Short poems about the new year for adults. New Year's funny poems for children

I wish New Year
Six-digit amounts to the account,
So that, having paid taxes,
We did not stretch our legs.
To laugh and love
We were happy all year.

Last year we all danced
By the green tree
All faces were stripped
About her needles.

This year we need to dance
Near the snow woman
We will enter the New Year together
Whole ones at least.

New year is coming soon
Have fun all the way!
Let the wine flow like a river
Everyone at the table laughs.

May this year succeed
And live without worries.
Don't suffer for no reason
Do not complicate your life!

I wish you a New Year
Eat a sandwich with caviar
For breakfast, dinner and lunch,
So that life does not cause trouble,
And there were a million friends
Help ready-made as soon as possible.

In the New Year, let it be on the table
There will be a lot of Olivier
Let the Christmas tree shine
Santa Claus is in a hurry to everyone!
He will not come light
Bring it in a bag
A lot of happiness, and good luck,
And goodness to all of us in the bargain.
All our dreams will come true
Fills souls with joy!

Let Santa Claus come to you
And he can fulfill all his dreams,
A huge bag will bring
And inside - he will put money!

I wish you under the clink of glasses
Exclaim: “New Year! Hooray!".
So that life becomes even happier,
I wish you only well!

I wish you friends
I have a comfortable life!
Pay all mortgage
And light it up at the disco
Eat, what would you like,
Not getting fat by a single gram.
May you be lucky all the time
Santa Claus will not let you down
And he will fill up with gifts,
Well, he will leave some money.

New Year is already coming
We wish you soon
Bomb Olivier with basins,
Trample the guests with his heels.

The hour of fun is coming
Smile, people.
Fatty sprat slides
And jumps into your mouth!

I wish you a New Year
Do not forget the code from the safe,
Remember exactly where you live
If you go to the tree at night!

And I also wish you
Do not sit with Grandfather in the sleigh,
Better movies on screen
Happy New Year, Russians!


(Lyrics to the music of the song "Jingle bells")

Let your smile shine on your face
After all, the New Year is already huddled on the porch.
May dreams come true and everything will be OK!
Let your friends fill the house for more fun.

On New Years, on New Years, let the frost crackle.
We wish you love and wealth!
Let the white winter circle and sweep.
We wish you all happiness and good!

Let funny laughter sound in every corner.
May the New Year bring good luck and success.
Welcoming Santa Claus comes into every home.
So let him fill it with comfort and warmth.

May the new year bring
A whole snow round dance
Funky pleasures
Incredible impressions.
So that feelings burn in hearts,
Cabbage grew in wallets.
So that there is always a full tank,
Abroad a mansion.
To Santa Claus
I carried gifts for a whole year!

I wish you on New Year's Eve
Catching your luck is smart
Pushing forward
And keep the tail with a carrot.

So that the holiday does not have to
You will fall under the tree,
So that your head does not hurt
And all wishes come true!

Happy New Year!
Open the door quickly:
Happiness is marking time at the entrance -
Everything will come true now.

All dreams and aspirations
Goals are all and all desires,
Crazy accomplishments
Will be in every endeavor.

Everything will succeed, whatever you want,
Will, stick together, grow together,
Joy will be day and night
And luck will smile!

Herring under a fur coat
On the festive table
Magnificent jelly,
Olivier salad.

Shampoos, tangerines,
Caviar sandwich ...
There is no picture tastier -
We celebrate the New Year!

We zhahnem to the chimes
We're plugged into the ceiling
Champagne sharahn
Over the coming year!

May he be happy
And bright for all of us
Pleasant surprises
Will please you more than once!

I wish you a whole load of health
Wellbeing trailer,
Always in a great mood
And happiness not to lose the recipe!

Let it be inspired
Soul all year long, full of hope
And the body will be hardened
From all diseases and troubles!

Happy New Year to you
Drink wine and not get drunk
To travel to resorts more often,
And disgustingly pamper.

Money in all pockets
And loans, so as not to know.
Do nonsense more often
To win in lotteries.

Celebrating the New Year,
You need to remember in advance
That in the night without delay
Adventure will overtake us.
We will eat to the bone,
Dance in the middle of the hall.
Let's drink without getting tired
Shout songs without knowing the words.
And then with all the parade
Let's sleep sweetly in a salad.
And such a mood
It will cover everyone, no doubt.
You can't be bored this night.
Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New 2019 Year of the Pig

Be careful this year
Be neat and well-groomed.
Always win, you are lazy
Believe in miracles from now on.

So what, what is the year of the pig,
We are definitely not them!
Be happy, carefree
Like a pig on the table, willing!

New Year is coming
He, of course, will pour us a drink!
(Do not get drunk just hard).
I wish everyone stable -
Eat two Olivier basins,
Wish the family happiness
Shout out the window to the people
Happy New Year,
Drive off the mountain with your tailbone,
Having flown to hell,
And having slept before lunch,
Celebrate this one again
Glorious holiday - New Year!
Have fun, honest people!

In the New Year, I wish
Do not forget where who lives,
This holiday is very stormy
Do not let your memory erase you!

Let the hangover not torment
Be in the morning like a cucumber
Fresh, fresh and crisp
Let the year be brilliant.

Do not let the money run out
Do not let the joy disappear
Fills the mood
The year of the dream makes everything come true!

Of course, there are not so many poets among us, but it is always pleasant to read poems at a festive family table or among friends. We have selected New Year's poems with completely different messages and themes, but they all praise the main symbol of this year - the Dog. So, we choose heartfelt words in rhyme for those closest to you!

Beautiful poems about the New Year

Boil champagne in a glass
Bubbles will fly around.
The old year hastens to say goodbye to us!
A new one enters like a new friend!
May he be full of inspiration
Joy, love and beauty!
Let him give the best moments
And make all your cherished dreams come true!
Open your door with hope
Looking forward to happy changes!
And he will step out of the snow blizzard
Under the native vaults of your walls!

Here's another year away from us,
Happy, sad and tired.
New Year's Eve hope is coming
Under the inspired clink of glasses.
What can you wish us all this new year?
Let it bring good luck and turn away the trouble.
Promises to let us meet again
Witch-night and next year.
Let the bird Gamayun flap its wing again,
And at her call, raising their glasses again,
We will gather, as now, at the festive table
And we'll drink in a year to a new beginning!
So, this year we will live gloriously,
All dreams will come true and a new circle will be closed.
The candles will light up again with a flickering fire,
And it will snow. And happiness will smile!

Let the New Year on an ice tray
An angel will bring you a crystal glass,
He will throw sparkling snowflakes on the bottom,
And from above it will pour intoxicating happiness.
And let in a golden-radiant cocktail
Everything will mix - snowfall, starfall -
To remember its aroma for a long time.
Let the angel leave for you a hangover
A nectar of admiration, just a sip
Adding kindness and fun there
And three drops of sadness to burn a little
Heavenly drink lovely lips
So that you sometimes remember
Who has been suspiciously rude to you,
Hiding love under a sarcasm shield ...

We are always looking for a fairy tale in everyday life,
We believe that someday she will come.
We, as children, become capricious
And more naive when it's New Year's.
Magic fills the house this night
And desires will fly off our lips again.
And in the family circle at a large table
Millions of people do not sleep this night.
New Year is a celebration of hopes and faith,
A holiday of light, love and naive dreams,
When everyone wants and waits, probably
So that Santa Claus gave him gifts.

And outside the window, the snow is quietly falling.
A year at the end of beautiful victories,
Everything was in him: both winter and spring,
The bitterness and sweetness of a glass of wine ...
There were victorious, bright ups,
There were falls, sooner and later.
There were smiles in a series of partings,
Many sincere words and confessions.
It was all in it, and now it's running out,
And the New Year, as always, comes to us
With Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a fairy tale,
Colorful, juicy, like the world of coloring.
The people believe only in the best holy,
After all, for a dream we need so little:
A little bit of miracle and a drop of warmth
The chimes and the sound of glass ...

This year has been different, no doubt about it
He beckoned with joy, frightened with misfortune ...
What are you bringing to us, New Year-entertainer,
With a silvery snowy beard?
Is happiness of the highest standard,
Summer, what warmth touches your cheeks?
What's in your hands, big and kind,
We don't know yet.
I'll put a note under the tree
So that she waited there for midnight:
"Give health to those closest to you,
Give me success and warmth! "
You are probably already outside the doors,
And I don't mind taking a break from the road.
New Year! We trust you
And, as a friend, we will meet this night!

Poems Happy New Year

This evening, bright, special New Year's,
I want to wish you very, very much,
So that in the Year of the Dog, any business started
You, no doubt, have always been on the shoulder.
Let in every new, bold beginning
You are always unrestrained in everything,
May you happiness, love and patience
On the back, a wooden goat will bring you.

Let this New Year of the Dogs
All the husks will be eliminated from life.
And joy and happiness will increase
And money will appear in your pockets.
Do not let luck and hope leave
Adversity, like last year's snow, will melt.
Let love and fun reign
And tomorrow is not tormented by a hangover!

Today I want love and a lot of happiness
Native words and home warmth.
May the year of the Dog take away bad weather,
Let everyone's dream come true!
And may the owner of next year
Promises you songs about his good.
Happy New Year everyone, and let the weather,
As soon as a holiday will remind you of yourself!

Poems about the New Year for adults

Every New Year is in some way a result,
December draws the line with white snow
And a stern accountant, or maybe God,
We will share a dream for credit and debit.

Every New Year is joy and sadness,
This is something of a find, but something of a loss ...
And in scraps in memory: "Well, well, let it ...",
And for something: "Thank you ... I didn't believe it already."

Every New Year is a reason to meet,
Phone calls, messages and letters,
Multi-colored cards, gifts and candles,
Decorations on the tree, reports and numbers.

Every New Year is a blank sheet of January.
I wish the family health and peace!
And I'll save the crystal "tink" for you ...
For love, for reciprocity - bow and thank you!

New Year, arrows converged
Ringing is like bells

Time after the shootout

Summarize the battles.
Every day is a fight too,
Old year, closing the doors
He took some of his friends with him.
But we are alive and we are breathing
And we need each other
And dreams of color.
I ask everyone to pour wine,
We will be together, we will live!

New Year is coming to us
By leaps and bounds.
To the peasants he carries
Girls with long legs.
Well, the girls are
Princes on bay mares.
New Year will save us all
From hateful worries, hassles.
New Year is coming ...
The striking of the clock will sound soon -
Fall in love all the way!

Funny poems Happy New Year

Carries the calendar away
Everyday boredom.
We will plunge, as of old,
Into a drunkenness for many days!

The bearded year is leaving
Let's bulge out seriously!
Already screwed knocking on the door,
Cheerful Santa Claus!

Snegureya in the cold
And having loaded the booze for future use,
He dragged in poetry and prose
Stained bag.

Freezing with excitement
We get out of the bag
Beads of dreams and inspiration
The light joy of fur.

Gingerbreads of yesterday's sadness
Slightly stale
And more "cabbage" for everyone,
Just so that not too much ...

To all poets according to a sonnet,
All the girls have earrings
Babam is sweet candy
Whiskey for strong men!

New toys for children.
Festive vanity!
The party begins!
Happy New Year, gentlemen !!!

Snow Maidens! You are a true miracle!
Support for Dadmorozov affairs!
By God, I won't grab you by the chest,
Only with tenderness I look after you.
That Santa - he has only reindeer,
Here is our Frost - he is a true man.
And may the Snow Maiden not always be appreciated,
But only with her the ancient holiday is alive!

Let Santa Claus have a crimson nose
He will make a contribution to your savings bank,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
Drinks good brandy
And Santa Claus out of the bag
will shake the currency snowball!

I am against the stormy New Year's drinking.
See the New Year - and die? ..
No, I will dilute the valerian with juice
And I will watch Galkin at night.

Thoth Galkin, chief deputy of Fili
And the very first guy in the village,
Celebrate this holiday in Israel,

No, it would be more correct to say, in Israel.
There even a month looks like a banana,
There seagulls sit on the wave.
It's good there - but I don't need to go there.
Where it’s good, I don’t always need it ...

And what have I forgotten in this foreign country? ..
There are a lot of worries in its land.
And I love frosts at minus thirty,
Since I am a Russian patriot.

Where is the homeland, so is Hallelujah!
From the bathhouse I will jump into the ice-hole out of longing.
And I'll stick a dozen snow women
On dashing New Year's days.

And I'll go skiing through the snowdrifts
Not haughty seconds.
And I will live to the very grave,
I am healthier than a Bengal bull.

So I sat dreaming like a simpleton
Looking into your sports paradise.
Well, the clock was already striking twelve,
And my wife shouted: "Open it!"

And the table was bursting with New Year's dishes,
And picking up a piece of balyk,
I decided: valerian not today.
And again he drank a liter of cognac.

Funny poems about the New Year

I'm lying under a tree blown up by a firecracker,
Devastated by the winter bustle,
And thoughts like a serpentine curl
Hanging lazily over me ...

Only my daughter is a fidget and a spinner -
Flickers like a garland of light.
I'm lying under a tree blown up with a firecracker ...
Well, let me be lazy at least a day! ..

Someone is knocking at my door.
I sleep at the edge of the wall.
I grabbed my panties and instantly get up,
But I don't open the door.

Wife with a hangover: "Who and sho?"
"Sleep already, grandpa!"
And I quietly approached
And I listen through the doors.

I stagger, but I stand
Still a little chills.
"Who's there!" - I say timidly,
But I think it's strict.

In response, a mute silence
Not a rustle, not a crunch ...
"But who has come ?!" - the wife grumbles,
Dull as cabbage.

I stuck my right eye into the "peephole",
And all in a drunken stupor,
And he opened the door as best he could.
And there is ... Yanvarik!

This is how my family decided:
for tangerines and sweets
on New Year's Eve I read
your poems on a stool.
Giving you a culture shock
often ate a delicacy.
But if there was a bad rhyme,
then they knocked out a stool!
And there was a portrait on the wall
an ancestor looked sternly from him ...
This is how I have been since childhood
I'm afraid of stools!

New Year's poems for a family holiday

May the New Year be knocking at the door
Let happiness lead
And let everyone believe in a miracle
On a wonderful holiday, on the New Year!

I want to wish you on New Year's Eve,
So that your son and daughter grow up in your house,
So that relatives and friends are faithful,
To be welcome guests and I!

I wish friends this New Year,
So that they go around the side of trouble,
To create, love
And they lived happily
So that women will certainly appreciate them!

Let the champagne flow like a river!
Everyone has fun and sings
With a friend, with a mother-in-law, with a son-in-law and with a wife.
The one who has drunk, let him pour another one!

Toast to the fulfillment of wishes
Everyone will make a guess today!
But wife, car, safe key
I won't give it to anyone today.

New Year, arrows converged
Ringing is like bells
Time after the shootout
Summarize the battles.
Life is not the enemy, but there are losses
Every day is a fight too,
Old year, closing the doors
He took some of his friends with him.
But we are alive and we are breathing
And we need each other
Wisdom is with us, God hears us,
And dreams of color.
I drink for us, for our old age,
I ask everyone to pour wine,
No matter how long we have left to live,
We will be together, we will live!

Poems about the New Year for children

Winter is in a hurry, bustling,
Wrapped in snow
All the bumps and stumps
Benches and stacks.

Mittens turn white
On the branches of birches
So that they do not catch a cold,
To withstand the frost.

Winter told the oak
Throw on fluffy fur
I put a fur coat on the spruce,
The warmth covered everyone.

Long and reliable
In the river, she held ice together.
You can walk along the river -
Come to us, New Year!

Snowflake dandelion
Winter will bring to your lips,
Only blows - and fluff
The seeds will scatter.

Dandelion flies
There is a fire in the windows
Winter evening frames
Palm to white stars.

Snow falls on houses -
Winter has come to us again!
Brought in a knapsack
Blizzards and drifting snow,
Cold, drifts, ice
And, of course, New Year!

Photo: requested by Google

Where was Santa Claus born?
Valentina Lancetti

Where was Santa Claus born?
Where did he live and where did he grow up?
- In our refrigerator!
He lives there now!

Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Titmouses are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose
This is Santa Claus.

Where does Santa Claus live?

Where does Santa Claus live?
Awesome question!
Not in a lamp, not in an alarm clock,
Let's see it in the fridge!

We decorate the Christmas tree
O. Grigoriev

Dad decorates the tree
Mom helps dad.
I try not to get in the way
I help to help.

Teddy bear

Clubfoot bear
He washes his nose in the morning with his paw,
It is New Year today
The first time is going to meet.

G. Novitskaya

Who the snowflakes
Did these?
To work
Who is responsible?
- I AM! - answered Santa Claus
And grabbed me
By the nose!

I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time
Blowing snowflakes through the window
In the courtyard of a growing Christmas tree
Sprinkled snow on the needles.
If Santa Claus knocks,
The Christmas tree's nose will not freeze.

Father Frost
Andrey Usachev

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You are probably frozen:
The day walked around the city
I froze my beard ...
Put your nose on the battery.
I will warm you now!

We celebrated the New Year
P. Sinyavsky

We celebrated the New Year:
Dad, mom, me and the cat
I drank a festive compote
Adults - champagne,
A terribly important cat
Eat sour cream

L. Yakovlev

Afraid again
Oversleep him,
I sat firmly on the chair
Blinked - and suddenly fell asleep.
I thought I slept through it,
But I got up in the morning
And he has come!


Father Frost
A. Shibaev

To our tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus walks alive.
- Well, Santa Claus! ..
What cheeks! What a nose! ..

Beard, beard! ..
And there is a star on the hat!
There are specks on my nose!
And the eyes are ... daddy's!

For a whole year we have been waiting for a holiday
And gifts and sweets.
In the snow yesterday I saw
Santa Claus trace!

And today - here he is, next to him!
Open up the bag soon!
You know how I taught for a long time
This little rhyme!

What color is New Year?
Lev Yakovlev

What color is New Year?
Merry, like a ginger cat!
It is silvery like a snowball
And multi-colored, like a bag ...

With wonderful gifts -
With a typewriter, doll, paints!
He is sunny in color
How next summer!

Father Frost

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
Grabs the fingers, pulls the ears.

But a happy evening comes in the year -
I'm expecting an angry grandfather to visit.
Gifts are brought and kind-looking,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.

Father Frost
S. Wheat

Santa Claus paper
Both gray-haired and important,
With a beard and a sack
With a wooden walkway ...

A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
Now standing on a chair
He is under the tree, on guard -

Waiting for the New Year.
- Quiet! Do you hear? It goes!

Meeting of Santa Claus
Nina Aksenova

We've been waiting for winter for a very long time
And with her and the holiday - New Year,
All because to our Christmas tree
Beloved Santa Claus will come.

And finally he came
So funny and big
With a curly white beard
With very kind eyes
And with fun games.

And he's not cold at all,
And even very, very warm!

Like our Frost ...
K. Vanshenkin

Like our Frost
This is such a beard
(Yes, yes, yes, that's such a beard)

Like our Frost
Here's a red nose
(Yes, yes, yes there is such a red nose)

Like our Frost
These are the boots
(Yes, yes, yes, these are boots)

Santa Claus, you are a hundred years old!
And you are naughty as a little one!


A blizzard is howling outside the window

A blizzard is howling outside the window
But the kids are not scared
Snow fun each other
Let's throw it in the yard!

We will build a snow fortress,
We make a snowman in it,
We will arrange a holiday for ourselves
Called winter!

Moms will be unhappy
Red on the noses
So what! And we are stubborn
We'll bring snow in our boots!

If the frost ends
Vladimir Danko

If the frost ends
The snow will melt white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?

Water will run from him
Streams to the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?

Kind Santa Claus,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our refrigerator!

Bear dream
A. Kostakov

Sympathizes with the bear
In winter, forest people.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.

Him a keg of honey
Left by Santa Claus,
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your palm.

But who will congratulate him?
You will not meet a daredevil.
You will wake up the lazybones -
What if the sides get wet?

New Year's worries
Victor Gvozdev

The sky in white watercolors
The sky is covered with snowflakes.
Is it really, really
Will it be New Years tomorrow?

It will be, it will be - that's for sure!
Everyone is talking about the holiday.
Means, I cook urgently
Chocolate box.

And then slowly,
So as not to scare luck,
I'll take it under the tree
And I will go to sleep peacefully.

What is New Year?
Elena Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy
On New Years it is golden,

It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

Father Frost
E. Tarakhovskaya

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And he is naughty like a little one!

He messed up the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he is naughty like a little one!

He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
And he is naughty like a little one!

Santa Claus walks across Crimea

Santa Claus is walking across the Crimea!
Santa Claus scolds winter!
He was seriously offended,
He was upset to tears.

Warm rain is coming in Crimea
On a winter holiday - New Year!
What to do here?
Cry don't cry -
Have to wear a raincoat!

He walks into the store,
Asks for a cloak and a hood,
The new umbrella is bright
To save gifts!
Grandfather walks through the city -
Squeezes out a beard!

Where does New Year come from
A. Usachev

New Year's Eve flies from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming out?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding in a fluff
In the frost in the beard.

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he climb behind the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve ...
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us!


In defense of Santa Claus
A. Barto

My brother (he outgrew me)
Brings everyone to tears.
He told me that Santa Claus
Suck not Santa Claus!
He told me:
- Don't believe in him!

But here herself
The door opened
And suddenly I see -
Grandfather enters.
He has a beard
Dressed in a sheepskin coat,
Sheepskin coat to the toes!

He says:
- And where is the tree?
Do children sleep?
With a large silver
Showered with snow
In a fluffy hat

And the older brother
Secretly confirms:
- Yes, this is our neighbor!
How can you not see: the nose is similar!
Both hands and back!

I answer: - Well, well!
And you look like your grandmother,
But you are not her!

What does the New Year smell like?

Fish in the aquarium
Please: open your mouth
-And explain, with a smile,
What does the New Year smell like?
-It smells like the clear sea,
Shells in the water
Dolphins who
They float to me in a dream!

On the fluffy rug
The beloved cat was sitting.
-Well, tell me quickly
What does the New Year smell like?
-It smells like fresh fish,
I was caught in the pond
And milk, but less often,
When I'm going to drink!

Forty I'm on a branch
Seeing at the gate
She asked: Hey neighbor,
-What does the New Year smell like?
She said: Cheese
-With shiny foil.
And maybe kefir,
Gold paper!

Now I will ask my brother:
-What does the New Year smell like?
-Bearded grandparents,
What will come to us on holiday!
Forest deer,
A hare, a gray wolf.
Painted balls,
And of course the tree!

All are wonderful,
Everyone dreams of their own.
And they are smart
But they don't know the main thing!
There is no festive picture
I will say and let everyone gasp
After all, there are tangerines in a vase
We smell like the New Year !!!