Aloe is a natural cosmetics for the face. Vitamin salad with aloe pulp. Whitening mask to remove traces of pigmentation on the face

Find out how to use aloe in home cosmetology, in personal care, and what benefits it will bring.

In the world, a plant called aloe, or agave, has been known for more than one millennium. Moreover, it was used in many areas of daily life. Aloe is native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In the countries of western and southern Europe, it is grown at home, although it blooms very rarely. The main reason for breeding it at home is health benefits, as well as in cosmetology. Aloe is used for the face, as its role in rejuvenation is simply invaluable.

The beneficial properties that this plant has in itself are indispensable for preserving the youthfulness of the skin of the face. Aloe contains the following substances:

  • antibacterial;
  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • youth vitamin E;
  • antioxidants;
  • minerals;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes.

Thanks to this, aloe juice is very useful for the face. Moreover, it can be used at home without wasting time and money on beauty salons. For a plant to be beneficial and to obtain the properties of a biological stimulant, it must be properly prepared before use.

It is advisable not to water the scarlet for about seven days, only then apply it for cosmetic purposes. Use a plant that is at least three years old. There are also recipes for its preparation: we cut off the bottom thickest leaves, wrap them in cotton cloth, put the bundle on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. We leave them there for about twelve days.

Aloe for the face helps to restore youth and beauty at home, relieves redness, itching, irritation of the skin. The main properties of aloe: capillaries become more elastic, age spots disappear, skin cells are renewed faster.


As we have already seen, the benefits of aloe for facial skin are invaluable. Often it is used directly, cutting off the skin from the leaf and lubricating the face and other problem areas with juice. Or they squeeze out the juice and wipe the skin with a cotton swab. It is not superfluous to add fresh juice to cosmetics that we use every day. You can also make masks using the pulp of aloe leaves, tonic or lotion.

A homemade lotion is no different than a lotion bought at a pharmacy, even more effective. The sap of the plant must be mixed with another component, depending on the purpose.

For inflamed skin, against acne, blackheads, aloe is mixed with alcohol at a rate of four to one. Aloe for facial skin has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Aloe infusion lotion is perfect for wrinkles and aging skin. Grind several sheets, boil in water for five minutes, leave to brew. The concentration of the mixture can be varied as desired.

To keep the skin toned, the following recipes are recommended: chamomile infusion, aloe juice and vitamin E purchased from a pharmacy. Mint ether can be added to enhance the properties of this mask. We heat the broth and juice in a water bath, only then pour in the rest of the ingredients. Cool the mixture and use it as a lotion for daily care.

Or do it like this: leaf pulp, vitamin E and ascorbic acid. Mix until the consistency of a gel. Every day we dilute a portion of this cream with mineral water and apply it to the face.

From wrinkles

Wrinkles tend to appear from a lack of moisture in the skin and the slow regeneration of new cells. To prevent this, you need to constantly nourish the skin and maintain moisture balance. Aloe for the face is a great helper in this matter. Its beneficial properties moisturize the skin, make it more elastic, and regenerate cells. And it is quite possible to do it at home.

Here are recipes for wrinkles that you can use aloe in.

  1. Squeeze out the aloe leaves and mix proportionally with petroleum jelly. The cream and vitamins contained in the plant perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. It is applied daily.
  2. You can also make a face pack with aloe and olive oil. Mix the ingredients in a teaspoon and apply the mask on the face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with herbal infusion.
  3. Mix a teaspoon of aloe juice, one egg yolk and a spoonful of sour cream. We keep the mask for about twenty minutes and wash off with warm water.
  4. To prevent wrinkles, use the following recipes: mix part of the juice and two parts of honey. We hold the mask for fifteen minutes. Suitable for those who are not allergic to honey.

The properties of aloe help us to maintain youth without costly and painful procedures. This plant in its natural form, without any additions, is also an excellent personal care product. Grind the leaves, making gruel out of them.

By skin types

Oily skin

Boil a tablespoon of sage without a top in a glass of water for about ten minutes, cool. Finely rub the radish to make two tablespoons of gruel. Add two tablespoons of aloe juice and broth. The properties of this recipe are that the pores are narrowed, acne disappears faster, the skin is toned and whitened.

And also juice mixed with cosmetic clay, with the addition of rose oil. The properties of this mask act on skin disinfection and refreshment.

Dry type

Aloe pulp, peach oil, a little vodka or alcohol, three tablespoons of nourishing cream. We make a mask of all the ingredients and leave it on the skin for twenty minutes.

Consider recipes that soothe itching and any irritation on the skin:

  • a tablespoon of aloe;
  • two tablespoons of milk;
  • apply to the face;
  • hold for fifteen minutes;
  • we wash ourselves.

And the second no less effective recipe for rejuvenation at home:

  • a tablespoon of juice;
  • the same amount of honey;
  • a spoonful of water and glycerin;
  • some ground oatmeal.

Mix everything well until smooth and hold for twenty minutes. If you apply this mask twice a week regularly, then youth will remain for many years.

It is not surprising why aloe has been used in cosmetology for many millennia. Because its properties allow us not to age, despite our age. And the face betrays us in the first place. Aloe is very effective and cannot be replaced by anything.

Aloe for the face at home is used for normal, dry, oily skin. From a home agave, you can make creams, masks, tonics, lotions. There is no difficulty in preparing them. These cosmetics nourish and moisturize the skin, refresh and tone, relieve inflammation, help with sunburn, and eliminate fine age wrinkles.

One of the oldest medicinal plants on our planet. The use of aloe vera in cosmetics has been known since the days of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed in the miraculous power of this plant and considered it a symbol of immortality, eternal youth and longevity. The famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra was famous for her unfading beauty. The recipe for making Cleopatra's cream has survived to this day. It was made on the basis of aloe juice with the addition of rose water, almond oil, beeswax and honey. What other skin care products can modern women and girls use to maintain healthy, fading skin?

The healing power of aloe

What is good for the face? The flower is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, boils, pustular lesions. It is a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. Why is this plant valuable in cosmetology, what are its useful properties?

  • "Arsenal" of vitamins and minerals... The flower has a unique chemical composition with a set of substances necessary for healthy skin - ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamins E, B1, B6, B12, silicon, iron, zinc, copper, sulfur, molybdenum.
  • Allantoin. It is also called a "transporter" of vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances, because it is thanks to allantoin that these substances get into the deep layers of the skin. Allantoin regenerates, moisturizes cells, restores their structure.
  • Deep cleansing property... Aloe cleanses and tightens the pores of the skin. It is useful for oily skin with wide pores that are clogged with subcutaneous fat.
  • Anti-inflammatory property... Relieves irritation, disinfects the skin. The remedy is especially useful for problem skin in adolescence, when acne and acne appear.
  • Antiallergic property... Agave juice has a calming effect and relieves allergic manifestations on the skin - redness, rash, itching.
  • Anti-aging effect... Aloe is a stimulant for the formation of collagen cells, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. At the cellular level, agave juice regulates metabolic processes, regenerates tissues and retains water in them.

For cosmetic purposes, aloe is used for dry, oily, combined, sensitive, aging. In combination with other components, the product has different effects on the skin.

In rare cases, there is an individual intolerance to aloe juice. More often, there is an allergic reaction to other components in the composition of masks and creams (for example, honey, lemon). Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a test before using these cosmetics: apply on a small area of ​​the skin of the face and observe the reaction. If itching or redness occurs after applying a mask or cream, rinse off immediately.

Types of cosmetics

How to use aloe in cosmetology at home? For the preparation of cosmetics for facial care, you will need two types of plants - aloe vera and aloe tree (agave). It is the latter that is most often grown as a medicinal houseplant.


How to make aloe cream at home? Use any basic face cream that can be bought at the pharmacy (choose by skin type and action). It can be a moisturizing day, a nourishing night, and a regenerating cream. Add 1 tablespoon of flower juice to the base, mix - and the cream is ready to use. This is the simplest recipe for homemade cream with agave juice. What other ingredients can i add to the cream besides aloe?

  • Base oils for different skin types.
  • Emulsifiers.
  • Biologically active substances (propolis, extracts of hops, ginger, linden, chamomile, sage, yeast, green tea, caraway seeds, liquid vitamins A and E and other components).
  • Herbal decoctions.
  • Distilled water.
  • Essential oils for dry, oily, combination skin.

All of these components can be purchased at the pharmacy. The technology for making homemade cream is rather complicated. The mass does not always turn out to be homogeneous, fragrant (no fragrances) and attractive in appearance. You can store homemade aloe facial cream only in the refrigerator, and for only one week.

An example of preparing a cream for dry skin

  1. Take 30 ml of avocado oil.
  2. Add 2 g of beeswax and 5 ml of vitamin E.
  3. Add 3 drops of geranium essential oil.


This cosmetic product moisturizes, cleanses and tones the skin. How to make aloe lotion at home?

For oily skin with wide pores

  1. Take ¼ cup of cooled boiled water.
  2. Add 1 tsp. alcohol (vodka) and a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. flower juice.
  4. Stir.

Oily skin needs to be dried, so lotions are made on an alcohol basis. They are used regularly twice a day. Alcohol lotion cleans pores well, removes blackheads, oily sheen.

For dry skin

  1. Take ½ cup olive oil (substitute almond oil if desired).
  2. Add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of agave pulp.
  3. Stir, store in refrigerator.

The oil has emollient properties, eliminates roughness, dryness, relieves irritation. Moreover, it is a good preservative. You can add 1 tbsp to the finished oil solution. l. cucumber juice before each use.

Toning lotion

  1. Prepare 1 cup of mild chamomile tea.
  2. Add 3 drops each of liquid vitamin E and peppermint essential oil.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. agave juice.
  4. Stir and refrigerate.

The lotion perfectly refreshes, tones the skin, it is useful to do it in summer and winter during the heating season.

Lotion for sensitive skin

  1. Prepare a decoction of sage and chamomile (1 tablespoon of herbs per 1 liter of water).
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the hot broth. l. chopped fresh parsley.
  3. Add 3 tbsp. l. agave juice into a cooled broth.

The broth is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.


Aloe gel for face is a pharmaceutical preparation made from natural flower pulp. In fact, it is a fresh plant concentrate. It is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. Real and high-quality gel is expensive and highly valued in cosmetology. How is aloe vera gel applied?

  • It can be used instead of a cream in the morning and evening, especially in the summer, when no oily nutritious cosmetics are required.
  • If you use the product as a face mask, you can apply it in a thicker layer, keep it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off.
  • With adolescent acne, the gel copes well with skin inflammation, cleanses and closes pores.
  • Aloe gel brightens age spots on the face, improves its overall skin tone.
  • There are many positive reviews about the use of the gel after depilation in the bikini area, the product quickly relieves skin irritation.
  • It can be applied to the neck area to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  • The gel well nourishes the skin of the eyelids and the roots of the eyelashes.
  • It helps well with sunburn, relieves inflammation, redness, pain (it is recommended to apply a cold gel).
  • The product can be used as a peeling for the whole body; brown sugar and lemon juice are added to it.
  • For stretch marks, the product is rubbed into the skin for two weeks, twice a day.
  • For deep cleansing of the skin, the gel is mixed with rose water, olive oil and a few drops of citrosept (grapefruit extract).

The gel is actively used for hair care, as well as the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea. For this purpose, the product is applied as a mask until it dries completely. In addition to the pharmacy gel, you can use the pulp of the agave. But this tool cannot be stored for a long time.


There are many recipes for this cosmetic product. You can make a mask from pure agave juice, without adding any other components. Its uniqueness is that it is suitable for any type of skin. You can use juice, pulp, you can also wipe your face with a plucked leaf of an agave, which has been kept in the refrigerator. The mask acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, effective for acne, skin inflammation. In what ways can you prepare a mask?

Honey and aloe face mask

  1. Use 1 tsp. honey and flower juice.
  2. Smear the face and hold for 10 minutes (as it is, you can keep it longer).
  3. Wash, pat your face dry with a towel.

Protein mask for oily skin

  1. Whisk the protein well.
  2. Add 1 tsp to it. flower juice and stir gently.
  3. Smear your face.
  4. Rinse off after 10 minutes.

Cucumber mask

  1. Take one small fresh cucumber, rub it on a fine grater, squeeze the juice.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. the pulp of the agave in cucumber juice.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face and neck and hold for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask.

Milk mask

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. milk.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. agave juice.
  3. Apply to face for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

When applying masks with aloe, there is a feeling of tightening of the skin as the mixture dries. It is normal if there is no burning or itching sensation.


To prepare the tonic, a base component is required - aloe juice. You can make a pure tonic, or you can add other ingredients to it.

Tonic with cucumber and lemon

  1. Take ½ cup of cucumber juice.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and agave.
  3. Mix, store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Shake the tonic before use. Wipe the skin in the morning and evening. This product is suitable for dry, normal, combination skin. Helps with youthful acne, has a brightening effect.

Tonic with distilled water and lemon

  1. Take ½ cup distilled water.
  2. Add 4 tbsp. l. aloe juice.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  4. Wipe your face with the product morning and evening.

The tonic has a disinfectant, restorative; brightening property. Not suitable for oily skin only.

Some features of the care and use of aloe

How can aloe help with various cosmetic problems? What products can be used as anti-aging? And how to apply them correctly?

  • For centuries. Since aloe has a firming effect, it can work as a light lifting for the skin of the eyelids. The skin here loses its elasticity and moisture faster. Such masks are recommended to be done 1-2 times a week, then take a break and repeat the course. After lifting masks, be sure to apply a regular cream for the care of the skin around the eyes.
  • For acne. In this case, masks, tonics, lotions, and creams are suitable, since aloe in any form gives an anti-inflammatory, healing effect. For youthful acne, you can regularly use a tonic made from pure agave juice. It is also useful to use the juice along with antiseptic broths based on calendula, celandine, chamomile.
  • Around eyes . Recommended moisturizing masks around the eyes to prevent early wrinkles, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes. In such masks, in addition to aloe juice, nutritious agents are added - vegetable oils, glycerin. Do not use honey, lemon, egg white. The skin around the eyes is thin, delicate, and lacks collagen and elastin. It is important to observe precautions and remember that cosmetics under the eyes are applied in a circle, with point, soft, hammering movements. You cannot stretch the skin, you also need to leave a free area under the eyes and on top of the eyelids.
  • From wrinkles. Of course, aloe does not create miracles, and does not eliminate deep age, mimic wrinkles. But he copes well with fine wrinkles and prevents skin aging, saturating it with moisture and nutrients. In addition to skincare products, aloe can also be added to massage oils. For skin rejuvenation, it is useful to apply aloe not only externally, but also internally. According to the doctor's prescription, you can take a course of aloe tablets, alcohol-based aloe juice, as well as undergo a long course of injections.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to regularly use facial skin care products. It is equally important to monitor your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. If these conditions are not met, any external cosmetic techniques will be ineffective and short-term.

Aloe in cosmetology is valued for its regenerating, healing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, anti-aging properties. In modern cosmetology, aloe extract is added to creams, masks, lotions and face toners. These cosmetics can also be prepared at home. It is enough to grow on your window a "botanical miracle" called an agave.

Aloe is considered almost a panacea for health problems! The plant easily takes root on the windowsill and is often used as a medicine. Problematic facial skin treated with aloe juice literally comes back to life.

Irregularities, roughness disappear, acne simply escapes from the face, the natural process of collagen production is normalized. You just need to use the juice CORRECTLY! There is a little trick here to keep in mind to get the most out of your skin. And now the PhotoElf magazine " Skin care»Will tell you about it.

HOW to use aloe vera juice for the face skin correctly?

  1. Cut off a small leaf of aloe vera and rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Peel off the skin carefully, trim off the thorns.
  3. Mash the pulp with a fork until smooth.

Everything! The mask is ready.

Apply on the skin, avoiding the areas around the eyes, for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water (preferably boiled, non-carbonated mineral water or herbal decoction. Course - a month, use the product 1-2 times a week.

IMPORTANT! In order for the aloe vera to become biologically active and bring more benefits to your skin, the plant does not need to be watered for 5-6 days before cutting the leaves, and the cut leaves must be put in the refrigerator for further use.

Aloe leaves are perfectly stored for 12-14 days, and with each new day of storage, their biological activity increases. So The leaves of a home doctor "seasoned" in the refrigerator are much healthier for the skin than freshly cut... Although freshly cut is also possible, if you really can't wait to rejuvenate and improve your health 🙂

If you wish to use commercially available products for aloe skin, we recommend this cloth mask: Tcanal mask Esfolio with aloe, judging by the reviews on the Internet, it has a very good effect on the skin.

Masks with aloe vera for face skin

1. Double anti-aging mask with aloe vera

  • aloe juice - 1 teaspoon
  • any fatty cream - 2 teaspoons
  • wheat germ oil - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.

Toss the aloe juice with the cream and oil. Apply the mixture to your face, including under the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off with a cotton pad. Beat the egg and stir in salt. Leave the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and use a regular face cream.

Action: rejuvenating, refreshing, nourishing.

Indication: Anti-aging aloe masks are suitable for dry, wrinkled and sagging skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

2. A universal mask for any type of facial skin

  • aloe pulp - 2 tablespoons
  • turmeric - 1 tablespoon
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • glycerin - 2-3 drops
  • rose essential oil - 2 drops.

Toss aloe vera pulp with turmeric, honey, glycerin and rose oil. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour. Then apply the mixture to your face for half an hour.

Action: improves the skin of the face, giving it a radiant appearance.

Indication: Aloe mask with honey is suitable for any skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

3. Aloe vera mask for problem skin (acne)

  • aloe leaf - 1 piece
  • water - 0.2 liters
  • honey - 4 tablespoons.

Cut the washed aloe leaf into small pieces, cover with water and place on fire. After the mixture boils, keep it on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Put honey in the strained broth cooled to room temperature. Saturate the gauze with the mixture. folded in 4-6 layers and apply on the face skin in the form of a compress for 10-15 minutes.

Action: antibacterial, relieves acne.

Indication: Aloe and honey mask is suitable for oily, inflamed, problem skin.

Application: a mask for acne with aloe is performed 2-3 times a week.

4. Firming mask made of aloe vera cottage cheese and honey

  • aloe juice - 2 tablespoons
  • homemade cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon
  • honey - 2 teaspoons

Mash cottage cheese with honey and aloe juice. Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour.

Action: emollient, refreshing, nourishing, rejuvenating. Tightens the skin and removes wrinkles.

Indication: This anti-wrinkle aloe vera mask is suitable for sagging and aging skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

5. Mask of aloe and oils for dry skin

  • aloe vera juice - 2 tablespoons
  • cosmetic oil - 20 ml (you can take amaranth, olive, shea butter or another that you use)
  • lemon essential oil - 2-3 drops.

Mix aloe juice with oils, apply the nutrient mixture to the skin for 25-30 minutes.

Action: nourishing, softening, rejuvenating, toning.

Indication: Aloe mask for wrinkles is suitable for aging, atonic skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

7. Mask for oily skin with aloe, sour cream and fruit

  • aloe gruel - 1 tablespoon
  • fruit pulp - 1 tablespoon
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml
  • sour cream - 20 ml

For not very oily or combination skin, use persimmon, avocado, melon, or apricot. If you have, then use apple, grape, peach or orange pulp. Stir everything and apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

The mask enriches the skin with vitamins, tones it up and improves its appearance.

Action: nourishing, toning, refreshing, softening.

Indications: These aloe face masks are suitable for all skin types, depending on the composition.

Application: 2 times a week.

Aloe vera for the skin of the face is very effective, and besides, it is a completely free cosmetic., familiar to our mothers and grandmothers. Do you have this useful plant at home yet? Be sure to plant! So you will have a good home doctor and home cosmetics, because on the basis of aloe vera, you can make scrubs, tonics, very useful and effective, or you can simply wipe the skin with juice, you can even wipe the area around the eyes!

PhotoElf magazine "Facial Skin Care" does not say goodbye to you, but prepares new interesting materials, stay in touch 🙂

Ecology of consumption. Since ancient times, the healing power of aloe or agave has been used by people in medicine and for skin and hair care. Now recipes with aloe are very popular among fans of natural, natural and home cosmetics ...

Since ancient times, the healing power of aloe or agave has been used by people in medicine and for skin and hair care. Now recipes with aloe are very popular among fans of natural, natural and home cosmetics - after all, aloe juice contains all the substances necessary for the restoration, nutrition and treatment of skin and hair of any type. Aloe juice contains a large amount of essential oils, a whole group of vitamins - A, C, E, group B, as well as about 20 different microelements vital for skin and hair.

Homemade aloe-based cosmetics gently nourish and moisturize normal to dry skin, treat inflammation and soothe oily and combination skin. For mature skin, aloe juice is used as a powerful anti-aging agent that increases the firmness and elasticity of aging skin. For problem skin, homemade cosmetics with antiseptic quality are prepared on the basis of aloe juice.

On the basis of aloe juice, you can also prepare home cosmetics for thinning and falling hair, treating dandruff and restoring weak hair, accelerating hair growth.

For the preparation of care products, it is necessary to use biostimulated aloe juice, which is very easy to prepare at home if you have aloe growing. To start, don't water the plant for two weeks, then cut a couple of fleshy leaves from the bottom of the plant and wash them with boiled water.

Then dry the leaves and wrap them in opaque paper and place them on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, under the influence of low temperatures and darkness, natural, very powerful biostimulants are formed in the leaves of aloe, which are the main value of this plant for us. After two weeks, the leaves are taken out of the refrigerator and scrolled through a meat grinder, and then the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. The biostimulated aloe juice obtained in this way can be stored in a glass dark container for about a week in the refrigerator.

Face recipes

Aloe mask recipe

As a mask with aloe for the face, you can use biostimulated aloe juice, which is simply rubbed over the face and left for 20 minutes, and then simply washed off with warm water. This aloe facial mask will suit any skin type.

Aloe vera mask for aging and dry skin. To make this aloe mask, simply mix a spoonful of daytime moisturizer with a spoonful of aloe juice and add a spoonful of olive oil to the mixture. The mask is applied in a thick layer to the skin and left to act for half an hour.

Nourishing mask with aloe juice. To prepare this mask, you need to heat a spoonful of natural honey for a couple and combine it with a spoonful of aloe juice. This aloe vera mask moisturizes the skin well and is suitable for all skin types.

Mask with aloe for acne. To prepare a mask with aloe for acne, you need to combine a spoonful of aloe juice with gruel from fresh cucumber and apply the mass on the face, leave for half an hour.

Rejuvenating mask with aloe. To prepare a mask with aloe for youthful skin, you need to grind half an avocado and mix the puree with a spoonful of aloe juice. The mask is applied in a thick layer to the face and left for half an hour.

Hair recipes

For weakened hair, you can prepare the following mask with aloe - you need to mix a spoonful of aloe, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of castor oil and apply the mixture to your hair 40 minutes before washing.

For dry and colored hair, prepare the following mask with aloe - mix in equal parts jojoba oil and aloe juice and soak the hair with the mixture one hour before washing.

Fortifying mask with aloe - mix cognac, aloe juice, castor oil and honey in a spoonful, add yolk to the mixture and apply the mixture to the hair one hour before washing.

Mask with aloe, accelerating hair growth - mix castor oil, kefir, aloe juice in a spoon, add half a spoonful of oily vitamins A and E and apply to hair for an hour before washing.

Mask with aloe for shine of hair - it is necessary to beat two yolks and two tablespoons of aloe juice into a foam in a blender, apply the mixture to the hair an hour before washing, wrap your head with a warm cloth.

In case of severe hair loss, the following mask is recommended - mix a spoonful of aloe juice, half a spoonful of garlic juice, a spoonful of almond oil, a spoonful of burdock broth and apply the resulting mixture liberally to the hair roots 20 minutes before washing. The head is wrapped with foil and a towel. published by

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It is often found in cosmetic formulations, from washes to shampoos. “Preparations with him are salvation from acne,” says dermatocosmetologist Maria Shirshakova. There are also multifunctional products based on plant juice in stores.... You can use these as a cream for the face and eyelids, anti-split ends or after shaving or sunburn.

Listening to foreign beauty bloggers, it generally turns out that skin and hair do not need anything other than indoor aloe.

Experts suggest cutting the leaf in half, applying the gruel to your face - the super-moisturizing mask is ready. Send the plant to a blender, apply the resulting mass on your head and leave it overnight - in the morning after washing your hair will be smooth and voluminous.

Aloe Facial and Hair Mask Recipes

Anti-aging face mask. 1 tsp nourishing cream + 1 tsp. vegetable oil + 1 tsp. aloe juice. Hold for 10 minutes and remove with a cotton pad.

Anti-dandruff mask... 1 tsp aloe juice + 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice + 1 egg yolk. Rub in the roots, wrap your head with a towel and after 30 minutes wash off with warm water. Course - 4-6 procedures, every 3 days.

How to extract juice from a plant:

  • Put the leaves in the refrigerator for 12 days.
  • Time is over? Rinse them, chop and squeeze through cheesecloth.
  • Boil the resulting liquid in a water bath for 3 minutes - you're done.

The health benefits of the plant

According to Ekaterina Semenova, therapist at the Alfa-Health Center clinic, the plant sap contains beta-carotene, acids (citric, apple, cinnamon, succinic, hyaluronic), minerals (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, chromium, copper), carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, cellulose), essential oils, vitamins C, E, group B.

Plus, the plant gives a laxative, choleretic, tonic and healing effect. " 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice per day is prescribed for ulcers, gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome, "says Natalya Grigorieva, nutritionist at the Premium Aesthetics and Epilike clinics.

And eye drops with aloe help against conjunctivitis, blepharitis, myopia, keratitis. Agave injections are used for bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and burns. And rinsing - for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.