Essential oils are aphrodisiacs: natural pathogens. Recipes for love magic using exclusive aphrodisiac oils

      The article reveals the secrets of increasing female libido with the help of aphrodisiacs. Detailed descriptions of products and preparations are given, as well as a list of the best aphrodisiacs.

In this case, you can resort to the help of aphrodisiac products. With them, the love ardor for her husband will ignite with a new strong flame, and a spark of diversity will be added to the relationship with her lover.

It is believed that the use of aphrodisiac products causes a strong, uncontrollable arousal. But it's not. Since a person is able to control thoughts, anger, hunger and other internal impulses of his body, then love desire can also be mastered.

Important: the use of aphrodisiac products only enhances sexual desire, but does not provoke passion out of the blue, that is, “from scratch”.

In this article, we will look at aphrodisiacs for women that turn them into goddesses of love. How to kindle emotions and passion with the help of "improvised means"? Is there an alternative to expensive drugs?

The best aphrodisiacs for women: a list

Aphrodisiacs are used for one purpose: to increase sexual desire. But if a man's sexual desire is influenced by certain foods and oils, then women need completely different components for this. It depends on the location of the centers of sexual pleasure.

This is interesting: in a man, impulses of sexual desire are launched from the penis, in a woman - from the head, or rather, from the brain. If the psychological state of a woman falls into a love wave, then physiological pleasure is guaranteed.

Products, oils, sounds, which are purely female aphrodisiacs, should contribute to relaxation and excitement. Subtle sensual aroma of essential oils, awakening notes of dark chocolate, a glass of wine and flickering candles will set you up for romance with a continuation.

Women with low libido are offered the following products as aphrodisiacs:

  • ginger (after its use, the sensitivity of the genital organs increases),
  • saffron herb has an effect similar to ginger on erogenous zones,
  • vanilla generates erotic fantasies, is known for its arousing properties,
  • cayenne pepper effectively dilates blood vessels, helping to increase blood flow to the genitals,
  • celery leaves contribute to the production of pheromones, which are responsible for sexual desire,
  • dark chocolate produces happiness hormones that lead to sexual desire,
  • lemon balm has a tonic effect on the reproductive organs,
  • almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the level of female sex hormones in a woman's body.
  • Seaweeds make up for the lack of almost all trace elements of the body, restore strength well.

Aphrodisiacs for women in products

A diet enriched with nuts, cereals and lean meats will help a woman relax. Zinc and magnesium of these products have a beneficial effect on the psychological state, improve mood. In addition, sex hormones are produced.

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, fiber, which helps to improve intestinal motility and cleanse the body. What is the relationship between digestion and sex? With good health, hormonal levels normalize.
  • The reason for the lack of desire among the fairer sex can be a lack of vitamin B. Fatty fish, dairy products, potatoes, legumes, eaten, will not only increase the content of the vitamin in the body, but also prevent depression, improve immunity.
  • The record holder for the content of essential fatty acids, potassium and vitamin B is considered to be avocado.

Together, these products enhance the secretion of sex hormones and improve blood flow.

The ancient Aztecs consumed avocados, confident in their ability to influence their sexual prowess. But avocados only affect female sex drive.

  • Watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline. With it, enzymes are produced that improve the blood flow of the small pelvis. This enhances arousal.
  • Vitamins of group B, which are necessary to increase libido (increase the level of sex hormones in the blood), are also found in honey. It is good for both women and men to eat it.

To achieve the desired effect, aphrodisiac products should be properly selected, and it is better to use them in small quantities. It is known that some aphrodisiacs, consumed in excess of the permissible dose, dull the sexual desire.

Natural aphrodisiacs for women

  • Music is considered the best natural and natural aphrodisiac. But not all musical melodies act equally relaxing. Some are turned on by classical music, others by the sounds of drums or slow sensual compositions.
  • The sounds of nature also awaken attraction. For example, the sound of the sea, the cries of seagulls, the sound of rain, the soft singing of birds.
  • Sports, yoga, dancing, especially oriental, also help to increase a woman's libido. Increased blood flow to the pelvic organs for sexual desire plays an important role.
  • In addition to body shaping, a woman will be able to become more self-confident, as well as learn to control her body and feel it. Sport strengthens health, improves immunity.

And in a healthy and peaceful woman, sexual desire increases.

  • Another natural aphrodisiac is the Spanish fly insect, which secretes the secret cantharidin. Cantharidin acts as the strongest stimulant of sexual activity. Of course, this does not mean that you need to eat an insect in order to increase sexual arousal.

The Spanish fly secret is contained in capsules, powders, tinctures and drops. It is added to food without affecting the taste at all. Only use preparations with the secret of the fly should be no more than 1 time per month.

The recipe for an effective aphrodisiac from the tropical guarana plant:

2 tablespoons of guarana seeds are poured with a liter of boiled water, left for 5-10 minutes, and then drunk several times before a romantic date.

Ginkgo biloba stimulates sexual desire. It is used in the form of tincture or tablets.

Spices are aphrodisiacs for women

Spices and seasonings can ignite passion and increase sexual activity. When preparing food, you can change the composition of spices, thereby affecting mood and increasing energy, relieving stress.

Essential oils of spices and seasonings that have a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere:

  • anise - kindles passion
  • mustard (seeds) and vanilla - awaken sensuality
  • cinnamon - enhances desire and increases the tone of the uterus
  • cardamom - considered the main component of love drinks
  • chili pepper, garlic - increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones
  • nutmeg - especially recommended by doctors to enhance women's sexual desire

Herbs such as cilantro, mint, tarragon have the opposite effect, reducing libido.

Essential oils are aphrodisiacs for women

Refusal of sex and lack of pleasure during intimacy speak of psychological problems: stress, fatigue, accumulation of negative emotions. Natural essential oils help relieve nervous tension and relax

Essential oils that will help a woman increase sexual desire:

  • essential oil of bergamot- relaxes
  • vanilla essential oil- awakens instincts
  • ylang ylang oil- is a strong aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire in both women and men
  • cinnamon and ginger oils- act exciting
  • myrrh oil- used to normalize relationships
  • neroli oil- helps prolong pleasure
  • patchouli oil- eliminate coldness
  • clary sage oil- stimulates sexual desire
  • jasmine oil- reveals femininity

Aphrodisiacs for women in drops

  • Aphrodisiacs in drops, which are sold in pharmacies, will also help to strengthen a woman’s desire, because recently they have been classified as medicines. The components contained in the drops will bring bright colors to your sexual life, fill you with sensuality, and speed up the process of achieving orgasm.
  • The main advantage of aphrodisiacs in drops is that they are quickly absorbed into the blood, which provides a quick and strong effect. You just need to choose the right drops, which are based on aromatic oils, extracts of rare tropical plants or trees.
  • A pharmacy prescription is not required. But it is not always possible to see aphrodisiacs on the shelf in the public domain: as a rule, they are hidden from the eyes of visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to ask about the presence of aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiac tablets for women

In the pharmacy, you can also buy pathogens for women in tablets. When choosing a passion drug, it should be borne in mind that a good and high-quality product cannot be cheap. A significant drawback of sensitizing pills is that they should be taken within a month.

Aphrodisiac spray for women

Aphrodisiac spray promotes strong sexual desire and the need to engage in love pleasures as soon as possible. Only 10 - 15 minutes and sexual indifference will be replaced by passion and desire.

Sprays are compact, so they can easily fit even in a trouser pocket. The effect of the spray is that after application, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases. Used as perfume. The pheromones contained in the smell of the spray can turn a woman into a passionate lioness.

What are the most powerful aphrodisiacs for women: reviews

Evgenia, 37 years old: “For me, the best aphrodisiac has always been positive emotions, a cheerful mood. If a man organizes a trip to the theater or a restaurant, then the evening will turn out great.

Natalia, 29 years old: “Oddly enough, but I have such passionate nights after garlic! Of course, you need to get rid of the smell from the mouth before going to the bedroom.

Christina, 32 years old: “I once decided to experience the effect of aphrodisiacs. I bought the ones I liked at the pharmacy, but I couldn’t fly away on the wings of love. My husband and I were at odds at the time. I think a normal and warm relationship with my husband is the main aphrodisiac.”

Relying on drugs that increase sexual desire, lovers should remember: only love kindles true passion. A person who feels sympathy and attraction will be a tireless lover.

Love each other and be desired!

Video: Aphrodisiacs and Nutrition

Aphrodisiacs are substances that enhance sexual desire and promote sexual activity. The word "aphrodisiac" itself comes from the Greek "aphrodisia" - "sexual desire". And the term "aphrodisia", according to legend, is formed on behalf of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Since ancient times, people have been looking for means that could enhance erotic arousal and make sex life brighter. It gradually became clear that many products of plant or animal origin have a similar effect. Bananas and avocados, parsley and dill, seafood, eggs and many other things that we regularly eat have a positive effect on sex life.

How essential oils work for arousal

Products have their exciting effect not least because of the essential oils they contain. For use in cosmetology and medicine, essential oils are isolated from plant materials by various methods (extraction, distillation, pressing). It is the ethers that affect the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. The smell of essential oils through the olfactory receptors in the nose is transmitted to the brain. There it acts on the pituitary gland (the center in the brain responsible for producing hormones). There is a release of endorphin into the blood - the hormone of happiness. Endorphin causes euphoria, enhances sexual desire. Besides, aphrodisiac essential oils able to relieve emotional stress, help to relax and enjoy love joys.

Properties of essential oils-aphrodisiacs

Orange oil - relieves fatigue and calms the nervous system, improves mood, helps to relax during erotic caresses.

Bergamot oil - has a relaxing effect, awakens the imagination.

Geranium oil - promotes gentle caresses and romantic relationships.

Vanilla oil - its sweet smell relaxes, awakens instincts and sensuality.

Clove oil - enhances sensuality, increases the duration of orgasm.

Jasmine oil - makes a person more self-confident, liberates, gives a sense of his own attractiveness.

Ylang Ylang Oil is one of the most powerful essential oils for stimulation. Increases potency in men and sexual desire in women.

Cypress oil - suitable for older men. Strengthens and prolongs erection, makes the body more sensitive to caresses.

Ginger oil - warms and excites, has a strong effect on both men and women.

Cinnamon oil - increases energy and sensitivity to touch.

Lavender oil is an oil for relaxation. It gives a feeling of light relaxation, enhances the feeling of attractiveness, helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts and focus on lovemaking.

Myrrh oil is an erotic oil for women. Adds femininity, harmonizes relationships.

Neroli oil - relaxes, relieves stress, prolongs orgasm.

Muscat oil - helps partners feel each other.

Patchouli oil - enhances the sensitivity of erogenous zones, relieves tension, helps to open up better during intercourse. Eliminates sexual coldness.

Rose oil - promotes the disclosure of sexuality, especially female. Well suited for inexperienced lovers, fills the atmosphere with romance and tenderness.

Rosemary oil - tones, promotes the repetition of sexual contacts.

sandalwood oil - aphrodisiac essential oil for men. Significantly increases male potency, enhances sensitivity.

Clary sage oil - mixed with body odor, affects the subconscious and stimulates attraction to the opposite sex.

Ways to use essential oils for arousal

There are several options for using essential oils for arousal.

Aromatization of the room
If you need to create a romantic atmosphere in a room, try filling it with the scent of essential oils. This can be done with an aroma lamp. Pour water into the aroma lamp bowl and add 2-3 drops essential oil for stimulation. You can also use an ordinary candle: drop 1-2 drops of oil into the melted wax near the wick. This must be done carefully so as not to touch the burning wick - essential oils are flammable. It is convenient to use a regular pharmacy pipette.

Body aromatization
A bath with essential oils will give the body a light, stimulating aroma and awaken sensuality. Take a bath of warm water (36-37 degrees), add a few drops to the bath salt aphrodisiac essential oil and let the mixture dissolve in the water. The duration of taking aroma baths is 15 minutes.

Massage with essential oils
Massage itself is an erotic ritual, and use during it aphrodisiac essential oils will further enhance the exciting effect. Mix 3-4 drops of essential oil with one teaspoon of massage oil and apply to your partner's skin with light, stroking movements.

Using aphrodisiac essential oils standard precautions should be followed. Do not apply to the skin in a pure (undiluted) form; apply inside; avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Never apply to the genitals! They should also be used with caution in people prone to allergies.

Please note: a particular person may have an individual intolerance to certain odors. Therefore, try to unobtrusively find out from your partner which aromas are more pleasant to him. Experiment, look for something that both of you will like the most. And thanks to aromatherapy, your sex life will certainly acquire new, bright shades.

Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady

Not enough "light"? Use energizing essential oils as your assistants!

Smell is power!

Already 4000 years ago, the Greeks were producing perfume in Cyprus - the island of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. However, the Egyptians were ahead of them by 2000 years, creating fragrant potions that were supposed to serve a variety of purposes, ranging from seduction to embalming corpses. Legend has it that Cleopatra "announced" her meeting with Mark Antony by scenting the sails of her ship with odorants. The perfume industry currently has billions of dollars in circulation. Why are fragrances "exploited" so actively?

The brain reacts to smell in 0.05 seconds, which is faster than to pain. Smell perception affects the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for controlling emotions and sexuality, evoking emotions or physical responses. According to Rachel Hertz, author of The Scent of Desire, women have found that, of all physical traits, the most important factor in determining whether or not they are sexually interested in a man is his scent.

All of us can use the magical power of smell so that boredom and indifference do not settle in our bedrooms. How to do it?

Exciting essential oils and sensuality

The vast majority of fragrances on the market today are synthetic blends. However, a much better effect can be achieved with the help of essential oils that excite both men and women. It is these substances that give plants their characteristic smell. Peel the orange from the peel - and you will feel its aroma. Rub a sprig of rosemary in your palms and it will leave its scent on them. Essential oils can be extracted from flowers, leaves, bark, roots, seeds, and resin. They are sometimes referred to as the "blood" of plants because they contain natural life energy. It is she who can enhance the effectiveness of our love and other magic spells, as well as arouse passion in us.

It is important that only pure essential oils have this exciting energy. Synthetic substances (no matter how tempting their names seem) are deprived of life, just as an inflatable sex doll is deprived of life.

Just as we each have our own food preferences, different people have a penchant for different smells. However, some fragrances have long been associated with passion, romance and sensuality. Which essential oil is most likely to excite men and women? This list includes, in particular:

  • amber,
  • cinnamon,
  • gardenia,
  • carnation,
  • jasmine,
  • orange blossom
  • patchouli,
  • musk,
  • rose,
  • vanilla,
  • ylang-ylang.

How can the "seductive" abilities of the ethers be used?

How to excite a man or woman with essential oils? This can be done in several ways.

*Many of the products in this category can be used as a perfume - just spray them on the neck, wrists and other well-perfused parts of the body. You can also rub them gently between your breasts, on your inner thighs, or on your lower abdomen.

Because some essential oils can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions, test them in very small amounts first to see how your body reacts to them.

*Mix one or more passion-inducing essential oils with your favorite massage oil or balm, olive oil, grape seed oil, or jojoba. Together with your partner, give each other a sensual massage using this mixture to ignite your desire.

*If you like, you can immerse yourself in a hot water bath with an erotic-scented essential oil such as patchouli, ylang-ylang, or jasmine. By the way, rituals of sexual magic often begin with a special bath, which is designed to wash away daily worries and move the consciousness of participants from the earthly world to the world of magic and sensuality. According to Hippocrates, who is often considered the father of Western medicine, the path to health is aromatic baths and daily massages.

* You can also oil your candles with "love" essential oils. This practice will not only increase your libido levels, but also infuse spells with the natural energy of the plant from which the scented product you are using was made. Pour a small amount into the palm of your hand and apply to the surface, covering everything except the wick.

On a note. If you want to attract or strengthen something, rub in the oil starting from the bottom and moving towards the wick.
If you want to reduce, release or deprive something, start oiling from the top of the candle and work your way down.

If you plan to engrave any symbols or words on the wax, do so before oiling it.

You can buy candles already scented with the above essential oils. However, please note that most of these products do not contain pure essential oils, which is why they lack the magical energy of plants. In addition, they do not stimulate love feelings as much as candles made from all-natural ingredients do.

Knowing which essential oils excite men and women in bed, you can buy several types of them and use one at a time or in a mixture. The main thing is that this method has been working flawlessly for thousands of years.

Any girl likes male attention, so the fair sex is trying by all means to achieve it. However, not all girls need a lot of time and money to care for their appearance in order to win the favor of a mass of fans.

The thing is that in any organism, whether female or male, special natural substances are produced - pheromones. These are substances that cause sexual attraction in the opposite sex.

They are produced by the sweat glands, but do not have any particular odor. Men feel attracted to a woman whose body produces a significant amount of pheromones, thanks to the glands in the organs of smell.

That is why you can often observe how many gentlemen curl around an unremarkable girl in casual clothes, without tons of makeup and with the most ordinary hairstyle.

But what about the girls whom nature has not rewarded with a rich supply of pheromones? It would seem to fall into despair. After all, they try to carefully monitor their appearance, dress beautifully and behave in society as befits a decent person, and men still do not pay much attention to them.

Actually there is a way out. And he is very simple. It is enough to resort to the help of special aromatic oils that contain pheromones and stimulate the body to produce their own. Then you can see how your success among men will suddenly increase. The main thing to start with is to remember which essential oils attract men.

There are no women who do not love perfume, there are women who have not found their scent ...

Even in ancient times, girls learned to use the wondrous gifts of nature - aromas to attract male attention. There are many legends and stories about this. Thanks to them, modern mankind was able to create a unique magical tool that can give women the attractiveness and delight of men.

In the people, such substances are called essential oils, or scientifically. Both men and women have their own attractive fragrances.

Therefore, if you set out to win the attention of the stronger sex, then you should not soar in the clouds in search of the only fragrance that will solve all your problems and throw crowds of fans at your feet.

In fact, there are essential oils that attract most men, but some have no effect. Therefore, choosing an essential oil is an important step in shaping your attractiveness. It will take time to test the effectiveness of one or the other.

An important component in this are your personal tastes and preferences. If you choose an oil whose smell is unpleasant for you, then no matter what effect it produces on men, you still will not get the necessary satisfaction.

Greater success with men can be achieved by creating your own unique fragrance by mixing several essential oils.

And, of course, the most important point will be to determine the purpose of using the fragrance. Decide if you need essential oils to attract a man or to bring new sensations into your family life or something else. And depending on this, choose the flavor.

Essential oils bring to everyday measured life not only a wonderful aroma. They affect people at the subconscious level. If men like your feminine fragrance, then in the future they will associate it only with you and evoke warm feelings.

What essential oils can attract men:

1. Rose. This oil has a delicate and delicate aroma, which men are crazy about. Thanks to the rose, female sexuality is revealed, feelings are aggravated. This fragrance is best suited for young ladies. If you add a drop of essential oil to the bathroom, then your body will acquire the most pleasant aroma and act as a stimulant on men.

2. Ylang-ylang. The oil obtained from the flowers of this plant is able to stimulate the pituitary glands to produce endorphins. Thus, a person feels a feeling of euphoria, bliss, strong attraction and is able to freely open his feelings.

And that woman who will exude the aroma of desire cannot go unnoticed. The aroma of passion ylang can be added to any bouquet of other scents of essential oils to attract a man.

3. Cinnamon. It is not surprising that the oil of this spice occupies a leading position among similar ones. It has been known since ancient times that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, oils of various fragrant spices so attract and excite the representatives of the stronger sex.

Miraculous have long identified and recognized her oil as capable of increasing male power. Cinnamon oil has a relaxing and inspiring effect at the same time.

If notes of cinnamon soar in your body aroma, a man who smells them once will strive to see you again and again.

4. Lavender. Lavender oil awakens strong and tender feelings in men on an intuitive level. The smell of "grass of love" allows you to relax and gives confidence in yourself, your strengths and personal attractiveness.

Stimulants are best revealed in combination with the aromas of patchouli and cedar wood.

5. Geranium. Geranium-based aphrodisiac causes success in the struggle for the attention of the opposite sex in mature women. It causes a more relaxed reaction in women and allows you to feel young again.

The smell of this essential oil is able to give the opportunity to be loved even by those women who have lost all hope and faith in themselves.

6. Rosemary. Rosemary essential oil causes men not only physical sexual attraction, it brings together on a spiritual level. Hearing such a smell, a man becomes more energetic, active, more persistent in behavior with a woman.

The fragrance is able to inspire men to romantic actions and deeds.

7. Citrus essential oils , which attract men, go well with other fragrances. Fresh notes of orange, lemon, tangerine or lime arouse the interest of the opposite sex, win you over and stimulate confidence.

For thousands of years, fragrances have been used to attract a partner and increase sexual pleasure. Volatile essential components have a direct impact on emotions, charming, seducing, bewitching.

The use of aphrodisiac essential oils is based on their properties to influence the sensual sphere, increasing attraction to the opposite sex, awakening the most tender erotic feelings and secret fantasies.

The aromas of love - aphrodisiacs - were so named after the Greek goddess of love - Aphrodite. Many essential oils are characterized by volatile substances that act on the erotic centers of the brain.

Not everyone thought that with the help of aromatherapy it is possible to diversify the sexual life of partners, as well as to help men suffering from psychological impotence and women experiencing enslavement and discomfort during intercourse.

According to the impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, the general qualities of aphrodisiac essential oils include: a calming effect on the central nervous system and at the same time stimulating sexual functions, relaxing, liberating, relieving stress, giving spiritual uplift, enhancing the production of natural pheromones, stabilizing the emotional background.

Some oils, such as lavender and sandalwood, increase blood flow to the penis by up to 40%.

According to research by American scientists, it has been established that couples over the age of 35 are most sensitive to aromas, vanilla, and ylang-ylang.

But men who have an active sex life and often have sex, are best perceived by smells and nutmeg.

Each of the oils has unique properties and is used both individually and in various compositions, which are made taking into account aromatic preferences and the desired effect.

The use of aphrodisiac essential oils to awaken sensuality

  1. Aroma baths. Taking a bath with a partner, you will not only diversify the erotic sensations, but also saturate the skin with pheromones and exciting aromas. In addition, the body after such a procedure becomes many times more sensitive to caresses. In a bath with warm, but not hot, water, add sea or ordinary salt (1/2 cup with 3-5 drops of aphrodisiac added to it).
  2. Armakuritelnitsy. Nothing creates an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom like the sensual aroma of aphrodisiac esters. 3-5 drops of ether are added to the aroma lamp for every 15 sq. m room. In the absence of a special device, you can use tablet candles (oils drip onto the wax, but not onto the wick) or apply fragrance to an ordinary light bulb before it is turned on.
  3. Erotic massage. Any massage is an effective tool for activating erogenous zones, and a procedure using vegetable oil (grape seeds, peach kernels, almonds or apricots), enriched with aphrodisiac essential oils, greatly enhances the stimulating effect. 5-6 drops of an aphrodisiac are added to 15 ml of the base base and applied to the partner's skin with light, gentle, stroking movements.
  4. Perfume. Perhaps the most popular method of influencing the areas of the brain responsible for sexual desire is to apply an oil base enriched with aphrodisiacs to pulse points - the area behind the ears, temples, wrists, bends of the elbows and knees, groin, the area between the breasts. For 20 drops of base oil (be sure to choose a virtually odorless base), add 20 drops of any aphrodisiac or a fragrant mixture of them.

The main aphrodisiac esters include:

Blends of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

Sandalwood is an aphrodisiac essential oil for men. That is why it is so often added to sensual compositions that ladies use instead of perfume.

Since sandalwood significantly increases potency, orgasm duration and male passion, it is often added to aromatic mixtures for erotic massage, used in aroma burners in the bedroom, and dripped into the bath.

According to the reviews of popular aromatherapists, the composition that excites male desire, which is recommended for women to apply to pulse points, looks like this: 70 drops of any odorless base oil, for example, jojoba, are injected with sandalwood - 3 k., Ylang-ylang - 1 k., cedar - 2 k., patchouli - 1 k.

And here are a few mixtures that awaken the sexual fantasy and sensuality of women:

  1. The following esters are added to 60 drops of an odorless base: rose - 2 k., jasmine - 2 k., bergamot - 1 k., sandalwood - 1 k.
  2. For 80 drops of the base is taken: patchouli - 3 k., neroli - 2 k., clary sage - 2 k., cinnamon - 1 k.

Aromatherapists say that the most popular among both sexes and is most often used both as an independent product and as part of various recipes for applying to the skin and aromatizing rooms is a powerful aphrodisiac - ylang-ylang essential oil.

Its rich fragrance, with hints of tropical flowers and balsamic woods, is said to stimulate the imagination with exotic imagery.

Ylang-ylang oil: aphrodisiac properties

Essential oil of ylang-ylang is a strong aphrodisiac that stimulates mutual attraction. Inhalation of a rich-sweet aroma helps to increase potency in men and libido in women. In addition, the smell of ylang-ylang increases the sexual self-esteem of insecure people.

In addition to the sensual sphere, the main properties of ylang-ylang essential oil (stimulating hair growth, smoothing wrinkles, rejuvenation), based on a rich biochemical composition, it is advisable to use in hair and skin care products.

These are the unique properties inherent in essential oils related to aphrodisiacs. Enrich your attitudes with new aromas of love, tenderness, trust, sensuality and enjoy life to the fullest!