The first photo of Anna Sedokova with her son's father blew up the network. Anya Sedokova: “Maybe no one will marry me with three children From whom Anna Sedakova gave birth to a son

This spring, Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time - the singer gave birth to a son, Hector. Anna hid the name of the child's father for a long time, but after that it was still declassified - it turned out to be businessman Artem Komarov. The first and only joint photo of the couple was posted on Instagram by producer Andrey Kovalev. Anna herself did not show it on her social networks, and indicated the status of her personal life with essays-hints in which she spoke about her state of mind. In one of the last such notes, Anna hinted that things were not going so smoothly with Artem, and then confirmed the break with him in an interview with one of the Russian publications.

I do not need to feel sorry, I open my heart not for this. I'm strong, I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without dads. I admire each of us. Everything will be fine,

Posted by Anna on Instagram.

I have always dreamed of a big family. A little girl with little memory of her father. My parents are divorced, my whole family is my mother, who had to work three jobs from 7 am to 9 pm to feed her two children, and my brother, with whom I lived in different countries for almost 5 years. I remember telling myself all my childhood: when I grow up, I will have a huge family, many children, my own house and a big dog. And so I grew up. I have many children, two houses on different continents and a very small dog. Dreams do come true - I tell you for sure. And despite my moral preparedness in this matter, yesterday I walked with all my children and thought: "Are they all mine? One, two, three ... All mine)".

Emoticons in the form of hearts under the photo hint that Tsoi is the father of the child of the former member of VIA Gra. Anatoly almost simultaneously with Anna made a similar publication and wrote: "The best day ..."


“What? Are they together? Is this his child? What’s going on?”, “Lord, Tolya, it’s so sweet! I’m very happy for you”, “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, yes, Tolik?”, “I’ll go drink some water or something”, “Hmmm, I found a good father for the child. He’s not serious at all. Oh, Anka, you’ll be left alone later,” the subscribers reacted differently.

The star has not yet named the father of her third child. Fans tried to find the answer to the burning question on their own. Fans have long begun to suspect that Hector's father is the 27-year-old soloist of the MBAND group Anatoly Tsoi, with whom the artist has repeatedly appeared in public. The network got a video where Anatoly gently hugs a pregnant Anna. Neither Tsoi nor Sedokova made any statements about this.

Interestingly, quite recently, Internet users discussed another candidate. For some time, the singer's fans suspected her of having a relationship with 25-year-old businessman Artem Komarov, the son of a Chelyabinsk magnate. And soon the lead singer of the Pilgrim band, Andrey Kovalev, posted a joint photo of the "newly minted parents", accompanying it with a comment that leaves no doubt.

"It's nice that Anya and Artem are together and happy. With my light hand! A year ago I introduced them at an event. Now little Hector is growing, the wedding is coming soon! A long and happy life awaits them ahead," the musician opened up.

Recall that Anna Sedokova named her only son Hector. The singer also brings up 12-year-old Alina, born in a marriage with the captain of Kyiv "Dynamo" Valentin Belkevich, and six-year-old Monica from businessman Maxim Chernyavsky.

The boy was born on April 8. And on the birthday of Anatoly Tsoi, the mother of many children published a post with a declaration of love for him. Fans thought it was more of a friendly gesture.

Recently, 34-year-old Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time: the singer gave birth to a son, Hector. The star also has daughters from previous marriages: 12-year-old Alina and five-year-old Monica.

The artist still keeps the name of the son's father a secret. Journalists found out that he was 25-year-old businessman Artem Komarov.


However, after the singer published touching photos with her son and 23-year-old MBAND soloist Anatoly Tsoi, fans had doubts. Many believe that Choi is the father of the baby.

Meanwhile, Anna first hinted at problems in her personal life, and then completely stated that she was a single mother. “I don’t need to be sorry, I don’t open my heart for this. I am strong and I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without dads. I admire each of us. Everything will be fine, ”the star wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.).

Fans were worried that Anna had really broken up with Hector's father, because the baby was not yet five months old. It turned out that this is indeed the case. In an interview with OK! Sedokova said that she and her lover are no longer together.

“I can say that today we have decided not to go further together. And this decision was made by us together. This is a complicated story, it’s just more difficult than all my stories before, ”the singer admitted.

Sedokova believes that her lover did not believe in her: “It will sound strange now, but he really did not believe in me. And I don’t want to spend ninety-nine percent of my time proving to someone, they say, I’m not an idiot, I’m talented, I’m an artist. The name of the former lover Anna did not name.

Anna Sedokova, who hid her pregnancy for an incredibly long time, recently did. Now she told why she does not say the name of the father of the unborn baby, how she managed to hide her position for so long not only from the public, but also from her own children. And also Anna Sedokova declassified the sex of her third child.

At the presentation of the new song, Anna Sedokova was bombarded with questions about her third pregnancy, about the father of the unborn child, and was also “pleased” with rumors, gossip and impartial comments that despite the third pregnancy, the singer is still not married.

We must pay tribute to all questions, Anna Sedokova answered calmly, confidently and quite frankly. She said that the child's father was very happy when he found out about the pregnancy. But Anna does not intend to disclose the name of the father of the future baby, and here's why.

I've been in this show business for 15 years, and I kind of became its hostage. I think that I made a lot of mistakes - including the fact that I showed my previous relationship. Please give me a chance to be happy. I beg you, as a woman - I really want to build my relationship and will tell you about it when I'm ready.

As for questions about how the singer managed to hide her pregnancy for five whole months, even from her own children, Anna replied that she had to eat a lot so that everyone thought she was fat. Anna Sedokova also let slip that this time she was expecting a son.

We remind you: 12-year-old Alina and 5-year-old Monica live and study in America.

I didn’t tell my children about pregnancy until the 5th or even more than a month. When she said that they would have a brother, they reacted well. Alina resigned herself - she said, "I'm ready if you buy me a cat." And Monica is completely delighted - kisses, hugs my stomach every minute. Why didn't they know I was pregnant? I walked and ate so much that everyone thought I was just fat. And even my pictures were posted on the Internet, where I am fat and ugly. And I thought - damn it, you can’t tell anyone that I’m just in a position! And I hid it for so long, because I didn’t want to be pitied. I am a leader, I employ more than 20 people. And I didn’t want to be told - “you have hormonal, you are psychotic”. Well, I wanted to keep the personal personal.

When it came to the comments of the spiteful critics that Anna Sedokova was still not married, and no one would marry her with her third child, the singer was adamant. We are sure that Anna Sedokova's response should be on a par with the letter of Jennifer Aniston, who opposed the fact that her body was under a constant barrage of discussions in the spirit of "is it a pregnant tummy or she just got better" and who shamed those who criticize women for an imperfect figure after childbirth.

I used to think that it was necessary to get married, and only after that to give birth to a child, that I owed something to someone. But I'm 34 years old. And at this age, I already have the right not to be indebted to anyone. Not Rosa Syabitova, not anyone else. I believe that a woman has every right to give birth to a child, not because she is married, but because she wants to be happy. And she can be a mother and still not sit at home. They can get an education and work. Yes, maybe no one else will marry me with three children. But all this doesn't matter.

At the same time, in her Instagram account, the singer rather sharply reminded the commentators that, be that as it may, when discussing her, they are discussing a living person.

Really, some people have lost their sense of tact and decency so much that looking into another person's underpants is now the norm? Or maybe the artists began to go naked so often that without showing your ass, you now seem crazy, hiding something, or even strange? How can you come to my page and write nasty things in the comments. Or is it so easy to discuss - who is the father of the child ... Isn't it clear that they are now discussing not their potatoes and cabbage in the garden, but the life of a person. That I'm alive, now especially vulnerable. That I am absolutely the same person with emotions and feelings, that I read all this, get upset, worry. That I, like everyone on this planet, have the right to privacy, and especially the little man who did not choose to become a singer, go to the theater or study as a TV presenter 15 years ago has this right. Little Angel just picked me. I am very happy and will, like a tigress, protect this choice. It is clear that none of us is a saint. It is understood that when we gather in the kitchen, we pour tea and wash the bones of those whose lives are more interesting than ours. But please don't come to my house with dirty shoes and don't show off your personal belongings. If it’s customary for you to poop on the carpet in your living room and you are so used to it that you don’t even stink, then don’t judge other people by yourself. Some do it in the toilet. For example, Tito the cat! Even the cat knows where it belongs.