Complementary foods at 7 months on artificial feeding. The daily regimen and diet of a seven-month-old crumbs

The birth of a baby is a great happiness for any family. The first months the baby sleeps and eats a lot. But later, having gained strength, he needs to spend them. The baby is awake more time and eats actively. Complementary foods should be taken seriously, because the health of the child and the work of his digestive system depend on it. By the age of six months, the baby is already familiar with the taste of vegetable and fruit purees. You can start expanding the bottle-fed menu.

Home restaurant

Many mothers panic at the word "complementary foods". After all, feeding with formula or breast milk is safe and easy. But to start introducing vegetables, fruits, meat into food is already a more difficult task. The main rule is the purity and freshness of the food. Never leave your 7 month old baby alone with food. Watch for safety during feeding, give the child well-chopped food.

The menu for a 7-month-old baby is quite varied. The diet contains a lot of vegetables and fruits. This helps to avoid constipation and colic. It is your choice to cook your own food or buy ready-made food in cans. Always try what you are going to give to the baby, check the expiration date of the puree. Then the baby will be full and happy.


Try to feed your baby by the hour. It will be better for his body, and mom will be able to plan her day without hesitation. Make and write down a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby's menu for a week. Stick this piece of paper in a prominent place so you don't get confused about what to cook and when. Breakfast crumbs will be standard - a mixture, as well as which will take place just before bedtime.

  • Monday: 10:00 - 150 g oatmeal, pear puree. For lunch, offer your baby chicken broth soup, 30 g of minced meat, applesauce. Afternoon snack - cottage cheese, millet porridge, broccoli puree.
  • On Tuesday for lunch, serve rice porridge, some vegetables. At 14:00 lunch, consisting of puree soup, cottage cheese and an apple. An afternoon snack can be diversified with children's cookies, milk porridge.
  • Wednesday may start with corn porridge, pumpkin puree. For lunch, offer the crumbs meat soup, pea mousse, a little cottage cheese. A hearty dinner of meat puree and fruit will come in handy.
  • Thursday: For breakfast, continue to teach porridge, dairy-free buckwheat and carrot and beetroot puree. A hearty lunch consisting of vegetable soup, blended tongue and biscuits will please a baby. For an afternoon snack, offer fruit puree with cottage cheese.
  • Friday: buckwheat porridge, Lunch of meatballs and potatoes. Puree from any fruit, a little meat, stewed with zucchini. For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese and egg yolk.
  • Saturday: The weekend menu may include your child's favorite foods. Give him a real holiday.
  • Sunday: for lunch - porridge, fruits and cookies. Lunch of meat soup, vegetables and a quarter of an egg. For an afternoon snack, the invariable cottage cheese with fruit.

This is a sample menu for a bottle-fed 7 month old baby. You can vary the dishes as you like. But remember, your food should be balanced. Teach your baby to eat right from the cradle. Then his body will work smoothly.

Porridge is our strength

For proper development and balance in nutrition, the baby must definitely eat cereals. In order for the child to quickly wean from the bottle, do not be lazy and feed him from a spoon. When inviting your baby to try new cereals, start with one teaspoon. Observe your body's response throughout the day. If everything proceeds as usual, the next day, increase the dose to three tablespoons. And so gradually add until you reach one hundred and fifty grams. Add more fruit to your bottle-fed baby's menu. Vitamins are simply necessary for the body at this age.


Oatmeal is very healthy and nutritious, and it's easy to cook. Carefully sort out the cereals, put them in boiling water and cook for forty minutes over low heat. You can add some vegetables and start feeding.

Millet porridge is endowed with all the necessary trace elements. Be sure to let your child taste this delicious delicacy. Boil it for a long time, about fifty minutes, and season with olive oil before feeding.

Add buckwheat to your diet. If the child is not too well-fed, you can sometimes pamper him with semolina with berries or jam. Formulate the diet for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby correctly. Feed him meat and cottage cheese every day. The baby's bones and teeth will get stronger quickly, digestion will be normal.

Smart doctor

Doctor Komarovsky is known to every mother in our country. This smartest man knows the answers to all questions related to children. He pays special attention to the menu of a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby. In his opinion, there is no need to rush to introduce new products. From six months, he recommends diversifying the diet with fermented milk products, cottage cheese. But the seventh month of a baby's life is ideal for entering cereals. The main useful properties are buckwheat, rice, corn grits. He advises to refuse semolina, since it contains a huge amount of gluten, which can cause allergies.

The menu of a 7-month-old baby on artificial feeding according to Komarovsky looks like this:

  1. 06:00 - milk mixture.
  2. 10:00 - 150 ml of kefir, 40 g of cottage cheese.
  3. 14:00 - adapted mixture.
  4. 18:00 - mix.
  5. 22:00 - 200 ml of porridge.

Komarovsky is of the opinion that there is no need to rush to introduce vegetables, fruits, meat. The baby's body is not designed for experimentation. Therefore, the older he is, the stronger his immunity is, vegetables appear on the crumbs menu only at eight months.

Allergic person

Children under three years old often have an allergic reaction to food. Mom should keep a diary of observations and write down everything that the baby uses. Then you can easily calculate the allergen. The main rule is not to introduce two new foods into the diet in one day.

The menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby with allergies is rather meager:

  • dairy-free cereals, mainly rice and corn;
  • pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage;
  • turkey, nutria, rabbit, veal;
  • apple, banana.

Some children tolerate buckwheat porridge well, the diet is selected individually. In many cases, allergies in young children arise from the consumption of dairy products, eggs, berries, sweets, gluten. If you notice rashes, peeling on the body of the crumbs, it is better to immediately consult a pediatrician. He will examine the little patient and give recommendations.

Increased activity

Seven months is a funny age. The kid tries to crawl, get up, holding on to the support. Every minute he gets stronger and more curious. If the child has not lived according to the regime until now, be sure to start observing it. It will be difficult to rebuild, but it is necessary for the correct development of the baby. He should sleep at least twice a day for two hours. Children of this age are supposed to have a long night's sleep, about eleven hours. A 7 month old baby by the clock is also very important. His menu has already changed dramatically - two feedings with a mixture have been replaced with vegetables, fruits, cereals. Now you need to try to eat at the same time.

By the hour

Organizing proper nutrition for an infant is not an easy task. You can only use ready-made mashed potatoes and cereals from the store. Then there will be no problem. Opening the lid and putting the baby in the feeding chair is as easy as shelling pears. But if mom cooks on her own, you need to calculate the time. Early breakfast takes place at six in the morning. By 10:00 am, lunch can be served on the schedule at 2:00 pm. It can be meat soup, vegetables, cookies. The next feeding, which will replace the formula, is at 6:00 pm. Better if it is cottage cheese, fruit. But before going to bed, give the child a bottle with the mixture.

Complementary feeding of a baby is a very important step in life. Do not rush to let him try everything, he will still have time to do it. Start with healthy, fresh foods. Always listen to see if there was cotton when you opened the baby food jar. Choose domestic vegetables and fruits, even if they are not ideally beautiful, but do not contain harmful substances. Teach your baby to healthy and wholesome food from the very first spoonfuls!

Rinse the vegetables, cut off the inedible parts (for cabbage - hard stubs, spoiled inflorescences, for zucchini - the stalk and the skin), cut into small pieces and spread evenly on the bottom of the steamer bowl. It is advisable to cover the entire bottom of the bowl so that there are no “gaps”, if there are larger pieces, place them along the edges of the bowl.
Fill the tank with water up to the “maximum” mark.

Depending on the model of your steamer, set the correct time on the timer (check the instructions) - usually 20 - 25 minutes is enough.

There is no need to add salt to baby puree - firstly, you will prevent the baby from fully experiencing the authentic taste of vegetables. And secondly, the natural content of sodium chloride in natural vegetables is optimal for a baby under 1 year old, and adding salt from the outside can turn a dish from a healthy one into its opposite. Do not be afraid that the new dish will seem insipid to the child - it tastes by nature much more subtle than yours, corrupted by tons of salt and sugar eaten throughout your life.

The same goes for vegetable oil. There is no need to add it to vegetable puree for a 7-month-old baby, since the crumbs still have enough of those fats that he consumes with breast milk or an adapted milk formula. Starting next month, you will start adding a couple of drops of vegetable oil to its puree - but for now there is no need to create an additional load on the fragile gastrointestinal tract. With butter, the situation is similar, with the only difference that it should appear in the baby's life a month or two later than vegetable oil.

After the vegetables have cooked until soft (they should be pierced with a fork or toothpick without the slightest effort), remove them from the steamer bowl and cool slightly. Then you need to give them a homogeneous state using a blender.

A child at 7 months is not yet able to chew solid food, so the puree should have a fairly liquid consistency - like cream. To dilute the puree, you can use either pure boiled water or broth from cooking the same vegetables. Since we did not cook in a saucepan, but steamed, there was no broth left, so we bring the consistency of the puree to the desired one with the help of prepared water.

In vegetable puree for a child of 7 months, only 2 ingredients are appropriate: a vegetable of the same type and water!

The smoothie so popular in recent years is the perfect example of the consistency of the first puree for complementary foods for babies.

There is no way to indicate the exact proportions of vegetables and water in this recipe, but every mother probably will not be mistaken - the main thing is to add a little water to the finished puree.

Fruit puree for 7 months baby

Unlike vegetable purees, baby's first fruit purees can be made from raw fruit. Pediatricians advise to start acquaintance of babies with the least allergenic fruits: apples, pears (especially for babies prone to indigestion) or bananas. Apples are preferable to choose yellow or green varieties (Golden, Simirenko, etc.), red ones, as the most allergenic ones, are best left for later.

The child at 7 months became more independent and active. He is constantly engaged in "research" activities, requires the attention of adults, as well as providing him with complete safety. Development and intensive growth require additional nutrients, which the old feeding norms no longer replenish. What should be the menu for a child at 7 months old and how should it be combined with the mode of his life?

Psychomotor development

The kid makes happy and surprises parents every day with the emergence of new skills. Not so long ago, he just started to sit, while at 7 months he already stepped over his legs, rises at the support, squats and sits on his knees. Interest in the world around him arises in the desire to get acquainted with various objects that are in his field of vision. The kid grabs large toys well and transfers them confidently from hand to hand.

The child is now beginning to crawl, while doing it back and forth equally well. This method of movement opens up new horizons for the baby: it becomes possible to take any object of interest on his own, as well as get to know the space better. Interest in the environment is not limited to contemplation, and the little researcher, at the first opportunity, will try everything that is in the access zone. The kid with pleasure, at the request of adults, finds familiar objects, turns towards the speaker, hearing his own name. At this age, attachment to relatives is especially manifested. The child recognizes loved ones with whom he is happy to meet after a long sleep. Alertness appears towards strangers.

At the same time, waking hours are accompanied by constant babbling - regularly repeated syllables, which are mistakenly perceived by adults as lucid speech. At the same time, a baby's babbling is an initial attempt at communication, imitation of adults, and also an expression of an emotional state. The crumb turns from a listener into an interlocutor who willingly repeats intonation and syllables.

Feeding features

The ability of the baby to sit, as well as to confidently hold objects in his hand, allows you to organize in a new way the way of eating food and the menu of a child at 7 months:

  • feed from a spoon, while in order to get the skills to use the device - give the baby a spoon;
  • feeding the baby should be carried out exclusively in a sitting position, and it is desirable if he takes a place at a common table in a special chair;
  • allow one to get acquainted with what is on the plate in a sloppy, at the same time "manual" very cognitive way;
  • drink from a cup and invite the baby to drink from a sippy cup or sippy cup on his own;
  • set your own example of behavior at a common table, which will form the rules for eating in the future.

Feeding: when, how much and what?

So, how to feed a baby at 7 months old? The feeding regimen for babies of this age includes five meals a day. The main feature is the formation of meals that correspond to full-fledged future breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Day after day, new products are replacing mother's milk, which is now given exclusively before bedtime and in the morning.

At the same time, intervals of 4 hours between feedings correspond to the physiological capabilities of the child's body, without causing discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract. There are certain norms for food consumption. At the same time, the amount of food eaten depends largely on the characteristics of the baby:

  • the speed of metabolic processes;
  • constitutions;
  • physical activity.

Let's figure out how to feed a baby at 7 months. An approximate baby's diet is presented:

  • Vegetable puree.
  • Infant formula or milk.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Porridge (with vegetable broth or milk).
  • Meat puree.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Kefir.
  • Canned or freshly prepared fruit puree (juices can also be given to a child at 7 months).
  • Bread.
  • Crackers (drying or cookies).

So, what should you give your baby at 7 months old? There is a traditional sequence of introducing complementary foods: vegetable purees, cereals are offered at 6 months with breastfeeding, earlier - with artificial feeding, after 2 weeks alternately - yolk, kefir, butter, meat, after 8 months - cottage cheese.

Breastfeeding diet

The introduction of complementary foods for a child at 7 months performs two main tasks - compensates for the lack of breast milk, and also prepares the baby for the use of adult food. It is believed that with normal lactation in the mother, the time of introducing complementary foods can be postponed until later. Although there is a second point of view, which is directed in favor of the introduction of complementary foods:

  • helps to master chewing skills in a timely manner;
  • acquaintance with various new products stimulates the motor and enzymatic functions of the digestive system;
  • gives the baby additional sources of energy, minerals and vitamins, building materials that compensate for the costs of increasing physical activity, development and growth.

Now let's see what explains the presence of various dishes in the baby's menu.

What cereals can a child have at 7 months?

Preference is given to rice, buckwheat, corn grits, since they are low-allergenic, gluten-free, well absorbed, and also supply the growing body with slow carbohydrates and B vitamins. Digesting and absorbing slowly, they keep the feeling of satiety for a long time.

In this case, the "first" porridge for the child should be one-component and liquid. Only after it has been successfully introduced into complementary foods should any other ingredients be added. Thus, it will be easier to identify which product the baby will have an allergic reaction to. In this case, you can cook porridge yourself or use ready-made offers.

For cooking, they use this method: before cooking, grind or grind the already prepared porridge with a blender. To the required consistency, it is diluted with vegetable broth, milk mixture or breast milk.

  1. In order for the porridge to turn out to be 5% liquid, take 1 small spoonful of cereal in half a glass of water.
  2. After a couple of weeks, you can switch to 10%, adding 1.5 tsp to the same volume of water. cereals.
  3. A new dish for babies is introduced from a small spoon. With good tolerance, portions increase every day, reaching 150 g by the end of the 2nd week and completely displacing breast milk from one feeding. The ideal time to eat is 10 am for lunch.

Eggs - only boiled yolk

What else is included in the diet of a child at 7 months? Eggs appear on the baby's menu only after the introduction of porridge. There is no particular difference in properties between quail and chicken eggs. In its raw form, any of them - the possibility of contracting salmonellosis. Doctors always insist on observing the necessary rules for their preparation: wash thoroughly before cooking, check for freshness (the missing ones "stand" vertically in water or float up), cook for at least 10 minutes.

Yolk, like protein, can cause allergies. Therefore, it is administered with caution. At a 10-hour breakfast, they offer the yolk (1/8), rubbed with milk, on the tip of a spoon. After 3 days, in the absence of allergies, the yolk is increased to 1/4, gradually bringing up to 1/2 of the yolk, a maximum of twice a week.

This valuable product will provide a growing body with vitamins, phosphorus and selenium. If the baby refuses to eat the proposed yolk in its pure form, the product is mixed with vegetable puree or porridge, which can also diversify the child's diet at 7 months.

Vegetable and butter

Consider this product as well. The baby's nutrition at 7 months includes vegetable oil, which is added to vegetable purees, as well as a small amount of butter, which is used to soften porridge. With a normal reaction of the baby, the amount of the latter is increased to 5 grams, and of the vegetable one - up to 5 ml.

Kefir and cottage cheese

The baby's nutrition at 7 months also includes cottage cheese and kefir. At the same time, the introduction of kefir requires the same rules as any other new product - from a small amount. After getting to know the child with him, you can easily introduce cottage cheese into the diet. A teaspoon of it is diluted to a homogeneous consistency with kefir, increasing the volume daily by 2 times. In order to track the emerging reaction to a new product, it is offered to the baby for the 2nd breakfast. With normal tolerance, the intake of kefir and cottage cheese is postponed for 2 half of the day (for an afternoon snack), when these products are best absorbed.

To feed a baby at 7 months old, it is unacceptable to buy market cottage cheese, as well as “adult” store kefir. The safest and most useful are products from special children's departments, as well as those purchased in the dairy kitchen. At the same time, when buying, you always need to be interested in the composition and date of manufacture. Fermented milk products can be given to a child every day, while observing the age norms. In the baby's diet, by the end of the seventh month of life, cottage cheese is 30 g, while kefir is about 170 ml.

It is necessary to temporarily abandon kefir when an unstable stool appears, from cottage cheese - with a rapid overgrowth of the fontanelle, as well as in the presence of kidney disease.

The diet of an artificial baby

It should be understood that artificial feeding does not fulfill all the needs of a small organism, like breastfeeding. Even adapted, high-quality mixtures cannot provide the baby with essential nutrients in the required amount. Consequently, the nutrition of a child of 7 months on artificial feeding involves the introduction of complementary foods a month earlier than that of crumbs on natural feeding.

Products unfamiliar to the baby have long been in the diet of artificial children - meat puree, cereals, egg yolk. According to indications, liver, meat, kefir and cottage cheese can be added to the menu earlier.

Puree and meat broth

From 7 months, meat appears in the baby's menu in the form of mashed veal, lean beef, chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit meat. It is worth noting that the range of children's food departments is ready to offer a huge selection of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers (Hipp, Heinz, Babushkino Lukoshko, Gerber, Agusha, Tema, Fleaur Alpine, etc.). It is important to look at the age recommendations indicated on each jar.

Trying to diversify the nutrition of a child at 7 months by introducing meat, it can be cooked at home, which is not at all difficult:

  1. Boil the meat, chopped into pieces, until tender.
  2. Grind thoroughly with a blender.
  3. Dilute with ready-made broth before feeding to the consistency of a light puree.
  4. If the child refuses the proposed dish, add it to vegetable puree or porridge.

Meat products take longer to digest than the same vegetable soup for a child of 7 months, therefore, they always have lunch time. Light hated broths are used to create vegetable puree soups, cereals. They improve the digestion process, while increasing the activity of the secretory glands.

During this period of time, the bottle-fed baby tries new types of cereals, and also gets acquainted with mashed vegetable soups on meat broth, other multicomponent mashed potatoes. in this case? Apple, banana, prune, pear - these are the fruits that the baby can already taste. Meat puree once a week can replace liver puree.

Regardless of the type of feeding, crumbs of 7 months should be offered to try solid food, of course, if they already have teeth. Croutons, drying or baby biscuits for an afternoon snack are a great opportunity to stimulate the chewing process in time. At the same time, a slow transition from homogeneous purees gradually begins to food containing small lumps and pieces. At the same time, a special grater is used to create mashed potatoes from fresh vegetables and fruits, while boiled vegetables are chopped simply with a fork.

Replenishing the cookbook

For the most part, young mothers are thinking about how to diversify the food of the child at 7 months, so that it is diverse. Recipes for babies are easy to cook.

Pumpkin oatmeal


  • about 50 g of pumpkin;
  • 12 g oatmeal;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • butter.

The pumpkin is thoroughly washed, peeling of the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes, poured with boiling water and stewed for half an hour with the lid closed. Then oatmeal is poured in, hot milk is poured in, after which the stewing process lasts another 20 minutes on low heat. At the very end, everything is whipped with a blender.

Rice and apple porridge


  • rice flour - 10 g;
  • 40 g of apple;
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • 30 ml of water;
  • butter.

To begin with, the milk is brought to a boil, then rice, previously ground into flour, is added, stirring all the time. Cook for 5 minutes. The peeled apple should be grated, then mixed with porridge, and then grind in a blender. Add oil at the end.

About etiquette

The baby grows up before our eyes, therefore, a 7-month-old child should be taught to behave correctly in the kitchen:

  1. Let the baby strive to master the art of using a spoon as a method of independently obtaining food. Tune in mentally that learning how to handle a spoon at the moment is more important than order and cleanliness in the kitchen.
  2. Since the baby is already sitting confidently, purchase a highchair for him that will meet safety requirements.
  3. Eating food should be extremely enjoyable. If a child refuses a dish, you should not force feed him. In doing so, try to find out the reason for the refusal. The food was probably too hot.

Every month your baby is developing more and more actively, his diet is gradually becoming more and more varied. In this regard, many parents have difficulties - how to feed a child at 7 months. During this period of life, the baby can already sit on its own and tries to crawl. This means that he needs more energy. In the article, we will consider what you can feed a child at 7 months old, and also analyze the menu for a child at 7 months old, breastfed and artificially fed.

Features of nutrition for a child at 7 months

A kid at this age can do a lot and seeks to learn even more. This should be taken into account when organizing the nutrition process:

  • it is better to feed the child in a sitting position, get him a comfortable highchair;
  • show the kid what a spoon is for, how to use it: the child will soon take the device in hand and learn to eat on his own;
  • let's drink water and drinks from a cup, you can buy a special children's drinking cup for your baby;
  • let the baby "feel" what he eats - this is necessary for the development of both the sensory system and the psyche of the child;
  • it is important to show the kid by example how to behave at the table.

What can you give your baby at 7 months old?

Every month the child's diet becomes richer. If you have just started introducing complementary foods at this stage, then we suggest that you read the article:

1. Meat... It is an important food product, it contains a large amount of protein, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. As a rule, meat complementary foods begin at 7 months. Your pediatrician may recommend adding meat to your diet ahead of schedule if your child is anemic or is underweight.

In the diet of a child at 7 months, first of all, lean meats are needed: beef, rabbit, turkey, veal, chicken. You can buy ready-made purees in the store, or you can cook yourself. In any case, the product should be well crushed to a mushy state.

Meat puree should be introduced in small portions - from half a teaspoon. If the child's body reacts well to the new product, gradually increase the portion, bringing it to 30 g per day in a week.

2 eggs... When introducing this product into the diet, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. chicken or quail eggs must be checked for freshness;
  2. only yolk is introduced into complementary foods, since egg white is a strong allergen, there is no need to rush with it;
  3. it is necessary to thoroughly boil the egg (at least 10 minutes), otherwise there is a risk of salmonellosis.

For the first acquaintance of the baby with this product, the yolk is knocked down to a mushy form, a quarter of a teaspoon is given. With normal tolerance, gradually bring up to half the yolk up to twice a week.

3. Porridge... If earlier the child was offered only vegetable and fruit purees, then now you can diversify the child's diet at 7 months and introduce cereals. It is preferable to start complementary foods with buckwheat, rice or corn porridge. They are gluten free, nutritious and rich in vitamins.

Necessarily, the baby's first porridge must be one-component and sufficiently liquid. So the product is more easily absorbed by the body. And in the case of allergies, it is easier to identify the cause.

4. Fruit... Currently, there is a huge selection of fruit purees on store shelves. And it is not surprising, because fruits contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The diet of a child at 7 months can be diversified only with hypoallergenic fruits: green apples, pears, bananas. You can also make mashed potatoes at home. Mash the banana well with a fork. Apples and pears are heat treated. Better to steam them or bake them in the oven. Then you can grind to a state of puree with a blender.

5. Fermented milk products... You can add cottage cheese and kefir to the child's menu at 7 months. Kefir helps to improve digestion and normalize stools. It is also administered in small portions until it reaches 170 ml per day.

They begin to give curd in a teaspoon. It should be diluted with a small amount of kefir. The cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, therefore, if the fontanelle overgrows too quickly, the use of this product should be reduced or temporarily stopped.

All fermented milk products must be adapted for infants. It can be purchased in the dairy kitchen or in children's departments.

6. Drinks... Your child needs clean water every day. For this purpose, it is better to use boiled or special baby water, which contains useful minerals.

You can cook dried fruit or fresh apple compote yourself with a minimum amount of sugar.

It is allowed to gradually introduce fruit juices into the diet, starting with single-component ones, it is better to start with apple juice.

When composing the menu for a child at 7 months old, remember that gradualism in this case will allow you not to make serious mistakes with regard to the health of the crumbs.

The diet of the child at 7 months

Undoubtedly, it is important for the child to adhere to a certain diet, as well as wakefulness and sleep. It helps to develop good habits in the future, as well as it is advisable to plan the day.

  1. activity level;
  2. metabolism;
  3. body constitution.

Pediatricians believe that a child at 7 months should consume a volume of food that is 1/8 of its weight.

Thus, with a child weighing 8 kg, the amount of food he needs is 1 kg per day. With five meals a day, the volume of one meal will be 200 g.

The order of the number of feedings can be as follows:

  • 6:00 - first feeding. On breastfeeding, the mother offers the baby breast milk, and on artificial - milk formula 200 ml. At this stage of the child's development, it is impossible to completely refuse the baby in breast milk or milk formula, since they are the main food product for up to a year.
  • 10:00 - second feeding. It is good to introduce cereals into the child's diet for 7 months in the morning. If you previously introduced porridge into the child's menu, now you can offer 120 grams of porridge and 30 grams of fruit puree. Fruit puree is not mixed with porridge, served separately. It is no longer necessary to supplement with breast or milk formula.
  • 14:00 - third feeding. During these hours, the child's menu at 7 months can be diversified with a hearty lunch after a walk. Vegetable porridges are also included in the diet. Lunch time is good for getting to know a new product. This new product can be puree meat. If before that you did not give your child cottage cheese, then it's time to make a light mousse. A blender can handle this task with ease. After such a hearty meal, your child can be offered apple juice.
  • 18:00 - fourth feeding. At this time, it is undesirable to introduce new foods into the child's diet at 7 months. The ideal option is to give a small amount of familiar food and supplement with breast milk or formula.
  • 22:00 - fifth feeding. The child's diet at 7 months ends with the staple food - breast milk or formula. You should not give porridge or mashed potatoes, even if the child is already familiar with them, overeating at night is prohibited not only for adults, but also for children, which can provoke flatulence, heaviness, pain and bloating in the abdomen.

Menu for a baby at 7 months old, breastfed

The main task of drawing up a menu for a 7-month-old baby is to compensate for the lack of breast milk and introduce new products into the diet. This is necessary both for the proper development of the gastrointestinal tract and for the development of the chewing reflex.

At this age, you can gradually accustom your baby to kefir, provided that the protein is well tolerated.

As the diet becomes richer, the child's menu at 7 months can be diversified and adjusted. Only an approximate menu is offered to your attention (if you have read the article from start to finish, then also do not forget that you choose the portions based on the weight of your child):

  • 06:00 am - breast milk
  • 10:00 am - 170 gr. porridge (you can add breast milk to porridge), 80 gr. sweet puree;
  • 14:00 hours - 170 gr. vegetable puree + half of the yolk (a portion of the yolk depends on when you started introducing it into the diet), 2-5 tablespoons of fruit juice;
  • 18:00 hours - 40 gr. cottage cheese * with 40 gr. fruit puree, a couple of baby cookies + supplemented with breast milk;
  • 10:00 pm - breast milk

* It is advisable to include cottage cheese in the diet of a baby at 7 months. If you do not have the opportunity to make a delicate mousse out of cottage cheese, then you can buy ready-made cottage cheese for children in the store. However, remember that the best product is the one you make at home.

Menu for a baby at 7 months on artificial feeding

Modern milk formulas cannot fully provide a complete and comprehensive diet of a bottle-fed baby, in comparison with breast milk. Therefore, supplementary foods are introduced to babies on IV a little earlier. By the age of 7 months, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable purees are already present in their diet.

Meat must be included in the feeding regimen for a baby at 7 months old on artificial feeding, if this has not been done before.

We bring to your attention an approximate menu of a child at 7 months, bottle-fed:

  • 06:00 am - 200 gr. milk mixture;
  • 10:00 am - 170 gr. porridge with the addition of milk mixture + 80g. fruit puree;
  • 14:00 hours - 170 gr. vegetable puree + half of the yolk (a portion of the yolk depends on when you began to introduce it into the diet), 30-50g. meat puree, 1-5 tablespoons of juice;
  • 18:00 hours - 40 gr. cottage cheese + 40 gr. fruit puree, several pieces of children's cookies, 150 gr. mixtures;
  • 22:00 hours - 200 gr. mixtures or kefir.

If for some reason you have not introduced or introduced kefir into your diet, then you should do it. Kefir is a unique product that will help to cope well with frequent constipation and problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract of a bottle-fed child.

Many pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with kefir, even for children who cannot tolerate animal protein. The fact is that the protein in kefir has a different structure than the protein in whole milk. Therefore, it is perfectly absorbed in the child's body.

What to do if a child refuses to eat

If a child categorically refuses to eat what you offer him, then this only means that the child either does not like this product or he is not ready for it. Each child is a person who has certain gastronomic preferences and this fact must be taken into account.

Each baby has an individual pace in the development of the gastrointestinal tract and not all children are psychologically ready for innovations in the diet.

If a child has given up on a product today, do not be discouraged, offer this product in a week. When the child is ready for this product, he will happily eat it, or at least try to taste it.

On the one hand, we are no longer a baby who feeds exclusively on liquid. On the other hand, the toddler is still far from fully adapting to the dietary scheme of adults. These reasons explain the close attention to the nutrition of a child of 7 months.

The pressing questions are how often to offer food, what to feed, how to combine foods, and what portions to choose.

In this article, you will learn:

Ideally, five meals are shown throughout the day. For comfortable work of the stomach, it is recommended to go to the next meal no earlier than 4-4.5 hours after the previous one. But if the baby cries inconsolably until she gets something to eat, then it is worth satisfying his need.

In practice, however, a 7-month-old baby's nutrition often consists of six feeds during the day and several supplements with milk or formula at night.

Due to individual characteristics, it is easier for some children to eat fractionally - in smaller portions, but more often. Trying to feed such a child with the norm for age, parents run the risk of discouraging the desire to eat even more.

The occasional refusal, for example, from an afternoon snack, should also not be perceived as a disaster. Feed your baby when he wants to. Don't worry about breaking your schedule and schedule. Dinner can be greatly delayed from the usual time.

The rejection of any foods may be caused by the lack of those enzymes that are responsible for their digestion and further assimilation. So do not rush to write off the behavior of the crumbs on whims.

Selection of the diet for a 7 month old baby

If at this stage the baby already has at least one tooth, then this signals the need to diversify the menu. Try to introduce new fruits and vegetables into the diet along with the usual fruits and vegetables.

So, if the baby has already fallen in love with a banana and an apple, you can add a soft juicy pear to them. In the presence of different fruits, the baby will receive all the variety of organic substances along with mineral elements and vitamins.

If broccoli and cauliflower are already recognizable by the crumbs, then try pumpkin or zucchini puree for tasting. Vegetables, due to their high fiber content, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation.

Vitamin C present develops immunity in children. You don't need to stuff your child with only potatoes. Even if it is present in the daily diet, it should not prevail over other vegetables.

Oatmeal and rice porridge are good. An allergic reaction is possible on buckwheat. Even if the baby normally perceives fruit cereals, it is better to limit yourself to some one fruit. Have you decided to try porridge with a mix of prunes, banana and dried apricots, and even at night? Do not be surprised later that the child is unable to fall asleep because of the pain in the tummy. Cereals contain an abundance of carbohydrates as well as fats. Of these, the child receives compensation for daytime energy costs.

Menu options

Before or after six months

If complementary foods were introduced at the age of six months, then by this moment the baby had time to appreciate the taste of cereals, vegetable purees, and also fruit purees. For those crumbs who have learned adult food earlier, you can already offer egg yolk every other day and meat purees.

Mashed meat is given at the beginning for half a teaspoon. Over time, the amount reaches three tablespoons, but already tablespoons. Fat-free beef is best. Turkeys and rabbit are perfectly digestible. True, the price for such products is higher. The yolk is served from 1/4 to half.

For those who got acquainted with complementary foods at six months, a puree-like soup is added. There is no need to add to it. In the seventh month of life, it's time to give the little one a taste of baby cottage cheese or yogurt. It can be both classic tastes and fruit and berry or with cookies inside. Do not sprinkle them with additional sugar.

Convenient feeding of the baby at 7 months according to the table

When new products are added, parents get confused about what, when and how much to give. If this table is in front of your eyes for the first time, then soon your cooking skills will reach automatism. In the future, you can combine the proposed combinations depending on children's preferences.

Time of receipt Dish Serving (g, ml)
Breakfast breast milk or adapted milk formula. 150
Lunch fruit porridge with the addition of butter; 160
Dinner vegetable puree soup with chicken or meat broth; 50
mashed potatoes from boiled or stewed vegetables; 150
juice or fruit drink. 60
Afternoon snack cottage cheese or yogurt; 30
fruit puree; 70
compote or jelly; 60
biscuit or bun. 5-10
Dinner porridge with or without fruit; breast milk or adapted milk formula. 100-120

Thus, milk or mixture is necessarily present in the first and last meals. At other times, they are given at the request of the child.

Artists can try fermented milk mixtures. Another permitted but optional product for this age group is cheese.

You can mash a piece of soft cheese in a soup. Curd and cheese products contain the right amount of calcium for the full formation of bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Choosing and preparing correctly

When grating fruit, use plastic or stainless steel models. This will prevent vitamin C from reacting with iron, and therefore will remain in the fruit puree. After all, the qualitative composition of the finished dish is more important than the presence in the menu of products devoid of vitamins.

Mashed vegetables and meat can be cooked in a blender, and you can give the crumbs to enjoy fruit through the nibbler. Along with the usual cookies, there are instant ones on sale. It is dipped in milk and turns into a mushy dish.

There is no fundamental difference between chicken and quail eggs. The latter is given in double dosage due to its small size.

Many parents are worried about the question: what kind of meat to choose for a baby? It should be young, tender, without fat, streaks. The sirloin is the best option. If in doubt about your own abilities, then tell the seller that you are choosing meat for a baby. You will definitely find the best portion.

All products should have a uniform consistency, without lumps. If during processing it was not possible to get rid of them, then it is better to take out the large pieces. A meat grinder will handle meat better. You can prepare meat balls in advance and put them in the freezer. And then you do not have to fiddle with a piece of meat weighing 50 g each time separately. Purchased baby food must be homogenized.

Nutrition for a 7 month old baby, taking into account new skills

One of the main attributes that facilitate the feeding process is the highchair. Different models differ in appearance. But mostly a built-in table is attached to the highchair. It may have cutlery recesses. Now the child is already sitting confidently and the mother does not need to hold him. However, be sure to use seat belts. At this age, children are quite nimble and unpredictable.

Every time you offer your child a drink, you need to bring a cup to him and wait for him to clasp the handle of the cup with his fingers. Next, you should help the baby to take a sip. This will form the skill of using the cup on your own to satisfy your thirst.

It is better to choose small plastic, lightweight appliances. At first, it is difficult for a baby to cope with a new element; liquid spillage is inevitable. Therefore, do not pour juice or water to the brim.

It is enough to track whether the baby receives food from all food groups. If a certain food representative "does not go", then leave the idea of ​​feeding the child with it for a while. And later add it to your favorite components. As a rule, this problem is not observed with fruit consumption. But with some vegetables and cereals, manifestations of hostility occur.

The task of the parents and relatives of the baby now is to carefully instill in him an interest in food. It is important to adjust your actions if the child rejects anything from the proposed. Along with nutrition, a 7 month old baby gets emotions at the table from observing and interacting with adults.

It is optimal if the diet contains cereals, vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese. For those who have mastered complementary foods before the age of six months, meat with egg yolk is added. Monitor the consistency of food by using acceptable cooking methods. Teach your baby to handle the cup.