Cut winter hats from fur. Pattern of a female classic fur hat. Women's fur hats patterns step by step instructions. Presentation of women's hats with earflaps

Hello hello everyone !! The pattern of a fur hat, in my opinion, will now even be very useful, because winter is just around the corner, the ears are freezing, and it will not be difficult to sew a hat with your own hands, so catch it!

  • By the way, if you haven't sewn ugg boots for yourself yet, then.
  • Maybe you don't have a fur coat yet? Then watch a very good video master class, even without involving a sewing machine in this business, by the way and a fur vest, find out how. Pattern of mittens just in case and a simple pattern. And finally
  • MEGA HITS:, also with a pattern and.

Let's go back, here is a fur hat pattern. As you can see, a rectangular piece of fur, natural or artificial, if desired, its length is equal to the circumference of the head over the ears and plus a small allowance for freedom.

  • And the part that is located lower is cut in six copies and will make up the crown of our hat.
  • And the same ones need to be cut out of the lining fabric, for the lining. Do not cut the fur with scissors, but with a knife or razor to cut the pile.

  • These parts are sewn together and a fur rectangle is sewn to them.

Now you're done! So, with a simple fur hat pattern, your ears will always be warm. Good luck, joy and happiness! Subscribe to the newsletter, bye !!!

The mink hat remains by far the most demanded fur accessory for the winter. This precious fur has been chosen by more than one generation of women who prefer beauty, warmth and exclusivity.

Always in fashion

Several years ago, mink hats were produced in the same shape and color. But even then, hats were in great demand among different segments of the population. The only drawback of those hats was that they were intended for women of a certain age group. Today this situation has changed radically. The mink hat is available in different styles and shades. Now women of any age can appreciate all the delights of this accessory.

DIY fashion

Not many people thought that a headdress can be made by hand. It is worth considering step by step instructions on how to make a mink hat at home. The master class is designed for any fashionista. You don't need to be a tailor or a designer to make a product with your own hands. For people who cannot afford an expensive wardrobe item, we suggest using our instructions:

Right choice

If you are not considering the option of making a hat with your own hands, then in order to make a good purchase, you need to find out a few nuances for the right choice. In the age of high technologies, the purchase of a hat can be done in two ways: buy in a fur salon or order in an online store. It is worth mentioning right away that a hat must be measured before buying. Therefore, we will only consider the first purchase method. To choose a quality product, you need to evaluate its appearance. The mink hat should be well-sewn. If the accessory was sewn from separate pieces of fur, then they should be well fastened. A good hat should have a quality lining that does not stick out of threads. Particular attention should be paid to the fur itself. It should be smooth, without creases and dents, and have thick underlays. It should not crumble, otherwise it will shrink in such a product as a mink hat. In this case, the female head will be decorated with a quality accessory. You should definitely pay attention to the style. The hat should fit the woman's face. A huge selection of colors and styles will beautify even the most discerning customer.

How to store and care for

If we turn to statistics, we can safely say that with proper care and storage, a mink hat can last an average of 15 years. Therefore, as soon as the winter season has passed, the hat should be put away for storage. But for this it is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • clean the fur;
  • dry it in the fresh air.

But then you can put it away for storage. If financial possibilities permit, then you can give the hat to a special refrigerator. There, fur products are kept at the right temperature and humidity. If you prefer to store the product at home, then we allocate a separate box for the hat, which will protect its shape and color from fading. In the off-season, you need to ventilate your hat. You can put a special protective


In our article, we have provided tips for the care and storage of such a wardrobe item as a mink hat. A woman's head should be warm on cold winter days, so this product should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. For women who like to make exclusive things with their own hands, we have provided a unique master class on making mink hats.

When it gets chilly outside, a fur hat will help keep you warm. It is comfortable to be on the street in it. The hat can also become part of the image. But all the models are so similar to each other, but I want to wear an original thing ...

Buying designer clothes is expensive, but you can save money if you sew them yourself. This article provides a detailed master class on sewing a women's faux fur hat.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • a piece of fur;
  • lining fabric;
  • tape measure;
  • sewing machine;
  • pattern paper, knife;
  • sewing needles, marker, scissors.

Step 1. First you need to draw a pattern for the hat. To do this, you must correctly calculate the dimensions for the accessory. Measure the circumference of your head. It will be equal to the length of the rectangular workpiece. This size can also be used for the circle's circumference at the cap. The pattern height is the height of the hat. Determine it depending on the desired size of the accessory.

Transfer the parameters of the workpiece to the paper, cut the pattern along the contour. You should have two paper patterns: a rectangle and a circle.

Step 2. Place the patterns on the seamy side of the fur. Trace the blanks around the edge with a marker or chalk. Cut the pieces out of the material. Cut only fabric, not lint! Otherwise, you will ruin the fur, and it will stick out in the finished product.

Step 3. From the prepared lining fabric, cut two blanks with the same dimensions as the fur details.

Step 4. Turn the fur and fabric inside out. Bring the sides together on the blanks. Secure with needles and sew on the sewing machine.

Step 5. Turn the fur out and look carefully in which direction the villi are directed. This is necessary in order to determine the place for the connection with the circle. Usually the villi on fur hats are directed towards the face.

Step 6. Turn the workpiece out again. Use sewing needles to secure the two pieces together.

Step 7. Use the sewing machine to sew the fabric at the designated location.

Step 8. On the face of the fur, loosen the pile that has caught on the seam line. This action will help to further hide the seam and straighten the fur.

Step 9. Sew the lining fabric in the same way as the fur. Just leave a small hole in the workpiece.

Step 10. Place the lining fabric inside the fur blank so that the edges are joined together. Additionally, secure them together with pins and sew.

Step 11. Turn the cap out through the free cut.

Step 12. Sew the hole carefully with your hands.

Adjust the lining and you can put on a fitting hat. You can take care of her, like anyone.

It is very easy to sew an original fur hat with your own hands. Carefully follow the steps outlined in the article and you will become the owner of a fashion accessory.

Pattern of women's classic fur hat

Sewing from fur is very simple, and today I propose to build pattern of women's fur hat to sew your fur hat. Building this pattern, I wanted to have a fox hat like Nadia Sheveleva from the famous film "The Irony of Fate or ...." But after building a pattern and trying it on, I decided that I wanted a more round shape.

For construction, a measurement of the girth of the head and the approximate height of the cap are required. My head size is 54 cm and the height of the cap is 15 cm. If you want a hat of 4 wedges, then we divide this size by 8, if 6 wedges, then by 12. So in the photo there is a pattern for 4 wedges and for a round hat, with a lining and insulation. But you need your own pattern, and therefore in order: glue two sheets of A4, build a pattern from one edge. For example, a pattern for size 56.56 is divided by 8 = 7 cm. The base at the bottom is 7 cm, the height of the cap is from 12 to 17 cm for fox fur. Consider the height of the fur, too high a hat will not decorate a miniature girl, 15 cm was enough for me. 15 cm of the crown of the hat, 4 cm of the bottom. The curvature of the wedge depends on the shape of the cap, the lower and softer it is, the more rounded the cap, the higher and steeper, the higher the crown of the cap and you will get a sample of Nadia Sheveleva, but this is for 6 more wedges.

Now fold the pattern with an accordion of 7 cm edges to make the intended number of wedges. Take your time to cut the pattern.

Leave these combs so that you can chop off the pattern and make a fitting. Next, connect the pattern in a ring with adhesive tape or leaving an overlap.

Make a fitting on a blank or on yourself. Step back a meter and a half, estimate the height, shape. Make changes to the pattern, try on again. If you like everything, then it's time to start making patterns taking into account the freedom of fitting, otherwise the hat will be simply small. Cut one piece of wedge for further construction. Calculation: if there is a desire to have a hat on a wadding lining, then to the thickness of the wadding, my 0.8 cm plus 1.2 cm for a hem from fur and plus 0.6 mm for a lining, we multiply all this by 2 and get an increase in freedom of fitting, I got it 5.2. My hat sits on my head like a glove, does not fly off and does not press.

Add this increase to the head circumference 56 + 5.2 = 61.2 cm. 61.2 / 8 = 7.65, round up to 7.6. Build the final pattern on a new sheet. Retreat 1.5 from the bottom border of the sheet and draw a line - this is a hem allowance, from the right edge of the sheet a parallel line at a width of 7.6 cm.And the previously cut fragment of the wedge, first apply to the right side of the sheet, circle to half

and to the left, also circle to half. Remove the wedge and connect the line of the new wedge. Fold back in accordion shape, allow 0.4 cm seam allowances to the curved wedge line and cut out the final pattern.

Call out the marks at the bottom for the hem and 2-3 marks along the curved line of the wedge. ready.

How to sew a hat from fox fur. + Pattern.

First you need to remove the paws and sew up all the holes. Stretch the leather fabric and draw with a ballpoint pen along the "stretch".

The classic fur hat is always on top and this is confirmed by the fashion trends of 2012-2013. In one of the previous articles, I told you how to build a pattern for a fur hat, and in this one I will tell how to sew a fur hat.

This is the skin my husband gave me for my wedding anniversary.

Carefully cut along the marked line with a razor or a construction knife, without pressing the skin to the table, moving on weight.

From the bottom of the groin, just lay the excess in the fold and draw with a pen, cut off the excess along the line.

Sew up the made cuts using silk or nylon threads. Fold the edges together, tuck the fur in with a needle and sew two overcast stitches forwards and backwards.

Moisten the skin from a spray bottle with plain water and pull it on a flat surface, straightening the folds as much as possible. I just nailed it with small nails to the long-suffering ironing board. Leave to dry completely.

Without removing the skin from a flat surface, outline the line of the ridge - this is a dark strip on the fur. On the pattern previously made, also outline the desired ridge line. Next, lay out the pattern on the skin, combining these lines and circle the pattern with a ballpoint pen, without pressing hard, do not forget to leave a seam allowance of 4 mm from the left and right edges.

Mark the bottom fold line and the marks on the wedges.

Using a construction knife, cut a pattern along the contour. It is better to start the cut from the place where there is no cut and move to the cut part. Do not forget that you need to move on the weight, so as not to cut off the fur, otherwise the fur will have trimmed bald spots.

Cut out pattern.

Then fold the parts of the two wedges to the left and right of the central seam of the connection and sew in the above way, for convenience, you can chop off the parts with a pin, but do not get carried away with this, the skin does not like unnecessary punctures.

Then sew a wedge opposite the seam and connect the seam itself, use the marks so that there are no shifts, otherwise the cap will turn out to be a curve. The cap is ready.

Now you need to sew a woven tape or bias tape to the bottom of the cap in a circle, again two stitches forward, one back.

The upper part of the hat is ready, let's proceed to the lining.

For the wedge lining, use the original pattern, just add 1cm to the seam for ease of fit and 1cm for seam allowance. My hat on batting and the pattern is a rectangle of batting equal to the height of the hat 15-1.5 cm and the circumference of the head 54 cm +2 cm and the lining is 2 cm more batting from the bottom, from above and along the middle seam of 1 cm stitching. What would the batting be on The lining is not sagged to quilt on a typewriter or sewn by hand in multiple places. Sew the middle seam. I must say that I decided to use this type of lining in order to have filling in the upper part of the cap, because the cap is several cm higher than the head.If I used a pattern with wedges or sewed without batting, then I needed to make a pattern in the pattern the height of the cap is less. Also, this type of lining is suitable for any hat without a batting lining.

In the upper border of the batting, make a bend and sew over the edge with strong threads in a circle.

Pull it off to get such a bag. Steam off the middle seam.

Insert the lining inside, align the middle seams on the cap and the lining. Sew the lining with blind stitches to the fabric tape, aligning the fold of the lining with the border of the fur and tape.

Pull the "bottom" of the lining, make a fitting, perhaps it is necessary to tighten or loosen the tie. The lining should be larger than the fur cap. Unscrew the cap, fasten the thread, distribute the assembly.

Make such a “tablet” along the bottom diameter.

Pin to the bottom.

Sewing from fur is very simple, and today I propose to buildpattern of women's fur hat, to sew your fur hat. Building this pattern, I wanted to have a fox hat like Nadia Sheveleva from the famous film “The Irony of Fate or….” But after building a pattern and trying it on, I decided that I wanted a more round shape.

For construction, a measurement of the girth of the head and the approximate height of the cap are required. My head size is 54 cm and the height of the cap is 15 cm. If you want a hat of 4 wedges, then we divide this size by 8, if 6 wedges, then by 12. So in the photo there is a pattern for 4 wedges and for a round hat, with a lining and insulation. But you need your own pattern, and therefore in order: glue two sheets of A4, build a pattern from one edge. For example, a pattern for size 56.56 is divided by 8 = 7 cm. The base at the bottom is 7 cm, the height of the cap is from 12 to 17 cm for fox fur. Consider the height of the fur, too high a hat will not decorate a miniature girl, 15 cm was enough for me. 15 cm of the crown of the hat, 4 cm of the bottom. The curvature of the wedge depends on the shape of the cap, the lower and softer it is, the more rounded the cap, the higher and steeper, the higher the crown of the cap and you will get a sample of Nadia Sheveleva, but this is for 6 more wedges.

Now fold the pattern with an accordion of 7 cm edges to make the intended number of wedges. Take your time to cut the pattern.

Leave these combs so that you can chop off the pattern and make a fitting. Next, connect the pattern in a ring with adhesive tape or leaving an overlap.

Make a fitting on a blank or on yourself. Step back a meter and a half, estimate the height, shape. Make changes to the pattern, try on again. If you like everything, then it's time to start making patterns taking into account the freedom of fitting, otherwise the hat will be simply small. Cut one piece of wedge for further construction. Calculation: if there is a desire to have a hat on a wadding lining, then to the thickness of the wadding, my 0.8 cm plus 1.2 cm for a hem from fur and plus 0.6 mm for a lining, we multiply all this by 2 and get an increase in freedom of fitting, I got it 5.2. My hat sits on my head like a glove, does not fly off and does not press.

Add this increase to the head circumference 56 + 5.2 = 61.2 cm. 61.2 / 8 = 7.65, round up to 7.6. Build the final pattern on a new sheet. Retreat 1.5 from the bottom border of the sheet and draw a line - this is a hem allowance, from the right edge of the sheet a parallel line at a width of 7.6 cm.And the previously cut fragment of the wedge, first apply to the right side of the sheet, circle to half

and to the left, also circle to half. Remove the wedge and connect the line of the new wedge. Fold back in accordion shape, allow 0.4 cm seam allowances to the curved wedge line and cut out the final pattern.

Cut marks at the bottom for hem and 2-3 marks along the curve of the wedge. ready.