Foot care at home. How to make our legs beautiful and healthy

7 863 1 Every woman knows that you need to use creams for the face, hands, regularly exfoliate the body, and do not neglect hair conditioners. But not everyone knows and knows how to properly care for their feet, feet and nails. But beautiful legs are that part of the female body that 90% of men pay attention to. They are subjected to a huge load every day, because they must withstand the weight of our body. Therefore, foot care involves regular procedures for their improvement. So, how to properly care for the feet at home.

Our feet, heels need love and care no less than other parts of the body. Knowing some tricks, you can improve, unload, moisturize and pamper your feet, spending a minimum of time and money.

  1. Regularly, i.e. daily spend a few minutes on the feet and legs (apply a nourishing cream, massage them);
  2. Wear comfortable shoes, avoid high heels;
  3. Walk barefoot more often on grass, sand, pebbles;
  4. Once a week, remove the coarsened layer of skin on the feet, do a pedicure;
  5. Periodically visit a beautician or pedicure master who will provide professional, comprehensive foot care;
  6. If you have problems associated with a fungal infection, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.
  7. In saunas, swimming pools, hotel showers, etc. do not go barefoot, so as not to "catch" the fungus or something like that.

A girl, a woman who has seriously decided to take care of her legs, should know and have an idea about all the procedures that are designed to give a second youth to her legs. This:

  • Baths with herbs and aroma oils;
  • Foot masks;
  • Massage of the lower extremities;
  • Pedicure;
  • Peeling feet, heels, shins.

Regular foot care is the key to healthy feet

All foot care procedures can be divided into daily and weekly procedures.

Every day you can pamper your feet:

  • massage- it perfectly relieves tension, fatigue of the lower extremities. Contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • Trays- depending on the content of the foot bath, it can tone, relax, relieve swelling, fatigue, and even produce a healing effect.
  • Cleansing procedures- while taking a shower, rub your feet and legs with a stiff brush. So you clear the skin and activate blood circulation.
  • Nourishing, moisturizing creams.

No more than once a week, but regularly, the feet should be cleaned of rough skin. To do this, you need to steam the feet for 15-20 minutes in warm water, after which remove the stratum corneum with a pumice stone or a special scraper.

After cleansing, you can apply a foot mask that will moisturize the skin and help get rid of cracks, calluses and corns.

Once every 7-14 days, do not forget about the pedicure, where pay special attention to the nails.

Causes of leg discomfort

There can be many reasons for discomfort. Foot health is affected by both internal and external factors.

Firstly, it is a sedentary lifestyle, overweight. Due to sedentary work, the blood circulation of the lower extremities is disturbed, as a result of which swelling and dryness of the feet appear.

Secondly, the wrong shoes. This can lead to the appearance of corns, corns.

Thirdly, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene can cause various fungal infections.

Fourth, an ineptly done pedicure will lead to ingrown nails and infection of the skin.

Nail care

It is equally important to take care of your toenails. They should be cut regularly, paying special attention to the technique of this procedure. An improperly cut nail causes the nail plate to grow into the skin. Sometimes this can lead to surgery. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

  • Cut the nail straight without rounding it;
  • File with smooth movements from right to left, or vice versa. This technique minimizes the negative impact of the file on the nail and prevents its delamination;
  • Do not cut off the nail on the thumb “at the root”, it should be slightly longer than the rest.
  • The cuticle on the toes does not need to be cut, it is enough just to push it back with an orange stick, or other tool.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can not worry about the condition of the nails, because they will always be healthy.

What problems are fraught with ill-fitting shoes

At first glance, the legs are not the most important part of our body. Most of the year they are hidden under shoes, and some problems (cracked heels, fungal infection of the nails) can be "masked" by wearing closed shoes. But neglecting the health of the legs can lead to more serious problems that affect all organs. For example, wearing uncomfortable shoes, a woman runs the risk of rubbing a corn, due to discomfort, the foot takes the wrong position, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, it deforms, and this entails problems associated with the normal functioning of the abdominal organs. This is a slightly exaggerated situation, but quite real.

In addition to high heels, shoes that are too tight or too loose have a negative effect on the feet. Because of such boots, shoes, sneakers, the foot takes the wrong position, gradually deforms. In addition, no one is immune from the appearance of corns.

Shoes should be comfortable, comfortable, made of natural materials, with a normal heel height (it should not be felt).

Foot care products

The beauty industry offers a huge range of foot care products. There are quite a lot of them, each performs its function. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Scrubs, peeling - products designed to remove dead cells. Apply to soft areas of the skin from the knees to the feet. It is recommended to use scrubs before the depilation procedure to prevent ingrown hairs. It is enough to carry out peeling every 7-10 days.
  2. masks - cosmetics that moisturize, nourish and saturate the skin with useful substances. Pamper your feet with masks once a week after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed. This tool can be bought at the store, or made independently from existing products.
  3. Foot bath products - a substance that is added to the water, where the feet are subsequently placed. Depending on the content, they are able to relax, reduce swelling of the feet, heal the skin, and even contribute to recovery from a cold. They can be used both daily and with a short period of time (from several days to a week). Foot baths can be done with the addition of:
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.),
  • essential oils (for example, tea tree, lemon balm, mint),
  • other natural ingredients (soda, sea salt),
  • purchase funds.

Massage and gymnastics for legs

Foot and leg skin care in general involves such a pleasant procedure as massage and gymnastics. Scientists have proven that a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, massaging which you improve the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and activates the internal strength of the body.

Every day, with pressing and rubbing movements, walk along the entire foot, starting from the socks, moving to the heel. Pay special attention to each finger.

In addition to massage, the legs require special health-improving gymnastics. It is not complicated at all and takes a minimum of time and effort, and the effect is felt instantly.

  • Standing upright, rise on your toes and lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Walk on your toes around the perimeter of the room for a couple of minutes.
  • Stand on the inside of the foot and walk a few circles around the room, then change the position of the feet, standing on the outer edge of the foot.
  • In a sitting position, squeeze your toes with force, and then sharply unclench. Repeat the exercise 5 times for each leg.
  • Pick up an object from the floor with your toes.
  • While sitting at the table, roll the ball with your foot to improve blood circulation.

These few exercises will help restore vigor to the whole body and relieve tension after a hard day's work.

Never miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on grass, sand, pebbles. Even if you walk on the scattered children's designer on the carpet, you will involuntarily massage your feet.

Foot care at home. Folk remedies

Foot care at home does not require a lot of special knowledge and skills. Making baths, masks, scrubs from existing products, you not only fill your legs with life, energy, but also practically do not spend money.

Sea salt bath

This bath can be done daily. Pour a handful of sea salt (or ordinary table salt) into a basin of warm water and place your tired legs there. After 15-20 minutes, there will be no trace of fatigue.

Contrast foot baths

Take 2 containers, pour warm water into one and cool water into the other. Alternately dip your feet in cold and warm baths. This procedure perfectly relieves swelling, but is contraindicated in varicose veins.

Baths with the addition of St. John's wort

Great for healing cracked heels. For such a procedure, you need 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort to pour 1 liter of boiling water.

egg mask

For 3 days, this mask will eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat from the feet. You will need 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat the egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients. We apply the resulting mixture on the feet, after which we put on socks and go to bed. Wash off the mask in the morning.

Peeling with orange peels

Gently cleanses the skin and gives it a healthy look. Grind the dried orange peels, add olive oil and apply the resulting mass on the skin with massage movements from the knees to the fingertips. Then rinse off with warm water.

Beautiful, healthy feet and heels are not a myth, but a reality. Every self-respecting woman should take care of her legs, because a girl is not at all difficult, does not require much time and money. Regularly cleansing the skin, using masks, massaging the feet, you can transform any legs beyond recognition. Please yourself with pleasant procedures, and then you will not be afraid of the problems associated with your legs.

In the fight for beautiful legs, a new electric file can also help you , which millions of women have already experienced.

The skin of the feet needs to be taken care of most of all, as it regularly experiences tremendous stress.

The basic rules will tell you how to take care of your feet:

  1. Comfortable shoes.

Wearing the right shoes is very important for good circulation in the lower extremities. Boots and shoes made from natural materials promote skin respiration and reduce the development of the consequences that occur after long hours spent on your feet during working hours.

The selection of shoes is carried out according to the season, the heel should be stable and not too high. Incorrect choices can lead to bunions on the foot or an ingrown toenail.

  1. Daily hygiene care.

After a hard day's work, you need to take care of your skin. It relieves fatigue well with a contrast shower, a warm bath with sea salt. After water procedures, it is worth doing a self-massage of the feet and ankles using a moisturizer.

  1. Nail care.

To prevent ingrown toenails, experts recommend regular pedicures. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

  1. Rest for the legs.

Read also: What does an MRI of the feet and heels show?

In summer, you need to walk barefoot on small pebbles, sand or earth. When walking, there is a massage of vital points on the foot, which are responsible for health and youth.

  1. Regular exercise.

Do not forget about daily exercises for the legs. The elements of classes can be the simplest - walking on "toes" and on the heels, drawing and rotating the feet, grasping objects with the fingers.

  1. Timely treatment of diseases.

When pathological processes appear on the skin of the legs, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to visit a specialist to determine the disease and the treatment regimen in order to avoid the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Regular foot care

All foot care procedures at home can be divided into daily and weekly.

  • Massage, as it reduces muscle tension and fatigue.
  • Foot baths - tone up, have a relaxing effect and remove swelling.
  • Cleansing measures using a hard brush or sponge to improve the trophism of the skin.
  • Nourishing the skin with oily creams.

Some methods are contraindicated for problems with veins.

Once a week, you should rid your feet of dead particles of the epidermis. To perform this procedure, it is necessary to steam the legs in hot water and then run a special scraper or pumice stone over the feet. The application of masks from cracks and calluses after a warm bath has a positive effect.

Nail care

Proper care of the nail plates on the legs is important. They should be carefully cut with tweezers to prevent ingrowth of the nail edge into the skin:

  • the nail should be cut straight, without rounding it;
  • file sharp corners to reduce the impact of the file and prevent delamination of the plate;
  • the nail on the thumb should be left a little longer than on the rest;
  • the cuticle of the fingers must be pushed back with a special tool;
  • applying varnish, especially in summer, can protect against fungal diseases and microbes.

Read also: Effective Ways to Increase Leg Length

Heel and foot care

It is important to properly care for the skin of the feet:

  • in the summer, before going outside, it is worth applying a nourishing cream to the feet;
  • regularly carry out self-massage of the heels with moisturizers;
  • do water treatments for the legs and cleansing scrubs in the evenings;
  • you can remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone;
  • use moisturizers more often. For better absorption, it is recommended to wear socks.

Properly selected shoes

Good shoes made of quality material can prolong the youthfulness of the feet and reduce fatigue and stress during the working day or during long walks.

Do not buy boots or shoes in the morning, as by evening the feet and ankles swell, which can make shopping tight and uncomfortable. Tight shoes lead to ingrown toenails and crooked toes. Too wide a piece of clothing contributes to the appearance of corns and keeps the muscles of the legs in tension, which causes chronic fatigue in the lower extremities.

For daily use, it is worth giving preference to boots with a small heel with a flexible sole.

Foot care products

Foot care at home is carried out using simple and affordable means.

Essential oils

They are able to positively affect the skin of the feet and heels. Each of them has its own effect and is capable of:

  • relieve dry skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • deeply moisturize;
  • heal small wounds;
  • reduce swelling.

The oil can be mixed with creams or used in its natural form. For the skin of the legs, extracts from avocado, almond, peach, rosewood, arborvitae are used.

Read also: What does burning in the legs from the knee to the foot indicate?

Herbs for care

The healing properties of plants are used to reduce sweating in men, unpleasant odors, as a disinfectant and decongestant. Some decoctions soften the skin.

Herbs are prepared as a concentrated infusion and added to the bath. Chamomile, linden, sage, stinging nettle are perfect for these purposes.

Massage and gymnastics for legs

Foot care at home can be done through special exercises and self-massage sessions.

Impact on the feet using special techniques can improve the functioning of all internal organs and increase blood circulation in the tissues. Massage should be done with rubbing movements, paying attention to each finger.

The elements of therapeutic gymnastics do not take much time and allow you to restore vigor, keep your legs healthy and fit, and also improve muscle flexibility.

Approximate set of exercises:

  1. in a standing position, rise on your toes and fall on your heels;
  2. walk on your fingertips around the room;
  3. walking on the inner and outer surface of the feet;
  4. sitting on a chair, squeeze and unclench your toes;
  5. pick up objects of various shapes and sizes from the floor;
  6. rolling a ball or water bottle while working at a computer or watching TV.

Foot baths

  1. Bath with sea salt. Pour some salt into a bowl of warm water. This method well relieves fatigue after physical activity.
  2. Contrast baths reduce swelling and tone the skin. To perform the procedure, two containers are used, in one of which cold water, in the other - hot.
  3. Cracks on the heels are healed by a bath with a decoction of St. John's wort. 2 tbsp soak the plants in hot water. Add the resulting infusion to the basin and soar the feet.

Beautiful female legs have always been and remain the pride of the fair sex. They never cease to be admired by men. In most cases, beautifully shaped legs are born. But every woman is capable of making them well-groomed, it is worth making a little effort. Today, there is a certain number of requirements for the appearance of the legs, both female and male.

Professional care, like foot care at home, includes a whole range of procedures: foot care, depilation, cellulite removal, preventive measures for foot diabetes, therapeutic measures for varicose veins, various baths and others. To regularly maintain a healthy and aesthetic appearance of the legs, you must follow the rules.

The main principles in care

Taking care of the legs is not difficult, but you need to know a few rules:

  1. Convenience and comfort. Wear comfortable and practical shoes. It is very important to choose the right size, take into account the season, the climate in which you live. Shoes made of natural leather allow the skin of the feet to "breathe" and ensure proper thermoregulation of the feet. Due to this, the negative impact of long-term standing is reduced.

    When wearing uncomfortable and narrow shoes, a large number of corns and so-called corns appear. The bone begins to grow, an ingrown nail is formed, possibly even a curvature of the spine. If it so happened that you, for example, ordered shoes on the Internet, and they turned out to be tight, be sure to stretch them before you start wearing them.

  2. Daily hygiene care. Even if you feel extremely tired, make it a rule to wash your feet every day. In parallel with this, you can perform a kneecap massage. To eliminate the effect of roughness and cracking, you should rub a greasy cream based on lanolin at night. A contrast shower is very useful for the legs. After that, you need to dry the skin thoroughly, especially in the area between the fingers.
  3. Regular care. Professionals in cosmetology advise visiting a pedicure room 2-3 r. per month from spring to autumn, and in winter - 1 p. per month.

    In addition, baths should be taken repeatedly throughout the week: relaxing, nourishing and tonic.

  4. Vacation for legs. In the summer season, when the earth has warmed up, give free rein to the legs. Running barefoot on young grass while in the country, or on the surf while relaxing on the sea, is very good for your feet. Firstly, the air and the sun will refresh them, and secondly, this is a great foot massage that will provide vigor to the legs.
  5. Regular gymnastics. Use every opportune moment to perform leg exercises. Simple movements are enough: circular rotation of the feet, grip (when you try to take something with your toes), “bike” in a lying position, “up and down” on your toes, etc.
  6. Down with the hairline. Even the most graceful female legs in the presence of hairy vegetation, regardless of the scale, lose their attractiveness and are unlikely to be liked by anyone.

Folk care products

Many people prefer folk remedies for their reliability, simplicity and affordability. They guarantee the effectiveness of the use for medicinal purposes and absolute safety for health.

The most popular are the following types of funds:

  • For cracked skin on the feet. 2 tbsp. l. nettles, after grinding, you need to pour liquid in the amount of 1 liter. Endure several hours. Immerse your feet in this infusion and soak for 10 minutes. Finish off with a light foot massage.
  • From itching, swelling, peeling and calluses. Finely chop the nettle root, in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Pour into a glass of boiling sunflower oil for 1 minute. The finished mixture is cooled and applied to the feet.
  • From bad smell. Beat a raw egg, mix it with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Before going to bed, lubricate your fingers and put on plain socks to increase the effect (three times is enough).
  • Against sweating. 100gr. oak bark pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 0.5 hours. Baths from this decoction to do before going to bed.

Foot care methods

For foot care, procedures such as cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, toning and relaxation in the form of a massage are used. The cleansing procedure is very easy to perform. First, an emollient is applied - scrub or serum. After that, immerse the legs in a bath containing extracts of medicinal herbs for 10-15 minutes.

Foot baths have different effects, here are some of them:

  • contrasting, for toning and improving blood circulation;
  • relaxation, based on medicinal herbs and their oils, to relax muscle tone and relieve muscle tension;
  • against colds, using mustard, for warming, ensuring blood flow, reducing inflammation;

First, the feet are steamed, then cleaned with soapy water and a brush. For relaxation, add a drop of essential oil to the bath. After the procedure, rough skin areas are removed with special scrubs or pumice stone. Corns and calluses are carefully cut off.

The nails are cut in a straight line so as not to get an ingrown nail. The cuticle is removed with nail scissors. Next, a nail polish or a strengthening agent is applied.

The key to a healthy foot condition is a balanced diet. The menu should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

As a support for hydrobalance and regeneration, it is recommended to use natural products in the form of appropriate oils, creams and masks. It is useful to make healing foot baths and remove hardened particles. Then apply a light layer of cream or oil.

You can make your own moisturizer. To do this, mix a little tea and citrus tree oils, mint with olive oil, and you can use it.

Masks with moisturizing and nourishing properties can be made in your own kitchen without leaving your home:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. grind cottage cheese with kefir. The mixture is evenly distributed on the feet and aged for 0.5 hours. Then the area of ​​​​the feet is lubricated with an oil or cream;
  • grind a ripe banana and mix with kefir, the mixture will turn out to be a little liquid-like. Apply to the area of ​​the feet for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with cream or oil;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey mixed with 1-2 tbsp. l. warm milk. Apply the mask for 20-25 minutes. Do not forget to grease with cream or oil.

Cracking of the skin of the foot can be removed with the help of masks from finely chopped cabbage leaves. The mixture is applied directly to the surface of the foot and wrapped in a film for 1 hour.

Refresh your feet with talcum powder, various creams, lotions or deodorants. They include antiseptics, antibacterial components, essential oils and zinc oxide. IA can be completed with a light massage using aromatic oil products.

In the presence of varicose veins and increased blood clotting - massage effects on the feet can be dangerous to health! Be sure to consult your doctor!

Foot care cosmetics

High-quality foot care will be provided by a complex of professional cosmetic preparations. Foot care products should have therapeutic, preventive, cosmetic and other properties.

Foot cosmetics are divided into: oily, creamy, scrubbing, peeling creams, in the form of masks and other products that will effectively act on the feet as a disinfectant, moisturizer, nutrition, etc. Varieties of pedicure are also related to the ways of caring for the feet.

Classic pedicure includes several stages:

  • Steaming the legs in a special decoction or infusion for about 15 minutes;
  • Getting rid of corn formations and corns;
  • Removing the excess part of the cuticle;
  • Care of toenails in terms of giving them the desired shape;
  • Application of moisturizing and softening cosmetics to the skin;
  • At the end of the pedicure - a light massage of the feet and coating of the nails with colored varnish or a medicinal preparation.

Performing a European pedicure includes the following steps:

  1. The regrown cuticle is removed with a special solution.
  2. The base of the nail is being prepared.
  3. The nails are given a certain shape.
  4. A cosmetic moisturizer and emollient is applied.
  5. Removal of keratinized skin after 15 minutes. after the previous step.
  6. Massage movements apply cream to the surface of the feet.
  7. Covering the nails with a stylish "french".

Hardware pedicure procedures involve:

  • Treatment with a disinfectant.
  • Softening the skin of the legs with a special tool.
  • Removal of the coarsened layer of the skin with the apparatus.
  • Treatment of the cuticle of the nail with the apparatus.
  • Giving nails the desired shape.
  • Foot surface massage.
  • Covering nails with varnish or a special hardener.

The spa pedicure includes the following treatments:

  • Cleansing the surface of the nail;
  • Application of cosmetics;
  • Peeling of the surface of the feet;
  • Removal of corn growths with serum;
  • Peeling with a scrub;
  • Giving nails the desired shape;
  • Applying a nourishing mask;
  • Light massage.

Based on personal preferences, as well as the condition of your feet, together you can choose the most suitable pedicure option for yourself.

Careful self-care, as well as care for hands and feet, includes the most important thing - an attitude towards oneself. Nowadays, for self-care, you can arm yourself with all handy and cosmetic products. If you are ready to embark on this path, then go ahead and let your legs always look stunning!

Ideally, our feet need daily care and restoration. Question: How to care for your feet and why proper foot skin care is a guarantee of health, this article is devoted to.

The average person takes 7,000 steps a day. The entire load is distributed on the surface of the foot. It’s good if you have comfortable, correct shoes, normal weight. In the opposite case, the legs experience colossal overloads.

Why take care of your feet every day

The feet need special care. A small area of ​​the foot is under enormous stress. She is strong, but at the same time defenseless. Well-groomed feet are not only a tribute to beauty, but a physiological necessity. Healthy feet improve overall well-being.

The skin of the feet is dense, but defenseless. The fact is that there are no sebaceous glands in it. The sebaceous glands are required to prevent moisture loss, to ensure an even distribution of the hydro-lipid film that protects the skin.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the condition of the feet directly affects the condition of the whole body. On the feet are reflex zones that are associated with parts of the body. Direct influence on biologically active points affects one or another organ.

Why foot care and unloading procedures are vital

The skin on the feet is 7 times thicker than on any other part of the body. In 705 cases, we wear uncomfortable and unsuitable shoes. Feet are often exposed to cold and intense heat. A sharp transition from heat to cold and vice versa is harmful to the skin. The skin on the feet is dry. They are especially affected. Cracks, calluses and corns form on them.

Dead skin cells accumulate on the skin of the legs, especially on the heels, feet and skin around the toes. These are old cells, through the layer of which not a single cream will “break through”. It makes no sense to waste quality, expensive foot creams and apply them to "dead" cells.

Over time, without care and cleansing, old cells thicken and remain on the skin of the legs in the form of thickenings, corns. If you do not clean off the layers of old skin, then the seals increase.

The skin on the legs loses elasticity, and cracks appear, touching the living skin. Cracks in the legs cause pain when walking and are an open gateway to any infection.

Pain when walking changes gait due to improper distribution of the load on the spine. After gait, posture changes for the worse, and deterioration in posture leads to a faster change in facial features and aging. The neck moves forward, a hump forms, the blood supply to the brain and facial tissues deteriorates. Here is such a chain.

Foot care steps or how to feel light

The first step in foot care is cleansing and a salt bath. Baths with sea salt soften the skin and prepare for further care.

The second stage of foot skin care is the removal of rough skin and corns. For this procedure, peelings based on fruit acids, scrubs with sea salt, and foot files are used.

Finishes home care for the skin of the feet with the application of a nourishing cream and massage. Foot care cream should contain caring and softening components: urea, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, plant oils. Massage and a set of exercises for the feet and legs complete the treatment. Perfectly soften the skin of the legs.

To sum up: important points of foot care

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Buy new shoes in the evening when the foot is more swollen.
  • Do leg exercises every day
  • Sit with your feet up most of the time
  • Do not walk barefoot in swimming pools, saunas and other public places where you can pick up a fungus
  • Twice a week do foot baths with sea salt and herbs
  • Regularly cleanse the skin of old cells
  • Apply emollient cream only on clean skin of the feet.
  • In advanced cases, visit a podiatrist and do a hardware pedicure

Video lesson: How to massage the foot. Massage for fatigue and before the pedicure procedure.

Hello, friends!

Today I want to touch on such a topic as foot care at home. After all, everything should be beautiful in a woman: the face, and hair, and arms, and legs, and thoughts, of course! And in order to wear skirts above the knee in summer at any age, it is necessary that the legs are smooth, have a beautiful shape, and the heels are certainly soft and tender.

How to take care of your feet at home, how to take care of your feet, heels and toenails and how to do it right, we'll talk.

How to properly care for legs, feet, heels and nails at home

How to care for your feet at home using cosmetic procedures, I will describe below. But proper foot care involves not only them.

To give your legs a beautiful relief, so that your legs are elastic, walk more, forget about the existence of an elevator. Very useful cycling and mountain climbing. If walking in the mountains every day is not possible, climb the stairs.

At home, it is advisable to do simple exercises, such as jumping up and especially.

So that the blood in the legs does not stagnate, regularly massage the legs: from the bottom up from the toes to the hips. Knead each toe, stretch, bend and unbend. It is also useful for the prevention of education.

Rub the soles well with your hands.

And also try to make an infusion of flax seed for a bath (you need to take two tablespoons of seeds per liter of boiling water).

How to take care of your heels

When you follow the foot care procedures described above, you are guaranteed beautiful heels at home, and it is not necessary to visit beauty salons. And it is also preventive education.

But in some cases, with rough skin, you can try additional care.

We will make a bath for the heels from soda and soapy water. We steam the heels well and again process them with pumice.

After that, we prepare a milk bath. Pour a glass of milk into a bowl of warm water and lower the legs for 10-15 minutes.

Then pat your feet dry with a towel and wipe with a slice of lemon.

Already after 7-10 such procedures, the heels will become smooth, pink and tender.

Make milk for the whole body and feel like Cleopatra!

If corns and cracks appear on the heels, then the matter is more serious. But there is a way out!

Masks and compresses for heels will help us: from apples, strawberries, potatoes and others. Recipes .

How to care for toenails

We need to know not only how to care for the skin of the legs, but also not to forget about the nails.

Beautiful well-groomed nails on both hands and feet speak of their mistress.

How to properly care for toenails?

We will probably talk more about how to do a pedicure at home next time. It's already a great article.

But briefly, in principle, everything can be described in a nutshell.

Steam your legs, move and carefully cut the cuticle, then you need to shorten the nails with scissors, file them and paint them with varnish.

Now they use the most extravagant colors, but exquisite French manicure and pedicure are always in fashion.