shows a vivid reaction to a familiar person. There is a different reaction to the intonations of the voice emitted by adults - the baby may cry for a negative one, and affectionate communication will cause a friendly look, a good mood, he begins to roar loudly and melodiously.

When and what to play with a child up to a year.

From the very birth, the child is ready for the enhanced development of his mental and physical abilities. Moreover, he is open to such development through communication, close interaction with adults and through the game. What can we adults offer him when the child starts to play? This is what we want to tell on the pages of this material. It's never too early to start playing with your baby!

When baby starts to play: 0 to 3 months

Of course, at this age, the baby is still largely limited in its capabilities due to not yet quite complete physical development. Therefore, his game should be fully enriched by communication with his parents. Recommended at this age:
Carry the baby in your arms so that he can see what is happening around him, dance with him, while swinging to the beat of the sounding music;
Talk to your baby and sing songs to him. When your baby gets older, do not hesitate to make faces with him, to amuse him in every possible way, making him laugh;
You can gently run your fingers over the baby's stomach, gently shake it.

Playing at the age of 4-6 months

At this age, parents can recommend the following games with a small one:
Spin it in the air;
Remember the fairy tale game "Crow Magpie". Yes, yes, the very one where the magpie-crow "cooked porridge and jumped on the threshold." Curling his fingers during this game, you help the development of his tactile and motor functions.
Show your baby how he can splash around in the bathtub while bathing. A recommended list of toys your baby can play with at this age might be: textured rubber toys that the baby can chew, jumpers (preferably for six-month-old babies who can hold their heads), at the moment of bathing, show him how convenient it is to pour water with unbreakable cups, protozoa, jumping and musical toys, with which the child will understand the cause-and-effect relationships.

We play at the age of 7-9 months

Recommended games at this age can be:
Hide and seek, in which the parent will cover his face with his hands, and then surprise the baby with the sudden opening of his palms;
Crawling on mom's or dad's body;
Light biting of the fingers on the arms or legs;
Airplane games;
Fill a cookie or candy box with any non-hazardous items, watch the little one take them out and throw them.

We play at the age of 9-12 months

At this age, various hide and seek options can be recommended when you cover the baby with cloth and pretend that you have lost him, hide objects in front of him in closets or drawers, learn simple songs, dance, ride on your back, and spin in the air.

Parents always have so many worries (and sometimes they just want to relax) that the care of playing with a child seems burdensome. And many parents dream that their child will quickly become play on your own. However, miracles do not happen, and for this to happen, you need teach the child to play independently.

Question: when to teach a child to play independently?

If up to a year the baby no longer needs games, but care and attention, then baby after a year begins to actively explore the territory of the games. However, this game is aimed more at learning the properties of objects, so the child will begin to master the game in our traditional sense by 1.5-2 years.

AT under the age of 1.5 years, your child has little interest in toys at all no matter how many he has. The child is more interested in adult devices - mobile phones of parents, laptops, iron, spoons, ladles, saucepans, which are used by the mother. That is why it is so convenient with a child play in the kitchen and doing your own thing at the same time.

***My daughter at this age (from one to 1.5 years old) found out how many toys she had only when other children came to visit and began to joyfully play with her toys. It was then that she felt sorry for the toys, and she began to play with them, “so that they would not get to another child and he would not take them home.”***

However age 1-1.5 years is perfect for introducing a child to household chores. During this period, children begin to repeat everything after adults, they also want to be big. Help your child allocate a special cloth for dust, buy a children's kit for cleaning the apartment(mop, rag, brush), set of children's dishes It will also come in handy (and it will also come in handy at an older age, when the child begins to play role-playing games). Of course, the child will not help you much in cleaning, but he will feel quite happy if he wipes 10 cm of dust with vertical surface, and if you let him hold a working vacuum cleaner by the hose, then in general it will be an unforgettable moment in his “adult” life.

But at the age of 1.5-2 years, you should start learning to play independently with him.

How to teach a child to play independently?

Like many things in raising a child, you need to learn to play by your own example.

1. Take a toy and show your child what to do with it. For example, if this is a doll, then tell the child that the doll (or a bear, or a tumbler) can be shaken, sung a song to it, fed from a spoon and put to sleep.

The machine can be rolled back and forth, ride on different surfaces, including vertical ones.

The first time you can show how to play a toy and how it can be interesting.

2. After a personal example, give the child a toy and ask do the same, try it yourself. Be patient, perhaps the child is not in the mood to play with this toy now, and may refuse to play with it at all. Then try your learning again another time.

3. If the child accepted your offer to play, then do not constantly correct him. Let him play with the toy as it turns out. Over time, he will learn what you suggested.

*** My daughter, for example, at first took the doll and bit her hands, and only then she began to sing songs to her, still periodically putting the doll's hand into her mouth. ***

4. When the child has mastered his game options (which came to his mind), offer him new ideas on how to play with this toy again.

You can build a house for the doll, get dishes and cook porridge for her, and only then feed her with a spoon. And you can also take the doll on the handles and jump.

You can put a car in a garage (a garage can also be built, for example, from cubes), make a hill and bring it uphill first, and then roll it up from there.

5. In the future, the child can simply be given a task about a doll (or a car), and in parallel, do their own thing.

6. When the child gets older, he will not have questions, how play on your own. But it takes time, training and a little patience, dear parents!

In the third month, the child enters an important stage in his life and the attention of parents should be concentrated on feeding and hygiene procedures. And most importantly, it is during this period that the daily rhythm of the baby is formed.

Norms of development of a three-month-old child

By the end of the second month, the child actively reacts to the world around him. It is the development of a baby at 3 months that begins with getting to know him. The kid consciously focuses his eyes on objects that are in close proximity to him. The baby reacts to various sounds, and he smiles at pleasant sounds, and weeps at unpleasant ones. That is, he already clearly expresses his emotions. If for two months the connection with the baby was one-sided, all his reactions were at the reflex level, now the child raises his head on his own, pulls his hands to the subject of interest to him, listens to voices and intonations.

A three-month-old child, being in the arms of his parents in an upright position, holds his head for 30 or more seconds, freely turns it 180 ° behind the object of interest. The eyes of such a crumb are still weak, so it is easier and more pleasant for him to concentrate his eyes on stationary or slowly moving objects.

Sometimes babies at the age of three months can slightly squint their eyes. This is due to the fact that the child adapts to a new vision of objects. It is best to hang several large toys over the crib on an elastic band in bright, mostly red shades. A kid at this age distinguishes colors and willingly reaches out with his hands to a toy that interests him.

The kid is moving

Strong, mobile babies are already moving at the beginning of the third month, but in accordance with the standards, the development of a baby at 3 months is considered normal only by the end of the third month or even the beginning of the fourth, when the baby turns over from his back to his tummy on his own. Thus, he develops "body stability", in other words, he tries the possibilities of his body. Lying on the tummy, the child himself rises and leans on his elbows, holds his head for 2-3 minutes, freely turns in different directions, considering everything around him. If the baby does all this, it means excellent neurological indicators.

But the most interesting thing is that already at this age, holding the child under the armpits, it is already possible to put it on its legs for a couple of seconds. Of course, he will not stand, this is only his visual perception so far, the baby is feeling the support with his legs. As a rule, this procedure is very popular with kids.


It is precisely because the development of a baby at 3 months goes into an active stage that a child needs especially careful care. Everything is interesting to the baby, he turns and spins in all directions all the time. Therefore, the baby should always be in a fenced area. It can be a playpen or a crib with a raised wall. Or at least pillows should separate the baby from the edge, preventing his possible fall. And of course, it is advisable not to take your eyes off the child, and since this is physically impossible, being at a distance, you can affectionately say something to him. He will concentrate on his voice for some time and will not spin, because at this age children cannot do two things at the same time.

Baby development (4 months).

Your baby is already 4 months old, at which time he begins to express his emotions more adequately. The first grasping movements of the handles are formed in him, the child pulls everything in the handles into his mouth and trains in coups - so it's time to take additional safety measures - these are clean toys that must be durable and not have small parts. But in no case should this skill be impeded, which is fundamentally important, because your baby in this way gets acquainted with the world around him. He licks everything and tastes everything, which is an important tool in his development. It is on this that the development of a baby at 4 months is based.

Use special detergents for cleaning toys that do not contain harmful components for the child. They need to be washed regularly and rinsed thoroughly.

Behavior of a four month old baby

At 3 months, the child should receive the first vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, and the first vaccination against polio.

The development of a baby at 4 months already allows you to consume food up to 1 liter per day. Breastfeeding is able to compensate for all the crumbs' need for food and fluids. If the child is artificially fed, then you can already start introducing complementary foods - these are vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, and also switch to feeding 5 times a day.

At this stage of development, the periods when the baby is awake have noticeably lengthened. He already confidently holds his head lying on his tummy and rises on the handles. He also examines objects with interest in front of him, trying to reach them and grab them with one handle, while leaning on the other. The child, lying on his back, happily plays with his legs, catches them with his hands and tries to reach him in his mouth, still trying to roll over from his back to his tummy. When pulling the crumbs by the handles from a supine position, he sits down and tries to straighten his back.


Now your child is very enthusiastic, hums a lot and well, and also laughs loudly, while training his speech apparatus. Fill such a bright and emotional month of the baby's life with the joy of communication - take him in your arms more often, smile, laugh and do not skimp on affection.

For this month, in the hit parade of games, the absolute leader is the game of peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek. You disappear from the baby's field of vision and then suddenly reappear, or you can do it differently - cover your face with something. And your "return" will always be met with laughter. Toys that have a positive effect on the development of a baby at 4 months old include tumblers that make melodious and unobtrusive sounds, pendant toys, developmental rugs and other toys that are designed for tactile and visual stimulation of development, and are made of non-toxic and durable materials.

At three to four months of age, the intensity of weight gain in the baby decreases - and is approximately 750g. His height increases by about 2 cm, and the circumferences of the chest and head are compared.

Baby development (5 months).

The development of a baby at 5 months focuses on the formation of motor activity - on the motor component. By the end of this month, the baby will already independently change the position of his own body in space, make coups from the tummy to the side and back. At the same time developing both physically and psychologically.

What abilities does the baby have?

At the 5th month of the baby’s life, the coordination of his movements continues to improve - he already grabs with dexterity, attracts and repels, catches, then feels the pendant toys, and in this way he “collects” sensory information about the surrounding objects, which is why the accumulation of sensory experience. When the baby lies on the back, it makes funny “pirouettes” and leg movements, and when the handles grab the hanging objects and lift them, not only the muscles of the hands, but also other muscles of the body are activated.

By the beginning of the 5th month of life, the baby can already sit on his own, while relying on his arms extended forward - this is an important step towards his and your independence. His attempts to sit should be encouraged, praised and expressed in every possible way your approval - this will stimulate him to repeat attempts to sit, which is an excellent workout for the back muscles. The baby can already stand steadily and evenly on a solid support if an adult supports him under the armpits.

If anxiety has appeared in the behavior of the crumbs, he pulls his fists into his mouth and gnaws them, then this is a sign that teeth have begun to cut. Symptoms include increased drowsiness, a slight increase in temperature, and twitching of one's ears. And these signs appear even a few weeks before the edge of the first snow-white incisor appears from the swollen gums.

Entering complementary foods

The development of the baby at 5 months is already fading the reflex of pushing the spoon out of the mouth, his digestive system is already strong enough and you can start introducing complementary foods. Provided that the child receives all the necessary substances during breastfeeding, then the first test of "real" food can be done later - this will reduce the possibility of food allergies. And if the child is fed artificially or mixed, he was born before the due date, there are manifestations of rickets or anemia, then it's time to introduce complementary foods, start the vegetable puree.


During this period, the best toys for the baby will be rattles with handles that are comfortable to hold in his handle, which stimulate the ability to intercept objects from the hands of an adult, musical objects, squeaker toys, soft cubes with bright colors, textured objects. For the eyes, such colors are genetically more useful - green, orange, blue, yellow.

The child in the process of communication shows a vivid reaction to a familiar person. There is a different reaction to the intonations of the voice emitted by adults - the baby may cry for a negative one, and affectionate communication will cause a friendly look, a good mood, he begins to roar loudly and melodiously.

When and what to play with a child up to a year.

From the very birth, the child is ready for the enhanced development of his mental and physical abilities. Moreover, he is open to such development through communication, close interaction with adults and through the game. What can we adults offer him when the child starts to play? This is what we want to tell on the pages of this material. It's never too early to start playing with your baby!

When baby starts to play: 0 to 3 months

Of course, at this age, the baby is still largely limited in its capabilities due to not yet quite complete physical development. Therefore, his game should be fully enriched by communication with his parents. Recommended at this age:
Carry the baby in your arms so that he can see what is happening around him, dance with him, while swinging to the beat of the sounding music;
Talk to your baby and sing songs to him. When your baby gets older, do not hesitate to make faces with him, to amuse him in every possible way, making him laugh;
You can gently run your fingers over the baby's stomach, gently shake it.

Playing at the age of 4-6 months

At this age, parents can recommend the following games with a small one:
Spin it in the air;
Remember the fairy tale game "Crow Magpie". Yes, yes, the very one where the magpie-crow "cooked porridge and jumped on the threshold." Curling his fingers during this game, you help the development of his tactile and motor functions.
Show your baby how he can splash around in the bathtub while bathing. A recommended list of toys your baby can play with at this age might be: textured rubber toys that the baby can chew, jumpers (preferably for six-month-old babies who can hold their heads), at the moment of bathing, show him how convenient it is to pour water with unbreakable cups, protozoa, jumping and musical toys, with which the child will understand the cause-and-effect relationships.

We play at the age of 7-9 months

Recommended games at this age can be:
Hide and seek, in which the parent will cover his face with his hands, and then surprise the baby with the sudden opening of his palms;
Crawling on mom's or dad's body;
Light biting of the fingers on the arms or legs;
Airplane games;
Fill a cookie or candy box with any non-hazardous items, watch the little one take them out and throw them.

We play at the age of 9-12 months

At this age, various hide and seek options can be recommended when you cover the baby with cloth and pretend that you have lost him, hide objects in front of him in closets or drawers, learn simple songs, dance, ride on your back, and spin in the air.