Technology lesson on the topic: "Origami penguins on an ice floe." Origami workshop "Penguins on an ice floe". Teamwork

Topic: "Penguins on an ice floe" - origami.


    Introduce the new model (penguin figurine) and manufacturing steps;

    Introduce new terms;

    Develop spatial imagination - the ability to read drawings, the ability to follow oral instructions;

    Development of memory, attention in the process of making a model;

    Development of creative imagination, imagination, sense of taste when creating a composition;

    Review the rules for working with scissors and glue

    To instill in children a sense of neatness and frugality while doing work

    Development of the outlook of students

Material to do the job:

    Colored cardboard

    Colored paper

    PVA glue

Lesson equipment:

    Sample work

    Model execution steps

    Tables with terms

    Antarctica Map

    Fragment of the film Reader's Digest "Symphony of Life" (penguins) or a fragment of the film video of the encyclopedia for public education "Biology-3" (penguins)


1. Organizational moment

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will design from paper and create a composition. Designing from paper or origami is an amazing transformation of a square (a sign with the term is hung on the board).
With the help of designing like origami, you can make many toys, ornaments, beautiful panels, and various compositions. Of course, the creators of the paper figures drew their models from nature. So we will turn to nature and go on a trip to Antarctica.
You guys know that the globe is a scaled-down model of the Earth. Look, the top of the globe is painted white and the bottom too. This is not without reason, as two opposite regions of the Earth are marked on the globe. The northernmost is the Arctic and the southernmost is Antarctica.
Antarctica is a huge white country - a land encased in an ice shell - a huge continent. The bowels of Antarctica store minerals: iron ore, diamonds, coal. Living and working in Antarctica is not easy. You will not find colder place in the whole world. Even in summer there is 50 frost. And there is nothing to say about winter all 90.
In the depths of the harsh Antarctica, you will not find either an animal or a bird. All its inhabitants keep closer to the shore. It is warmer here, and food in the sea is easier to get. Antarctica is inhabited by seals, sea lions, elephant seals, whales, birds, and a lot of fish.
So, let's go, and the seven-flower flower from the fairy tale of V. Kataev will help us with this:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the West to the East
Through the North, through the South
Come back in a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
Be, in my opinion, lead ...
Tell us to be in Antarctica!

We return to the class. Video showing.

Questions after viewing

Who met us in Antarctica?(Penguins.)

What kind of penguins are they? (Penguins are ancient birds. Currently, there are 16 - 18 species of these interesting inhabitants of Antarctica. Birds, but they do not know how to fly, because instead of wings they have paws-flippers that help them to swim. Penguins are excellent divers. Thousands of thin feathers and subcutaneous fat helps them to endure such frosts.)

3. Analysis of the design of the sample

In memory of our trip, we will make just such an application. (Show)

It will be somewhat unusual, its main characters will be made using the origami method.

Let's see how many parts a penguin figurine is made of?(One.)

What shape do you think the part was before it was folded? (Square.)

What is this square figure?(Properties of the square.)

I took a 10 cm square, but if you take a larger square, will you get such a penguin?(Yes, only larger.)

The size of the square does not affect our model, but we must remember that the size of the penguin must match the size of the base.(Show.)

How do we connect the model to the base? (We will glue it over the entire surface - this is an applique.)

4. Analysis of manufacturing technology

What material are we going to do?(From colored paper.)

Thin colored paper is easy to fold. Let's outline a plan. (An instructional map is posted.)

What do we do first?(We mark the square by bending, cut off the excess part.)

Let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

How do we finish the job?(We glue the model to the base.)

And what will we take as a basis? (Cardboard.)

Why cardboard and not colored paper?(The paper bends, it does not look aesthetically pleasing.
The cardboard will not deform when it comes in contact with the glue.)

Let's remember the rules for working with glue.

5. Workplace equipment

Let's check the workplace. Let's remember again what we need for the lesson:

colored paper;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- glue;
- napkin;
- backing oilcloth.

6. Independent work with frontal display

Now we are going to do the work, so that everything works out well, you must work precisely according to the scheme.

1. Take a strip of black paper, fold out a square. The place of the fold, speaking in a special language, is called a fold.
Fold - fold in a specific order.
(A sign with the term is posted.)
2... They took scissors and cut off the excess part. They put down the scissors.

3. We need to glue the model to the base. Let's take a base, what's missing from it? (Ice.)
4. To do this, take a sheet of white paper and cut out the ice floes.
5. Place all the details on the base. I'll get through to check.
6. We glue.
7. Let's decorate our work (we will attach a beak, eyes).
8. Let's make some more penguin models. (If possible.)
9. Let's postpone our work, who got what.

7. Updating knowledge

What new terms did you meet?

How did we do the work so as not to miss any action?(According to the schemes.)

What else did you remember in the lesson?

8. Display of works

You worked well today.

9. Homework

You can continue working, you can come up with a funny story about penguins for your application.

Almost every animal in the world can be made using the origami technique, even the penguin that lives in the ice of the Antarctic ocean. This figure is very easy to make - the bird will stand straight, looking at the sky, like a real one. A slightly tilted head will allow the penguin to maintain balance and showcase his personality. Make several of these birds and put them together like a flock, and from a smaller sheet of paper, fold a chick that will complement the family.

Origami penguin will require from us 1 square sheet, 15x15 cm

Place the paper face down with the corner with the drawn eyes facing you. Fold the sheet in half diagonally so that the fold passes between the penguin's eyes and fold in the marking fold. Unfold the piece of paper.

Fold the two lower sides of the square towards the center line so that their edges touch. Then fold the bottom corner up to connect to the top corner and fold in a fold.

Fold down the corner folded in the previous step, making a fold above the fold line made in step 2. Then fold the penguin's nose under the model, laying a fold below the eye line, and, stepping back 1.25 cm, fold in a reverse fold.

Fold the model in half along the center marking fold.

Fold up the left corner of the main body of the model and fold in from the left corner to a point 1 cm from the right edge. Flip the model upside down and fold again, then return the model to its original position.

Fold the bottom of the model to the right, using the diagonal edge as a guide.

Take the model in your hands and unfold it, slightly bending your head down. Fold the model again along the folds laid before, only the folds of the penguin's head need to be made external.

Fold the lower left corner of the model to the right and create a vertical fold, then fold the tip back to the line of the previous fold.

Unfold by straightening the folds and tuck the flap inward, returning large folds to their place and leaving only the tip on the outside. Fold up the penguin's body again.

Many characters can be made from a cone base. These are animals, birds, flowers and trees, original objects and finger toys.

I liked the paper penguins based on a cone right away. Since they look interesting, and making them is simple and quick. I saw the idea a long time ago, on some website, and kept it to myself. There, the authors also created a wonderful composition: a lot of penguins on pieces of icebergs, on the banks, and around and between them - the water surface. In fact, the water was blue oilcloth, and the pieces of icebergs and snowy shores were styrofoam. But everything is very convincing and harmonious. So, you can take this idea into account.

What materials will you need?

  • Basically it is black and white paper. And just a little orange for the beak;
  • A simple pencil, scissors, glue stick;
  • A compass or any object with a round bottom or base.

How to make paper penguins?

Draw a circle on black paper and cut it out. Since only half of the circle is enough for one penguin, two birds will turn out from its whole part at once. Or, if two are not needed, the second part can be left for the wings. The circle can be of very different sizes, it all depends on the desired height of the penguin. I made a circle with a saucer, but my daughter took a glass at all and we got very little baby penguins.

Cut the circle in half.

Prepare additional paper details: cut out two small circles from white paper - the eyes and draw the pupils with a felt-tip pen. From orange paper, you need two triangles - a beak, from black paper - two wings. The penguin's breast is a rectangle with a rounded side, slightly less than the height of the black semicircle. It's not scary, if it turns out more, then you can remove the excess length.

Make a cone out of a black semicircle and glue the sides.

Glue on the white breast, which should go all the way to the bottom.

Attach the beak to the bird.

And on top of it and eyes.

Add wings on the sides and fold them up a little.

In principle, the paper penguins are ready, but my eyes seemed too frightened to me, so I glued them more carefully so that they fit snugly to the body or head, in general, to the cone.

These are such interesting penguins. You can play with them, they are stable on the surface.

My daughter quickly made baby penguins, so a very friendly penguin family was formed.

Olga Kuligina

The best time is to prepare for the New Year. The children and I tried to create a festive atmosphere in our group. Bright Christmas balls, multi-colored tinsel, snowflakes, fir branches are obligatory attributes of the New Year. But most of all attention and smiles deserve handicrafts. We bring to your attention teamwork« Penguins on an ice floe» in origami technique using cotton pads.

Who walks among ice floes

Day and night not alone?

That is not Santa Claus, but a bird,

Antarctic penguin.

Going to ice floe.

The whole community penguin ...

E. Frantsuzova.

For work will be needed:

Colored paper

PVA glue


Cotton pads

Take a square sheet of paper, bend and unbend the square diagonally.

Raise the bottom corner up.

Flip and bend the opposite corners.

We bend the upper corner down, and move the lower corners to the sides.

Turn over and glue the eyes. Our penguin is ready.

But such crafts turned out for children.

We wish you all good health in 2016.

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These funny and cute birds are affectionate. It's unrealistic to get a real penguin, but it won't be difficult to create it out of paper.

In this workshop, you will learn how to make an origami penguin with your own hands. Such a lesson will be useful both for adults who are bored during the commercial break, and for children. Schoolchildren will be happy to create a funny penguin, using step by step photos as tips. These animals are interesting and amazing in that they are the only flightless, but able to swim birds.

Lesson preparation

There are many . This master class is designed for beginners and uses the simplest technique. For work you need to take square sheet of blue paper and a black felt-tip pen. You can take special or ordinary colored paper for children's creativity. The main thing is that the second side is unpainted.

Step-by-step assembly technique

First fold the paper in half crosswise.

After that, you need to make the folds along the diagonals.

Fold the blank of the future origami penguin in the form of a double square.

Form the lower parts of the resulting square in the form of a triangle.

Bend the top corner down.

Straighten the folds.

Fold them again into a diamond shape.

Repeat the same steps on the other side of the origami blank.

Turn the upper parts of the rhombus down.

Create a fold for the top corner.

Spread out the sheet and get a square in the middle, formed by the previously made folds.

These folds need to be drawn in a different direction in order to fold them as follows.

Now the origami penguin blank has got this look.

Bend the bottom to the horizontal line.

Now again, the lower corner needs to be bent to the previously made fold.

Finally, line up the two resulting folds.

Spread out the top layer of the penguin blank into a diamond shape.

Lower its upper part down.

Do the same on the other side, first fold in a diamond shape.

Then bend its upper part down.

Expand the origami penguin blank 180 degrees.

Now shape the wings of the water bird. To do this, make one fold to the right.

And fold the triangle as follows.

Do the same on the other side.

Bend the protruding parts to the body of the penguin. He now has wings.

In the upper part, form a double fold of the white triangle, so you made the penguin's beak using the origami technique.

Turn the protruding upper part down (if necessary, this place can be glued).

It remains to draw the eyes. Now the origami paper penguin is ready. Add it to your collection or start it if this is your first craft.

Having figured out how to make an origami penguin out of paper, do not rush to complete the tutorial. Try to fold the fish from modules - it's harder, but even more interesting. Offer the children to fold an elephant or a heart with a tie.

Find out what new types of needlework are relevant today to eliminate boredom and bad mood from your life!