Retire on benefits. What is the list of professions for a preferential pension in Russia

Who is eligible for early retirement benefits? The site for retirees "My Years" () found out that the minimum age for assigning an early retirement pension is 33 years. This is provided that you find a job, for example, immediately upon reaching the age of majority and have worked in the relevant profession for at least 15 years. And if you go on a well-deserved rest for health reasons, then a preferential pension (labor or, as they call it now, insurance) can be assigned even earlier.

Certain civilian occupations give the right to an early retirement pension after 15 years of work. Photo

Early retirement

In total, there are 22 professional categories that give the right to the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension, but subject to the availability of the necessary experience in the relevant types of work. For example, if you are a tractor operator, then you need to work on a tractor for 15 years. In addition, a benefit pension is granted under certain social conditions.

Old age insurance pension

An old-age insurance pension in Russia can be assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age (55 years for women, 60 years for men). Certain categories of citizens have this right.

Of the 22 preferential occupational categories, 12 give a five-year discount when men retire at 55 and women at 50. This includes, first of all, work with difficult working conditions. The list of these works was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 - full name "List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms"... Sometimes adjustments are made to it (as well as to List No. 1, which is discussed below) on the basis of decisions of the Ministry of Labor or the Supreme Court. However, for the most part, it remains unchanged and for 25 years it has been used to determine who in Russia is entitled to an early retirement pension.

Two other types of work activities allow only women to retire at 50. The first type of work is tractor drivers in the countryside or in other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines. The second is employment in the textile industry in jobs with increased intensity and severity. Drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams, both men and women, who work on regular city passenger routes, can also retire five years earlier.

12 occupational categories that entitle men to retire at 55 and women at 50

Types of jobs Retirement age Required length of insurance
Work with difficult working conditions (List No. 2) Men - 55 years old, Women - 50 years old Men - at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work as tractor drivers in agriculture, other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines Women - 50 years old Women - 20 years old Women - at least 15 years old
Working in the textile industry at jobs with increased intensity and severity Women - 50 years old No requirement Women - at least 20 years old.
Work as workers, foremen (including seniors) directly at logging and timber floating, including maintenance of mechanisms and equipment
Work as workers of locomotive crews and workers of certain categories, directly carrying out the organization of transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport and in the subway. And also work as a truck driver directly in the technological process in mines, open pits, mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, shale, ore, rocks Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work as machine operators (dockers-machine operators) of complex teams at loading and unloading operations in ports Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old
Work in the crew on ships of the sea, river and fishing fleets (with the exception of port vessels permanently operating in the port water area, service and support and crew vessels, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old At least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Working as a driver of buses, trolley buses, trams on regular city passenger routes Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. women - 20 years old Men are at least 20 years old. Women - at least 15 years old
Work in expeditions, parties, teams, on sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work related to direct flight control of civil aviation aircraft Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. women - 20 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Employment in the engineering and technical staff at work on the direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years in civil aviation. Women - 20 years in civil aviation Men are at least 20 years old. Women - at least 15 years old
Working with convicts as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal sentences in the form of imprisonment Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old Men are at least 15 years old. Women - at least 10 years old

Length of service

The same Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991, No. 10, approved a list of jobs with especially difficult working conditions - "List No. 1 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms".

The list includes professions that give the right to early retirement 10 years earlier than the generally established retirement age: men at 50, women at 45. At the same time, men must have a general insurance (labor) experience - at least 20 years, of which work experience in the relevant types of work with especially difficult conditions - at least 10 years; for women, the obligatory general work experience is 15 years, of which 7 years 6 months are especially difficult working conditions. What kind of work is this? Construction of mines, mines, open-pit mines; extraction of natural resources containing hazardous substances of 1–3 hazard class; control over the production of ferrous metals in hot areas and the like.

Only one type of work, not included in this list, makes it possible to retire 10 years earlier for men (for women - 5 years earlier) - this is work in the state fire service. Moreover, there are no requirements for general work experience, only work experience in the fire service is required - at least 25 years for men and women.

And there are eight types of jobs that allow you to retire even earlier than 10 years. This is due to the fact that these professions are not required neither for the retirement age, nor for compulsory work experience - you only need seniority in the relevant specialty. So, rescuers of professional emergency rescue services, men and women, are enough to retire at least 15 years of experience in the relevant types of work. If you are employed in the rescue service at the age of 18, then at the age of 33 you can apply for early retirement.

In such preferences in the civil service, only Russians who carry out creative activities on stage in theaters or in theater and entertainment organizations can compare with rescuers (although not all). Regardless of their age, they can become retired early if they have the necessary experience in the relevant types of work - at least 15-30 years, depending on the nature of their creative activity. Whatever the nature of the artist's activity, if he makes the viewer go through catharsis with his playing every time, then he has every right to become not only an honored artist, but also an honored pensioner at any age, whenever he wishes.

8 professional categories that give the right to retire regardless of age

Types of jobs Retirement age Required length of insurance The required experience in the relevant types of work
No requirement
Full-time employment in underground and opencast mining (including personnel of mine rescue units) in the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals and in the construction of mines and mines Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 20 years
Employment on the ships of the sea fleet of the fishing industry in the work of catching, processing fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men - at least 25 years old. Women - at least 20 years old
Work in the flight crew of civil aviation Men and women - regardless of age No requirement

Men - at least 25 years old. Women - at least 20 years old.

When leaving flight work for health reasons: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years

Work as rescuers in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue teams of the Federal executive body, carrying out functions for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies , and participated in the elimination of emergencies Men and women - 40 years old or regardless of age, provided that there is the necessary experience in the relevant types of work No requirement Men and women - at least 15 years
Implementation of pedagogical activities in institutions for children Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 25 years old
Implementation of medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in health care institutions Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements, or at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements, or only in cities
Carrying out creative activities on stage in theaters or theater and entertainment organizations Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old. Or regardless of age, provided that there is the necessary experience in the relevant types of work No requirement Men and women - at least 15-30 years old (depending on the nature of creative activity)

Preferential pension

In addition to professional categories, the right to early retirement pension can be granted to citizens under certain social conditions. This benefit is provided for 10 categories of citizens.

    Guardians of invalids from childhood or persons who were guardians of invalids from childhood, who raised them up to 8 years. Retirement age: Reduction of the general retirement age (60 for men, 55 for women) by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

    Women who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them before the age of 8 years. Retirement age: 50. Required work experience: at least 15 years.

    One of the parents of children with disabilities who raised them until the age of 8. Retirement age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

    Women who have given birth to two or more children and have worked for at least 12 years in the Far North or at least 17 years in equivalent areas. Retirement age: 50. Required work experience: at least 20 years.

    Citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma.

    Visually impaired people with I group of disability. Retirement age: men - 50, women - 40. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

    Citizens with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs. Retirement age: men - 45 years, women - 40 years. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

    Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years or at least 20 years in equivalent areas... When working in areas of the Far North and equivalent areas, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered nine months of work in areas of the Far North. Retirement age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

    Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 calendar years 6 months... When working in areas equated to areas of the Far North, as well as in areas of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered nine months of work in areas of the Far North. Retirement age: The insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the generally established retirement age (60 years for men, 55 years for women) by 4 months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

    Citizens permanently residing in the Far North and equated localities and who have worked as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters. Retirement age: men - 50 years, women - 45 years. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters.

When determining the right to an insurance pension in the "northern" regions, the List of regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is used, which was used in the appointment of a state old-age pension in connection with work in the Far North as of December 31, 2001.

For those who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North or at least 20 years in equivalent areas and have the necessary experience for an old-age pension, the age set for early assignment of an insurance pension is reduced by five years. Thus, the legislation for such citizens provides for a "double" reduction in the age for the appointment of the specified pension. For example, if you have the necessary insurance experience and length of service in the relevant types of work, work experience in the Far North for at least 15 years or in equivalent areas for at least 20 years, an early retirement pension can be assigned:

    in connection with employment in underground work, in work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops - upon reaching 45 years for men, 40 years for women (if they have been involved in these works for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months, respectively, and have insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively);

    in connection with work in difficult working conditions - upon reaching 50 years for men, 45 years for women (if they have been employed in these jobs for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively).

On the My Years website you can familiarize yourself with current publications on pension reform issues, including:
- with the news of the Pension Fund of Russia;
- get practical information from a pension reference book;
- learn more about the rights of working pensioners;
- to get acquainted with the nuances of pension provision for military pensioners.

Vladimir Shpikalov, "My Years"
Based on materials from the Russian Pension Fund

The specified list of requirements is enshrined in the law "On insurance pensions", but they are being introduced gradually. To receive an old-age insurance pension, 15 years of insurance experience will be necessary for those leaving for retirement after 2024. For 2016, the insurance experience is 7 years, for 2017 - 8 years, for 2018 - 9 years and further until 2024 on an increasing basis.

In the absence of any length of service (or lack of service required for appointment), social pensions may be assigned instead of the insurance pension payment.

  • persons aged 65/60, as well as citizens of other states and stateless persons who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the above age;
  • citizens from among the peoples of the North at the age of 55/50 years, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equated to it on the date of establishment of the pension.

Is it possible to retire before retirement age?

Due to the peculiarities of performing some work, pension benefits may be assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Retirement opportunity ahead of schedule provided in such cases:

  • When working in industries with difficult or hazardous working conditions (for example, in hot workshops). The list of specialties that make it possible to classify production in this category is enshrined in law. Such citizens have every right to retire. for 5 years earlier, and in some situations - on 10.
  • If the employee worked on the territory Far north, preferential pension provision is established earlier for 5 years... And if the work was carried out in the specified areas in production with difficult or hazardous working conditions, then there is an opportunity to take advantage of a double benefit - to reduce the retirement age by two criteria at once.
  • For health reasons, citizens who have been established disability in the order determined by the legislation.
  • If a citizen is recognized unemployed provided that the employment service does not have the necessary vacancies and the opportunity to employ this applicant.

The right to early assignment of a retirement pension

Some persons, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to an early retirement pension. In particular, the following can count on it professional categories of citizens:

  • public transport drivers;
  • miners and other specialties of workers employed in the mining industry;
  • health workers;
  • women men who are part of the crew of different types of ships;
  • teaching staff;
  • persons engaged in creative activities.

The right to retire early is also granted to a number of categories of persons, regardless of their work activity, for example, mothers of many children, some categories of disabled people and citizens with certain diseases. Also, this opportunity exists for northerners, that is, for people who worked or lived for a certain period of time in the Far North.

Preferential hazard pension (List 1 and 2)

There are two fairly large lists, which list the industries, professions and positions that make it possible to retire early. List No. 1 includes 22 such industries, and List No. 2 - 32. But the difference is not only in quantitative data.

List No. 1 contains a list of industries with the most difficult and harmful working conditions. This:

  • All types of work underground(geological exploration, mining in mines and mines, laying of subways and tunnels, etc.).
  • Work in hot shops(glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, production of ceramic products by firing, etc.).
  • Works with very harmful to health and severe working conditions associated with oil refining, production of electrical equipment, production of ammunition, etc.

List No. 2 includes:

  • mining operations(construction of tunnels and subways, open pit mining, etc.);
  • work in difficult and hazardous conditions(food and light industry, production of medicines, gas, peat, oil, etc.);
  • work in transport(railway, city, sea, aviation).

Reducing the retirement age

For men who have worked in professions from List No. 1 for at least 10 years and whose insurance experience is 20 years, the age of retirement reduced to 50 years... Women on this List are eligible for early retirement 45 years, if there is a work experience of 7.5 years in a particularly hazardous production and 15 years of insurance experience. If workers worked in the above industries for less than half of the annual working time, then they are assigned a pension according to List No. 2.

According to List No. 2, an early pension is granted to men in 55 years(insurance experience - 25 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 12.5 years), and women - in 50 years(insurance experience - 20 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 10 years). Medical workers (30 years of experience - in the city and in the countryside - 25 years), teachers of municipal educational institutions (with 25 years of experience) also have the right to receive preferential pensions.

List of selected professions that qualify for early retirement

In addition to the above professions and positions, a preferential pension is available to:

  • pilots;
  • firefighters;
  • parachutists;
  • workers of logging and timber floating;
  • ballet, theater and circus artists;
  • rescuers of emergency services.

Another industry in which a huge number of people work, and which is worth noting separately - building... List No. 537, approved by the Government of Russia on July 18, 2002, includes both management positions and working specialties.

Groups working in construction are legally entitled to receive early retirement benefits:

  • brigade stone cutters and bricklayers;
  • roofers and bitumen workers;
  • asphalt concrete paver operators;
  • foremen and foremen of construction and installation works.

Early retirement pension for various social categories of citizens

Above, the able-bodied category of the population was considered, but there is also a certain list of persons who have the opportunity to go on a well-deserved rest before the established age - the right of these citizens is determined by social circumstances. These include:

  • Mothers of many children who gave birth and raised 5 children up to eight years old, and at the same time they must have 15 years of work experience.
  • Parents of disabled children whom they raised until they were eight years old. An early retirement pension comes 5 years earlier if you have work experience (15 years - mother, 20 years - father).
  • Guardians of disabled children, whom they kept and raised up to 8 years old. They have the right to receive pension benefits 5 years earlier.
  • Of persons who have become disabled due to military injury and those who worked for 25 years - men, 20 years - women. They retire 5 years earlier.
  • Visually impaired group 1 with an experience of 15 years for men and 10 years for women. They leave for a well-deserved rest even earlier: at 50 years old - men, at 40 years old - women.
  • Citizens who are disproportionate dwarfs diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism with work experience of 20 years for men and 15 years for women: men become pensioners at 45, women at 40.

Pension in the Far North and equivalent areas

Citizens who live in the regions of the North, and persons who previously worked in these regions, independently from their current place of residence, are entitled to:

  1. on the preferential old age insurance pension;
  2. on the increase in fixed payment to one of the types of insurance pensions: old age, loss of breadwinner or disability.

Early retirement is granted:

  • Citizens who worked in the North 15 years or 17 years in areas that are equated to the north. They can retire 5 years earlier with a total seniority of 25 years for men and 20 years for women.
  • Root residents of the Far North who worked as commercial fishermen, hunters and reindeer herders for 25 years for men and 20 years for women. They go on retirement holidays 10 years ahead of schedule.
  • Women who have given birth to 2 children or more and have worked for 12 years in the North or 17 years in an area equated to the North, with a total experience of 20 years.

The fixed payment to the insurance pension is increased by the regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the entire stay in these areas. When a citizen leaves their localities for another place of residence, the amount of pension provision is calculated without taking into account this coefficient.

Social pension for the small peoples of the North

There are certain conditions for establishing a social pension for these citizens:

  • age 55/50 for men and women, respectively;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the North.

On January 1, 2015, a new condition appeared - permanent residence in the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North.

To establish a social pension, a person must have a document that confirms belonging to the small peoples of the North. Such a document is a passport or a birth certificate, where it is indicated nationality... If this information is absent in the documents, it is confirmed by a certificate issued by the community of indigenous small peoples of the North.

When this category of persons leaves for a new place of residence in a locality that does not belong to the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North, the payment of the pension is suspended, because the right to this type of social pension is considered forfeited.

Early retirement pensions for unemployed citizens

Unemployed citizens can apply for a pension early if the a number of conditions:

  • in accordance with the established procedure, the employment center recognized the citizen as unemployed;
  • the employment service has no opportunity to employ a citizen;
  • the citizen was dismissed because the enterprise was liquidated or the sole proprietor's activities were terminated, the number or staff of workers was reduced;
  • availability of a proposal from the employment center for the early establishment of a pension for the unemployed;
  • insurance record of the unemployed: 20 and 25 years (for women and men, respectively) and, if necessary, the presence of seniority in relevant jobs;
  • the minimum number of pension points (in 2018 - 13.8 points);
  • reaching a certain age;
  • a person applying for an early retirement pension.

The PFR draws up an early pension for the unemployed at the request of the employment service and with the consent of the citizen no earlier than 2 years before the right to an insurance pension on preferential terms appears, including.

In the event of the above circumstances, the old-age insurance pension will be established:

  • men with 58 years old with an insurance experience of 25 years;
  • women with 53 years with 20 years of experience.

When to apply to the Pension Fund for an appointment?

Registration of an early retirement pension requires a careful approach from the pensioner. Timely preparation the necessary documents and certificates are the key to receiving a well-deserved pension without problems and delays.

Pension security is established from the date when the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to receive security appeared. The day of circulation is the date of receipt by the FIU of all the necessary papers together with the application. When sending them by mail, the day of treatment is the date on the postage stamp.

The fact of acceptance of documents is confirmed by a receipt-notification issued to the person. In the event that the documents are sent by mail, a receipt is either handed over, or also sent by mail. Missing papers must be submitted within 3 months from the date of application.

Reading time: 13 minutes

Are you entitled to an early retirement pension? Who is entitled to it? Did you know that the minimum age for granting an early retirement pension is 33?

This is provided that you find a job, for example, immediately upon reaching the age of majority and have worked in the relevant profession for at least 15 years. And if you go on a well-deserved rest for health reasons, then a preferential pension (labor or, as they call it now, insurance) can be assigned even earlier.

Early retirement

In total, there are 22 professional categories that give the right to the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension, but subject to the availability of the necessary experience in the relevant types of work. For example, if you are a tractor operator, then you need to work on a tractor for 15 years. In addition, a benefit pension is granted under certain social conditions.

Old age insurance pension

An old-age insurance pension in Russia can be assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age (55 years for women, 60 years for men). Certain categories of citizens have this right.

Of the 22 preferential occupational categories, 12 give a five-year discount when men retire at 55 and women at 50. This includes, first of all, work with difficult working conditions. The list of these works was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 - the full title is "List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age ) on preferential terms ". Sometimes adjustments are made to it (as well as to List No. 1, which is discussed below) on the basis of decisions of the Ministry of Labor or the Supreme Court. However, for the most part, it remains unchanged and for 25 years it has been used to determine who in Russia is entitled to an early retirement pension.

Two other types of work activities allow only women to retire at 50. The first type of work is tractor drivers in the countryside or in other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines. The second is employment in the textile industry in jobs with increased intensity and severity. Drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams, both men and women, who work on regular city passenger routes, can also retire five years earlier.

12 occupational categories that entitle men to retire at 55 and women at 50

Types of jobs Retirement age Required length of insurance
Work with difficult working conditions (List No. 2) Men - 55 years old, Women - 50 years old Men - at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work as tractor drivers in agriculture, other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines Women - 50 years old Women - 20 years old Women - at least 15 years old
Working in the textile industry at jobs with increased intensity and severity Women - 50 years old No requirement Women - at least 20 years old.
Work as workers, foremen (including seniors) directly at logging and timber floating, including maintenance of mechanisms and equipment
Work as workers of locomotive crews and workers of certain categories, directly carrying out the organization of transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport and in the subway. And also work as a truck driver directly in the technological process in mines, open pits, mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, shale, ore, rocks Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work as machine operators (dockers-machine operators) of complex teams at loading and unloading operations in ports Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old
Work in the crew on ships of the sea, river and fishing fleets (with the exception of port vessels permanently operating in the port water area, service and support and crew vessels, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old At least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Working as a driver of buses, trolley buses, trams on regular city passenger routes Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. women - 20 years old Men are at least 20 years old. Women - at least 15 years old
Work in expeditions, parties, teams, on sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work related to direct flight control of civil aviation aircraft Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. women - 20 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Employment in the engineering and technical staff at work on the direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years in civil aviation. Women - 20 years in civil aviation Men are at least 20 years old. Women - at least 15 years old
Working with convicts as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal sentences in the form of imprisonment Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old Men are at least 15 years old. Women - at least 10 years old

Length of service

The same Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991, No. 10, approved the list of jobs with especially difficult working conditions - "List No. 1 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in jobs with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms. "
The list includes professions that give the right to early retirement 10 years earlier than the generally established retirement age: men at 50, women at 45. At the same time, men must have a general insurance (labor) experience - at least 20 years, of which work experience in the relevant types of work with especially difficult conditions - at least 10 years; for women, the obligatory general work experience is 15 years, of which 7 years 6 months are especially difficult working conditions. What kind of work is this? Construction of mines, mines, open-pit mines; extraction of natural resources containing hazardous substances of 1–3 hazard class; control over the production of ferrous metals in hot areas and the like.

Only one type of work, not included in this list, makes it possible to retire 10 years earlier for men (for women - 5 years earlier) - this is work in the state fire service. Moreover, there are no requirements for general work experience, only work experience in the fire service is required - at least 25 years for men and women.

And there are eight types of jobs that allow you to retire even earlier than 10 years. This is due to the fact that these professions are not required neither for the retirement age, nor for compulsory work experience - you only need seniority in the relevant specialty. So, rescuers of professional emergency rescue services, men and women, are enough to retire at least 15 years of experience in the relevant types of work. If you are employed in the rescue service at the age of 18, then at the age of 33 you can apply for early retirement.

In such preferences in the civil service, only Russians who carry out creative activities on stage in theaters or in theater and entertainment organizations can compare with rescuers (although not all). Regardless of their age, they can become retired early if they have the necessary experience in the relevant types of work - at least 15-30 years, depending on the nature of their creative activity. Whatever the nature of the artist's activity, if he makes the viewer go through catharsis with his playing every time, then he has every right to become not only an honored artist, but also an honored pensioner at any age, whenever he wishes.

8 professional categories that give the right to retire regardless of age

Types of jobs Retirement age Required length of insurance The required experience in the relevant types of work
No requirement
Full-time employment in underground and opencast mining (including personnel of mine rescue units) in the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals and in the construction of mines and mines Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 20 years
Employment on the ships of the sea fleet of the fishing industry in the work of catching, processing fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men - at least 25 years old. Women - at least 20 years old
Work in the flight crew of civil aviation Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men - at least 25 years old. Women - at least 20 years old.
When leaving flight work for health reasons: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years
Work as rescuers in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue teams of the Federal executive body, carrying out functions for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies , and participated in the elimination of emergencies Men and women - 40 years old or regardless of age, provided that there is the necessary experience in the relevant types of work No requirement Men and women - at least 15 years
Implementation of pedagogical activities in institutions for children Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 25 years old
Implementation of medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in health care institutions Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements, or at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements, or only in cities
Carrying out creative activities on stage in theaters or theater and entertainment organizations Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old. Or regardless of age, provided that there is the necessary experience in the relevant types of work No requirement Men and women - at least 15-30 years old (depending on the nature of creative activity)

Preferential pension

In addition to professional categories, the right to early retirement pension can be granted to citizens under certain social conditions. This benefit is provided for 10 categories of citizens.
1. Guardians of invalids from childhood or persons who were guardians of invalids from childhood, who raised them up to 8 years. Retirement age: Reduction of the general retirement age (60 for men, 55 for women) by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

2. Women who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 8 years. Retirement age: 50. Required work experience: at least 15 years.

3. One of the parents of children with disabilities who raised them until the age of 8 years. Retirement age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

4. Women who have given birth to two or more children and have worked for at least 12 years in the Far North or at least 17 years in equivalent areas. Retirement age: 50. Required work experience: at least 20 years.

5. Citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma. Retirement age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

6. Visually impaired people with I group of disability. Retirement age: men - 50, women - 40. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

7. Citizens with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs. Retirement age: men - 45 years, women - 40 years. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

8. Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years or at least 20 years in equivalent areas. When working in areas of the Far North and equivalent areas, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered nine months of work in areas of the Far North. Retirement age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

9. Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 calendar years 6 months. When working in areas equated to areas of the Far North, as well as in areas of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered nine months of work in areas of the Far North. Retirement age: The insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the generally established retirement age (60 years for men, 55 years for women) by 4 months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

10. Citizens permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equivalent localities and who have worked as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters and hunters. Retirement age: men - 50 years, women - 45 years. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters.

by the way

When determining the right to an insurance pension in the "northern" regions, the List of regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is used, which was used in the appointment of a state old-age pension in connection with work in the Far North as of December 31, 2001.

For those who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North or at least 20 years in equivalent areas and have the necessary experience for an old-age pension, the age set for early assignment of an insurance pension is reduced by five years. Thus, the legislation for such citizens provides for a "double" reduction in the age for the appointment of the specified pension. For example, if you have the necessary insurance experience and length of service in the relevant types of work, work experience in the Far North for at least 15 years or in equivalent areas for at least 20 years, an early retirement pension can be assigned:

- in connection with employment in underground work, in work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops - upon reaching 45 years for men, 40 years for women (if they have been involved in these works for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months, respectively, and have insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively);

- in connection with work in difficult working conditions - upon reaching 50 years for men, 45 years for women (if they have been employed in these jobs for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively).

Based on materials from the Russian Pension Fund.

It is believed that it is this age that is optimal for sending a person to a well-deserved rest. However, experts are increasingly saying that this is not the case. On average in the world, a person is sent to retire if he is over 60-65 years old. And it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman - the conditions are equal for everyone.

Optimal age for retirement

As far as men are concerned, the issue of raising the retirement age is rather complicated. This is due to the fact that the average life expectancy of representatives of a strong half of humanity in Russia is only 60 years. And this means that many will not even have time to retire. Therefore, raising the retirement age for men is simply inappropriate.

As for the ladies, their average life expectancy is about 73-75 years. This means that retirement in the prime of life - at 55 - is not always justified.

Naturally, we are not talking about those cases when a woman has serious illnesses. If the lady is healthy and energetic, she can safely continue to work further.

Preferential pension

About 34% of the total, according to the Ministry of Social Development, are categorized as beneficiaries. The concept appeared due to the fact that there are a number of industries where the age of workers entering a well-deserved rest is noticeably lower than generally accepted.

So, for example, the standard access to a preferential pension must be made 5 years earlier than usual, i.e. women at 50, men at 55. However, there are industries that are equated to the category of harmful (hot shops, chemical industry, etc.). Such workers are offered even more benign conditions. The retirement age in this situation dates back to 50 for men and 45.

However, in order to receive such a benefit, you need to work in production for a certain number of years. For women, this period is 7.5, for men - 10 years.

In addition, mothers with many children, parents of disabled people, disabled people themselves, emergency workers, etc. have the right to a preferential pension. According to statistics, 73% of preferential pensioners continue to work, receiving both a pension and a salary at the same time.

What is planned to be done

For several years now, rumors have been circulating in society that the government plans to raise the retirement age. The parliamentarians themselves are trying to come up with various other schemes that will solve the pension problem with minimal losses for the budget and citizens.

For example, one of the proposals is to find ways to stimulate later retirement. In this case, options for increased rates to the pension part, etc. are offered.

Some of the legislators are proposing to limit the payment of pensions while they attend work.

So far, out of all the proposed initiatives, the people have not chosen a single suitable one - one that would satisfy everyone. However, the search for an ideal solution continues to this day. And, perhaps, a consensus will soon be found.