What to say to a man during... This is the only thing men want more than carnal pleasures. But they never talk about it! Claims must be substantiated

I asked my husband what words can excite a man? Without hesitation, he answered: “The borscht is ready!” Would you like a cold beer? Maybe we should buy new tires?” At first I laughed, appreciating my husband’s sense of humor, and then I thought about it, because there is some truth in every joke. Somehow it turned out this way... What to hide, intimate relationships after 10 years of marriage, to put it mildly, are not the same. You take care of him, try to share his interests, endlessly sacrifice something for his sake, and he begins to look at you with completely different eyes, in which, alas, all desire has long dried up...

Elena K.

Well, okay, let's not go into the details of this difficult case. I hope things aren’t as bad for you as one of my clients! I would like to chat about what words can excite a man. And is it even possible to arouse desire in him with the help of a word?

Scientists have long established the fact that a man is visited by thoughts related to sex at least 8 times a day. And in order for him to be visited by these very sexual fantasies, neither pictures of naked women, nor exciting sounds or smells are needed. He begins to think about this involuntarily. How can you make him think not just about sex, but about sex with you? And it’s even better not only to think, but also to act...

Most women underestimate the power of verbal action. The Internet is teeming with information on how to excite a man using sign language. Seduction experts recommend bringing back your former passion with new erotic lingerie, role-playing games, aphrodisiacs and love potions. By the way, read it, and a lot about this will become clearer in your head.

In general, what lengths a woman will go to in order to seduce a man! Of course, you can also jump half naked in front of him, performing dirty dances, but I advise you to still consider a simpler and no less virgin way.

What should I say

The list of phrases and words that excite a man has been known for a long time. Many women often resort to his help. And although all guys are individual and require a unique approach, there are still universal verbal “stimulant recipes”:

His name

Better than any stimulant, his own name, pronounced in a breathy, languid voice, can excite a man. And remember, there should be no “bunnies, cats or babies” in bed!

Intimate compliments

Hints about the guy's great length and sexual power are 100% effective. Praising words and phrases addressed to the intimate dignity of a partner can excite anyone:

  • “so powerful”;
  • "simply huge"
  • "big and bouncy."

Sexual fantasies

Stories of an erotic nature will not leave any man indifferent. If you are embarrassed to tell him your fantasies, cheat and tell him that you dreamed it all. Believe me, it doesn’t matter to him where these frivolities came from in your head. The main thing is that they appeared at all.

How to say

It is very important not only what you say to him to turn him on, but also how you say it. This is where many women make mistakes, thereby delaying the moment of intimacy. A list of words that can make him aroused has been compiled, now you must pronounce them in a special way.

An exact answer to the question: “How to excite your partner with words?” - No. Which phrases are effective and efficient, and which ones cause negativity and rejection, you can only find out by experimenting. There is only one universal piece of advice - speak with feeling.

Voice timbre

Start with your tone. Intonation during conversation changes significantly and often depends on your mood. When arousing a man with words, or rather during the pronunciation of certain phrases, the main thing is that the speech does not sound forced. Remember - no pathos, falsehood or artificiality! It’s better for you to get confused than to start rattling off a prepared speech, as if you were giving a report to an audience of a thousand.

Voice volume

The volume of pronunciation of words is no less important. The main thing is to evaluate the relevance. Loud phrases are also acceptable, unless, of course, you are sure that no one will hear your “loud conversation.” A barely audible languid whisper is also possible if your partner is not deaf. It is important that it sounds organic.

Double meaning

Women, of course, are more likely than men to search for hidden meaning, but some phrases, if you say them at the right moment, may also please a guy. For example, tell him that his hands are comparable to those of a musician. And believe me, the result will not be long in coming - at today’s concert he will “play” a breathtaking melody. And the main role of the instrument is your naked body...

By the way, there is one phrase that works flawlessly: “Let’s get down to business!” Apparently, this is some kind of male stereotype, since even an unfamiliar man will definitely react to these words.

Without the art of ambiguity there is no true eroticism. The stronger the ambiguity, the more intense the arousal.

Milan Kundera

Personal approach

Not everyone may like outright vulgarity. Of course, there are connoisseurs of strong words uttered by a heated woman. There are also men who are excited by sophisticated speech patterns. In order not to make a mistake, you just need to listen to his everyday speech. Never forget about individuality.

Unfortunately, no one has ever analyzed the effectiveness of various stimulating phrases. And, of course, there are no statistical data, the issues are too sensitive. There are no identical men, just as there are no universal expressions that excite them. Therefore, I will give some examples of the most effective and common phrases, and you can decide for yourself whether they are suitable for your partner.

    "I want you". I consider this phrase to be the undisputed leader in comparison with all other phrases. After all, what can excite more than a woman’s sincere desire.

    "Take me". Some will say that this phrase is too frank, but experienced ladies are confident that these words always work flawlessly.

    “I want to feel you.” There is no need for any clarification, he will definitely understand everything himself.

    “Caress me” are gorgeous words that can not only excite, but also push you to action.

    “Darling, I am yours.” With this phrase you will emphasize not only your desire, but also your feelings, trust and emotional intimacy.

    "I can't wait for tonight." If you call a couple of hours before the end of the working day and say this phrase, you will be guaranteed a passionate night.

You can blow his mind by telling him that you're not wearing underwear. It is this phrase that has a lightning-fast effect. In any case, in order to choose the right phrase that will influence your boyfriend, you must be guided by his interests and secret desires.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed phrases, you may have to use more than one phrase. I think he will like your game, because after all, most men really like experiments.

What to Avoid

If you have known a man for a long time and are well versed in his desires and preferences, then it will not be difficult for you to excite him. But how can you use words to awaken desire in him if your relationship is only gaining momentum in its development, or rather, what should never be done?

    Avoid laughter and jokes during lovemaking. Humor does not promote excitement! And if you joke about his sexual dignity, you risk alienating him once and for all.

    It's easy to ruin sex with idle chatter. If you just admitted to him that you want him, and a couple of minutes later, already in bed, you voice that he didn’t wash his plate after dinner, the evening can be considered ruined.

    The key to good sex is sincere desire and love for your partner. Exciting a man with words is half the battle; the main thing is to maintain passion for many years. Say and do everything possible and necessary for the sake of your partner and never be selfish in bed.

The language of love can be different: passionate, quiet and even silent. Everyone chooses for themselves what to say to their loved one during sex. Some people like to moan, some use obscene language, there are even those who, in a fit of passion, quote philosophers or read Pushkin. Each person is unique in this regard, and scientists and psychologists subject these speeches to scientific analysis.

Of course, sometimes the feeling of crazy passion can be expressed without words, but pleasant words during sex bring doubly pleasure. Moreover, it does not matter at all what phrases are said: vulgar or tender, it is important not to offend the person to whom you are addressing them, and to raise his self-esteem.

There are couples, incorrigible romantics, who, during their entire stay together, compile entire dictionaries of “intimate” words. To overcome shyness and learn to say simple pleasant things, your partner needs to know what to say during sex. We all love to hear pleasant and good things about ourselves; a couple of pleasant words said to a partner will never harm. But don’t make them too abstruse, keep it simple. Beauty is in simplicity. Think for yourself, for example, the phrase “your lips bring me into intoxicating delight” can take a person by surprise, but the phrase “I really like your soft lips” will make your partner relax and give you another passionate kiss.

There is one good way to help talk in bed - “what I see is what I sing about.” Imagine yourself as a commentator of your sexual game. Tell your loved ones what they look like, what they do, and how it makes you feel. Listening to such conversations in bed is a pleasant incentive for further relationships.

Rest after sex is also a very good time for talking. The words come out naturally, and it’s very pleasant to listen to them. “Everything was great!” or “You surprised me,” and then you can turn on your sexual fantasy and together note, for example, how you would do it in an elevator, on a desert island, or maybe in the subway. Your partner will be happy to support such a topic of conversation, and you will thereby learn about the innermost desires of your loved one, which over time you can try to fulfill.

Some psychologists have found a way to get a very shy person to talk. If your partner fits this category, arrange phone sex for him, and it doesn’t have to be in the evening or on a weekend. Call him at the most inopportune time: at work, when he is meeting with friends or on a walk with the children. Soon, your loved one will get used to new conversations and take them home.

If in ordinary life men consider women too talkative, then in bed they love and appreciate exactly this. Men simply need to hear the passionate speeches of their partners, then they are confident that they are doing everything correctly and well. A woman who doesn’t talk in bed reminds a man of a doll from a sex shop; he always has complexes and always thinks that he is doing something wrong. Knowing how and what to say to a man in bed will make him love you not only with his body, but also with his ears.

Just like girls, men like to hear compliments about their appearance; men also want to hear how handsome they are. Tell him that his pumped up body excites you, that you admire his physique, and that his manly arms and toned ass drive you crazy. Of course, the main thing here is also not to overdo it, if your man has a nice beer belly, then there can be no talk of any torso. The phrases: “How hard you have it” or “You have it so big” are always advantageous.

If the partner caresses your body, do everything to make him understand that it is incredibly pleasant for you, and you are eager to continue. It is enough to moan or say “How

okay" or something like that.

Well, if you are not talkative at all and have no idea what to say in bed, still don’t be silent. Sigh, ooh and aah, the man will catch the tone of your intonation and feel like a heroic lover.

For all intimate storytellers, both men and women, it is important to remember that it is not what you say, but how you say it. When you start your speech and when you finish it. Diversify your intimate life, bring new emotions and bright colors into it, be gentle, passionate and unique.

We write exciting SMS for all occasions. Lots of templates for erotic SMS calling to action.

Finding the man you love is difficult, but maintaining a passionate relationship with him for decades is even more difficult. Precisely to preserve the relationship. Neither hold back nor return, but let the fire of love burn for decades!
With the harsh trends of our time, this seems impossible, because someone said, and we have already convinced ourselves, about some crises, the terms in which love lives, etc.
If this is so, then how did our great-grandmothers get married in their early youth and live with their beloved husband until their last breath?
How did they ensure that their husbands, being in old age, looked at them with the same passion in their eyes?

How to attract a man at a distance via SMS correspondence so that he gets excited?

Golden Rule. If you want a man to love you, go into his brain, not his pants. Yes, yes, it was with their brains that men loved thousands of years ago and continue to love today. Momentary passion, as quickly as it finds itself, passes away so quickly. But we want something different?

In this article we propose to start the intrigue.
To attract a man from a distance, take over his thoughts and have unbridled passion when you meet.

No matter what kind of man he is, he absolutely loves it when a woman changes.
Memorize this like a multiplication table. As soon as you stop changing, you will be replaced.
And let him live side by side, let him remain faithful to you, images of other women will live in his head. We won’t allow this, will we?

Change your writing styles. Today you are a romantic fairy, and tomorrow you are an insidious little thing.
Read love messages from both contemporaries and creative personalities of the past.
Yes, they used to write on paper, now using a touchscreen, but the essence of the transmitted information remains.
Remember, vulgarity does not always excite, sometimes very chaste speeches are started, but with the right presentation.
And learn to present a whole art that is worth learning.

Never discuss your correspondence with anyone other than your man. It's too personal.

Never write something you are not ready to implement.
Never write about “acting”, stage persona, etc. if you are not ready/cannot meet your man in it.
Deceive him once and you will never be able to attract his attention to you again (we, of course, do not take into account force majeure circumstances in the form of a flood, earthquake and the unexpected appearance of distant relatives on the doorstep of the apartment).

A man can also be aroused by the phrase “shoe cabinet” if you recently had passionate sex on it.
One lady had a crazy “lunch” during which the gearshift knob in her car was damaged.
Years have passed, but as soon as she utters this phrase, her man laughs, but becomes insanely passionate...

In order to understand what to push, you need to know what your man likes.
What outfit, style, what part of the wardrobe excites, etc.
But don't overdo it.
For example, if a man is crazy about high-heeled shoes, a photo of his feet in shoes and a text message “they are waiting for you” can drive a man crazy, but only for the first time.
Send 10 SUCH SMS and you will not see any reaction... (remember the rule about constant changes).

A man is also excited by the idea that his body is powerful and desirable.
Write about what you want to do for him (caresses, touches and even admire his parts of the body), write about what is driving you crazy (again, lies are not welcome, but no one has canceled flattery).

Be tricky, play, enjoy being a woman! “Depraved” from the lips of a loved one sounds like a compliment!

Affectionate and exciting words for SMS to men in verse and in your own words

As we have already said, there are many phrases and phrases that seem to have nothing to do with intimacy. But they are great incentives for sex.

Remember the date on which you had sex for the first time, and specifically what the background to sex was. The meeting place, how he hugged, what he gave on that day, etc.

For example, he hugged me from the back, kissed my neck, and that was the beginning.
Write him an SMS: “I’m now thinking about how you tenderly hugged me for the first time...”. And this will be enough to get you on the same page.

Men, like women, love affection and kind words. Don't think that your man is an exception.
SMS: “Your tender lips are the best morning gift”, “Your hands are strong, but such soft hugs” and in this spirit will give not only passion, but also a deep feeling of affection.

In addition to SMS, let us remind you that no one canceled mini-notes.

Especially if you are packing him food, things for training, or anything else with you. A sweet message will give him a great mood and a desire to quickly return to bed with his beloved.

love poems exciting poems tender poems

Regarding poetry, they are wonderful, but if you don’t write them yourself, don’t rely on them, no matter how much you love to read rhyme.
But for variety they are also necessary. Below we present several options, but the exciting rhymes are so numerous that they can be collected in multi-volume books.

Erotic SMS that excites a man or guy at a distance: text

In this section we provide a whole series of examples for writing erotic SMS, but remember - they are for inspiration and nothing more!
If your man decides to respond with a reciprocal SMS and starts searching the Internet for erotic SMS, after which he comes across one that his girlfriend seemingly sincerely wrote... this will mean the failure of the operation. But we don’t want this?

Sexual SMS to excite a man, guy

Continuing the theme, we propose adding playful sexual SMS, the purpose of which is liberation. And not only men, but also you.

Offer to play a game in SMS, create a sexual quest (answers an intimate question correctly - receives the reward indicated in the SMS). So, the first SMS is a question, the second SMS is a reward and we are waiting for the correct answer!

Sexual SMS

It is also impossible to imagine a vibrant sex life without knowledge in this area. Look for interesting facts, ancient rituals, historical figures associated with sex, unusual names for seemingly familiar positions and write playful SMS.

For example: "We're going to the rodeo tonight." If you just started dating, he will remain perplexed. But if this is not the first time he has been on a quest, he will buy a cowboy hat on the way home, and at work he will be distracted by searching “rodeo” poses on Google.

In the age of the Internet, our SMS can contain not only text, but also photos... intimate photos!
Upskirt photos in the office, deep cleavage against the backdrop of the street, and for the most daring, the absence of underwear in a public place.
But remember, no underwear only works if it's shocking and exciting.
If your man knows that lingerie is not your wardrobe item, it is unlikely to make the right impression.

Intimate stimulating SMS for a man

Pleasant, exciting SMS for a guy when he’s at work

So, we already know that it is not always worthwhile to behave vulgarly. Sometimes it excites pleasantness, understanding and the most tender love. Write to your loved one:

  • I love (and part of the body, action, character trait)
  • You are the most (wonderful, amazing, kind) in the world!
  • You will succeed, because we are together!
  • I saw... and remembered how wonderful you are to me!
  • Thank you for having me
  • I miss you, I'm waiting...
  • We have a surprise today
  • I was pleased what you did for me
  • I need you forever!
  • This city needs a hero - this city needs you!

Are you spending the night in different places today? Don't miss this wonderful opportunity! After all, it is in separation that true feeling is learned.

Exciting good night SMS for a guy, a man - good night wishes in your own words

Write him touching SMS:

  • Without you the bed is completely cold...
  • My legs ache without your caresses...
  • Start with “Do you want me to tell you a secret?” and this will definitely turn into sexual correspondence!
  • Sweet and depraved dreams to you!
  • Sweet dreams, I want to see you and me in my dream..

How to arouse a man through SMS?

Believe me, the most serious man can be knocked out with just one SMS, but!
If your man’s work involves concentration, choose the time for such SMS while finishing work and on the way home, at lunch, or in the morning.
If your man is reading a report and your life in the next few years depends on it, you shouldn’t knock him down with the most ardent SMS.

How to really excite a man via SMS

But remember, for a strong effect you need not just a call to action, you need aggression on your part.
For example, “Go into your office, I’m already there and I’m only wearing a fur coat,” “Your slave is waiting in the back seat: will you dress her or spank her,” or “Look in the pocket of your jacket, but not in a public place,” and there are pre-inserted fishnet panties . Etc.

Writing one SMS is a mine that can remain intact or cause an explosion.

Or rather passion. Below we present passionate SMS exchanges that will definitely inspire you to great deeds!

How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS

Exciting SMS poems for a man

Rhyme, and even humor, will never go out of fashion. We suggest not to miss the opportunity and pamper your beloved man with exciting and teasing SMS.

From the point of view of medicine and science, sexual desire is usually called libido. The level of libido depends on many factors, including the hormonal system and the psycho-emotional background of a person. It is libido that determines how excited both partners will be for further intercourse. Passion and lust in young people often occurs on their own almost instantly.

But if passion fades in a couple, you can return it using certain techniques. A woman has the power to excite a man not only through touching and sexual stimulation, but also simply through conversation, using certain topics of conversation and exciting phrases. Surely, every woman has noticed that during the conversation a man begins to show more attention and interest in her. This means that she can excite with the right words, it remains to find out which ones.

The main thing is not what, but how

Only experienced women and specialists in such matters know how to excite a man with words that can affect a man like an electric shock. And although many will consider such a statement absurd that a man can be turned on only by phrases, the techniques work in practice. The secret of this technique lies, first of all, in the naturalness of pronunciation; a woman’s speech should not contain pretentious phrases.

It's good if the code phrases are filled with sensuality, passion and frankness along with timidity, naivety and a little absurdity. Sometimes you can allow yourself vulgarity, insolence and obscene words. The main thing is to find that magic button to which your partner will respond.

Another key to success is the woman’s intonation during the conversation, whose excited words should be as effective as possible. The wrong tone and presentation can cause a man to reject, laugh, or become nervous. In order for both partners to be able to escape from everyday troubles, they need to position each other correctly. To do this, a woman’s voice should not exude uncertainty or constraint, pretense and insincerity.

For reference! Pronounce cherished phrases both in a whisper and in a loud, defiant tone, but so that they are intelligible and organic. The root of such a conversation should be sexual overtones and coquetry.

Give special compliments

Experts have long revealed the secret of how to use words to win over any man. By nature and nature, representatives of the stronger sex are vain and want to dominate their other half. Therefore, the best way to put him in a positive mood, to win him over and make him feel good is to say compliments. Compliments excite men if they have a sexual connotation.

The following phrases are considered the most ideal compliments:

  • you are so attractive and sexy;
  • you have such pleasant velvety skin;
  • he is so handsome;
  • your body is burning with passion;
  • the scent of your body drives me crazy;
  • touching you clouds my consciousness.

You should not take these compliments as a template, since every man is individual, just like a woman, and some compliments may be inappropriate. Knowing the preferences and weaknesses of your partner, you can independently figure out what kind of compliments and praise can conquer him.

Examples of exciting words for a man

The most ideal word with which you can excite your chosen one is his name. Psychologists have long established that the most pleasant melody for a person’s hearing is the pronunciation of his name. And to enhance the effect of pronouncing his name, you can decline it in a diminutive form, pronounce it in your ear in a whisper, embellishing it with the above compliments.

Other words that turn on any man are adjectives, for example:

  • Darling;
  • desired;
  • the only one;
  • chic;
  • stunning;
  • sexual;
  • the best, etc.

The term “beloved” should be used preferably in such moments of rapprochement and romantic mood, and not in everyday life instead of a name, too often and intrusively. It is worth trying to preserve the mystery and magic from the pronunciation of this adjective. It is good if the pronunciation of all words is accompanied by an appropriate environment.

Exciting “bed phrases”

It is better for a man to start saying certain phrases and words not directly, but with half-hints and unambiguous phrases. But at the same time, everything said must have a sexual connotation. Here, for example, is the phrase “What long and delicate fingers you have, just play magic instruments, giving pleasure to others.” Surely, every man will see here the second meaning that with these fingers you can give pleasure to the woman herself.

The phrase “Let's do something important,” said in bed, is also perceived by men as a green light for active action. Most likely, after this statement, the man’s speech and gaze will blur, his pupils will dilate, and his breathing will quicken. There are also men who engage in swearing, rudeness and impudent behavior of a woman, but not sharply, rather in an increasing rhythm and seductive intonation.

You can also use other phrases to excite during sex or shortly before, for example:

  • want you;
  • I'm yours;
  • my king;
  • I dream of your touch;
  • inhale the scent of my body;
  • enter me;
  • undress me with your gaze;
  • take me;
  • This outfit suits you so well;
  • I'm burning with passion;
  • you're driving me crazy;
  • let me take matters into my own hands;
  • I am in your captivity;
  • I love the smell of your body.

You can also strike a man downright by telling him that the woman is not wearing underwear. This phrase works 99% of the time.
In any case, an important role when choosing cherished phrases and words to excite a man is played by a woman’s knowledge about his interests and preferences, inclinations and secret desires.

Experts consider the most successful topics for seductive conversations to be praise of all the virtues of a man, a woman’s memories of recent intimacy with him, fantasy and freedom. At the same time, fantasies and exciting phrases should not go beyond what is permitted.

All relationships begin with communication. It is this that determines whether further meetings, intimate relationships and a future together are possible. To make the conversation interesting and without awkward pauses, the correct choice of topics for discussion is important. In addition, a conversation directed in the right direction will help a girl better understand a man and determine whether her chosen one is right for her.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

To think through possible topics for conversation in advance, you will need knowledge of the intricacies of male psychology. The choice of subject largely depends on the method of communication. Virtual and real communication will be slightly different.

What topics should you talk about with a man?

When communicating on a social network or on a dating site, it is easier to support an unfamiliar topic: you can think about the answer and question, hide your worries and interrupt, citing being busy, if necessary. Correspondence can be used to get to know a person a little and prepare for a meeting by understanding what topics are interesting to him. When communicating “live” with a man, you won’t be able to pause. It is important to show sincerity and a desire to communicate.

What you should never say to a man

Chatting in Internet

If a relationship began to develop on the Internet, then you need to first study the guy’s profile. Surely there will be information about his hobbies and views on life. Examples of questions that can be asked in correspondence:

  1. 1. I saw a photo from a very beautiful place, do you like to travel? Where else have you been? Where do you dream to visit?
  2. 2. Do you have good taste in music, have you been listening to the group "..." for a long time? Have you been to their concerts? What's your favorite song? Have you heard that they are coming to our city with a concert?
  3. 3. ... (link to an interesting or witty post), great joke, laughed out loud/good statement/interesting point of view, do you like to laugh? How long have you been thinking like this?
  4. 4. Do you like movies? What's your favorite movie? And the actor? Have you been to the cinema lately?
  5. 5. Do you look great, do you play sports?
  6. 6. I look from the photo, you and your friends know how to relax! Do you like club parties? Do you often hang out in places like this? What holiday do you like best? Do you have a lot of friends? Do you often spend time with them?
  7. 7. Do you like to cook? What cuisine do you like best? Do you often go to public catering establishments?
  8. 8. Do you read books? Who is your favorite writer? (Recommended answer: Mine too/Haven’t read it, I’ll definitely get acquainted with his work.)
  9. 9. Do you love your job? Why did you decide to master this particular profession?
  10. 10. I see that you often communicate with your family, you have a very beautiful mother, you look like her. Does she live in this city?

It is recommended to start all questions with a compliment and recognition that the girl has studied the subject of the conversation based on the data that is in the public domain. This is how she demonstrates her interest and desire to learn more about the guy. This is very conducive.

Topics for the first communication need to be selected individually and you need to subtly feel the interlocutor’s reaction to them based on his answers. If they are laconic and constrained, then it is advisable to move on to discussing another issue.

How to answer the question how are you?

Phone conversation

When talking on the phone for the first time, you need to try to make the conversation as informative as possible. If there is a meeting ahead, then during the dialogue it is enough to discuss the organizational details about it, without saying or asking anything unnecessary.

It happens that people living in different cities and countries meet on the Internet and then switch to telephone communication. In this case, they already have an idea about each other from correspondence. Based on this data, you need to select topics for discussion. It can be:

  • professional activity;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • views on life: on friendship, relationships, etc.;
  • immediate and long-term plans;
  • solving current problems of interlocutors;
  • achievements in any of the areas;
  • impressions of the past day, the movie you watched.

Flowers for a girl

First meeting

To talk to a man in order for him to be interested, you need to first of all talk about him and, only based on his remarks, supplement the overall picture with information about yourself. Many people mistakenly believe that the main thing in communication is to express your thoughts beautifully. But in reality, it is much more important to be able to listen without interrupting and hear what the interlocutor is talking about, without letting your anxiety affect your ability to perceive information.

If the image of a man drawn in advance does not coincide with reality and expectations are not met, then you should not start a conversation about your impressions. There is no need to rush to draw and express conclusions about the first date and you should not demonstrate your disappointment.

A sample list of topics to talk about on a first date:

  1. 1. His punctuality, a beautiful suit, a bouquet of flowers or other gift brought to the girl, the place chosen for the meeting. This will allow you to compliment your chosen one at the beginning of the conversation. Men are quite vain and love it when their positive qualities are appreciated.
  2. 2. Events of the current day. You can ask how the day went, how the guy got to his date, etc.
  3. 3. Neutral topics. Depending on the flow of the conversation and the partner’s mood, you can continue to talk about these topics, especially if the man is not relaxed enough. These include: the latest news, weather, opinions about what is happening around the interlocutors at the time of the conversation (ambiance, service, interior of the establishment, influx of people, nature).
  4. 4. Personal topics. You can move on to them if a person is open to communication. These are hobbies, work, family, personal life. It is important to feel responsive and willing to answer questions on these topics and not force further discussion.

The conversation should flow naturally and not resemble an interrogation. You can dilute it with interesting stories, memories, jokes. Self-irony and the ability to laugh at oneself is a great art. A good sense of humor indicates the absence of complexes, which is why its owners attract guys.

To maintain intrigue, a girl should not tell all the information about herself at once. There are topics that can only be raised after a man asks. These are sexual preferences, inability to cook, lack of education and other secrets that do not always characterize a girl from the best side.

Questions you can ask:

  1. 1. What kind of team do you have? Are you friends with any of your colleagues?
  2. 2. What project are you working on now? Are you interested in this? Have you decided on your type of activity or are you still looking for something better?
  3. 3. Do you have brothers or sisters? What are they doing?
  4. 4. What is your most vivid memory from childhood?
  5. 5. Did you do well at school? (Men like to talk about how much of a bully they were or brag about how they were considered top of their class.)
  6. 6. Do you like to read? What book are you reading now?
  7. 7. How do you spend your free time?
  8. 8. Why did your previous relationship break up? (Only if communication has reached the stage at which he is ready to trust.)

It is important to give a man emotional and informational feedback. A girl should be ready to answer the questions she asks herself. Counter question "and you?" - a natural reaction of an interested interlocutor.

Often girls feel that they are not good enough to be liked and they begin to play a role: keeping silent when something doesn’t suit them, revealing only their positive sides. If a man has raised an uncomfortable topic, then trying to deceive and come up with something in response will be dishonest, first of all, to himself: over time, you will have to show your real self. If a woman does not have certain knowledge in any area, then a frank admission of this with a degree of embarrassment will be much nicer than pretense and lies.

Which topics should you avoid?

There are topics that it is better not to raise, since during their discussion you can alienate any person and spoil your opinion of yourself. The following points should be avoided in conversation:

  1. 1. Angry discussion of other people/girlfriends based on envy.
  2. 2. Complaints about circumstances and others that were the cause of failures. Women are rarely able to talk about them without a note of reproach in their voice, and such intonation scares off a man at the first communication.
  3. 3. Persistent interest in the issue of the guy’s financial viability. He may not be rich yet, but he has good potential. Such a topic will cause a negative reaction in him and provoke the appearance of complexes.
  4. 4. Questions about his readiness for family relationships and the seriousness of his intentions towards the girl.
  5. 5. Any criticism addressed to him: appearance, tastes, profession, position in society, organization of a date.
  6. 6. Vulgar questions that demonstrate poor upbringing.
  7. 7. Discussion of political views.
  8. 8. Revelations about rich experience in relationships.
  9. 9. Questions about what lengths a person is willing to go to win his interlocutor. He needs time and reason to understand whether she is worthy of his efforts.
  10. 10. List of your own requirements for the chosen one. Communication in the style of “to be with me, you must...” rarely ends in continuation. It is better to observe him and slowly draw your silent conclusions about whether he corresponds to ideas about the ideal.

Whatever topics a girl chooses to communicate with a guy, it is important to remain natural, feminine and kind. The ability to look at a situation from different angles and empathize will attract any man, but bad manners, dissatisfaction and anger will repel him.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...