How to learn prayers for namaz. Obligatory prayers: the order of performance by men (video). Places where it is forbidden to pray

It starts from the moment the dawn appears and lasts until the beginning of the sunrise. Morning prayer consists of four rak'ahs, two of which are sunnah and two are fard. First, 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah are performed, then 2 rak'ahs of the fard.

Sunnah of Morning Prayer

First rak'ah

"I intend for the sake of Allah to perform 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah of the morning (Fajr or Subh) prayer". (Fig. 1)
Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms facing Qibla, to ear level, touching earlobes with thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar"
, then and (Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim" "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" after you speak "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) After you speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya" "Allahu Akbar"

And again with words "Allahu Akbar" sink into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim"(Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make a hand "(bow from the waist). In the bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten the body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" after you speak "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) After you speak "Allahu Akbar", perform soot (bow to the earth). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the place of soot with your forehead and nose. In bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

And again with the words "Allahu Akbar" again sink into soot and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After pronounce "Allahu Akbar" Rise from the soot to a sitting position and read the arc Attahiyat "Attahiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamu aleyke ayuyhannabiyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatyh. Assalamu aleyna va galya gyibadillahi s-salihiin. Ashkhady alla illaha illalla x. Va ashkhady anna Muhammadan. Gabduhu wa rasylyukh ". Then you read Salawat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama sallayaita ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim, Innakya Hamidum-Majid "Then read du" and Rabban. (Fig. 5)

Say a greeting: with a turn of the head, first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

This completes the prayer.

Then we read two fard rak'ats. Fard of morning prayer. In principle, fard and sunnah prayers are no different from each other, only the intention that you perform fard prayers for men also changes, as well as those who have become imams in prayer need to read surahs and takbirs aloud "Allahu Akbar".

Fard of Morning Prayer

The fard of morning prayer, in principle, is no different from the sunnah of prayer, only the intention that you perform fard prayer for men, as well as those who have become an imam in prayer, you need to read surah al-Fatiha and a short surah, takbirs "Allahu Akbar", some dhikrs out loud.

First rak'ah

Standing, make the intention (niyat) to perform prayer: "I intend for the sake of Allah to perform 2 rak'ahs of the morning (Fajr or Subh) fard prayer". (fig. 1) Raise both hands, spreading your fingers, palms towards the Qibla, to the level of your ears, touching your earlobes with your thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar", then place the right hand with the palm on the left hand, clasping the little finger and thumb of the right hand around the wrist of the left hand, and lower the hands folded in this way just below the navel (women put their hands at chest level). (Fig. 2)
Standing in this position, read du'a Sana "Subhaanakya allahumma va bihamdika, va tabaarakyasmuka, va ta'alaya jadduka, va laya ilyayahe gairuk", then "Auzu billahi minashshaitaanir-rajim" And "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" after reading sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyyakya nasta" yn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mustekim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after sura al-Fatiha, we read another short sura or one long verse, for example, sura al-Kyausar "Inna a" taynakya l Kyausar. fasally li rabbika uanhar. inna shani akya huva l-abtar" "Amine" pronounced to oneself) (Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten the body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)
After you speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"

And again with words "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyyakya nasta" yn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mustekim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after sura al-Fatiha, we read another short sura or one long verse, for example, sura al-Ikhlas "Kul khuva Allaahu Ahad. Allahu s-samad. Lam yalid wa lam yuulad. Wa lam yakullahuu kufuvan ahad"(Sura al-Fatiha and a short sura imam, as well as men read aloud, "Amine" pronounced to oneself) (Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar"(imam, as well as men read aloud) and make a hand "(bow from the waist). In the bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten the body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(imam, as well as men read aloud) after you say "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)
After you speak "Allahu Akbar"(the imam, as well as men read aloud), perform sazd (prostration). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the place of soot with your forehead and nose. In bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)
And again with words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam, as well as the men read aloud) sink into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After pronounce "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from soot to a sitting position and read the arc Attahiyat "Attahiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamu aleyke ayuhannabiyyu va rahmatullahi wa barakatyh. Assalamu aleyna wa galya giybadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah Wa ashhady Anna Muhammadan. Gabdyhu wa rasylyukh ". Then you read Salawat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama sallayaita ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim, Innakya Hamidum-Majid "Then read du" and Rabbana "Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-akhirati hasanat va kyna ‘azaban-nar". (Fig. 5)

Say the greeting: "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah"(the imam, as well as men read aloud) with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

Raise your hand to make du "a "Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalali wa-l-ikram" This completes the prayer.

True Muslims must master the reading of namaz. What about those who barely want to learn this occupation? At first, it is possible to start reading namaz as an ordinary prayer without observing the important rules of this rite.

Namaz for men

To read the prayer, you will need to do the following:

  • prepare clothes and body for this rite (prayer is performed only in clean clothes);
  • memorize the sura, which is called "Al-Fatiha";
  • stand at the time of the prayer facing in the direction where Mecca is located.

Namaz for women

It is important for a woman to clarify whether she can pray. In that case, there are no prohibitions for pregnant women. They can read a prayer while sitting and even lying down if the pregnancy is difficult. A woman during menstruation, postpartum condition and with gynecological diseases accompanied by bleeding, it is forbidden to perform the ceremony. In these cases, the woman is considered unclean.

Before the ceremony, a woman needs to perform a small washing of the face, legs to the ankles and hands to the elbows, and also to wipe the varnish from the nails. Women are allowed to pray in the mosque, in a special women's hall, as well as at home. The order of reading the prayer is identical for both women and men.

How to learn to pray?

Those who have just accepted the Muslim faith will be able to learn how to do namaz by watching how other Muslims do it. Over time, the process of reading a prayer can be brought to automatism. If you are learning to read namaz in a mosque, then it is not at all necessary to repeat all the words of the prayer after other Muslims. To do this, just repeat the word "Amen" at the end.

  1. 1. You need to face Mecca and repeat all the actions of Surah Al-Fatiha while reading the prayer. It is important to read aloud in order to hear yourself. The letters suru must be spoken without the slightest distortion.
  2. 2. Those who have already begun to study the Al-Fatiha surah and know at least one surah by heart, need to repeat it several times. This is necessary in order to pronounce the same amount of text as when reading aloud the sura in full.
  3. 3. If you have not yet been able to learn and read the sura according to all the rules, then during the prayer you can read one of the parts borrowed from the Holy Quran. At the same time, the passage cannot contain less than 156 letters.
  4. 4. To perform a prayer without knowing the surah Al-Fatiha or parts from the Holy Quran, you can only pronounce the words used to remember Allah. They are also called zikrs. Alternatively, you can say the following zikrs: “Subhana-llah, wa-l-hamdu-li-llah, wa la ilaha illa-llah, wa-llahu Akbar.” In translation, it will sound like this: Allah is omnipotent, there is no god but him, Praise be to Allah.
  5. 5. In the event that you cannot read by heart any of the above, you can simply say “Allahu Akbar” 20 times. Those who cannot read anything can stand silently for the time it takes to read Surah Al Fatiha.

On average, for beginners, it takes from one to two weeks to learn namaz. This time is enough to study Surah Al-Fatiha at a calm pace. Many people experience difficulties in reading namaz at the initial stage.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that at first you will read only a few dhikr to Allah. With the right approach to studying the sura, in a month you will be reading prayer without hesitation.

The following video will help you learn how to pray.

Prayer for every Muslim is a kind of communication with Allah. It helps clear the mind five times a day and brings peace to your life. Prayer is a way for a person to thank Allah, and a reminder to him that Allah is watching his life, giving him strength in the most difficult times. This article explains how to properly perform the Muslim prayer, salat, in accordance with one of the five main Islamic schools - the Hanafi madhhab.

Performing prayer five times during the day is a duty that a Muslim must perform, each at a set time: in the pre-dawn hours, immediately after the zenith of the sun, before sunset, after sunset and at night. Knowing how to pray is essential to proper worship.

There are other conditions for worshipers: being in a state of ablution (guidelines on how to do ablution), the cleanliness of the place from impurities, the awrah must be covered, facing the Kaaba when praying, intention (niyyat) and introductory takbir. Let's go directly to the question of how to do prayer according to the Hanafi madhhab.

The order of prayer

How to do namaz?

After the second rak'ah is done, the one who prays directly from the bow of the earth remains to read the Attahiyat. During the morning prayer with two rak'ahs, one should further read the words of Salavat and the dua, then say salam with the head turned to both sides. With four rakahs of prayer, the prayer, having read Attahiyat, performs two more rakahs of prayer and only then reads again Attahiyat, Salavat and dua. Then, to complete the prayer, he says salam. This concludes the obligatory parts of the prayer.

The number of rak'ahs for each prayer

It should be remembered that the number of rakahs for each prayer may differ:

  • Morning prayer (Fajr). Read aloud:
    • 2 rak'ah sunnah (desirable).
    • 2 fard rak'ahs (mandatory).
  • Noon Prayer (Zuhr). Read in a whisper:
    • 4 sunnah rak'ahs (desirable).
    • 2 rak'ah sunnah (desirable).
    • On Friday, instead of midday prayer, a collective prayer (Juma) is read.
  • Afternoon Prayer (Asr). Read in a whisper:
    • 4 fard rak'ahs (mandatory).
  • Evening Prayer (Maghrib). Read aloud:
    • 3 fard rak'ahs (mandatory).
    • 2 rak'ah sunnah (desirable).
  • Night Prayer (Isha). Read aloud:
    • 4 fard rak'ahs (mandatory).
    • 2 rak'ah sunnah (desirable).
    • Witr prayer from an odd number of rak'ahs (preferably).
    • In Ramadan, after the night prayer, as a rule, the Tarawih prayer is read immediately.

Prayer for a woman

Namaz for women has slight differences:

  1. During the introductory takbir, the woman raises her hands in front of her chest.
  2. In qiyama, the arms are folded above the chest.
  3. When prostrating, women touch their knees with their stomachs and do not spread their arms wide like men.

(Persian نماز‎) or salat (Arabic صلاة‎) is a canonical prayer, one of the five pillars of Islam. The prayers of the first Muslims consisted in the joint loud pronunciation of the formulas of monotheism and the exaltation of Allah. There are no clear instructions for prayers in the Koran, although there are many indications of such particulars as the time of prayers, prayer formulas, some movements, etc. The entire order of prayer was formed as an imitation of the prayer postures and movements of the Prophet Muhammad and was fixed by the memory of the first Muslims. The uniformity of prayer was practiced for almost a century and a half and was recorded in writing by the Hanafi jurist Muhammad ash-Shaibani (d. 805).

1. Standing, express your sincere intention (niyat) to commit prayer:

"I intend for the sake of Allah to make a fard* of this morning prayer A".

Important Notes:
* Fard is obligatory in Islam. Failure to perform fard is considered a sin.

In this case, we give a simplified example of making a morning prayer a, in which there are 2 rak'ahs (cycles of body movements).

Remember that every prayer includes a certain number of sunnah (desirable) and fard (obligatory) rak'ats.

Morning - 2 sunnahs, 2 fards
Daily - 4 sunnahs, 4 fards, 2 sunnahs
Afternoon - 4 fards
Evening - 3 fards, 2 sunnas
Night - 4 fards, 2 sunnas

2. Raise both hands so that the tips of the fingers are at shoulder level, the palms are facing the Qibla, and say the takbir iftitah (initial takbir): "Allahu akbar."

Takbir. The gaze is turned to the place of soot (the place that is touched with the head when bowing to the ground). Hands are located on the chest, fingertips are at shoulder level, but not higher. The feet are parallel to each other. There are four fingers between them.

3. Then fold your arms across your chest, placing your right hand over your left, and read:

"Sura Fatiha"

"Auzu billahi minashshaitaani r-rajim
Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim
Alhamdi lillahi rabbil 'alamin
Arrahmaani r-rahim
Maaliki Yaumiddin
Iyyakya na´budy va iyyakya nasta´in
Ihdina s-syraatal mystakym
Syraatallyazina an'amta aleihim
Gairil Magdubi Aleihim Valad-doolliin…"
Aamin! .. (Pronounced silently)

But for you, as a beginner who performs his first prayers in his life, you can limit yourself to reading Surah Fatiha.

Qiyam. The gaze is turned to the place of soot. Hands are folded on the chest, the right hand on the left (the wrist is not clasped). The feet are parallel to each other. There are four fingers between them.

4. Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make a hand "(bow from the waist).

Hand". The gaze is turned to the tips of the toes. The bow is not as deep as in men: the head is higher than the back. The hands with closed fingers lie freely, not clasping the knees.

5. After the arm, straighten the body to a vertical position.

6. With the words "Allahu Akbar" perform prostration (soot). During soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that touch the soot with your forehead and nose.

Soot. The head is between the arms. Forehead and nose touch the floor. The fingers are directed towards the Qibla, the toes do not bend towards the Qibla. The elbows touch the floor and are pressed to the body, touching the hips. The abdomen is pressed against the thighs.

7. After that, with the words "Allahu Akbar", rise from soot to a sitting position

8. After sustaining a pause in this position, sufficient for the pronunciation of "Subhanallah", with the words "Allahu Akbar" again sink into soot.

Soot. Head between hands. Forehead and nose touch the floor. The fingers are directed towards the Qibla, the toes do not bend towards the Qibla. The elbows touch the floor and are pressed to the body, touching the hips. The abdomen is pressed against the thighs.

9. Then, with the words "Allahu Akbar", stand up to perform the second cancer "ata. Hands folded on the chest.

II rak'ah

First, as in the first rak'at, read the Fatiha surah, an additional surah, for example, Ikhlas (although for beginners you can limit yourself to reading the Fatiha surah - see above), do the hand and soot.

10. After the second soot of the second rak'at, sit on your feet and read the prayer (du'a) "Attahiyat":

"Attahiyaty lillaahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu
Assalamu aleyke ayuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa baraka'atyh
Assalamu aleyna wa 'ala 'ibidillahi s-salihiin
Ashhady alla illaha illallah
Wa ashhady anna Muhammadan ´abduhu wa rasylyukh"

Attention! During the pronunciation of the words "la illaha", the index finger of the right hand rises, and on "illa llahu" it falls.

Ka´da (sitting). The gaze is on the knees. Hands lie on your knees, fingers - in a free position. Both legs are slightly shifted to the right. You should not sit on your left foot, but on the floor.

11. Say the greeting: "Assalamu" alaikum wa rahmatullah "with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left.

Salam (greeting) to the right side. Hands lie on your knees, fingers - in a free position. Both legs are shifted to the right. The head is turned to the right, looking at the shoulder.

22:12 2014

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Pray as you saw me praying"(Bukhari)

Below we have collected for you training videos and a detailed description of the entire prayer from beginning to end. May this material be of benefit to Muslims.

A short prayer lesson. For those who want to learn but don't know where to start.

Every Muslim should know that the acceptance of his deeds by Allah Almighty depends on the observance of the following two conditions: First, the deed must be done sincerely and only for the sake of Allah Almighty. At the same time, when committing this deed, a Muslim should fear only Allah, love Him more than anything else and hope only for His mercy. Secondly, a Muslim must perform this or that deed in the same way as the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did it, i.e. in accordance with his Sunnah.

The absence of one of these conditions makes the ritual of worship invalid, whether it be prayer, ablution, fasting, zakat, etc. Therefore, in an effort to put an end to disagreements and misunderstandings related to prayer and purification, we exclusively relied in writing this article on the verses of the Holy Quran and reliable hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.


1. A person sending natural needs should choose a place where people cannot see him, hear sounds during gas emission and smell excrement.

2. It is advisable to say the following words before entering the toilet: “Allahumma inni a’uzu bika mina-l-hubusi wa-l-habais!” (“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from vile male and female devils!”).

3. A person sending natural needs should not talk to anyone, utter words of greeting and answer someone's call unnecessarily.

4. A person sending natural needs, out of respect for the sacred Kaaba, should not turn his face or back to her.

5. It is necessary to avoid getting excrement (feces and urine) on the body and clothes.

6. It is necessary to avoid the administration of natural needs in places where people walk or rest.

7. A person should not send natural needs in stagnant water or in the water in which he bathes.

8. It is undesirable to urinate while standing. This can only be done if two conditions are met:

a. if there is confidence that urine will not get on the body or clothes;

b. if a person is sure that no one will see his shameful places.

9. It is necessary to clean both passages with water or stones, paper, etc. However, water purification is most preferred.

10. You need to clean both passages with your left hand.

11. After leaving the toilet, it is advisable to say the following words: “Gufranak!” (“I ask for your forgiveness, Lord!”)

12. It is advisable to enter the toilet with the left foot and exit it with the right.


Allah Almighty said: “O you who believe! When you stand up for prayer, then wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads and wash your feet up to the ankles” (al-Maida, 6).

Conditions for performing a small ablution

A person performing a small ablution must:

1. be a Muslim;

2. be of legal age (according to some scholars);

3. not be mentally ill;

4. have clean water with you;

5. have the intention to perform a small ablution;

6. remove everything that prevents water from getting on the ablution organs (paint, varnish, etc.), and also, when performing a small ablution, do not leave any part of the ablution organs dry;

7. cleanse the body of impurities;

8. get rid of feces and urine.

Actions that invalidate ablution

1. Excrements coming out of the anus or anus, such as urine, feces, prostate juice, gas, bleeding, etc.

2. Deep sleep or loss of consciousness.

3. Eating camel meat.

4. Direct touch to the genitals or anus (according to some scientists).

Actions that do not invalidate ablution

1. Everything that is excreted from the human body, with the exception of excrement coming out of the anus and anterior passages.

2. Touching a woman.

3. Eating food cooked on fire.

4. Doubt about the validity of ablution.

5. Laughter or laughter.

6. Touching the dead.

8. Sleep.

9. Touching impurities. (Touching the sewage is enough to wash them off with water).

The procedure for performing a small ablution

A person who performs a small ablution must intend in his soul to perform it. However, it is not necessary to pronounce the intention aloud, because the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not pronounce the intention aloud before ablution, prayer and other rites of worship. Starting a small ablution, you must say: “Be-smi-llah!” (“In the name of Allah!”). Then you need to wash your hands three times. Then it is necessary to rinse the mouth and nose three times and wash the face three times from one ear to the other and from the place where the hair grows to the end of the jaw (or beard). Then you need to wash both hands three times from the fingertips to the elbows inclusive, starting with the right hand. Then you need to wet your palms and wipe your head with them. Wiping the head, you need to run your hands over it from the end of the forehead to the beginning of the neck, and then in the opposite direction. Then you need to insert your index fingers into the ear holes and rub the outside of the ears with your thumbs. Then it is necessary to wash the feet from the tips of the fingers to the ankles inclusive, starting with the right foot. It is necessary to wash the spaces between the toes and pay attention to ensure that the water reaches the heels. After the completion of the ablution, it is advisable to say: “Ashhadu alla ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la sharika lyah, wa-ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa-rasulukh, allahumma-j'alni mina-t-tavvabina wa-j'alni mina-l-mutatahhirin! » (“I testify that there is no deity but Allah alone, Who has no partners, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger! O Allah! Make me one of the penitents and make me one of the self-purifying!”)


Cases in which a large ablution becomes obligatory

1. After sexual intercourse (even if there was no ejaculation), as well as after wet dreams or ejaculation, which occurred as a result of passionate attraction.

2. After the end of menstruation and postpartum bleeding.

3. To perform Friday prayers.

4. After death: a deceased Muslim should be washed, unless he is a martyr who fell in the way of Allah.

5. When accepting Islam.

Cases in which a large ablution is desirable

1. Great ablution of the person who washed the deceased.

2. Before entering the state of ihram to perform the Hajj or Umrah, as well as before entering Mecca.

3. For re-entry into sexual intercourse.

4. It is advisable for a woman with chronic bleeding to perform a big ablution before each prayer.

The procedure for performing a big ablution

After a person intends to perform a big ablution, he should say: “Be-smi-l-lyah!” (“In the name of Allah!”) and wash your hands. Then he should wash the genitals and anus, and then perform a small bath. Then it is necessary to pour water on the head three times, while combing the hair with your hands, so that the water reaches the roots of the hair. Then you need to wash all the remaining parts of the body three times. Then you should wash your feet three times. (This is how the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, performed a great ablution).

If a medical bandage or gypsum is applied to any organ of the body, then, when performing a small or large ablution, it is necessary to wash healthy parts of the body, and wipe the bandage or gypsum with a wet hand. If, however, rubbing a bandage or plaster with a wet hand harms the damaged organ, then in this case, washing with sand should be performed.


Sand washing is allowed if:

1. there is no water, or it is not enough to perform a small or large ablution;

2. a wounded or sick person is afraid that as a result of a small or large ablution, his condition will worsen or his illness will last;

3. it is very cold, and a person cannot use water for small or large ablution (heat it, etc.) and is afraid that water will harm him;

4. water is scarce and only sufficient for drinking, cooking and other necessary purposes;

5. it is impossible to reach the water, for example, if an enemy or a predatory animal does not allow approaching the water, or if a person is afraid for his life, honor or property, or if he is in prison, or if he is unable to draw water from a well and etc.

Actions that invalidate sand washing

Anything that invalidates the small and large ablutions, as mentioned earlier, also invalidates the large ablutions. If, after performing the washing with sand, water was found, or it became possible to use it, then washing with sand also becomes invalid. A person who performs a prayer after he has performed ablution with sand should not perform this prayer again if he finds water. The expiration of the period of one or another prayer does not invalidate the ablution with sand.

The procedure for performing ablution with sand

After a person intends to take a bath with sand, he must say: “Be-smi-l-lyah!” (“With the name of Allah!”), And then once put your palms on the place chosen for performing ablution with sand. Then you need to clean the palms of the sand by blowing on them, or by patting them together. Then you should wipe your face and hands with your palms.

Washing with sand is allowed only with clean sand or similar substances.

It is impossible to perform ablution with sand in the presence of water, as this is contrary to Sharia, and in this case, a perfect prayer will be considered invalid. Therefore, it is impossible to perform ablution with sand in the presence of water, even if the prayer time is coming to an end: it is necessary to perform a small or large ablution with water, and then perform prayer.


Almighty Allah said: “But they were only ordered to worship Allah, serving him sincerely, like monotheists, perform prayer and pay zakat. This is the right faith” (al-Bayyina, 98:5).

Malik ibn al-Khuwayris, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: "Pray as I do."

Conditions required for prayer

Namaz must be performed by every adult and sane Muslim. To perform prayer, the following conditions must be met:

1. purification, i.e. you need to perform a small (or if necessary, a large) ablution or washing with sand replacing it, if necessary;

2. perform prayer at a strictly defined time for him;

3. the body and clothing of the worshiper, as well as the place of prayer, must be cleansed of filth;

4. covering parts of the body that Shariah commands to cover during prayer;

5. turning the face towards the sacred Kaaba.

6. intention (in the soul) to perform this or that prayer.

Actions that make prayer invalid

1. Apostasy (may Allah Almighty protect us from this!);

2. deliberate failure to fulfill any pillar, obligatory action or condition of prayer;

3. deliberately pronounce words and perform actions that are not related to prayer;

4. Deliberately add unnecessary waist or earth bows, standing or sitting;

5. intentionally distorting sounds or words, or changing the order of the verses when reading the Qur'anic surahs, as this is contrary to the order in which Allah sent these surahs;

6. deliberate eating or drinking;

7. laughter or laughter (the exception is a smile);

8. intentionally reciting the pillars and obligatory dhikrs recited during prayer in the shower, without moving the tongue;

9. Finding water after washing with sand.

Actions that are undesirable during prayer

1. look up;

2. turn your head to the side for no reason;

3. look at things that distract from prayer;

4. put your hands on your belt;

5. put your elbows on the ground while bowing to the ground;

6. close your eyes;

7. for no reason to make unnecessary movements that do not invalidate the prayer (scratch, stagger, etc.);

8. do namaz if there is already served;

10. get up for prayer, holding back urine, feces or gases;

11. to pray with the sleeves of a jacket or shirt rolled up;

12. pray with bare shoulders;

13. perform prayer in clothes with images of living beings (animals, people, etc.), as well as perform prayer on such images or facing them;

14. do not put a barrier in front of you;

15. pronounce the intention to perform prayer with the tongue;

16. do not align the back and arms when making waist bows;

17. non-alignment of the rows of worshipers and the presence of empty seats in the rows when performing a group prayer;

18. bring the head close to the knees and press the elbows to the body while bowing to the ground;

19. to get ahead of the imam when performing a group prayer;

20. reading the Koran during the performance of waist or earthly prostrations;

21. always deliberately pray in the mosque in the same place.

Places where it is forbidden to pray

1. desecrated places;

2. at the cemetery, as well as at the grave or facing it (with the exception of the funeral prayer);

3. in the bath and toilet;

4. at a camel stop or in a camel paddock.


"Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”) - 4 times;

“Ashkhadu alla ilaha illa-l-lah!” (“I testify that there is no deity but Allah!”) - 2 times;

“Ashkhadu anna Muhammad-r-rasulu-l-lah” (“I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!”) - 2 times;

“Khayya Ala-s-salah!” (“Hurry to prayer!”) - 2 times;

"Hayya ala-l-falah!" (“Hurry to prosperity!”) - 2 times;


"Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”) - 2 times;

“Ashkhadu alla ilaha illa-l-lah!” (“I testify that there is no deity but Allah!”) - 1 time;

“Ashhadu anna Muhammad-r-rasulu-l-lah” (“I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!”) - 1 time;

“Khayya Ala-s-salah!” (“Hurry to prayer!”) - 1 time;

"Hayya ala-l-falah!" (“Hurry to prosperity!”) - 1 time;

“Kad kamati-s-salah!” (“Namaz has already begun!”) - 2 times;

"Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”) - 2 times;

“La ilaha illa-l-lah” (“There is no deity but Allah!”) - 1 time.


A person performing namaz should turn his whole body to the sacred Kaaba located in Mecca. Then he should intend in his soul to perform this or that prayer. Then he should, raising his hands at the level of his shoulders or ears, say: “Allahu Akbar!” (“Allah is great!”). This initial takbir is called in Arabic “takbirat al-ihram” (literally “forbidding takbir”), because after pronouncing it, a person who has begun to perform prayer is forbidden some actions that are allowed outside of prayer (talking, eating, etc. ). Then he should put the palm of his right hand on the left hand and place both hands on his chest. Then he should say the opening prayer: “Subhanaka-llahumma wa bi-hamdika wa tabaraka-smuka wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha gairuk!” (“Exalted are You, O Allah! Praise be to You! Blessed be Your name! High is Your majesty! There is no deity but You!”)

Then the worshiper should say: “A’uzu bi-l-lyahi mina-sh-sheitani-r-rajim!” (“I take refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan!”) Then he should read the sura “al-Fatiha” (“Opening the Koran”):


1. “Al-hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-alamin!”

2. "Ar-rahmani-r-rahim!"

3. "Maliki yaumi-d-din!"

4. “Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’in!”

5. "Ihdina-s-sirata-l-mustagim!"

6. “Sirata-l-lyazina an’amta aleihim!”

7. "Gairi-l-magdubi aleikhim wa la-d-dallin!"

(“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

1. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,

2. Gracious, Merciful,

3. Lord of the Day of Retribution!

4. You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.

5. Lead us to the straight path,

6. the path of those whom you have favored,

7. not those on whom anger fell, and those who did not go astray").

Then he should say: "Amen!" (“Lord! Listen to our prayer!”). Then he must recite any surah (or surahs) of the Qur'an that he knows by heart.

Then he should raise his hands at shoulder level and, pronouncing the words: “Allahu Akbar!”, make a bow from the waist, exalting Allah Almighty. It is desirable that he straighten his back and head parallel to the floor and put his palms on his kneecaps, spreading his fingers. Being in a waist bow, he must say three times: “Subhana Rabbiya-l-Azim!” (“Pure is my great Lord!”) It is advisable to add to this the words: “Subhanaka-l-lahumma rabbana wa bi-hamdik! Allahumma-gfirli!” (“Exalted are You, O Allah, our Lord! Praise be to Thee! O Allah! Forgive me!”).

Then he should rise from the waist bow. Rising, he should say: “Sami’a-l-lahu estuary hamidah!” (“May Allah hear the one who praised Him!”) and raise your hands at shoulder level. Fully straightening, he should say: “Rabbana wa-laka-l-hamd!” (“Our Lord! Praise to You!”) or: “Rabbana wa laka-l-hamdu hamdan kasiran tayyiban mubarakan fih, mil'a-s-samavati wa-mil'a-l-ardi wa-mil'a ma shi' ta min shey'in ba'd!"

Then he must, with humility before Allah and reverence for Him, bow to the ground. When descending, he should say: “Allahu Akbar!”. Making a bow to the ground, he should put his forehead and nose, both palms, both knees and the tips of the fingers of both legs on the ground, move his elbows away from the body and not put them on the ground, point his fingertips towards Mecca, move his knees away from each other and connect feet of legs. In this position, he must say three times: “Subhana Rabbiya-l-a’la!” (“Pure is my Supreme Lord!”) It is advisable to add to this the words: “Subhanaka-l-lahumma rabbana wa bi-hamdik! Allahumma-gfir li!”

Then he should raise his head from the bow of the earth, while saying "Allahu Akbar!" After that, he should sit on his left foot, put his right foot vertically, pointing the toes of his right foot towards the Kaaba, put his right palm on his right thigh, while opening his fingers, and put his left palm in the same way on his left thigh. Being in this position, he should say: “Rabbi-gfir li, va-rhamni, va-hdini, va-rzukni, va-jburni, va-afini!” (“Lord! Forgive me! Have mercy on me! Guide me on a straight path! Grant me a provision! Correct me! Make me healthy!”) Or he should say: “Rabbi-gfir li! Rabbi-ghfir!” ("Lord, forgive me! Lord, forgive me!")

Then he should with humility before Allah and reverence for Him and with the words “Allahu Akbar!” make a second prostration in the same way as he made the first, while pronouncing the same words. This concludes the first rak'at prayer. Then he should stand up, while saying "Allahu Akbar!" Having risen, he must perform in the second rak'at everything that he did in the first, with the exception of the opening prayer. Having completed the second rak’at, he should with the words “Allahu Akbar!” raise his head from a bow to the ground and sit down in the same way as he sat down between two earthly bows, but at the same time he should press the ring finger and little finger of his right hand to the palm, connect the middle and thumb, and point the index finger towards the Kaaba. He must read the prayers "Tashakhhud", "Salyavat" and "Isti'aza".

Tashahhud: “At-tahiyyatu li-llahi wa-s-salavat wa-t-tayyibat! As-salamu alaika eyyuha-n-nabiyyu wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh! As-salamu alayna wa ala ibadi-llahi-s-salihin! Ashkhadu alla ilaha ila-llah, wa-ashkhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulukh! (“All greetings are to Allah, all prayers and righteous deeds! Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah and His blessings! Peace be upon us and all the righteous servants of Allah! I testify that there is no deity but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger!")

Salavat: “Allahumma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama salleyta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim! Innaka hamidun majid! Wa barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim! Innaka hamidun majid!" (“O Allah! Praise Muhammad and his family just as you praised Ibrahim and his family! Verily, You are praiseworthy, glorious! And bless Muhammad and his family just as you blessed Ibrahim and his family! Verily, You - praiseworthy, glorious!")

Istia’za: “Allahumma inni a’uzu bika min azabi-l-kabr, wa min azabi jahannam, wa min fitnati-l-mahya wa-l-mamat, wa min sharri fitnati-l-masihi-d-dajjal!” (“O Allah! Verily, I take refuge in You from the torment in the grave, and from the torment in hell, and from the temptations during life and after death, and from the temptation of the Antichrist!”)

After that, he can ask Allah for any boon both in worldly and in the afterlife. Then he should turn his head to the right and say: “As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-lah!” (“Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah!”) Then he should turn his head to the left in the same way and say the same thing.

If the prayer consists of three or four rak’ats, then he should read “Tashahhud” until the words: “Ashhadu alla ilaha ila-llah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa-rasulukh!”, And then with the words “Allahu akbar!” stand up and raise your hands to shoulder level. Then he must perform the remaining rak'ats of prayer in the same way as he performed the second rak'at, with the only difference being that in subsequent rak'ats it is not necessary to read the sura after the al-Fatiha sura. Having completed the last rak'ah, the worshiper should sit down in the same way as he sat down before, with the only difference that he should put the foot of his left foot under the shin of his right and sit on his seat. Then he should read the entire “Tashahhud” to the end and, turning his head to the right and left, say in both directions: “As-salamu alaikum va-rahmatu-llah!”.

Dhikrs to be said after Prayer

3 times: "Astaghfiru-llah!" (“I ask forgiveness from Allah!”)

“Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-salamu! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalali wal-ikram!” (“O Allah! You are the world, and from You is the world! Blessed are You, O Possessing greatness and generosity!”)

“La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la sharika lyakh, lyahu-l-mulku wa lyahu-l-hamdu wa huva ala cooli shey’in kadir! Allahumma la mani'a lima a'tait, wa la mu'tiya lima mana't, wa la yanfa'u za-l-jaddi minka-l-jadd!" (“There is no deity but Allah alone, Who has no partners! He owns power and praise! He is capable of everything! O Allah! No one can prevent You from giving what You want! No one can give what You do not You wish! O Possessor of majesty! No one can be saved by his majesty from You!")

“La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la shara la lyakh, lahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu wa huva ala kulli shey’in kadir! La howla wa la quwwata illa bi-llah! La ilaha illa-llahu wa la na'budu illa iyyah! Lahu-n-ni'matu wa-lyahu-l-fadlu wa-lyahu-s-sana'u-l-hasan! La ilaha illa-llahu mukhlisina lahu-d-dina wa lau kariha-l-kafirun! (“There is no deity but Allah alone, Who has no partners! He owns power and praise! He is capable of every thing! There is no strength and power except with Allah! There is no deity but Allah, and we do not worship anyone but Him "To Him belongs blessings, excellence and beautiful praise! There is no deity but Allah! We worship Him alone, even if the unbelievers do not like it!")

33 times: "Subhana-llah!" ("Exalted be Allah!")

33 times: "Al-hamdu li-llah!" ("Praise be to Allah!")

33 times: "Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”)

And at the end 1 time: “La ilaha illa-l-lahu wahdahu la sharika lyakh, lyahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu wa-huva ala kulli shey’in kadir!” (“There is no deity except Allah alone, who has no partners! He owns power and praise! He is capable of anything!”)

It is advisable to read after each prayer “Ayat al-Kursi” (“Ayat about the Throne”): “Allahu la ilaha illa huwa-l-hayyu-l-kayyum, la ta’huzuhu sinatun wa la naum, lahu ma fi-s-samavati wa ma fi-l-ard, man za-l-lyazi yashfa'u indahu illa bi-iznih, ya'lamu ma beyna eidihim wa ma halfahum, wa la yuhituna bi shey'in min ilmihi illa bi-ma sha, wasi' and kursiyyuhu-s-samavati wa-l-arda wa-la ya'uduhu hifzuhuma, wa-huva-l-aliiyu-l-azim! ("Allah - there is no deity but Him, the Living, the Almighty. He is not possessed by either slumber or sleep. He owns what is in heaven and what is on earth. Who will intercede before Him without His permission? He knows them the future and the past, while they comprehend from His knowledge only what He wills. His Throne (Foot of the Throne) embraces the heavens and the earth, and does not burden His guarding them. He is the Exalted, the Great "(al-Baqarah, 2: 255). Between those who read this verse after prayer, only death will stand in paradise.

It is also advisable to read the sura “al-Ikhlas” (Sincerity) after prayer: “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim! Kul huva-llahu ahad! Allahu-s-samad! Lam yalid wa lam yulad! Wa lam yaku-l-lahu kufuvan ahad!” (“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Say: “He is Allah the One, Allah the Self-Sufficient. He did not give birth and was not born, and there is no one equal to Him.”)

Sura “al-Falyak” (“Dawn”): “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim! Kul a'uzu bi-rabbi-l-falyak! Min sharri ma halyak! Wa min sharri gasikin isa wakab! Wa min sharri-n-naffasati fi-l-ukad! Wa min sharri hasidin iz hasad! ”(“ In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Say: “I resort to the protection of the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what He has created, from the evil of darkness when it comes, from the evil of sorcerers spitting on knots, from the evil of the envious when he envies.

Sura “an-Nas” (“People”): “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim! Kul a'uzu bi-rabbi-n-us! Maliki-n-us! Ilyahi-n-us! Min sharri-l-waswasi-l-hannas! Al-lyazi yuvasviu fi suduri-n-us! Mina-l-jinnati va-n-us! (“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Say: “I resort to the protection of the Lord of people, the King of people, the God of people, from the evil of the tempter retreating (or shrinking) at the remembrance of Allah, who incites in the chest of people and comes from genies and people” ” ).

Say 10 times after dawn and sunset prayers: “La ilaha illa-l-lahu wahdahu la shara lyah, lahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu yuhyi wa-yumit, wa-huva ala kulli shey’in kadir!” (“There is no deity except Allah alone, Who has no partners! He owns power and praise! He gives life and death! He is capable of anything!”)

It is also advisable to say after the dawn prayer: “Allahumma inni as’aluka ilman nafi’a, varizkan tayyiba, wa amalyan mutakabbala!” (“O Allah! I ask You for useful knowledge, a wonderful provision and deeds that You will accept!”)