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Official terminology

Common areas Encyclopedia of Law

COMMON AREAS- covered and open warehouses, as well as areas specially designated on the territory of the railway station, belonging to the owner of the infrastructure and used to carry out operations for loading, unloading, sorting, storing goods, including ... ... Legal encyclopedia

But the effective implication is that the quality of consumption is highly dependent on the search for the fundamental elements for building knowledge in the digital age, in contact with the tools of modern society, opens up a more exciting horizon. The increase in credit helped create old middle-class desires.

Among the most sought after products are electronic items such as computers and cell phones. The era of the information society is a stage of social development characterized by the ability to receive and transmit any information instantly from any place and in the most appropriate way. And it is thanks to information that a citizen can fully carry out his activities, including interrogation and assistance in building a truly democratic model.

Common areas- (English places of public using) in the legislation of the Russian Federation on railway transportation, covered and open warehouses, as well as areas specially designated on the territory of the railway station, belonging to the railway and used to carry out ... ... Big Law Dictionary

Understandably, the size and challenges of Brazil do not have unique and centralized solutions to root out digital exclusion. However, successful experiments show that coordinated action by various public and private actors is undoubtedly the best path. This is how we expand the spaces of inclusion.

The Internet has proven to be the most comprehensive and effective means of information retrieval and collaboration. It is also a tool for coexistence, entertainment, education and service delivery. With the growth of Internet use and the digitization of the media in recent years, there has been an accelerating convergence of telecommunications and information-infused communications. Whether in public or private places, information will be increasingly available, ready to be accessed, or even conceived.

Common areas- Covered and open warehouses, as well as areas specially designated on the territory of the railway station, belonging to the railway and used to carry out operations for loading, unloading, sorting, storing goods, baggage, cargo luggage. ... ... Vocabulary: accounting, taxes, business law

Cities depend on every street, every park vibrates like the place people want to be. The streets give face to the city. This is where everything happens, this is where the community lives. Along with them, parks and squares are transforming urban life in terms of the well-being and health of the population. The quality of these public spaces values ​​them, contributing to a number of social and economic consequences. People are attracted to places where they feel more comfortable and have a sense of belonging. Business and investment are also attracted to well-structured, maintained and managed sites.

COMMON AREAS- covered and open warehouses, as well as areas specially designated on the territory of the railway station, belonging to the railway and used to carry out operations for loading, unloading, sorting, storing goods, baggage, cargo luggage ... Glossary of concepts and terms formulated in the regulatory documents of Russian legislation

A city that seeks the quality of life of its people and at the same time global competitiveness must be alert to the trends of the city's agenda. The need to create vibrant and healthy communities that prioritize sustainable transport is forcing cities to rethink and rebuild the future when public space and communities are seen as priorities in urban planning.

The characterization of a place concerns at least two basic elements: location and context. The former is usually assessed according to the property's appraisal of the location and the income level of the population living there. The second question concerns socio-economic issues and the multiple factors that determine how neighborhoods function in their daily lives.

common areas- Household premises in a communal apartment, dormitory, etc., which are used by all residents ... Dictionary of many expressions


An important element of the complexity of real estate markets depends on how locations may be subject to different land uses. Ancient theories assumed that a "straight line" from the city center could explain the cost of transportation, and that the latter, in turn, would explain the distribution of land use in the city. However, it is now known to be a set of correlations between spatial configuration, functional land use, and patterns of movement and occupation, as well as its direct link to social, cultural and economic processes that influence the evolution of soil use over time and one's own judgment.

GOST R 54115-2010: Global Navigation Satellite System. Railway receiver for general use. Technical requirements- Terminology GOST R 54115 2010: Global navigation satellite system. Railway receiver for general use. Technical requirements original document: 3.1 frequency range L1: Radio frequency band from 1.12 to 1.7 GHz. Definitions ... ...

The concept of site creation encourages discussion of the value of soil. This concerns the process of planning quality public spaces that contribute to the well-being of the local community and is an essential element as it relates to the idea of ​​local identity. Real estate appraisal refers to the value of the land. The implantation or re-qualification of public spaces, be it parks or the street itself, can influence the dynamics of the region's real estate market. Renewal of these spaces aims at benefits such as improving the quality of life of local people or attracting new economic activities.

GOST R 52455-2005: Global Navigation Satellite System and Global Positioning System. Marine general use receiver. Technical requirements- Terminology GOST R 52455 2005: Global Navigation Satellite System and Global Positioning System. Marine general use receiver. Technical requirements original document: 2.1 frequency range L1: Radio frequency band from 1.12 ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Context is also very important in this analysis. The idea of ​​public spaces and the value they represent to the population can vary widely between the central region and the periphery of cities, since the use of the street itself in predominantly residential areas, where coexistence is closer and more natural, differs from the central areas. Even the simplest urban space can have great symbolic meaning for the people who circulate there every day or even sometimes.


  • My name is Jacqueline, Violetta Loseva. A young woman, a retired schoolteacher, works as a maid in a country house and oversees the life of a wealthy, complex family. “I will serve them faithfully until I ... electronic book
  • , Karpisonova Rimma Anatolyevna. Currently, urban landscapers have begun to pay more attention to decorative perennials. Therefore, flower growers of the Main Botanical Garden and. N.V. Tsitsin RAS developed and proposed ...
  • Handbook of the landscape designer and gardener. Herbaceous decorative perennials for urban flower beds in public facilities,. Currently, urban landscapers have begun to pay more attention to decorative perennials. Therefore, flower growers of the Main Botanical Garden and. N.V. Tsitsin RAS developed and proposed ...
The current legislation covers all aspects of human life, stipulates the norms of behavior and responsibility for their violation. The number of existing laws, bylaws and regulations is so great that even an experienced specialist can find it difficult to navigate them. Ordinary citizens, at best, simply will not know what to do in a given situation. In the worst case, it is possible to make the wrong decisions that can only aggravate the situation and significantly complicate the way out of the predicament.

The traditional way of getting help from specialists in such cases is through legal advice. A lawyer, like no one else, understands the current legislation, its nuances and current changes. In addition, it is a lawyer who is able to explain to an ordinary person the meaning of this or that article of the law, the scope of its application and the consequences of this. The development of information technology has led to the emergence of such a type of legal assistance as free online legal advice by phone. On the site site, anyone can get full legal advice. To do this, just call the specified phone number. The advantages of this method of counseling are obvious: Accessibility. At any time of the day or night, on any day of the week, specialists are ready to answer all questions. To get advice, you do not need to specially visit the offices of law firms, waste time waiting. Mobility. Most often, a person needs prompt advice on legal issues. In such a situation, traditional consultation is impossible, as it will entail a loss of time. Online consultation by phone is devoid of this drawback, since it is available not only at any time, but from anywhere. To do this, it is enough to access the Internet from any device that supports this feature. High quality advice. The qualifications of lawyers allow them to promptly answer most of the questions posed. In cases where situations of increased complexity are considered, the specialist may need additional time to familiarize himself with the nuances of the case and the relevant articles of legislation. Lack of registration on the site. If for some reason a person does not want to introduce himself by his real name, he can choose for communication any name or pseudonym he likes. The real name and surname may be needed when drawing up official statements, claims, and so on .. In addition to direct answers to the questions asked, lawyers will suggest the correct line of conduct in a given situation. Experts will answer questions in areas of law such as: Family law. Any questions of the conclusion and dissolution of marriage, division of property, drawing up of a marriage contract, statements of claim and so on are considered. Tax law. A lawyer will answer any questions related to taxation, payment of taxes and fees, tax benefits. If necessary, he will also help to draw up the necessary documents (for example, fill out a tax return). Labor legislation. The specialist will answer any questions related to the interpretation and application of articles of the Labor Code and other normative and legislative acts (hiring, dismissing, granting leave, and others). Criminal and criminal procedure legislation. One of the most difficult branches of law, therefore, the most experienced lawyers provide consultations on these issues. In addition to consulting, they will help to draw up statements of claim to supervisory, appeal and cassation instances. Insurance and transport legislation. Recently, this is one of the most demanded branches of law for consultations. Experienced lawyers will answer any questions regarding the use of vehicles, insurance and liability for violations of the relevant articles of the law. Housing legislation. All issues related to the acquisition, sale, exchange, donation of real estate, as well as any controversial issues related to this, are subject to consideration. In addition, free online legal advice can be conducted on issues related to consumer protection, land law and any other branches of law. In some cases, the first place in importance is the promptness of obtaining competent legal advice. In such situations, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of those services for round-the-clock online legal advice provided by the site.

Public places can create connections between people coming from completely different places and realities, but intersecting with common paths. Bill Hillier, professor of architecture and urban morphology at the University of London, suggests in his research that these movements create a “virtual community” that is perceived only when the joint presence leads to interaction, communication or transactions.

This symbolic significance of this place can also influence the value of real estate in its vicinity. We must remember that when we talk about public spaces, we are also talking about sidewalks, bike paths, and access to transport. According to researchers, the possibility of using active modes, for example, is a factor of influence on the real estate market. A study by researcher Fabio Tieppo, developed for the Center for the Economics of Regions and Cities at the University of São Paulo, selected properties near bike routes in the city of São Paulo and concluded that they received very high ratings and, as the distance between the property increased and the bike path. the score fell quickly.