The baby cries for a long time. What to do if the child is crying: hard, for no reason? What can be done, how to calm down a baby who is crying, how to understand the reasons for crying

Many parents, especially mothers, ask the question of why the newborn is constantly crying. Almost all babies scream a lot during the first three months of life; they can do it up to four to five hours a day. Gradually, the mother will learn to determine the reason for this behavior of her baby in order to immediately calm him down. However, you need to know what may be causing the baby to cry in order to better understand the baby and help him quickly.

There are several reasons for:

1. After birth, the baby may be disturbed by the "memories" of its birth. The process of childbirth is a huge stress for both the mother and the baby, so it takes some time for the baby to forget this moment.

2. A common reason why a newborn cries often is hunger. Modern pediatricians advise feeding the baby on demand. Crying - give me a breast or a bottle.

3. The kid is in pain. As you know, children suffer from intestinal colic during the first months of life. To alleviate the suffering of the baby, hold him in a "column" after each feed, and put him to sleep on his tummy.

4. The child is hot or cold. The best temperature in the room where the baby lives is + 20-22 degrees. A baby who is overheated turns red, he may have prickly heat. In this case, it is best to completely undress and wash him. If the baby is cold, swaddle him and press him to you - the baby will immediately warm up at the breast. If only the arms and legs are cold, undershirts with closed sleeves and socks will help.

5. The next reason why newborns cry is fatigue. Despite the fact that the child is still small, he is able to get tired. The kid gets tired of sucking, movement of his own legs and arms, massage, from what he saw during the day. An overworked child often "asks" for help himself. In this case, you need to swaddle the baby, shake him. Subdued lights and calm melodic music also help the baby fall asleep quickly.

6. Some just before wetting the diaper. In this case, the baby first whimpers quietly, then can scream sharply. When you learn to recognize such crying, start unloading your baby, thereby saving on diapers and clean diapers. The reason why newborns cry during urination may be a lack of fluid in their body and, therefore, a high concentration of urine, which causes a burning sensation in the urinary tract. Give your child more water throughout the day and the problem may go away.

7. The baby is uncomfortable lying. During the first days of life, a child does not know how to change his body position at all, so he may get tired of being, for example, on his left side. It is easy to help the kid in this situation. You need to transfer it to another side, back or tummy, and the baby will calm down. If a child has a diaper loose, a tight elastic band on his pants, a wet diaper rubs him, he may worry and cry. It is enough to change his clothes to comfort him.

8. Why do newborns cry when there is no apparent reason for it? It turns out that the baby may simply want to be closer to his mother, because he still cannot imagine himself without her. More often take the baby in your arms, not being afraid to pamper him: children who lack parental love feel much worse than those who were constantly hugged and kissed from the first days!

Often young mothers talk about their children like this: “Today I carried him around the room and rocked him all night, her hands were numb, and the child was crying all the time. I will invite my relatives to help. " To solve such a problem, you do not need to involve many people, but just follow a few simple tips for caring for a child.

Let's call them an algorithm of actions if a baby cries often:

  • Do not abruptly grab the baby from the crib, do not shake it. Severe motion sickness in the arms or in a wheelchair is comparable to a mild concussion. Approach the child calmly, talk to him: “How can I help you, my little one, what happened to you? Now mom (dad) will help you! "
  • After the crumb has eaten milk, take it and attach it vertically to you. Pat the back. After such actions, air can escape from his stomach, the tummy will stop hurting, and the child will cry. It often happens that during feeding, the baby swallows excess air, which then bothers him, and the baby often cries, causing great anxiety to the mother. Do this by stroking the back after each meal. Some children, after getting rid of excess air, want to eat more. The mother will have to take into account this peculiarity of the baby's digestion and feed it. He won't sleep hungry, will he?
  • The main cause of anxiety in a baby is hunger. Feed your baby as much as he wants, or talk to your doctor about complementary foods.
  • Many babies cry often because they want to drink. A few drops of pure boiled water are enough for a small person to quench his thirst. Do not give tea in a bottle as a drink, as it excites the children's nervous system.
  • The kid ate, belched up excess air, ate, drank. And still crying? Place your baby on the changing table. Unfold diapers and undershirts. Run your clean and dry hands over his little body and all the folds on his delicate skin. If you found a small thread, a crumb, a fluff, a hair and removed it, then you saved the baby from anxiety.
  • Check for redness on the skin. Lubricate irritated skin with special products.
  • Lightly stroke the baby's body on the back, tummy, arms, legs to improve blood circulation. Straighten out all the folds in his clothes as much as possible. Wear undershirts and romper for babies inside out, with seams out.
  • Ventilate the room before bed. The freshest air for a pleasant early morning sleep. Some kids adjust to the sun, they wake up at five in the morning at sunrise. Take an hour-long morning walk outside with your baby at this time. Then he eats well and will sleep soundly again.
  • Lying in a stroller, a child may cry. Turn it on its side, placing a rolled-up blanket, cover the top with a light cape so that the sun and bright sky do not irritate the eyes.
  • During wakefulness, periodically turn the baby over on the right side, on the left side, on the back, on the tummy. Iron him, kiss him, talk. Put on some soft music. The kid may like a certain song, he will listen to it carefully, and you go about your business.
  • If the child is constipated, he will be very restless. See "Constipation in Infants."
  • Teething is another reason children cry constantly. See Teeth Teething: How Can I Help My Child?
  • Another reason a baby cries a lot is because of a recent vaccination. This requires proper care before and after vaccination. See "How do I prepare for vaccinations?"
  • Illness and fever are unlikely to give rest to the baby and his mother. See Baby Temperature.
  • Sometimes the baby often cries because of colic.

With the help of crying, your child communicates with you, reports his discomfort. Show attention to your little loved one, think over your actions, read books and articles on child care. If you have tried all the “home remedies” but nothing has worked, see your doctor and get tested.

Often, young mothers are faced with crying children and cannot understand what is the matter. It is almost impossible to calm a newborn baby without removing the cause of crying. What to do? How to understand why a baby is screaming? How to calm and comfort a newborn baby?

Why is the baby crying

If the baby screams and does not calm down, then there is a reason for this. It must be understood that a newborn child uses crying as a means to convey to those around him his dissatisfaction with something. A baby still does not know how to manipulate and seek mother's attention by crying. Therefore, hearing children's cries, you need to take it seriously and start looking for the reason.

The main reasons for crying a newborn baby are:

  • Hunger.
  • Colic.
  • Wet diapers or diaper.
  • The kid is cold or, conversely, he is hot.
  • The child is tired and cannot sleep.
  • Fright, anxiety.
  • Desire to satisfy the sucking reflex.
  • Malaise, illness.
  • Reaction to geomagnetic and weather conditions.

How to eliminate the causes of crying baby

Hunger can be easily eliminated by giving the baby a breast or a bottle of milk or formula. It is necessary to feed the baby on demand or to observe the regimen and not allow breaks in meals for more than 3-4 hours. For children of the first 3 months of life, the breaks between feedings should be no more than 2-3 hours.

It is enough to replace a wet diaper with a clean one, and the baby will immediately stop crying. Do not miss this moment and forget about changing the diaper. Long stay in wet diapers threatens not only discomfort, but also skin inflammation (diaper rash).

Colic is a very common problem. Dealing with them is not easy, but possible. In this case, it can help:

  • clockwise tummy massage;
  • rolling on the ball (the baby lies on his belly on the ball, and the mother, holding the baby, gently rolls it back and forth);
  • anti-colic drugs;
  • frequent spreading on the tummy;
  • a warm heating pad or diaper to be applied to the baby's belly;
  • use of special anti-colic bottles.

A frozen baby needs to be warmed up. To do this, it is enough to wear it warmer and wear it on your hands. You can use a heating pad wrapped in a diaper. It is better not to use heaters, as they burn out oxygen in the room, which is very harmful for an infant. Their use is advisable only if the room is really very cold.

Often babies cry out of desire to satisfy the sucking reflex. This can happen both in sleep and while awake. In order to calm the baby down, it is enough to give him a pacifier, a bottle of water or a breast

When the child is hot, then everything must be done to eliminate the cause of the heat. If this happens on the street, then you need to go into the shade and give the baby a drink of water. If possible, remove excess clothing from him. At home, you can turn on the air conditioner or open a window, while making sure that the direct flow of cool air does not fall on the baby. It is also necessary to install a regulator on the radiators to prevent excessive heat in the room.

If the baby is tired and cannot sleep from overexcitement, then the mother needs to retire with him in a quiet room, shake it slightly, give a breast, sing a song. In 99% of cases, these measures will be enough to make the child fall asleep. In a similar way, you can calm a child who is experiencing fear or anxiety.

The child may also cry because of any disease, such as otitis media. In this case, it is difficult to immediately determine the cause. It is necessary to monitor the body temperature of the crumbs. If the crying continues for more than a few hours, then the best solution is to go to the doctor.

Also, the cause of crying can be geomagnetic storms, low atmospheric pressure, etc. Unfortunately, in this case, it is impossible to eliminate the cause, you need to be patient and be constantly with the baby, thereby alleviating his ailments.

Why else can a baby cry. How can I help him?

Many babies cry while bathing. There may be several reasons - too cold or hot water, fear (especially during the very first baths), discomfort, for example, associated with a cramped bath or other factors. It must be remembered that bathing should bring joy and pleasure, therefore, the crying child should be immediately taken out of the water and the procedure should be postponed until the next time.

Sometimes babies cry a lot in their sleep. This can be the so-called scanning cry, when the baby checks if the mother is nearby. This is a subconscious reflex, and the child unconsciously screams without even waking up. It is enough just to take the baby in your arms, give a breast or a dummy, say a few gentle words to him, and the baby will immediately calm down.

Crying in sleep can also be associated with an uncomfortable posture. In this case, you need to carefully turn the child over so that he lies freely and not pinched. You can put it with your tummy down. This position relieves colic pain, and many babies intuitively prefer this position for sleeping. Also, many children love the position "on their side, slightly leaning on their tummy." This pose can also help relieve colic cramps.

Crying after feeding is also common. This suggests that the baby is tormented by discomfort. You can wear it vertically, pat it lightly on the back, making it easier for excess air to escape. The baby will immediately stop screaming as soon as it regurgitates air or excess food

Very often babies cry due to teething. It is inevitable and painful, but it is possible to alleviate the child's condition. To do this, you can use special teether toys, anesthetic gum gels, peeled and washed carrots from the refrigerator (you can only use them for those babies who have no teeth yet, otherwise the child may gnaw off a piece and choke). Of course, all these methods give only temporary relief, so you have to be patient and wait until the tooth is finally cut through.

Often children's screams are associated with uncomfortable clothes - things are tight and small, rough seams rub the skin, poor-quality dye causes allergic itching and rashes, the fabric of the product is unpleasant to the skin. In this case, you need to pay great attention to the children's wardrobe and choose only high-quality children's clothing. It is better to buy the size of things a couple of values ​​larger than necessary. Firstly, such things will definitely not be cramped for the child, and secondly, they will last for a longer time.

Sometimes babies cry from loneliness. This happens in those families where the child is not given enough time, and the parents are busy with work and personal affairs. What to do in this case? Of course, remember the role of mom and take care of the baby. The worldview of a month-old child is such that he feels himself as a part of the mother, her presence and tactile contact are of great importance for his development and psychological comfort.

Crying for no apparent reason is common in children who are easily excitable. They experience strong emotions, but cannot yet cope with them on their own due to an immature nervous system. This all translates into constant whimpers, whims, screams

How to act if a baby cries for no apparent reason

Sometimes the child is constantly crying, and the mother has already done everything to make him comfortable, but he does not calm down.

A deep sleep is the best medicine for these babies, but putting them to sleep is just not easy. Here are some tips on how to calm and put your crying baby to sleep:

  • Tight swaddling helps many people. Of course, you should not constantly swaddle your baby. It is harmful and does not contribute to development, but during sleep you can use this method.
  • "White noise". Strange, but many children love monotonous hissing sounds. It could be a hairdryer, a vacuum cleaner, or an out-of-tune radio that is not broadcasting any radio station. Now you can even download a music file with such sounds and turn it on from your smartphone or mp3 player.
  • Many experts oppose pacifier training, but it can be a panacea. A huge percentage of children under one year old and older can only fall asleep with her. No need to suffer - give the baby a pacifier if he likes it. When he grows up, the need for her will disappear by itself.
  • Light motion sickness in the arms is an ancient and proven way to calm and lull a child to sleep. But you don't need to do it too hard and abruptly. This is harmful, and the baby may even lose consciousness. Only light and smooth movements with a small amplitude, like a dance. By the way, such a modern gadget as a chaise longue or electric swing can help here.
  • The most sound children sleep in a kind of cocoon from a blanket. You need to make a kind of nest, tucking the blanket under the back and tummy of the crumbs. In this position, he will be warm and comfortable, the baby will fall asleep faster and sleep much more calmly.
  • Mom's voice can have a very good calming effect on the baby. You can sing a lullaby, read poetry, talk to your child in a quiet, calm voice. This will help calm crying.
  • Millions of women have already appreciated the benefits of a sling. In it, the child is as close as possible to the mother, while his posture is quite physiological, and the woman's hands are free. With the help of such a device, it is easy to rock a baby if you just put it in a sling and walk with it back and forth.
  • Sometimes switching the child's attention helps to distract from crying. For this purpose, you can use toys, rattles, clapping hands, rustling a bag or paper. After the baby calms down, it will be easy to put him to sleep.
  • For some excitable toddlers, a long walk in the fresh air or a bath and massage can help them fall asleep.
  • Don't underestimate the benefits of being intimate with your mother. There is no need to be afraid to carry your baby in your arms. This is natural and normal. Contrary to many opinions, it is impossible to "accustom" a baby to hands. If a child wants to be close to his mother, then this is not a whim, but a natural desire. Any baby feels good and safe next to mommy. This is the most effective way to calm your baby.

If the baby cries often, then you need to be more attentive to him, and the reason will become obvious, and by eliminating it, you can easily achieve peace and quiet in the family. If the cause cannot be eliminated (teeth, geomagnetic conditions), then you need to be patient and survive these moments, they happen to everyone.

All small children cry. Some do it rarely, while others roar almost constantly with short pauses for sleep and food. Parents in this situation feel confused and powerless, because it is far from always possible to quickly recognize the reason for the crying of the baby. We will tell you about why a newborn and a baby are crying in this material.

Crying is a way of communication

A newborn and a toddler who does not yet know how to speak needs crying as a means of communication with the world. A loud roar is the only way for a crumb to express his displeasure, signal an alarm, ask for help. And nature has foreseen everything in such a way that all people newly introduced to this world are perfectly able to handle such a formidable weapon as crying.

The first cry immediately after birth can tell an experienced neonatologist a lot:

  • Strong and confident roar the baby says that the baby is full of strength, healthy, active.
  • Lack of crying or quiet and sluggish squeak instead of loud crying- alarming symptoms that force doctors to examine the baby more closely in order to identify which pathologies prevent him from fully fulfilling the program laid down by nature.

Difficulties in interpreting the reasons for the cry and tears of a newborn from parents usually arise only in the first days and weeks after discharge from the maternity hospital. Then mothers sensitively catch in the cry of the child special intonations, changes in volume, tonality and mood. This allows them to gradually begin to understand their son or daughter without words, only through crying.

Crying itself, from the point of view of medicine, is a psychophysical reaction to an external or internal irritating factor. The roar process is associated with changes in blood pressure, respiration. Babies have very narrow airways, and loud crying sometimes allows them to make up for the lack of oxygen through strong pumping of the lungs.

Children, unlike adults, know how to cry without tears. And for all babies, crying, among other things, is a reflex reaction to pain.

As they grow older, this reflex weakens and ceases to exist, like many other infant reflexes.

In medicine, it is customary to define three main types of infant crying:

  • the main one - as a means of communication;
  • angry - as a way to give an emotional color;
  • painful - as a reflex manifestation of pain.

The usual cry the main thing, from the point of view of physiology, is characterized by pauses, blurriness, smooth intonation.

With painful crying the child begins to scream sharply and shrilly until he exhales completely, and then, after a convulsive short breath, the roar resumes.

Angry cry- a special intoned way to attract attention. At the same time, the child can actively change facial expressions, cry hysterically, mainly on exhalation. There are no piercing notes until full exhalation, as in pain, is not observed. Angry crying can be the longest-lasting of all types of baby shouts.

Most medical publications and encyclopedias, considering the issue of infant crying, distinguish another type - manipulative crying. With its help, babies who at the moment do not need to satisfy certain physiological needs can achieve their own, what they want at the moment. He is always distinguished by some artificiality, while the child does not take deep breaths and exhalations.

Crying can also be pathological and usually it is associated with serious disorders of the central nervous system, organic lesions of the brain.

There is such a thing as violent crying it is sometimes observed in patients with multiple sclerosis, pseudobulbar paralysis. But such cases are very rare.

The most common reasons

It is not so difficult to understand why a baby cries constantly if you know the main reasons why he does it. A baby can loudly notify those around him for certain reasons:


The strongest physiological factor that makes a child cry. In this case, babies usually use the so-called angry cry. This is the most common reason for roaring. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive system, newborns eat often and little - their stomach is still very small. Any change in the amount of food received (usually downward) causes a violent protest in the child.

At the very beginning, if the child is hungry recently, the cry has an inviting note. If the mother does not respond and there is no food, hungry crying becomes prolonged and very emotional. They usually talk about him - crying avidly or "rolling."

To understand if the baby is hungry, it is enough to bring your finger to his cheek and slightly tickle. If he reacts to this by turning his head towards his finger, opening his mouth, and pronounced “search” movements of facial muscles, then there is no doubt that the child is definitely hungry. The op usually stops after the baby is fed. Frequent hungry crying is a reason to reconsider the diet of the crumbs. Perhaps he does not have enough breast milk to completely satisfy his hunger.

A pediatrician will help to understand this issue, who will assess the growth rate, weight gain of the crumbs, and suggest the necessary solution.


This is another strong physiological protest factor, since water is vital for a child. Babies who feed on breast milk are less likely to cry from thirst than artificial babies. If the crumbs feed on mixtures, suck out a sufficient amount of food by age, but still arrange loud "marathons" between feedings, then you need to consider thirst as the main reason.

It's easy to check the version - just offer the baby boiled warm water from a bottle or spoon. If after drinking the child calms down, the mother has no reason to worry. Distinguishing crying from thirst from hungry crying is difficult, but possible.

He, too, has an angry character, but, demanding water, the baby will not scream avidly, rather it will be more boring and monotonous crying.


Painful sensations cause reflex crying in the child. In other words, crying occurs before the urge to cry arises. Painful crying is always harsh. The screaming episode lasts until exhalation is complete, the child screams as far as the lung capacity is enough.

If the painful sensations are not very pronounced, the pain is dull and prolonged, then the crying becomes monotonous, aching, prolonged and mournful. It should be noted that different health problems cause different patterns of crying, more on this below.

Fear, fear, psychological reasons

It only seems that the newborn does not understand anything around. In fact, from the first days of their independent life, babies learn to feel and experience. As a result, a baby who is only a week and a half old is perfectly able to express boredom, fear, loneliness. Naturally, he will do all this with the help of crying.

As the gamut of emotions that will cause a cry and a tear in the child will grow, it will expand - by 3-4 months, the child begins to distinguish who exactly is with him and with affection for his mother, can cry in his father's arms. With crying, the child can accompany any mother's departure from home, as well as protest against being left alone in the nursery.

Very often, such crying quickly becomes manipulative.

The discomfort

Crying in a child can cause any violation of his ideas about a comfortable existence.

Wet or stained diapers usually cause loud protesting crying that does not stop even if the baby is picked up. In any case, the child will roar until the very change of the diaper.

Crying - plaintively and invitingly with sobbing - the baby can from the cold, if he is cold, or from the heat, if he is sweating.

Babies also feel uncomfortable in situations when the increased attention of a large number of people is shown to them. So, from overwork, in violation of the daily routine, the baby can be capricious. At the same time, crying will be aching, dreary, somewhat monotonous, with small pauses.

First of all, you need to exclude the physiological causes of the baby's roar.- hunger, thirst, discomfort. It is quite simple to calm a baby down with such a cry - the hungry one needs to be fed, the tired one should be put to bed, the wet one should be changed, the frozen one should be warmed up.

If the baby is full, he was given a drink, he is wearing dry diapers or a fresh diaper, the room is neither hot nor cold, but crying continues, you need to think about the causes of pathological pain-related sensations. And here there are so many options that it does not always make sense to understand the issue on your own. Sometimes it's easier to call a doctor.

Pathological causes of crying

While eating

Roaring while eating can be associated with a wide variety of disorders. The most common cause is a stuffy nose and impaired nasal breathing. If the baby cannot inhale through the nose, then it will be difficult for him to suck. He will throw a breast or a bottle, cry for a while, and then willingly take food again. The mother will be able to guess about such a reason by the characteristic angry puffing of her child.

The nose can be freed from the accumulated mucus with an aspirator, and vasoconstrictor drops can be applied. The problem will be solved.

When using vasoconstrictor drugs, the main thing is to remember that they can cause persistent drug addiction, so you should definitely consult your doctor.

A baby can also cry during feeding due to otitis media. In children, the auditory tube is quite interesting - it is short and more horizontal, and therefore nasal mucus and fluids easily penetrate into it. This makes otitis media one of the most common diseases at an early age.

With inflammation of the middle ear, babies cry quite commonly. At first - from hunger, and when they are offered a breast or a mixture, then, as soon as they begin to suck, they throw and are filled with a piercing cry. The fact is that during the sucking movements, the pain in the ear increases.

You can help your child by first making sure that the reason for crying is in otitis media. If you easily press your finger on the tragus (cartilage before inhaling into the auricle), then a child with ear inflammation will react sharply to such an action - the pain will intensify, crying too. If such a test gives a positive result, be sure to call a doctor and get an appointment - drops in the ear, possible recommendations for physiotherapy.

Some oral problems can also make it difficult for your baby to eat properly. For example, stomatitis. Anxiety and crying in this case will not be harsh and piercing; rather, the baby will whine, complaining of discomfort in the mouth while sucking. The child's mouth and gums are examined with clean hands, helping themselves with a small flashlight. If you find the so-called thrush in the mouth, as well as ulcers, you should definitely call a doctor and get an appointment for treatment.

A child may cry while eating because he does not like the taste of milk. For example, my mother ate garlic or something spicy, and the taste buds in the crumbs are very well developed.

With a piercing cry while eating, babies signal that air has entered the esophagus. This is possible if the baby swallows air while sucking, if the mother violates the breastfeeding technique, as well as with artificial feeding.

For artificial children, you need to use high-quality special anti-colic nipples and make sure that the baby does not swallow air. You can cope with such crying by making the child's condition easier. For this, the baby is turned into an upright position and lightly tapped on the back so that the excess of swallowed air comes out. After belching, the baby usually disappears from the feeling of pressure in the stomach and esophagus, and the crying stops.

If none of the above reasons are present, and crying while eating is constant, then you should definitely show the child to a doctor in order to examine the condition of his gastrointestinal tract in order to exclude serious pathologies, including congenital malformations.

After meal

A cry after eating may indicate that the child is suffering from infant colic. This phenomenon usually accompanies the first 3-4 months of a baby's life. Due to the imperfection of the digestive system, possible overfeeding, gas accumulates in the child's intestines, which press on the intestinal walls. At the same time, the kid cries loudly and piercingly, presses his legs, shakes his arms and legs.

A warm diaper, ironed and placed on the tummy, laid out on the stomach before meals, as this stimulates intestinal peristalsis, as well as preparations based on simethicone - "Bobotik", "Espumisan", will help to alleviate the baby's condition. It is useful to massage the baby's tummy in a clockwise circular motion.

This usually helps, but if the result does not work, you should again consult a doctor to rule out bowel problems.

In between meals

It happens that the baby wakes up earlier than his allotted time and begins to cry. If he ate well in the previous feeding, then there is no point in offering him food, this will only lead to overfeeding. In addition, many babies, when not hungry, refuse milk themselves.

The reason for such unscheduled wake-ups may well be discomfort due to a wet diaper, tight swaddling, which hinders movement, and the baby's arms become numb. Cold or heat also prevent the baby from sleeping peacefully. The fix is ​​pretty simple.

It is necessary to ensure that the room is no higher than 20-21 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is at the level of 50-70%. Diapers should be sized and not squeezed or loose. Under them there should be no diaper dermatitis, diaper rash, irritation.

An uncomfortable climate can lead to crying attacks when changing clothes and changing diapers.

If the room is too cold, then these actions give the baby pronounced unpleasant sensations. An allergic reaction also interferes with normal sleep. Any dermatitis, accompanied by skin rashes, causes itching, discomfort, to which the child reacts by crying. Crying itself in this case has the character of a plaintive, quiet, alarming.

Uncomfortable clothes, the seams of which irritate the delicate baby skin, are also a common cause of tiny tears. If the reason for crying lies in this, then after the baby is provided with comfortable, seamless clothing made from natural fabrics, awakenings and crying will stop.

During and after swimming

There may be several reasons for such a roar. First, it is the temperature of the water. It can be unpleasant for the baby - too hot or too cold. It is best to adhere to the "gold standard" and warm your bathing water to 37 degrees.

Secondly, the reason for crying can be ordinary hunger, because many parents bathe their baby in the evening just before feeding.

In this case, it is worth revising the routine of the evening exercise, and shifting the bathing half an hour earlier, when the baby has not yet had time to get very hungry, or half an hour later, when the eaten is absorbed and will not be expelled out during water procedures.

During the massage

Babies very often react to massage by crying. If mom makes it, then roar during manipulations is less common. The invited masseur is a stranger for the child, his touch is unfamiliar to the baby, so they are not pleasant for him. A heart-rending cry during a massage may indicate that the pressing movements of an adult are carried out with excessive force, the child is simply in pain.

You should not continue the massage if the baby is crying. This procedure is wellness, and it should be enjoyable. It is worth waiting for the child to calm down and try again, replacing the pressure with stroking movements, and an angry tone with an affectionate song.

Therapeutic massage, the task of which is to correct certain pathologies (increased muscle tone is difficult to consider as a pathology, since it is characteristic of almost all newborns), always causes certain painful sensations in problem joints and muscles, crying is more than appropriate here.

If there is no way to refuse the procedures, then you just have to endure.

In the evening at the same time

This is a very common problem in families where a baby is growing up. Many parents see colic as the culprit. However, doctors are more inclined towards another explanation for this phenomenon - emotional crying. The child is tired during the day, has received new impressions, in the evening, as a rule, there are many events in his life - and massage, and bathing, and air baths. That is why evening crying, this is how systematically repeated sobbing is called, is a kind of emotional "outburst", because babies also need to somehow get rid of their worries.

In this case, the nature of crying in a child can be any- some children, tired, whine, others - hysterically screaming and bursting into tears. If a child cries before bedtime, does not calm down during motion sickness, or calms down, but not for long, you just need to treat this with understanding. Usually, the phenomenon disappears without a trace after a couple of months, when the child's nervous system becomes somewhat stronger. If the problem has dragged on, it is worth showing the baby to a neurologist, perhaps he will need to help with herbal sedatives, as well as herbal baths.

With impressionable and noisy babies in the evenings, you need to walk more in the fresh air during the day, let them express their emotions.

During urination or bowel movements

A child who cries loudly and piercingly before urinating, immediately after this action, may well suffer from acute pain that accompanies cystitis and other problems of the genitourinary system. It is imperative to pass the child's urine for analysis and show the baby to the pediatrician.

If the child is crying and pushing, it is quite possible that he has problems with stool, constipation. Usually, bowel movements for a baby should not be unpleasant. The baby grunts, but does not scream.

The appearance of screaming and tears during bowel movements always indicates that the child has health problems. It is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician, as necessary, to do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs to make sure that the child does not have obstruction, twisting of intestinal loops, that he does not have hernias.

Constant crying

A baby who cries most of the day and night definitely needs a thorough examination by a neurologist and pediatrician.

Quite often, the reason that the baby wakes up every hour, arches its back and cries loudly is increased intracranial pressure.

Heart-rending prolonged or long monotonous (on one note) crying for no apparent reason can speak of dysfunctions of the central nervous system. In other words, the child is well-fed, dry, comfortably dressed, he does not have constipation and bloating, but there is a protest.

Painful signs include roar, which is combined with:

  • disorders of motor functions;
  • violations of the position of the oculomotor muscles;
  • convulsions;
  • intermittent breathing, in which the child wheezes between crying attacks.

All of these conditions must be promptly examined by doctors. In some cases, it is worth calling an ambulance.

How to learn to understand the baby?

In fact, it is not difficult at all. As soon as mom and dad get to know their baby better, get acquainted with his preferences, character, they can quite accurately guess by the nature of crying what the child needs at one time or another.

Until the baby has mastered speech, he will have to put up with the fact that crying will be accompanied by cutting teeth, nausea, and attention deficit. All babies, without exception, want to be loved and require communication.

If not a single physiological or pathological reason for screaming has been found, and the doctors are just shrugging off their hands, you need to reconsider your style of communication with the baby, ask yourself if enough attention and affection, love and care is given to the baby.

Newborns almost never cry for no good reason. But already at 2-3 months, the child may well show his mood, emotions, fears and apprehensions. Parents should listen to their child more carefully. This does not mean that the entire family has to tiptoe and please the new family member. But all adults can know the true reasons for crying and take certain measures that correspond to the ideas of parents about upbringing.


  • Reflexes
  • APGAR scale
  • When he begins to hear and see
  • In the first months of life, it is through crying that the baby tries to communicate with the parents. Thus, he signals that he is hungry, that he is hot or cold, in pain or lonely.

    There is no need to be afraid of baby crying, the main thing is to identify and eliminate its cause. Over time, many mothers and fathers begin to understand what their baby is “talking about”. The most common causes of baby crying are:

    • hunger;
    • pain, most often it is colic in the abdomen;
    • the discomfort;
    • tiredness, desire to sleep;
    • fear and loneliness.

    Newborn nutrition

    The most common reason babies cry is when they are hungry. As soon as the baby is hungry, he signals to the parents with his cry that it is time for feeding.

    Babies have a very small ventricle and need to be fed often but little by little. There is an easy way to check if your baby is hungry. Bend your little finger and gently touch the corner of the baby's mouth. If the baby turns its head towards touch and opens its mouth, it means that it is hungry. Listen to crying, the “hungry cry” is louder, longer and more intense.

    Usually, after receiving food, the crumb calms down, it can fall asleep. But if the "hungry cry" is repeated too often, you should contact your pediatrician. Perhaps the baby is not getting enough nutrition and needs to be fed more often, or the mother's milk is "empty" and the baby simply does not eat enough. The main problem of children on artificial nutrition is the selection of a suitable mixture for them.

    Even with good nutrition, a newborn may experience pain in the abdomen (colic). Their main reason is the not yet debugged work of the baby's digestive system and the accumulation of gases. With colic, the baby turns red when crying, squeezes the legs, and then pulls them out sharply, he has a tense, hard tummy.

    Give the child a massage and give medicine, since there are many medicines on sale now that will help relieve a newborn from colic.

    Additional problems of poor appetite and crying of the infant: unpleasant taste of breast milk, inappropriate formula (for artificial children), ear inflammation or a stuffy nose in a newborn.

    The discomfort

    The baby may cry due to physical discomfort. Unpleasant sensations include: wet diapers, rough seams on clothes, swaddling too tight, uncomfortable posture, or improper room temperature.

    If the baby fidgets when crying and tries to change the position to the best of its infant capabilities, most likely it needs to be swaddled, or laid more comfortably.

    If the baby cries right after changing clothes, it is worth examining his clothes for rough seams.

    Another significant cause of discomfort can be the wrong temperature regime in the room. Try to maintain the optimum temperature + 20-23 ° C. Buy a hygrometer and monitor the level of humidity in the house, this is an important indicator on which the well-being and health of all family members depends.

    Besides physical, there are psychological discomforts. A baby may cry to get the attention of a parent if he is scared or lonely. “The call is short, the baby starts crying and immediately calms down as soon as an adult approaches him. Some experts do not advise taking the baby in your arms at the first sounds of crying; you just need to talk to him or pet him kindly.

    There is also a protest cry, if the baby does not like something, he angrily notifies about it. He may be unhappy when his nails are cut, his nose is cleaned, or other grooming procedures are performed.

    Sometimes the baby cries from overexcitement if he is in an unusual environment, or there are a lot of strangers around him. Try to follow the daily routine, stick to the "plan" and the set order of actions. "Regular" children are calmer and more balanced, they feel protected.

    Painful cry

    Crying in an infant can signal health problems. Examine the baby carefully: monotonous crying, lethargy, pallor or excessive redness, fever - a reason to see a doctor.

    Also, the baby can be capricious and feel bad after vaccination or with skin lesions (chafing, redness, diaper rash).

    You should not discount postpartum injuries, if they are present, the crumbs need regular medical supervision.

    "Toilet matters"

    Sometimes babies cry during bowel movements and urination. It happens that kids are just scared of the process, but more often this behavior signals health problems:

    • infections of the genitourinary system;
    • problems with the location of the foreskin, resulting in stagnant and painful phenomena;
    • gas and constipation;
    • improper nutrition;
    • inflammatory bowel disease.

    Observe the baby carefully, if crying is repeated with every emptying of the bladder or intestines, and there is mucous or bloody discharge in the feces, contact the pediatrician and take the necessary tests.

    Baby crying while swimming

    Not all newborns like water procedures, there are crumbs that make real tantrums in the bathroom. There are several reasons that affect your baby's bathing behavior:

    • fear of water;
    • too large a bath;
    • uncomfortable water temperature;
    • damage or rash on the skin;
    • uncomfortable position.

    Make sure the bathroom is comfortable before bathing. The optimum water temperature for bathing a newborn is 34-37 ° C. Buy a thermometer and be sure to measure the temperature of the water before swimming.

    If the parents decide to temper the baby, the water temperature should be lowered gradually. The main condition is not to overheat the crumbs and not frighten him by immersing him in too cool water.

    A kid can cry with fright if, in principle, he is afraid of water, and the bathtub is too big and seems to the little one to be a real sea. An uncomfortable position can be another reason for the child's dissatisfaction. Inexperienced parents are often nervous and hold the baby too tightly in the water, which can cause him unpleasant sensations.

    In addition, even minor skin injuries can cause discomfort while bathing.

    Children's cry in the night

    If the baby often cries at night, but he has no health problems, you should first examine his "sleeping place". The baby's mattress may be too hard or the blanket may be too warm.

    Also, the reasons for night crying can be: a bad dream, hunger, the absence of parents, anxiety or nervous exhaustion, the child is too hot or cold.

    Dress your baby according to the weather, do not wrap him up too much. Monitor the temperature and humidity level in the children's room, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

    There is no need to wait until the child is exhausted and falls asleep, go up to him, pick him up or sit down next to him, stroke and rock. Observe the daily routine, this will reduce the likelihood that the baby will confuse day with night.

    If all else fails and the baby cries for hours on end, do not delay and contact your pediatrician. You may need to be tested to determine the cause of the newborn's anxiety.

    Tip 2: Why does a newborn hiccup, often cry and vomit

    Young parents are very worried about their first child and panic in any incomprehensible situations. But before running to a pediatrician, it is important to understand what is happening and why. There are reasons that parents can eliminate, while others will require medical attention. It is enough to carefully observe the signals from the baby.

    When to see a doctor when burping

    Sometimes a baby who has not burp before can begin to return some of the milk, and at the same time push. Sometimes it happens, and vice versa, belching has stopped, and this causes panic reactions in parents who begin to take the child to the doctors. The danger is belching, observed from 5 times a day, if a lot of food eaten comes out at one time. When such a phenomenon is noted after each feeding and the baby begins to be capricious, the help of a doctor is needed.

    Small burps and hiccups after eating are normal, especially if your toddler is eating in a hurry. But if the newborn returns part of the milk eaten after each feeding, then this symptom should alert parents. This is often noted if the baby is premature. A two-month-old baby may groan at the same time. For him, perhaps, this is due to a violation of feeding, but the reasons may be more serious. If he begins to sneeze frequently, sweat is visible on his temples, and this is noted with every feeding, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Therefore, it is required to carefully monitor the well-being of the newborn, and to know what reasons may induce him to regurgitate food, cry and hiccup. Sometimes at the same time he raises his legs, begins to shake them - this speaks of intestinal colic. It is necessary to change the position of the body so that the baby stops jerking his legs.

    Gastrointestinal and feeding problems

    Hiccups are caused by the convulsive contraction of the diaphragm when a small volume of air is pushed out of the lungs. The characteristic sound appears due to the fact that at this time the epiglottis abruptly blocks the air outlet, while the child may turn red or blue. Constant hiccups, accompanied by crying and excessive belching of food, are most often the result of nutritional problems, perhaps the food is poorly digested.

    What causes these symptoms:

    1. Overeating, when the amount of food intake is excessive, the stomach is full and belching occurs. This condition causes discomfort and painful sensations, so the child can cry, jerk his legs. Also, when the diaphragm expands, it begins to press on the stomach, which leads to its sharp contraction due to pain. If a student can refuse food, then the baby still does not know how to determine his own norm.
    2. Malnutrition. If the mother has little milk, then the baby may scream and hiccup due to lack of nutrients necessary for development. Therefore, you need to ensure that the child's weight fits into the age standard. If the baby does not eat enough, then he will constantly want to sleep.
    3. Air intake with food. In newborns, the trachea is positioned so that they can breathe and eat at the same time. Only a one-year-old child gets rid of this feature. Hiccups and regurgitation are signs of improper posture during feeding. Perhaps a leg or hand is pressing hard on the stomach.
    4. Abdominal pain due to flatulence. Due to the fact that the child had been feeding through the umbilical cord for several months before, his gastrointestinal tract is undeveloped, and disruptions in peristalsis may occur.
    5. Constipation can also cause crying and regurgitation due to pain and not enough space to digest milk. Therefore, it is important to monitor the regularity and abundance of the baby's bowel movements, and if the discharge decreases, consult a doctor for medications that stimulate the digestive tract.
    6. Thirst. Due to the fact that the infant feeds on mother's milk, he does not need additional fluid. This situation can only be caused by the middle of a hot summer, or a walk on a summer day in a closed wheelchair. Another thing is if a newborn is fed with formula, then he may become dehydrated. In order to remove the symptoms and the cause, it is worth trying to give a little water, if this does not help, then the source lies in something completely different.

    Incorrect environmental conditions

    The occurrence of hiccups, screaming and belching can be caused not only by internal reasons, but also by external ones. In the mother's belly there was a constant environment to which the baby was accustomed, he still lacks many mechanisms of self-regulation. Therefore, if the ambient temperature is too high or too low, then malfunctions occur in the body due to the fact that the body is overheating or hypothermic. The normal temperature indicator recommended by WHO in the room should not go beyond 20-23 degrees.

    These symptoms can occur with the wrong bed, or swaddling errors. Now a gentle way of swaddling a newborn is used to make the sleep more sound. Thus, you can avoid the reflex throwing of the limbs during sleep. Many mothers and grandmothers may still use the old methods that advised tight swaddling to give the baby a sense of security. This method squeezes the limbs, which can cause abnormal muscle development, and with tight swaddling, the abdomen is constantly squeezed, which leads to errors in breathing and hiccups. May cause profuse belching by literally squeezing some of the food out of the baby. All this causes constant discomfort, which leads to incessant screaming.

    Scary sounds

    Parents often wonder why a strong whine of a car engine or other similar loud sounds of a child soothes, while quiet ones, like a dropped pen or laughter, can scare. It is important to understand here that some strange situations sound like a newborn what he heard during intrauterine development. The even work of the engine occurs at about the same volume as the digestion of the mother, so it calms him down. During his short life, the baby has not yet managed to adapt to new conditions. When unfamiliar and unusual sounds occur, the baby may start crying due to misunderstanding, and, calling for help from his parents, because he does not know what to do in this situation.

    It has long been proven that some things are avoided by children instinctively, they start yelling. So, for example, something shaped like a snake or a spider will make you look at it and call for help, and green food will make you want to spit it out. Therefore, you need to know what sounds can be scary in order to avoid the occurrence of constant stress, which will provoke hiccups or excessive belching due to fear.

    What sounds near the baby should be excluded:

    1. Loud voices, exclamations, especially people with whom the child does not come into contact every day. If someone screams like a cut, the baby also starts crying.
    2. Loud music and movies. To listen to them, you will most likely need headphones due to special effects or high-pitched notes. This does not apply to quiet classical music, as well as compositions with a clear continuous rhythm.
    3. Car horn or alarm.
    4. Irregular knocking, frequent frightening hum.
    5. Squealing sounds, in ancient ancestors, they meant that a predator was approaching.

    Developmental pathologies

    Constant crying, improper functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems can occur due to improper development of internal organs or the nervous system, which is especially dangerous when the child is not yet 1 year old. Therefore, it is important to conduct a constant anthropometric examination of the baby, correlating each parameter with the one recommended by medicine. Of course, the physical standard is an average, but thanks to it you can see that the child continues to grow at the right pace.

    Pathologies can be invisible, for example, diseases of the nervous system or gastrointestinal tract can only be determined with the help of a medical examination. Therefore, you need to know what can cause them. All of these ailments can provoke frequent hiccups and regurgitation.

    Causes of pathologies of the nervous system:

    1. Hereditary diseases.
    2. Abnormalities in intrauterine development.
    3. Infectious diseases carried by the mother during pregnancy.
    4. The baby was born prematurely.
    5. Difficult prolonged labor, possible damage due to the passage of the birth canal or lack of oxygen.

    When the cause was in extraneous sounds, temperature, swaddling or improper feeding, the baby should calm down for 2-3 hours, depending on the severity of the impact. Perhaps his nose is clogged. If all the reasons that may cause concern for the child are excluded, but he continues to cry and hiccup, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.