The best tattoos with flowers on the thigh. Tattoo on the thigh - Women's and men's tattoos on the thigh

In this article we will talk about what female leg tattoos mean. These tips will help you choose the right leg decoration that suits you best.

Did you know that, according to statistics, more and more girls are turning to tattoo parlors lately? And no wonder, because some of the images are so elegant that it seems as if this art of body painting was invented specifically for the fair sex. Patterns on the leg are especially popular, because they successfully combine style with grace and modesty.

Places for tattoos for girls on legs

  • Ankle- a huge plus of such a tattoo is that its application is the least painful. In addition, the image on this part of the body looks very feminine. If desired, tattoos are easily covered with socks, stockings, shoes

IMPORTANT: Mostly for the ankle, simple patterns of small size are selected.

  • Ankle- ideal if you want to hide a tattoo from time to time. Another undoubted advantage of such a choice is the refinement of the legs, the femininity of its owner.

  • Feet- they are equally well able to accommodate both small images and larger options. As for pain, they are most often in the range from very mild to quite tolerable. However, the owner of the tattoo needs to be prepared for the fact that at first it’s not worth wearing shoes that touch the treated area - there is a high risk of damaging the skin

  • Anterior thigh- A great option for an erotic tattoo, which, if desired, will be easy to hide. If a girl wants to fill a small image first, and then supplement it, this option will come in handy

Female tattoo on the front of the thigh
  • Hips- the perfect find for lovers of lace underwear. In addition, such tattoos are most attractive to men.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to choose a nifty small image. Bold large options are also welcome, but it is worth remembering that they may not always fit into a particular image.

  • shins- it is not always possible to hide images on them, so this is an option for brave ladies. It is only advisable to choose something elongated in order to visually emphasize the slimness of the legs.

Sketches and drawings of tattoos for girls on legs

Tattoos for girls are small, mini on the legs

A small tattoo, by definition, is not able to contain a lot of information about the owner. That's why it’s better not to be smart with it, but to make several small and neat images if you wish.

IMPORTANT: When creating a durable mini tattoo, it is especially important to ensure that the lines are clear and the shades are saturated. The fact is that over time they can fade or smudge significantly, which is especially noticeable in tiny images.

As for ideas, often for a small tattoo they choose some memorable date, name, motto. By the way, if you want originality, then you can capture information using Latin letters or Arabic script. Hieroglyphs and runes are always out of competition.

Runes for a small tattoo on the legs are a good solution

Fauna motifs are also a good solution, however, they often turn out to be large. However, the image of a cat can be replaced with cat paw prints- what you need for a small tattoo.

Charlize Theron got a small fish tattoo on her leg

Flowers as a small decoration for the legs are a great solution.- for graceful legs, such a symbol of tenderness will come in handy. Roses, orchids, violets, thin branches of sakura are perfect.

Tattoos for girls on the thigh: patterns, flowers, inscriptions, a dragon and their meaning

The hip is a truly feminine option for drawing a picture, since the hips have always been a symbol of grace and femininity. In addition, men rarely expose this part of the body. AND here is what can be depicted on the hips:

  • The Dragon- even among the Japanese, it meant wisdom, luck, strength, and among the Chinese, it symbolized the ability to transform into anything and control anything. Among the Celts, the dragon was a cruel creature, but unusually wise

IMPORTANT: The color design also has its own symbolism: for example, a black mythological lizard tells others about the tattoo owner's respect for his parents, blue or blue - about the desire for peace and eternal life, gold - about good nature, red - about passion, hostility to enemies. The yellow dragon is applied extremely rarely, as it is a symbol of war and hermitage.

  • Bows and garters- patterns in the form of them are also quite popular. These drawings do not carry any hidden meaning, but rather simply show the grace and femininity of nature, amorousness. Most often, bows are depicted on the back of the thigh.

  • dream Catcher- Another pattern that is perfect for placement on the thigh. It protects its owner from negative energy, symbolizes merging with nature.

  • inscriptions on the hip look quite extravagant. Wherein on the top of the thigh it is worth posting something concise, intended for a loved one, and on the bottom someone else's quotes will look great

IMPORTANT: Even the language in which the tattoo is made matters. So, Latin speaks of intellect, French speaks of sophistication, Chinese speaks of sophistication and passion for the East, German speaks of decisiveness, and Spanish or Italian speaks of a passionate nature.

  • As far as flowers are concerned, rose the ancient Greeks had the emblem of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Peony was considered by the Chinese as a regal flower, promising the owner longevity. Lily is considered the most feminine plant, which speaks of nobility, spiritual integrity

Tattoos for girls on the ankle: inscriptions, bracelet and their meaning

  • Bracelet Ankle tattoo made popular by model and actress Nicole Richie. Indeed, such an ornament is quite feminine if you choose it as a decor. beads, ribbons, flowers. If you want to give the image a meaning, it is recommended to fit it into the bracelet geometric figures, which are believed to contain the Celtic language code

Ankle tattoo Nicole Richie

  • As for the inscriptions, then look great in the ankle area short words or phrases. At the same time, they should reflect the usual mood of their owner or the motto. Eg, "Best", "Family", "Love"

IMPORTANT: Give the inscription originality with the help of a font. So, the Gothic will set the mystery and gloom, the pattern - romance. Therefore, the inscription must match such an emotional color.

  • However, long inscriptions also look good enough. Especially when they wrap around the ankle. For example, you can choose from the following: "Viam supervadet vadens"(“The road will be mastered by the walking one”), "Ne cede malis"(“In misfortune, I do not lose heart”), "Audaces fortuna juvat"("Happiness favors the brave")

Tattoos for girls on the foot, foot: inscriptions, patterns and their meaning

  • Any inscription printed along the foot will look elegant. This maybe a life motto- For example, "Dictum factum"("No sooner said than done"), Fortes fortuna adjuvat("Destiny helps brave"). If you add a beautiful font, the tattoo will turn out to be especially attractive.

The inscription in the form of a tattoo on the foot can be concise

The inscription-tattoo on the foot can be long

  • Butterfly it will look great if you break the pattern into two parts - half for each foot. This insect is considered the embodiment of tenderness, freedom, lightness.
Moth tattoo on foot
  • Butterfly it embodies a change for the better, a rebirth. In addition, the smooth lines and bright colors of this insect look quite attractive.

  • star on the leg should be applied to those ladies who want to declare themselves as a mysterious and romantic nature. At the same time, such a symbol speaks of strength and developed volitional qualities.

Stars on the foot
  • Indian motifs quite popular for foot tattoos. Eg, mandala symbolizes the model of the cosmos, and hence the harmony, the ability to purify and the correctness of the worldview

IMPORTANT: If you want to adhere to the rules in color design, then you should paint this sign green where its northern part is, yellow where it is southern, red where it is western, white where it is eastern, and also blue in the center .

  • On the foot you can also draw something, although this place is not very popular as a canvas - and the picture is not visible, and the skin is too rough. However, some Indian symbol will be very handy.

Tattoos on the front side of the thigh for girls and their meaning

  • This part of the body can accommodate a large pattern, so three-dimensional inscriptions fit quite well. Moreover, it is not necessary to put one short phrase - you can add a whole quote

  • Such a place is perfect for depicting various animals - for example, squirrels. This cute and energetic animal evokes positive emotions in everyone without exception. It is also associated with thriftiness and homeliness.

  • Crow- as a rule, symbolizes longevity and wisdom. According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, this bird was considered a sign of fertility and a harbinger of the gods.

IMPORTANT: However, you should be careful with this symbolism, since in many ancient teachings the raven was inextricably linked with war, suffering, and sin.

  • Jellyfish- explains that the person in front of you is extremely difficult. The jellyfish itself is mobile, but fragile, simple at first glance, but at the same time capable of unexpectedly stinging

  • Owl It is traditionally associated with wisdom. And, despite the fact that the Chinese refer to this bird as the embodiment of evil spirits, it is mainly intended to convey to others information about the mind, erudition, calmness and prudence of the owner.

  • The nautical theme is also quite common. Eg, anchor predicts the owner stability, luck and hope, home. Steering wheel it promises to choose the right path and purposefulness. It is quite possible to combine both of these symbols by applying them to different legs in the form of one composition.

Ankle tattoos for girls: inscriptions, patterns and their meaning

  • Salamander will perfectly emphasize the grace of the female leg. In addition, this creature managed to acquire a mass of legends. So, in the Middle Ages, people considered it a symbol of the struggle between good and evil, and alchemists endowed it with magical properties. Many noble families preferred to put a salamander on their coat of arms, thereby telling others about their courage and stamina.

IMPORTANT: If we turn to Christian beliefs, it will become clear that this creature symbolized slightly different qualities - namely, humility, chastity.

  • pretty ladybug since the Middle Ages, it was considered a symbol of good luck, as it fought against aphids. For many people, it is associated with kindness, faith, warmth, positive, harmony.

  • Small hummingbird will look great on a graceful ankle. And it will denote the most positive features - love of life, optimism, freedom. In addition, let's not forget that these crumbs may well repulse larger birds, so they can still be considered a symbol of courage.
  • Sea Horse will not take up much space on the ankle, but it will convey the necessary information to others. He will tell about purposefulness, attentiveness, caution. Sailors of antiquity loved to take this symbol with them when they sail.
  • Fits comfortably on the ankle Zodiac signs- simple and interesting solution

Ankle tattoo with zodiac sign Libra
  • Peacock feather especially revered in Indian mythology. It symbolized the Buddha, which means that the one who applied it will attract happiness and good luck. The Chinese, on the other hand, considered the palinye feather a sign of a person's belonging to the upper strata of society.
  • Can you write on your ankle the name of a loved one- beloved, child, parent. Beautifully decorated, it will always be by your side

  • Looks great on the ankle small motto. Eg, "In hac spe vivo"("I live by this hope") "Omnia vanitas"("Everything is vanity") "Sicvolo"("That's the way I want it")

Tattoos on the shins for girls: meaning

  • Looks great snake, which wraps around the lower leg - such an image perfectly emphasizes the slenderness of the female leg. In addition, the meaning of the picture is good - wisdom, intuition, cunning. The grace of snakes has always fascinated ancient people, and its ability to shed its skin served as a symbol of renewal and longevity.

IMPORTANT: Do not be afraid that in Christian teaching the snake identifies the fall into sin. In fact, this value is not taken into account when getting a tattoo.

Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of a snake
  • Tree considered a sign of growth, development, restoration. In some religions, trees have been known to be worshiped as a symbol of longevity and an object capable of transmitting the soul.
  • Graceful tattoo ornament in Indian style on the lower leg

    Often girls want to get a tattoo, but they are repelled by the possibility of looking rude. In fact, this problem is easily eliminated if the image is applied not to the shoulder or back, but to the leg. In addition, such a stylish decoration can perfectly emphasize the grace and sophistication of the female leg.

There are many places on the body where the tattoo will look very beautiful, authentic, where it will attract the eye. A compromise option is to place it on the thigh. A large area allows you to realize bold fantasies, create complex patterns, wrap the picture the way you want. At the same time, it is possible, if such a desire arises, to quickly disguise the image by putting on, for example, pants - and now, the image has again become more than decent and neutral. A versatile and attractive solution. What else is needed? Moreover, the photos presented in the gallery allow you to once again make sure that such a tattoo placement can be more than attractive.


After reviewing the presented photos, you can see for yourself that the tattoos that are on the thigh have different variations, some of which, however, are more popular. For example, in the first place, such images are applied to the body by girls, and therefore the common motifs are also, respectively, female. These can be various animals, most often cats (especially large ones, like panthers) and birds. It can be various elegant bows, flowers and so on. Of course, various inscriptions are a universal motif that is used by both men and women. Most often these are hieroglyphs, because they look especially sophisticated. But you can’t deny yourself some more unusual solutions, everything can be limited only by your imagination.


There are a number of nuances that must be considered when you transfer such images to your own body. Tattoos that are on the thigh tend to change, stretch and distort as the skin on the thigh changes, stretches and distorts. So unnecessarily large drawings, as well as images that are realistic as a photo, and therefore less resistant to distortion, are not recommended. It is also important to consider that the pain threshold of the skin of the thigh is such that sometimes the application of the image can be quite noticeable. So think about whether you want to portray something big and impressive right away, or is it preferable to start with something small to assess your capabilities, and just see how it looks. After all, you can always apply a new one around the image, increasing it and decorating your thigh in an unusual way - which is not a great option. Of course, this delicate place on the body requires a special approach. When you choose a photo, by analogy with which you want to apply an image to yourself, then our experts will help you depict the desired tattoo on your thigh with the highest quality - and you can definitely not doubt that this tattoo will be applied at the highest level.

One of the most popular hip tattoo designs is flowers. They look feminine and bold at the same time, and it is not easy to get lost in a huge number of diverse subjects. Consider the coolest ideas, talk about styles, colors and features. Perhaps this will help you make your choice.


On the thigh it can be black. But, perhaps, no other plot looks as great in color as this one. Therefore, many girls choose colored tattoos.

The coloring of flowers can be both natural and the most incredible. Red roses are a classic that always looks good. But why shouldn't they be purple? Such solutions also often look very advantageous.

A popular trend is white tattoos on the thigh. Flowers made with white paint look especially gentle and sophisticated. They look like real lace.


Realism, old school, chicano, tribal - it would seem that there is no style for which "Flowers" tattoos on the thigh would not be relevant.

They are performed in the most incredible techniques. Today, this story inspires artists of different genres.


Sometimes other unusual details get into the company of flowers. A sketch of a tattoo of flowers on the thigh is often supplemented with ribbons and bows, feathers and hearts, sugar skulls and dream catchers.

Birds, little animals and butterflies, surrounded by colorful flowers, look very cute. A great idea to add personality and style to the sketch is to add lace, chains or beads.


The flowers on the thigh are tattoos, the photos of which show that they look both cute and defiant at the same time. Some girls try to place it higher so that they can be hidden under their clothes from prying eyes. And someone, on the contrary, likes large tattoos that you can flaunt, dressed up in short shorts or a dress.

You can place such a tattoo on the side, front or back of the thigh.


Many plants are medicinal, so flower tattoos are sometimes credited with healing properties. Inflorescences are widely used in magical rituals. Of course, this could not but affect the perception of tattoos.

Many girls who decide to get a “Flowers” ​​thigh tattoo spend a lot of time choosing the main elements. After all, each flower means something special.

Lily is a popular subject for tattoos. Since ancient times, she has been associated with the power of the monarch, noble origin, purity. This is not just a symbol of power, but rather a sign of a wise and just ruler. She adorned many august families (for example, the coat of arms of the Tudors).

Some argue that in the Middle Ages, dissolute girls were branded with a sign of a lily on their shoulder, but, firstly, this issue is debatable, and secondly, the place of application means no less than the symbol itself. The lily tattooed on the thigh never carried any negative coloring.

The rose queen of flowers is a no less common plot. It is a symbol of femininity, luxury, charm and unfading beauty. Florists agree that this flower is more suitable for a mature, accomplished woman than a young girl. When choosing this motif for the image on the thigh, think carefully if it will not seem too heavy and obliging to you over time?

Lotus is not just a flower, but a symbol of wisdom, piety, heavenly light. The philosophical teachings of the East exalt it like no other plant. If you are passionate about oriental culture, perhaps the lotus is exactly your option.

And what a deep symbolism the dandelion flower, which we so often see under our feet, is filled with! Bright yellow little suns appear at the height of spring, delight the eye and remind you of the imminent arrival of summer. Such flowers often decorate themselves with cheerful dreamers, easy-going and ready for adventure. And the lush translucent balls of dandelions, which will scatter into hundreds of parachute fluffs, you just have to blow on them, it is not for nothing that they are considered a symbol of long-distance roads and travels. Such tattoos are often chosen by those who love distant wanderings.

Chamomile is a symbol of carelessness, lightness, gentle natural beauty. These little suns often decorate themselves with girls who want to emphasize youth, a positive worldview, and benevolence. Many believe that tattoos with daisies and other charming flowers bring good luck and prosperity to their owners.

Each girl strives to emphasize her individuality and beauty. One way to do this is with thigh tattoos, which can take up almost the entire leg or be small and inconspicuous. Why are images on the hips considered the prerogative of women? The thing is that men rarely bare these places, and girls vice versa. Women's hips are a symbol of grace and sexuality, so all the fair sex strive to emphasize them.

Hip tattoo trends are images such as: bows, cats, butterflies, panthers, flowers, birds. The Chinese dragon looks stylish, while it is not so important whether it is black and white or colored. The red dragon means hostility, love and passion, the black one - respect for parents. Remember! The color of the tattoo plays a big role. Fans of flirting will love the image of a gun behind a garter. The owner of such a picture is perceived as a sexy and passionate person who craves adventure.

What other hip tattoos for girls are popular nowadays? There are a lot of beautiful images that hold a secret meaning. For example, tattoos of constellations and stars, as well as flocks of small birds flying out of any picture, are becoming increasingly famous.

Soreness, practicality, aesthetics

Many girls do not think about what will happen if you stuff a picture on your hips. In fact, these places can change and stretch over time. At the same time, the skin is subject not only to age-related changes. When losing weight, the hips can sag; by the way, they are also the first to get fat. It turns out that tattoos on the thigh are not very practical. In view of this, small drawings are welcome, since they are the least susceptible to deformation.

Another disadvantage is the rather painful application. The skin on the thighs can be too sensitive, especially on the inside.

At the same time, tattoos on the hips for girls have one significant advantage. They look very aesthetic. With their help, you can visually stretch the leg and hide the fullness. It is worth noting that the tattoo itself looks extremely sexy!

Modest young ladies can become owners of beautiful flowers or ornaments. Ethnic motifs are also becoming more and more popular. Something non-trivial and provocative is suitable for brave girls: lizards, tigers.

Keep in mind that a tattoo on the outside of the thigh will look much better than on the back or front. It is up to you to decide which image to fill, the main thing is to contact a competent specialist and choose a plot to your liking! Below are photos of tattoos on the thigh from different tattoo artists.

Tattoo images in the hip area are becoming an extremely popular phenomenon, which is preferred by both guys and girls. This is not surprising, because the pattern applied in this part of the body has its advantages:

  1. a large volumetric surface of the thigh allows you to apply images of any shape and size;
  2. the skin of the thighs practically does not undergo age-related changes, which means that the pattern will be beautiful and bright for many years;
  3. if desired, it is very easy to hide a tattoo under clothes, that is, the presence of a tattoo will not affect a professional career and the attitude of others towards a person;
  4. the area in the thigh area is covered with fairly thick skin with good fatty tissue, the process of applying a tattoo will not cause much pain.

Theme of tattoos on the thigh

Tattoos on the thigh are in demand among the population of all ages, they are stuffed on both the male and female bodies. True, the themes used in tattoos are different for girls and boys. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity prefer to put flowers, beautiful abstractions, cute animals, fairies, inscriptions, mystical dream catchers and flirty lace garters on their hips. Men choose tribal-style abstractions, ferocious predatory animals, epic battle paintings, as drawings.

As a rule, a female tattoo is not only an element of decoration, but also carries a certain hidden meaning. A male tattoo most often has only a decorative value.

Flowers are one of the most popular themes for girls. Delicate and beautiful plants are always perfectly arranged, creating incredible pictures. In addition, historically, each flower was assigned a certain meaning, so that by applying it to the body, one can thereby carry a hidden message.

The theme of the dragon in the tattoo is of particular importance, these mystical creatures are found in various cultures and symbolize certain qualities. So, the Chinese dragon, undoubtedly, is a symbol of strength and wisdom, and the European image of this creature personifies a powerful destructive force, perseverance, cunning.

Like girls, men often turn to the theme of animals as a tattoo design. However, as befits the stronger sex, the guys prefer to depict ferocious and recalcitrant predators on their bodies: baring wolves and bears, crouching tigers, fire-breathing dragons, gaping mouths of sea monsters.

Realistic paintings in men's tattoo

Unlike women who want to fill a tattoo with some kind of sacred meaning, guys most often use a tattoo on their thigh as a decorative decoration., therefore, when drawing an image, they try to use the available space to the maximum, as a result of which stunning works of art with a detailed plot are born.

Pictures that open to the eye can be made on different topics: naval battles, epic battles, favorite moments from your favorite movie.

A notable type of male tattoo on the thigh are realistic images of portraits of people, characters from films, skulls, dragons. Deciding on this type of tattoo, you need to spare no time and money to find a worthy master who will qualitatively and beautifully perform the drawing. Otherwise, the spoiled image will not bring joy either to its owner or to the people around him.