Reimbursement for kindergarten per year. What should be done if a child is denied admission to a preschool? Use of maternity capital to pay for education in a preschool educational institution

Every family with children has the right to count on the assistance of the state authorities. As a rule, most types of financial support are awarded to parents, with low level income and the poor. There are also those that are laid down under certain conditions for all families.

It is these payments that include compensation for kindergarten, and compensation is due not only to parents who use the services of a preschool institution, but also to those who have not received a place in the kindergarten for their child (children).

In modern economic conditions services educational institutions have their own value. Paying for the maintenance and care of a child while in kindergarten is a rather serious expense for many parents, especially when there are several preschoolers in the family.

When counting on receiving compensatory payments from the federal budget, parents should take into account that they apply only to that part of the payment, which includes the cost of looking after and caring for the child (children).

In simple terms, payment for those services that are associated with the regime of the day, that is:

  • feed
  • take a walk
  • put to sleep
  • take to the toilet

Also paid and subject to compensation hygiene procedures, ensuring the safety of being in the garden, monitoring their life and health.

The cost of education and educational activities are not included in the compensation amount. For example, the parental fee for a kindergarten is 2000 rubles. Of these, 500 rubles is the payment of additional educational programs, and 1500 - payment for maintenance, when calculating compensation, not the entire amount, but only 1500 rubles, will be taken into account. In addition, the amount of payment will depend on several reasons.

How to calculate the amount of compensation for paying a preschool institution

The amount of payment for a kindergarten, even within the same district, may differ, therefore, it is not possible to introduce a fixed amount that will be returned to parents. Therefore, today compensation is calculated from the established percentage. The more children in the family, the more percent of the payment is returned. It is important to know that the legislator takes into account the total number of children and babies kindergarten age and schoolchildren and even students, if they have not reached 18 years of age. This clarification is connected with the fact that at the federal level the amount of compensation directly depends on the number of children in the family.

Pricing policy for payment for child care kindergarten services preschool age can be quite different depending on the region of placement. Therefore, at the federal level, the amount of payments is determined not in a fixed amount, but as a percentage:

  • for the first baby - 20%
  • — 50%
  • for the third -70%

For example, there are three children in a family, the eldest child, that is, the first, is 17 years old, studies at a technical school, the second, that is, the middle one, goes to school, and the third, the youngest, attends a kindergarten. Consequently, such a family can count on the return of 70% of the parental payment for the services of the kindergarten for care and supervision.

Sometimes it happens that children in a family are born one after another and three babies go to kindergarten at the same time. For example, the parental fee for kindergarten services is 1,000 rubles per month, all three children attend the kindergarten without passes, and the parents actually paid 3,000 rubles.

Attention! Compensation will be credited only after actual payment. For the first child, the refundable amount is 200 rubles, for the second - 500 rubles, for the third - 700, therefore, out of the 3,000 rubles spent on the kindergarten, 1,400 rubles will be returned to the family.

In the case when the regional authorities do not exempt a family with more than three children from paying for a kindergarten, then, as a rule, compensation for the fourth or fifth baby is also 70%. Compensation is accrued from the moment of submission of the application and the package of documents.

How to claim compensation for part of the payment for kindergarten services

One of the parents must draw up and submit to the director (head) of the preschool institution a written application for a partial refund of payment for kindergarten services. Along with the application, you must provide:

  • your passport
  • birth certificate or certificates
  • information about the composition and size of the family
  • account details

When submitting an application, you must bring both the original documents and their copies. When receiving documents, the administration of the kindergarten will check the copies and put their seal on them. The originals are immediately returned to the parents. In addition to the above documents, very often they require receipts for the previous three months, confirming the services of the kindergarten.

Statement in without fail is subject to registration, because it is from this moment that the payment for the kindergarten will be compensated. The administration of the institution where the preschooler goes is responsible for transferring all documents to local departments or departments of education.

Despite the fairly clearly defined procedure, sometimes there are non-standard situations, for the resolution of which you need to contact the education department personally or consult a lawyer.

Video about the new compensation payment procedure:

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From the point of view of specialists, the compensation payment for kindergarten is one of the most important benefits for 2018. Indeed, today many young mothers are faced with a number of problems that are associated with a direct device. small child to a kindergarten. For example, one of these problems is the lack of space.

In such a situation, the young mother will be forced to spend great amount time at home with the baby. And this is taking into account the fact that only one father will work in the family. Of course, someone can say that you can hire a nanny, but in the current economic environment, this will be a serious blow to family budget. Get information about birth certificate in 2018, how to issue and why it is needed.
It is precisely for the reason that the parent will need to stay at home and raise the child, and not work, at the level State Duma it was decided to provide mothers of this category monetary compensation. Moreover, only those parents whose children could not get into kindergarten due to a lack of places or an excessively long queue fall under this legislative project.

Today in the Federal legislation of Russia in the legislative draft "On Education" it was adopted a large number of amendments, which also apply to the registration of compensation to families who did not get to kindergarten on time.

Today, the decision to provide this compensation has been made in relation to the Smolensk region, Tomsk, Perm, Arkhangelsk, Kirov, Yaroslavl, Samara, Khanty-Mansiysk, Lipetsk and other regions of the country.

Many mothers may have a question as to whether this type of compensation payment is income? Experts argue that this compensation payment is neither remuneration nor income.

About who exactly is entitled to this type of compensation payment and how to get it will be discussed later.

Who is entitled to?

To date, the compensation payment for kindergarten is due only to those new mothers who fall into the following categories:

  • Mothers who are on maternity leave;
  • Moms who are studying at the correspondence department;
  • For mothers who have not previously been employed in labor activity and are currently on parental leave.

The main thing at the same time is to know what kind of payments are due to mothers who find themselves in this difficult situation. Read the guide on how to use maternity capital to build a house with your bunches here:.

How is it calculated?

You should also know about this type of compensation that today it will be equal to 5300 rubles. As for the direct calculation of the amount of compensation, it is obtained from the monthly amount of the parental financial fee. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account all the benefits, of course, if the family has any. Read when maternity capital will be canceled, and for what reasons.

According to experienced professionals, the main criterion in calculating this preferential compensation is the number of children who live in the family. So, a family with one child can receive compensation in the amount of 20%. In the event that parents have two children, they are entitled to receive 50% compensation. Families with three children receive compensation in the amount of 70% of the kindergarten fee. Compensation payment is made monthly. Moreover, it should be noted that this is done to the bank account previously indicated in the application.

Conditions and Features

Now compensation payments families with children are provided with the following types:

  • a payment for not providing a place in a kindergarten is a payment to mothers who are raising a child on their own, i.e. precisely those who did not receive a place in time in kindergarten;
  • payment for meals in kindergarten - also paid to families based on the number of children;
  • part compensation parental fee for kindergarten - monthly and depends on the number of children in the family;
  • payment for kindergarten to families with 3 or more children - in this case, the amount of compensation is the largest. Concerning the provision, you should inquire at the local department of social protection;
  • compensation for a private kindergarten - this species payment is not provided, because the compensation payment is relevant only to state institutions.

Otherwise, it will be necessary to clarify the availability of one or another type of payment in the territory of a particular region.

How to get a?

In order to receive a payment for a baby who did not get into kindergarten due to a long queue, you will need to submit an application that will state requirements regarding the need to provide material payment. Also in this application will be indicated the personal data of the child and the parent who is directly involved in the application.

In addition, a set of documents will need to be attached to this application:

  1. The passport individual who is in charge of submitting this application;
  2. The application itself with a demand for compensation;
  3. Birth certificate of a baby;
  4. A document confirming the existence of a bank account;
  5. Information about the direct composition of the family;
  6. Medical policy directly to the mother and the child himself;
  7. A work book or an order that states that maternity leave is granted at work;
  8. A certificate from the DDOU, which can confirm the fact of being placed in the queue and the impossibility of attending it due to the lack of places in the kindergarten.

Attention! In accordance with the law Russian Federation, the amount of this compensation in 2018 for women who are on maternity leave will be 5,300 rubles.

Why are they not listed?

The reason for the absence of enumerations of this type can be:

  • Firstly, incorrect submission or absence of one of the documents;
  • Secondly, these accounts do not correspond to reality;
  • Thirdly, the lack of funds in the regional budget.


Watch the video for information on compensation for kindergarten:

Moms who find themselves in this difficult situation should understand that local governments are involved in providing this benefit. Therefore, its payment will depend on when the funding is completed. It is also worth knowing that in some regions of the state such a payment is simply not available.

Compensation for kindergarten is social security federal level. The amount and procedure for payment is established by the law "On Education", and since the funds received are income, also the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Regional legislation may establish benefits for those whose children, due to lack of places, did not get into preschool institutions.

Partial reimbursement of kindergarten fees

Attendance at a preschool institution by a child is subject to payment by parents or guardians. Exception - free stay in state and municipal kindergartens preferential categories children:

  • orphans;
  • deprived of parental care;
  • disabled people;
  • with tuberculosis intoxication.

The parental fee includes the cost of child care and supervision. Costs for educational activities and maintenance of a kindergarten as a property complex is not included in it. They are produced from the funds of the state or municipal budget.

The government of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is obliged to pay compensation to legal representatives of children who pay for the services provided by a preschool institution. Them minimum size established at the federal level and depends on:

  • the average parental fee for the municipality;
  • the number of children in the family, regardless of how many of them attend kindergarten.

The right to receive the established benefit in 2019 belongs to one of the parents and legal representatives who pays the parental fee. An application for its provision is made in the manner prescribed by the municipal authorities. They also finance the costs of these events.

2018 was marked by the introduction of amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which will come into force on 01/01/2019. 13% personal income tax will no longer be charged from the amount returned to parents. Let's calculate the savings. If the amount of payment for kindergarten is 1500 rubles, and the child is the second child, the amount of compensation is 750 rubles, personal income tax is 97 rubles. 50 kop. However, for many, subclause 4, clause 1, article 218 of the Tax Code will play a role. In accordance with it, when establishing the maximum amount of income (280,000 rubles), within which it is possible tax deduction, payments exempted from personal income tax are not taken into account.

Compensation for parents whose children did not receive a place in kindergarten

For many families, the problem of placing a child in preschool. Due to the lack of places and queues, mothers have to "stay up" on maternity leave. This situation not only damages the family budget, but also directly contradicts Article 43 of the Constitution, which guaranteed the general availability of preschool education.

In 1992, changes were initiated to Federal Law No. 273 on the introduction of compensation for not providing a place in a kindergarten. But the bill did not find support. This does not prevent municipal authorities from taking the initiative. Regional rules are in the perspective of Article 31 of the Federal Law "On Education", which established that preschool education in the jurisdictional territory is under the jurisdiction of the subject of the Russian Federation. There is no unified practice in accordance with which compensation for kindergarten is made.

  1. In most regions where assistance is paid, it concerns families with children from 1.5 to 6 years old. However, in Lipetsk, payments are provided for children from 3 to 6, and in Samara, Kirov and Krasnoyarsk, on the contrary, from 1.5 to 3 years;
  2. Arkhangelsk, Tomsk, Berezniki established the same payments for children of all ages. But in Perm, a child from 1.5 to 3 years old in 2014 was paid 5,295 rubles, and from 3 to 6 - 4,490 rubles. In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the same year, from 1.5 to 3 years they paid 3,210 rubles, from 3 to 5 - 4,210 rubles, from 5 to 6 they did not pay at all;
  3. Compensation for residents of Samara depends on the order of the child: payment for the first - 1,000 rubles, for the second - 1,500 rubles, for the third and subsequent - 2,000 rubles.

To receive money in 2019, you must contact the social security authority (sometimes local government) with an application and a package of supporting documents:

  • parents' passports;
  • child's birth certificate,
  • certificate of marriage (divorce) of the parents;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate of being in the queue for kindergarten;
  • refusal to enroll in kindergarten;
  • order for maternity leave;
  • bank account details.

You must also provide copies of these documents. The list is indicative and may vary depending on the region and institution.

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It is very important to be with your child in the first years of life, to monitor his health and development, and to be present at the first steps, but it is far from always possible for a woman to be a housewife. Need money to provide for a family maternity leave issued for a limited time only. In such cases, there is an urgent need to send the child to kindergarten, but there are not enough places for everyone. This causes a lot of inconvenience and is quite costly. It is for this reason that compensation for kindergarten after 1.5 is practiced, thanks to which you can somehow cope with the current situation.

What is Kindergarten Compensation?

When a child reaches the age of one and a half years, a turning point occurs: the care allowance is not paid, and the mother is simply forced to look for work in order to provide for her family. In this case, the child must be identified somewhere. Of course, it's good if you can leave it to grandparents, but the reality is often quite different. Preschool is the way out.

Here it is worth considering that, according to decree number 599, children from 3 years of age are in priority. The main funds are aimed precisely at the realization of the right to education from now on. Similar attitude causes a lot of problems for the device of children more younger age. However, the same decree does not completely eliminate the problem of children from 3 years old, which is why compensation for kindergarten after 1.5 years is provided up to 6 years.

In fact, although payments are practiced, the relevant law has not been adopted. Of course, he was nominated several times, namely in 1992 and even more recently in 2012. But he did not receive support.

For this reason, the entire process falls on the shoulders of local municipalities. Each region independently determines the amount of compensation for kindergarten after 1.5 years, what the amount of the payment will be, and also up to what age they will be made.

Compensation amount

As mentioned above, this initiative is not controlled by law, which is why the conditions can change significantly:

  • If you follow the practice of paying compensation, you can see that the most common age period is the age of 1.5 to 6 years. However, there are exceptions in the direction of reducing the maximum or increasing minimum age. For example, in Samara they pay only up to 3 years, but in Lipetsk the situation is completely different: payments start only from 3 years.
  • In terms of payment in different years the situation was not uniform. Of course, you can also meet such that the payout will always be the same, but most often this is not the case. In some places, compensation is paid the most up to 3 years, and after that the amount decreases slightly, but there is a completely different situation, when exactly after 3 years the compensation increases.
  • Compensation for kindergarten after 1.5 may also vary depending on the number of children. For example, in Samara, everyone will pay more for each subsequent offspring.

It is also worth noting that it is difficult to understand in advance how much compensation will be provided. It may fluctuate depending on various reasons, for example, an increase due to the number of children indicated above. Also, do not forget about the financial situation in the region itself.

Family income is also important, as the main objective programs to help the poor, and not those who, without any help, can easily remain on maternity leave.

Compensation for kindergarten after 1.5 years will be received by contacting the social security authority, however, you will need to provide certain documents:

  • You won’t surprise anyone anymore that a passport is provided to get something. AT this case documents must be provided by both parents, including a marriage certificate. For incomplete families a certificate of divorce is required.
  • Naturally, it is required to provide the document of the child, namely the birth certificate.
  • Compensation for not providing a kindergarten after 1.5 years is due in the case when the child simply did not find a place. This fact must be confirmed and proved that you are standing in line, but the preschool was denied.
  • A certificate of family composition will also be required in this case. It will not be superfluous to provide an order for maternity leave.
  • The last step is directed rather for your convenience, since the application should indicate bank details for receiving payments.


The compensation itself, although it will be quite tangible and weighty, will not be able to fully cover the losses due to the failure to provide places in kindergarten. However, this type of assistance will not be superfluous at all and will help to cope with difficult period. It is worth noting that other benefits will also help, for example, a dairy kitchen, thanks to which it will be easier to raise a child even without a kindergarten.

The legislation provides for a number of benefits, which in to a large extent capable of helping those in need. One of these benefits is the compensation by the state of part of the funds spent on paying for kindergarten. It is dictated by the law on education, which was introduced in 1992, and is still in effect.

According to its terms, citizens can count on a partial refund Money that were spent by parents on kindergarten for their child. First of all, the person who personally participated in the execution of the contract with the preschool educational institution receives the right to this.

Benefit oriented to large families. It allows you to save a decent amount due to state participation in paying for the child's education. We will analyze all aspects and nuances in more detail.

The essence of the benefit and its types

The benefit itself is a refund of the parental fee that a parent or guardian pays for a child to enable the child to attend preschool. The state does not allocate money when kindergarten is paid, it returns part of the amount after the fact. The amount in which compensation will be issued is determined by the total number of children in a given family.

Some additional compensation is also provided. She also has character. monthly payments. Such an amount is due to the parents or guardians of the child if these citizens received the status of "Chernobyl victims", that is, they suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident or were part of the group of liquidators of this incident.

Some regions of the Russian Federation have introduced a practice that can be called "compensation due to the non-acceptance of a child in kindergarten." As the name implies, these fees are assigned to a parental couple whose child the kindergarten could not accept due to lack of free places. This type of benefits was considered by officials with the aim of introducing them throughout the Russian Federation. However, it did not receive the approval of most of the deputies and was rejected as inappropriate.

Compensation amount

Any citizen whose child (or children) go to kindergarten is the one who is entitled to such compensation. The calculation of the part of the returned parental fee is carried out according to several criteria. First of all, the size of the compensation is affected by the amount of the monthly allowance a person who has entered into an agreement with a preschool educational institution. The second criterion that determines the amount of the refund is how many minor children the citizen has in the family. Here's what you can count on:

  1. For a parental couple with only one child, the state will reimburse only 20% of the fee paid for kindergarten.
  2. Citizens with two children can count on a refund of 50 percent of the amount paid.
  3. parents of three or more children are expected to be compensated already at 70% of the money paid.

Such are the share of return. In each case, the figure will be individual. Consider innovations.

Changes for 2017 in terms of compensation

In the past 2016, government officials revised some of the points that relate to this reimbursement. The changes primarily affected tax issues. The resolution officially took effect on the first day of 2017. Compensation of part of the parental fee for kindergarten in 2016 and 2017, according to the adopted amendments, will not be subject to taxation.

Recall that before the adoption of this law, citizens who received compensation were obliged to return 13% to the state as an income tax. From now on, this compensation is not equated to income, and therefore does not require reporting to the tax authorities.

Design algorithm

How to get such compensation? We can only give a general scenario, according to which compensation for parental fees for kindergarten is assigned. The fact is that this item is regulated by the municipality, and, therefore, a different algorithm is possible in different areas. Therefore, we present the most common.

First, the parent couple or one of them, who entered into an agreement, needs to collect required package family documentation. After that, you need to go to the management of the preschool institution with documents and a statement on the need to reimburse the fee, written in the appropriate form. After the necessary calculations, compensation will begin to arrive on the account of an individual. These will be monthly payments of the promised part of the money given for kindergarten from the municipal authorities. It is better to clarify everything necessary for registration in the regional representative office.

Required documents

As already mentioned, parental fee compensation requires the collection of certain papers. The list for the regions is approximately the same, therefore the list below will be relevant in any of the regions. Here's what's required:

  • an application to the kindergarten, and more specifically, to its head, about the desire to receive a refund of part of the fee;
  • copies of the passports of the parent couple or guardians, or only one, but this must be the one who entered into an agreement with the educational institution;
  • confirmation of the place of actual residence (documents of ownership / lease agreement for housing);
  • child's birth certificate (for parents), guardianship agreement (for guardians);
  • official confirmation of the composition of the family;
  • bank account details of the applicant;
  • accounting receipt for payment for kindergarten.