Phraseologism girl's memory. Handbook of Phraseology. See what "Girl's memory" is in other dictionaries

Gifts of the Magi

Greek gift

give oak

give to nuts

Two of a Kind

Two-faced Janus

Maiden memory

Ninth shaft

To make mountains out of molehills

Make a good (fun) face

Money doesn't smell

Keep your nose to the wind

Bring (bring) to white heat

To the carrot spell

house of tolerance

Up to the position of riz

Will live before the wedding

Tear like Sidorov's goat

Sith friend


Breathe incense

To the position of riza (jokingly) - to the extreme degree of intoxication, to insanity. There are several versions of the origin of phraseology. According to one of them, the turnover goes back to the biblical tradition of Noah, who, drunk, stripped naked (removed and laid down his vestments). According to another version, the turnover can be perceived as a play on words, since in the Orthodox Church there are two holidays of the "position of robes": one - in memory of the fact that robes belonging to Christ were laid in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow; the second - in honor of the position in one of the churches of Constantinople of the robes of the Virgin.

Girl's memory (jokingly) - about a bad, "short" memory.
There are two versions of the origin of the expression:
1) from the frivolity of some girls who, having found a new groom, quickly forget their vows to the former gentleman;
2) the expression arose as a result of the truncation of the proverb The girl's memory of the guy forgot.

Bring (bring) to white heat (disapproved) - deprive someone of self-control, greatly anger, annoy, enrage. An expression from the speech of blacksmiths. When heated before forging, the metal, depending on the temperature, first becomes red, then yellow, and with very strong heating - white.

Cudgel club (simple) - about an extremely stupid, stupid person, fool, blockhead. There are two versions of the origin of the expression: 1) the expression is based on the figurative meaning of the word cudgel - "a stupid, dull person"; 2) the adjective staurosovy, due to the unusualness of the word-formation model, makes it possible to assume the seminary origin of the turnover: it arose as a reworking of the Greek stauros "stake, pole, pile" in a combination of single-valued words cudgel - stauros, which eventually turned into the expression cudgel staurosovaya.

To tear like a Sidorov's goat (simple) - strongly, cruelly and ruthlessly flog, beat someone. The imagery of comparison is based on the figurative meanings of the words Sidor (this name was often associated with the idea of ​​an evil or quarrelsome person) and a goat (according to popular notions, an animal with a harmful character).

Until the carrot charm (jokingly) - indefinitely, until a time that will never come, to infinity. There are two versions of the origin of the expression:
1) a conspiracy among Christians - the last day before fasting, when believers were allowed to eat modest, i.e., dairy and meat food. During fasting, such food was forbidden. In the conspiracy, they usually ate plentiful, fatty foods. Therefore, the combination of the word conspiracy with the "lean" carrot was perceived as a playful formula of the impossible;
2) in Russian, the names of church holidays and ceremonies were traditionally used with a temporary meaning, for example: before Philip's incantation. By association with such combinations, a playful expression arose about the carrot spell.

Gifts of the Danes (book disapproved) - insidious gifts brought with a treacherous purpose. An expression from the Iliad: in the legend, the Greeks took Troy by building a huge wooden horse and giving it to the Trojans. A detachment of warriors was hidden inside the horse.

Two-faced Janus (book) - an insincere, two-faced person. In Roman mythology, Janus is the god of time, as well as every beginning and end. Depicted with two faces facing in opposite directions: the young forward, the old - back, into the past.

Sword of Damocles (book) - about the dangers that constantly threaten someone. Tracing paper from Greek. An expression from the ancient Greek legend about the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius the Elder (c. 432-367 BC), told by Cicero in the essay "Tusculan Conversations": wanting to teach a lesson to the flatterer Damocles, who called him the happiest of people, Dionysius ordered during the feast to plant him in his place, having previously attached a sword hanging on a horsehair to the ceiling above this place. This sword is a symbol of the constant dangers that threaten the ruler.

To make an elephant out of a fly is to greatly exaggerate something, to attach great importance to something insignificant. The expression - tracing paper from French, goes back to an ancient saying.

To make a good (cheerful) mine in case of a bad game - under external calm, try to hide your failures, troubles. According to one version, this expression is a tracing paper from French: faire bonne mine a mauvais jeu. According to another - from the speech of gamblers who, having received bad cards, try to seem cheerful: mine - "face", game - "card layout".

The gifts of the Magi - according to the gospel parable: the gifts brought by the Magi to the baby Jesus are gold as for a king, frankincense as for God, and fragrant oils as for a mortal.

Keep your nose to the wind - adapt to circumstances, unprincipled changing your beliefs, your behavior. According to one version, the expression came from the speech of the sailors: the bow of the ship was originally meant. On the other hand, the turnover reflects the behavior of dogs.

House of tolerance (obsolete) - the same as a brothel, translated from French maison de tole "rance (this is a semantic tracing paper).

Money does not smell (disapproved) - from an indiscriminate attitude to how the money was received. Expression - tracing paper from lat. pecunia non olet, which is a saying of the emperor Vespasian. When Vespasian's son reproached him for imposing a tax on public latrines, the emperor held the first money from this tax to his nose and asked if they smelled. Titus gave a negative answer.

Giving oak is rude. simple. die. There are two versions of the origin of this expression. 1) The turnover arose on Russian soil and is associated with the verb zadubet - "to cool down, lose sensitivity, become hard." 2) The expression originated in the south of Russia. It can be assumed that the dead were buried under the oak, and perhaps the image of the turnover is different. It is only curious that the tree - a symbol of longevity - began to be used to denote death.

Give nuts - strongly scold, criticize someone. The expression arose in the speech of carpenters and cabinetmakers: furniture made of plain wood was often carved "walnut", "oak".

Sitny friend (simple joking or ironic) - a jokingly casual appeal to a friend. The expression is associated with baking sieve (from flour sifted through a sieve) bread, which was eaten at lunch, dinner and served with tea. Eating such bread was considered a pleasure, therefore, a good friend was originally a person with whom you feel pleasure

Two pair of boots (ironic) - about two people, quite similar, suitable for each other, especially in their shortcomings.

He will heal before the wedding (colloquial joke) - it is said as a consolation to the one who hurts, who hurts. More often - to small children: while you grow up, get married (get married), everything will heal, it will not hurt.

The ninth wave (book) - 1) [which] is the most violent, strong manifestation of something formidable; 2) [whom, what] about the pinnacle of any achievements of creative thought or human activity. The expression is ancient Russian in origin, arose as a result of metaphorization of the phrase with the specific meaning of the most dangerous ninth wave during a storm.

Breathe hard - about a thin, weak, sickly-looking person who does not have long to live. The expression is based on the religious symbolism of the word incense. In the church, incense is censed (they shake the vessel in which the smoking incense is located). This rite is performed, in particular, before the dead or dying.

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The expression "maiden memory" came to us from ancient times and denotes a short memory. The owners of girlish memory easily forgot obligations to former lovers and easily found new ones.

What kind of people have a girl's memory?

Calling someone's memory girlish, people mean the forgetfulness and frivolity of the owner. Girlish memory is characterized by people who do not remember their assurances and promises, who are not able to learn even from their own mistakes, who constantly step on the same rake. The owners of a girl's memory are scattered, unreliable people who are not trusted by others with important matters.

This phraseological unit has synonyms: “chicken memory”, “leaky head”, “memorless, like a cuckoo”, and so on. The main difference between these expressions and "girl's memory" is that they do not have a characteristic negative connotation based on gender.

The expression so accurately reflected the behavior of windy girls, and took root in the language for centuries.

But a short memory and love of love is inherent not only in young women. Older women, and many men, also have a "girl's memory". Therefore, phraseologism is used outside the age and gender framework.

Where did the expression "girl's memory" come from?

In addition to the concept of girls' poor memory, there is a version that the expression acquired its negative meaning by comparing the ability to remember young women with the memory of married women. Adult family women are more responsible for their words and deeds than unmarried girls, they are tied to life, the health of the household, and by definition they are more serious than those not burdened by the family.

Emphasizes phraseology and the emotional sphere - women more often show their emotions and, accordingly, more often speak "in their hearts" and do what they later regret. In psychology, this phenomenon is called "repression", when a person forgets inconvenient or unsightly own words or actions.

But is such a memory so bad? After all, it characterizes, including quick-witted, unforgiving people.

Some philologists trace the etiology of the expression "girl's memory" to the proverb "Devkin's hair is long, but the mind and memory are short." But most researchers believe that the phraseological unit about the girl's memory is more ancient and was formed as a result of the truncation of the proverb "the girl's memory of the guy forgot."

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Granddaughter, what's the name of that German I'm crazy about?
- Alzheimer's, grandma.

Why? Memory is a matter of nerve cells. And nerve cells, as especially nervous people scream, are not restored. That is, all their lives these valuable cells slowly die and leave nothing behind. Some diseases also contribute to this death, according

A child has the most nerve cells - and therefore his memory is much better than that of an adult. But it is also selective - and the child can perfectly remember how he caught a butterfly, and quickly forget a boring rhyme. We are no better - the line of a popular song is spinning in my head for several hours, but the bank account number is forgotten at the moment when the numbers were read to the end.

Well, why is a girl's memory considered so bad? Where do these holes come from?

Doctor, I have memory lapses.
- How long have you had them?
- Who?

Once upon a time, people thought that memory was something closely related to the soul. The girl has such a thin, vulnerable, shy soul - that's the same memory. She got scared and ran away.

Then people became smarter and came up with (and still write about it in some places) that there are some memory molecules. They run around the body and remember everything. (Is the girl not a human, or what? Where do her memory molecules go?)

Now it is known that the matter is in the number of nerve cells and in the number of connections (scientifically - synapses) that they form with each other. Connections appear and disappear randomly - at some point there are a lot of them, at another - few, so in order to remember something better, you need to repeat this several times, maybe you will get to the right number of synapses.

The formation of bonds is an energy-intensive process, therefore, if the body is starving, then they are formed sluggishly.
(Because of this, chocolates are eaten so quickly in a session - they have energy, just what the brain “loves” so much).

An extreme situation is easier to remember, because it is in an extreme situation, when something needs to be done, that the brain is well supplied with food and oxygen.

Now let's put a girl in front of us. Her own body, which was so simple and familiar in childhood, now obeys other laws, she will soon have to take some exams, her soul yearns for love, and more recently such important women's problems have begun to bother her: “again there is nothing to wear” or “as if lose weight."

Women's monthly "joys", those to which the girl is not yet very accustomed, is another rather powerful energy absorber. But the process of memorization also requires a large amount of expenditure on the body. If we put both of these processes on the scales, then the first, unfortunately (or fortunately!), Will outweigh.

A heart that yearns for love provides a very strong incentive to remember. But it will not be the mathematical formulas that will be remembered, but the name of the boy from the neighboring school and how many times the young men on the bus paid attention to her. What if love happens? Here memory will show what it is capable of! A date for a girl in love is an extreme situation. Excellent quality video recording with good sound of all meetings will be stored in memory for a very long time. And so it will be exactly until the fulfillment of a love dream or until a new attachment appears.

A girl's "leaky" memory is able to retain a new detailed method of losing weight, as soon as she presents a page of a women's magazine with the necessary article, she will tell her mistress that her mother went to work in a blue blouse, so you can go to a party in her mother's burgundy.

But the pages of the textbook, the details of the bus schedule, the fact that she was supposed to give change in the store, that yesterday was the last day for paying the phone bill and the fact that hot water is turned off from tomorrow will pass by.

And now her mother scolds her for the disconnected phone and the forgotten change, and the teacher - for an unlearned lesson. And everyone scolds the girl's memory. And she’s not so bad at all - they’d ask a girl about a new way to lose weight or about what color the shirt was on her beloved three weeks ago - she would immediately and without hesitation answer.

A girl's memory is good, because in what difficult conditions she works, and how! It's just not enough for everything. And no one would have had enough.

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Maiden memory Iron. Forgetfulness; bad, weak memory. - Oh, yes, I forgot that there was a thunderstorm ... yes, I completely forgot. Indeed, in old age, the memory became completely girlish: short. Hehe…(Mamin-Sibiryak. Thunderstorm).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "Girl's Memory" is in other dictionaries:

    maiden memory- forgetful, forgetful, holey memory, holey head, chicken memory, head like a sieve, short memory Dictionary of Russian synonyms. maiden memory adj., number of synonyms: 8 forgetful (23) ... Synonym dictionary

    maiden memory- joke. about bad, “short” memory. There are two versions of the origin of the expression: 1. From the frivolity of some girls who, having found a new groom, quickly forget their vows to the former gentleman. 2. The expression arose as a result of the truncation of a proverb ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    Maiden memory- Razg. Unapproved or Shuttle. iron. About a man with a bad, weak memory. BMS 1998, 431; Jig. 1969, 238; DP, 448, 744; 3S 1996, 239; SZF 2001, 62; SPP 2001, 59 ...

    Maiden memory and maiden shame - to the threshold.- (stepped over and forgot). See MEMORY REMEMBER...

    He has a girl's memory.- He has a girlish (female) memory. See MEMORY REMEMBER... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Short, what a girl's memory.- see. You have a girl's memory ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    MEMORY - REMEMBER- Do not be hasty, be mindful! Damn rakes (said the seminarian when he stepped on them, and they hit him on the forehead; otherwise he didn’t know how to call them in Russian)! And not literate, but memorable. And stupid, but memory. Thirty years since I saw a cow ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    MEMORY- Without God's memory. Psk. Iron. Strongly, soundly (sleep). SPP 2001, 59. Without memory. Razg. 1. Very strong, passionately, to the point of self-forgetfulness. 2. Very quickly, swiftly. 3. from whom, from what. In admiration, in full delight. FSRYA, 309; BotSan, 83; DS ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    MEMORY- wives. (to think, to remember) the ability to remember, not to forget the past; the property of the soul to keep, remember the consciousness of the past. Memory, regarding the past, is the same. what a conclusion, conjecture and imagination, concerning the future. Clairvoyance of the future ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    memory- full of holes (Leskov); fresh (Dal); vague (Blok) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. memory 1. The ability to store and reproduce in the mind ... ... Dictionary of epithets


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