Wheat germ cosmetic oil application. A nourishing blend for dry lips. Use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

The oil contains many beneficial fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6; amino acids not synthesized in the human body; in moderate amounts vitamins, as well, and others. In the highest concentration it contains and, which provides a powerful antioxidant effect and improves.

Also, wheatgrass pomace contains phytosterols, which are responsible for strengthening cell membranes and have the ability to reduce the level when the product is taken internally.

Why is wheat germ oil useful?

Wheat is a unique culture, it contains a lot of amino acids, oils, etc.

Did you know? Ancient people were forced to feed on unripe wheat, as the wild crop fell off immediately after ripening, and it was almost impossible to harvest it.

Wheat germ oil accumulates all the beneficial qualities of the grain. The rich composition of the product makes it incredibly useful for.

When taken internally:

  • Helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity.
  • Displays bad, reducing its level to normal.
  • Stimulates the production of insulin, which is important for people suffering from (we are talking about type 2).
  • Normalizes blood pressure when.
  • Has a stimulating effect on fertility.

For external use:
  • Nourishes, moisturizes, softens.
  • Has a lifting effect.
  • Lightens age spots, reduces.
  • Tones up.
  • Nourishes and.

Application in cosmetology and medicine

The extract from germinated wheat germ was actively used as a therapeutic and health-improving agent even in ancient Chinese medicine. Now it is used in cosmetic procedures, making different ones on its basis.

In medical practice, a 10% solution is usually used, since the product has a pronounced taste, which is very noticeable when taken orally.

  • As a dietary supplement, it is taken orally for prophylaxis and treatment. Vitamin E, which is the main component, provides elasticity of blood vessels and reduces the risk of coronary artery disease.
  • Wheat germ oil is successfully used in gynecology, it is especially useful for hormonal disruptions in the body, provoking, as well as for cervical erosion and other inflammatory processes of the genital area.
  • For the treatment of gastritis or colitis, the agent is taken after meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  • A miraculous remedy is also prescribed for people who have undergone a course of chemotherapy, it allows you to quickly restore the body's strength and strengthens.

For cosmetic purposes, the scope is no less wide.
  • Wheat germ oil is excellent in treatment, it helps well, drying and soothing.
  • Freckles noticeably lighten after several applications of the composition. Inflammation and peeling are also successfully and quickly healed thanks to this remedy. However, it is worth remembering that in its pure form the product has a rather dense and viscous consistency, therefore, when applied to it, it is usually recommended to dilute it with other oils with a lower density.
  • Wheat germ oil does an excellent job with mimicry around and is best suited for aging.
  • This tool is excellent for various, including, it smoothes and makes defects less noticeable.

Did you know? The main traditional dish of the ancient holiday of Navruz, celebrated by the peoples of Iran and Central Asia, is prepared from the grains of sprouted wheat and is called« sumalak» .

Application recipes

There is no magic in the composition of this product, however, the vitamin E present in it, aka vitamin, made the remedy popular among cosmetologists and who follow their own. There are a great many ways of application, mainly the agent is used in preparation.

For face

Wheat germ oil helps to improve the face, and its use is also practiced to soften it and.

It must be slightly warmed up to a comfortable temperature, and soaked for 15-20 minutes. A simpler and more convenient way is to massage hands, cuticles and nails using the same warmed product. For a whitening effect, it will be useful to add 1-2 drops of lemon oil, and mint in the same amount will help to cope with dry and flaky skin.

For massage

The high density of this agent makes it convenient to use when carrying out massage.

Wheat germ oil shows very high efficiency in the fight against, helps with stretch marks, reducing their severity. For these purposes, mix the base (1 tablespoon) with citrus oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon) 1-2 drops each and massage the problem areas.

For bruises and stretch marks

External use of the product is not limited to the cosmetic area. For example, in case of bruises or sprains, it will allow you to slightly relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the area. The use consists in massaging the damaged area using a clean, undiluted product warmed up to a temperature slightly higher than body temperature.

How to store at home

Wheat germ oil is stored for 2 years. The closed container is stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to + 25 ° C, but it is recommended to store an open bottle in the refrigerator.

Contraindications and precautions

This remedy has no specific contraindications, with the exception of individual reactions of intolerance, which is the basis for discontinuation of the drug.

The product should be taken with caution by people suffering from diseases of the gallbladder or urolithiasis, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the appropriateness of use.

So, today we got acquainted with a great inexpensive natural remedy, a product of cold pressed wheat germ. Its composition and healing properties are unique and, if used correctly, will allow you not only to make your skin radiant and well-groomed, but also to overcome ailments and strengthen.

And others. But the number of fans of using this substance for the face is steadily growing - after all, it is the champion in the content of vitamin E among all natural preparations and effectively prevents age-related changes.

Useful qualities

With a unique combination of vitamins E and C, supplemented with folic and niacin, wheat germ oil contributes to:

  • maintaining skin elasticity and maintaining a toned face contour;
  • smoothing wrinkles, including crow's feet around the eyes and folds in the neckline;
  • softening hardened skin that has lost its softness and elasticity from frost and winds;
  • normalization of metabolic processes, reduces the formation of grease and improves the condition of oily and combination skin;
  • elimination of peeling, swelling and irritation of the skin;
  • reduction of acne and the disappearance of inflammation.

The plant-based chemical allantoin provides the oil unique lifting effect, it kills germs and exfoliates dead skin particles. A cocktail of vanadium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and boron saturates with macro - and microelements necessary to maintain a healthy complexion and preserve youth.

Wheat germ oil strengthens blood vessel walls, preventing the appearance of spider veins, and also activates growth and reduces fragility and hair loss.

Contraindications and precautions

As a rule, for cosmetic purposes, the drug can be used without restrictions. However, a preliminary test is advised for individuals with a history of allergy to wheat and any cereal crops. It allows you to find out in a timely manner the reaction of the body and prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences. To do this, the oil is lightly applied to the wrist or the bend of the elbow, gently rubbed into the skin and left to act on the integument for an hour. In the absence of allergic manifestations in the form of: rash, itching or peeling - the drug can be used without restrictions for face care.

The oil is not indicated in the presence of open wounds and ulcers, as well as in the rehabilitation period after operations.

You should not use a drug that has been stored in violation of the rules prescribed by the manufacturers:

  • use only glassware for storage;
  • the temperature in the room where the oil is stored should not exceed + 15 ° С;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Main applications

Laboratory studies prove that wheatgrass oil is highly effective in solving dermatological problems and regularly treating the face. Cosmetologists use it successfully:

  • undiluted;
  • in combination with essential aromatic oils;
  • for the preparation of exclusive homemade preparations;
  • to enrich factory cosmetics.

The use of pure oil can only be recommended for owners of dry, aging skin.... The maximum effect of the substance is achieved when applied in the form of compresses.

Oily or combination skin can hardly accept the thick, viscous consistency of the drug. Experts recommend diluting it with any essential or base oil. Owners of dry skin will appreciate the combination of wheatgrass oil with peach or apricot; for oily skin, olive or grape oil is ideal.

Adding 4-6 drops of oil to any factory or salon cosmetics can significantly improve its anti-aging properties and tightening effect.

Butter fully reveals its best qualities in combination with oatmeal, rye, rice or wheat flour, whole milk.

Like any cosmetic manipulation, facial treatment with wheat germ oil requires some knowledge and training. The most effective procedures are subject to simple rules:

  • an important condition is the preliminary cleaning of the face and the elimination of any impurities - both natural grease and decorative cosmetics;
  • performing cosmetic procedures with oils is more effective after taking a preliminary bath or steaming your face in a steam bath. Additional moisturizing with homemade herbal lotion or serum will be useful;
  • heating the oil to the temperature of the human body makes cosmetic procedures not only more pleasant, but also more effective;
  • the optimal duration of the session is from 20 to 30 minutes; the course recommended by specialists is 8-10 procedures. After 15 masks or compresses, the skin becomes addictive, and the effect of the drug gradually decreases;
  • the frequency of use depends on the selected procedure. You can apply the oil mixture as a cream or apply anti-acne applications every day; masks should not be done more often than 1-2 times a week.

The best recipes for home use

Regular use of wheat germ oil can produce truly impressive results. Beauty experts have developed many recipes that are easy to prepare, but very effective.

Compress with lifting effect

Mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with three teaspoons of peach oil, add 2 drops each of sandalwood, orange and mint oils. In the resulting composition, moisten a cotton napkin with pre-prepared eye slits and place on the face for 25-30 minutes. After the specified time, the remaining mixture that has not been absorbed into the skin should be blotted with a paper towel and wiped off with a damp cloth. The compress effectively smoothes fine wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face after the first procedure.

Pore ​​tightening mask

To prepare this mask, you need to boil 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in milk, cool them to body temperature, add a tablespoon of castor oil and wheat germ oil each, grind thoroughly and leave to cool. Then add lightly beaten egg white and a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. The mask is kept for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water. This treatment improves the appearance of porous skin and tightens the contour of the face that is losing its shape.

Anti-peeling softening mask

Dilute wheat flour with warm water to a thick cream consistency. Add a teaspoon each of wheat germ and grape seed oils. Stir, adding flour if necessary. Apply a thick layer on face and leave to dry completely. The mask softens the skin and removes flaking spots.

Toning mask with lifting effect

Pour 3-4 tablespoons of rice flour with warm green tea, mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear completely and add 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil. The mask is applied to the face along the massage lines and left until a crust forms, but not longer than 30 minutes. The procedure improves the tone of the skin, smoothes wrinkles and visibly tightens the oval of the face.

Anti-wrinkle cream

A mixture of wheat germ oil with peach, grape, almond or olive oil effectively replaces your daily night cream. The preparations are mixed in a 1: 3 ratio, heated to room temperature and applied with light movements to the surface of the face, including the skin around the eyes.

Moisturizing mask

A mask made from a mixture of wheat germ oil and honey, taken in equal proportions, will quickly and effectively moisturize the driest skin. The mixture is applied to the face and décolleté with a cotton pad. It takes 15 minutes for the skin to receive the necessary hydration and regain a healthy, radiant appearance.

Video: Using Wheat Germ Oil for Youth and Beauty

Effectiveness in combating dry skin and premature aging, affordability and ease of use make wheat germ oil one of the most popular natural face care products.

Every day, the number of women who prefer natural cosmetic formulations in skin care is increasing more and more. Wheat germ oil is one of the famous miracle products that women enjoy using as a caring agent. Due to the incredible number of vitamins, acids, trace elements and active ingredients that are useful for the skin, it is smartly used in various cosmetic fields, in particular in facial skin care.

The benefits of wheatgrass oil for facial skin.
From the name of the product it is clear that it is obtained from the germ or germ of wheat. It is considered the leading means of skin rejuvenation, maintaining and preserving its firmness and elasticity, since it contains everything necessary for its beauty and youthfulness, including vitamins E, A, group B, vitamins D, PP, fatty acids and a lot of active substances that have the best effect on the external and internal state of our skin. Its daily use for the face has an activating effect on the processes of regeneration and restoration, as well as rejuvenation of the skin at the level of its cells, which, of course, cannot but improve its structure and quality.

It is important to note that this most valuable product of nature has no contraindications (except perhaps for individual intolerance) and can be used by owners of any skin type. Especially cosmetologists recommend it in the care of excessively dry skin with signs of peeling, aging and fading. Its regular use has a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face, smoothing out wrinkles, and increasing skin tone. In addition, it effectively evens out the surface and smoothes the skin's texture, and improves the complexion, which gives it a fresh, rested and radiant appearance.

Wheatgrass oil is an amazing product that helps soften, moisturize and nourish all types of skin. In addition, this product is the most effective, and most importantly, a natural remedy for cleansing the skin from impurities and makeup. It is impossible not to note the beneficial effect of the oil in binding and removing toxins and other harmful substances from skin cells. It is this ability of oil that is used in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

Wheatgrass oil also has a beneficial anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect on sensitive, oily and problem skin, relieving inflammation and eliminating irritation from it. In addition, its effectiveness in the fight against acne, acne, various pustular formations, lesions and skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.) is simply amazing. By the way, it can also be perfectly used in the care of the thin and sensitive area of ​​the eyelids, with regular use it eliminates crow's feet, which, one way or another, (albeit at different ages) appear in almost every woman. It is also effective in caring for the delicate skin of the lips, especially in the cold periods of the year. It perfectly heals cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth or seizures, eliminates flaking, restoring smoothness and elasticity to the skin of the lips.

Ways of using wheat germ oil for the face.
Due to its dense and heavy structure, wheat germ oil is not intended to be used undiluted on the face, it is generally combined with various vegetable oils with a lighter texture. Despite this, it is possible to use it in its pure form, but only on rough and flaky areas of the skin of a small size, as well as directly on areas of inflammation, irritation, and damage to the skin. Plus, it can be applied directly to deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, forehead and corner of the eyes (but not under the eyes). But for the area under the eyes, it is recommended to combine it with rosehip, olive, apricot, avocado, peach, sweet almond, grape seed oil, in a ratio of one to three. This mixture can be used every day.

In addition, it is recommended to add it to ready-made cosmetics (three drops per serving) and home-made products (creams, balms, massage oils, etc.). In this case, three drops of a suitable essential component are added to 15 ml of oil. For example, it is recommended to add mint, rose, orange oil to products for dry and aging skin, for oily and problem skin - oil of cedar, clove, cajaput, lavender.

It is also effective to add this oil to homemade face masks. About a teaspoon is enough for any mask recipe.

Recipes for face masks based on wheat germ oil.
Masks and applications based on this amazing and valuable natural product are especially effective for the face. Here's a recipe for a great anti-aging product for aging wrinkled skin. To prepare it, you need to enrich three teaspoons of wheatgrass oil with mint, orange and sandalwood oil, just take one drop of each. With the resulting composition, blot a paper towel and put it on your face. After twenty minutes, remove the towel, but you do not need to rush to wash after the procedure. Wait about five minutes, during this time, the remaining oil is completely absorbed into the skin. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can dab some skin with a paper towel.

For the treatment of oily and problem skin with acne and acne, it is recommended to combine wheat germ oil with lavender, cedar or clove oil, just take two drops. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.

For the corners of the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial folds, it is recommended to use wheat germ oil in its pure form. Moisten cotton pads in it and apply on problem areas of the skin; it is recommended to put compress paper on top.

Another wonderful property of wheatgrass oil is its ability to lighten freckles and age spots. For this purpose, it is mixed in the amount of three teaspoons with lemon, grapefruit or juniper essential oils, which should be taken one drop at a time. In this mixture, slightly moisten a napkin and apply it directly to the stains. The duration of the procedure is no more than twenty minutes, it is carried out twice a day. The effect will be noticeable after ten treatments.

To care for the skin around the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles in this area, it is recommended to apply a composition of a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a drop of neroli essential oil daily with light patting movements, or you can add two drops of rosewood oil. This same composition is useful for lip care and for cracks and bumps.

For dry skin, add one drop of lemon balm and rose oil to the mask for a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Lubricate dry areas with this composition several times a day.

To eliminate crow's feet, there is one very effective remedy: combine 5 ml of wheat germ oil with 15 ml of grape seed, add 4 drops of vitamin E in oil, 4 drops of vitamin A in oil, and three drops of grapefruit and rosemary oil. It is necessary to apply as follows: first moisten two cotton pads in warm water, then apply a couple of drops of the mixture on them and apply to the area around the eyes. Withstand fifteen minutes. The procedure is carried out at night. After two or three such sessions, and you will not recognize your skin. No wrinkles, I guarantee! In any case, I used it with mixed skin. The effect is simply superb!

The following mask will help improve the condition of tired skin and restore health to it: dilute two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal with a small amount of warm milk. As soon as the mass disperses and looks like non-liquid sour cream, add a teaspoon of this wonderful oil to it. Apply the composition to previously cleansed face skin and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add flaxseed and grapeseed oil to the composition.

The use of wheat germ oil for wrinkles to maintain freshness and beauty of the face is the most relevant way of dealing with those who have not been approached by other means. In search of the right ingredients, every woman chooses for herself exactly what her skin can absorb in the best way.

And the presented product has all the chances to become the favorite of many. Even those who have not been helped by other natural remedies so far.

Useful properties of a herbal product

Wheat germ oil is useful not only for the entire face from wrinkles, but also from unpleasant folds around the eyes. It also helps to improve the overall condition of the skin, as it nourishes, moisturizes and tightens.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A .:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities have passed through me who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because science does not stand still, there are more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budgetary alternative.

For more than 1 year, there has been a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN on the European market, which can be obtained IS FREE... In terms of effectiveness, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see its most important action instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is fully restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more >>

With its help, you can quickly get rid of various defects on the face:

However, all these benefits of wheat germ oil for wrinkles will not be appreciated if not properly used in daily care. And for this you need to remember the features of using the product.

Correct use of oil

Wheat germ oil is most effective in reducing wrinkles when applied in a specific way:

You need to use oil in a heated state. But the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, since with excessive heating, all the benefits of the components are destroyed.

The best recipes

Applying wheat germ oil to your face for wrinkles is a pleasant way to care for your skin. As part of masks and various massage mixtures, it gives a feeling of harmony and tranquility. This is why natural recipes are one of the most effective methods to combat not only external, but also internal causes of wrinkles.

With grape seeds

For very dehydrated skin, a recipe will be useful, which will quickly moisturize and nourish it with useful components. It uses about 1 tsp as a base. wheat oil and the same amount of unrefined herbal product from grape seeds. Additionally, you will need 1 mango fruit and 6 g of clay, preferably pink.

First, peel and knead the mango fruit, then beat with a blender until smooth and add the remaining components to it. The mixture should stand for a few minutes so that the clay can release all the nutrients. Before using the mask with wheat germ oil, the skin must be steamed. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a decoction of chamomile or sage. You can hold the mask for as long as 40 minutes.

Anti-sagging mask

This wheat germ oil recipe uses the fruit of an avocado and 30 ml of the original ingredient. Any essential oil that suits your skin will help to enrich the composition:

After 3-4 such masks, the skin will noticeably transform and become more elastic, beautiful, youthful.

Firming recipe

For sagging cheeks, a lifting mask with wheat germ oil for the face, which is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. rice flour and green tea decoction (about 35 ml). Vegetable fat and 1 tbsp are added to the mixture. l. any other oil.

Wheat germ oil can also help get rid of expression lines on your face. This recipe is used for the skin around the mouth and eyes:

You can keep the composition on your face for 20 minutes. The wonderful aroma of greens and potatoes will take you away on a pleasant summer day, when you are happy to relax in nature!

Ascorutin recipe

To prepare a mixture that not only eliminates wrinkles, but also clears clogged sebaceous glands, you will need 2 tablets of ascorutin. This recipe perfectly moisturizes and exfoliates old cells, it also contains: 7 g of yellow clay and 15 drops of basic vegetable oil.

Ascorutin (aka vitamin C in tablets) is ground well and mixed with clay, oil is added. The mixture should stand for a while. During this time, the skin is steamed with a hot towel (literally 3-4 minutes). Then the mixture is applied for 20 minutes.

To wash off any recipe containing vegetable oils, you need to use herbal decoctions. They will not only fix the result, but also help remove oily shine. This can be chamomile, lemongrass, sage or oak bark, or any other plant that suits your skin type.

Honey mask

To prepare a nutritional and tonic mixture, you need to take 20 drops of wheat germ oil and 12 g of honey. Additionally, you will need 6 g of rice flour and 3 g of bee bread. First, all dry components are mixed, combined with wet ones and left for a couple of minutes. You need to keep it on the face for 30 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for the face against wrinkles is especially effective in its simplest form: take 1 drop of 3-4 esters, add 35 ml of peach seed oil and 12 ml of wheat germ. Fold the cheesecloth several times and saturate with the composition. Apply applications on lips, eyes for 25 minutes.

Face care


12.09.14 14:19

In our life, cereals are of great importance. And the most demanded, popular and famous among them is undoubtedly wheat. In our case, it is important that oil is made from sprouts or, as they are also called, wheat germ, which surpasses many other vegetable oils in its beneficial properties. It is used in medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetology, including, you can easily find various wheat germ face masks.

Wheat germ face oil can be used for a variety of purposes. Since it is extremely gentle and gentle on the skin, it can be used to care for sensitive skin, as well as for the skin around the eyes, which naturally requires a special approach. Wheat germ face masks are especially useful for dry and flaky skin, as this oil is great for moisturizing the skin.

The unique, surprisingly rich composition of wheat germ oil provides a very wide range of applications in a variety of creams and masks. In particular, it contains many amino acids that are involved in the production of elastin and collagen. These proteins are directly responsible for the elasticity of cells, and therefore of the skin. Thanks to them, the skin becomes younger literally before our eyes, and without them it quickly sags, becomes lethargic and ugly.

The oil also contains fatty acids, both saturated and unsaturated. Their effect on the skin is also invaluable. They strengthen the cell membranes, protecting them from external damage, and also helps to restore existing ones. Thanks to this, face masks with wheat germ oil promote wound healing, and without scars. That is, they are ideal for the skin after acne and blackhead treatment.

Thanks to allantain, wheat germ oil perfectly removes inflammation and irritation from the skin, soothes it, relieves itching.

This vegetable oil also contains antioxidants. As you know, these substances protect the skin from premature structure by binding free radicals. This is very important, since free radicals have a very bad effect on the condition of the skin and cause its premature aging.

Wheat germ face masks will also be rich in various vitamins. Thanks to this, they actively nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. Wheat germ oil is especially rich in vitamin E, which is considered essential for youth and beauty of the skin. It lifts it, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

In turn, vitamin A improves complexion, tightens pores, brightens the skin and refreshes it. It is indispensable for those who want to tidy up tired and withered skin. With the help of vitamin A, the skin of the face quickly becomes toned.

Wheat germ oil contains in an accessible form and a very rare vitamin D. It actively affects cells, accelerating metabolic processes between them, and, therefore, accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins in a natural way.

Thus, vitamin B1 perfectly protects the skin from ultraviolet exposure. In the absence of vitamin B2, the skin can acquire a yellowish tint, become flabby and wrinkled. It helps to maintain a natural complexion, freshness and skin tone.

Vitamin B3 affects the course of redox reactions in skin cells. That is, it contributes to the enrichment of cells with oxygen, without which beautiful skin is unthinkable.

Vitamin B5 restores skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, including rather rough and deep ones.

Thanks to vitamin B6, wheat germ oil also has medicinal properties. It can help get rid of various skin conditions and inflammations, from common acne to some types of eczema.

Vitamin B9 makes wheat germ face masks an excellent treatment for problem skin.

Do not forget that this oil contains an abundance of various minerals, such as:

  • potassium, which retains moisture in skin cells;
  • calcium, which is necessary for the construction of new cells;
  • phosphorus, which eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • manganese, which soothes the skin and has excellent bactericidal properties;
  • iron needed to oxygenate the skin;
  • zinc, which stimulates blood microcirculation;
  • selenium, which lightens age spots;
  • copper, relieving swelling, refreshing and toning the skin;
  • sulfur that maintains skin tone.

Thanks to its rich composition, wheat germ oil can be used in a wide variety of applications. It is perfect for sensitive, flaky and dry skin. You can also use it on the skin around the eyes. But even oily skin, if applied carefully, will benefit from such care as it will cleanse the skin and tighten pores.

Mature and aging skin simply needs to use such oil masks, because they not only rejuvenate and tone the skin, but also slow down the aging process. This means that they help to preserve youth for much longer.

Since wheat germ oil is a good combination of antiseptic and bactericidal properties, it can be used to treat acne and blackheads. It perfectly relieves inflammation, removes irritation, heals wounds, does not allow various infections to penetrate the skin. The same properties make it possible to use such masks for the treatment of herpes, eczema and other skin diseases.

At the same time, oil masks perfectly tone up the skin, improve its color, slightly brighten, tighten the skin. In general, they make her beautiful.

And with all these magical properties, wheat germ oil has almost no contraindications. It is hypoallergenic. Of course, it still does not hurt to make a portability test, but problems are extremely rare. The only thing to consider when using this product is that it has a rather heavy, dense structure. That is, it can clog pores.

Therefore, wheat germ oil is rarely used in its pure form. It is most commonly blended with other base oils. Moreover, the content of this oil is usually 2-3 times less than the rest. However, this amount is sufficient to obtain the desired result.

However, in some cases, wheat germ oil is used in its pure form. For example, in lip care, especially in winter. Before going out into the cold, lubricate your lips with this oil, and you will not face drying out, cracking, chapping. If you haven't already saved your lips and they are chapped, wheat germ oil will help to deal with it. Also lubricate your lips with oil and you will see improvement soon.

In addition, pure wheat germ oil can be used to lubricate inflammations, herpes, bumps in the corners of the lips, pimples, wrinkles, flaky or rough skin areas. In other cases, it is better to use it in a mixture with other oils.

Now it's time to discuss face masks with wheat germ oil, the recipes for which will be just below. The simplest mask can be a mixture of olive oil and wheat germ oil. For this, one part of wheat oil and 3 parts of olive oil are taken.

Strictly speaking, you can use any base oil with a light structure, but depending on your needs. For dry skin, for example, peach is best, for oily skin - grape seed oil. Well, olive oil is a universal oil, suitable for almost any skin.

If you are looking for an eye mask, rose oil is ideal. Here we are talking about a few drops of both. Mix 3 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of wheat germ oil and gently apply to the eyelids and skin under the eyes. Do not press or rub, there is a risk of damaging the skin.

Mixed with essential oils of mint, sandalwood, orange and shea (1 drop of essential oils for 3 drops of wheat germ oil), this oil provides an amazing rejuvenating effect. Stir the oils thoroughly, soak a prepared paper towel with slots for the eyes and mouth with the resulting mixture, and place it on your face for 20 minutes.

To whiten the skin, prepare a mixture of wheat germ oil and olive or peach oil (1: 3). Then add a drop of bergamot, lemon, grapefruit and juniper oils to a tablespoon of this mixture. A paper napkin is also impregnated with this mixture and applied to problem areas: an area of ​​accumulation of freckles or a pigmentation spot. This should be done 2 times a day.

To combat acne, add 2 drops of lavender, clove or cedar essential oil to a spoonful of wheat germ oil. This mixture is used in the same way as with the previous masks.

Regular use of wheat germ oil will rejuvenate the skin, protect it from external influences, improve the complexion, refresh it, and tone it. One product can replace many creams, masks and ingredients. In addition, wheat germ oil can be used not only for skin care, but also for the whole body. For example, it perfectly prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and also helps in the fight against those that have already appeared.

Wheat germ oil has an excellent effect on the skin of the hands. If it coarsens or flakes due to frequent monotonous hand work, they can also be oiled with wheat oil with the addition of a couple of drops of lavender or bergamot oil.

Massage oil based on wheat germ oil also shows excellent results. These oils are great for fighting cellulite at various stages. But it is difficult to find a woman who has never faced the problem of cellulite in her life.