Formation of a healthy lifestyle in a child's family. Municipal educational budgetary institution "Ilyinsky basic school"

"Healthy lifestyle in the family"

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But it is very often forgotten that good physical data is due to the lifestyle that the family leads, the motor activity of the child. The results of recent studies confirm that in a modern high-tech society it will be necessary to pay much more attention to a healthy lifestyle, the physical development of a person, since there are fewer and fewer stimuli for natural movement. We live in economically constructed apartments, the pace of modern life forces us to often use personal or city transport, to receive information via radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - with the help of physical education and sports, games, and active recreation. In this regard, we are obliged to teach our children to timely and fully use the beneficial effects of physical exercise - as a vital necessity in contrast to the "diseases of civilization."

"Take care of your health from a young age!" - this proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child in order for a person to develop a conscious attitude towards their health.

The conditions on which the direction of the formation of the child's personality, as well as his health, depends, are laid in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the sphere of moral, ethical and other principles determines all his further behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others. Therefore, parents should themselves perceive the philosophy of healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health. There is a rule: "If you want to raise your child healthy, you yourself should follow the path of health, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!"

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects:

➢ First, adherence to the daily routine. In kindergarten, the regime is observed, but not always at home. It is necessary to explain to the children that they need to go to bed early and get up early. And strictly observe this rule.

➢ Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to wash themselves correctly, know why it should be done.

➢ Consider germ-free situations with the children and draw conclusions that the children need to learn well: do not eat or drink outside; always wash your hands with soap and water after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Work with the children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;

➢ Third, food culture.

➢ We need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they have a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, which foods they contain and what they are needed for:

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, bell peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision;

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart);

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds);

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

➢ Fourth, it is gymnastics, physical education, sports, hardening and outdoor games. If a person goes in for sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say that. It is imperative to do gymnastics daily.

Among the many factors that affect the growth, development and health of a child, physical activity plays a major role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotion, thinking largely depends on the degree of development of the child's natural need for movement. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the child's motor experience.

At preschool age, a child is not yet able to consciously and adequately follow elementary standards of hygiene and sanitation, fulfill the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, and take care of his health. All this brings to the fore the task for parents to develop in a small child the skills and abilities that contribute to the preservation of their health. Of course, the health of children directly depends on the living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygienic culture of parents and their level of education.

As a rule, we, adults, become interested in the problem of cultivating a habit to a healthy lifestyle only when the child already needs psychological or medical assistance. The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised. The child must learn the best Russian family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of the family in human life, the child's role in the family, master the norms and ethics of relations with parents and other family members. Spiritual health is the peak to which everyone must climb himself. A healthy lifestyle serves to strengthen the whole family.

The main task for parents is: the formation of a child's moral attitude to their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health for a person is the most important value, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening his health. In this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult.

A preschooler's home regime is one of the important components of family education, which allows you to maintain a high level of performance, to move away from fatigue and eliminate overwork. The family organizes a rational home regime - it must correspond to the regime in a preschool institution. Forming a healthy lifestyle for the child, parents should instill in the child the basic knowledge, skills and abilities:

Knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothes, shoes;

Ability to properly build a daily routine and carry it out;

Ability to interact with the environment: to understand under what conditions (house, street, road, park, playground is safe for life and health;

Ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict the consequences and find a way out of them;

Knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in the life of the human body;

Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle for personal health, well-being, success in classes;

Knowledge of the basic rules of proper nutrition;

Knowledge of the rules for maintaining health from colds;

Ability to provide the simplest help for small cuts, bruises;

Knowledge of the rules for the prevention of diseases of the spine, foot, organs of vision, hearing and others;

Understanding the importance of physical activity for the development of a healthy organism.

Another very important problem related to the health of children is watching TV and using a computer. A computer and a TV set are undoubtedly useful for the development of a child's outlook, memory, attention, thinking, coordination, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the child's continuous time in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.

The importance of physical education of children in a family, to prove that this is a very serious problem in the modern upbringing of children. We are surrounded by machines, computers, virtual games - objects that are very interesting to us, but precisely because of which we move very little. Today's children see more interest in a virtual game than in a real game of soccer or tennis. The main disease of the XXI century is physical inactivity, i.e. inactivity.

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"To be on the move means to be healthy!"
The great value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing the preschool institution.

The family and kindergarten are the social structures that mainly determine the level of the child's health. When entering kindergarten, many children have disabilities in physical development: impaired posture, overweight, delays in the development of speed, dexterity, coordination of movements. And one of the reasons for these results is the lack of awareness of parents in matters of physical education of children. Thus, a survey of kindergarten parents on pedagogical competence in the physical development of children showed that only 30% of parents are confident in their knowledge, about 20% are constantly familiar with the recommendations for raising children, and 50% feel the need for advice and recommendations on physical education ( hardening, health promotion through exercise, outdoor games).

This means that the staff of the childcare institution needs to carry out systematic, comprehensive pedagogical education of parents, including the transfer of theoretical knowledge and assistance in acquiring practical skills, as well as in the dissemination of positive family experience in raising children. As a result, the information and practical experience gained by the parents will help to: improve the efficiency of work on improving the health of children; get the necessary knowledge about the physical development of the child; form the need for a healthy lifestyle in your family; to reduce the "deficit" of positive emotions in children, to create a festive atmosphere with joint sports activities; see, learn the work of the kindergarten

on the physical development of children; ensure the continuity of the methods and techniques of raising children in the family and in kindergarten.

Taking into account the interests and abilities of children, as well as the results of their physical development and health, a doctor and a kindergarten physical education instructor may recommend that children engage in sports sections that will help the child acquire, in addition to health, many valuable personal qualities, such as organization, accuracy, speed of action. , quick wits.

The experience of such work shows that the result of physical education and sports is high when there is an interaction between the family and the kindergarten.

Dear parents, we invite you to attend physical education classes and entertainment in kindergarten.

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"Family healthy lifestyle"

The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of the family and kindergarten. How to make sure that the child does not lose health? How to do to preserve and strengthen the health of children? Children's health is everyone's concern.

Man is the perfection of nature. But in order for him to be able to enjoy the benefits of life, to enjoy its beauty, it is very important to have health.

“Health is not everything, but without health there is nothing,” said the wise Socrates. The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of the family and kindergarten. The health of children in recent years has a steady downward trend. And we are talking not only about physical, but also mental health. The unfavorable ecological state of the environment, the extremely low socio-economic standard of living of the country's population led to a decrease in the protective and adaptive capabilities of the organism. These are chronic colds, and blurred vision, scoliosis, and as a result of the lack of cultural human relationships - childhood neuroses. How to make sure that the child does not lose health? How to do to preserve and strengthen the health of children? Children's health is everyone's concern. Moreover, it is conditioned by the general situation in the country. Therefore, the problem of children's health must be addressed comprehensively and by the whole world. You can hardly find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy.

First of all, if he is sick, then it is very rare and in no case difficult. He is cheerful and active, he is kind to the people around him - adults and children. Positive emotional impressions prevail in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him firmly and without harmful consequences. The development of his physical qualities and motor skills is harmonious. A normal, healthy child (this is the most important thing!) Is fast enough, dexterous and strong. The daily regimen of his life corresponds to the individual biorhythmological and age characteristics: this is the optimal ratio of wakefulness and sleep, periods of ups and downs in activity. Unfavorable weather conditions, a sharp change in them are not terrible for a healthy child, because it is hardened, its thermoregulatory system is well trained, so it usually does not need any medication. Thanks to rational nutrition and regular exercise, such a child does not have excess body weight. Of course, here is a "portrait" of an ideal healthy child, such as V. However, raising and raising a child close to such an ideal is a completely feasible task. How to achieve this will be discussed further.
Formation of correct posture.

Let's pay special attention to the most common health problems of our children. Of 100% of all children, 8% have poor posture, 10% have flat feet, and 10% have scoliosis. They say that once noble girls were beaten by their mentors on the back, if they stooped, they tied a braid to their belt. Is it really only severity that you can ensure that our girls keep their backs straight, and our boys look like graduates of cadet corps in bearing? It turns out that the mentors of the noble maidens were harsh, but sagacious and honestly worked out their bread. Correct posture is not given to us from birth. This is a conditioned motor reflex, and it must be developed. For our children to run, walk, stand and sit beautifully, we, parents, will have to apply conditions. When a child grabs food from a plate with his hands, because it is more convenient for him, we, adults, stop him, show him how to eat correctly, and then we make sure that the child does not sit hunched over, does not stand tilted, and we do not achieve the skill to keep his back exactly became a natural need?

It's nice to see a child who holds his head straight, whose shoulders are unfolded and level. The belly is tucked up. From the side you can see that the spine forms a beautiful, wavy line with small depressions in the cervical and lumbar regions.

By the way, correct posture is not only beautiful, but also functional, because with it the body position is most stable: the vertical posture is maintained with the least muscle tension. This means that when a child stands upright, straightening his shoulders, he gets tired less. And if he walks, runs or jumps, while maintaining good posture, the spine absorbs the load in the best way.

Poor posture makes it difficult for breathing and blood circulation, and good posture, accordingly, keeping them normal. With poor posture, oxidative processes in the body are reduced, and this automatically leads to the fact that a person gets tired faster during both physical and mental work. Poor posture can lead a child to myopia or osteochondrosis. And good posture can protect you from these troubles.

A stay in nature, where a wide outlook is provided, is a wonderful rest for the eyes.

Good lighting is essential for normal eye function. The study table should be placed closer to the window and so that the light falls on the left. A desk lamp with a 50-60 W light bulb is placed on the desktop on the left, protected by a lampshade so that the light does not fall into the eyes, but illuminates only a book or notebook. Too bright lighting irritates the retina of the eye and leads to rapid fatigue. It is harmful to read in moving vehicles, especially in poor lighting conditions. Due to the constant jolts, the book moves away from the eyes, then approaches them, then deviates to the side. In this case, the curvature of the lens increases and decreases, and the eyes turn all the time, "catching" the elusive text. The result is visual impairment. When a child reads lying down, the position of the book in the hand in relation to the eyes is also constantly changing, its illumination is insufficient. The habit of reading while lying down is harmful to your eyesight.

When dust gets into your eyes, it irritates them. Dust-causing microbes can be carried along with the dust. Infection can enter the eye from dirty hands, an unclean towel, or a handkerchief. This can cause various eye diseases, for example, inflammation of the mucous membrane - conjunctivitis, which often leads to visual impairment. Therefore, the eyes must be protected. From injuries, from the ingress of foreign objects, dust, do not rub them with your hands, wipe only with a completely clean towel or handkerchief.
Daily regime.

For a healthy lifestyle of a child, the daily routine is very important. All parents have already heard enough about the benefits of the daily regimen, so there is probably no need to prove this benefit. The daily routine is actually the daily routine; all 24 hours must be planned in a certain way, and this plan, like any plan, makes sense only if it is followed. This is a rational alternation of work and rest. The well-known scientist I. Pavlov noted: "Every living working system, like its individual elements, must rest and recover." The lessons that occupy a certain place in the lives of children of the preparatory group require enhanced work of the brain. How important it is to establish the correct change in mental work and rest of the children.

To prevent all adverse consequences, you need to correctly build the child's day regimen:

● the duration of the classes should take into account the age-related possibilities;

● adequate rest must be ensured (with maximum exposure to fresh air);

● the necessary time should be set aside for sleep.

Staying children outdoors.

The stay of children in the air is the use of natural factors of nature for the healing and hardening of their body. Remember, the more a child moves, the better they develop and grow. After all, you yourself notice how after a walk the child's cheeks turn pink, he becomes active, cheerful, stops complaining of fatigue. Often a TV or a computer becomes a child's "time eater".


Nutritional requirements need to be discussed separately. Here we will only emphasize that it is necessary in every possible way to resist the child's habit of "intercepting" something on the run. Eating food at certain times ensures good appetite and normal digestion.

Sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene is invaluable for health, vigor, and high performance. The need for sleep is 10-11 hours at the age of 7. Israeli scientists have found that sleep deprivation at night, even for 1 hour, has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of children. Therefore, there is no need to prove that the child's sleep must be protected: bright light, noise, conversations - all this should be excluded. The air in the room in which the child sleeps should be fresh. Sleep is important to protect, so to speak, before the child falls asleep. Of course, he is no longer a toddler who should not be told scary tales at night, and yet everything that can excite physically or mentally should be avoided: outdoor games, prolonged reading, watching TV. It is clear that the child cannot be placed under a glass cover, not protected from everything, but a reasonable limitation of evening impressions is necessary. Otherwise, it will affect the dream - its offensive will be delayed, it will become shallow.

“But what to do,” some parents ask, “if we ourselves want to watch a TV show, but we don’t have the strength to send our son to bed? He is offended, and he is sorry for him: we look ourselves, but we do not give him. " It seems that the feeling of guilt that parents experience is in vain. It's okay if the TV speaks in an undertone, and the child sleeps behind a closed door in another room. But if the family did not manage to put it in such a way that it would be perceived calmly and simply, there is another way out: not to watch the programs ourselves. This is the least evil. Violations in the established daily routine are undesirable, because this can lead to a disorder of the developed regime in the activity of the child's body.

Aromatherapy for children.

Smells play a very important role in our life. Very often they are closely related to certain events. Our body reacts instantly if a smell evokes pleasant or unpleasant associations and memories in us. Moreover, this reaction is usually spontaneous. Even after many years, the smell of a mother, for example, evokes feelings of warmth and security familiar from childhood. This is due to the fact that, as babies, we cognized the world around us with the help of our senses.

Aromatherapy is a treatment using different scents. These scents, or aromas, in the form of essential oils come to us from the plant world - from flowers, trees, shrubs and herbs. Essential oils are widely used. But it is our sense of smell, which is closely related to the emotional state, that we owe the miraculous healing and harmonizing power of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy isn't just about treating an already advanced illness. It is a very real defense against various bacteria and viruses. Aromatherapy strengthens the natural forces of the body, helps to solve many problems to achieve health and beauty. It allows us, using the healing powers of nature, to make our life more joyful, healthy and happy.

Children are sensitive and impressionable natures, perceiving the effect of aromatherapy without any prejudice, so their reaction to essential oils is always positive. The use of aromatherapy products in the children's room will help maintain a good mood in children, and also help heal colds and sleep disorders.

Children love warm, sweet smells the most. However, due to the fact that their body is still in a state of development, aromatherapy should be used for them in very minimal dosages. It is best if oils are applied to terracotta and clay figurines, and rum medallions and pads. Various products made from untreated wood, orange peel or grapefruit peel well retain odors. This method is used to scent the air in a children's room.

Mood Uplifting Blend - Orange Oil - 2 drops, Ylang Ylang Oil - 2 drops.

A huge number of factors affect a child's health: the environment, nutrition, lifestyle, heredity.

A healthy lifestyle helps to avoid many diseases, reduce the influence of harmful factors on the formation of health, the basics of which teaches

not only the school, but also the family. Society is interested in a strong spiritually, morally and psychologically healthy family. It is in the family that the refraction of social influences on children takes place. As healthy as the family is, the whole society is as viable.

Questions of the daily routine, personal hygiene, a rational nutrition system, sports, hardening, skin hygiene, care for teeth, nails, hair, hygiene of clothes, shoes, home, the fight against bad habits - there must be a need for all this, and it is laid down in family.

It's good when the child eats, goes to bed, sits down for lessons at the same time. His body must be ready for the upcoming activity. Such a child with appetite, and falls asleep quickly, and does not sway for a long time, taking up homework - and, therefore, saves time on everything and gets tired less.

In each family, the daily routine is organized differently. But, unfortunately, adults themselves are often not very disciplined in performing this regime. Moreover, they easily give the go-ahead for violation of the regime to their children. This primarily concerns sleep.

Systematic sleep deprivation disrupts the performance of the central nervous system, leads to overwork and neuroses. And to prevent this from happening, taking pity on their children, parents generously allow them to sleep for a long time in the morning. This can be seen especially clearly on Saturdays.

Only a family can develop the habit of going to bed on time, and it is best if the parents themselves go to bed at a certain time, and do not sit up in front of the TV screen.

Of particular concern is the fact that the majority of students, instead of walking in the fresh air, sit in front of the TV or computer for 2-3 hours, or even more.

There is no substitute for the example of parents. Unfortunately, only 6% of families in

In Russia, they start their day with hygienic exercises, few families spend their weekends outdoors in the cold season, playing sports (example).

Active rest is simply necessary, especially for schoolchildren when children are intensively growing. But we need to see our children not only smart, but also healthy and happy. Someone great said: "A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king."

Special mention should be made of the dangers of smoking. Survey data show that 34% of boys, 14% of girls regularly smoke, a quarter of schoolchildren do not.

when they did not smoke, and most of them just experimented, therefore at this experimental stage it depends on the family whether the child will be a heavy smoker or stop in time.

Let us repeat once again the common truth: children from families who smoke, and it does not matter whether their mother or father are susceptible to this addiction, usually start smoking early themselves. If the parents do not smoke, then the probability that the children will not smoke is 1.5 times higher. At the same time, the example of non-smoking parents is more important for boys.

The best way for a child to quit smoking is to stop smoking for all family members. The willingness of parents to make certain sacrifices for the health of their son or daughter is a very important incentive for a child.

Another danger associated with smoking is that for some adolescents, cigarettes are an entrance to the world of illegal drugs.

The main way out to which the world scientific thought regarding the problem of adolescent smoking has come is that in order to reduce the level of smoking among adolescents, it is necessary to reduce the level of smoking among adults, therefore it is recommended to focus efforts not on purely adolescent prevention programs, but on working with adults, in the first place. turn, parents and students. Our children look not only at smoking parents, but also at drinking parents.

Another problem is alcohol. I must admit that drinking and getting drunk in Russia has become not ashamed. And vodka has become a national treasure in general and an obligatory attribute of a truly Russian person. "Alcoholic traditions" are a heavy legacy of the past.

But 2/3 of earthlings do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not use other drugs. 694 large and small peoples inhabiting the Earth are leading a healthy lifestyle.

The society in which we and our children live, school education helps to form healthy lifestyle skills, but the family will always come first. Children imitate their parents in everything, even if they deny it in adolescence.

A family is a whole world with its own rules, attitudes towards life, health, and upbringing.

Educational, health-improving programs can only help to supplement, enrich with knowledge, but they cannot replace family education, they cannot replace the example of parents.

You need to start with yourself - an adult, and may our children be healthy!

Report for parents: "The role of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers."

The changes taking place in our society today have raised a number of problems, one of which is the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. The family plays an important role in solving this problem. The school has three tasks: education, training, enlightenment. The school can sometimes help in solving many issues of education. But she can never compete with the family. It is the family that is the most powerful tool in the formation of personality.

Life and science have proven that all the troubles in children, and then in adults, are explained by the mistakes of family education, the main one of which is the lack of love and the inability to praise and support their children.

The most important thing for a child is to be loved for who he is.

Health is a state of physical, spiritual, social well-being.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that contributes to the preservation, strengthening of the restoration of health.

A healthy lifestyle presupposes: balanced nutrition, regular exercise. combination of work and rest, good mood. Human health is more than 50% determined by his lifestyle. Health depends on many factors: the state of the environment, the socio-economic development of the country, the sustainable development of the family, the culture of teachers and parents. The family has a decisive influence on the culture of a child's health: its way of life, habits and traditions. The child must be raised by the parents, and all social institutions can only help them.

The family is a child's life and development environment, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters. The influence of the family on the formation of a child's health culture depends on the following factors:

  • Socio-cultural. Determining the educational level of parents and their value attitudes towards strengthening and preserving their health and the health of their loved ones.
  • Socio-economic
  • Technical and hygienic (living conditions, lifestyle features)

The question of the means of forming a culture of children's health comes to the fore in family education. These tools include: activities, communication, relationships.

Activity is the main factor in human development and it should be aimed at the benefit of the person.

Communication as an attribute of an activity increases its educational effect. The link between activity and communication is the relationship. They should have a brightly humanistic character, because relations are the criteria for the development of the family.

1 mechanism: Encouraging certain behavior of the child to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of others, punishing him for violation and non-observance of certain health-preserving rules, parents introduce a system of value attitudes and norms of health culture into the child's mind

2 mechanism: Indication appears - imitation of one's parents. Targeting the parent example.

I would like to state that parents do not always demonstrate an example of a healthy lifestyle (Exercising in the morning: we force children to do it, but ourselves?)

One of the important tasks of the family is active participation in mass physical education classes. (joint activities with children: skiing, ice skating, swimming pool, hunting, fishing. Joint recreation.) Physical education should be a daily activity (Well, at least morning exercises)

If only parents lead a healthy lifestyle, they can develop healthy lifestyle habits in their children.

It is necessary in families to call children to frank conversations, so that they would share with you. Find time for this, in order to keep abreast of all his affairs. The most important thing in a family is trust.You need to trust the person with whom you live next to.

The children were asked: "What is health?"

  • This is the best thing in life. Human health is the most important thing.
  • This is life, goodness, happiness.
  • Health doesn't just mean eating fruits and exercising. You also have to be kind. If you are angry, it affects your body and other people.
  • A person is not completely healthy if his soul is restless.
  • Moral health is more important.
  • Healthy people love nature, see the world as beautiful, do not be lazy and do not get sick.
  • Health itself depends on the person. Proper nutrition, kindness, physical activity. and most importantly, the purity of the soul.
  • Being healthy, athletic becomes prestigious
  • To be healthy, you need to have healthy thoughts: not to think badly of anyone and not wish anyone any harm.

We all have a choice. But it depends on you how your child grows up. The school will correct something, but we sculpt from what is already involved. Real actions are what shapes the child's behavior, not words and moralizing. The machine loves lubrication, and a person loves affection. "" In order to simply exist, a child needs 4 hugs a day, for normal development - 12. "
The foundation
happiness and spiritual health - Faith, Hope, Love.
According to research by scientists, human health on
50% is his lifestyle,

by 20% - heredity,

another 20% is the environment and

only 10% - healthcare

Moral health
is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of a person's social life, i.e. life in a particular human society. Distinctive features of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict the normal way of life. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health.
Proper nutrition
- this is what parents should take care of in the first place, wanting to see their child healthy.

Once the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates gave advice to mankind
"Eat to live, not live to eat"
No one has disputed Socrates yet, but few are following his advice. Parents should not forget that adherence to a diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition is not easy to organize.


Constantly study the personality of the child,

don't forget about educational power

positive example,

Education of human values

starts in childhood,

teach children to measure their capabilities, children should always see that they are loved.


A huge number of factors affect a child's health: the environment, nutrition, lifestyle, heredity, learning conditions at school. The last school factor is of paramount importance, accounting for 25% of all possible causes of deteriorating child health. Every 5th teenager by the age of 14 has a visual impairment, every 8th - posture, every 3rd - respiratory system.

The All-Russian clinical examination of the child population, carried out on the territory of the region, determined the main classes of pathology in children in the Kurgan region:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the eyes.

A healthy lifestyle helps to avoid many diseases, to reduce the influence of harmful factors on the formation of health, the basics of which are taught not only by the school, but also by the family. Society is interested in a strong spiritually, morally and psychologically healthy family. It is in the family that the refraction of social influences on children takes place. As healthy as the family is, the whole society is as viable.

Questions about the daily routine, personal hygiene, a rational diet, sports, hardening, skin hygiene, care for teeth, nails, hair, hygiene of clothes, shoes, home, the fight against bad habits - there must be a need for all this, and it is laid down in family.

It's good when the child eats, goes to bed, sits down for lessons at the same time. His body must be ready for the upcoming activity. Such a child eats with appetite, and falls asleep quickly, and does not sway for a long time, taking up homework - which means that he saves time on everything and gets tired less.

In each family, the daily routine is organized differently. But, unfortunately, adults themselves are often very undisciplined in performing this regime. Moreover, they easily give the go-ahead for violation of the regime to their children. This primarily concerns sleep. Systematic sleep deprivation disrupts the performance of the central nervous system, leads to overwork and neuroses. And to prevent this from happening, taking pity on their children, parents generously allow them to sleep for a long time in the morning. This can be seen especially clearly on Saturdays, after the Friday disco.

The duration of sleep for younger students should be 10 hours, for older ones - 8-9.

Only a family can develop the habit of going to bed on time, and it is best if the parents themselves go to bed at a certain time, and do not sit up in front of the TV screen.

The majority of schoolchildren suffer from reduced motor activity (hypodynamia), but they have to run, gallop, walk about 7 km, moreover, 3 km during the hours they are at school. Otherwise, children will not be able to withstand static and psycho-emotional stress - in other words, they will not be able to sit, listen, memorize.

Of particular concern is the fact that the majority of students, instead of walking in the fresh air, sit in front of the TV or computer for 2-3 hours, or even more.

There is no substitute for the example of parents. Unfortunately, only 6% of families in Russia start their day with hygienic exercises, few families spend their weekends outdoors, playing sports during the cold season (example).

Without zeal and special desire, parents agree to organize and conduct outdoor activities with their children. And children really want this, especially children of primary and secondary school age. Suffice it to recall the current "Zarnitsa". What delight the pupils of grade 7A felt when their parent Ponomarev Yu.A. chose to organize a halt in the forest for the children instead of fishing.

And what is the result of the participation of our school in the competition "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"? Of all the competitions in the history of the region, we took part in only one (the Bazhenov family). Moreover, the dads do not agree to participate.

Active rest is simply necessary, especially since school workloads are extremely high today. It is impossible to learn everything that is asked.

In the Bulletin of the GlavUNO of the Kurgan Region KOTS for 2005, the chief physician of the Kurgan Center for Medical Prevention cites as an example the statistics that were carried out by the Moscow State Pedagogical University. In order for a student in the 7th grade to complete everything that is asked to him according to the program in all subjects, he needs to absorb, on average, the information presented on 26 pages of the textbook every day, and not only to assimilate, but also to be ready to reproduce it the next day. An experiment with volunteers - excellent students, children, intellectually well-developed, showed that such a volume of tasks can be completed only if, having come from school, immediately sit down for lessons and do them until one in the morning.

Unreasonable school load forces the child to treat lessons selectively: do some, skip some, skip some.

All sciences cannot be studied. But we need to see our children not only smart, but also healthy and happy. Someone great said: a healthy beggar is happier

sick king. Special mention should be made of the dangers of smoking. The survey data show that 34% of boys and 14% of girls regularly smoke, a quarter of schoolchildren have never smoked at all, and most have just experimented, therefore at this experimental stage it depends on the family whether the child will be a heavy smoker or stop in time.

Let us repeat once again the common truth: children from families who smoke, and it does not matter whether their mother or father are susceptible to this addiction, usually start smoking early themselves. If the parents do not smoke, then the probability that the children will not smoke is 1.5 times higher. At the same time, the example of non-smoking parents is more important for boys.

The best way for a child to quit smoking is to stop smoking for all family members. The willingness of parents to make certain sacrifices for the health of their son or daughter is a very important incentive for a child. Another danger associated with smoking is that for some adolescents, cigarettes are an entrance to the world of illegal drugs.

The main way out to which the world scientific thought regarding the problem of adolescent smoking has come is that in order to reduce the level of smoking among adolescents, it is necessary to reduce the level of smoking among adults; turn, parents and students. Our children look not only at smoking parents, but also at drinking parents. Then all words and lectures are worthless.

And who will believe the words about that.

That tobacco and alcohol are harmful too,

Kohl adults drown in solid smoke

And someone will be cut into so much wine that

That only can stand at the wall.

I must admit that drinking and getting drunk in Russia has become not ashamed. And vodka has become a national treasure in general and an obligatory attribute of a truly Russian person. "Alcoholic traditions" are a heavy legacy of the past.

But 2/3 of earthlings do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not use other drugs. 694 large and small peoples inhabiting the Earth are leading a healthy lifestyle.

The society in which we and our children live, school education helps to form healthy lifestyle skills, but the family will always come first. Children imitate their parents in everything, even if they deny it in adolescence. A family is a whole world with its own rules, attitudes towards life, health, and upbringing. School, health programs can only help to supplement, enrich with knowledge, but they cannot replace family education, the example of parents. You need to start with yourself - an adult, and may our children be healthy.

Zhivorykina Marina Vasilievna

The role of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the child.

The health of the child is above all,

The wealth of the earth will not replace it.

You can't buy health, no one will sell,

Take care of it, like a heart, like an eye.

(J. Zhabayev)

The potential for health and the usual lifestyle of a person is laid in childhood. In the family, the foundations of the child's health are laid, the basic skills for maintaining it are brought up, and behavioral habits are formed. It is the family that carries out the primary educational impact on the consciousness and behavior of a person, instills hygienic attitudes, concepts, principles and most naturally and effectively forms a healthy lifestyle that corresponds to specific conditions of life. The family, as an initial given in the life of any person, has a significant impact on the general health and well-being of children and is considered as a fundamental factor in the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Over the past decades, the state of health of our children leaves much to be desired. The increase in morbidity is associated not only with an unfavorable environmental situation, with a constant increase in loads, but also with the refusal of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle. The health of children directly depends on the living conditions in the family, health literacy, and the hygienic culture of the parents. Its formation is influenced by many factors, but family factors take a special place. A healthy lifestyle helps to avoid many diseases, to reduce the influence of harmful factors on the formation of health, the basics of which the family teaches. It is the family that is the most powerful tool in shaping the lifestyle and health of the child. It is in the family that the child learns to walk, pronounce the first words, it is the family that forms the skills of a healthy lifestyle and attitude towards their health, takes care of their physical and mental development.

Why is the question of creating a full-fledged,

a healthy family? Because only such a family can become national

the property of society. And for this it is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle and, above all, this should start from the very birth of the child.

Most parents do not understand the very essence of the concept of "health", considering it only as the absence of disease, completely ignoring the relationship between physical, mental and social well-being.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.
First, adherence to the daily routine. It is necessary to explain to the children that it must be strictly observed. It is the family that organizes the child's adherence to the regime, which allows maintaining a high level of efficiency, postponing fatigue and eliminating overwork.
Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to wash themselves correctly, know why it should be done.
Thirdly, it is the food culture. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they have a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, which foods contain them and what they are needed for.
Fourth, these are gymnastics, physical exercises, sports, hardening and outdoor games. It is necessary to accustom the child to sports. Observations show that parents are usually active and resourceful in creating good living conditions, in taking care that children are beautifully dressed, tasty and satisfyingly fed. But excessive comfort and abundant nutrition with an insufficiently active motor regime often develop everyday laziness, weaken health, and reduce efficiency. Parents should show their children an example of an active, interesting and dynamic life.

Forming a healthy lifestyle for a child, parents should instill in him basic knowledge, skills and abilities:
- knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothes, shoes;
- the ability to correctly build a daily routine and carry it out;
- the ability to interact with the environment: to understand under what conditions a house, street, road, park, playground is safe for life and health;
- the ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict the consequences and find a way out of them;
- knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in the life of the human body;
- understanding the value of a healthy lifestyle for personal health, well-being, success in classes;
- knowledge of the basic rules of proper nutrition;
- knowledge of the rules for maintaining health from colds;
- the ability to provide the simplest help for small cuts, bruises;
- understanding the importance of physical activity for the development of a healthy organism.

Another very important problem related to the health of children is watching TV and using a computer. Modern children see more interest in a virtual game than in a real game of football or tennis. This leads to the main disease of the XXI century - physical inactivity, i.e. lack of mobility. A computer and a TV set are undoubtedly useful for the development of a child's outlook, memory, attention, thinking, coordination, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the child's continuous time in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.

Do not forget that enough data have been obtained on the impact of education and socio-economic status of parents on children's health. So, in families with incomes below the average, the mortality of children from accidents and injuries is higher, the incidence is higher, the level and average duration of hospitalization are higher. The risk of accidents among children decreases with an increase in the education of the mother. A pronounced effect on the health of students of high employment at work by mothers and alcohol abuse by fathers has been established. The health indicators of children, especially young children, depend on the type of family - complete, incomplete, etc.

The lifestyle of the parents is of particular importance, since the rules

the healthy lifestyles taught to children in school can be reaffirmed or ignored at home on a daily basis. It is the family that realizes

primary educational impact on human consciousness and behavior. For the overwhelming majority of students, it is parents who are the most preferred source of information on how to maintain health. At the same time, many parents, for various reasons, do not pay enough attention to a healthy lifestyle, both their own and their child.

School is now increasingly seen as the most important

institute that can become a center for health promotion.

Educational institutions can carry out health-preserving activities not only by means of the educational process, through the organization of a hygienically expedient daily routine and features of educational activities, but also purposeful education of parents on the issues of preserving the health of children and the formation of their healthy lifestyle skills.

Even the great Russian teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness, vigor of children. ».

The school can help in solving many issues of education. But she can never compete with the family. It depends on the parents how the child grows up. A family is a whole world with its own rules, attitudes towards life, health, and upbringing. Educational, health-improving programs can only help to supplement, enrich with knowledge, but they cannot replace family education, the example of parents. You need to start with yourself - an adult, and may our children be healthy. There is a rule: "If you want to raise your child healthy, you yourself should follow the path of health, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!"

Zhivorykina Marina Vasilievna