How to tie a bandana to a man from a scarf. Classic and unusual ways of tying bandanas for women and men. Ways to tie a bandana

There are hundreds of accessories and jewelry in the women's wardrobe. Hats, neck scarves, bags of various shapes and sizes, chokers, bracelets, beads, earrings, scarves, hoops, clamps and so on and so forth. If only they could take it easy on this, but no, they even appropriated a brutal male bandana. Well, what can you do? The fairer sex is so good that they look great even in things that were originally worn exclusively by men.

Today, pirate bandanas can even be seen on the famous heads. Sexy Rihanna, romantic Kate Moss, beautiful Kylie Jenner, superb Jenner Kendall, unsurpassed Christina Aguilera. It seems that these girls have nothing in common except fame and success, but no - they are all ardent fans of pirate bandanas.

Acute bandomania captured ordinary young ladies from not so high society. Girls adorn their heads with bright pieces of fabric mainly in the off-season, that is, when it is already so warm that you can refuse a warm hat, but it is still windy enough and it is necessary to protect your ears from the cold.

Pirate bandanas are also tied around the neck, as a stylish addition to a romantic or business look, or tied over the head instead of a hoop. The most interesting thing is that girls with such an accessory look not at all provocative and rude, but very feminine and seductive. How did a bandana evolve from a simple piece of fabric into a stylish accessory?

Pirate bandana and everything connected with it

Rumor has it that the first bandanas were invented by the Spaniards, who sought to protect their heads from the scorching sun. Over time, a protective tissue element began to be tied over the face of cowboys to prevent sand and dust from entering the respiratory tract. They were worn, most often, on the neck, so that, if necessary, the fabric could be quickly transported to the face. Ordinary horsemen also wore headbands.

But the real bandania boom occurred when the accessory migrated from the heads of ordinary Spaniards workers, horsemen and cowboys to the heads of pirates. The cloth bandage has become a kind of zest, the hallmark of sea robbers, making them recognizable all over the world. It was then that bandanas began to be associated with free, brutal and at the same time romantic images.

Nowadays, the bandana is an unusually fashionable accessory and is used by people of all ages. It is worn not only on the head and neck, but is also tied around jeans, like a belt, and also around the wrists, like bracelets. Cloth bandage has become an integral part of certain subcultures, such as rocker ones. Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that a bandana is a universal piece of fabric that can transform an image in different ways. The result of this transformation depends entirely on how the fabric is tied and how well it will blend in with other things.

How to tie on your head, arm or neck

Believe it or not, there are at least ten different ways to tie a bandana on your head. Consider the most successful and fashionable variations of this season:

  1. In the form of a kerchief. In this case, the fabric piece will need to be folded in a triangle and tied at the back, hiding the knot under the hanging end of the fabric. Such an accessory will look great in a light summer look: with sundresses, denim shorts, shirts and blouses, as well as T-shirts, T-shirts and tops.
  2. In the form of a hoop. An excellent option for those who want to make their spring or summer look more original. A bandana folded in the form of a ribbon and tied around the head will not only remove interfering curls from the face, but also give the image a distinctiveness. You can pull the fabric with a bow, both from the back and from the front. Long sundresses and jeans, as well as tunics and elongated shirts are ideal for such an accessory.
  3. The image of a pirate. This is exactly what you can create by tying a bandana over your head, like a scarf, but in such a way that the ends hang down at the back. Ideal for a casual nautical look with a vest, linen shorts, slippers and wooden jewelry.
  4. Ponytail. A good option for a romantic look, perfect for young ladies with long hair. The hair just needs to be tied in a high ponytail using a thin elastic band, and then tied with fabric in such a way that you get a bow or a flower.

There are fewer ways to tie bandanas around your neck, but they are no less original:

  1. Stylish cowboy shirt. Fold the bandana into a triangle and wrap it at the base. We wrap the long ends of the fabric around the neck, then cross and tie with a knot. This accessory is in perfect harmony with your everyday look.
  2. An elegant lady. In this case, the bandana is simply tied with a bow around the neck, like a regular neck scarf. An ideal addition to an office blouse or a romantic blouse with a revealing neckline.
  3. Freelance artist. This way of tying bandanas will appeal to those who love stylish and at the same time free images. The bandana folded in a triangle should be wrapped around the neck, leaving the widest part of the fabric in sight. This accessory will be in perfect harmony with shirts, T-shirts, leggings and ankle boots.

On the arm, bandanas are tied in the form of a wristband. This is usually done by adolescents and representatives of certain subcultures.

What hairstyle is suitable

If you want to tie a bandana on your head, then you will have to provide for everything: from accessories in harmony with the fabric to hairstyles. In the second case, it is advisable to take into account several important nuances:

  1. Loose and sleek hair is the most versatile bandana hairstyle. A pirate-knitted fabric, both classic and more original, will look good with it.
  2. Pulling up your hair in a bun at the back of your head will create a good base for the bandana, which is tied around your head.
  3. Bandanas - Hoops look good on girls with curly and short hair. The image is sultry and unusual.
  4. If you wear bangs, then it is better to tie the bandana either in a pirate way or in the form of a scarf. At the same time, it is better to style the hair so that it creates the feeling of a slight mess.
  5. But Hollywood curls and other evening hairstyles with bandanas do not go well no matter how hard you try. Even eminent designers create this type of accessory exclusively for light looks.

The most interesting thing is that you don't have to go to the store to purchase the original bandana. This accessory can be easily made at home from a simple piece of fabric.

How to do it yourself

To create a stylish bandana at home, you will need:

  1. A small piece of fabric.
  2. Marking pencil or felt-tip pen.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Sewing machine and thread with a needle.

From the selected piece of fabric, which can be absolutely any in color and texture, it is necessary to cut a square, the sides of which will be 60 cm. It is better to do this starting from the corner, since in this case there will be less waste.

The edges of the fabric will need to be folded and stitched using a needle and thread, and then sewn. It is important that the stitches are overlocked as this will prevent the accessory from being destroyed, so to speak. You can decorate the resulting bandana as you like, if the fabric itself is not colorful.

And one more important point. To harmoniously combine the future bandana with the maximum number of your looks, purchase fabrics in neutral shades. It can be beige, white, cream and peach tones. If you have a lot of colorful things in your wardrobe, then make the bandana the same. In short, don't be afraid to experiment and be personal.

What's this?

Everyone knows that accessories have an amazing property - they can decorate and transform any look. Even the most boring look, thanks to the correct selection of details and competent placement of accents, will sparkle in a completely new way. One such accessory is the bandana, which has a wide variety of wear options.

The bandana came to us from sunny Spain, where workers used it to protect their heads from sand and dust. Also, this accessory was popular among American cowboys who used it to cover their face and neck from the scorching sun.

The bandana is a kind of large-sized scarf. Both girls and young people can wear a bandana, there is also a children's model. If you learn how to tie this accessory correctly, then you can come up with a huge number of options that diversify the image and bring zest to it.

There are several options for a bandana: the first is a classic accessory of a square, triangular or rectangular shape. They can be folded depending on the desire and the way of wearing them. The second option is the so-called transformer bandana, which has a wide upper part that can be turned into a scarf or a hood, and the lower part with an elastic band.

How to choose the right one

Before knitting this accessory, you should choose the right one that is right for you.

First of all, it is worth choosing the desired shape and type of bandana. As mentioned above, the bandana comes in different shapes and two variations. Depending on the image, you should choose one of them.

Then the colors you need are chosen, of which there is a huge variety. There are classic colors that are not very popular - these are black, white, brown, gray and beige. And there is a huge number of bandanas in bright colors with a variety of patterns and beautiful designs. There are accessories in pastel shades that are fashionable this season, which also have a huge number of decoration options.

How to tie

Bandana tying methods are both classic and original. This accessory is versatile and can be worn in completely different ways. You can tie it around your head, neck or arm. Also, some women of fashion tie this accessory on the hips, which looks very stylish.

Most often, this accessory is worn on the head, in fact, it was originally intended for this.

The most classic option for tying a bandana on your head is as follows: first you need to fold the bandana in half in a triangle, then put it on your head, placing the base on your forehead. The ends of the scarf should be pulled back and tied at the back of the head, and the tip of the triangle should be plugged behind the knot.

The next method is often referred to as "Pirate". To do this, you need to fold the classic square bandana into a triangle, and then fold it again to make a wide strip. Then it is applied to the forehead, and the ends are tightened and tied at the back of the head. And really, having tied a bandana in this way, you involuntarily begin to look like the conquerors of the seas.

The next tying method was used by hippies. To do this, you need to fold the scarf several times to get a thin strip. Then it is tied on the forehead as in the pirate method, only in this case the free ends are wrapped around the tied bandana.

This method involves tying the girl with a bandana in the form of a rim. Again, the bandana is folded into a thin strip, the middle is at the back of the head, and the ends are carried forward. Then they cross on the forehead, are brought back again and there they are tied in a knot.

For wearing in the form of a headband, you can twist the bandana into a tourniquet or simply tie it over your head like a thin strip.

There is another, the so-called retro method, which can be tied to a boy, girl, girl or young man.

Owners of long hair will have to tie them in a bun so that they do not interfere with the process. And so, for a start, you should again fold the bandana in half into a triangle and put it on your shoulders so that the middle tip of the triangle looks down. Next, the side ends are brought onto the head and tied into a knot. Then the free part rises to the knot, passes under it and, once again going around the knot, hides again.

There is another original option for which you should take a large bandana. This method involves tying this scarf in the form of a turban. To tie a scarf in this way, you must first fold it in half and place it on your head so that the central tip is on top. Then the extreme ends are transferred forward, twisted and again thrown over the back of the head, where they need to be tied in a tight knot. The middle tip, left free, is pulled back and hidden under the twisted part. Thus, a similarity of a turban is obtained from a thin material.

By the way, hairstyles with a bandana are usually worn in the simplest way so as not to overshadow the accessory itself. Usually it is just loose hair, or two braids.

How to tie on your hand

To use this accessory as a bracelet, you need to do the following: first, fold the bandana into a triangle and roll it into a strip about five centimeters wide. Then place the handkerchief on a horizontal surface and place your hand in the middle. Then, flip the ends to opposite sides and turn your hand over. You need to do these steps until the length of the bandana ends. The ends of the scarf can either be tied or simply tucked in.

How to tie around the neck

Often, many people ask themselves how to wear a bandana for a man, because the classic version of tying on his head is not always relevant. To do this, there are several ways to tie a scarf around your neck.

The first method is quite simple: a square bandana is folded into a triangle and folded several times until a thin strip is obtained. It must be put on the neck so that the middle of the accessory is in front, then the ends are brought back, crossed, transferred forward again and tied into a knot. It turns out to be a very stylish accessory that can be worn with a shirt, but only for an informal event.

The second method is called cowboy, since it is tied in a similar way, as cowboys did in the United States. To do this, you need to fold the bandana into a triangle, put it around your neck under the chin and tie the ends at the back. After that, you should straighten the accessory a little, thus giving it a little volume.

How to tie on the hips

This method is quite simple and in order to carry it out, you only need a couple of actions and a large bandana. Fold it in half in a triangle and tie it over the hips over the jeans. The bandana with fringes looks very stylish in this version, it gives the image a lightness and a little romance.

How to wear a trumpet bandana

The bandana pipe is a kind of cotton snood that is small in size. She also has several ways to wear.

To begin with, you should turn it inside out, then put it on your head, pull it up, scroll and pull it over your head again with the outer side of the scarf. You will get a nice hat.

The next method is proposed to tie a girl. The bandana is put on the head and the free end is twisted. Then it is carried forward and the end is hidden under the part on the forehead.

What to wear with

The bandana is a fairly versatile accessory and is suitable for everyone, the main thing is only to choose the right option that is right for you. As a rule, in combination of a scarf with various styles of clothing, there are practically no prohibitions, except for one single taboo - wearing a bandana with classic wardrobe items for an official evening event is prohibited. Otherwise, you can show imagination and experiment according to your taste and desire.

The bandana is in perfect harmony with summer sundresses and light dresses. It will also be a great addition to jeans, shorts or a miniskirt. It all depends on the image you choose and the method of tying this accessory. Of course, it is worthwhile to correctly select the color combinations of clothes and the scarf itself, as well as pattern options. It is important to choose the right materials. For example, a leather or thick bandana is more suitable for warm clothes in the cold season, and bright cotton or silk is a model option for summer outings.

How to do it yourself

If, after going around all the stores, you still cannot find the bandanna you need, you can make it yourself. This will require several items: a piece of fabric you like, scissors, a pin, thread, a needle and a sewing machine, for faster work.

To sew a classic square bandana, take a large piece of square fabric. Its size will depend on your desire. Then, on all sides, you need to bend the fabric one and a half centimeters and iron it with an iron to get smoother sides. Then all four are sewn on a sewing machine and complete work on their own hand-made accessory. This option is quite simple and even a girl can do it.

How to wear the Original Buff trumpet bandana

Multifunctional bandana-transformer from the Original Buff series is made of thin polyester in the form of a tube. You can easily wear such a light scarf on your face or turn it into a hat, mask, headband or neckband. There is no need to tie a bandana on your head! Often, the Original Buff headgear is used as a ski bandana-scarf that covers the neck and ears. This type of sports bandana is the most versatile and suitable for most adults (head circumference 50-58 cm) and can be used at any time of the year.

All pipe bandanas Buff:, wool (),.

How To Wear a Buff Athletic Headband

Summer sports headbands are made of lightweight and elastic Coolmax material or from 2019. from a similar material CoolNet. This material has a phenomenal absorbent property, which is why it is often used in professional sportswear and thermal underwear.

The height of the bandage is 10 cm, which is enough to cover the forehead. The fabric has high elasticity and is suitable for most adults. Can be used for running, tennis, roller skating or cycling or any other activity.

How to wear a Polar Buff fleece tube scarf

This type of tube scarf is often used for winter sports such as cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, or sledding. The scarf consists of two parts: the lower part made of warm and soft Polartec material protects your neck from wind and hypothermia, and the upper part made of elastic polyester can be used as a face mask, balaclava or comforter and even a hat. This type of sports scarf is suitable for high and medium activity.

How to put on the Polar Reversible Buff warm tube scarf

Perhaps the warmest Buff fleece scarf is this very series - Buff Reversible. The scarf is made in the form of a tube 50 cm high. On the one hand, it is reinforced with an elastic roll-finish, on which a colorful pattern is applied, and inside it is insulated with a soft and warm fleece. This tube scarf can be used as a collar, face mask and even a hat. This type of scarf is suitable for medium to low activity or for sports during the cold season, especially if these activities are associated with periods of rest. For example, when snowboarding and alpine skiing or just walking in the woods in severe frosts. If you need a lighter ski tube scarf, take a look at.

How to wear a warm fleece bandana from the Polar Bandana

How To Wear an Infinity Snood Scarf

Long yoke scarves or circular scarves vary in length and material of manufacture: cotton, wool, polyester and tencel.

How to Wear a Windproof Windproof Tube Scarf

This is a special windproof tube scarf from the Cyclone Buff range. The design of the multifunctional scarf uses windproof material Windstopper, which protects your neck and face from the wind and at the same time breathes well, in addition, the scarf has a long element made of two-layer microfiber, which allows you to put such a scarf on your face or neck, as well as make a mask out of it or balaclava and comforter. The sports scarf-transformer from the Cyclone series is made in the form of a tube. This versatile scarf is popular with bikers, cyclists and skiers.

How to tie a regular headband

The instruction on how to tie a scarf is simple:

  • we get an equilateral cocked hat from the bandana by repeatedly folding;
  • find the center of the triangle and apply it to the forehead;
  • we put the ends on the back of the head and tie on a knot. The third free tip of the accessory is under the knot;
  • finishing touches - we straighten the accessory so that it looks flawless.

People who lead an active sports lifestyle, bikers usually do not bother with something special and stick to the classic way of tying a bandana. She not only makes a person stylish, but perfectly protects from the wind and sun. Therefore, men on vacation often also do not refuse to use a bandana-scarf. Compared to the beach panama, this accessory is much better and more modern.

How to tie a regular pirate bandana

Stylish men who adore adventure, riddles, intrigues never refuse a bandana tied in a pirate style. A few correct movements and the scarf will be tied as expected:

  • from the accessory we get an equilateral cocked hat when we fold it several times;
  • continue - fold the scarf in half;
  • tie the fabric in the form of a wide strip in the central part over the forehead;
  • Tie the ends on the back of the head in two knots.

This is a favorite way to tie headscarves also among the service personnel of oriental restaurants.

How to tie a regular retro bandana (pinup)

Read the instructions carefully to achieve the desired effect:

  • from the kerchief we obtain, as described above, an equilateral cocked hat. We apply the central part to the forehead. There is a desire - fold the accessory again, and only then tie it;
  • we tie the ends tightly at the back of the head;
  • turn the bandana upside down so that the knot that was on the back of the head is on top of the head;
  • straighten the knot nicely. The tips are hidden or freely spread in different directions.

Young girls and older ladies prefer bandanas without hesitation, since the headpiece has long been considered a unisex element. The kerchief is practical and interesting, it is quite consistent with the modern youth style. Girls protect themselves from the sun and wind with this scarf or decorate their head with it in harmony with the chosen hairstyle.

Tie your hair in a bun in the back, and in the front, do a neat pile and tie a bandana. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror - an ordinary headscarf has become a stylish addition to a fashionable and interesting hairstyle. At the same time, girls do not stand out for being extravagant, but attract attention with an unusual expression of attractiveness.

How to tie a regular gangsta rap bandana

Quite an interesting option for wearing a bandana scarf:

  • we fold the scarf into a triangular geometric figure, and then in half over and over again until the fabric becomes a narrow strip;
  • find the center and tie it on the forehead;
  • we tie the ends at the back of the head in a double knot;
  • change the position of the kerchief - the knot is not on the back of the head, but on top - in the center of the forehead;
  • we straighten the knot so that it is nice and neat.

How to tie a regular cowboy bandana

In our area, cowboys are not very famous, but you can learn from them a great way of tying a scarf. The goal is to maximize protection of the lower part of the face in order to remain incognito, and also not to swallow dust, sand, if you ride horses, ride ATVs:

  • fold the fabric and get a triangle;
  • we apply it to the neck, in the center we make a slight sagging forward;
  • the ends are behind the neck, we cross them once;
  • we return the horses forward;
  • carefully tie a knot;
  • we straighten the triangle, hide the knot, no one should see it.

Hello my dear readers! Today we have a straight rocker and biker theme. Who of us would not like to sing “I am free” like Kipelov, riding his bike. This is just awesome. It seems to me that this feeling of freedom and speed is incomparable. I had experience and I have long dreamed of buying a Harley-Davidson, but my mother does not allow me ... It's a joke, I have been living alone for a long time, there is no such money yet, but I have an equally important attribute for any biker, a man's headband. I liked it so much that I wear it now almost all the time.

Men's head bandana

Many do not see the difference between a bandana and a scarf, but, as they explained to me in the store, the first one is worn and tied in a special way. As for me, there is not much difference, but to somehow say that I am a rocker and a future biker wear a headscarf is not solid, and a bandana is quite another matter. It's like in a movie about 4 friends, guys who went to a Bi-2 concert (guys forgot the name - tell me please), as one friend said: "I will give 2 thousand for the crouton, but not for the crouton", exactly the same here.

Typically, bandanas are sold in a square shape. Its dimensions:

  • 63 to 63
  • 70 to 70

and they are made of dense fabric with patterns, but the same type of model is also sold. For a guy, it makes no difference what accessory to wear, as long as it is not pink or with Hello Kitty, believe me, I also met these on men. Especially often such specimens can be found traveling across Europe. Personally, I have one with a skull, and one green in a dot. I saw models with Tsoi and even with the devil, but I did not dare to buy it.

The sales assistant where I bought my beloved, happy "kerchief" said that

bandanas can be different not only in the elements painted on it, but also in the material.

Bikers, for example, buy leather models, while girls buy cotton ones. Knitted fabrics quickly acquire an unmarketable look during wear, so I do not recommend buying them. Although, they have the advantage that they look perfect and sit on the head, do not move out and it is very convenient when riding a motorcycle.

Silk bandanas by all means, but it seems to me that they will constantly roll off the head, so if your girl wants to bend under you, buy her a model made of silk, at most she will cling to her bag, as an accessory, or on her hand.

You can also make a bandana with your own hands.

but this will probably be done by girls, me, and all my friends have never taken courses in cutting and sewing. And do not frighten us with the words pattern or hook) On the market there are models sewn from three parts, with a cap, a rim with an elastic band around the edges, tubes, the so-called buffs. But this is a completely different story, I think that a bandana should be a bandana, and this is already a reworking of the classics. What do you think?

How to tie a headband for men

Well, that's how anyone likes it. I just tie it over my head and tie at the back, wrapping the ends inward. It turns out that it is located above the eyebrows centimeters, so by 10. At the same time, there are many techniques for how to tie a bandana. There are no right and wrong among them, this is everyone's business.

In addition, there are tons of articles on this topic on the Internet. My friend ties a bandana like a simple scarf or on the back of her neck, a couple of centimeters below the growth of her hair. So she goes to the beach.

Can be tied around the neck like a bandage

For what? I like it so much, besides, it can be quickly lifted onto the face, while the nose and mouth will be protected from dust (especially a necessary thing when traveling through hot Africa, where a dust storm can occur momentarily). Moreover, it is fashionable and beautiful. Can be worn instead of a scarf. My sister puts on a bandana for a child instead of a bib, makes him a rock star.

Hang on jeans

There are a lot of options here, but they are definitely more suitable for girls. You can thread a kerchief instead of a belt at all, either in some jeans belt loops, or tie one corner on the belt loops, and leave the bandana hanging on your side, as a "bait". If you choose a beautiful color, then you can decorate simple pants, adding a twist to them.

It's all about your imagination. You can attach bags, buckles to the handle, wrap instead of handles, leave it hanging free, or make knots. There are many options and there is no one right. The only thing I can say is that it will be beautiful for girls, somehow I have little idea of ​​a guy with a bag. But a briefcase with a bandana is what you need. Until I have my "iron friend", I often move around the city on a bicycle. And even if my iron horse costs several times less than a cool motorcycle, I still feel cool on it. So, bandanna, I sometimes cling to the handles. It looks aggressive, a skull, and I am great, so a mysterious expedition can be organized that will explore the secrets of this world.

Where to buy a quality bandana

Honestly, they are sold anywhere and are inexpensive. I've even seen decent options on our subway. But if you do not want to climb it is not clear where, then here's a link to Ali Express, there are a lot of interesting bandanas on the head.

Well my dears, that's all for me, I told everything I knew about the bandana. I have a request to you, in the comments discard photos of your cool accessories, or maybe some of you have a motorcycle, I would very much like to read your stories about the model you have chosen, because I still have a desire to acquire an iron friend for myself.

I am waiting for your questions and a list of topics that you would like to read in. See you!

In contact with

The bandana is one of the most versatile headwear around. The same scarf or headscarf can be tied in completely different ways and combined with many styles of clothing. It all depends on the pattern, which can be anything, and the quality of the material.

The original meaning of the bandana was for comfort and weather protection. American cowboys tied a scarf around their necks in such a way that they could be put on their face at any time. In their case, the bandana was dust protection.

Nowadays, this headpiece either serves as protection from the sun, or takes on the function of a hoop and throws back long hair, which is especially convenient in windy conditions. Sometimes a bandana is used as a stylish accessory and is tied around the neck instead of a tie.

Bandana on the head

Both male and female headbands are worn the same way. The scarf is tied on the middle or lower part of the forehead, as in the photo, so that it does not slip.

Diagram: how to tie a bandana

As you can see in the photo, the knot of the edges of the scarf is the simplest and it is not at all difficult to tie a bandana.

Step by step instructions: how to tie a bandana

Video source: Nikolas Bond

Voluminous lush hair, like the girl in the photo, is more convenient to collect with a bandana folded in a wide strip.

The hairstyle, as in the image, is done using invisibility. The bandana is tied tightly, but not too tight.

Diagram: how to fold the bandana correctly

At the 4th step (see photo) it is quite possible to stop if you want to tie a bandana on your hair with a wide strip.

Bandana flagellum

In this situation, invisibility is not needed - the hair is tightly held by the hairstyle itself. A bandana flagellum will turn out to be as elegant as in the picture if the fabric of the scarf is thin. The color of the bandana should contrast with the color of the hair. Bandanas in pastel colors look beautiful on blondes, and bright ones on girls with light brown and black hair. Redheads should avoid orange and red.

How to tie the edges of a bandana

You can tie a knot in different ways, but it is advisable to do it as shown in the diagram. The bandana, tied in this way, is held tightly, and the knot is almost not felt.

A male or female bandana on the face serves as protection from wind or snow. Ideal for skiing or motorcycle riding, it doesn't get in the way and looks stylish. Youth versions of scarves with skull fragments, as in the photo, are specially designed to be worn on the face.

This video contains the best ideas and ways to wear a woman's bandana.