New Year's comic toasts are short. New Year's toasts jokes and funny toasts for the new year

New Year is always the expectation of some kind of fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. Let all your plans come true. Let all the good things multiply, and all the bad things remain in the old year. May every day of the new year give you joy and happiness, turning every day into a holiday!

So, friends, gathered together,
I will congratulate you

Wish you all prosperity!

And health to all of you.
Never get sick.
For success and luck
We need to drink to the bottom!

I would like each of us to acquire not the best, but our own in the new year. Because the best can not always become your own, but yours is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve, everyone sums up the results, draws conclusions, makes plans for the next year. I would like to wish you to spend this holiday with ease and ease. The easier and more comfortable you will be on New Year's Eve, the more successfully the next one will start and continue. Therefore, I wish you one thing: do not strain!

Last year there were many “leaps into the heights” and “abysses into the abyss”, love and hate, friendship and enmity .. But, during this year we have gained a lot of experience. They say that the smarter will be the one who learns only from the mistakes of others, not from his own ... But, I will tell you this - there is nothing better than experience, we become wiser, we get smarter, and it turns out that this is faster ... faster on your mistakes! Therefore, toast! You have become wiser, wiser, you can stop. I wish everyone in the coming year not to make tricky mistakes, not to “fall face down in the mud”, but only to enjoy life! Be happy, loved! May this year be the happiest for everyone!

Snow, frost and beauty,
Miracles come to life
The magic comes alive
And all will be well!

New Year is on its way
The days will be joyful
There will be happiness and goodness
It will be simple and easy!

So that my words come true
I'll drink a glass to the bottom,
I wish everyone love
So that all dreams come true!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only in a house where there is fun and laughter never stops. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that in the New Year there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes!

Happy New Year,
I wish everyone wealth
I wish you all kindness
Make your dreams come true!

I'll drink to magic
And all will be well,
And everything will be positive
We will all live happily!

Let's drink to the New Year,
He is already on, on,
He brings love, goodness,
Miracles and magic!

We will drink with you for
For everyone to be lucky
To believe in miracles
Always be happy!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy.
Santa Claus for the new year,
Let him carry a bag of money.

May there be love and happiness
Let the bad weather go around.
Positive and kind.
Happy New Year everyone, hurray!

Not all companies use medical jokes as an excuse for making toasts. For some people, they start to move the hair on their heads. But if you do not doubt the strength of the nervous system of your relatives and friends, such toasts will be quite appropriate even during the New Year celebrations. New Year's toast jokes:

A crying old woman asks the doctor:

- Tell me, doctor, will my husband live?

“Yes,” the doctor replies with a joyful look, “he will live for another hour.

So let's drink to the wonderful people whose name is optimists. They save us from the gray everyday life!

A man sits in a compartment and reads a book. From his lips such exclamations are constantly heard:

- Wow, you would never have guessed! Can not be! In my life I would not have thought!

The neighbors get the impression that the man is reading an exciting detective story. One could not resist and asked:

- Let me be curious, what are you reading?

To the surprise of everyone present, the man replies:

–Orthographic dictionary of the Russian language.

So let's drink so that the new year brings us only pleasant surprises.

One woman tells her acquaintances:

- Every year my husband and I go to resorts. You have no idea how boring it is. Every day you need to put on a new swimsuit, choose evening dresses! I can't take it anymore, I'm tired of it!

Let's fill our glasses so that the New Year will give us joy, from which we cannot get tired and which cannot be forgotten!

In the New Year, everyone is waiting for good changes, so New Year's wishes will be at the table by the way:

Let me now make a toast, which I inherited from my grandmother, a famous storyteller.

I wish your home: if the land is for arable land, if the news is good, if the tree is fruitful, if the rain is heavy, if the daughter is beautiful, if the flower is fragrant, if the son is powerful, if the friend is then true, since the New Year is happy!

Let us drink, friends, so that in the new year all our cherished dreams and desires come true!

In the new year, peace and harmony must come in all families. On this occasion, you need to make a short, but still a toast.

A little girl asks her dad:

-Daddy, did your mother ever beat you?

-No, daughter, only your mother beat me.

So let mothers and fathers smile more often not only to their neighbors, but also to each other and their children in the new year.

There is such a good eastern saying: "No matter how violent the wind is, it still will not lead us astray!"

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we always reach our goal, and we would not be stopped by any obstacles!

On New Year's Eve, you just need to congratulate your loved ones. And the best way to do this is with short and fun toasts. New Year's greetings toasts:

As the main member of our family,

We want to wish you a lot of good things:

Happiness, health, of course, love.

Mom's, ours and unfrozen.

Today you are as sweet as a Snow Maiden.

Stay like this for a whole year!

Collect all the sorrows in a box

The old year will take them with it!

Bunnies, snowflakes, you are our dear.

May the blizzard tell you the way to happiness,

Let your troubles turn into snow,

After all, there are no children sweeter than ours!

Winter is coming, playing with blizzards,

Frost is bursting and summer is far away

And I congratulate you on the New Year,

May the New Year bring you warmth!

The warmth of good luck, the joy of the first meeting,

The warmth of love, family warmth ...

And let it ring on New Year's Eve

Glasses New Year's glass!

Nothing cheers you up at the festive table like New Year's toasts with humor:

After his death, the "new Russian" came to the next world. Looks around and sees: a spacious reception room, upholstered in white leather, with white soft sofas, a secretary with an angelic face. The door to the right with the inscription - "PARADISE", and the door to the left - "HELL".

A beautiful girl sits him down at the table next to her and gives him to fill out a questionnaire, where it should be described in detail how he lived, what he did good and bad, etc.

After that, the divine secretary turns on the computer and invites the “new Russian” to look at the monitor, where his entire life path is displayed.

The "nouveau riche" looks at the line of his life and sees: when it was easy and joyful for him, someone walked next to him - two tracks are clearly visible, and when it was hard - the track remained lonely.

He indignantly demands to connect him with God and shouts at the selector:

“I want to ask you, Father, why did you leave me when it was hard for me?

“You are wrong, my son. When it was especially hard for you, I didn’t leave you, but carried you in my arms.

So let's raise our glasses so that in the coming year we will never be abandoned by that Divine power that can take us out of any troubles!

In a few minutes, the clock on the wall of our office, where we have been gathering for years, will strike midnight, marking the arrival of the greatest holiday. Before that happens, I want to make a toast in honor of the head of our department, the person thanks to whom we have the opportunity to meet on holidays.

In ancient times, there lived a prince who was considered an expert and connoisseur of various arts. And then one day a famous musician came to him. The prince asked to entertain him with some lovely, bewitching melody. The musician began to play.

“Blessed be the will of Allah, who created such hands!” Exclaimed the prince. “They are capable of extracting divine sounds from this simple instrument. For such a wonderful game, let me welcome you to my silver cigarette case.

The musician thanked the prince from the bottom of his heart and began to play with redoubled diligence.

“For such a game, I will not regret a horse for you!” Said the prince with admiration.

The musician was delighted, thanked the prince again and began to devote himself to the game even more.

“I give you three cows!” The art connoisseur was very generous.

And the delighted musician laid down his instrument and went home, inspired by praise.

The next morning he decided to go for the promised gifts.

“What are you, what cigarette case, what horse, what cows ?!” the powerful admirer of the fine arts exclaimed. “Yesterday you delighted my ears with a good game, and I yours with my promises. What's left of your game is left to you and of my gifts!

So let's raise our glasses so that our bosses in the new year do not delight us with promises, but try to fulfill them!

It is always interesting to hear New Year's toasts of quotes in which the words of famous people are quoted: writers, philosophers, etc. But not all of them should be fully agreed with.

For example, Makmim Gorky said: "The consequences of love are always the same - a new person!" The writer did not mean a child, but the rebirth of a loving person due to his change for the better. But we know that the first - the birth of a child - is much more likely than the second - spiritual rebirth.

So let's drink to make sure that in the New Year the consequences of love correspond to its strength!

The city boy first came to the village and saw a live cow in all its glory. The animal was chewing on its unchanging gum. Shocked by such an unusual sight, the child said:

- Where does she take so much money for chewing gum?

So let's drink to ensure that in the New Year there is enough money not only for chewing gum, but also for many other pleasures!

The lover had the keys to his lady's apartment. One day he wanted to surprise her, and he came uninvited. Joyfully he opens the door to the bathroom, and there the husband is washing and suddenly as he screams:

- Why are you rushing into my bathroom without knocking?

The embarrassed lover mumbled bitterly:

“Sorry, I thought your wife was here.

So let's raise our glasses so that the New Year will upset us less with mistakes and mistakes, and please us with luck and accurate hitting the target.

But those who make toasts cannot ignore the dear owner of the house, without whom a joint meeting of the New Year would be impossible. For the owner with a sense of humor, we suggest raising your glasses and making a toast. New Year's toast to the owner:

There is such an anecdote. Two men meet. One has a huge, fluffy, wide beard. He walks sad, killed by life. The second guy asks:

- My friend, why are you so gloomy?

- Yes, here, everyone compares me to Karl Marx. Already tired of answering for him.

- Have you tried to shave off your beard?

- I tried it, but what to do with it!

So let's drink so that in the coming year we will find a worthy use of our mental abilities, and the beard can be left alone if the wife is not angry.

A toast to the glory of the owner can be accompanied by an anecdote, the main thing is that the toast is funny, interesting and in the subject.

Late to late night. A knock on the window. A man leans out and hears a hoarse voice:

- Do you need firewood?

- No, they are not needed. What kind of wood at three in the morning?

The next morning, the man was surprised to find that his yard was noticeably empty: the firewood had disappeared.

May our economy only grow richer, expand and enlarge in the New Year!

New Year is a celebration of fun and new hopes. at the table, humorous New Year's toasts are simply necessary on this day (night):

Two friends meet. One decided to make a terrible confession and says:

- Friend, I'm sorry, I slept with your wife yesterday.

- Don't worry, I sleep with her every day.

So let's drink so that in the new year we are always in an optimistic mood!

There is such a proverb: "Everyone will do the possible, only the brave will do the impossible."

May any, even the most inaccessible peaks conquer us in the new year!

Since we have already mentioned proverbs, let's say a few words about Russian folk tales, the fund of which has been noticeably enriched in recent years with new "masterpieces".

Once upon a time there was Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. And they decided to somehow formalize their relationship and went to the nearest registry office. They come, take an application sheet and write to be registered as husband and wife.

The head of the registry office indignantly says to Santa Claus: “We have completely lost shame! They laid eyes on such a young woman. How will you look children in the eyes !? ”.

Father Frost became thoughtful, grieved a little and arranged guardianship over the Snow Maiden. And she, you know, is a beautiful and adult girl, she wants to get married.

Santa Claus announced throughout the country that the one who can replace him on New Year's Eve will become his beloved son-in-law.

And now, for several centuries, good fellows put on beards and red hats and honestly work out the prescribed hours, delivering gifts to children, running around the Christmas trees and bawling songs about the Christmas tree.

I also decided to follow their example first. But I saw a light in your window, remembered how every year we got together for a glass, and decided to wrap it up. And he stayed. So let's drink to the fact that in the coming year no Snow Maidens distract real men from such a serious matter as a friendly feast!

On a festive night, original New Year toasts will not interfere with the table. It is known that we owe the opportunity to celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 to one of the greatest kings of all times and peoples, Peter the Great. For this alone, he could be called the Great, but he did not stop there and introduced more and more new customs into the everyday life of Russians.

He was also a jack of all trades. Once the king, turning a human figure on a lathe and being in a good mood that the work was going very well, asked his mechanic:

-How am I sharpening?

“Good,” he replied.

-So, Andrey! I sharpen bones with a chisel fairly, but I cannot sharpen the stubborn club with a club.

So let's drink to that in the New Year we have enough strength to resist someone else's "sharpening"!

Dear guests, do not forget that Santa Claus walks around the world not alone, but in the company of his friends - forest animals. Who said that there cannot be a hippopotamus and a bear among them, even if they do not quite fit into the retinue of the lord of snows and frosts? Once such a funny story happened to them.

Once a bear walks around a resting hippopotamus and says in deep thought:

-Yes, such a mouth and honey would be scooped up !!!

So let's drink to drink the honey of love in unmeasured quantities during the whole New Year !!!

To make the table not only solemn, but also fun, use original toasts for the New Year:

One day the son asks his mother:

- Mom, is there dirt on the street?

- No, everything is already dry.

After carefully listening to the answer, the son begins to diligently pull on rubber boots. The mother repeats that it is dry outside and there is no dirt at all. The boy replies with a serious face:

“Don't worry, Mom, I'll find it.

So let's drink so that in the New Year all our searches end with success and there is always a way out of a difficult situation.

Once Korney Chukovsky heard and wrote down a very funny phrase of a little girl who, imitating her mother, intensely stifled herself with perfume and decided to boast of her dignity, saying the words:

- How all smelly I am, how all spiritually I am.

So let's drink for adults to stop engaging in self-criticism and learn to recognize their obvious merits, not forgetting to eliminate shortcomings.

Alexander Blok has wonderful lines:

There are moments when it does not bother

Fatal storm in our life.

Someone will put their hands on their shoulders,

Someone will look clearly into the eyes.

It seems that the New Year refers precisely to such holidays, when there is a desire to become closer and dearer even to an unfamiliar passer-by, not to mention loved ones.

May everyone around it be good in this New Year, and let old adversities be forgotten, like snow melted in spring or thundering thunder, which no one is afraid of anymore.

To cheer you up, wish you happiness and simply congratulate all those present, congratulatory New Year toasts will help:

The past year will quietly say:

Goodbye kids.

The advancing wave

You handkerchief by the yard.

It is imperative to meet

His youthful tread;

Meet and forget without a trace

The troubles of the old year.

It will be very pleasant for all those gathered at the festive table if the person making the toast expresses his sincere wishes to all those present in it, and, moreover, in a poetic form.

I wish you money and health,

I wish you vigor and strength,

So that the New Year

Only joy for you

And he brought happiness to your house.

And now - a botanical toast.

The famous writer Goncharov wrote: "Life is not a garden in which only flowers grow." And indeed it is. But even if only one flowers grew in it, it must be borne in mind that among these beautiful children of nature there are very thorny specimens, for example, such as cacti. You can, of course, fight this misfortune by joining forces, cutting thorns with them, but this is not a very effective way.

So let us have enough strength and luck so that our life in the coming year nevertheless turns into a wonderful, wondrous garden, which is inhabited by exotic fragrant plants of indescribable beauty.

The toast person should be mindful of their relevance in a given company and at a given time. The next toast may not please all executives, but ordinary people will simply be delighted with it. And cool New Year's toasts only raise your spirits.

Directors of various enterprises and firms meet at the meat and sausage exhibition. At the solemn meeting, the company is announced, which won first place in the competition among other organizations engaged in the production of sausages. Its director thanks everyone present for their trust and attention to his products.

In the lobby, an envious competitor catches up with him and begins to pry out the recipe for a branded sausage. The winner, with joy, begins to share his secrets and, among other ingredients, used a word that literally defeated the opponent. He exclaimed in the greatest surprise:

-So you put the meat there ?!

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year only pleasant discoveries lie in wait for us!

A father asks his maturing son before his eighteenth birthday:

- Sonny, what should I give you when you come of age?

- I don’t know, dad, I’ll think about it.

-Think, think, on next year you say.

For not only correct decisions, but also quick ones.

During any holidays, those present raise their glasses to the health of all their relatives and friends. New Year in this regard is no exception. Therefore, you should stock up on a few dozen anecdotes on this topic. The audience will be pleased if your toast is not a mere formality. Fill it with your imagination, humor and love for everyone who came, especially since many of us prefer to celebrate the New Year in a close, family circle. Use comic New Year's toast at the table:

Once a famous and highly respected doctor felt the approach of death. He called his loved ones and said:

“Before I die, I would like to name the doctors who will replace me and represent my school with dignity.

All those present began to persuade him to fulfill his promise as soon as possible, because they hoped that the famous doctor would name them.

But the miracle did not happen. Those at the patient's bedside were amazed when they heard who these promising doctors were. The dying man said:

“You know these three doctors very well. These are sports, diet and water procedures.

The moral of this fable is this: you need to drink so that in the coming year we have to turn to even the best, brilliant doctors as little as possible.

Once a very serious patient was admitted to emergency surgery. After examining him, the doctor asks his colleagues:

-Well? Will we treat or let him live?

So let's raise our glasses so that in the New Year we will meet only kind people, especially doctors.

Comic New Year's toasts will help to cheer up the company gathered together on New Year's Eve:

Once a new Russian set off on a long journey, but drunk. With grief in half, he climbed into the plane. But even here the withering thirst did not leave the traveler, so he continued to drink unrestrainedly. Before reaching America, he turned the plane back - home: the vodka ran out on the way. The kind stewardess nevertheless took mercy and regaled the poor fellow with a couple of bottles of vodka. Returning to his relatives, the voyager came to his senses for a long time, and then uttered a phrase that shocked even the local plumber:

-Yes, well, and they drink in this America!

So let's drink to overtake the accursed bourgeoisie, and in the New Year to offer worthy resistance to opponents!

Balzac said: "If you do not believe in yourself, you cannot be a genius."

So let's drink so that the New Year will bring us confidence and firmness in our legs, and there it is not far to genius!

Nature is a great craftswoman to present us with her little feminine surprises. I think she was satisfied, ruining our high spirits, turning the northern snows into gray, unaesthetic puddles.

So let's drink to the cinematic art, which will delight us throughout New Year's Eve and the upcoming New Year with films worthy of our eyes!

If a friendly and cheerful company has gathered at the table, cool New Year's toasts at the table will not interfere:

One day a great commotion began in the forest. The monkey quickly descended from the palm tree and ran along with the crazed crowd. She runs past an imposingly sprawled fox with a gorgeous fluffy tail and shouts: "Fox, we are running faster, winter fur coats have been brought to the forest store, but there is not enough for everyone." The sly fox replies: "Whoever is destined to shine with his bare bottom all his life should not wear fur coats."

So let's drink so that in the New Year we would be destined to fulfill all our cherished desires!

New Year, even for adults, is always associated with something magical, bright, and interesting. For children, the main New Year's miracle is a meeting with a real Santa Claus. So adults come up with fairy tales for their kids about the snow grandfather and his beloved granddaughter. In the New Year's toast, you can also come up with or remember a forgotten children's fairy tale about the kind Grandfather Frost.

Once Santa Claus came out of their snowy Lapland and went to their beloved children - to give them gifts. The day before, they received letters from the kids, which described the most interesting and funny toys that can be imagined: a flying turtle with a wind-up key, and floating dinosaurs the size of a hundred-story house, and even brothers and sisters who are not brought to them by harmful parents. ...

One Santa Claus walked and walked and suddenly something terrible happened: he slipped and ... fell down with a loud noise. Santa Claus was very well-fed and therefore could not get up so quickly. And while he was climbing, the clock had struck 12 strikes, which means that it was necessary to go back.

So let's drink so that Santa Claus will bring his gifts to all boys and girls in the New Year!

Cool toasts for the New Year will help to cheer up the company gathered at the table:

A woman comes to see a doctor and complains about her husband:

- Doctor, my husband is seriously ill. I can talk to him for hours, and then it turns out that he did not hear a single word.

- Oh, it's not a disease, it's a gift from God.

So let's drink so that in the new year we all receive Divine gifts and less often hear the indignant voice of a boss or wife!

Mom gives her little son a chocolate bar and at the same time says:

-Mommy, how is it brotherly?

“It means break off a small piece for yourself, and give the rest to him.

The boy approaches his brother, gives him all the chocolate and says:

Toasts can even be patriotic. They can be said immediately after the President's New Year address to the country.

There is such a proverb: "Foreigners - viburnum, homeland - raspberries."

So let's drink so that next year, which is about to come, only sweet berries grow in our gardens, which, by the way, is not a shame to treat our neighbors.

In conclusion, we propose to sing a congratulatory-feast-New Year's song. Music - arbitrary, words - folk. So, pour it into the glasses, sing the song together! New Year's song toast.

New Year is rushing to us, and very soon we will gather at a generous table to meet the 2019th - the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar). By tradition, many people prepare congratulations to relatives and friends with the best wishes for good luck, health and prosperity. So, cool funny toasts for the New Year 2019 can be prepared for a festive feast with relatives or a corporate party at work. Raising a glass to the health of the boss, it would be appropriate to make a beautiful toast of an "official" character. We have selected many New Year's toasts in poetry and prose - old and new, short and long table speeches. Undoubtedly, among the many options presented, you will find exactly those sincere words that will be remembered by everyone present at the holiday.

New Year's corporate party is a great opportunity to have fun with the heart of the family, exchange mutual congratulations. So, during the feast, it is customary to make toasts on behalf of colleagues and company leaders, expressing the most sincere wishes for the New Year. We bring to your attention cool toasts for the New 2019 Year of the Pig to beautifully congratulate employees on the upcoming holiday. Having picked up some cool funny toasts in verse and prose from the ones suggested below, you will pleasantly surprise all the participants in the corporate party. For the New Year, for new happiness!

A selection of cool toasts for the New Year's corporate party - 2019

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year, I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

The Year of the Dog says goodbye to the world amid a volley of fireworks, which means that the time has come for the next symbol - the Yellow Pig - to arrive. May happiness, success and prosperity come to all my colleagues during this period. I really want to believe that 2019 will be the beginning of career achievements and unexpected financial achievements for all of us. Let the bosses appreciate us, and the salary increases. Happy holidays!

Let's drink this New Year!

For the Pig that will come to us!

We drink to the festive whiskey!

Happy January!

To make it easy for us to retire,

Do not leave at the age of ninety!

We drink to beer, we drink to vodka,

Good wiring!

To Santa Claus's health!

In order not to catch a splinter!

We drink so that a festive potion

Didn't send us a hangover!

We will raise a glass for that,

So that the accumulated rush job,

Leave 100% in the past

To live and live luxuriously!

To supply energy,

He started dancing with us!

So that the strength of the spirit dances

She did not leave us in the New Year!

Pour, drink and pour again!

Do not forget to give up for the New Year!

For the kind, crazy Piglet!

Let him push all sorrows aside!

This toast to the initiative!

For playing pranks, for the prospect!

May everyone here understand us today

And the native photo report will not burn!

Let's go, what's there? Vodka or cognac!

We drink with pleasure to the festive mess!

Short funny funny toasts for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar)

Many are looking forward to the New Year to plunge into the unique atmosphere of the holiday. Indeed, since childhood, an ineradicable belief in miracles, the fulfillment of desires made on New Year's Eve, lives in our hearts. Therefore, we address our relatives, friends and colleagues with the most sincere congratulations - in the form of postcards, SMS, table toasts. Here you will find funny funny toasts for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar), which you can safely say in the company of loved ones. Such short toasts are easy to remember and are suitable for any celebration - whether it be a New Year's corporate party, friendly gatherings or a festive dinner with relatives.

Texts of short funny and cool toasts for the New Year

Let's drink we to the delight,

For miracles, for joy and for happiness,

Because the world is good,

Because we always lived in wealth!

Happy New Year, congratulations,

I wish you happiness.

Ded Moroz for New Year,

Let him carry the bag of money.

Year of the Yellow Pig
There is no flaw on the table
Olivier and fur coat
A fertile year will be!
We fill our glasses
To make it even richer
In pockets to rustle
The houses flourished!

New Year is coming
Joy awaits us in front of everyone!
We will fill the glasses
So that everything is enough for everyone!
We raise them in length,
Drinking to the Country!

I raise my glass
For those who were waiting for me at home
When I came home from work
I kept my family hearth!
All this past old year
And now, we meet a new one, so far without worries!

Old toasts for the New Year - texts for a festive feast

For a long time, table toasts were of a “sacral” symbolic character - it was believed that all wishes would come true. Following tradition, many today prepare beautiful toasts for the New Year in order to respect a loved one, friend, leader in a festive atmosphere. On our pages you can find examples of old toasts for a festive feast in honor of the New Year 2019 - an excellent selection of greetings. Each of our toasts is permeated with joy and warmth, which will certainly leave a deep mark in the heart of the addressee.

Examples of old table toasts for the New Year 2019

Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. If one thing went wrong with a person, everything falls out of hand. So let's drink so that the garland of bright events in our life shimmers with all colors and never burns out! In order not to burn out next year!

One wise man said:
“The most amazing thing about a person is
that he often grieves about the lost state,
and that his life is passing, he is not upset. "
Let's drink to bright and
every day of the new year passed with benefit!

New Year is a celebration of contrast: it is frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home it is sunny, fun, warm, an elegant Christmas tree, a festive table. We wish this contrast to be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and storms rage, no matter how uncomfortable around, it was always sunny and warm in my soul!

Celebrating the New Year is always summing up the results of the old one. But no matter how interpreted the experience, its higher philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: "Live and rejoice!" Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

According to popular belief, there are moments when wishes expressed aloud are fulfilled. These are the first minutes of the New Year, when we look to the future with hidden hopes and desires. May our problems be resolved in the new year, we will gain strength, get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for everything good, inspiring and beautiful. For our happy future! Happy New Year!

Soulful toasts in prose and poetry for the New Year for a corporate party, family, friends

With the New Year of the Pig 2019 approaching, a special spirit of revival and the upcoming holiday reigns in every home. Choosing a beautiful Christmas tree, drawing up a menu, decorating the house - there is so much to do by New Year's Eve. In addition, it is important not to lose sight of the preparation of gifts and beautiful congratulations with the best wishes to family and friends. And now, when the festive table is laid and everyone raised their glasses, it's time to make a toast or a small table speech. Of course, not everyone has the gift of speech to "on the go", without preparation, to strike the audience in the very heart. For such an occasion, we have prepared spiritual toasts for the New Year in verse and prose, with the help of which you can originally congratulate employees at a corporate party, family members, and friends. Each toast spoken with a soul carries the energy of good, positive and peace - please your loved ones with such a New Year's gift.

How to sincerely say a toast at a feast in honor of the New Year 2019

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world has come, which echoes with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults, with a generous hand pouring goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and, most importantly, faith in a miracle to people all over the earth. And so I want to wish you a special, magical mood in the New Year with all my heart, to approach every undertaking with inspiration, strength and energy. Let amazingly wonderful events await you around any turn of Fate that will bring you and your family prosperity, prosperity, confidence in the future. Good health and simple human happiness! Happy New Year!

New Year is a celebration of contrast: it is frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home it is sunny, fun, warm, an elegant Christmas tree, a festive table.
We wish this contrast to be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and storms rage, no matter how uncomfortable around, it was always sunny and warm in my soul!

Happy New Year,
I wish everyone wealth
I wish you all kindness
Make your dreams come true!

I'll drink to magic
And all will be well,
And everything will be positive
We will all live happily!

Let's drink to the magic
For miracles, for joy and happiness,
For the good rule of the world,
For us to always live in wealth!

For the New Year, which is like a blank sheet,
For all dreams to come true sooner,
For the old and fragile bridges
Always only stayed in the past!

Pig year is a great year! All good things will come!
Let him give a lot of laughter, And success in all matters!
I wish everyone to reach great heights this year!
Wherever we go, I wish to be surprised!
And let every moment cheer you up!

Short and long toasts for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) are a traditional part of any feast, a great opportunity to congratulate family and friends on the most magical holiday. In our collection there are many cool funny toasts for corporate parties and friendly gatherings in honor of the New Year. In addition, old and new soulful toasts in poetry and prose are presented here to pleasantly surprise and delight everyone who is dear to your heart. Happy New Year 2019!

Funny, short, cool - Toasts for the new year 2018. New Year's greetings

So it is coming - the most long-awaited holiday of the new year. A little more and we will again find ourselves in a fairy tale, and we will say beautiful words to each other and congratulate on the coming. Have your speeches already prepared? New funny and cool toasts for the new year 2018 - the year of the dog - will help you express your words and feelings, emotions and joy. Short and laconic speeches are exactly what you need at such a moment. See toasts in verse and prose and use it to your health.

There are two dogs, and one brings knitting needles and a ball of woolen thread in its teeth. The second dog asks:
- what is it?
The other answers:
- he himself said, come, we will do a viscous one !?
Let's drink to ensure that we have no misunderstandings in 2018!

If you close the dog and your wife in the trunk and open it in an hour. Then the dog will be most happy with you.
Let's drink to our four-legged friends to always rejoice in us and be with us!

They say - "the dog barks, the caravan moves on." Let everything go according to plan in the new year, no matter how anyone interferes with you!

Let all your diseases and sores heal like a dog. And may the new year give you many happy days.

To train the dog, it is fed with sweets, if he does everything right. I wish you that this year you do everything right and gorge yourself on sweets!

We often see the inscription on fences and doors: be careful, angry dog! But no one really knows what kind of dog is behind the fence.
I propose to drink so that in the new year we are not angry and always smile at each other.

A friend complains to a friend:
- tomorrow my mother-in-law with the dog comes to visit me ...
- yes, two dogs at the same time is too much!

I propose to drink so that in the new year only welcome guests come to us all, who are always welcomed by the hosts.

In winter, we often shovel snow. I want to wish you that you have not only a shovel, but also a rake with which you would row your happiness.

The dog is always glad to its owner, and even when he forgot to feed it.
So let everyone and always be glad to us, even when we forget to smile.

Recently I saw this inscription:
- the bell does not work, tease the dog!

I suggest raising a glass to the dog, the symbol of 2018, and not teasing him. And to attract her attention so that she nm blesses everyone in the new year.

A man complains to a friend:
- yesterday the dog bit me badly.
- as?
- I pulled her tail.
- I hope he wasn't mad?
- I'm a fool to pull a mad dog by the tail!

Let's drink to the fact that in the new year we always do only smart and deliberate things!

Only the aroma of food can bring a cat and a dog so close ... I propose to drink for the fact that, no matter how much we hated each other, we always had points of contact and common interests that brought us closer.

Toasts for the new year 2018 in verse:

Philosophical New Year's toasts

Santa Claus blinded the snowman and he was left with snow. Santa Claus asks:
- what else are you blind to?
The snowman replies:
- I have everything, only happiness is not enough. Are you blind?
Santa Claus took the snow and gave it to the snowman with the words:
- everyone should blind themselves to happiness!

I propose to drink to happiness, which is different for everyone!

A dog is lost in Africa. She walked and saw a lion. The dog got scared and went to the pile of bones. When the lion approached the same place, the dog yawned and said:
- what a delicious lion this was!
The lion was frightened that his dog would eat the same and ran away. All this was seen by the monkey, who caught up with the lion and told him the truth. Then the lion offered friendship to the monkey and put her on his back. They come up to the dog, and the dogs say:
- where is this monkey who promised to bring me another lion for dinner ?!

I propose to drink to the resourcefulness and so that we do not get lost in the most difficult situations.