Milk is not well expressed by the breast pump. Expressing breast milk with a breast pump. What do you need to know? How much milk to express and how often to express it

Breastfeeding is accompanied not only by pleasant moments of motherhood, but also by some problems. If you do not take into account some of the features, then you can lose milk. Expressing breast milk with a breast pump is an effective prevention of lactostasis.

I remember my first impressions of this pumping assistant. At that time, one thought was terrifying: what would happen to the breast if something went wrong. At the time of operation, to my surprise, everything turned out to be pretty painless and effective. The milk canals were painlessly cleared, the lumps disappeared, and lactation improved.

In order not to waste money in vain and purchase a really necessary breast pump, you need to consider all aspects of the issue.

A bit of history

The first who invented the breast pump was the French surgeon Ambroise Paré in the 16th century, of course, the device was primitive, a little inconvenient to use. Gradually, new changes were made, in the 19th century a new device patented in the USA became an assistant for many nursing mothers.

The apparatus was mechanical, imitating a baby's sucking on the breast; the external design was different from the original one. Today you will not find such on the market, in our time there are various types of breast pumps.

Types of breast pumps

To understand which breast pump is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with each type. There are mechanical, electrical models. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical breast pumps are a more budget option. There are pump, syringe.

The principle of operation of such breast pumps is the vacuum mechanism that makes up the device. Thanks to this, breast milk is expressed. As a rule, a container is attached to it, into which the milk flows.

Expression technique

So, before you start expressing milk with a mechanical breast pump, you need to do breast hygiene. Then, with one hand, holding the breast, inserting it into the wide opening of the apparatus so that, in addition to the nipple, the areola zone is also placed. With the other hand, we press on the pear-shaped pump, creating a vacuum. In the glass tube, jet discharge of milk should be visible, which are drained into a specially designated container on the breast pump.

Expressing should not be painful unless you are comfortable with the need to rule out the cause of the pain. Use your index finger to apply a little pressure to the areola, air will enter and the breast can be easily pulled out of the breast pump. Do not pull out the mammary gland!


  • Dexterity is required for such a breast pump. Usually, both hands are involved in the process, so it is not possible to perform other manipulations at the same time.
  • When using these types of breast pumps, physiological expression does not work. Often, such devices not only cannot express milk, but you can earn cracked nipples.
  • Another aspect of the inconvenience of operation is the impossibility of sterilizing all parts of the apparatus.


  • the budget of the apparatus;
  • does not require additional use of a charger;
  • compact, you can take it on the road;
  • suitable for occasional expressing.

This model is expensive and more convenient to use. The woman makes no effort when using it, the device does all the work by itself. Today, such devices have a number of functions, even simulating different periods of sucking on the mother's breast.

Expression technique

Breast hygiene is carried out, then the breast and areola are also placed in a specially designated opening of the breast pump. The device initially turns on at a low speed, gradually switching to a high speed. In the process of expressing, pain and discomfort should not occur.

If something bothers you, turn off the device. Use your index finger to gently press down on your breasts so that you can easily pull them out of the pump. Once you've identified and ruled out the cause of the discomfort, start pumping again. As a rule, the manufacturer always offers several types of breast pads in the kit, which do not injure the breast during expression.

Inconvenience in use

  • the need for under chargers;
  • high price.

Advantages of the device

  • expression is possible from two mammary glands at the same time;
  • the process itself repeats the physiological process of breastfeeding by a child;
  • the development of nipple cracks does not occur when expressing;
  • all parts of the apparatus are easy to clean and handle;
  • availability of all the necessary attachments and accessories for the convenience of expressing.

How to store expressed milk

Many moms make a big mistake by simply pouring out precious liquid. If milk is expressed in accordance with all the rules of hygiene, it can be stored for further use, when, for example, the mother will have a period of physiological decrease in lactation. The formula cannot replace 100% breast milk.

Expressed milk storage times

Milk should be thawed gradually so that all the nutrients are preserved. If the milk has stratified, it doesn’t matter, this is normal.

Pay attention that it does not have an unpleasant odor, discoloration. Such milk should not be given to a baby.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a breast pump is always selected individually for each woman. Familiarize yourself with each model before purchasing. You choose an assistant more than once. The pumping process, both manually and with the help of the device, should not cause pain and discomfort. The mammary gland is a delicate organ that requires gentle handling.

Expression is one of the preventions of decreased lactation. If it is difficult for you to do it manually, try using a breast pump to solve the problem. The device will be able to strain the breasts, remove all seals and prevent the development of mastitis, nipple cracks. Carefully handle all parts of the device to prevent infection of the breast, expressed breast milk.

Many mothers in the postpartum period are faced with the problem of breastfeeding naturally, because not everyone can express milk by hand. For such cases, a breast pump was invented, a device that allows, subject to all recommendations, to receive the necessary portion in the process for feeding the baby.

What pumping device should I buy?

Natural breastfeeding is the easiest way to feed your baby. However, when it is not possible to attach the baby to the breast or it is not possible to master the practice of manually expressing, the breast pump saves. If you use the device correctly, you can express a portion of milk in an average of 20 minutes, while the same manual steps will take significantly longer.

Having decided to purchase a breast pump, a newly-made nursing mother may face the problem of choosing a device. The fact is that today there are a lot of such devices. They are all divided into 2 types:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical.

The mechanical breast pump follows the principle of manual pumping. In the process of receiving a portion of breast milk, you must make the efforts of your own hands. Therefore, their other name is manual breast pumps. They are much cheaper than electric ones, although the latter greatly simplify the technology of obtaining a portion of milk necessary for feeding a child.

The principle of operation of electrical devices is based on the creation of a vacuum that provides pumping through a motor. The power source for the built-in motor can be either batteries or an electrical network. In any case, the woman's efforts are minimal.

More recently, new electronically controlled models for receiving breast milk have been introduced to the market. Expression with such devices is much faster, since both breasts are involved at once. However, the cost of such devices is very high.

A young mother has the right to decide which breast pump is better for herself, based on the need and frequency of pumping, as well as on her budget. When purchasing a device, it is recommended to check the package contents and the accompanying documents about the originality of the device.

Getting started pumping

With a breast pump, you can try to express your breast milk correctly. At the very beginning, you need to prepare for the procedure. First, you can drink a cup of warm water not long before the manipulation. This way you will be able to increase lactation. Further, a nursing mother must wash her hands thoroughly with soap and wash her breasts in order to protect her baby. At the same time, it is important to relax and look at your baby (think about it) or do a breast massage.

The next step is getting ready for pumping. After purchasing a breast pump, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the instructions and assembly of the purchased model, so that in the future it will be easy and simple to get a working device. Once you have verified that the milk collection device and containers are sterile, you can proceed with the basic steps.

If you have a mechanical / manual breast pump, you can get breast milk as follows:

  • Place the funnel of the device against your breast so that the nipple is in the center of it.
  • Begin pressing the bulb or lever to increase the pressure on the breasts.
  • Adjust the funnel position if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Squeeze the bulb (lever) vigorously to release milk from the nipple.

If you do everything right, it will be very easy to express milk - it will flow out in a trickle, falling into the funnel, and then into the container. It is recommended to express milk from one breast for at least 15 minutes. At the same time, remember that it is undesirable to completely rid the glands of the infused fluid. Having received the required volume of a portion of milk, the filled container is put into the refrigerator, and the breast pump is washed and sterilized.

If the pump is of an electric type, the procedure is as follows:

  • Place the funnel of the device you are using on the breast so that the nipple is centered.
  • Turn on the sucker, and, guided by your own feelings, adjust the intensity, strength of his movements.

If expressing pain occurs, stop expressing milk and examine the nipple and breast. Try plugging your breast pump back in. If pain accompanies the procedure again, contact a specialist for help.

To express breast milk quickly and easily, it is important to remember the following:

  • be sure to lightly massage your breasts before the procedure to inflow more milk;
  • start taking action relaxed;
  • to facilitate the procedure, you can take a sitting position, leaning forward slightly so that the lobules can more easily pass the liquid to the nipple;
  • make sure that the nipple is exactly in the center of the funnel and is tightly attached to the breast so that the necessary pressure is created inside;
  • collection of milk is carried out correctly if it will stand out in a thin trickle, and not in droplets.

Expressing milk for feeding a baby should only be done with a sterile device and in a clean container. Therefore, after the procedure, the resulting portion is poured into a bottle, and the device is disassembled into parts and each is thoroughly washed. Then all parts of the device are sterilized and subsequently dried. Then the device is removed until the next situation, when it will be necessary to express breast milk with its help.

Of course, the most valuable thing in feeding a newborn is breast milk. But at the same time, there are situations when the mother needs to leave, and the baby needs to be fed from a bottle. Mother's milk is best for this. But not every mother can express with her hands. This is quite difficult, especially when the lactation is still weak. And most do not even know how to properly express breast milk with a breast pump, although with the device it is much easier and faster to do it.

Many are faced with this question already in the hospital, when a large amount of milk comes or already at home, if you need to go somewhere. Even if a mother knows how to express herself with her hands, she should think about purchasing this device, as it will save her a lot of time, make her life easier and help maintain her health.

Breast pumps are devices that make it easier to express breast milk. They significantly shorten the process time and make life easier for the mother. With the help of them, you can not only get milk for the baby, but also get rid of problems such as stagnation, lactostasis and the initial stages of mastitis. The device is absolutely irreplaceable for working mothers who have to procure milk in large volumes.

Breast pumps are divided into 2 types: manual and electric. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Manual ones also differ in pump, syringe and piston. They are all more budget-friendly options. They also work silently. Compared to manual expression, this option is faster. In addition, all parts of it can be sterilized by boiling. But the main negative factor is that even with a not long-term process, the hand begins to hurt a lot.

Electrical appliances are easier to use and much faster. You can also express from both breasts at the same time. But the main disadvantage is the high price of devices and high noise levels. Such a device will not be able to express itself next to a sleeping child.

pump-actionlow pricethe quality is low, cracks in the nipples are possible, the hand quickly gets tired
syringelow price, compact, easy to wash, easy to usemay be the cause of cracked nipples
pistoncan be matched to any breast, creates the effect of natural sucking, relatively low price, you can cope with spending a little time, noiselessness, you can sterilize all partsfragility of parts, the hand quickly gets tired
electricyou can set different modes, it is possible to select a model with pumping from both breasts, does not injure the nipple, it is impossible to get tiredvery noisy, expensive

How to use a breast pump

How to express milk correctly with a manual breast pump:

  1. First, a new device must be completely disassembled and the parts must be boiled in water and soda.
  2. Study carefully the instructions for the device.
  3. Collect dried parts.
  4. Sit comfortably and relax.
  5. Place the funnel of the device on your chest so that the nipple falls clearly in the middle of the opening.
  6. You need to strain for 10-15 minutes. At first, the process is slow, drop by drop. Then it already begins to flow in a trickle and in full flow.

The same is done with an electrical appliance.

When expressing, there should be no discomfort or discomfort. This is a semblance of breastfeeding, and therefore the same rules apply to it.

You also need to do the following to make the milk separate better:

  • before the process, it is better to drink a warm drink;
  • you also need to bend slightly forward so that the slices are better straightened;
  • you need to relax and calm down.

It is necessary to express as needed, that is, when the breast is already full. Do not wait until it becomes dense. This should be done at least 3 hours. How often to do this - the mother herself feels best. Best of all - after feeding. Thus, both breasts will be emptied. But the main thing is to alternate them at each feeding.

Breast pump selection

You need to choose based on the goals and your convenience. Of course, you can choose the simplest one with a pear. But this will not be so convenient for the mother herself. The best option is piston. It is more convenient to use and faster than similar ones.

But if there is a need to express from both breasts at once, then it is best to purchase an electronic double. This will especially save you time and make your life easier.

The most popular brand at the present time is Avent. Their quality is at a high level, and it is possible to buy individual parts in the event of a breakdown. The price is not that low, but it pays off. They are easier to use, even hand-held devices have a soft stroke. As many users say, expressing milk with the Avent breast pump is a pleasure. Even if it was not possible to get milk before, with this device it will be possible to stock up a sufficient amount and even freeze it for the future, for which there are special sets with sealed jars.

But if the price does not suit you, then you can take a closer look at similar analogs. Before buying, try the mechanism so as not to regret it in the future. It is necessary for the handle to move softly and fairly smoothly. And if it's electrical: noise is the main criterion. It is also good if it works not only from the mains, but also from batteries. But such a function is needed only if you will take it with you on the road.

The most important thing is the wishes of the mother. List them on a piece of paper and then you will understand what you need to enjoy pumping with a breast pump.

What if nothing works

It often happens that the test fails to express milk. There are two possibilities here. One of them is that the wrong attachment of the device is applied. In this case, it is best to watch a video or ask your breastfeeding consultant how to express breast milk.

Another option is the wrong breast pump funnel. Then you can simply change it or use a silicone tab for more contact.

But the saddest option is that you have no milk. Of course, it is very rare, found in only about 5% of all women, but this is possible. This is unpleasant, especially if you have been in the mood for breastfeeding. But in the modern world, various milk formulas are provided or you can resort to using donor breast milk.

In the first two cases, when correcting mistakes, the mother is able to express.

How to store milk

Expressed milk can be stored in containers or special bags. It is stored depending on the ambient temperature. It should be stored in the refrigerator or frozen.

If it is kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of +10 to +15 degrees, then no more than 2-3 days. At temperatures from 0 to +10 - no more than a week. It can be stored frozen for a month or two. But it is best not to give it after such a long shelf life. After a maximum of 3 weeks, milk should be given to the baby or poured out. Or add to complementary foods: porridge or vegetable puree.

It is better to use special disposable bags for storage. If containers are used, boil them before each use.

Do not use a microwave oven or similar to heat milk. There is a bottle warmer for this. If the milk is from the freezer, then you must first defrost it. To do this, you can fill it with hot water, but it is best to thaw at room temperature. This will not remove the necessary nutrients from it.

A breast pump is the biggest helper of a nursing mother. He will help in emergencies with lactostasis and help out with an urgent departure.

Mom, who has a lot of milk, will not do without it. And in order to produce a sufficient amount of milk, that is, to stimulate its release, you must constantly express yourself.

Expressing breast milk with a breast pump, coupled with breastfeeding, is considered to be the prevention of breast cancer. But many find it easier to express and bottle feed. This is the wrong decision, the newborn needs a mother and feeding by her. This creates an invisible spiritual connection. Do not forget that nothing can replace the mother's breast.

Today, breastfeeding experts argue that with stable lactation, the mother does not need to express. The intensity of lactation directly depends on how often the baby suckles, that is, the baby himself regulates this process. However, in some cases, pumping is indispensable to maintain lactation.

Important! No way of expressing will allow you to completely repeat all the movements that a baby makes when sucking, and you will never be able to express the same amount of milk that a baby can suck from the same breast.

When to express milk

  1. The birth of a premature baby. Babies born prematurely may not have a sucking reflex, and the need to receive breast milk from them is perhaps even higher than that of full-term babies. After all, you need to quickly gain strength and make up for everything that he did not have time, being born earlier.
  2. Poorly developed sucking reflex. Such babies fall asleep during feeding, swallow rarely, lethargic, and in some cases may refuse to breast.
  3. Lack of lactation. It can be observed both from the first days and appear after a while.
  4. Establishing lactation. Immediately after giving birth, the mother begins to have colostrum, which, despite its small volume, is satisfying and very useful. Colostrum is followed by milk, the amount of which is usually too much for the newborn. At this stage, it is important that the overcrowded breast must be emptied so that there will be enough milk in the future for the already strengthened baby. Here it is not at all necessary to show fanaticism, expressing every last drop, it is quite enough if you feel that the breast has become soft and the feeling of bursting in the chest is gone.
  5. Stagnation of milk (), threatening the development of mastitis. It can be caused by various reasons, including improper pumping. It is observed in separate lobules of the breast due to blockage of the ducts leading to the nipple. Expression of milk in this case is carried out from separate lobules of the mammary gland that have hardened from excess milk.
  6. Taking medications that can be passed on to your baby through breast milk. Expression in this case serves as a tool to save in the future. Expressed milk has to be thrown away. The baby at this time eats mixtures, unless the mother, knowing about the upcoming drug intake, has not prepared expressed milk in advance.
  7. An inverted or flat nipple. Before you start pumping for this reason, you should try using special breast pads and if that doesn't work out, start pumping.
  8. The child is separated from his mother. The need is quite understandable, because if a mother works, has to leave for several hours, or if a child is undergoing treatment without a mother, the child cannot be left without breast milk, especially since lactation may decrease with regular separation.

Which way to choose

There are two ways to express - by hand and by using a breast pump. The main guideline for choosing a particular method should be the frequency of pumping. If you do not plan to be away from your baby for a long time, for example, when going to work, then the breast pump will most likely not be useful to you. It is best in this case to master the technique of expressing by hand.

Important! The main guideline for choosing a particular method should be the frequency of pumping. If you plan to pump from time to time, hand pumping is the best choice.

Regardless of which method of pumping you use, to increase its effectiveness, you need to remember some simple rules.

  • if there is such an opportunity, sit next to the child, let him touch the breast - this way more milk will be released;
  • if the baby is not around, look at his photo, think about him;
  • drink a warm drink 10-15 minutes before expressing;
  • take a warm shower or place a towel soaked in warm water on your chest;
  • Massage your breasts using one of the options below.

1 massage option

Sit comfortably and give a light, pressure-free breast massage. To do this, first make circular movements with four fingers from the edge of the breast to the nipple (Fig. 1), and then stroking the mammary gland in the direction of milk flow (Fig. 2). Such movements will help the milk to move even along the narrowest ducts. Areas with seals are massaged with spiral strokes with finger tapping. At the next stage, it is necessary to form the nipple by first squeezing the areola area (Fig. 3), and then, as it were, pulling the nipple itself with your fingertips (Fig. 4).

2 massage option

Place the mammary gland between two palms and, bringing your palms together, slightly squeeze it.
Then, with your fingers, gently move the chest, first from the armpit, and then towards it. Return to the starting position and grab your chest, squeezing lightly with both palms, as shown in the last picture.

As soon as the milk begins to flow, you can proceed to expressing.

Manual method: instruction and video

  1. Prepare a clean, wide-necked container and towel and wash your hands.
  2. Place your thumb on top of your chest and place the rest of your fingers under your chest. The distance from the toes to the nipple should be approximately 2.5-4 cm, depending on the size of the breast.
  3. With a gentle movement, the chest is squeezed with the fingers towards the chest, i.e. back, then the fingers move forward to the nipple. Movement should not resemble friction, but rather rolling. Then repeat in the same sequence. Initially, these steps may take several minutes. Do not increase the force of pressure. We must patiently continue to squeeze. At the same time, milk is released, first in drops, and then in trickles.
  4. Move your fingers around your breasts so that milk comes out of all the lobules. When to do this, you yourself will understand by the nature of milk secretion.
  5. Be careful not to slide your fingers onto the nipple, or injury may result.
  6. Wipe your chest and hands from time to time to keep your fingers from slipping on the milk droplets.

Important! Expressing can be unpleasant or even painful in the early stages of lactation, but if you feel pain while expressing healthy breasts with established lactation, there is reason to think something is wrong.

The advantages of the manual method

  • no special fixtures are required;
  • freedom to choose the place and time for pumping;
  • great efficiency with a properly mastered pumping technique;
  • indicated in the presence of nipple injuries, which are aggravated after using a breast pump;
  • WHO recommendations;
  • According to surveys, some women find it easier to express with their hands, as often the breast pump is painful;
  • with breast problems caused by lactostasis, problem areas are better worked out with the hands;
  • recommended during the first three days after delivery when expressing colostrum.

Using a breast pump

A breast pump is a special device for expressing milk. Its main advantage over manual pumping is time saving. Breast pump manufacturers advise using them when milk production starts steadily and a certain feeding regime is established, that is, 2-4 weeks after childbirth.

First of all, you should always focus on the attached instructions. All of the following rules are general in nature.

The funnel is selected based on the shape and size of the breast so that it fits snugly against the breast while allowing the nipple to move freely when pumping. Otherwise, pumping will be slow and painful.
Before using a breast pump, use the same preparation as for hand expression.


It is best if you give one breast to the baby while feeding, and express the other. This is technically difficult to do alone, so ask your husband or a relative to help you.

Stress and breast milk supply

Why is it so important for a nursing woman to maintain calmness, a favorable psychological climate in the house and just a good mood? To answer this question, it is important to understand the mechanisms that trigger the milk secretion process. The main hormone that regulates the secretion of breast milk during breastfeeding is oxytocin. This hormone starts the process of squeezing milk out of the alveoli of the mammary gland - small balls that produce milk. Milk fills the ducts, and the woman feels the rush of milk. A feature of this hormone is that its work strongly depends on the surrounding conditions and the condition of the woman. If a woman is under stress, in a noisy place, then one can hardly expect that milk will be released in sufficient quantities. The fact is that in such situations, an oxytocin antagonist, adrenaline, is released, which reduces milk production.

There is also such a psychological point: it has been noticed that if you observe how much the pumping container fills up while pumping, you will never pump a lot of milk. Therefore, try not to look behind the set of precious milliliters.

Important! Unsuccessful attempts at expressing are not indicative of a low amount of milk in the breast. It is impossible to squeeze out to the last drop, since milk is produced in the breast continuously.

How much milk to express and how often to express it

  1. Expressing in order to increase the amount of milk should be done often, but not more than once an hour.
  2. If you are away from your baby, remember to pump every three hours at night. This is one of the conditions for preserving
  3. To lighten your breasts, you do not have to express until the last drops, stop as soon as you feel a sense of relief
  4. When expressing milk for breastfeeding, end the process after reaching the desired mark, using both breasts alternately if necessary.
  5. If you are pumping, each breast must be pumped for at least 15 minutes. If it becomes "empty" earlier than this, then after the feeling of emptiness appears, express your breast for another 2 minutes.

Storing expressed breast milk

Like any food product, expressed breast milk has its own, if not observed, it can not only lose its beneficial properties, but also become harmful.

Breast milk storage tanks

They can be made of various materials, the main thing is that they are clean and tightly closed. Convenience and ease of use are highly valued by modern mothers in purchased containers for storing breast milk, in particular, the volume corresponding to one feeding dose, the presence of a measuring scale, tags where you can indicate the date and time of expression. In appearance, it can be containers, bottles. For freezing, glass or plastic containers are ideal.

Milk storage bags Milk storage containers
Milk storage bottles

However, not everything is so simple from a security point of view. The safest to use are glass containers and special polymer. If you still opted for plastic containers, you should definitely pay attention to their suitability for storing, freezing and heating milk. To do this, you need to determine the material from which they are made. This information, as a rule, is always contained on the bottom of the container in the form of a triangle with a number in the middle and other additional images.

For storage of expressed milk from all types of plastic, it is best to prefer containers made of polycarbonate (number 7) and containers made of polypropylene (number 5). Moreover, dishes made of polycarbonate must have an additional sign “Bisphenol A free” or “BPA free” or “0% BPA”. This means that bisphenol A was not used in the manufacture of polycarbonate, which tends to transfer from plastic to food during prolonged storage or heating.
In conclusion, it must be said that it is not necessary to sterilize reusable milk storage containers. It is quite enough if they are well washed by hand or in the dishwasher. Instead of using detergent, you can rinse the container with boiling water.

At what temperature to store

Human milk has a unique ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria for a long time, so if you plan to feed your baby with it after 4-6 hours, then it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator, unless of course the room is cool. Storing milk for several days requires the use of a refrigerator and an even longer freezer life.

Estimated storage times for expressed milk

Storage conditionsFreshly expressed milkThawed in the refrigeratorThawed and reheatedThawed, reheated and started
Room + 26- + 32 ° C3-4 hours0.5-1 hourUntil the end of the feeding
Room + 22- + 25 ° C4-6 hours1-2 hoursUntil the end of the feeding
Room + 19- + 22 ° C6-10 hours3-4 hoursUntil the end of the feeding
Portable cooler or thermal pack with ice + 10- + 15 ° С24 hours4 hoursDo not store
Refrigerator 0- + 4 ° C6-8 days24 hours4 hoursDo not store
Freezer of the old model -10-15 ° С2 weeksDo not re-freeze
Freezer -15-18 ° С3-5 monthsDo not re-freeze
Deep freeze chamber below -18 ° C6-12 monthsDo not re-freeze

Freezing breast milk

  1. Immediately after expressing, cover the container with milk, and when using - remove the air from there. The less air the expressed breast milk comes into contact with, the better it will store.
  2. Mark the pumping date on the container. Breast milk has a very interesting property - it is being produced at the moment of the type of composition that the baby needs. Therefore, it is best to use it as soon as possible, especially the portions expressed earlier.
  3. Chill the expressed milk in the refrigerator (+ 2… + 4 ° C) for several hours, and then place it in the freezer as deep as possible. This is done to minimize temperature fluctuations when opening the door.
  4. Freeze in small portions of 30-60 ml if you plan to use it from time to time. Systematic feeding requires freezing in different volumes: 100-150 ml for normal feeding and in smaller portions if you need to supplement.
  5. It is permissible to mix small portions of milk from different breasts expressed during the day into one.
  6. It is allowed to add freshly expressed milk to frozen milk less than an hour ago, if the new portion is smaller than the one frozen earlier.

How to tell if milk has gone bad

The storage of milk affects its organoleptic properties. Therefore, it is important to distinguish spoiled milk from good milk that has changed its characteristics.

  1. Many mothers are worried, seeing that when cooling, the fatty part of the milk separates from the bulk, and they think that it has deteriorated. This is not a sign of spoilage, just stir the milk and it will return to its normal appearance.
  2. Sometimes after thawing, milk smells like soap or tastes bitter. This smell is the result of the action of the lipase enzyme in milk, which breaks down fats.
  3. When frozen, milk acquires. It is believed that this may be due to the action of the same lipase again or to natural or artificial dyes in mom's food.
  4. Spoiled milk has a sour smell.

Rules for defrosting and heating milk

What to do if your baby refuses to eat defrosted milk

Make sure you follow all rules for freezing milk.
If this does not help, before freezing, pasteurize the milk in a water bath at a temperature of 62.5 ° C (the appearance of the first bubbles in the saucepan) to deactivate the lipase. Do not bring to a boil. Then cool quickly and freeze. Of course, this will destroy many valuable components, but all the same, such milk will be healthier than the mixture.

Types of breast pumps

By the mechanism of action, the types of breast pumps are divided into mechanical and electrical. Advanced breast pump models have two-phase pumping modes. First, the mammary gland is gently and quickly stimulated to stimulate milk flow, and then the milk is slowly and deeply expressed.

Mechanical breast pumps

The driving force that creates a vacuum in such breast pumps is the mechanical forces on the parts of the device that the woman produces.


  • low price;
  • no power supply required;
  • does not create unnecessary noise;
  • the power of expression is regulated by the woman herself, depending on her feelings;
  • all parts can be washed and sterilized.


  • time is saved insignificantly due to slow work;
  • with prolonged use, fatigue is felt in the hands;
  • fragility of some models.

Despite all the disadvantages of mechanical breast pumps, if the nature of pumping is occasional 1-2 times a day, these models will suit you perfectly.

Syringe Breast Pump

  1. Pumped breast pump. This is the simplest and cheapest type of breast pump. Consists of a breast attachment and a rubber bulb (pump). When pumping, both hands are engaged: one hand presses on the pump creating a vacuum, causing milk to flow, and the other presses the device to the breast. At the same time, milk enters the pump, as it fills it must be poured into a bottle. An improved version of the pump breast pump is a breast pump with a pear connected through a hose to a bottle.
  2. Syringe breast pump. Consists of two cylinders nested inside each other. At the end of one of them there is a funnel that adjoins the nipple. By moving the cylinders relative to each other, like in a syringe, a vacuum is created and milk is withdrawn from the breast.
  3. Piston breast pump. As well as a pump-type breast pump, it consists of three parts: a silicone breast attachment, a mechanical part and a bottle. The mechanical part in this case is a lever. Pressing the breast pump firmly to the breast and working with the lever, achieve expression of milk from the breast.

Breast pump pump Breast pump with pear
Piston breast pump

Electric breast pumps

In electric breast pumps, the driving force behind expressing is electricity, which powers a motor that creates a vacuum. The woman only has to press the button.


  • quick collection of milk;
  • pumping modes of different strength;
  • suitable for regular expression.


  • high price;
  • makes a lot of noise.

A high-tech version of the electric breast pump is the electric breast pump. In addition to the existing capabilities of an electric breast pump, an electronic memory is added here that can memorize an individual mode of expression and reproduce it during subsequent use of the device. At the same time, when pumping, a breast massage takes place, which improves the movement of milk along the ducts, thereby maximally imitating the process of sucking a baby. Some models do not even require hand support. Electronic breast pumps are quite expensive and are better rented.

Electric breast pump Electronic breast pump

Complete set of breast pumps

In addition to breast pumps, you can purchase spare containers for storing milk, freezer bags. Breast funnels of different materials and diameters are provided. All this is sold in ready-made sets.

In contact with

Expressing with a breast pump

One of the questions women ask when they become mothers is the question of pumping. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that expressing can be useful to a woman only in rare cases. This is not at all an everyday necessity. Remember that breastfeeding is more than just breast milk. This is the best manifestation of maternal love from the first minutes of a child's life. And pumping should be used precisely to maintain quality breastfeeding, as well as to prevent problems associated with the health of a woman's breasts.

Several reasons why pumping is necessary:

1) Breast engorgement, lactostasis

If the feeling of fullness in the breast brings a woman strong discomfort, then you can express a little, only to a feeling of relief. In this case, you should often apply the baby to the chest. In the case of lactostasis, you can express yourself on your own for no longer than 2 days. Then you should see a doctor;

2) If mom and baby are separated and pumping is necessary to maintain lactation. In this case, you need to express regularly up to 10 times a day, depending on the circumstances (for example, the age of the child);

3) If mom needs to leave.

The mother can leave the expressed milk for the baby in specially prepared containers.

4) If, for some reason, a woman has an excess of milk (hyperlactation)

In this case, the mother can express a little milk to help the baby better adjust to the full breast;

5) To prevent dryness and engorgement of the nipples;

You can express a few drops after feeding.

Expressing can be done in two ways:


Using a breast pump.

In my opinion, a breast pump can help in cases when a woman has not yet mastered the technique of manual expression or if she is weakened (overwork, illness). Expressing a breast pump does not require any special skills and may seem easier to use. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a woman needs to overcome a certain, perhaps a psychological barrier, since sometimes the breast simply refuses to give milk to the mechanical assistant. In addition, it must be remembered that improper use of a breast pump can lead to various problems (deepening of cracked nipples, hyperlactation, and even addiction).

When using a breast pump, a mother needs to remember that:

  1. There should be no painful sensations;
  2. The breasts should be prepared (warm shower, light stroking of the breasts from the periphery to the center, i.e. to the nipple). This action will cause the milk to flow, which makes pumping easier.
  3. The breast pump should be set to a comfortable draft level for you;
  4. The nipple should be in the center of the funnel;
  5. Wash your hands before expressing.

Consider the types of breast pumps that exist today.

Types of breast pumps

Electric the breast pump can be operated from the mains or from the battery, milk is expressed in a bottle, some models allow you to express both breasts at once, which significantly saves time. The disadvantage of electric breast pumps is their high cost and noise characteristics - an electric breast pump cannot be used next to a sleeping baby and they can easily injure the breast if the mother did not insert it correctly into the electric breast pump.

Electronic breast pump used mainly in clinical settings. Such a device has a microprocessor control, simulates the natural sucking process of a baby, operates on the mains or on batteries. The advantage of electronic breast pumps is that, in addition to automatic expression, such models are able to memorize the most comfortable intensity, and sometimes the vacuum level, which turned out to be the most comfortable for the mother. In such cases, there is no need to re-configure these functions. Most often, electric breast pumps can also be used as manual ones.

Universal breast pump. Its design allows it to be used with containers with different neck diameters, as well as it can operate from the mains or from batteries.

Battery operated breast pumps. Combines portability with efficient performance. However, they are less powerful than electric ones, and the speed at which they destroy batteries makes them expensive to operate. This breast pump can be used with rechargeable batteries.

Mechanical breast pumps are of three types: piston, pump and pear-shaped breast pumps.

Piston the breast pump allows you to express milk in a bottle, is quiet and efficient at work. Thanks to the silicone attachment, the breast is massaged to simulate the baby's natural sucking process and stimulate the milk separation reflex. The piston breast pump can be easily disassembled into parts, the parts are easy to wash and sterilize. This breast pump is suitable for frequent pumping, but long-term use can make a woman's hands tired. Another disadvantage of piston breast pumps is the fragility of the parts.

Pump-action the breast pump consists of a pear and a plastic cone; milk is expressed by creating a vacuum when the pear is squeezed. The disadvantages of a pump breast pump include the lack of a milk container, low efficiency, the inability to sterilize parts, and the lack of imitation of breastfeeding by a baby, which can lead to cracked nipples.

Syringe Breast Pump

Consists of two cylinders, one of which is nested inside the other. The inner cylinder of the breast pump is applied to the nipple, and the outer one moves back and forth, creating a vacuum and sucking milk. This breast pump is most popular because it is easy to handle, easy to clean, portable and suitable as a feeding bottle. In some models, the breast pump's discharge pressure can be adjusted to closely match the baby's sucking force, making pumping easier.

Breast pump with pear acts on the same principle as the pump pump. However, in contrast to it, a breast pump with a pear is equipped with a bottle into which milk is expressed. In addition, the pearl pump has a valve that allows you to regulate the pressure release.

Breast pump care

A woman using a breast pump needs to remember the rules for caring for it. All breast pump parts must be sterilized before first use. Afterwards, washing with hot soapy water or in the dishwasher is sufficient.

After every pumping: Place the breast pump kit (excluding tubes or motor) in the refrigerator until the next pumping, or if you are not going to pump anymore that day, wash and rinse it in hot water and air dry.

Remember to disassemble all parts of the breast pump when washing it, including the smallest, to make sure the milk is not stagnant anywhere.

Pay attention to the following: even if a woman cannot express a significant amount of milk from her breast, this still does not indicate a lack of milk. Your baby sucks milk out of the breast better than any breast pump.

Modern society offers many devices to make mom's life easier. And yet, I think that everything should be treated wisely, putting the well-being of the baby first. After all, the life of a little man is in your hands. Using a breast pump is no exception. A woman can avoid many problems if she organizes breastfeeding correctly from the very beginning, i.e. the most necessary and important way of communication between mother and child.

Gaivoronskaya Olesya,

member of the support group for GV Mamino Solnyshko, teacher.