Scenario "day of health in the second junior group". Sports festival dedicated to Health Day. For children of younger groups




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Health day in the second junior group.

Prepared by: educator of the first qualification category

Tkacheva Valentina Nikolaevna.

Reception of children. Morning.

"Get to the bunny" - obstacle course with parents

(crawl into the hoop, walk between objects, jump on two legs)

Psychogymnastics: "Share your smile."

Early in the morning, the kindergarten meets all the children,

There toys are waiting for the guys, they are bored in the corners.

You are kind, smile very cheerfully,

Share your joy with the one who frowns!

And we clap our hands loudly - one, two, three,

Soapy, colorful, we blow bubbles.

Children blow bubbles together with the teacher

Imitation game "We are cleaners".

Children, with the help of movements, imitate how to properly put themselves in order - they bathe, dry themselves with a towel, brush their teeth, comb, etc.

Morning exercises to music.

Conversation on the topic:"I love vitamins, I want to be healthy"

Target:Fix the names of some vegetables, fruits, berries, food products in children; to expand children's ideas about how useful many foods are, and how important it is to eat right; continue to improve children's speech and ability to answer questions; teach children the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher. Visual material: dummies of fruits and vegetables.

Conversation progress:

The teacher asks the kids:

- Do you guys like vitamins? What vitamins do you like? (children's answers) Who gives you vitamins?(the children will most likely name a family member, caregiver, or nurse)And where does mom buy them? Listen, analyze and summarize the children's answers. Further, the educator informs the children that vitamins are not only sold in a pharmacy in beautiful packaging, but are also contained in the products that we eat. The teacher draws the attention of children to dummies of fruits and vegetables:

- Look, kids, what have I got?(children's answers)Do you know how many vitamins they contain! Here you are, raise your hands for those little ones who love carrots. Well done! Please clap your hands for the little ones who love lemon. Well done! Please stamp your feet for those who like oranges. Well done!

For colds and sore throats Oranges help!

Well, it's better to eat a lemon

Although it is very sour.

Eat more oranges

Drink delicious carrot juice

And then you will definitely

Very slender and tall.

There is no healthier product -

Delicious vegetables and fruits.

- But you know guys, vitamins are found not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in other products. It is very useful to eat porridge with butter, honey, many vitamins are contained in fish, be sure to eat meat. Rich in vitamins and berries. What kind of berries do you know?(children's answers)

If you want to be healthy

Eat right.

Eat more vitamins

And do not know about diseases.

- You see, kids, how much use vitamins! Therefore, eat vitamins that are bought at the pharmacy. But, and most importantly, eat well so as not to get sick, to grow up healthy and smart!

Organized educational activities for cognitive development (PFEM).

(physical minutes)

Finger game "Pies".

One two three four

Dexterously kneaded the dough.Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

We rolled out the mugs.Tinder in a circular motion

And they blinded piespalms together.

Filled pies:Alternately clap one

Sweet raspberriespalm on top of the other.

Carrots and cabbage

Very, very tasty.

They got it out of the oven

They began to treat everyone.

Smells like cakes in the house.Show palms.

Here are the guests. All with flowers.Stretch out both hands forward

- Be beautiful, our goat! -spreading them slightly to the sides . The geese extended roses.

Game exercise "Bicycle".


Outdoor games.

"Find and be silent"

All children are facing the wall. At this time, the teacher puts a small object in a prominent place. On the command "find an object" all children start looking for it. Anyone who notices an object comes up to the teacher and quietly informs him about it. And so on until all the children find the object. The one who found the last one loses, and the one who finds the first becomes the leader

Individual work on physical development.

"From bump to bump" - continue teaching children to jump from bump to bump, develop leg muscles and physical activity.

Game for children"Do like me!"

Target: To continue to develop in children various types of movements, to teach children to perform movements according to a visual model, to develop coordination of movements of arms and legs when performing exercises.

Games of small and medium mobility: « Mice in the pantry "," Along a flat path "," Funny chair "" Tangle ".

Work before bed

Hand massage "Building a house"

All day long knock and knock, Slap the palm of the right hand on the left hand from wrist to shoulder.

A resounding knock is heard. Pat on the right hand.

Hammers knock, hammer on the right

We are building a house for bunnies. with a fist on the left hand from the wrist to the shoulder.

The hammers are knocking

We are building a house for squirrels.

This house is for squirrels, rub the left hand with the right fist in a circular motion

This house is for bunnies, Rub their right hand.

This house for girls, Quickly "run" with the fingers of the right hand on the left from the wrist to the shoulder.

This house is for boys. They "run" along the right hand.

That's what a good house, Stroke the palm of the left hand from hand to shoulder.

As we heal gloriously, Stroke the palm of the right hand.

We will sing songs, "Plates"

Have fun and dance. Sliding claps.

Reading fiction: Sergei Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly"

Purpose: To educate children in the ability to listen to new poems, to follow the development of the plot in the work; explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.

Activity progress:

- Kids, today we talked a lot about health, about how important it is to eat well, to eat vitamins.

"About a girl who ate poorly"

Julia doesn't eat well,

Doesn't listen to anyone.

- Eat an egg, Yulechka!

- I don’t want to, mommy!

- Eat a sandwich with a sausage!

- Julia covers her mouth.

- Supik?

- Not…

- A cutlet?

- Not…

- Yulechkin's lunch is getting cold.

- What's with you, Yulechka?

- Nothing, mommy!

- Take a sip, girl, Swallow another piece! Have pity on us, Yulechka!

- I can't, mommy!

Mom and grandmother in tears

- Julia melts before our eyes!

A children's doctor appeared

- Gleb Sergeevich Pugach. He looks sternly and angrily:

- Julia has no appetite? I can only see that she

Certainly not sick! And I'll tell you, girl:

Everyone eats - both the beast and the bird, from hares to kittens

Everyone in the world wants to eat.

With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.

The yard Dog gnaws the bone.

Sparrows peck grain

Wherever they get it

Elephant has breakfast in the morning

- He loves fruit.

Brown Bear licks honey.

The Mole is having supper in the mink.

The monkey is eating a banana.

Looking for acorns Boar.

A clever Swift catches midges.

Swiss cheese Loves the Mouse ...

The doctor said goodbye to Julia

- Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.

And Yulia said loudly:

- Feed me mommy!

- Kids, what was the name of the girl in the poem? Did Yulia behave well? What was she doing badly? Who spoke to her strictly? Who was she told about? (the teacher listens to the children's answers, corrects and supplements them, summarizes, concludes) - You know, guys, in order to be healthy, you need not only to eat well, but also to walk, because during the walk we temper, it is especially useful to temper in the summer.

Exercise after sleep.

"Get up, kids"

Well now it's time to get up

Get up, kids!

The quiet hour is over, everyone is barefoot on the floor,

Daylight meets us.

And then jogging lightly.

We woke up, reached out, take a breath and get up

Turned to the right, to the left. Stand on your toes.

We raised our head, go down, exhale

We clench our fists dexterously and repeat again

Legs began to dance, knead your foot,

We do not want to sleep anymore, do the walking.

Let us lean on our feet, now we are completely awake

Let's rise a little. And they returned to their business!

OOD for Physical Development

Program tasks:

1. Develop motor skills and abilities.
2. Develop physical qualities.
3. To cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

General educational activities

Host: Hello guys! How beautiful and big you are today. Do you want me to play with you?
Children: Yes!
A knock on the door, the Hare comes in.
Hare: Hello guys! I ran from the forest to you, I want to play with you!
Host: Let's play with the bunny?
Children: Yes!
Hare: Then repeat after me.
A little white snow fell.
We sit on the sleigh
And we quickly rush down the hill.
Snow, snow, white snow -
We rush the fastest. (Running in circles)

The children all got up on skis,
They ran one after another.
Snow, snow, white snow -
Spins, falls on everyone. (Walk in a circle, arms bent at the elbows)

Let's dance merrily
We will warm the hands.
We will clap, we will clap. (Clap their hands)

Let's jump more fun
That would be warmer.
We will jump, we will jump (Jump on two legs)

Children are tired by evening
And dozed off in their beds.
Snow, snow, white snow -
The guys sleep the hardest. (Squat down and "sleep")

Hare: Oh, what a fine fellow you are!
Host: Yes, bunny, our kids are so dexterous, brave.
Hare: And I also want to play with you !!!
Host: Let's play. I have a magic wand, I will turn all the children into snowflakes. Close your eyes, (slow music sounds, the presenter touches everyone with a magic wand) now you are snowflakes, please stand in a circle.
Game "Snowflakes and Wind"
Children gather in a circle and join hands. At the signal of the teacher: “The wind has blown strong, strong. Snowflakes fly! " - scatter in different directions around the hall, spread their arms to the sides, sway, whirl. The teacher says: “The wind has stopped! Return snowflakes in a circle! " children run into a circle and join hands. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Hare: How fun and good you have here, but it's very cold in my forest.
Host: And you often run and jump, and we will teach you so that you do not freeze and teach all the animals in the forest.
Physical minute "Skok-skok"
Leap-leap, leap-leap,
Bunny jumped on a tree stump
(jumping on two legs in place)
He hits the drum loudly
(walking in place)
Calls for leapfrog to play.
(hand claps)
The hare is cold to sit
(squat, hands on the belt)
We need to warm the paws.
(hand claps)
Feet up, feet down
(hands up, down)
Pull up on your toes.
(hands up, pull up on toes)
We put our paws on the side,
(hands on the belt)
Leap-leap on toes.
(jumping on toes)
Now sit down
(squats, hands on the belt)
So that the paws do not freeze.
Hare: Thank you guys for playing with me, and I brought you a present from the forest. (Treats) Well, I have to go to the forest, goodbye! (leaves)
Host: And it's time for us to join the group.

Watching an animated film: "MOYDODYR".

"Games and exercises for the delight of your children"

Information for parents: "How to teach a child to breathe", "Teach a child to breathe"

Exhibition of children's works "Vitamins for Children".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw objects of a rounded shape, using a variety of colors, to develop an aesthetic perception of color, to bring up accuracy.



(second youngest group)

Prepared by:

I.V. Gvozdareva -

physical education instructor

Ashitkovo 2013

Leading: Today is world health day. Health is a gift that you and I must cherish in order to always be cheerful, strong and beautiful . Oh, guys, look, a letter flew to us in a balloon. Who is it from?


"Hello guys! Bunny Valya is writing to you. I have been going to visit you for a long time, but it just doesn't work out. Either a runny nose will overcome, then a sore throat, but I would so like to play with you "

Leading: Guys, Valya the bunny is often sick. And let's go to visit him and tell him what you need to do to be healthy. You are ready? Then let's go!

Game gymnastics.

Our little feet walked along the narrow path,

Hands also helped, everyone waved and waved.

Stop. They sat down. We got up. They walked again amicably.

Downpour poured, thunder struck. We tiptoe.

We shook off our hands and feet, we were not tired from the road.

Children turned into bears

The bears came out for a walk,

Brown, furry, club-footed bears.

Have turned into cockerels

Raise the legs

singing a song

"Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku", -

They all turned into horses

and now we are in a hurry, we are in a hurry,

on horseback, on horseback,

Kids jump briskly.

Our legs ran

We ran along the path

Until we get tired

We won't stop running

(Assistants to the presenter lay out flat flowers)

Leading: We ran to a clearing, stopped, and so many flowers bloomed in the clearing. Let's take a little rest and smell the flowers.

Breathing exercise "Around the flower"

(Assistants to the presenter arrange a tunnel, a slide, a winding path, arcs)

Leading: But it's time to hit the road, because the bunny is waiting for us. But the road is not easy. We need to go along the bridge across the river, crawl over the log over the hole, jump from one hole to another, crawl under the trees.

Children one after another overcome the obstacle course, line up in a semicircle near the bunny's house.

Leading: So we came to the bunny. Knocks on the house.

Bunny(sneezes and coughs): Hello guys! And I'm still sick and sick. Thank you for visiting me. Do you have a holiday today?

Leading: We are celebrating World Health Day in our kindergarten.

Bunny: What is a kindergarten?

Leading: We will answer your question with a funny song about kindergarten.

Song "Kindergarten"

Bunny: Yours is probably very interesting. Do you often get sick too?

Leading: We take care of our health, and in order not to get sick, we do exercises every morning.

Bunny: Will you teach me?

Leading: Of course watch and repeat.

General developmental exercises "Bunnies" (with carrots)

Look, kids, on the meadow,

The bunnies got up in a circle.

Bunnies do not want to get sick -

Do exercises.

Children repeat

With them in order.

1. Bunnies sat on a swing,

wanted to swing.

Up and down, up and down -

They rushed straight into the sky. ( swing their arms forward, backward - carrots at their feet)

2. Leaning forward -

let everyone pick the carrots

clap - one more time,

we have a big harvest. ( bend over and clap at the bottom)

3. See how cleverly

the hares hid the carrots.

They showed it and again - you can't see that carrot ( hide their hands behind their backs and pull them forward)

4. One, two, three, four, five,

the bunnies started to jump

the bunnies began to jump -

as if the bunnies do not get tired.

5. Dandelions fly, hares tickle their nose.

Blow on them guys

Let the rabbits rest. (blowing on "dandelions")

(The facilitator's assistants lay out toy vegetables and fruits)

Bunny: That's lovely! Now I will do exercises every morning!

Leading: And also, in order not to get sick, you need to eat vegetables and fruits - they contain many useful substances for health - vitamins.

Bunny: I've grown a lot of vegetables and fruits, it's already autumn, it's time to pick them, but I'm still sick.

Leading: And the children will help you. Let's help guys !!!

THE GAME "Collect vegetables and fruits"

Bunny: Thank you, great fellows! Do you want, and I will treat you?

Gives the host a dirty carrot.

Leading: Guys, look what a dirty carrot!

Bunny: You eat, and do not pay attention - it will wash in the stomach!

Leading: To protect yourself from microbes with water and soap, you need to wash,

And before eating, wash fruits and vegetables with water. These simple rules will help you stay healthy. Look at how our guys wash and repeat after us.

The game "We wash our face"

Tap, open (imitate opening a tap)

Nose, wash your face (stroking new sinuses from top to bottom)

Wash both eyes at once (wash your eyes)

Wash your neck well (rub your neck)

Wash, wash, douche (imitate douche)

Flush off the dirt (shake off your hands)

Leading: Well, and, of course, in order not to get sick, you must definitely do physical education. Really guys?

Bunny: I feel that I am already healthy

And I don't need doctors!

I will be friends with sports

And cherish health!

I feel like I'm five!

I really want to play!

Leading: Let's play with the bunny, guys?

Game "Catch the Bunny"

(Children jump for a bunny from one end of the hall to the other)

Game "Hide and seek with a bunny"

(Bunny is blindfolded and he catches children)

Game "Bunnies in houses"

(Flat hoops are laid out around the hall, at a signal, children walk between the hoops, when the music stops, they enter the hoop)

Bunny: Thank you guys! Always be healthy and cheerful! (Bunny leaves)

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. It's time to go to kindergarten.

Musical and rhythmic exercises (to the music of Starkadomsky "Merry Travelers")

Leading: So our Health holiday is over! Goodbye, guys!

Abstract "HEALTH DAY". The second junior group "The country is magic - health"

Software content: To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of. Foster a desire to take care of your health. Develop imagination and the ability to display your idea in a drawing.
Methodological techniques: conversation, play moment, questions for children, use of visual material, wellness minute
Material: Pictures depicting 2 gnomes or a doll: one gnome is cheerful, healthy, the second gnome is sad, with a bandaged hand, sloppy.
Vocabulary work: clarify and consolidate the words: health, healthy, rarely sick.
-Guys! Today I wanted to talk with you on a very important topic - health. What do you think. What is health? (children's answers).
- Yes, children, some of you understand. What is health, but not everyone knows what to do in order to be healthy. All day today, two new friends of mine will help me tell you about a magical land - health. They came to us from a wonderful land of fairy tales. They are gnomes. One is called Big Man, and the other is a bungler. (draws children's attention to the characters)
- Look. Who do you think is Big Man and who is Clutter?
Children's answers.
- Why do you think so? Who will tell? (children's answers) Yes, I agree with your opinion. Strong, strong, rarely ill children are called healthy. Look at the complexion of our Big Man. He has rosy cheeks, a strong slender figure, I think that he goes in for sports, walks a lot in the fresh air, he observes the rules of behavior on the street, does not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, and does not forget to exercise. And he certainly knows what's useful. And what is harmful to health.
Do you agree with me? Or does someone think differently?
-And what do you think, Clutter leads the same way of life or not? And why? That's right, you can see from him that he is a Clutter. Let us help you to become like the Big Man. So, we begin to help Rustyapa, but first of all we must show him an example ourselves. (Suggests to spend a wellness minute).
Phys. minute "ladybug"
1. Spun around themselves
And they turned into ladybirds. Spinning
2. Ladybugs, show your heads,
Noses, mouths, wings - arms, legs, tummies. Shows the named body parts

3. Ladybugs, turn the heads to the right,
Ladybugs, turn heads to the left. Turns the head to the right, to the left
4. Tap your feet, flap your wings. Stomp their feet. Clap their hands

5. Turned to each other. And they smiled sweetly. Turn, smile, sit down
-Children, what kind of person do we call healthy?
If a person is sick. He's not feeling well, how does he look? What are you guys! What does Clutter have to do to be beautiful, strong, smart, healthy? (Answers of children).
-So, now the gnome and we know that health is strength and intelligence. That health is a magical land, this is beauty, this is something that must always be protected, this is the greatest wealth of every person. Health is when you are cheerful, when everything works out for you, when you do not have a temperature, and you can go to the kindergarten, walk in the fresh air, ride a slide when nothing hurts. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Do you agree with me? I think that you and I helped Rustyapa and I would not want him to have such a not pretty name. Let's come up with a new name for him, but he also needs to change the appearance. Truth? And we will show him how to put yourself in order.

Imitation game "We are cleaners"
Children, with the help of movements, imitate how to properly put themselves in order - they bathe, dry themselves with a towel, brush their teeth, comb, etc.


Exhibition of children's works "Vitamins for Children"
Target: to consolidate the ability to draw objects of a rounded shape, using a variety of colors, to develop an aesthetic perception of color, to bring up accuracy.

Outdoor games.
1. "Find and be silent" All children are facing the wall. At this time, the teacher puts a small object in a prominent place. On the command "find an object" all children start looking for it. Anyone who notices an object comes up to the teacher and quietly informs him about it. And so on until all the children find the object. The one who found the last one loses, and the one who finds the first becomes the leader.

2. "Cars" The teacher distributes steering wheels to the children, and they represent cars. At the signal of the teacher: "Cars!" children move in different directions and at different speeds. If the green flag is raised, then the cars are moving, if the red one, it is necessary to stop in the place where the team found them. The command to stop should be given while walking, not running.

3. Game "Starlings"... On the site, mugs (hoops) are birdhouses. All children are starlings. They fly freely around the site. To the signal "Home", the starlings fly quickly and try to occupy one of the birdhouses. Which of the children is left without a birdhouse, he lost. At the end of the game, the teacher imperceptibly makes the missing circle, and all the starlings take their birdhouses.

Individual work on physical development.
"Do it like this"
Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher warns that the players can perform certain exercises with the words: "Do this", for example, like "frog", "kangaroo", "bear", "bunny", "dog", "pussy", etc. And with the words: "Not so" - the child should not repeat, but can perform any exercise he likes.

II half of the day
Exercise after sleep.
The bridges turned out. "Get up, kids" well, now it's time to get up,
The quiet hour is over, everyone is barefoot on the floor,
Daylight meets us. And then jogging lightly.
We woke up, reached out, take a breath and get up
Turned to the right, to the left. Stand on your toes.
We raised our head, go down, exhale
We clench our fists dexterously and repeat again
The legs began to dance

Knead your foot
Do the walking.
Now they are completely awake,
And they returned to their business!
We do not want to sleep anymore
We will lean on our legs
Let's rise a little.
Everyone woke up, woke up.

Riddles about sports.
These fruits are not edible
But they are huge and comfortable.
Their other sportsman for hours
He pounds hard with his fists.
(Boxing pears)
I want to become a strongman.
I come to the strongman:
- Tell us about this -
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I lift ... (Dumbbells)
Both boys and girls
They love us very much in winter,
They cut the ice with a thin pattern,
They don't want to go home.
We are graceful and light
We are curly ... (skates)
Wooden horses gallop in the snow,
And they don't fall into the snow. (Skis)
To keep your health in order
Don't forget about ... (charging)

You hit anyone -
He gets angry and cries.
And you will knock this -
Jumps with joy! (ball)
Individual work on physical education in a playful way."From bump to bump" - to continue teaching children to jump from bump to bump, to develop leg muscles and physical activity.
Role-playing game "Hospital"
Target: continue to teach children to develop many character plots, to encourage improvisation, to change and combine roles, to encourage children to use substitute items, to foster friendly relationships.

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", M. Yason "I wash my hands"
Learning proverbs, sayings about health.
Target: continue to develop an interest in fiction; teach to listen carefully to works, memorize proverbs, sayings. Contribute to the formation of emotional attitudes towards literary works.
D / game "If you want to be healthy"
Target: to clarify and expand the knowledge of children about what needs to be done to be healthy, to develop attention, intelligence, to foster a desire to be healthy.
Independent games for children.
Offer children balls, snowballs
Target: to teach on their own to find something to do with their interests, to develop physical activity, strength, dexterity. Cultivate friendships.

Location : gym.

Tasks: 1. Strengthen children's knowledge of health and hygiene procedures.

2. To improve the straight canter, jumping on two legs, coordination, attention

3. To cultivate kindness, the ability to communicate, evoke positive emotions

Leading : Hello guys! Today is an unusual day for us! All of you are allowed to be: dexterous, healthy, cheerful, friends with sports!

Is prohibited : walking around sloppy, crying, quarreling,

Are you ready?

Children : Ready!

Leading : And we will start our holiday with a fairy tale:

Behind a clean, clean field, behind a dense forest, behind distant roads there is a wonderful country - the Country of Health! And this country is ruled by the Great Washbasin, the famous Moidodyr! And he has many friends. And who they are you will find out if you guess the riddles:

1. Riddle: Smooth, fragrant, washes clean. Everyone needs to have it. What's this?

Children : Soap!

2. Riddle: Bone dorsum; bristle on abdomen. He jumped on the teeth, drove out all the dirt. Guess what it is?

Children: Toothbrush!

3. Riddle: Toothy and does not bite. What is it called?

Children: Hairbrush!

Leading : Well done boys! All Moidodyr's friends were correctly guessed!

- We listen to the tale further: Once, while everyone in the country of Health was asleep, an evil Microbe crept into it and stole Moidodyr's friends - soap, a toothbrush and a comb! How to be now? What to do? Let's help Moidodyr? Are you ready to travel to Health Country?

Children: Yes, we are ready!

Leading : Then go ahead!

Leading : First, let's ride horses!(children make jumps, following Leading)Further, the wide road ended and a narrow path appeared in front of us.(children go heel to toe).

Leading : And now we have come to the next obstacle: look at the swamp in front of us and to cross it, we will jump from bump to bump (children jump from hoop to hoop).

(funny music plays)

Leading: So we got to the magical land of Health!

(a dirty girl runs out from behind a tree)

Leading: Oh guys, look, who is it?

Girl, who are you? What is your name?

Dirt: My name is Gryaznulka! Nice name, isn't it?

Leading: Oh, what a dirty face and hands you have! How can you be so untidy! Don't you wash yourself?

Grubby : Not! What for?

Leading: Guys, tell me what happens if you don't wash your face and hands?

Children : Germs start!

Grubby : I do not want germs, I agree to wash my face every day with soap!

Leading : (takes out soap)So the soap is saved! Tell me, why are you so shaggy? Don't you comb your hair at all?

Grubby a: Here's another! I'm not bad anyway!

Leading : Children, tell me why we comb every day?

Children : (answers of children are listened to).

Grubby : Yes, well, well, I have persuaded, and I will comb!

Leading : Dirty, do you brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings?

Grubby : Also brush your teeth? Of course not! What about you guys brushing your teeth?

Children : Yes!

Grubby : Well, why? (children's answers)And how many times a day?(answers children).

Grubby : Oh, well, well, they persuaded, and I will brush my teeth! Thanks guys!

Leading : Children, tell me, what else do we always do in the morning?

Children : Charge!

Leading : Shall we teach Gryaznulka? (YES!)

(funny music plays)

Leading : (speaks and does together with children and Dirt)

To be healthy, strong,(hands up and down)

Everyone should be friends with sports.

Go out to charge, (walking in place)

Show your dexterity.

Do One and Do Two(arm jerks: arms to chest,

We will say to sports: "Hurray!"hands to the side)

Turn right, left,(turns right, left)

Strive to be healthy!

Right, left and forward, (inclinations to the pr., left. leg,

We are daring people!between the legs)

One sat down, two sat down(squats)

Wanted to bend over(slopes)

We reached our heels

They straightened up and smiled.

And now the jumping is in place(jumping on two legs)

Legs apart and feet together.

This is the secret of health

To all friends "Fizkult-hello!"

Leading: Well, Gryaznulka, did you like studying with us?

Dirt: Yes very! Thank you guys! Now I know what to do to be healthy and strong. I will teach all the inhabitants of our country, and the evil microbe will flee from us forever. Goodbye!

(Dirt goes to the music)

Leading : Well, guys, we helped Gryaznulka and expelled Microbe from the country of Health. Now it's time for us to go back to the kindergarten. Let's take the train?

Outdoor game "Train"

Leading: Well, here we are.(The presenter shows the children a large envelope)... Oh, guys, we received a telegram from Moidodyr. Let's read it?

Telegram “My dear children! I am writing you a letter.

I ask you to wash your hands and face more often.

I will not shake hands with the dirty people, I will not go to visit them!

I wash myself very often. Goodbye!

Moidodyr ".

Leading : To become healthy, what else do you need to remember? You need to go in for sports, eat vitamins, vegetables and fruits. Always be clean and tidy, and don't be lazy! This concludes our holiday, goodbye guys!

(To the accompaniment of cheerful perky music, food is brought into the hall and distributed to children)

Project "Day of Health" in the 2nd junior group


1. Reception of children.

2. Conversation on the topic.

3. In the morning, offer children games of low and medium mobility

Purpose: creating a cheerful, cheerful mood. Arouse interest in joint games, fostering benevolent relations of children to each other.

4. On a walk: Didactic games

Purpose: to develop children's gaming interests in sports games, to teach children, to choose a game independently, showing initiative.

5. Individual work with children throwing (sandbags) at a horizontal target (hoop).

Purpose: to develop muscles, eyes and physical activity.


1.Gymnastics, massage, hardening.

2. Conversation on the topic.

4. Working with parents.


Morning exercises. (in lightweight clothes)

(hands on the belt.)
Execution: circular motion of the head.
5-6 times

(feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.
Fulfillment: raise your hands up, wave them.)
5-6 times
(legs in a narrow path, arms along the body.
Exercise: bend forward, bending your legs, say "sat down."

(sit on the floor with your legs crossed, hands on your belt.
Execution: turn left-back,
take your left hand, wave it.)
2-4 times in each direction
(hands to the side.)
Execution: light running.


We did exercises
We jumped and ran
We have become skillful
Strong and brave.

Finger game "Pies".
One two three four
Dexterously kneaded the dough. Squeeze and unclench your fingers. We rolled out the mugs. Tinder in a circular motion
And they blinded pies, palms together.
Filled patties: Pop one at a time
Sweet raspberries, palm on top of the other.
Carrots and cabbage
Very, very tasty.
They got it out of the oven
They began to treat everyone.
Smells like cakes in the house. Show palms.
Here are the guests. All with flowers. Stretch out both hands forward
- Be beautiful, our goat! - spreading them slightly to the sides. The geese extended roses.

Hand massage "Building a house"
All day long knock and knock, slap the palm of the right hand on the left
hand from hand to shoulder.
A resounding knock is heard. Pat on the right hand.
Hammers knock, hammer on the right
We are building a house for bunnies. with a fist on the left hand from the wrist to the shoulder.
The hammers are knocking
We are building a house for squirrels.
This house is for squirrels, rubbed right
fist the left hand in a circular motion.
This house is for bunnies, Rub their right hand.
This house is for girls, they quickly "run through" with the fingers of their right hand
on the left from the wrist to the shoulder.
This house is for boys. They "run" along the right hand.
That's what a good house, Stroke the palm of the left hand from hand to shoulder.
As we heal gloriously, Stroke the palm of the right hand.
We will sing songs, "Plates" Have fun and dance. (sliding clapping of palms against each other).

1.GAMES: "Mice in the pantry", "Along a flat path", "Funny chair" "Tangle", "Basketball", "Hockey"

Outdoor games.

"Mice in the Pantry", "Along a Smooth Path", "Funny Chair" "Tangle"
"Find and be silent"
All children are facing the wall. At this time, the teacher puts a small object in a prominent place. On the command "find an object" all children start looking for it. Anyone who notices an object comes up to the teacher and quietly informs him about it. And so on until all the children find the object. The one who found the last one loses, and the one who finds the first becomes the leader.

The teacher distributes steering wheels to the children, and they represent cars. At the signal of the teacher: "Cars!" children move in different directions and at different speeds. If the green flag is raised, then the cars are moving, if the red one, it is necessary to stop in the place where the team found them. The command to stop should be given while walking, not running.
Game "Starlings". On the playground, circles are drawn (or hoops made of cardboard are put) - these are birdhouses. All children are starlings. They fly freely around the site. To the signal "Home", the starlings fly quickly and try to occupy one of the birdhouses. Which of the children is left without a birdhouse, he lost. At the end of the game, the teacher imperceptibly draws the missing circle, and all the starlings occupy their birdhouses.

Individual work on physical development.
"Do it like this"
Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher warns that the players can perform certain exercises with the words: "Do this", for example, like "frog", "kangaroo", "bear", "bunny", "dog", "pussy", etc. When doing imitation movements, you can use different objects (gymnastic wall, inclined boards, balls, various modules). And with the words: "Not so" - the child should not repeat, but can perform any exercise he likes.
After lunch, rinse the mouth with boiled water.


Lesson "Magic Land - Health"

Software content:
To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of.
Foster a desire to take care of your health.
Develop imagination and the ability to display your idea in a drawing.
Methodological techniques: conversation, play moment, questions to children, use of visual material, wellness minute
Material: Pictures depicting 2 gnomes or a doll: one gnome is cheerful, healthy, the second gnome is sad, with a bandaged hand, sloppy; a sketchbook and pencils for each child.
Vocabulary work: to clarify and consolidate the words: health, healthy, rarely sick.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys! Today I wanted to talk with you on a very important topic - health. What do you think. What is health? (children's judgments). Yes, kids, some of you understand. What is health, but not everyone knows what to do in order to be healthy. Today, in class, my two new friends will help me tell you about a magical land - health. They came to us from a wonderful land of fairy tales. They are gnomes. One is called Big Man, and the other is a muddlehead (draws the attention of children to the characters)
Take a look. Who do you think is Big Man and who is Clutter?
Children's answers.

Why do you think so? Who will share their opinion? (children's judgments)
Yes, I agree with your opinion. Strong, strong, rarely ill children are called healthy. Look at the complexion of our Big Man. He has rosy cheeks, a strong slender figure, I think that he goes in for sports, walks a lot in the fresh air, he observes the rules of behavior on the street, does not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, and does not forget to exercise. And he certainly knows what's useful. And what is harmful to health.

Do you agree with me? Or does someone think differently? Share your opinion, or add, maybe I missed something and didn't say about the Big Man.

And what do you think, the muddler leads the same way of life or not? And why? That's right, you can see it. that he is a muddler. Let's help you to become like the Big Man. So we begin to help Rustyapa, but first of all we must show him an example ourselves. Am I speaking correctly? Suggests to spend a wellness minute.

Phys. minute "ladybug"
Movement Words
1. Spun around themselves
And turned into ladybugs Spinning
2. Ladybugs, show your heads,
Noses, mouths, wings - arms, legs. tummies show named body parts
3. Ladybugs, turn the heads to the right,
Ladybugs, turn heads left, turn heads right, left
4. Stomp your feet, slap your wings. Stamp your feet. Clap their hands
5. Turned to each other
And they smiled sweetly Turn, smile, sit down

GAME: "Bug and Hares"

1. Children wear hats - masks of "hares", the Bug (toy) sleeps in the garden, hares live on the opposite side. Between them and the garden there is a rope fence. On command, the hares jump out of the house and go to the fence, crawl under it and eat vegetables in the garden. At the signal "The bug woke up" in the same way they return home. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Well done guys, we saved the entire crop, and the turnip grew even more. Let's collect the harvest in baskets and have fun (after harvesting, children perform musical and rhythmic movements for the show) Pantomime "Petrushka"

2. The presenter depicts Parsley, who jumps softly and easily. Jumping on two legs at the same time with soft, relaxed knees and body, hanging arms and lowered head.

3. Musical-rhythmic movement "Tsok-tsok, horse"

Conversation "From morning to evening"

Software content:
Introduce children to the daily routine. Show the importance of adherence to the regime in improving the health of each person;
To consolidate the concept of the importance of the daily regimen;
Foster the desire to adhere to the rules for its implementation.
Develop memory and thinking, the ability to reason, make inferences.
Methodological techniques: Conversation, questions to children, explanation, didactic game "Arrange in order", play moment, teacher's story.
Material: Illustrative material depicting children engaged in various activities during the day.
Vocabulary work: To acquaint children with phrases: daily routine, daily routine.

Course of the lesson Educator: Children, what kind of person do we call healthy?
If a person is sick. He's not feeling well, how does he look? What are you guys! What does Clutter have to do to be beautiful, strong, smart, healthy? (Answers of children).
So now the gnome and we know that health is strength and intelligence. That health is a magical land, that is beauty, that is that. What must always be protected is the greatest wealth of every person. Health is when you are cheerful, when everything works out for you, when you have no temperature and you can go to the kindergarten, walk in the fresh air, ride a slide when nothing hurts. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Do you agree with me? I think. That you and I helped Rustyapa and wouldn't want him to have such a not-so-beautiful name. Let's come up with a new name for him, but he also needs to change the appearance. Truth?

    tell me please, what does it mean to be healthy? people of what profession monitor the health of people? how to protect yourself from colds? Why do you need to eat a lot of fruits and berries in the summer? Why do you need to do physical education and sports every day? what do you like to eat the most? what is the difference between tasty and healthy?

D / game "Useful - harmful"

Target: to clarify the knowledge of children about healthy and unhealthy foods; develop attention, memory, foster the desire to be healthy.

Educator: Children, why do you think we need a watch? (children's judgments). Why else? (children's answers). Yes, you are right, we need a watch so that we can orient ourselves in time, know when to wake up, so as not to be late for kindergarten for morning exercises, in order to know when lunch comes. time to walk and sleep.
Children, what do you think is a regimen? (children's judgment). Children, the regimen, is when all the tasks are done during the day in time, for example, as in kindergarten. You have time to eat, exercise, walk for sleep, and go home. Your parents, dads and mothers are familiar with this kindergarten mode, but the clock shows the time of the day regimen.
Guys, why do you think some children have time to do everything: take a walk with friends, work out, and read a book. Their toys are tidied up, their clothes are in order. There is still time to watch cartoons and play with the cat. And others have only promises and complaints that he did not have time, he will do tomorrow. Why is that? Who thinks what? (children's opinion). How can you name those who do everything on time and those who do not have time? Right! "Successful" and "Not successful".

You said everything correctly. However, our "Successors" have one more secret. This secret is the daily routine. The mode helps to be disciplined, helps to improve health, to perform all your tasks and tasks well and efficiently. The mode is when all your activities are clearly distributed in time during the day. ...
Guys, where does the day start? What do we do with you then? How do you spend your evening at home? (children's answers, addition of the educator).
Children, we are talking about what affects our health and how to strengthen it. And now it's time for us to relax a little and strengthen our health.
I suggest you massage the auricles, which helps something. What do you think? Yes, that's right, it helps to promote health.

Methodology of carrying out. Dosage
1. Bend the ears forward first with the little finger, then with all the other fingers. Press the ears to the head, then lower them so that the cotton is felt in the ears. Repeat 5-6 times
2. Grasp both earlobes with the tips of your thumb and forefinger. Pull them down with force and lower them. Repeat 5-6 times
3. Insert your thumb into the external auditory opening, and with your index finger press the located protrusion of the auricle (tragus). Squeeze and rotate it in all directions. Within seconds
now we are going to play the game "Decompose in order".
The children go out to the panel one by one and, in order, lay out pictures depicting children engaged in various activities during the day. In the course of the game, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that they need to go to bed on time and get up on time, do morning exercises every day, and eat at the same time. You can't watch TV for a long time. The teacher draws attention to the need to perform hygiene procedures throughout the day, etc.
And so friends, make up your daily routine correctly, do it always, never be lazy. And then you will have fun playing, performing tasks well, having rest and growing healthy, strong and beautiful.

Individual drawing work

The teacher offers children coloring "Vegetables, fruits, sports"

Target: improve the skills of uniform painting, the use of pressure on the pencil to enhance the color. Develop fine motor skills, educate accuracy, perseverance.

Labor: backfilling tree roots with snow

Target: improve labor skills, the ability to work together, foster a desire to provide assistance to living objects.

Riddles about sports:

1. They beat him with a hand and a stick -

No one feels sorry for him

And why are they beating the poor fellow?

And for the fact that he is inflated

2. This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels

Sit astride and ride

You just better drive

3. On a walk, runners

Same length

They run through the meadow to the birch tree,

Draw two strips

4. All summer they stood,

Winters were waiting

The pores have waited -

Rushed off the mountain

5. The river flows - we lie

Ice on the river - we are running.

6. When April takes its toll

And the streams run ringing

I jump over it,

And she - through me

(skipping rope)

7. I have guys

Two silver horses

I drive both at once

What kind of horses do I have?

8. Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow

Horses, these redheads

And their names are ...

9. Legs go along the road

And two wheels are running

The riddle has an answer:

This is my …

(a bike)

10. If it falls, it will jump,

Hit, don't cry

Riddle: Who has a striped mustachioed muzzle, the back is like a bridge, a tail behind the bridge (kitten).

The kids are free to sit and lie down on the carpet - "fall asleep".

Educator: “Here we woke up, stretched,

Turned from side to side

Sip, sip!

Where are your favorite toys? "


Children perform appropriate movements. The teacher scatters balls around the hall, recites: "You are our ball, jump and wake up the kittens!"

Children pick up balls and do gymnastics with them: walking, running, general developmental exercises:

1. Starting position - standing, legs together.

1 - hands with the ball up, rise on toes

2 - starting position

Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball at the top

1 - forward tilt

2 - starting position

Starting position - standing, ball in hands

1 - sit down, put the ball on the floor

2 - stand up

3 - sit down, take the ball

4 - starting position

Starting position - standing on all fours, the ball in front, at the signal to move on all fours, head the ball forward Jumping around the ball on two legs, hands on the belt Running, walking with the ball

7 running, walking with the teacher

8. Walking on a path (in a limited area) around puddles "Don't wet your feet"

9.Exercise "Bridge across the river" - walking on a gymnastic bench.

Here we are in the garden, in order to work well and quickly, we need to warm up. To do this, we need to do a few exercises.

General developmental exercises.

"Let's get big"

The starting position is standing.

1 - children raise their hands up, rise on their toes

2 - starting position

3 - children raise their hands up, rise on their toes

4 - starting position

"Let's get strong"

Starting position - legs apart, arms to the sides, hands clenched into fists

1 - bend your elbows

2 - starting position

3 - bend your elbows

4 - starting position

"Digging the beds"

Imitation of movements - bends in front (4-5 times)

"Planting turnip seeds"

Starting position - standing

1 - squat with simulated seeding to the left

2 - starting position

3 - squat with imitation seeding to the right

4 - starting position

(4 times)

"The turnip has grown"

Starting position - hands up in the lock

1,2 - tilts to the left - to the right

3.4 - starting position

(3 times)

Look at which turnip has grown, now it needs to be protected from hares. And who is guarding the garden? (dog). Here's a dog, her name is Zhuchka. Want to play with her? (Yes)

"Little white bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears

Like this, like that

He wiggles his ears

(move their hands over their heads)

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws

Clap - clap, clap - clap,

We need to warm the paws


Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok

I need to bunny to jump

(jumping on two legs)

Outdoor game "Shaggy dog"

The dog's toy is located in its house (on a chair). Children in a flock come to the dog's house and say the words:

“Here lies a shaggy dog,

Into your paws, burying your nose

Quietly he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep

Let's go wake him up

And let's see, something will happen? "

The dog wakes up and barks, the children run away to their house, on the opposite side.

Individual work "Get into the hoop"

Teach children to throw the ball alternately with the right and then the left hand, teach to aim and throw the ball, develop an eye.

Small mobility game "Bell"

Promote auditory perception, teach to move in different directions.

Children sit in the center of the playground and close their eyes. The teacher with a toy and a bell in his hands departs in one of the directions, rings the bell, hides it there, returns to the children and, on behalf of the toy, offers to find the bell.


"My - Dodyr", "Fedorin's grief."

Information for parents

1. Learn a poem with the children and do the exercise while lying in the crib before getting up.

"Get up, kids" Well, now it's time to get up,
Get up, kids! Get up kids!
The quiet hour is over, everyone is barefoot on the floor,
Daylight meets us. And then jogging lightly.
We woke up, reached out, take a breath and get up
Turned to the right, to the left. Stand on your toes.
We raised our head
We clench our fists cleverly And repeat again
Legs began to dance, knead your feet,
We do not want to sleep anymore. Walk.
Let us lean on our feet, now we are completely awake
Let's rise a little. And they returned to their business!
Everyone woke up, rounded up.

2. "Come on, children, all get up

Open your eyes together

Stretch out on the crib

Let's do some exercises together

We will be pilots now

Fly by plane

Our plane landed

And that hour was stopped

Passengers get off

Take each other's hands


Sit in bed


Get out of bed to the floor

Come out of the bedroom

Consultation "Drink herbal teas - you will be healthy"

Practical advice for parents "How to teach a child to breathe", "Teach a child to breathe"