Thematic lesson "Bright Easter". Abstract of a lesson in fine arts in the preparatory group "Happy Easter!"

Simple ways to draw pictures for Easter.

Bright, festive Easter days evoke an extraordinary state of enthusiastic feelings and a sublime sense of grace. It is impossible to explain this in simple human language. For this, there are corresponding holiday rituals, which further emphasize the greatness and solemnity of this day.

To congratulate on a bright Easter day, and convey true, warm wishes, along with a piece of your soul, do-it-yourself drawings of the corresponding theme will help.

What to draw for Easter with children?

This celebration is associated with mouth-watering Easter cakes, bright eggs and green willow.

Drawings with children should be not difficult, but interesting.

Painted egg the most important attribute of Easter.

It will even be possible to draw it together with parents. 3 year old baby.

Easter drawing with baby

An equally important symbol of the holiday is Easter cake.

A very simple option can be tried to depict with older children.

Candle and Easter drawn by children with parents

A more complex option, with which Easter is inherently connected - temple or church... This option, will take a long time, will require certain skills and patience.

Easter symbol on a picture taken by a more experienced little craftsman with mom or dad

Alternatively, you can draw:

Simple still life in gouache

Kind bunny with dye

Uncomplicated Easter and eggs using paints

Video: Draw Easter: Easter cake, eggs

How to draw a drawing for Easter in stages and easily with a pencil for beginners and children?

The first steps of drawing should be started with the most basic details.

For example, let's choose a simple basket with bright eggs.

Simple Easter Drawing for Beginners

We prepare for work:

  • Plain and colored pencils
  • A4 paper sheet
  • Eraser
  • Black marker

We pass to creativity:

  • Visually divide a sheet of paper in half
  • In the upper part we make the outlines of the basket handle - a rectangle with soft corners

  • Add a sketch of the base of the product. This will be a shape similar to the previous one, but slightly wider.

  • We decorate the basket weaving with vertical and horizontal lines to get wide cells
  • We finish drawing the second line at the contour of the handle.

  • Decorating the handle with a bow

  • Filling the contents of the basket with eggs
  • We place the semi-ovals in any position until they take up all the free space

  • Bringing all the sketches to clarity with a black marker
  • After the marker is dry, erase the extra pencil lines with an eraser

  • Add brightness to the drawing with colored pencils

Video: How to draw an Easter egg?

DIY drawings for Easter with children in kindergarten and school

Children love to create on one's own... The main thing is not to interrupt this initiative. Even if these drawings are not completely perfect at first.

A soft, fluffy Easter bunny will want, and any novice artist can try to draw.

First, we do figure sketch:

  • Head and torso
  • A circle on the tummy (hereinafter it will be a basket)
  • Divide the muzzle into 4 halves (move the cross to the upper left corner)

Now in stages fill in the base:

  • We draw a head, bangs
  • Add perky ears
  • We sketch out funny eyes, nose, antennae, mouth
  • The bunny should jump merrily. Add paws
  • Rabbit has prepared a festive basket with gifts for friends - add an accessory
  • We fill it with eggs
  • Now let's sketch out the ponytail.
  • Add fur on the tummy

  • Erasing extra lines
  • Let's start coloring. Paints or colored pencils, if desired

Children's creativity for Easter

Drawings for Easter with paints for the competition

Painting with paints for competition in the visual arts is a very crucial moment.
After all, the task is not only to draw a picture, but also to put it on public display.

Since the topic is known to us, the task becomes easier. Knowing the main attributes associated with the celebration of Easter, we select them for the competition drawing.

  • First of all, we sketch out Easter. This will be the main object of our creation.
  • We wrap the cake with a beautiful ribbon
  • We decorate with a flower
  • Add sketches of the tablecloth on which Easter settled
  • We make all the contours with a simple pencil, slightly noticeable
  • Sketching out the outlines of Easter eggs, willow twigs
  • The main silhouettes are made
  • Removing extra lines with an eraser

Next stage - work with paints.

  • Color the Easter base with a light brown color

  • When the watercolor dries, apply the next layer
  • To do this, dilute the previous color with water, tint the base and the creamy part of the cake, as shown in the figure
  • Then add darkening for Easter with a reddish brown shade.
  • On the protein decoration of Easter, we make dark pink blotches

  • Color the ribbon in pink, diluted with water
  • Give the flower an ultramarine tone
  • Enhancing the shadow for Easter

It's the turn background design.

  • Coloring: the upper half of the still life in a blue tone, and the lower half with a mixed blue and aquamarine tone
  • Next, fill the twigs and Easter eggs with the selected color.

An original, creative approach to participate in the competition

Video: Video lesson: “Draw the Easter Bunny Gouache! "

Everyone, even a novice artist, can have your vision of the holiday.
It is not necessary to take as a basis for drawing regular attributes Easter. Maybe it will be yours personal feelings, different from the usual. The main thing is to draw a picture from a pure heart, with love and faith into this sacred tradition. Then anyone who sees your drawing will understand what emotions I wanted to convey to the artist with this drawing.

Easter fantasies

Video: How to draw a hare for Easter?

Synopsis of directly organized cognitive activity for older age on the topic: "Easter eggs"

Developed by the educator of the senior group of 1 qualification category Volkova Alexandra Alexandrovna

The lesson is integrated.

1. Expand children's knowledge of Easter traditions. Continue to consolidate knowledge about the symbols of Easter.
2. Acquaintance with new words: Easter eggs, Krashenki, Easter cake, curd Easter. Pronunciation of new words.
3. Develop memory, attention, expand active vocabulary with colorful adjectives on the topic.
4. Part 2 of the lesson scribbling eggs according to the scheme.

Soft toy - Coco chicken, photographs depicting Easter eggs, cakes and Easter cottage cheese, bible.

Preliminary work:
Consideration of illustrations, bibles, talks about the holiday of Easter.

Course of the lesson:

The teacher in an apron and a kerchief sweeps the floor, wipes the dust, washes the window to the accompaniment of Easter music

Easter music sounds, the teacher hums….

Why do you think I started cleaning?
To keep it clean!
That's right, but do you know what holiday I'm preparing for?
give different answers.
Describes how cleanliness of the house and the Bright holiday of Easter are connected:
Easter, or in another way - Bright Sunday of Christ, is a holiday of purity and spring, a holiday of beauty, goodness and joy. Why is this holiday called that? And all because a long time ago, this word was called the passage of a person from death to resurrection in heaven. So Jesus was crucified on the cross, and then he rose again and now looks at us from heaven. And if the Lord God has come to life, it means that he is with us again, will again help us in all our good endeavors. By this day, it is customary to clean up the house and around it.
To learn more and more about Jesus Christ, after class or at home, we will review and read the Bible.

In the meantime, consider the photos that I have prepared for you:

We approach the stand.
1. Why exactly eggs are the symbol of Easter?
The egg is a symbol of new life, the resurrection of Jesus Christ
2. Why do you think it is customary to paint eggs on Easter?
Painted or painted eggs are a symbol of spring, and in spring everything comes to life, blossoms and blooms.

3. Why is it customary to change (give) colored eggs?
Because by doing so we wish people health and kindness.

There is a legend on this account:
On the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, one woman went to the market with a basket of eggs and told everyone that a miracle had happened, Jesus Christ was resurrected. On her way, a man met, he was surprised, did not believe her words and said, if Jesus is truly risen, let your eggs become multi-colored! In less than a minute, the eggs in the basket became multi-colored. Since then, it has been customary to Christ on Easter, that is, to exchange eggs (symbols of new life), to say Jesus is risen, and to answer - indeed he is risen!

4. What is the name of this exchange? - to christen
5. Think about what else is customary to cook for Easter? (bake cake and make cottage cheese Easter)
6. How do you celebrate Easter at your home? (listen to each child's answer)

Guys, how interesting we were with you today!
I told you a lot about Easter and you told me too. What do you remember?
Children are supposed to remember the legend about colored eggs.

I suggest you play.
Dynamic pause:
I will tell you different holiday traditions, and when you hear Easter, clap your hands once.
1. Christmas tree decoration
2. Inflating balloons
3. Making curd Easter
4. Singing the song "Loaf"
5. Blowing out the candles on the cake
6. Dyeing eggs
7. Consecration of Easter cakes in the church

Do you remember what dyes and Easter eggs are?
Now, I invite you to make your own Easter eggs!

To do this, I suggest that you choose your place at the tables and carefully look at the objects lying in front of your eyes.
What do you see?

This is a diagram of the picture….
That's right - this is a scheme for painting an egg, or an Easter pattern. It consists of several elements.
In the first diagram, what do you see?
On the second - an oval, but inside it?
Cucumber, feather, inverted water droplet ... ... and circle
We will call this pattern a cucumber, and inside the cucumber there is a circle
What do you see in the third diagram?
Oval, a circle inside a cucumber, a spiral inside a circle
Everything is correct
On the fourth?
Oval, cucumber, circle, inside it a spiral, and around the circle petals
On the fifth?
Oval, cucumber, circle, spiral and petals around the circle and line from the flower to the beginning of the cucumber
On the sixth?
Everything is the same, only there is a fence on the line, very similar to thorns

I suggest you repeat this pattern on your leaves.

You can see that you already have the first and second schemes, you just need to circle the oval and the cucumber along the drawn line, starting from the point, and moving the felt-tip pen in the direction of the arrow, without lifting the felt-tip pen from the paper. Can you draw a spiral? First, we will draw a point inside the circle, and then we will draw continuous lines around this point.
Next, continue on your own and we'll see what you get!
Some of you can complement the drawing with your own pattern, because today you have learned a lot.
Have you painted? Well done! We got the most real Easter eggs! Soon, they can be made with dyes! Because they will serve as coloring pages for you.

I praise the children, I give recommendations to someone.

In our free time, we will cut out what you have done and make one very large Easter egg that will be PAINTED WITH YOUR SCRIPTS!

Project: short

Implementation period: from 30.03.2013 until 04/03/2015

Participants: children of the preparatory group of kindergarten, parents, teachers.


Acquaintance of children with the Christian holiday of Bright Easter and its customs.


    To acquaint children with the Orthodox holiday "Bright Resurrection of Christ", with its history.

    Develop an interest in ancestral culture.

    Tell about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.

    To foster patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, for folk art.

Explanatory note.

It's no secret that we have to re-learn how to celebrate our traditional holidays. Once upon a time, traditions were passed down in the family from generation to generation - "from mouth to mouth", "from heart to heart." Folk holidays introduce children to the existing traditions and customs of the Russian people, help to convey high moral ideals to the child. We, adults, must acquaint children with the history of our Motherland, teach them how to use the wealth of cultural traditions.

Complex of measures:

1. Conversation on the topic "What is Easter?""Holiday Easter","Why do we paint eggs?", “How in the old days did people prepare for the Easter holiday?”;Withleaving stories "How do we celebrate Easter at home?"

2. Reading of the Easter fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" in processing,hthe tendency of A. Pleshcheev's poem "Christ is Risen".

3. Easter games "Egg rolling", "Chasing two hares", "Find the egg" game,"Who will find more eggs?"little nut "," You walk in a circle, find a friend for yourself ","Relay with eggs", role-playing game"Celebration".

4. Drawing on the volumetric form of the egg shell "Miracle Easter eggs", drawing "Postcard for Easter".

5. Application "Easter cake",application "Eggs for Easter".

6.Kconstruction "Modeling bulky crafts from eggshells"Smart toys-mobiles" ".

7.Lcap "Easter Bunny","Easter eggs" .

Working with parents:

1. Consultation for parents"Easter is the main Orthodox holiday of the year""Easter, light Easter!"

3. Exhibition of joint work with children on the application "Decorating Easter eggs and Easter cakes"

Final event:

Holiday "Light Easter"

Conversation on the topic "What is Easter?"

How I love Easter!

Get ready for Thursday

Grandma paints the testicles,

I'll help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty

I paint with a brush quietly:

Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday

I will give to my friends

On the testicle, congratulations

And I will say: "I painted it myself"

On April 12 we will celebrate the Christian holiday - Easter. This holiday is the victory of life over death, a holiday of love, peace and a bright life. Once upon a time, the Lord sent to Earth his son, Jesus, who was supposed to teach the people humility and love. Christ sacrificed himself to show people true love - this is love for God. Through his death and then resurrection, Christ told people that life does not end with death. The inevitable end of life leads to an encounter with God. This resurrection - the victory over death and people celebrate every year in the spring - and this holiday is called Easter.

The whole week preceding Easter is called Passionate. The last days of Holy Week are especially distinguished - Maundy Thursday (the day of cleansing from sins), Good Friday (mention of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ), Great Saturday (the day of sorrow), and Bright Resurrection of Christ - the holiday of life and victory over death.

Starting on Maundy Thursday, we begin to prepare for Easter - first to clean the house, and then paint eggs and bake cakes.

The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. And this week is called differently - Easter, bright, holy. People go to visit each other, have fun. In the cities they swayed on swings, merry-go-rounds, played with torches. Games and round dances were held in the villages.

People thought about the future harvest and sowing work and to awaken the earth from winter sleep, so that there was a good harvest, they rolled dyed eggs on the ground.

Conversation "Why do we paint eggs?"

"Tsar - Day", or "Great - Day" - this is how the people called the Easter holiday. Easter is the day of universal equality, love and mercy. People greeted each other with the words "Christ is risen", in response they sounded "Truly risen", they kissed three times, gave each other red eggs. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. After all, we know that a living creature emerges from an egg.

    Who is hatching from an egg? (children's answers).

    The egg became thoughtful:

    Who am I, after all? A swan, a duck, or me, a poisonous snake? -

    What color do you think our ancestors painted eggs? And why?

    Red is the color of joy. And it is also the color of the blood that Christ sanctified life. Since then, people began to greet each other with a red egg, as a sign of eternal life.

    Hear how eggs were painted in the old days. Initially, eggs were painted only red, later they began to be painted in all sorts of colors, landscapes were painted on them, even their thoughts were written down.

    Also, in the old days, eggs were dyed with bright patches and threads that shed. The egg was moistened with water, and covered with shreds and threads, wrapped in a white cloth and tightly wrapped with thread, then boiled.

    The whole family was painting eggs on Thursday before the holiday. There was a belief that eggs, boiled on a steep one on Maundy Thursday, protect against diseases if they are eaten on Easter, and to bury the shells from eggs in the ground in the pasture where cattle were grazed, this reliably protected domestic animals from the evil eye and all kinds of misfortunes.

    But the most important thing that you should remember, Easter is the day of universal equality, love and mercy. Do not offend the younger ones, be attentive and obedient to the elders, generous to the poor, kind to our four-legged and winged friends.

    Let love and mercy reign in your souls.


    Find the Egg Game: the teacher shows the children a pysanka egg, and then invites them to close their eyes, and at this time hides the egg in the group. It is advisable to put it in a prominent place. Then the children are invited to find an Easter egg.

    Egg Roll game: the teacher lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up an egg and rolls it down the hill. To which souvenir the egg rolls, the child receives that gift.

    The Easter game "Egg rolling" has always been a favorite game on the Bright holiday of Easter in Russia. Especially for this game, adults made an Easter slide with sides, along which they rolled Easter eggs.

    A slide or "groove" can be made of wood or cardboard, and to make it inclined - make a stand on one side of the slide. The slide is placed on a flat, preferably smooth surface.

    Each player is given a colored Easter egg, with which he will take part in the game. The participants in the game went up to the slide one by one and rolled their own Easter eggs. The winner is the one whose Easter egg has rolled further.

    The game "Chasing two hares": the teacher takes three colored eggs. The two are placed next to each other. And the third proposes to launch the children so that it gets into these two and they roll in different directions. Children "cheer" for each other.

    Round dance game "Bucket sun".

    The driver is chosen - the sun. The rest of the children are in a round dance. They are singing:

    Burn, sun, brighter.

    Summer will be hotter.

    And the winter is warmer

    And spring is nicer.

    On the first two lines, the children go in a round dance, on the last two lines, they turn to face each other and bow. Then everyone comes close to the "sun". “The sun” says: “Hot, hot! ", And catches up with the children. Whom the "sun" touches is eliminated from the game.

    Consultation for parents:

"Easter is the main Orthodox holiday of the year"

Feast of the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter - the biggest Orthodox holiday. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "coming", "deliverance". On this day, we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the gift of life and eternal bliss to us. As Christ's death on the cross accomplished our redemption, so His Resurrection granted us eternal life.

The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation and crown of our faith, this is the first and greatest truth that the apostles began to preach.

They begin the Easter holiday with the words: "Christ is risen" and answer: "Indeed he is risen."

On Easter, a husband and wife do not Christ in front of everyone - this is a sign of separation. Parents and children can kiss three times.

If, at the first ringing of the bell on the church, you cross yourself and say: “Christ is risen, and the slave (name) is healthy,” even a seriously ill person will recover. Married girls and widows said: “Christ is risen, and suitors come to me. Amen".

Special attention is paid to the decoration of the table and food on Easter. As if spring itself, joyful, with the ringing of bells and the chirping of birds, lays the festive tables. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy.

The custom of giving eggs on Easter has been kept for a long time. This custom originated from the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, when, after the Ascension of the Lord, she came to Rome to preach the Gospel, appeared before the emperor Tiberius and, offering him a red egg, said: “Christ is risen! ”Thus starting his sermon. Following the example of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, we now give red eggs on Easter, confessing the life-giving death and Resurrection of the Lord - two events that Easter unites in itself. The Easter egg reminds us of one of the main tenets of our faith and serves as a visible sign of the blessed resurrection of the dead, the pledge of which we have in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - the Conqueror of death and hell. As from an egg, from under its inanimate shell, life is born, so from the grave, the dwelling of death of decay, the Life-Giver arose, and so all the dead will rise to eternal life.

Easter cake is a church ceremonial food. With the blessing and consecration of Christian paski and Easter cakes, believers on the first day of the holiday, having come home from the churches and finished the feat of fasting, as a sign of joyful unity, the whole family also begin bodily reinforcement - stopping the fasting, everyone eats the blessed Easter cakes and Easter, using them during throughout the entire Bright Week.

The Easter holiday lasts seven days, or eight if you count all the days of the continuous celebration of Easter until Fomin Monday.

The procession of the cross, performed on Easter night, is the procession of the Church towards the risen Savior. Religious procession takes place around the temple with continuous pealing. Ahead of the procession, a lantern is carried, behind it is the altar cross, the altarpiece of the Mother of God, then go in two rows, in pairs, gonfalons, singers, candle-bearers with candles, deacons with their candles and censers and behind them priests. In the last pair of priests, the one on the right carries the Gospel, and the one on the left carries the icon of the Resurrection. The procession is completed by the primate of the temple with a trisveshnik and a Cross in his left hand.

The Easter basket must contain the symbols of Easter: Easter cake, which symbolizes Christ, and dyes, a symbol of the resurrection.

You can consecrate the products that will be on the festive table. Note! The Orthodox Church does not welcome the consecration of alcoholic beverages. Even church wine - Cahors - is better left at home.

Of course, if you do not strictly follow all the rules, then this is not a mortal sin, but try to adhere to all of them. After all, the clergy are well aware that parishioners are far from all people who understand the intricacies of faith, often appearing in the church only once, on Easter. But they bring their baskets sincerely, so the church does not put any special prohibitions, so that everyone feels closer to Christ, so that faith is born in his heart

Software content: continue to introduce children to folk holidays; to tell about the significance of the Easter holiday for the Russian people, about the fact that Russian people consider Easter the main Christian holiday; to acquaint children with Easter folk signs, Easter games, Easter rituals and customs; develop creativity; foster respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

Continue to acquaint children with the art of miniature on eggs (Slavic Easter eggs). To give an idea of ​​the history of this art, the specifics of composition and ornamental structure. Cultivate interest in folk art.



Complex-thematic lesson in the preparatory group

Topic: "Great holiday - Easter." (Cognition. Artistic creation. Modeling with applique elements.)

Topic: "Decorative Easter eggs - Easter eggs."

Software content:continue to introduce children to folk holidays; to tell about the significance of the Easter holiday for the Russian people, about the fact that Russian people consider Easter the main Christian holiday; to acquaint children with Easter folk signs, Easter games, Easter rituals and customs; develop creativity; foster respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

Continue to acquaint children with the art of miniature on eggs (Slavic Easter eggs). To give an idea of ​​the history of this art, the specifics of composition and ornamental structure. Cultivate interest in folk art.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about folk holidays, viewing illustrations, mini - exhibition of a collection of souvenir eggs; coloring pages.

Materials and tools:Illustrations with the image - Easter table, Easter cakes, samovar, painted eggs; Easter eggs and their images, table "Easter eggs: compositional schemes", poster "Easter eggs"; containers from kinder surprises; plasticine, stacks, a modeling board, cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet), peas; wet wipe for hands.

An image of a snow-white temple hangs on the board. Bell ringing sounds. For the red guest - the red place. This is how dear guests were welcomed in Russia earlier.

And today I want to talk with you about how the Russian people know how to maintain the traditions and customs of all their ancestors. Russian people have long been famous for their hard work, while not forgetting to maintain traditions.

What holidays do you know?

(children's answers ...)

Today we will talk about the great holiday of spring - Easter.

Plays and pours

Joyful light

I hear in my soul

In the morning, the gospel.

In the boundless azure

The clouds are floating

Softly under the willows

The river is babbling.

Breath of spring

In the green forest ...

How joyful it is to live!

Christ is Risen!!!

(V. Morozova)

Easter is the most important holiday for Orthodox Christians. The word Easter - means "exodus", "deliverance", "liberation". Easter was considered a "holiday of the holidays" and was always celebrated solemnly and cheerfully.

Easter is a spring holiday. It lasts a week. The timing of its implementation is calculated anew every year, according to the lunar calendar.

Throughout the entire Easter week in Russia, bells sounded. Anyone could climb the bell tower and strike the bell. Swings and merry-go-rounds were installed on the squares, booths were broken. People received guests, and the whole week was spent in joyful meetings. It was customary to exchange Easter eggs made of porcelain, crystal, colored and transparent glass, bone, wood and simple - colored - Easter eggs ... Such eggs were made by both village craftsmen and jewelry firms. Chocolate and sugar eggs were sold in pastry shops, and housewives painted and decorated their Easter eggs in different colors at home.

Let's take a look at a collection of Easter eggs.

(Children approach the exhibition of Easter eggs, examine, rejoice at the beauty and wonder how different they are ...)

The hostesses prepared in advance and very carefully for this day. They cleaned the house, baked Easter cakes, painted eggs, made Easter out of cottage cheese, prepared delicious dishes, and took out festive clothes from the chests. On a holiday, the whole family went to church, and then someone received guests, someone went to visit. People feasted, rejoiced, rejoiced and said to each other: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly resurrected."

On Easter night, everyone went to church, only small children and very old people remained at home. Bonfires and colored lanterns were lit near the churches. People, holding lighted candles in their hands, waited for the priests to leave the church and the procession of the cross - to go around the church with a cross and icons.

Why do you think people go to church and carry food there?

Today, the custom has survived to bake and consecrate Easter cakes on Easter. When they returned from church in the early morning, people confessed and exchanged colored eggs. The red egg is a symbol of Easter. The egg consecrated in the church was attributed magical properties: saving a house from a fire, helping cattle from diseases, saving crops from hail. The festive table was decorated with Easter cakes and all kinds of food. Everyone who came into the house had to be fed, watered and warmed.

On the day of Easter, when believers meet, according to custom, they must kiss each other three times. At the same time, some say the words: "Christ is risen!", While others answer: "Indeed he is risen!"

Russian people always associate Easter with spring, with the life of nature, with the flowering of good feelings, with the hope of future happiness. Easter is associated with the sun. The peasants had a belief that on Easter "the sun is playing." There were such signs:

For Easter, the sky is clear - for a good harvest.

On Easter, rain is good rye.

At Easter, thunder - for the harvest.

On the first day of Easter, children turned to the Sun with chants, chants, songs. And they also believed that if the egg is saved until next Easter, then it will fulfill any desire.

Let's call the sun, guys!

The sun, the bucket,

Look out the window

Look out a little.

Sunny, show yourself

Red, dress up.

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

(They lead a round dance and sing ....)

Well done boys!!! Look out the window - the sun heard us and looked out ...

Now let's play Easter games with you. There were a lot of them - for example, "Where are you hiding coca?" , "Whose egg is spinning longer?" , "Roll the egg."

The game "Roll the egg."

Children sit on the carpet opposite each other - in pairs. Roll eggs to each other. The eggs collide. Whose egg breaks is out of the game.

(Kids are playing…..)

Game - competition "Whose egg is spinning longer?"

On command, the children spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner. (The game is repeated several times to the music.)

Game - "Where are you hiding coca?"

Children lay out Easter eggs in piles on the table and cover them with hats. There are also hats on the table, under which there is nothing. Then the hats are moved across the table. One of the participants in the game is the driver. They call him and ask: "Where are you hiding coca?" The driver raises his hat and, if there are dyes, takes them for himself. The game is played until the dyes are taken apart.

So much fun we played with you ...

How do people celebrate Easter?

(Answers of the children ... .. On Easter we went to visit, arranged festivities, swinging on a swing, painted eggs, baked Easter cakes, made Easter from cottage cheese. All this was consecrated in the church and presented to each other as a sign of love and respect.)

Who knows how eggs were decorated to make them beautiful?

In order for the eggs on the festive table to look beautiful, a week before Easter, soil was poured into a special dish, wheat or oat grains were planted in it and watered daily. By Easter, the surface of the earth was covered with tender green grass, and the colored eggs laid in it looked very beautiful. I had to cook a lot of eggs: for gifts to family and friends, for fun games.

And now I will tell you about the easiest ways to color eggs at home. To do this, you can use small shreds of fading fabric or strips of colored paper. An egg is wrapped in them, then wrapped on top with a piece of linen cloth; put an egg in water and boil for about fifteen minutes. Onion peels are used to obtain different shades of yellow-brown color. You can paint on an egg with wax and then put it in paint; you can attach any leaf, flower or grass to the egg, and then put it in the paint - there will be a beautiful ornament. They paint eggs and watercolors. For greater beauty and shine, after the eggs are dry, they are wiped with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil.

Now let's look at what beautiful Easter eggs are presented at our exhibition. And today I invite you to make your Easter eggs, and make them in a completely different way.

To do this, we need a container from a kinder surprise, plasticine of different colors, stacks, a modeling board, buckwheat groats, millet, peas, wet wipes.

Prepare your workplace.

Our work is responsible, our eggs should turn out beautiful, different and please your parents.

Manufacturing stages.

  1. Evenly cover the surface of the container from the kinder surprise with a thin layer of plasticine of any color.
  2. On the plasticine base, with a stack (or a toothpick), first apply thin lines, horizontal and vertical, which will divide the surface of the egg into fields, and then draw the contours of various elements inside separate zones: flowers, crosses, curls, the silhouette of the sun, the symbol of Easter - the letters XB - and etc. - and whatever your imagination tells you.
  3. Lay out cereals or peas along the outlined lines to divide the future composition into separate zones. Perform this work carefully, applying it to the outline of the drawing and pressing down slightly. Sometimes in the process of work, unfilled areas of the pattern are formed - voids, they should be filled with separate elements of decorative material.

Dare, try, invent and you will succeed.

(The children got to work ....)

At the end of the work, put all the Easter eggs made at the exhibition. Celebrate everyone for their diligence and creativity.

The lesson ends there.


  1. "Folk Culture and Traditions" by V. N. Kosareva, Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House.
  2. “Open events. For children of the preparatory group of kindergarten. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development". LLC "Method" Voronezh.
  3. "Visual activity in kindergarten" Preparatory group. I. A. Lykova, LLC Publishing House "Tsvetnoy Mir", 2013.
  4. "Gifts for the Holidays", G. N. Davydova, Moscow, "Scriptorium 2003", 2014.

Educator: Guys, spring has come to us with a bright holiday. In the spring we celebrate a big holiday called Easter. And tell me, please, maybe some of you know this name - Jesus Christ? Who is this? (Answers). Yes, for believers, Christians, Jesus Christ is God. He helps people in difficult times. Easter is the celebration of the glorification of Jesus Christ. When Jesus lived on earth, he did a lot of good for people: he healed the sick, helped the poor. The people loved Jesus and were grateful to him for everything. But the proud, envious people who deceived the people hated it and decided to destroy it. They grabbed Jesus and crucified him on the cross. But three days passed, and he was resurrected. It was a real miracle. Therefore, Easter is a holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a holiday in honor of his return to people. On this day, it is customary to give Easter eggs to relatives and friends - a symbol of life. And today, guys, we are going to make an Easter gift - an egg, but not a simple one, this is a demonstration of samples of Easter cards.

Preliminary work:

Pupils - an egg made of cardboard is "tinted" with plasticine (the preschooler himself chooses the color).

Educator - makes a blank postcard - A4 colored cardboard and an inscription.

The patterns on the eggs are made of plasticine.