How to create a basic wardrobe for a teenage girl? What will be fashionable in winter for girls

All girls aged 11-12 are already thinking about fashion and style. This is a special age when your daughter is still seemingly small, but on the other hand, she already has a character and determines her own tastes and preferences. Girls want to dress beautifully and stand out from their friends and classmates. Choosing clothes for a little princess is a very important and difficult question that must be approached with all responsibility.

A basic wardrobe can tell a lot about a person, create a special mood and make an impression. This applies not only to adults, but also to children.

We make a wardrobe

Clothing for 12 year olds should be varied, fashionable and stylish. It is worth taking care of the presence of a large number of outfits that would differ in color, texture, style and, of course, look.

The most important thing that parents need to understand is shopping directly with their child. If mom, dad and little fashionista have the same views on fashion and style, then this is fine and will not create unnecessary trouble. But if the preferences differ, then in no case should you put pressure on the teenager and force him to acquire and put on a thing that she does not like. It is best to seek a compromise and come to an agreement.

All clothing must be of high quality and age-appropriate. It can be:

  • Several pairs of jeans and trousers. Jeans are best suited for skinny, and trousers are tight with cuffs at the bottom.
  • Beautiful dresses. The most relevant for teenagers will be fitted dresses with a length slightly above or below the knee. Colors can be any. For the summer season, bright colors and a lush bottom would be an excellent option. The outfit should fit the figure, but in no case should it be tight. Besides beauty, children really need comfort.
  • Skirts. The most popular and fashionable are leather skirts of various styles and lengths.
  • Sweatshirts and hoodies. Various colors and patterns will be needed for a cool fall and winter. Today multilayering is very relevant.
  • T-shirts, tunics. Bright with cheerful prints will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Do not forget about home clothes, which should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.
  • On your feet, you should also buy several types of shoes, depending on the season. For example, it is recommended to buy sneakers, ballet flats and sandals for the summer. And for autumn or spring, multi-colored rubber boots, high-top sneakers or boots made of various waterproof materials will come in handy.
  • Don't forget about accessories. Not a single young fashionista will refuse a small bright handbag or backpack. And scarves, hats, caps and hats will add originality and a complete look.

In the wardrobe of a young fashionista at the age of 11-12, both plain and multi-colored things are welcome. And the brighter the clothes are, the more confident and beautiful the girl will feel. But do not go too far with the combination of shades. After all, a large number of flowers on one outfit will not decorate even a child.

The most popular shades among teenagers are:

  • Peach.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • All shades of blue.
  • All shades of red.

Stylish and fashionable clothes can have different patterns and prints. For example, characters from cartoons or movies, funny inscriptions, animals, various geometric shapes, flowers. And also any decorative jewelry made of beads, sequins, rhinestones, bows, ribbons and other things.

Styles and fabrics

Clothes for girls 11-12 years old should not only be fashionable and beautiful, but also made from natural materials. After all, baby skin is very sensitive and requires special treatment.

Popular fabrics for children's outfits:

  1. Jacquard.
  2. Velveteen.
  3. Velours.
  4. Jeans.
  5. Knitwear.

Most of the popular fashion designers produce outfits for girls in various styles. This could be:

  • Lovely and gentle romantic style.
  • Lightweight sporty.
  • Military.
  • Cool biker.
  • Fashionable pop style.
  • Original rock style.
  • Unique retro style.

Retro. In this style, you can pick up a fitted coat of various colors, with a pattern, or a solid color and a flared skirt. Narrow trousers with a folded bottom will also look charming.

Military and biker styles are similar and can be expressed in leggings that imitate natural leather, clothes with a lot of rivets, fasteners, buttons.

For dreamers, a romantic style with fluffy delicate skirts and dresses is ideal. Pastel colors, ruffles, flounces, lace - all this will give the fashionista a unique image.

What not worth buying

Today, there are a huge number of all kinds of outfits for children on store shelves. But, unfortunately, such things are also produced that absolutely do not suit a fashionista at the age of eleven or twelve years.

These are clothes with mini length, transparent or translucent fabrics, open cuts on skirts and dresses, a deep cut on the chest.

High-heeled shoes look ugly on children's feet. Moreover, it is dangerous for the health of the child. A child can easily twist a leg, and for growing bones, stilettos or heels will do considerable harm because they can deform and modify the foot.

When a girl turns 10, she begins to pay attention to her appearance and what things make up her wardrobe. During this period, the child has not yet formed a personal opinion, which can lead to disputes and conflict situations. It is very important to correctly influence the choice of a child, clothes for girls 10-12 years old should look stylish and beautiful. At this age, the makings of love for the beautiful and sweet are just beginning to emerge.

Any 11 year old girl's wardrobe should include things that you may need at any time. Each item should be presented in several pieces for a different mood. In addition to everyday items, a girl's wardrobe must necessarily contain a stylish trendy thing for all times - a must-have. This concept is translated from English as "must have" and is applicable to any element of appearance: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, perfumery.

Girls' clothes are selected in such a way as to highlight them against the main background, to show their individuality. But in most cases, a wardrobe for girls 12 years old consists of basic things. If mom and girl are passionate admirers of fashion trends in clothes, then they will definitely have trendy things. Light colors are often used in such things. A combination of different shades is selected according to their taste, for example, blue, pink and greenish.

There are 5 generally accepted classic must-haves that must be in any person's wardrobe:

  1. Pure White T-shirt - A perfect white T-shirt is perfect for creating many beautiful outfits. In everyday life, it can be worn under a leather and denim jacket or jacket. Simple, but at the same time stylish it looks with denim overalls-shorts. An interesting image is obtained if you add it to things decorated with a three-dimensional print;
  2. Cardigan - a light cardigan - another, this time a warmed version. A thin knitted cardigan will be a godsend on a cool summer evening. It can be worn over a shirt, blouse or dress. The cardigan is good with colored trousers;
  3. White Jeans - White jeans work wonderfully with any kind of wardrobe, where blue jeans also looked good. Girls put them on with T-shirts and T-shirts, jackets and cardigans.
  4. A Chanel-style jacket is irreplaceable in romantic looks;
  5. A trench coat is a perfect decoration for 10 year old girls. It can be worn with frayed jeans and light, dressy dresses.

In the world of outerwear, must have found himself in quilted winter jackets, sheepskin coats. The styles are presented both simple and with decorative elements in the form of a three-dimensional pattern. In the cold season, girls wear a jacket with winter sneakers, a backpack and a knitted hat with a soft bubo. Many people think that outerwear should be leather, but this statement does not have a solid foundation. It is enough to have a democratic and inexpensive thing.

There is never a lot of clothes, especially for a 10-year-old girl. When choosing another thing, it is worth remembering one thing - clothes should give the image charm and femininity, create coziness and comfort, and not restrict movement.

White T-shirt
Cardigan Jeans

Features of clothes for

A home wardrobe doesn't have to be oversized. It should include only those things that are comfortable and pleasant to walk in. Everything needs a measure, things must be selected so that there is something to wear, for example, for a walk, to school or a special occasion.


Any schoolgirl in her 10-12 years old would not miss the opportunity to stand out among her classmates with the ability to dress stylishly. For this, there is no need to buy expensive outfits from well-known world brands. Strict suits have never left the fashionable ranks. A collection of pencil skirts just above the knee, a snow-white shirt, and a jacket worn on top to match the color of the bottom - will attract a lot of glances from envious rivals. There is a desire to turn the fire on even more - the pencil skirt is changed to a narrow sundress in combination with a narrow-cut jacket with long sleeves. The fashion for sundresses is beginning to slowly return.

Much depends on the dress requirements of the school administration. You can try swapping your shirt for a colored turtleneck if your dress code isn't prohibited.

A girl of 4-6 grades, which corresponds to the age of 10-12 years old, in addition to the style of clothing, it is necessary to pay attention to its quality. Irresponsibility and indiscriminateness in things can affect health.


The dress shirt is a very comfortable style, perfect for walking on the street and for home life. The model is made of natural materials: jeans, linen and cotton. The thing is worn for a long time, to spoil it - you have to work hard. It is very comfortable to be in it at home.

For little girls in the age of 10, the dress shirt goes well with a light summer hat and sandals. For older people, the clothes are complemented by a strap that tightens at the waist and emphasizes the slim young figure. In cool weather, a jacket or warm cardigan is thrown over the top.

With the onset of summer, skirts burst into fashion, presented in a variety of styles, lengths and colors. In them you can walk outside with your girlfriends or draw at the table, watch TV at home and do other homework. The range of light dresses does not leave indifferent young women of fashion. It is better to buy dresses made of practical fabric and not very short, so that it is comfortable in them not only at home, but also on the street.


When a girl reaches the age of 12, she begins to realize her attractiveness. Against this background, the girls are trying to grow up. This is reflected in clothing and behavior. The most acceptable style for the street is casual - jeans, bright T-shirts, sweatshirts. All these elements allow the girl to express her personality. Instead of branded handbags, backpacks and sports bags are used in this style. They wear low shoes on their feet: sneakers and moccasins.

When choosing clothes for walking, you need to focus on comfortable clothes so that they do not hinder movement. A sundress is a versatile clothing for a girl, which is suitable for street walks with friends, school activities and special occasions. Look great in combination with bright turtlenecks.

All outerwear should be complemented by footwear in the same style. For walking, platform sneakers, comfortable and fashionable, are more suitable. Shoes are chosen comfortable so as not to interfere with the active movements of the little fashionista.


For celebrations and entertainment, a 10–12 year old girl can dress in the same way as an adult girl. An evening gown or a ball gown is fine. It is better to buy shoes with a small comfortable heel. In such cases, mothers are allowed to use their cosmetics, but only in small quantities.

Fitted dresses emphasize a young figure. Colors for special events are chosen light and elegant. The dress is complemented by several decorations, which are used as ruffles, flounces, shiny brooches. Pastel colors will add modesty and elegance to the image.

Fashionable elongated dresses with embellishments, mid-length sundresses for girls of 11 years old are gaining relevance this year like never before. Romance, attractiveness and mystery are the main key points of the new look.

Frequent mistakes

It's good if you know a lot about clothes and know how to choose them. What should be done in the opposite case? Are there rules you can follow to create the right wardrobe?

Here are the basic requirements, fulfilling which, you can replenish your wardrobe with high-quality models:

  1. It is undesirable to take a thing of dubious quality, even if it is bright and beautiful. Choosing clothes for girls 12 years old, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is sewn. Children's clothing should not be made of synthetic fabrics;
  2. Clothes for girls 11, 12 years old should be not only fashionable, but also comfortable. You should not take a thing with a lot of small accessories. Frequent wearing of such clothes leads to the need to wash them more than usual and iron them accordingly. From this, the thing deteriorates faster and loses its attractive appearance;
  3. It is not recommended to buy things in large quantities at once. Most likely, some models will not be worn or will not last long.

In order for a thing to serve for a long time, you need to buy stylish and practical things. Clothing should be suitable for everyday wear, but also dressy enough for special occasions. 12 year old girls prefer designer stylish clothes to make things look cool and bright. Therefore, for girls of this age, it is better to choose clothes of an unusual cut and bright appearance.



Has your child already grown up and is approaching adolescence?
Looking for stylish looks for girls from 10 to 12 years old?

Having trouble keeping up with designer collections and fashionable solutions?

Please note that this age is very important. Girls learn to see beauty, begin to take care of themselves. The task of parents is to instill in them self-confidence. Let's start with school.

Without a school uniform, of course, nowhere.

All kinds of skirts, blouses, trousers and jackets, as well as, of course, uniforms and sundresses. If you do not know where there are uniforms at an affordable price, then pay attention to the "Little Lady" brand. Their product has long won the trust of parents around the world, and a wide range allows you to choose several looks. It is also worth noting that all materials are environmentally friendly. They do not wrinkle, do not deform, are practical to use and durable.

Your school outfit doesn't have to be pretentious or flashy. We recommend using classics that are austere but not boring. After all, your daughter should feel beautiful.

Now let's talk about fancy dresses

An elegant or gentle look is useful both for family walks and for school events and holidays. Every girl wants to feel like a princess. Pick up at least one such festive look. It is perfect for gatherings in a cafe, for a walk with a boy, for a school disco.

Remember sophistication and sophistication. Avoid pretentiousness. Focus on the heroines your daughter loves. We would advise you to look at the product range of the Liola brand. These outfits are often seen on celebrity babies and rugs. The purpose of the assortment is emphasized everywhere - the crown design means that this image is ideal for a little princess.

Moving on to summer dresses

Lightweight cotton or polyester options keep you comfortable at any time of the day. You can choose fitted models, wide dresses, and sundresses. For the warm season, it is better to choose bright colors. These can be floral prints, all kinds of shades of pink or orange. In the children's market, the Mayoral company specializes in such images. The entire product range is stylish, the styles are comfortable, and the materials are natural. So that even in the hottest, your baby's skin breathes.

Is there a fashion for outerwear?

Certainly. Now on the Russian market there is a wide selection of coats for girls, jackets, vests, semi-overalls. You can choose complex and simple models, long and short wardrobe items in a sporty or elegant style. Focus on the world famous Pulka brand. Their kits are finished with a polar fox or a raccoon, are always multi-layered, are distinguished by increased thermal insulation, often have reflective elements and receive the highest marks at exhibitions and certifications.

Let's talk about the classics - jackets and blazers

The choice is unlimited. Black models, plaid, colorful, bright. The main thing is to choose an image in which the chosen model will look organic and attractive. You will find many of these wardrobe items from the manufacturer "Toby-Bear" - take a closer look at different models and make your choice. The classic image instills in girls austerity and elegance. Therefore, it is simply impossible to do without it.

We select turtlenecks and tunics

These are versatile and basic wardrobe items. Turtlenecks and tunics can be of different colors - both calm classics and bright negligence. You just need to put them on either only on the street, or on holidays and school. Experts recommend buying at least 5 items - so that there is a mandatory replacement kit. The manufacturer "Gulliver" has a huge number of styles and an affordable price, which you have already encountered more than once. Their strong point is practicality. All things retain their aesthetic and impeccable appearance even after 50 washes.

We complete a casual look - choose T-shirts and blouses

This part of the wardrobe is the most consumable. It is versatile - suitable for a family walk or with friends, it is used more often than others. Therefore, it is worth looking at the material - it must be light, natural, so that the skin can breathe. Youth fashion means loose and fitted styles, elegant and mischievous looks. Most often, floral prints are used or the girls' favorite characters are applied. Look at the classic sleeve as well as the flashlight. Create a multifunctional kit that will be assembled like a "constructor", and the laundry will freely replace other elements.

It's time to choose leggings and leggings, jeans and trousers, shorts and breeches

The lower part of the kit may vary. In the summer, shorts and breeches are often used. In winter, all young people wear jeans or trousers, practically without taking them off. And leggings and leggings are produced in various - both light fabric and insulated.

  1. The bright floral print is very popular. Such an image will help to emphasize the beauty and tenderness of your child, it will go well with any T-shirt or tunic. And it is suitable both for a walk in the yard and for a family outing to the theater. I would especially like to note that such leggings stretch and do not hinder movement at all. More convenient than ever.
  2. Classic jeans should be in your wardrobe. Moreover, in several colors - at least in light blue and dark. No wonder this piece of clothing is so popular. In terms of practicality, it has no analogues. A versatile piece of clothing, comfortable and durable.
  3. Be sure to purchase fabric pants! They can be worn not only to school but also outdoors. Such clothing is close to jeans, but nevertheless instills neatness, femininity in girls and emphasizes a beautiful image.
  4. Various breeches are a must in the wardrobe for a bully look. Even princesses sometimes want to play pranks and run. A comfortable set of clothes will help you avoid falls - after all, movements will not be constrained.
  5. Choose shorts for the summer with special responsibility. We recommend that you definitely take one denim model, one classic and one beach model. The choice of styles and colors is practically unlimited. This is the convenience of branded collections.

What have we forgotten?


It's hard to imagine girls without a skirt. This is their permanent attribute and business card. Great casual dress replacement. At the same time, there are warmed winter models, wide "sun" styles, tight-fitting fabric skirts. We recommend choosing a few short models, a pair of long ones and, of course, denim ones.

Thus, you will complete your beauty's wardrobe completely, instill in her a love of beauty, and, most importantly, self-confidence.

The last piece is pullovers, sweaters and cardigans

The winter season and even a summer evening will not do without them. After all, when walking, you need to be warm.

Choose comfortable models - always with zippers, buttons, and over the neck, so that there is always a choice. Delicate looks are designed for going to cafes and theaters, sports ones for walking with friends, and everyday looks will always come in handy.

Of course, don't forget to pick:

  1. Tracksuits.

Do you still have questions?
Can't make the final choice?

Call the "Baby-Modnik" company -

we will provide you with ready-made solutions or select on an individual basis.

It is important for both 9-year-old and 12-year-old girls to be beautiful and stylish, because the love of beauty is inherent in women from birth. Therefore, many parents with children of about 11 years old are interested in the question: how to dress their daughter, how to choose stylish clothes for her so that she looks beautiful and the child is comfortable in her?

How to choose

Clothes for girls 10 years old is quite difficult to find, because at this age children grow very quickly, and this must be taken into account. Therefore, parents are advised to buy clothes one or two sizes larger so that they do not have to get rid of a completely new blouse or dress that the young beauty did not have time to put on, as they have already become small. Clothes for girls 9-12 years old often have a design similar to things for adult girls, so children can also be in trend. But still, since you are choosing clothes for a child, keep in mind that a little beauty will like bright cool things with an interesting children's pattern in the form of flowers, hearts, butterflies, and not strict women's clothing.

It is best to opt for items made from natural fabrics because baby skin is especially delicate and synthetic materials can irritate the skin. When buying outerwear, keep in mind that your child will not calmly walk along the street, but will actively play and frolic, and in winter he will ride down the hill and play snowballs. Therefore, you should not buy an expensive stylish fur coat for children aged 11 years, a more practical down jacket will be enough.

When choosing clothes, it is very important to take into account the desire of your daughter: if she does not like clothes of a certain color, then she will most likely refuse to wear such things, or the girl will wear this thing and will be very unhappy at the same time.

For children 9-12 years old, their appearance is very important, but in this regard they are very moody. The main thing is to choose beautiful and cute things both for a basic wardrobe and for special occasions. Particular attention should be paid to color, as it is important for 12 year old girls to keep things bright and cool. It is best to buy clothes in pink, reds, lilacs and oranges rather than dark and nondescript shades.

Children will be pleased with things that have an unusual design and pattern, so buy more unusual and bright things. It is at the age of about ten that girls' tastes and preferences are formed. It is very important, at this age, to help the child in their formation and to understand what your baby really likes. You can safely take your daughter for shopping and make fashionable bows with her. So you can understand your child and avoid unnecessary quarrels because of the wardrobe items she did not like.

fashion clothes

The fashion of this season is distinguished by interesting combinations of different styles and fashion trends. Fashion designers offer many stylish solutions that will appeal to every little fashionista and are suitable for every season of the year. The most relevant trends in fashion this year are sports, romantic, casual, country and glamorous rock styles.

Most girls of this age like clothes made in a romantic style. Designers presented many collections, which contain things in the romantic style, such as dresses and sundresses with floral print, elongated models of sundresses, puffy skirts decorated with many gathers and flounces.


All children's fashion designers and mass-brand stores offer a wide range of dresses for girls that are suitable for any season of the year, and will also please every young fashionista. In addition, the designers have provided models for both full and thin girls.

For girls 9-12 years old, dresses are very suitable, the design of which is distinguished by an emphasis on the waist, because this makes them more feminine and refined. Dresses that combine light and mostly white shades with a leopard print are very fashionable this season. The optimal length of such an item of clothing is up to the knee or slightly higher, it is advisable not to buy too short dresses for a young beauty, since children are very active, and short things will constantly bully. In addition to the leopard print, this season is very relevant checkered print, as well as layering in clothes. It is best to buy practical and comfortable models of dresses and sundresses so that your daughter will be comfortable in them.

It is important to note that many children's clothes are very similar in style to clothing models for adults, a children's outfit can even be called a miniature copy of them. Only children's outfits are more decorated with ruffles and fringes. Children's dresses with a minimalistic design and original asymmetrical cut are very relevant. To make this outfit more elegant, you can emphasize the waistline with a thin strap. In addition, the trend is now to combine children's dresses with bright and unusual tights.

For colder seasons, sweater dress and tunic dress are perfect. In such clothes, your daughter will not only look very feminine and beautiful, but also will not freeze. Such models are best worn with leggings made of thick materials, and pry down a warm blouse or turtleneck. A tunic dress can be safely worn with jeans or trousers, since it has a fairly wide cut. A bright tunic decorated with interesting decor in combination with contrasting leggings will be a great stylish solution for any event.

A-line dresses are also very relevant this season. They are distinguished by a high waist and a hem that starts at the chest and ends with a flared hem. This dress model is free and the child will feel very comfortable in it.


The most universal thing that every girl should have is a sundress. This is an irreplaceable and comfortable style of a child's dress. It is perfect both for a walk and for classes at school, and for a special occasion. When purchasing a sundress, check the seams and pay attention to the composition of the product: for the hot season, choose dresses and sundresses made exclusively from natural materials.

This season, it is very fashionable to combine sundresses with bright children's turtlenecks and shirts. But besides this, you can put on whatever you want under the sundress, whether it be a regular T-shirt, a T-shirt or an elegant blouse. Thanks to the huge variety of combinations of this versatile piece of clothing, you can create many looks: sporty, casual or even formal. In addition, sundresses are comfortable in that they are very easy to take off and put on, and this style does not create inconvenience during the active movements of children.

Shirt Dresses

The shirt-plate is a tight style of clothing that is suitable both for walking on a hot summer day and for home clothes. Such a model can be worn every day, since it is made mainly from natural materials such as cotton or linen, or from jeans, which is very important this season. The stylish collections feature a wide range of shirt dresses, which have both long and short sleeves.

For girls of 9 years old, an excellent fashionable solution would be to wear such a dress with an elegant summer hat and sandals, but for 12-year-old girls, designers have prepared interesting, more fitted models, complemented by a thin strap at the waist, beautifully emphasizing the silhouette. If the weather is cooler outside, you can throw a light cardigan or denim jacket on top of such a dress.


With the approach of warm weather, it becomes more and more important to purchase children's skirts, fashionable and bright models of which must be present in the wardrobe of every little fashionista. In the collections of different designers, there is a huge selection of colors and a wide range of children's skirts, every fashionista will be able to choose the right one.

Skirts in the new collections are presented in completely different lengths, they are suitable for any event or just for a visit. This element of children's clothing is presented in the form of models from a wide variety of materials, such as leather, corduroy, jeans, light romantic chiffon and cotton.