Tatar beauty bride on nicknames. Joint gifts for the young. Happy New Year to my husband

The symbolic value of gifts on nicknames is many times greater than their material value. These gifts will become part of the life of the new family. In addition, the very process of exchange means the equivalence of the parties, their desire to communicate and share the most precious things.

There are no trifles in this matter, so we turned to an expert - the imam-khatib of the Iman Nury mosque, the senior imam of the Soviet district of Kazan, Niyaz khazrat Zakirov - with the question: to whom does what gift relies on nikah?

“The only gift prescribed by the Shariah is Mahr * - a gift from the groom to the bride. This is her guarantor, what will remain with her, even if the marriage does not work out. Mahr is given directly during nikah. Hazrat asks about him himself. All other gifts depend on tradition.

For the 13 years that I have been conducting nikah ceremonies, I can say that Tatarstan families honor the custom of giving gifts to their father-in-law and mother-in-law. Brides usually give their father-in-law a skullcap or a beautifully bound Koran, and mother-in-law - a shawl or a beautiful scarf. In some families, both the groom gives the father-in-law and the mother-in-law the same. "

* Mahr in Islamic terminology is the name of the property (gift) that a man must give to a woman due to the conclusion of a marriage contract (nikah).

The exchange of all gifts begins immediately after the khazrat has finished nikah. Including gifts are presented to guests - what is commonly called "sadaqa". As a rule, these are solid household items - towels, bed linen, scarves for grandmothers, skullcaps for grandfathers.

The Tatar tradition of nikah also presupposes a present from the groom - a large chak-chak and two baked stuffed geese, one of which is cut by the groom's father during the meal, and the other is taken away by the groom's relatives, according to custom. A pair of geese symbolizes a newly formed married couple.

“There is a custom that often causes embarrassment,” says Niyaz Hazrat. “These are gifts from parents to each other. For example, the bride's side prepared a gift for the groom's father and mother, but they did not think about the reciprocal.

You are a piece of meaning in my life
You are my sun and my joy,
And when I'm with you,
This whole world is tight for me!
Happy anniversary of our wedding
I congratulate you today
And all the best
I wish us with a smile! rating: 54 ↓

Only I breathe with you
Always in a hurry to hug you!
When not together - I miss
I dream of a meeting as soon as possible.
And quietly in my thoughts I speak
How much I love you! 40 ↓

It's great to be married
To love and to be loved!
You made me happy
Satisfied and happy!
I'll go to the ends of the earth with you
Your lawful husband.
And I will say again many times
That only you I really need! 113 ↓ - Congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband

Read my confession - this is the main desire!
Let our hearts beat in unison
Let love be like a dream!
I'm happy that you are my husband
And I'm not afraid of the cold of life,
I love you alone
It's good that we are destined to be together! 43 ↓

I want to "love" you to tell you
Find such a husband
Only I could in the world,
And I love you very much!
You are the best of men!
There is such one in the whole earth!
I just adore you
I love and hug you sweetly!
You are my hope, my hero!
I want to live my whole life with you
In the close union of our souls
My best husband in the world! 122 ↓

I want to go to a restaurant, darling!
Celebrate the anniversary!
I'll be drunk with love
I will dance for a long time!
Get out your wallet
And put on your jacket
Choose any place
Where we will be super-ok! 27 ↓

I know my husband is a real man
And I'm behind you, like behind a strong wall,
With you, sadness and sorrow do not threaten me,
You save me from troubles, my hero!
Thank you for all your tenderness and affection.
Since our lives are so closely intertwined,
May happiness grow in us every day,
After all, we were born for each other,
May love never wane in your soul! 32 ↓

As they wait for summer in winter,
Autumn - spring ...
So you, of course,
Every day I wait.
And I want to confess
My dear husband,
What I love and I'm happy
I'm next to you! 23 ↓

This day is another
A milestone in our path.
I am with you, and I firmly know:
I can't find a better one!
Every day is unique
Every moment is like a century
Be always with me, darling,
My dear man! 16 ↓

Hurry, beloved husband,
Accept my confession -
I'm in love with you my dear
You should always know about it!
I am not happier in the world!
Thank you for the love
For warming blood with passion,
You are my only one -
The best of men! 37 ↓

I congratulate you on our wedding anniversary. We managed to create a real family in which our wonderful children are growing up. May fate keep our union. Let love and tenderness fill our home with joy, warmth and comfort. Love you! Thanks for all! 65 ↓

Today is our little family holiday! May all our hopes come true, may fate love and protect us! And may love always live in our home! 109 ↓

A wedding anniversary is one of the brightest and most enjoyable moments in your life. After all, it was on this day that you decided to take such a brave step and connected your destinies. Among the endless worries, constant bustle and a lot of unresolved problems on such a special day, it is very important to immerse yourself in warm memories, remind your loved one of your feelings. It doesn't matter if you are going to invite many guests or spend the whole day alone, remember that anniversary is a celebration of love for each other so it should be unforgettable. Let's surprise our soulmates, delight and inspire them. To do this, consider options for congratulating your husband on your wedding anniversary. They can be used both for the first, second, third year of marriage, and for any other, up to the red wedding!

Letter to your beloved

Among the exquisite jewelry, expensive gifts, letters and postcards, which are written from the heart, occupy an important place. On your wedding anniversary, we suggest handing your husband a letter containing all your emotions and memories.

Option 1

Years pass, everything changes, constantly moves. But, despite this, love for you will always live in my heart, memories of our feelings will always be collected. Remember how we met you. How each of us experienced, getting ready for the first date. Remember our first kiss, which cannot be compared with anything. With each passing day, I understand more and more that getting to know you is the best thing that happened to me in this life. And I am delighted with the thought that tomorrow I will open my eyes and see you, that I can kiss your sweet lips and enjoy you, because you are the dearest person in the world, and only next to you I find happiness! Years go by, but my feelings for you only grow stronger and bloom. I like making plans for the future with you, I like traveling with you, but most of all I like to just snuggle up to you and feel loved. Today is our anniversary. I wish you on this holiday to be as gentle, beautiful, courageous, courageous, sometimes serious, but just the way I love you!

Option 2

Putting your feelings and emotions on paper is not easy. But it's even harder to tell them for you, so I decided to send this letter. I really want to find words to describe how much I love you, but, alas, such words have not yet been invented. Let's remember the dear and valuable moments that bring us joy and without which my life will be empty and uninteresting. In rainy weather, I love to cover myself with a warm blanket and hug you, talk to you, feel your touch. It is at such moments that I feel my carelessness, security, because when you are next to me, I am not afraid of either the worst beast or the strongest hurricane.

And how I love talking to you, sharing my experiences and emotions, because, except for you, no one understands me. Therefore, I can entrust you with all the secrets, the main of which is my feelings for you. I love it when you come to my aid. And it doesn't matter that it is a sofa moved from its place or a dead virus in the computer: at such moments I am proud that next to me there is such a literate, courageous, courageous and at the same time kind, gentle and sensual man. Sometimes I feel unrealistic rushes of tenderness, remembering you, which are difficult to explain. I love your anecdotes, even if they are stupid and unfunny, your attempts to cook a festive dinner, despite the fact that you do not know how to cook, abandoning a hockey game in favor of hanging out with me and my friends. Only such actions show the full depth of your feelings, and I am proud that I once said “Yes” to your proposal to marry.

Option 3

Darling, I want you to know how much I value you! They say that happy people do not write letters, because they have a whole life to express their feelings and emotions. They say that words cannot express an attitude towards a person. Perhaps this is true, but it is even harder to say in words about the depth of my feelings. I want to tell you about a dream that I saw the other day. In it, I ran across the spiky field, where I met you. Ripe ears were fluttering in the wind, the sun was shining brightly, and there were only two of us in the whole world. But then on the way we met a door. Intuitively, you started looking for a key that lay not far from such a strange structure that appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the field. Then we opened this door and entered it holding hands. It was a very amazing dream, saturated with joy, sun and the most vivid emotions. I know for sure that a spike field is our life, on which sometimes there are obstacles. But, as in a dream, we will be able to overcome them and live happily, achieving our goal. You know, I have a cherished dream. I want our love to grow stronger every year, and we build a bright and reliable future. I want to wake up every day and look into your eyes, because it is for them that I want to live. I want to give you a baby. I never stop dreaming how he will look like you, how we will love and protect him! I want you to know how much I love you - on today's holiday and any other day. Let's spend more time together and give each other warmth, joy and love!

Congratulations in verse

For those who do not like prose, you can prepare congratulations to your husband in verse.

Minutes are running fast

Years fly desperately.

But our feelings only grow stronger

As the words are a wonderful ode.

I want to tell you about the union,

That two created so long ago.

And tying the bonds tightly,

They dived into the blue sea.

A storm awaited them, and sharp shark teeth,

And their boat broke often,

And a tree of a large log house

They pricked them in the wind, but in vain!

Their connection is reliable, strong, harmonious,

Their love cannot be broken for years.

And their faith is strong and boundless,

Therefore, I congratulate you on your anniversary!

We met by chance

And they could not say a word

Say to each other on this day.

But I was looking desperately

Convenient moment

To spend time with you.

And here it is, this holiday,

That collects years

That protects all our feelings and deeds.

Thank you my dear,

For every minute

Thanks to you, I'm happy!

Let the sun sparkle

Radiant smile

My beloved spouse,

What is beautiful as a postcard.

So many years together

Light red sunsets.

Our union is growing stronger again

And it gives results.

Our senses are beautiful

They are worthy of the glorious odes,

Afflictions are in vain

After all, we are with you!

Parables about love

When celebrating an anniversary with your beloved husband, you can tell him an old parable of love, which will amuse him and decorate a romantic evening.

Parable about ideals

One man was rich, smart and handsome, so he wanted to see the ideal chosen one next to him. He stubbornly searched for her and after 50 years he found the perfect woman. His joy knew no bounds, but the girl refused him. You ask why? But because she was trying to find the perfect man. Let's appreciate our love, which does not take into account the shortcomings, but sees only the merits! Happy Anniversary!

The parable of women's wisdom

Once an old woman knocked on the house where two sisters were preparing for the wedding and asked to feed her. The older sister began to scold the woman and kick her out, and the younger sister sat down at the table and fed her a hearty dinner. The old woman was a sorceress, and after her departure everything changed. On the eyes of the rude girl, she put on dark glasses, and the youngest got invisible pink glasses. The older sister saw everything in gloomy colors, every little thing annoyed her, and she often caused scandals. She gave her husband a sad and gloomy life that led them to poverty. For the younger, the world seemed charming, kind, mysterious and beautiful. She did not pay attention to difficulties, radiated the warmest feelings, surrounding the family with love and affection. As a result, her husband became successful in his business, they had a rich and friendly family. In the same way, I try to surround you with all kind and light. I really hope you appreciate it. Happy anniversary of our wedding!

The parable of family understanding

Once upon a time there was one married couple. Husband and wife often quarreled with each other. Once the wife got tired of everything, and she went to the sage, who said: “Here is a box of matches for you. You must break one match after each quarrel. When the box is empty, you will have to leave forever. " Since then, the young couple never fought again, as they were afraid of parting. As a result, they lived a happy and wonderful life together. Come on and we will pretend that there is only one match left in our box, and we will never quarrel again. Love you, happy anniversary of our wedding!

The parable of a successful start

Once I had a dream where I entered a store, and the Lord himself was standing behind the counter. - Is it really you? - I was surprised. - Yes it's me! - God said. - What can I buy at your counter? - Everything! - answered the Almighty. - Then give me, please, health, luck, joy and a lot of gold. At this, God smiled mysteriously and went into another room. He was gone for a long time, but then he brought me a small parcel. - Is that all? - I said in frustration. “Didn't you know that I only sell seeds?” - answered the Lord. Darling, you got such a seed, and our happiness depends only on how we grow it. I love you, happy anniversary of our wedding!

The parable of the attraction

An old proud cat, basking in the sun, saw a small kitten, who was enthusiastically playing with its tail. The adult cat had already managed to take a nap, and the kitten kept running and jumping, trying to reach its tail. - Why are you running after your tail? - asked the important cat. “I was told that my tail is my happiness,” the kitten replied, “so I intend to catch it. To this, the wise cat was indignant and answered him: - Once I was also told that the tail is my happiness. I did not eat or sleep, I constantly tried to grab him. Then I fell exhausted, got up and started again, but what I wanted did not come true. Then I was very disappointed and went to wander the streets. And do you know what I understand? - What? - Wherever I went, my tail always followed me. Darling, you stopped chasing the elusive and found your right path. I will always follow you and give you true happiness. Happy Anniversary!

Regardless of which way you choose to congratulate, the main thing is that what is said is sincere.

Only then will your significant other appreciate your efforts and will give you a lot of affection and warmth. Love each other! Happy Anniversary! In conclusion, you will find another way to congratulate your spouse on your wedding anniversary - with the help of a video:

My dear, beloved husband,
Today is our anniversary.
And I want to tell you:
You are the best man for me.

I have no relatives you
And closer to the world of man.
Hope we celebrate
Someday families are half a century old.

Good luck, strength to you, dear,
Health and good luck.
Let it become love
Brighter and richer over the years.

Today, on the wedding anniversary,
I want to tell you:
For our union, for our meeting
I am so grateful to fate.

For every look, touch,
For every moment, for every year,
For being happy with you
That my soul is already singing.

Come with you dear life
We are together, husband, hand in hand.
Let with affection, tenderness, love
The road will be easy for us.

My dear, beloved, glorious man, my husband, my support and love, I congratulate you on our anniversary. May our love be stronger and stronger every day, may our happiness never leave us. I love you very much and will love you no matter what. And I wish you good health, cheerful mood and great success in life.

My dear husband, my man,
With our wedding anniversary
I congratulate you.
I wish you loving
So that you are always healthy
And he always loved me
I didn’t get angry, I didn’t shout,
I received a lot of money.
So that with me for many years
Lived in harmony, my light,
Keeping the best feelings.
Now congratulate me.

Our wedding anniversary -
The best holiday is mine.
This is the day when we are with you
Became husband and wife.

Every year for me you
And beloved and dearer.
There is no man in the world
I am dearer and dearer.

Happy anniversary
I am you, dear husband,
And I wish both of us
Live until the wedding is golden.

May every year give us light
So that our souls always sing
So that we live in happiness for a hundred years,
So that hearts burn with fire!
So that our feelings become stronger
So that we always live in harmony,
May sadness and other sorrows
We will never be touched
But if anything, then even with a glance
I will be able to heal the soul!
Darling, remember that I am near
And I will love you forever!

Congratulations on your anniversary
My only man.
I wish you and me happiness
Caress without end and edge.

Fidelity, love, desires,
The strength of the promises made.
I love you endlessly
My dear, my most gentle.

Beloved husband, happy anniversary!
You are handsome with me.
I am proud of such a man!
I adore you.

May love accompany
You and me throughout life.
May it never fade away
Getting even stronger!

With our wedding anniversary
Congratulations dear.
You are the only man
Friend, husband, my beloved.

For me, as they say,
You, beloved, three in one.
I was once my prince
Now you have become a king.

You are the king, I am the queen.
I'm not sad with you.
I know: you won't go to the left,
I will not let you go.

Happy anniversary.
Catch my kiss.
I wish you all the best
You always love me.

You are always there. I'm not afraid with you
Any hardships and troubles.
I know you'll help me solve everything
And the grief will disappear without a trace.

You are my ray of light. I'll tell you honestly:
You are the best man in the world!
I am happy that you are in my life.
Happy holiday to us, Happy Anniversary!

So many years, but how a moment
These years have flown by
Together we are with you, beloved,
All passed - fire and water.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary for the husband

I'm glad that once my husband
You became mine, dear!
Because it is not needed
Trust me, nobody else.
Prince on a white Mercedes
Let it die around the corner!
It's good for me where we are,
Where are we together!

Happy birthday for husband beautiful

When you are with me, I am warm, comfortable and calm. I know, no matter what surprises life brings, you will always be there: you will understand and support - this is the little secret of great happiness. Thank you my beloved! I wish you to be successful, healthy and confident in your abilities, so that no doubts torment you and all troubles are bypassed. I want every day for you to be filled with the joy of victories and achievements! I am proud that you are next to me!

Congratulations to the husband on his wedding anniversary

Darling, today we have a wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity! So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us! May this solemn day bring you a good mood and joy! I love and appreciate you!

Birthday greetings to the husband from his wife in verses

Fate forever decided everything
Tied us tightly.
I thank fate for this,
She gave a great chance.
Feel loved
And every day to whisper "I love"
And for you to be the best
And live with you like in paradise.
I love it when you are around.
And I also love it when we are together.
Under a fluffy soft blanket
We lie in an embrace before bed.
You always read my mind
I may not speak aloud.
You will always support me in everything
You will say quietly, "Well, why are you sad?"
You make me laugh very deftly
I will drive all sadness away from me
I treasure every minute
Because I love you.
I just wish you happiness
Always reach your dreams
Be healthy and love us strongly
Only as you can only!

Happy Birthday Husband

We have not been married for a year.
Now I know it's a lie
That, they say, love is short-lived,
It is light and fleeting.
Love and marriage are one road
Sometimes he asks strictly
Plagues with everyday life, beats, scolds,
And then suddenly he showered with happiness.
My good husband, my love,
Let me confess my love again.
Accept, my dear, congratulations
I wish you happiness and luck!
So that you are healthy and strong
Athletic, vigorous and mobile,
So that the passionate look of your eyes
I was attracted to the quiet of the nights ...

Happy Birthday Husband

Happy Birthday sweetheart! On birthdays, it is customary to say pleasant things and wish you happiness, health, and success. All this I wish you too - like no one else, as the closest person can wish. But I also want you to know - I love you very much, you are the only one and dear, you are really that very half that many are looking for all their lives and do not find. And I found you, I was lucky!
I am happy with you and I want you to know about it. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Happy Birthday Husband From Wife

My most beloved and dear person in the world is my sun and my support. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, peace of mind and stability at work, so that your leadership will appreciate your professional qualities. Joy to you, light, inspiration, so that all your ideas come true. So that in your life everything was like in a good movie and that you always want to go home! I love you!

Short congratulations to my husband on his birthday

My only husband!
Precious and dear!
Happy birthday, congratulations
And I promise to love!
Better not you in the world
Children are like you!
Happy birthday - from the heart!
Happiness, joy, love!

Congratulations in verses to the husband on the wedding anniversary

The blizzard stopped howling outside the window,
And spring has blossomed in my soul.
After all, we met each other with you,
And now I do not live alone.
As if the earth was covered with dew,
Like a forest awakened from a dream.
I'm warm and comfortable with you,
I'm still in love with you.
I don't see the world with you
Joy, love and peace are with you.
With you, sorrows all disappear
When you're just by my side.
I want to continue in life,
Walk hand in hand.
No, this word doesn't fit here,
We are not going with you, but flying.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary to the wife from her husband

I am very glad that you and I are together,
And happy with you all the years!
Once you were my bride
And a wonderful wife for many years!
I feel good with you, dear,
And I can’t imagine any other fate!
Filled with joy, love every moment,
And I got so used to them for a long time!
Let your wishes always come true
There will not be many trials in life
Good luck, joy, success and goodness,
I wish you for many years!

Happy Anniversary congratulations to her husband

The money in the wallet only multiplies,
And let your career go uphill!
And your relatives take care of you
And luck awaits only in every case!
And pour champagne today
You will invite relatives and friends to the table!
They will say all the wishes from the bottom of their hearts,
And they will make a wonderful toast!
Well, I'll tell you, my love,
The most cherished words
Those that I have kept in my heart for a long time
And for the glorious jubilee I took care!
We have experienced a lot together,
Argued, swore sometimes!
And then we made peace with you,
In general, we have always been together!
And I am infinitely grateful to you
For children, care and our home!
And for many years I wish
So that you are loved and happy in it!

Happy birthday to her husband

Today, all congratulations are only for you, but I also want to thank your parents for raising such a wonderful son, a loving husband and a wonderful family man, I bow to them for that. And I want to wish you to remain the same loving and reliable.

Happy Birthday Husband

Dear and beloved husband, the one and only man of my life! On your birthday, I wish you as much money as there are leaves in a summer forest, as much health as drops in the ocean and as many happy moments as my heart beats!

Happy Birthday to her husband

I do not have a soul in my husband,
Lucky me, what to hide ?!
Gentleman, good thing,
Neither add nor subtract!
My dear, precious,
I want to call you
The best husband in the universe
Like a wife, a warm hug!

How to wish your husband a happy birthday - advice

Congratulating your husband is a troublesome and responsible business. It depends on your sensitivity and delicacy what kind of relationships will be in the family in the near future. After all, men are vulnerable and touchy creatures. This is especially true for husbands. When composing a congratulation for your husband, you should adhere to several rules. First, you should definitely say that you love him. No need for abstruse comparisons, just love and that's it. Secondly, you must definitely praise your husband, no matter what for. And thirdly, you just have to say how lucky you are with him and how happy you are with him.
Darling! On your birthday I want to confess to you ... I am happy that I married you! You are the most reliable, kindest and most affectionate man in the world! I wish you happiness and good luck in everything, my priceless!
Or you can say this:
You can't even imagine how much I love you! You are my joy, my sun, my guardian angel! I wish you all the best that can be in life!

Happy New Year to my husband

You and I went through fire and water,
We quarreled, reconciled many times.
Offended for no reason, right off the bat,
Repented of their sins.
I want the New Year to come
Taught us to live without fuss.
I love you harder today
Than when we got married.
So let's forget all the reproaches
Let's cross out unnecessary words.
The two of us and we are not alone
And hope, like love, is alive.

Happy birthday greetings to the husband from his wife in verses

To be able to love, to be able to give,
Well sometimes be naughty a little,
Then be a little strict!
My dear husband can do anything
which I sometimes do not understand!
I love you the way you are
I'm ready to live with you for years!
And wishes are all as they are
I will say from the bottom of my heart today!
I wish you happiness, kindness,
Health, joy, warmth,
Good luck, dreams come true
So that only in joy was!

Happy birthday to her husband in prose

For me, you are the dearest and closest person. I am glad that I have you and that you are always by my side. Together we are not afraid of any obstacles. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband! I want you to be always happy, and everything that you dream of must come true!

Congratulations to her husband in verse

Dear, congratulations, love!
This day is wonderful, bright
I will give you a gift
Very valuable, desired, cherished ...
The best gift is a wife.
Look how much you want, choose
But everywhere you will meet me -
Look! Rate it! Accept!

Congratulations on the husband's holiday

When I married you, I already knew that you are the most wonderful person on Earth! I wish you all the very best in the world on this beautiful day, although you already have me, so I wish you more smiles and pleasant people around you! I love!

Congratulations to the husband on Valentine's Day

Dear husband! Congratulate you with Holliday! I wish our love and our relationship to be the strongest, longest and most mutual for the rest of our lives! I love you very much!

Happy Birthday to Husband

Darling, I congratulate you
You have become one year older
I notice gray hair in my temples
You are dearer to me, dear to me.
Let the years rush over us
They won't change love
No matter how evil winds
They didn’t tear us at times.

Happy birthday to my husband

I never regret
That once she answered: "Yes!" ...
I entered your house as my wife
And she stayed in it forever!
Happy birthday to you, dear!
No sweeter, dearer face!
Life with you hand in hand
I dream to go all the way!

Husband's congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day beautiful in prose

My dear and dear, the closest and only one! Congratulating you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is your holiday, a holiday of courage and loyalty to your duty, your Motherland. I am proud that my husband is the strongest, kind and confident person! A person you can always count on in difficult times, my dear and beloved husband! I am happy that your reliable and strong shoulder is always there! Happy holiday, my beloved warrior!

Congratulations to spouse Vitaly on the wedding anniversary

My beloved husband Vitaly,
You are a beautiful song in my life
You are my sun and my joy,
And when I'm with you,
The whole world is tight for me!
Happy Anniversary
I congratulate you
And I wish us all the best!

Congratulations to the husband on the Anniversary

On the Jubilee - like another competition. I would like to sum up and present the awards. Over the years, the hero of the day has earned many titles! He is a wonderful husband, a caring father, an understanding son-in-law and a sympathetic son! He is the breadwinner and family sponsor! Let's drink to our titled winner!

Toast for the husband from the wife

I want to tell the following parable:
“Once, two warriors started an argument about whose saber was better and more expensive. They boasted to each other, showed their weapons, but could not decide anything. Then a sage approached them and said: “Don't argue, it's useless. Tomorrow there will be a battle, then your sabers will decide for themselves which one is better! "
I want to drink to my beloved husband! Dear, you have an important quality that I really appreciate: you know how not to brag about your merits until they appear!

Congratulations to your husband for all occasions

Happy holiday, my dear, the kindest, beloved and affectionate. I will always be there, always help and will always love you the way you are. And this holiday is dear to you, I know. And I want to wish you all the best for this day. Remember, my dear, that I love you and sincerely believe in you always. Your wife.

Happy Birthday to Husband

Life flew by imperceptibly, because when you are happy and love the years do not need to be counted. Thank you for your loyalty and love that is never extinguished by any troubles and hardships. Be such a faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, a clear mind and a cheerful character.

Happy birthday to her husband

Congratulations on the anniversary
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, joy, luck,
Let your dreams come true!
Stay the same
Endowed with all in full:
Mind, patience, beauty,
Charm and kindness,
All the things that your life is full of.

Happy birthday to her husband

Dear, beloved and reliable my husband! Happy Birthday to you! You are my kindest, sweetest and most affectionate husband on earth! May our life together turn into a fairy tale, and love will become even stronger. I wish you good health, be cheerful and courageous!

Congratulations to the husband on Defender of the Fatherland Day

My dear. I congratulate you on the most masculine holidays, on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I am proud and happy that I have a person I can rely on, a friend I can confide in, a husband I love. Happy holiday to you, my dear defender, my hero

Love for the native land,
Patriotism and Faith!
Courage, a matter of honor
Courage, kindness!
Words to match
Only a real man.
And so I congratulate you
Happy February 23rd!

Congratulations to her husband on the Anniversary in verse

To a faithful spouse today
I want to honestly say
I'm happy with our life
The husband did everything not to suffer.
And congratulating on the Jubilee,
I kiss him hot
Good luck, I wish you joy
All that happiness will bring.

Congratulations to spouse Yakov on a pearl wedding

My beloved Jacob,
Congratulations, accept
With a special date -
with a pearl wedding!
The years have passed
Leaving gray hair on my hair,
Yashechka, my husband,
And I still love you!
The years have passed
Bringing a lot of joys and troubles,
We were happy anyway
And let it last a hundred years!

Poetic birthday greetings to her husband

Affectionate, gentle, dear,
for me you are the only one.
I thank God every day
what I love, I love it very much.
We have known each other for a long time
We went to one first grade together.
So, it's cool to think that we
Then it was like a son now.
I want my son to get big
And not only was it outwardly similar
To do everything like you with a soul
And smart and handsome and handsome.
And so that a couple of years pass
And at our festive table
You were sitting, sonny, me and my daughter
With a huge bow.

Happy birthday greetings to beloved husband

Dear, beloved, dear husband,
Happy birthday to you, I congratulate you
You kept me safe from storms and cold,
I save you from loneliness.
As myself, I value you
And you, of course, know about this.
I call you: beloved husband,
You call me beloved.

Touching congratulations on the Anniversary for the husband

You have an anniversary today.
Congratulations, dear, Happy Anniversary!
For me dearer and dearer
There is no other in this whole world.
Congratulations on the holiday, loving,
And I wish you joy and happiness!
I forgot myself for you
And it became a part of yours!

Congratulations to the wife on her anniversary from her husband

Happy anniversary to you, my dear!
You are very young for me even now.
How I would live without you - I just can't imagine
Being with you every day is better than any paradise.
It's easy for me, and warm, and comfortable with you,
She endured everything with me, even if it was difficult at times.
You are smart and incredibly beautiful, -
I am pleased to admit this in front of everyone.

A loving wife cannot but prepare congratulations to her husband on their wedding anniversary. Because the two halves always have something to wish each other. These can be serious poems or cool SMS, the main thing is that they are all written from the heart!

We have an anniversary today
And I want to say now:
I'm proud of you, my man
For all actions, every hour!

Wish our hands
They never opened.
And we take care of each other
We were always happy!

Husband, my support and hope,
We have no secrets from each other.
Happy anniversary of our serene
Congratulations as a spouse!

Our anniversary together
As always, we will note with you.
My dear hubby
How cool I am with you!

I got the one for my husband
Who will not let you down in anything
And it's not the first year
We are happy together, here!

Happy anniversary of our common
And with a solid marriage record
Congratulations, my husband!
You are my beloved and friend

I am an assistant and support,
Hope for tomorrow.
I appreciate you for everything
And how I love the wedding day!

Funny congratulations on the wedding anniversary to the husband

I put my whole soul into you
And so today again
I wish my own husband
Feel my love!

Let it not choke you
And it inspires to live better.
There are a hundred reasons for such a husband
Thank me every day!

I adore you, dear
And thank you for the love
For tenderness and your care.
Thank God for being near!

Husband, they say that you and me
One and the same Satan ...
And I'm sure - you're mine
For all ages and times!

I want that on the anniversary again
You felt it more fully.
Feel all my love
Warm me in your arms!

You and I found each other
Among hundreds of thousands of faces ...
You have become my family and friend
Feelings do not have my boundaries !!!

I'm almost ready sometimes
Strangle you out of anger,
But I understand what is wrong
More Gods can not create!

You are still dearer to me than everyone else
I swore at the altar
Bowing before the face of God,
That I will give myself all to you !!!

Beautiful congratulations to her husband on his wedding anniversary

I want to hug you so much
Whisper it in your ear:
Thank you for your love and son,
My dearest man!

For so many years that I am with you
Only our love is stronger.
And the common life is only better.
You are like a ray of the sun to me!

My love, my legitimate husband,
To you with the wedding anniversary
I congratulate you on a special day.
I appreciate you very much!

May our holiday today
It will remind us of love.
Impressive marriage experience,
But the fire is still in the blood!

A spark of passion
And does not want to fade away.
Happy anniversary to you
I will congratulate you at night!

Weddings our anniversary
We celebrate with you.
My only man,
Congratulations with all my heart!

You and I didn't come together for nothing -
Our couple for life!
And in general there are many advantages
Our union has.

We live in harmony
In the dark night and in the day
In the mornings and evenings
We are the best with you!

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary to the husband from the wife

A husband, like a faithful wife,
I honor our anniversary.
You are my protection, wall
Made my dream come true.

I've been living with you for a long time
As in the bosom of Christ.
And I love it like in a movie
For many years, only you!

I never dreamed of a better husband -
So the treasure got it
From truly generous heavens!
You are dear to me as you are!

I hasten to congratulate you
Congratulations on our mutual holiday.
I'll tell you on your anniversary
What is absolutely happy!

From the wedding day until now
For me there is no dearer and nearer.
You are my light and my judgment
Only with you I see the future!

I want to say one thing:
I'm lucky with you!
Happy anniversary, my dear,
The best, golden!

I immediately saw in you
One's soul mate.
With your mind and body
Always now I am in this life!

I wish us a lot more
Joint joys, victories.
So that our anniversary becomes
The countdown of new bright years!

Congratulations to the husband on his wedding anniversary in prose

Dear, I'm glad that once I made the right choice with my soul mate. Without you, I will never feel complete and loved, desired and beautiful. Happy anniversary of our wedding!

Today we are not shouted bitterly and correctly. Because life with you turned out to be the sweetest and most pleasant! Our marriage has so many joys and many prospects ahead. I congratulate you and myself on the right choice!

This holiday is a celebration of our family. We will mark it the way we want it ourselves. And it will be as unforgettable as ever! I congratulate you, dear, with me, and myself with you!

Happy anniversary of our wedding, my dear! I hope you consider the years spent near me happy and not wasted. I am sure that they are the best that I had and have!

With our personal anniversary, with the celebration of our family, darling! You and I have gone through a lot of difficulties together, but have not lost our feelings. I want you to wake up happy around me every morning!

Congratulations to your husband on your wedding anniversary in your own words

Happy wedding anniversary, my husband, given to me by God and heaven, recognized by the law and my heart! May everything come true with us and let the grievances be forgotten.

Today I want to hug you especially warmly and congratulate you on our day. This is just our date and we need to spend it the way we want it. Love and kisses!

I have not been happier since our wedding. Happy anniversary to you, dear! May each new joint day make us even happier and spiritually richer!

Beloved husband! On our anniversary with you, I especially want to wish you to feel my love and care among everyday affairs and problems. I am ready to continue to share sorrow and joy with you. Thank you for being there.

You are there and nothing else is needed. Thanks to heaven and God for our common road! Happy wedding anniversary, beloved chosen one!

The other day my cousin Gulnaz was married off. The celebration was held in accordance with Muslim traditions. I attended as a guest and photographer. Captured the main moments.

On the day of nikah, the bride wears a traditionally light dress, with a headscarf on her head to cover her hair. The groom puts on a skullcap and also a light shirt. For a holiday! Guests come with flowers and gifts. Flowers are handed over immediately, gifts are kept until a special moment. Until the arrival of the mullahs, they do not sit down at the table. Usually they are engaged in conversations. Men with men, women with women.

However, there are no strict prohibitions. A wedding is an occasion to see relatives, to gather from distant regions and villages. Find out how each other is doing. Drinking alcohol on such a day is a sin. Therefore, there is no pi beer or vodka on the table. Pies with rice and fish, fruits and dried fruits, vegetables, sweets are served.

As for the decoration of the room, all portraits and photographs of people are taken out. In Islam, the cult of personality is not welcome, so it is better to remove the images of faces. When the mullah comes, the celebration begins. First, universal prayer. The mullah reads the text of the prayer, the others repeat after it. It is important to keep your open palms in front of your face. It is believed that at this time, grace from heaven fills the palms. At the end of the prayer, it is customary to “wash your face” in order to absorb all the good.

There must be a male witness on the part of the bride. My sister has neither a father (died) nor a brother. Therefore, this role went to my uncle.

First, the mullah asks if young people voluntarily marry. What "kalym" does the groom give for the bride? Previously, kalym was given to the girl's parents, now traditions have become simpler, so most often kalym is a gift to the bride on her wedding day. Its sizes can be different, depending on the income of the groom. It is believed that such a gift is not refundable (in the event of a divorce). In our case, the bride received a gold bracelet. Mulla wondered if the bride and her parents were satisfied with such a gift?

Then the mullah figured out how the groom would call the bride's parents, and how the bride would call the groom's parents. The options "mom-dad" or "mother-in-law" are acceptable. The parties agree on this "on the shore", so that later there would be no grievances and disagreements. Mulla tells stories from life, gives advice to young people on how to live so that there are no quarrels and conflicts.

Next comes the rite of "admission to the family." The bride's mother feeds the groom and his parents with butter and honey from a spoon - "so that your speech is soft like butter and sweet like honey." The parents of the groom repeat the same thing. The young themselves at this moment look like chicks that have not yet fluttered out of their parental nest ...

After these formalities, the gift exchange process begins. The parents of the bride give gifts to the parents of the groom and the groom, the parents of the groom give gifts to the bride and her parents. Then all the guests join the celebration of life. Gifts can be given not only to young people, it is not forbidden to give gifts to all guests of the table. They are usually given tea, socks, handkerchiefs, paper bills or metal coins and other trifles. Sharing with your fellow man is believed to be doing a good deed.

The nikakha ceremony ends with a festive dish. It can be a goose, ram, pilaf. In our case - chak-chak.

Each guest is obliged to try a treat and put money in the family budget for the young.

Let me remind you that all this time there is food on the table, but the guests do not eat anything. To start the feast, you need a special permission from the mullah and prayer. Only after the completion of the ceremony, the mullah gives permission to bring in food, and broth with traditional Tatar noodles, lamb and poultry meat is put on the table.

The holiday ends with a festive tea party with sweets. There are usually no dances, songs and jokes on this day. For such a holiday, the newlyweds can choose a separate day.

In Muslim culture, a girl and a guy, who decided to tie their fates, conduct an engagement ceremony - nikah. By tradition, the groom and the bride publicly announce the upcoming wedding to their relatives on nicknames. The groom gives gifts to the bride and her parents, and also makes small gifts to her relatives.

The nikah ceremony is performed by the mullah in the mosque or in the bride's house. The organization of the holiday falls on the shoulders of her relatives. A Muslim engagement has no legal force, but only after its announcement, young people are allowed to live together. After the nikah, an official wedding ceremony will take place with registration at the registry office. Only the older generation of close relatives - parents, uncles and aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers - visit the Nikakh. Of the young guests, only the siblings of the spouses are allowed to attend the nikah.

Holiday traditions

According to Muslim traditions, on the nicknames, the groom's relatives present the girl's family with gifts: a freshly prepared pair of geese and the eastern sweetness of chak-chak. One goose should be butchered by the groom's father during the celebration, and the second is taken with them by the groom's relatives - such is the custom. Drinking alcohol and pork dishes on nicknames is strictly prohibited.

The festive table should be filled with freshly prepared hot dishes and a variety of treats. The bridesmaid's aunts are watching the cooking.

The girl's clothes should not be open, it is necessary to wear a dress with a long skirt, long sleeves and a scarf on her head. All men present, including the groom, must be wearing skullcaps on their heads.

After all the guests have gathered at the bride's house, the mullah begins the nikah ceremony. It consists in reading certain prayers, finding out that everything happens with the consent of both parties. Men from the families of the groom and the bride - their brothers or uncles - are witnesses of this sacrament.

After the bride and groom by reading a separate prayer from the Koran prove that they consider themselves Muslims, it is time for the groom to give a gift to his bride. By accepting the gift, the girl agrees that she is ready to accept the groom himself. The groom does the same. The ceremony ends with the reading of the final prayer, after which the mullah declares the young husband and wife in the face of Allah.

Previously, a gift from the groom on nicknames had to be distinguished by generosity. Persian hand-made carpets, ibil camels or a herd of thoroughbred horses were donated. Modern gifts on nicknames are modest. Let's try to figure out what the groom on nicknames can give to the bride, her family and guests, and what is not recommended to give.

Gifts for the bride

Cloth... The bride will be glad to receive a scarf, stole or hijab as a gift. Prayer clothing is a universal gift. The groom should give what the bride likes. And from that moment on, he should get used to the fact that he dresses his wife himself.

Camisole. The groom can give his beloved bride a camisole embroidered with silver or gold and expensive stones. She will definitely like such a surprise.

Chitek. Decorated with a multicolored pattern of leather pieces. They are also called "leather socks". They are very convenient when traveling or when it is cold for ablution.

Bouquet of flowers... Any woman will like it if she is presented with a bouquet of flowers. The ideal option is a large bouquet of flowers that your darling likes. It can also be a beautiful addition to other gifts.

Jewelry. It could be a gold ring, a chain, or a pair of earrings. Jewelry is a symbol of prosperity, and the bride in the future is free to dispose of them at her own discretion.

Service. A beautiful and skillfully made tea set will decorate the table for a young family and will remind of a wonderful event that happened in their life.

Whatever gifts the future spouse decides to present to his future wife on nicknames, they must be made from a pure heart and with love. Only then will a gift to your girlfriend become a symbol and guarantee of future happiness.

Gifts for parents

The future husband, taking his wife from the parental home, must present the father-in-law and mother-in-law with memorable gifts. The young man presents to the parents of his girlfriend the same things that will be presented to the parents of the groom. This moment is discussed in advance by the parents of the young couple so that no incident occurs on the nicknames (for example, the groom's parents decided that it would be presented to the bride's parents, and they did not prepare any gifts at all, or they are significantly inferior in value).

Jewelry set... It can be gold headsets from a ring, earrings, chain, pendant and bracelet with precious or semi-precious stones.

Handmade Religious Tapestry... Perfect for decorating a wall in the room of the bride's parents.

Dagger. The bride's dad can be presented with a beautiful dagger made of Damascus steel with an ivory handle. Your father-in-law will appreciate your gift.

Pillows. It will be pleasant to lie on pillows made of brocade or silk, embroidered with gold in hot summer.

Skullcap. An ideal gift for the bride's dad. You can order a specific ornament or pattern to be embroidered by hand. Such a gift will give your father-in-law a lot of positive emotions.

Gifts for other relatives and participants of the event

The young man can present the grandmothers and aunts of the bride with headscarves decorated with gold or silver embroidery. The male half of the bride's relatives are donated embroidered skullcaps - the traditional headdress of Muslims.

For the rest of the guests present at the nikah, the groom presents small gifts in the form of small souvenirs, coins of precious metals or banknotes in the same currency and of the same denomination. The mullah is also honored with a similar gift, only more expensive in value.

Compliance with the traditions of nikah plays an important role in the conclusion of a marital union.

Nikah is considered a religious Islamic rite. It is conducted by the mullah, there are true believers in national costumes and headdresses. Nikah can rightfully be called the main and central moment in the whole wedding. For Muslims, a wedding celebration lasts several days.

Nikah can be held both at home, with the invitation of a representative of the mosque, and in a solemn atmosphere. If it is decided to organize nikah at home, then the bride's bouquet is not at all obligatory. In the mosque, it is better to choose an appropriate image with a beautiful floral arrangement that photographers can capture as a keepsake.

Tatar wedding ceremonies

Nikah is a wedding ceremony that has a lot in common with a wedding... The only difference is God and religion. If the wedding is not an obligatory wedding ceremony, then nikah is considered the main tradition. Muslim believers even forbid young people to be left alone without a nikah.

However, it should be understood that the religious ceremony has no legal background. Accordingly, after it is held, it is worth registering officially your relations in the registry office. Otherwise, they will not be accepted by the modern foundations of the state.

In order for the mullah to conduct nikah, he needs to meet all the conditions:

  1. carried out both with the consent of the groom and the bride. Nobody has reason to object. Everything is done on a voluntary basis.
  2. Future spouses are not related. The matchmakers find out about this even at the bride, going through everyone up to the five-cousin. If the connection between the spouses is not noticed, then they have every right to become husband and wife in the future.
  3. On a nikah, a male representative from the girl's side must be present.
  4. A man and a woman must choose two men or two women and a man as witnesses. Islam interprets it so that two women can be equated to only one representative of the strong half of humanity.
  5. The groom, even before the ceremony, gave away the kalym and fully paid off with the father of his betrothed. He, in turn, has no complaints about his future son-in-law and is ready to let him into his family.
  6. ... The bride has every right to ask for an expensive gift for herself. According to Islam, its amount should not be less than 100,000 rubles. Often, Muslims give their wives cars and apartments for their weddings as a sign of special love and respect.

Nikakh, after accomplishment, obliges the husband and wife to fulfill a certain list of marital duties:

  1. A woman has no right to leave home without a man's permission.
  2. A spouse should not be denied intimacy.
  3. A man is obliged to fully support his wife all his life, while not even reproaching her later.

According to Muslims, there can be no full-fledged and harmonious family without nikah. This is a ceremony that holds the union at the highest level. It was after him that a young couple can consider themselves to have entered a new level of relations.

What gift to present to the bride

A man must give a woman a symbolic gift before the ceremony. This is often jewelry. In Tatar, a gift that is presented on nicknames is called meher.

Precious stones, beautiful gold, handicrafts - this is what they present to their future wife. You can purchase a ring, earrings, or chain. What exactly the groom chooses depends on his personal preference.

Often, men choose based on their financial capabilities. Of course, many are trying to buy the most expensive thing as possible, thereby conquering both their beloved and her relatives. A man will prove his worth and material well-being to jewelry.

In addition to presentations to the future wife, a man should also remember about her parents.

For the mother-in-law, they acquire a bright and colored scarf with which she covers her head. But for the future father-in-law, it is better to choose a dagger with an expensive frame or a book in a beautiful binding. Quran is often chosen as a book.

What to give to the groom on nicknames

Long ago it was customary to give small presents to nikah... A woman as a future hostess must demonstrate her handicraft skills. Previously, traditional gifts were products of their own work.

Girls sewed skull-caps, embroidered them with gold or silver threads. Nowadays, a man will be glad if his future wife does something for him with her own hands. However, this is not a prerequisite for nikah.

A girl should not forget about her newly-made relatives, namely her father-in-law and mother-in-law. They will be happy with any homemade product. Whether it's cake or embroidery. The future father-in-law can be presented with a national shirt, sewn on your own.

After nikah, a full-fledged family life begins for any married couple. Therefore, many guests come with their gifts. Muslims appreciate what may later come in handy as a gift. The newlyweds have not yet settled their life, therefore interior items will be useful to them.

Popular presentations can be:

  1. Cutlery.
  2. Tableware.
  3. Tea or coffee sets.
  4. Linens.
  5. Koran.
  6. Bright carpets for the wall.
  7. Soft carpets on the floor.

The Koran provides a list of gifts that are prohibited from giving to your beloved for a religious ceremony.

This list of things can offend the bride:

  1. Souvenirs.
  2. Porcelain figurines.
  3. Silver jewelry.
  4. Things that have an erotic connotation.

Of course, a man should not forget to buy a bouquet for his beloved, which she will bring on nicknames. These can be delicate flowers. In preference to rose, chamomile or violet. It is best not to choose lilies or orchids.

Useful video

A gift in the form of a dance.

Tatar wedding.

Wedding gifts.


The present, handed from the bottom of the heart, will become a memorable and bright moment of the wedding ceremony. Before the nikah, Muslims exchange valuable things, thereby expressing respect and love for their relatives.