What flowers are usually given to men. How to give flowers to a man? What flowers can be given to a man

If women are given bouquets without any doubts about the appropriateness of the gift, then the question of whether it is possible to give flowers to a man causes a lot of hesitation and reflection. If you can give flowers to men, what kind?

How to do it right, so that a man, God forbid! not offended and did not consider the flowers a hint of dubious sexual orientation or lack of masculinity.

And if classical etiquette surrounds giving flowers to a man with many conventions and restrictions, then modern rules are not so strict. They do not require the strict execution of all the points provided for by them. Now you can give flowers to men at work, and on an anniversary, and in the family, and in general for any reason. It is allowed to present bouquets to both ladies and men.

What remains of the strict classics is that if the wife of the man to whom the bouquet is intended is present at the celebration, then they hand it to her.

However, this does not apply to sets of a bottle of wine and a flower arrangement, which floristry salons are so fond of now. They do it at a high artistic level. Compositions in baskets or in the form of boats or planes are really beautiful and moderately brutal. It's nice to present such grace to a man - a boss, a colleague, a teacher. Not to mention a loved one, husband or friend.

Do men give flowers for an anniversary

No matter how democratic the rules for presenting bouquets are, if flowers are given to a man for an anniversary, then the solemnity of the moment still obliges you to adhere to some points of modern etiquette. It is better to follow them so as not to inadvertently create awkward situations during the celebration.

As a rule, flowers: bouquets or compositions, are an addition to the main gift and in no way replace it. Anniversary is an anniversary. The event is rare and very solemn.

If a man is a very close friend or relative to you, you can safely give flowers, regardless of your age and gender. In the circle of relatives and friends, conventions soften and there is no difference: a young girl hands a bouquet to the hero of the day or an older lady.

If the bouquet is intended for a colleague and this is his celebration, his anniversary, a lady can hand it only when she is younger. Or the same age as the one who receives flowers. An older lady does not present the bouquet herself, for this you can use the services of any of the guests, asking him to provide such a courtesy.

  1. If the man to whom you are invited to the celebration meets guests with his wife, all bouquets should be presented to her. The flowers in the baskets go to the man. We talked about this above.
  2. You need to give flowers with your left hand. You can add a bottle of elite alcohol to the flowers. Why left, the question remained unclear, which raises doubts about the reasonableness of this rule.
  3. The wrapper of a bouquet or composition is strict, only ribbons or twine are used for decoration. Everything is clear in terms of packaging and decoration, it should be as concise as possible. A bouquet is a bouquet, but there must be brutality in the design. No ruffles, bows, dragonflies or butterflies.

A strict decorative matting imitating burlap, or silver or transparent cellophane will do just fine. A ribbon or decorative twine is tied in a knot, not a bow.

What flowers to choose

First of all, don't buy feminine flowers. A bouquet for a gift to a man cannot be light pink and girlishly tender. Small bouquets are also not suitable. A man should receive either a linearly elongated bouquet, or one solid flower on a strong stem. For example, maroon rose, white or purple calla.

Choose flowers with large buds on thick stems. To look reliable and durable, the way we want to see our men nearby: strong, strong, reliable. So choose flowers. Order compositions elongated in length. Spherical and flat bouquets in rosettes will not work.

The language of flower arrangements

As a gift for a man, you can choose:

  • burgundy roses,
  • callas,
  • dahlias,
  • chrysanthemums
  • lilies,
  • gladioli,
  • anthuriums,
  • delphinium,
  • bamboo,
  • orchids.

You can give your beloved man a bouquet of tulips. But remember that yellow tulips - to separation. Superstitions are superstitions - but it's better to check the omen. Choose any other color.
Each flower symbolizes some wishes or is intended to mark the qualities of character or indicate the level of accomplishments achieved.

  1. Chrysanthemums have long been given to men to celebrate their valor and courage.
  2. Orchids - as a wish for wealth and a statement of the fact of the solidity of the position of the gifted.
  3. Dark, almost black roses symbolize the warmest feelings of love or deep respect.

Is it possible to give forest and wild flowers to a man?

It is possible, but only if the celebration takes place in a narrow home circle. In the ceremonial hall, they will be out of place.

On what occasion can you give flowers to men

It is in vain that men are less fond of flowers than women. Flower shop workers note an increase in the number of orders by men for home decoration. They, like women, are pleased to see the beauty around them, which flowers so generously endow us with.
Therefore, any more or less suitable occasion will be appropriate to give flowers to men.

  1. First of all, flowers are given to men for an anniversary and a birthday.
  2. To celebrate achievements in studies, sports, at an exhibition or at a concert.
  3. At work, you can congratulate the boss on his birthday or as a sign of professional victories with flowers.
  4. Come up with many more reasons.

There should be no doubt whether it is possible to give flowers to men for an anniversary. Not only possible, and not necessarily for a celebration. In any self-respecting floristic salon, you should be told what flowers to choose for a man and how to present them correctly.

Or they will compose a composition in accordance with your wishes. You will only have to take into account the nature of the recipient, his tastes, hobbies and reflect this moment in the ordered bouquet or add the appropriate notes to the composition.

You may have to bring some attributes to the salon that symbolize the plot: a souvenir boat, a car, fishing rods or something else. Florists have enough imagination. And your bouquet for the man will be the best for the anniversary. And the hero of the day will surely appreciate it.

So what's the problem when it comes to men?

This is all our stereotypical thinking, developed over the centuries: flowers for women, meat for men (well, or now alcohol, for example). But after all, no one is surprised when an artist is presented with flowers or a basket of fragrant buds is presented to the hero of the day. So, after all, men's bouquets exist? Certainly! It is only important to take their choice responsibly. Then flowers will bring only joy. And no awkwardness.

Tips from the florist of Planet Flora company planetaflora.ru will definitely help you.

What is the present for?

In general, if the relationship with a man is close and there is no doubt that he will react positively to the gift, then it is not necessary to wait for a reason for such a manifestation of feelings. Just handing out one stem of an amaryllis or orchid is a great idea. But for everyone who goes beyond the circle of personal space, it’s still not worth presenting flowers for no reason.


However, there are many events where a bouquet would be very appropriate:

  • anniversary;
  • corporate holiday (for the boss);
  • the premiere of a film or performance, a sports victory, a presentation of a book, a picture;
  • conclusion of a contract, completion of a project (for a business partner).

Well, a beloved man can be pleasantly surprised on the anniversary of the relationship, February 23 or Valentine's Day.

What flowers are suitable for a men's bouquet

Theoretically, there are no restrictions. But if you give your boss a bouquet of pink roses, he will most likely be surprised. Best case scenario. And not because roses are a symbol of luxury and prosperity, but because they are pink. Delicate pastel shades are best left to the same ephemeral creatures, that is, women. For men, choose bouquets of rich, perhaps dark or neutral colors.

Traditionally, gladioli, daffodils, gerberas, heliconias and strelitzias, lilies, irises, dark callas, chrysanthemums, orchids, delphiniums, anthuriums, sunflowers are considered brutal. Less popular, but very masculine are considered amaryllis, veronica, ornithogalum, erimurus, protea. Look what an impressive list. And this is in addition to roses and carnations! And if you give a bunch of brassica (decorative cabbage) - be sure, the man will be amazed.

Just don't combine them. The path of the bouquet will consist of flowers of the same species. Strictly and stylishly.

Signs of a male bouquet

A bright and self-sufficient flower can be given in a single form. You do not even need to supplement it with decorative elements. Simple and masculine.

A bouquet is not welcomed with too many details. Traditionally, the male form is considered to be elongated (there is no escape from Freud and his powers of observation). Therefore, we leave round and fluffy compositions to the ladies. Like bows, ribbons and skirts. It is more appropriate to tie the stems with a simple ribbon or even twine. If you use wrapping paper, then the simplest and most conservative.

Excellent compositions can be created by combining a gift with flowers, for example, putting good wine or sweets in a basket with a bouquet. Thematic additions, indicating the passion or hobby of the gifted person, will make the bouquet truly unique.

If you are going to give flowers to a man, you can turn to the help of a florist or try to express emotions with a bouquet yourself. To do this, just go to a large flower shop and look for inspiration there, trust your feelings. The Planet Flora hypermarkets in Pushkino and Shchelkovo have such a large assortment that your imagination will have plenty to roam.

Usually men are given bouquets for birthdays and anniversaries. You can congratulate your partner on a professional holiday. Also, flowers are presented in honor of a sports victory, career promotion. You can bring a small bouquet when visiting the patient in and in some other situations.

Delight a man with flowers, meeting him from or just give a beautiful but courageous bouquet to yours. Male and female plants are different from each other. The choice of "male" flowers in bouquets will not be as diverse as the "female" ones.

Floristics in the selection of flowers for men adheres to a number of rules.

What flowers will be included in a men's bouquet

It is preferable to give flowers that he likes, and not carnations, as is customary in Russia. In cases where you do not know what kind of flowers your friend, colleague, relative or partner prefers, it is better to choose large ones with high legs. Dahlias and chrysanthemums with large inflorescences, large roses, irises and tulips are perfect for men's bouquets. The original will be a bouquet of exotic flowers - feces, orchids, anthuriums, bamboo and delphinium. When choosing a bouquet, try to make it match the age, social status and situation.

The bouquet can be made in a classic or modern style.

Bouquets of different flowers often look cheap and tasteless. Bouquets of the same flowers will be more refined. If you chose a mixed set, let the flowers in it be the same color. The color scheme is subject to certain rules: men are given blue, purple, white, burgundy or red plants.

It is customary to make a bouquet of an elongated shape, strict symmetrical or asymmetrical lines. This design of the bouquet emphasizes the beginning, as well as the courage and wisdom of the strong half of humanity.

Look to the language of flowers. For example, giving a man, you show your modesty and can not be afraid to seem intrusive.

White roses mean friendship, the same applies to chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums are versatile flowers, they look great both on the desktop and in the office. The gladiolus is considered a male flower, it symbolizes chivalry.

Knowledge about flowers and making men's bouquets will help you bring joy to your relatives and close men.

Thinking about what to give a man, they often somehow lose sight of flowers, believing that the representatives of the stronger sex are indifferent to them. In fact, they are no less pleased to receive beautiful bouquets than women. To avoid awkward moments, you need to do it right, taking into account some of the nuances that you will learn about from our article.

Features of etiquette

If you follow the classic etiquette, then there are age restrictions. It is believed that a woman can give flowers only to the eldest man for herself, and only to the one in whose honor the celebration is scheduled. Modern etiquette ignores these rules, so calmly present flowers, regardless of age or reason, but you can’t do without some recommendations:

  • When offering flowers, hold the bouquet in your left hand. A well-mannered man will kiss his right hand as a token of gratitude.
  • Prepare some nice compliment in advance.
  • Take care of the second bouquet for your wife, if you know that at the time of delivery she will be there.

When giving flowers to a man

Men are pleased to receive flowers not only on February 23rd. Such a gift will come in handy at an anniversary celebration, on professional holidays, on Boss Day, on the occasion of a victory - either creative or sports. To give flowers to your loved one, you don’t need to look for a reason, but there are days that you shouldn’t forget about. This is the wedding anniversary, and Valentine's Day, and the day of the first recognition, and any other personal holiday.

What flowers to give

When choosing a bouquet, consider who you want to give it to. Red roses are appropriate for a loved one or husband as a declaration of love, but by presenting it to the boss, the husband of a friend, declare a lack of taste, and you yourself can put them in an awkward position. There are other flowers that are considered male. These include plants that are a symbol of courage, confidence, stamina:

  • gladioli;
  • tulips;
  • cloves;
  • orchids;
  • glumeria;
  • anthuriums;
  • bamboo shoots;
  • gerberas;
  • callas;
  • irises;
  • sunflowers.

Men's bouquets differ from women's and in color. If the weaker sex is given flowers in delicate pastel colors, then for men they choose bright, saturated ones - purple, yellow, burgundy, white, red. When choosing a composition, take into account the person's personality, age, profession, temperament, hobby. If you guess right with the choice and the flowers emphasize some individual character trait, then such a gift will cause a feeling of special gratitude. Don't forget about age. Men are respectable, held more like roses, gladioli, chrysanthemums and carnations, and young - tulips, gerberas, irises.

Men's bouquet design

Round, ball-shaped bouquets are not what men give. The design in this case needs a specific one - a linear type. If you make it yourself, then choose thick, strong, long stems. The bouquet should turn out to be high, not very voluminous, it is better if it is monophonic. As a decor, use a thin ribbon or transparent paper to match the colors. Complement the bouquet with a beautiful jar of coffee, tea, a bottle of good expensive alcohol, a souvenir that matches the theme of the occasion, a box of chocolates. A bouquet in a basket is also not very suitable for men, unless it is in the form of a car, a sailboat, or decorated with purely masculine accessories, such as soccer balls, golf balls.

The choice of flowers for giving is a delicate matter, so listen to these tips:

  1. If you go to a man for an anniversary, give him a plain bouquet. You can order a basket for it in the form of the corresponding date. The numbers 30 and 50 look especially advantageous.
  2. It is better for a male colleague, a boss, to give exotic flowers.
  3. No matter how much you love wild flowers, not everyone shares your enthusiasm for them, so they are only suitable as a gift for loved ones.
  4. You can give a good friend sunflowers, supplementing them with at least hockey sticks, but only if you are convinced that he has a sense of humor.
  5. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity will be happy with such a flower as a "money tree", but before buying it, make sure that this man is able to care for him, otherwise the gift will become a burden.

Let's face it: men are not very used to receiving flowers as a gift, and they themselves present them to women less often than we would like. Moreover, why not break the stereotypes and start expressing your feelings through beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers. This will only make our life more beautiful.

Accepting flowers for the fairer sex is in the order of things. It looks organic and appropriate, and any gift accompanied by an additional “compliment” always looks more advantageous. Despite the deep-rooted traditions, it is also quite appropriate to give flowers to a man for an anniversary or birthday, if you observe some subtleties when choosing a bouquet and its design.

Rules of flower etiquette

In order not to embarrass the gifted person and so that the donor himself is not embarrassed, consider the following.

  • A men's bouquet should not be decorated with ribbons, the wrapper should be concise, and the flowers themselves should not be too colorful and bright, especially when it comes to congratulations on an anniversary.
  • Not being in a close or related relationship, a woman can present a bouquet to a man only if she is his age or he is older than her.
  • When choosing flowers, it is worth abandoning forest, meadow, field varieties. The only exceptions are cases if you present your present in private, at home or even in an intimate setting.
  • If the hero of the occasion meets you with his wife, she needs to give a bouquet, despite the fact that the owner of the house is supposed to be congratulated. However, there is an exception to this rule - the flowers in the basket must be handed over to the man himself.
  • A man's bouquet must be accompanied by sweets or an alcoholic drink.
  • If a person loves the exotic, it is not forbidden to present him with tropical plants. But do not forget that they should not be feminine, exude a sweet, delicate aroma.
  • Avoid when choosing pastel colors and delicate bud shapes. Give preference to large buds with a strong and even stem.

Symbolism of flowers

  • Roses. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, they can also be presented to the representatives of the stronger sex. Color plays an important role - it should be black or scarlet. A great option is a basket of roses.
  • Orchids. They are a symbol of material well-being, luxury, harmony. Giving orchids, you can express your admiration.
  • Callas. Majestic and elegant, they are a symbol of prosperity and luxury. You can present callas to a solid, purposeful man. It would be appropriate to present them to your boss.
  • Dahlias restrained dark tones. It is a symbol of wisdom, vitality. In ancient times, dahlias were grown exclusively for noble people. Today, they continue to symbolize greatness.
  • Lilies. They have always been a symbol of peace, tranquility, spirituality, hope. Lilies are usually given to close men - father, brother, husband.
  • Chrysanthemums. They can be presented to the representative of the stronger sex as a sign of valor.
  • You can present tulips to your loved one. It will be appropriate and pleasant in any situation. It is important to consider their color - they should not be yellow.
  • If you are still afraid of making the wrong choice, stop at the carnations. They are restrained and concise, some people even consider them rude. Carnations are devoid of an annoying aroma, and their features resemble the qualities of a male character - straightforwardness, determination, determination.


Women love to receive flowers both on occasion and without it. With men, the situation is a little stricter and far from any event can become an occasion.

  • Anniversary, birthday. It can be both laconic carnations and luxurious roses in a basket. Much depends on the nature of the recipient, his status in society and for you personally.
  • Achievements - sports, professional, creative - can also be encouraged with a bouquet.
  • It is appropriate to congratulate the male leader with flowers on the occasion of a professional holiday, successful completion of a project, etc.
  • It is customary to give flowers to a loved one on a men's holiday, Valentine's Day, Spouse's Day, an anniversary of marriage. In all these cases, you can follow your own and his personal preferences, up to a deviation from the rules of etiquette.

Bouquet design for a man

  • The design should be linear, not spherical. It is not necessary to decorate the bouquet with ribbons, bows and other decorative elements that add splendor. An exception can only be the tape with which it will be fixed.
  • The general outline of the wrapper should be strict, concise, and clear.
  • Give preference to discreet, dark tones in the decor.
  • Both the plants themselves and their color should be uniform. Do not give a man a hodgepodge from different varieties.
  • If the recipient has a hobby, the bouquet can be thematic - for example, it is made in a certain shape or decorated with thematic decorative elements.
  • Congratulating a person on a professional holiday, you can present a basket of flowers, and put the main gift into it.
  • If you are planning to give flowers to a man of age, you can stop at maroon roses.
  • Regarding professional, creative, sporting achievements, you can present a flower in a single copy with a large bud and a long stem.

Can I donate a plant in a pot?

If you have never given bouquets to your loved one before, but plan to do this without knowing his tastes, preferences and attitudes towards such gifts in general, you should first give a flower in a pot and evaluate the reaction.

If you like your gift, you can think about what bouquet you can give him.