Ovechkin and Shubskaya. Anastasia Shubskaya before and after plastic surgery: biography, personal life and interesting facts. Personal life of Anastasia Ovechkina

One of the most eligible bachelors in our country, Alexander Ovechkin, recently got married. His chosen one is a young person, Anastasia Shubskaya. Before and after plastic surgery, her appearance is slightly different, for which envious people immediately attacked her.

Such a famous and handsome man has many fans, and everyone is interested in what their idol found in her. The most envious people say that she is stupid and a made doll. How things changed after plastic surgery, family and biography before marriage will be discussed in this article.


Kirillovna was born in 1993, on August 16, in Switzerland in the family of the famous actress and director Vera Glagoleva and businessman Kirill Shubsky. This is Glagoleva’s second marriage; from her first she has two more daughters - Anna and Maria Nakhapetova. The girls were accepted by Kirill as family and raised together with Anastasia.

Since her father was always a very wealthy man, from childhood Anastasia had everything she wanted, any toys and hobbies were available to her. She wanted to be on time everywhere. She was involved in figure skating, tennis, gymnastics, tried herself in ballet and, of course, wanted to become an actress.

But at the same time, she received an excellent education abroad, educated herself, and traveled a lot with her sisters and mother. She graduated from school as an external student a year earlier, so you definitely can’t call her stupid. The father himself could not travel with them constantly, as he literally disappeared at work. It was rumored that Kirill had cheated more than once, but in public they always looked like an ideal family.


Since childhood, the girl was very artistic, flirtatious and had ambitions of becoming an actress. Anastasia Shubskaya starred in the following films and TV series:

  • "Ca de Bou";
  • "Ferris wheel";
  • “A woman wants to know...”

Moreover, she first appeared in the film at the age of 12 with the consent of the star mother. And for the second time Glagoleva herself starred in the film. For the third time they were in the frame together. But when Nastya expressed a desire to get an acting education, her mother, knowing firsthand what it’s like to live as an actress, dissuaded her daughter from it. Nastya listened to her mother and entered the production department of VGIK instead of the acting department. Now Anastasia goes by her husband’s last name and according to her passport she is Ovechkin.

Mother - Vera Glagoleva

Recently, in 2017, Nastya lost her mother, the famous actress Vera Glagoleva. The cause of death was most likely cancer. But for Glagoleva’s relatives this was a surprise, and the public was shocked. The last time Vera was seen in good health was at the wedding of Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin. Most likely, Nastya herself was not told anything, so as not to spoil the holiday. But eyewitnesses claim that the eldest daughter cried incessantly, and, apparently, was aware of it. And Vera Glagoleva herself did not show in any way that she was seriously ill: she danced and had fun like a young girl. Everyone remembered her like this - with a smile on her face and full of cheerfulness next to her youngest, beautiful daughter, whom she successfully marries.

They tried to rehabilitate her in the best clinics in the world. The last time it was the clinic in Germany "Black Forest-Baar". While in the hospital, the actress died, which caused her relatives difficulties in transporting her body from Germany to Russia. This cannot be done until it is confirmed that the death was due to natural causes. After the sad news, Nastya asked everyone on her Instagram profile not to disturb her and their family during such grief and to stop all gossip and speculation, especially about her father’s alleged infidelities.

Personal life

The biography of Anastasia Shubskaya before and after plastic surgery was not denigrated in any way, it was crystal clear. In her youth, Anastasia did not allow herself to spend much time on boys and empty relationships. She had one affair with a foreign student, but it didn’t come to marriage.

Already at the age of 16, she began to receive higher education and live separately from her parents. Since there were no problems with her during her teenage years, they trusted her. She never dressed provocatively and looked like a decent girl from a noble family. Her father is always ready to help her with money, and she could enjoy the life of a free beauty for a long time, without denying herself anything. But she chose love and marriage, which speaks of her as a girl raised on family values.

Marriage to Ovechkin

In the last couple of years, the name of Anastasia Shubskaya has been splashed across the tabloids. This was influenced by who she married. On August 28, 2016, she became the wife of the legendary hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. This name is familiar even to those who are completely far from sports.

They played the wedding itself in 2017, on July 8, in the elite village of Barvikha. Anastasia and Alexander quickly realized that this was fate. At the time of their marriage, they had only been dating for a year, and announced their engagement shortly after they met. Anastasia's husband is 8 years older than her. This is the first marriage for thirty-year-old Alexander. He was credited with having affairs with many foreign celebrities, but he always said that he would only marry a Russian, and that’s what happened.

He first met Nastya when he came to the house of a friend, who turned out to be the husband of the sister of his future chosen one. Nastya was still too young then, and he did not court her, but was fascinated by her beauty and decency. After some time, they began to communicate on social media. networks, and the correspondence turned romantic. In 2015, Alexander decided to set a date with her in New York, and they quickly began a relationship. It was during that period that ordinary people started talking about surgical interventions on Nastya’s appearance. Many associate such a radical change in the biography of Anastasia Shubskaya and plastic surgery. Before and after meeting Ovechkin, she really looks a little different.

Model business

By nature, she has an almost ideal appearance and is tall. Anastasia Shubskaya was a beauty both before and after plastic surgery. She is moderate in her diet, does not eat flour or sweets, and therefore has an excellent figure. Her height of 177 cm is quite enough not only for filming in advertising and magazine photo shoots, but also for demonstrating clothes on the catwalk.

She managed to work as a model for photo shoots in California, and as a catwalk model in Russia, demonstrating clothes from Valentin Yudashkin.


This is an example of a very successful operation; it is not immediately obvious that there were interventions. Only with a careful comparison of photos of Anastasia Shubskaya before and after plastic surgery may suspicions of this arise. Some argue that lip plastic surgery and rhinoplasty (nose correction) are definitely among the operations.

There are opinions that changes in a girl’s appearance are due to age. Everyone knows that up to the age of 25, facial features and skeleton can still change, especially the nose.

Nastya herself chose the position of ignoring all such statements. She does not confirm that the operations took place. But he doesn’t write under every comment about plastic surgery that it’s a lie.

Anastasia Shubskaya really looks different before and after the supposed plastic surgery, for which envious people immediately attacked her. Even if a girl wanted to slightly correct her appearance, is this forbidden? The main thing is that the result was excellent, the girl became even more beautiful with age.

Where is Anastasia now

Now she lives with her husband in America. Her plans are to continue her career in cinema. Despite the fact that her mother did not want this, Anastasia plans to continue acting in films. But he plans to work in this area not in Russia, but where he lives, in the USA.

Nastya’s parents met in 1991 at the Odessa film festival “Golden Duke”. 27-year-old millionaire shipowner Kirill Shubsky fell in love with the charming 35-year-old actress Vera Glagoleva at first sight and showered her with bouquets of roses and luxurious gifts. He surrounded Anya and Masha, Glagoleva’s daughters from her first marriage with Rodion Nakhapetov, with care and attention. The actress could not resist the onslaught of the impressive businessman and responded to his feelings. She quit cinema, took the children and left for Switzerland with her lover for two years. There, on November 16, 1993, their daughter Nastasya was born.

The girl was born under unusual circumstances. The doctors at the local clinic did not know Russian, and Vera had to call a friend who translated the obstetricians’ recommendations for the woman in labor. From her first days, the baby was surrounded by love and adoration, all doors were open to her, and her every wish was immediately fulfilled. At the same time, she grew up as a persistent, self-confident and independent child, capable of defending her point of view.

As a child, she practiced tennis, figure skating and gymnastics, and later became interested in ballet, following the example of her sister Anya. As a teenager, she made her debut in the film Ca-de-bo (2005), which was never completed. A year later, she played the role of the daughter of the heroes Alena Babenko and Ilya Shakunov in Vera Glagoleva’s film “Ferris Wheel” (2007).


After graduating from school as an external student, Nastya entered the VGIK production department and moved from her parents’ house to a rented apartment. From that moment her independent adult life began. In 2009, she starred with her mother in her next film “A Woman Wants to Know...”, and two years later she took part in the debutante ball of the Chanel fashion house.

Her appearance did not go unnoticed, and Nastasya seriously thought about a modeling career. She began to receive invitations from prestigious glossy publications, and in 2015, dressed in a dress from Valentin Yudashkin, Shubskaya became the queen of a fashion show organized for the 20th anniversary of the Russian Silhouette Foundation.

But the ambitious girl soon got bored with her work as a model and became more of a hobby for her. Nastasya moved to the United States and enrolled in acting classes in Los Angeles, intending to devote her future career to cinema.

Personal life of Anastasia Shubskaya

It goes without saying that from a young age, the charming daughter of influential and wealthy parents was surrounded by crowds of admirers. Nastya had her first serious romance at the age of nineteen - with the famous financier Artem Bolshakov. Shubskaya was even going to marry him, but after the businessman left for the United States, their feelings gradually faded away.

But Nastasya did not remain alone for long, and soon rumors began to spread about her affair with world hockey legend Alexander Ovechkin. Their first meeting took place many years ago, at the Beijing Olympics, where Nastya came with her father.

Later, they crossed paths more than once in common companies, but began dating after Shubskaya described on her Instagram an incident that happened to her on vacation in the Emirates. Then the girl almost drowned, and Alexander considered it necessary to support her and inquire about her well-being.

A correspondence ensued, followed by a personal meeting. Since then, the lovers have not parted. In August 2016, they officially registered their relationship, and on July 8, 2017, they celebrated a luxurious wedding in Moscow. Anastasia took her husband's surname. Even before becoming the wife of the famous hockey player, Anastasia gave an interview to the wedding publication Wedding, in which she admitted that she was ready to become a mother: “Children should be born in marriage. Since we are planning children, why not legalize our relationship now.”

Anastasia Shubskaya And Alexander Ovechkin- undoubtedly a bright couple who saw them in 2014 year for the first time together, I was probably very surprised.

Beautiful and frightening, sophisticated, sophisticated young lady and a real Russian man (no offense, this athlete is very colorful).

Who is this beautiful girl? Anastasia Shubskaya– model, actress, producer by profession – daughter of famous parents: her mother is an actress Vera Glagoleva, dad is a businessman Kirill Shubsky.

Nastya was born into abundance, a princess spoiled by her dad.

Who is this daring, daring man? Alexander Ovechkin- a world-famous hockey player, at the time of writing this article the left winger of the club NHL Washington Capitals, a successful millionaire athlete, lived and was raised in more modest conditions than his future wife, but his parents were no less eminent and talented than hers.

Mother– Tatiana Ovechkina- Soviet basketball player, two-time Olympic champion, world and European champion, father Mikhail Ovechkin- former professional football player, played for the capital's Dynamo.

Anastasia Shubskaya under Alexandra Ovechkina for eight years, he has already worked up, has been in long-term relationships more than once, an experienced man, but looking for warmth, already dreaming of children and quiet family evenings, she, although young, has also worked up, because she has been living independently since the age of sixteen life, entered college early and tasted to the full not only student but also club life, but was not noticed in numerous novels, dated before Alexandra Ovechkina with a promising young financier Artem Bolshakov.

Anastasia Shubskaya ideal for the role of the wife of a famous hockey player: incredibly beautiful, young, from a wealthy family - that is, it is clear that she is not chasing money and fame, she agrees to follow her beloved to the ends of the world and put her career on hold for a while, she is ready to give birth to children and cook borscht , twist the cutlets. Yes, she looks like an ideal wife, reserved in public, holds her posture, smiles, a sweet girl, but with a core, and at home, Nastya is probably ready for experiments, sometimes affectionate, sometimes playful, a dream - not a woman. well and Alexander Ovechkin a real earner, nature takes its toll, women will always be drawn to winning men. It's probably rare that anyone could resist the vibes Alexandra Ovechkina, although he is not a standard of beauty and does not shine with special intelligence, he is muscular, at the same time gentle, kind, attentive, and reliable. Is it reliable? Well, for sure, if you’ve already worked your way up, but you could very well have worked your way up by the age of thirty.

And yet, looking at this couple, the first thing that comes to mind is misalliance. This is after several years have passed since they met and declared themselves a couple, many can no longer imagine Nastya and Sasha separately, they are loving spouses. A hulk and a fairy, but nevertheless, it seems that this union is harmonious.

Well, what are the advantages of this marriage for Anastasia Shubskaya? If not Ovechkin, then what kind of husband would be ideal for her? Undoubtedly, she needs a rich man, since Nastya is far from an easy thing, and she needs a lot of money to support her. To be smarter than his wife would not be the best option for her. A smart and young person will be able to hide a double life well, have their own secrets, suppress, oppress, adjust to oneself, and it is even more difficult to correspond to him - it is not enough to be beautiful, you need to be accomplished, an interesting interlocutor, be able to hold attention not only with your appearance, but with your intellect. Well, if a man is dumber, then everything can be simpler - a bed, attention, scratch behind the ear, sing how wonderful he is, cook borscht, fry potatoes, and look like a picture so that all other men turn around after her with with the words: “Look at what...”. That is for Alexandra Ovechkina wife Anastasia Shubskaya– the ideal option – there is simply no better one. Well, in general, for sure, Anastasia From an early age, my mother instilled in me that almost all men look around, with rare exceptions.

In this photo, Vera Glagoleva with all her three daughters. On the left is the eldest ballerina Anna, in the middle younger Anastasia and on the right middle daughter animator Maria.

Do the women of the clan believe Glagolevs– what kind of exception exists as a faithful man? Not likely. If you have money, power– other women are not excluded on the horizon, after all, they are either like sharks hunting their prey, or like sheep that can be bought with a couple of bouquets and earrings with diamonds. All that remains is to make sure that you are always in first place, not to miss the moment when your husband begins to move away, to do everything possible to ensure that the period of a happy family life lasts as long as possible. Surely, with many wisdoms Anastasia Shubskaya already owns it, she is smarter and wiser than her husband, such a lout is easier to control, everything is based on instincts. It is possible that the whole family Glagolev-Shubsky-Nakhapetov, having consulted together, approved this union. Because this daughter Kirill Shubsky- the only one, my beloved, this businessman will think a hundred times before giving the go-ahead and letting someone into his family, and one million dollar fortune would not be enough for this. Although..., money for money.

Not everything is so simple here - you met, fell in love, and good - get married. Moreover, she herself Anastasia Shubskaya she said that the approval of the family is extremely important for her - if the chosen one is not liked by the parents, then she gives him a turn. However, no matter what bets ordinary people make on the long-term relationship between Anastasia and Alexander, they are already married! As you can see, the kids will be leaving soon.

Sergei Ovechkin was born in 2018. When he was one year old, the boy was baptized and then it was decided that the baby could be shown to the public.

And I am always for relationships to last as long as possible, so that there are fewer breakups and new marriages, broken hearts, more love and trust, and let everyone have a car of honesty and everything that is real and sincere. Let the couple– Anastasia Shubskaya And Alexander Ovechkin will be strong and become an example for someone to follow! And in sorrow and in joy!

Look at this huge wedding cake, it’s not even clear which parts are edible and which parts are not. This one cake could feed the entire Olympic village! The bride and groom deserve it! He is hardworking and unbending, she is beautiful and smart!

Small in this photo Anastasia Shubskaya with her parents, Vera Glagoleva gave birth to her at 37 years old.

In this photo, Anastasia Shubskaya with her husband and parents. Dad and husband look alike!

In all the photos, Anastasia Shubskaya is beautiful!

And this is a child's photo Alexandra Ovechkina.

Mom is in this photo Alexandra Ovechkina- legendary athlete Tatiana Ovechkina.

In this photo, Vera Glagoleva with her daughters Maria and Anastasia.

And for a snack– many, many photos of the legendary Alexander Ovechkin!

On August 20 last year, the famous hockey player officially married his chosen one, but the magnificent celebration took place only this summer. The lovers held a holiday in Barvikha, in the Moscow region.

Alexander Ovechkin and Nastasya Shubskaya got married a year ago, but only now have they organized the wedding of their dreams. The event took place in an elite area of ​​the Moscow region, and the best professionals of the capital were responsible for its organization.

The wedding date - July 8 - was not chosen by chance: the star couple specifically wanted to celebrate such an important event on the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity. In addition, Alexander plays number eight on the Washington Capitals hockey team, considering this number to be lucky.

Anastasia Shubskaya chose an elegant snow-white dress with the finest lace on the back and sleeves. The design studio of Svetlana Lyalina was responsible for creating the outfit. The image turned out to be laconic and delicate, and the dress itself perfectly emphasized the bride’s figure.

Shubskaya also took care of the laconicism of the images of her friends: all the girls appeared in shiny golden outfits.

The groom opted for classics, appearing at the ceremony in a black suit with a bow tie. The hockey player looked worried, but incredibly happy next to his young wife.

A few days before the wedding, the heroes of the occasion organized a grand bachelor and bachelorette party. To see off her married life, Nastasya chose a casual style, appearing at the party in a white T-shirt and jeans. At Ovechkin's bachelor party, all the groom's friends wore funny T-shirts with his portrait.

Anastasia with her parents Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky

The delight of fans was caused by a touching photo of Nastya with her parents. Vera Glagoleva appeared at her daughter's wedding in a soft blue flowing dress. In the photo, the actress holds her daughter's hand and looks at her with admiration. The girl's father, Kirill Shubsky, also appeared at the celebration: he, like the groom, preferred a black classic suit.

The bride and groom organized a banquet at the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall. The tables where the celebrity guests gathered were decorated with white and cream roses. The buds were even displayed on the ceiling, where special compositions were made from them.

The area in front of the banquet hall was also decorated with white flowers. The arches made of buds looked fabulous and impressed not only the guests of the celebration, but also the numerous fans of the star couple. Even the cloudy weather that prevailed in the capital did not spoil the joyful mood of the young family.

Their relatives and numerous friends came to congratulate the bride and groom. Ilya Kovalchuk, Denis Nikiforov and his wife, Yana Rudkovskaya and many others appeared at the event. The hosts of the event were Nikolai Baskov and Alexander Revva, their fiery duo entertained the guests throughout the evening.

At the end of August 2016, it became known that actress and model Anastasia Shubskaya married hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. At that time he was thirty, she was twenty-two. Both are not poor, self-sufficient, attractive. As it turned out, it was a simple registration at the Wedding Palace 4 on Butyrskaya (following the example of the bride’s mother and father). But the wedding is ahead!

All the first autumn days of two thousand and sixteen, people from social networks admired the photo from the page of the happy newlywed: the crossed right hands of the newlyweds in wedding rings. Nastya changed her last name on her account (no one looked at her passport on Instagram). Fans believed the nickname and rushed to congratulate the couple on their legal marriage. However, we were met with a short diplomatic silence: they say, we didn’t tell you this.

Who is Anastasia Shubskaya, whose photos invariably attract the eyes of the stronger half of humanity? Daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva and businessman Kirill Shubsky. Born in Switzerland. Acting inclinations were visible in the girl from childhood. When it was time to choose a university, my mother did not approve of the acting department. She advised me to take a closer look at the profession of a film producer. As a result, the daughter graduated from the production department of VGIK, and in 2015 she became interested in the modeling business.

The main thing is feelings

Alexander Ovechkin is a Russian professional hockey player. In the Super League he played for Dynamo Moscow. Since 2004 he has been performing abroad. Currently, he is a left winger for the Washington Capitals (NHL). He is effective both in goals and in earning a living (a well-paid athlete). The father-in-law, they say, is much richer. It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion: “money for money.” But what does this have to do with securities? Love is still alive in the world.

Anastasia Shubskaya is confident in the sincerity of the relationship that began in 2015. The parents approved of their daughter's choice. Registration in August 2016 did not result in a magnificent wedding - Alexander was preparing for the World Cup, which was held in Toronto. However, even without Mendelssohn’s march, the young wife soon realized: being an actress and socialite is good, but being a caring and tender wife is no worse. Nevertheless, the thought of a magnificent celebration to which many guests would be invited and a beautiful dress did not disappear.

No barriers

What are Alexander Ovechkin's intentions? Anastasia Shubskaya probably knows them. The hockey player wants to invite his colleagues from the Washington Capitals to a big feast. The fact that comrades in ice battles do not speak Russian is not a problem: toasts and wishes in the presence of a team of translators will be understood by every single one.

It is clear that many Russians would like to know in what style the Ovechkins intend to hold the ceremony. For now, it’s a secret, just like the bride’s outfit. It seems that Anastasia Shubskaya will not forget her favorite designers. After sparkling positive festivities, the happy newlyweds will have a honeymoon and a trip to the most beautiful places on the globe. Nastya’s remarkable culinary abilities (and they exist!) will fade into the background for a while, giving way to the cuisine of the peoples of the world.

Big love

The venue for the important event is expected to be the capital of Russia. Most readers can only guess which one - Golden-domed or Northern? Wait and see. It is noteworthy that Anastasia Shubskaya characterizes Washington, which has long become a second home for the couple, as a city with a calm pace of life. And what category does she include the Russian capital in?

The wedding location is not that important. The main thing is that the actress and the hockey player have warm, sincere feelings for each other. It is impossible to play love for a long time. And this couple, in our fast times, is already experienced! What do Anastasia Shubskaya and Ovechkin, as well as the huge army of their loyal fans, dream about? Surely so that the charm of the meeting will last for years.

Famous friends

World Cups follow one after another, three years later the next one. We need to have time to hold a magnificent celebration. Having joked about the capital above, let’s admit: we were talking about Moscow. Sasha’s grandmother lives there, and she must certainly attend her grandson’s wedding. In addition, this is the small homeland of the master of ice battles. Everything will happen in the summer. This is where the parties' unity of ideas about future events ends.

Lists of guests invited to the celebration are compiled. It is known that Ovechkin is friends with Timur Yunusov (Timati), Denis Ustimenko-Weinstein (Dzhigan), Alexander Tarasov (T-killah). Among the good friends is Denis Glushakov (Spartak, team captain). Anastasia Shubskaya is also rich in friends.

Ovechkin team

Like all young couples, Nastya and Sasha dream of children. Alexander wants to become a father of many children (more sons). He has no doubt: boys will become interested in sports from an early age - there is someone who is into it. Alexander's father, Mikhail Ovechkin, is a professional football player. Mother, Tatyana Ovechkina, is a basketball player who twice won Olympic gold. The future dad himself became interested in hockey at the age of two, from the time he saw a small stick and puck in the Detsky Mir store.

I would like to believe that Anastasia Ovechkina (Shubskaya) and Alexander Ovechkin will achieve excellent results in building a family. In this regard, the head of the still small cell of society behaves prudently and carefully. He already knows what he will do after finishing his career in big sports. By the way, he promises to replace the missing tooth by that time (the “hero” of advertising campaigns). It’s not possible yet - if another fast-flying puck accidentally knocks out the “structure”, there won’t be any problems.