Body features. Hypersthenic: character description. Endomorph body type

Body types in women are variants of the norm of the human constitution. This means that the constitution determines the features of the appearance and health of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary in nature, but initially knowing your type of figure, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

Variations of the female figure

There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and understandable way to determine the shape of the body:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If you think that knowing your body type is not particularly important, we bet. Certain types of figures are distinguished by different problem areas, over which you can “sweat” in the gym, change your diet, the rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Wrist size - an indicator of the type of figure

Sometimes you don’t want to bother or it’s hard to decide on your own kind of silhouette, but there is an easy way to determine the body type in women, just by measuring the wrist. Solovyov's index is a parameter that will help determine the type. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

Calculation of the indicator:

  • Less than 15 - asthenic;
  • In zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
  • More than 17 - hypersthenic.

Asthenic body type in ectomorph women

  • According to the generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and thin figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not gain weight. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In their youth, asthenic ladies are slim, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unsympathetic places: on the back and waist, which forms an inaccurate and disproportionate image.
  • In the matter of maintaining good physical shape, it is easier for such women, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are sinewy, thin and energetic, but untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

  • The development of muscles turns into sheer torture for ectomorphs. Since the growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty pumped-up look to the silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, devoid of pleasant roundness and look like teenagers. Any model on the show is a vivid example of this type of physique.
  • The shortened "upper" part of the torso and long limbs create the illusion of "legs from the ears." Weakly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands and a narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps to determine the type of figure by the wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to deal with being overweight. An ectomorph woman can immediately start strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely go through an unpleasant, but effective “drying” procedure.
  • With a possible weight loss, these young ladies first begin to "leave" the muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with body shaping. Panacea - a special diet and strength training.

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how changeable youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorph woman (normosthenic) is considered a classic ideal of beauty. They don't seem haggard or circus women. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of body fat. Such girls are athletic and embossed by nature.
  • Mesomorph instantly, if desired, parted with fat reserves and instantly gains muscle mass. By nature, the level of their metabolism is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and the weight is rapidly creeping up.

  • The part of the body above is slightly smaller than the one below, i.e. legs are not "from the ears", but not shorty either. At the same time, the average size of the chest, hands and feet.
  • Solovyov's index for wrist size is 15-17.
  • Often the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and with extra pounds, a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of the "wasp waist" is quite acute in this case, because for the coveted forms, figured ladies will have to sweat in the hall. Of the sports disciplines, it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

Hypersthenic constitution of the trunk - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with a hypersthenic type) are precisely those persons whom sculptors and artists sang with love in their works. “Venus de Milo” by Botticelli, “Danae” by Titian, modern beauty icons Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé and other ladies “in the body” are a vivid embodiment of this type of “body arrangement”. Lush ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

  • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that there should be many good people and by the fact that men do not throw bones, but there is a fundamental difference. From the birth of adipose tissue, endomorphs have more than muscle tissue, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal fullness. Such a variation of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness does not allow such girls to be pumped up and resilient.
  • Transverse dimensions predominate over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the same waist, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • The Solovyov index is more than 17 positions.

  • The mass of fat prevails over muscle mass.
  • The combination of feminine roundness and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting look.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered roach, she will have to make titanic efforts, which are unlikely to succeed.
  • Even if weight loss succeeds, the girl's appearance will be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow beautifully, but it is difficult to see them under a dense layer of fat, which must first be burned. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is hard to lose, and for training, we advise you to choose intensive cardio workouts with an average load and switch to a low-carb diet. Remember that breakdowns and relaxation will lead to an instant return of lost kilos.

You have learned the main female body types, we have described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you have noticed, there is no "bad" or "good" physique, each has its own zest. But we note that there is a common feature for everyone - beauty and women's health directly depends on the regularity of her visit to the gym.

Remember, no matter what type your silhouette is, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will allow you to maintain female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of the female physique

Experts distinguish 3 types of physique: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. To understand what kind of person a person belongs to, the Pignet index, which takes into account height, weight and chest circumference, will help. From the figure denoting growth in centimeters, subtract the sum of the volume of the chest and body weight in kilograms. A number above 30 means that the person belongs to the asthenic type.

Asthenics or ectomorphs are thin, thin-boned people. This feature is manifested even in infancy, the ectomorph child has a very small weight, grows slowly, and does not eat well. In adolescence, representatives of this type are sharply drawn out, most adults are taller than average. However, there are also miniature asthenics, more often among women. Among men there are real giants with extremely long limbs.

Compared to representatives of the normosthenic type, asthenics have everything long and narrow: arms, legs, feet, fingers, face, chest. People with a similar physique are characterized by:

  • disproportionately long limbs;
  • small amount of muscles;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • sunken chest;
  • Long neck;
  • pale skin, visible shadows under the eyes.
Asthenics love nature and tolerate loneliness well.

Asthenic type men do not gain muscle mass well, they may look clumsy and haggard. Girls are distinguished by a slightly boyish figure without feminine curves. They are characterized by a small chest, flat buttocks, a hollow abdomen and a relatively wide waist. Often there is an underdevelopment of the body associated with a reduced production of female sex hormones. Representatives of both sexes rarely suffer from obesity, they gain weight poorly, but they lose weight very quickly. Bright representatives of the asthenic type are residents of some Asian countries, especially the Japanese and Vietnamese.

Asthenics are often cold, they almost always have cold hands and feet and low blood pressure. Representatives of this type do not tolerate cold and temperature changes, they catch cold easily. Susceptible to respiratory infections, prone to depression. People with asthenic physique speak softly, rarely raise their voices. To rest and recuperate, they need more time than normosthenics and athletes. At the same time, asthenics are distinguished by superficial sleep and often suffer from insomnia. Representatives of this type often get sick and recover for a long time.

To improve health, ectomorphs need frequent preventive measures: contrasting douches, sleeping in the fresh air, taking vitamins.

Representatives of the asthenic type may experience breathing problems, among them there are many asthmatics. Another common problem is stoop. It is especially typical for teenagers. At the same time, ectomorphs can look very graceful, girls and women are characterized by a light gait, smooth movements, and innate musicality.

A characteristic sign of ectomorphs is a narrow, thin face with pale skin without a blush.

Basic Preferences

Asthenics prefer to lead a measured lifestyle, they do not cope well with stressful situations. According to psychologists, representatives of this type love nature, long walks, avoid noisy companies, preferring the company of close friends.

Ectomorphs experience nutritional problems, among them there are many people suffering from bulimia or anorexia. Eating disorders are especially common among young girls.

People of the asthenic type need constant stimulation of taste buds. They like spicy, salty and sour tastes, a variety of spices and seasonings. Women and children cannot imagine their lives without sweets, many asthenic men are also partial to desserts. To keep fit and not experience health problems, it is useful for ectomorphs to eat small portions, avoiding overeating and rigid diets.

Character features

Ectomorphs are characterized as calm, a little closed, self-absorbed people. Phlegmatic and melancholic are more common among them. Asthenics are characterized by the following character traits:

  • diffidence;
  • tendency to overestimate one's own strengths;
  • high pride;
  • intolerance to criticism;
  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspicion;
  • tendency to hypochondria;
  • inability to make contacts with new people;

Representatives of the asthenic type are characterized by accuracy, pedantry and attention to detail.

Asthenics are very sensitive, any failure can unsettle them for a long time. They often misjudge the situation, jump to conclusions, and tend to be negative. Very distrustful, feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers. They do not tolerate rudeness, they are distinguished by vindictiveness and suspiciousness. Many representatives of this type need the support of a psychologist who corrects bouts of depression and bad mood. In old age, negative character traits intensify, people become very suspicious and distrustful, they demand accountability from loved ones in any deeds and actions. It is difficult to get along with representatives of their type; more balanced and vital normosthenics are suitable for them as permanent partners and friends.

Despite the complex and controversial nature, ectomorphs have many positive features. Among the main ones:

  • diligence;
  • obligation;
  • accuracy;
  • attention to details;
  • attention to loved ones;
  • emotional restraint;
  • decency.

Representatives of the asthenic type are very fond of animals, often keeping several cats or dogs in a crowbar at once. They are very attentive to their pets, but the illness or death of a pet can lead to real depression. Ectomorphs are prone to introspection, they can think about the actions of people and their own reaction to them for a long time. In case of sudden danger, they turn to stone, fall into a stupor and lose the ability to defend themselves. Often people of this type try to hide their vulnerability and vulnerability behind ostentatious bravado and coolness, this behavior is especially typical for teenagers and young people. To feel comfortable, an asthenic needs a narrow circle of close people who accept him as he is.

Many people are completely unhappy with their body type and dream of changing something in themselves. Some want to get better, others, on the contrary, lose weight, and others do not like their body proportions and height. But not everyone knows that the constitution of the human body is genetically programmed. Therefore, in order to bring your figure closer to the ideal, you need to know all body types and specifically your

What are the body types?

Each person has a specific physique, which is characterized by a set of proportions and specifics of the structure, as well as a feature of the development of bone, muscle and adipose tissue. These parameters are laid down in the prenatal period, and further changes are subject to the genetic program.

Most people have a combined body type. It includes signs of different types of constitution. For example, the figure of some people may be as follows: narrow shoulders and wide hips. It is often called pear-shaped.

The proportions of the human body is an important indicator of the state of physical health. If there is a disproportion, this indicates various disorders in the body associated with abnormalities in the endocrine system or genetic failures. Focusing on the proportions, we can distinguish the following types of human physique:

  • mesomorphic type. These are people whose proportions are close in value to the average parameter. In this case, age, gender and many other features are taken into account.
  • Brachymorphic type. People of this type are muscular and strong, short in stature. The transverse dimensions of the body parts exceed the longitudinal ones. The same applies to internal organs.
  • A dolichomorphic man of tall stature, with long arms and legs. Under the skin there is a small fatty layer, but the muscles are poorly developed. In this case, the longitudinal dimensions of the body parts prevail over the transverse ones.

Body types in men

Representatives of the stronger sex are full and thin, flabby and pumped up, fragile and athletic. In a word, men have a different body constitution, the types of which are named such as ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph.


This type of figure is also called asthenic. A man of this type of physique is refined, this is expressed in elongated proportions. Asthenik has narrow shoulders, and growth is mostly above average. There are practically no fat deposits in an endomorph, just like muscles, because muscle tissue is rather poorly developed. It is very difficult for them to build muscle. But such men have a slender figure, and they are not afraid of excess fat. It is easy for ectomorphs to stay slim.

As psychologists note, such people are usually self-contained and very vulnerable. They are not subject to stress, they are not at all concerned about the problems of the people around them, but at the same time they have outbreaks of aggression. Often such men are immersed in themselves and it is very difficult to penetrate into their inner world.


This type of physique of a man is also called picnic. Its representatives have a massive figure, and have a neck. Often they are called squat. They gain weight very easily, so there are many obese people among endomorphs. With well-developed muscle tissue, such men are able to maintain good physical shape. But at the same time, it is easy to lose it, because it is easy to gain excess weight.

Psychologically, they are highly prone to stress, sentimental and non-conflict. Being very friendly, such men are able to attract people to themselves with their carelessness and charm. It is easy to find them. But among representatives of this type of figure there are quite vulnerable and touchy personalities, when dealing with whom you need to be careful.


Men of this type have an athletic physique, they are strong and muscular. They have a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles, broad shoulders, dense torso. The limbs of a man are of medium length, and adipose tissue is poorly expressed. Such men are very energetic.

Mesomorphs are confident people. There are few creative personalities among them, since such men are dominated by stereotypical thinking. They are leaders both at work and in the family. They are resistant to stress and cardinal changes in their lives.

These types of physiques in men are considered the most common, but often the human figure is a combination of individual elements of each type. As a rule, one of them prevails over the other two.

Types of female physiques

Thanks to the classification of Professor V. M. Chernorutsky, three main body types are distinguished among women. Types of female figures: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

Asthenic view

Such women are characterized by thinness, a thin and long neck, a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. They are usually taller than average. Asthenic is characterized by poorly developed muscles, so they are not too strong and hardy. But they have sufficient energy, lightness, grace and are not prone to fullness.

Normosthenic view

Such a body constitution in women suggests a proportional figure, slender legs, and a thin waist. They are usually of average height. Such ladies have good coordination, they are fast and sharp. For this type of physique, the types of sports disciplines should have a game focus. These include basketball, volleyball, tennis, water aerobics.

Hypersthenic appearance

Women of this constitution have heavy, large shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs. Growth is below average. Possessing natural strength and endurance, such ladies are deprived of grace and flexibility. Therefore, for this type of physique, the types of sports disciplines should be aimed at eliminating these shortcomings. Recommended martial arts, callanetics and the like. In women of the hypersthenic type of constitution, the metabolism is very slow, so they are most often overweight.

These are the main body types in women, and they can also be combined with each other in various ways.


There are different body types of a person. It has been proven that they can affect the state of the body. Knowing your constitutional type, you can try to correct the situation. Many begin to engage in certain sports to eliminate their shortcomings, others adjust their diet. The main thing is to remember that nothing is impossible.

Each person is born with features already programmed by the genotype, such features are also characteristic of the shape and size of the body, as well as the proportions of its individual parts.

This is the physique (or constitution). There are hypersthenic, normosthenic and asthenic physique. The proportions and dimensions of the body are determined using anthropometric research. In anthropometry, there are separate subsections that study certain parts of the body. So craniometry measures the size of the skull, osteometry examines the size of the bone. When talking about body types, they most often mean somatometric studies (included in the anthropometry described above), which are mainly represented by measuring height, waist circumference, chest circumference, diameters and body weight.

What is an asthenic physique?

Today, as mentioned above, there are a huge number of different somatotyping options, in our country the most common is the classification of somatotypes according to Chernorutsky.

Based on her data, the normosthenic body type is characterized by an average level of development of the musculoskeletal system and proportional body sizes. Asthenic physique is characterized by a clear predominance of body length over width, limb length compared to body length. Such a physique is characterized by poor development. The body of an asthenic is particularly slender and often thin.

Hypersthenic, in contrast to asthenic physique, is a kind of opposite, with a relative predominance of transverse dimensions over body length. People with such a physique are characterized by some fatness, the size of the abdomen clearly predominates over the size of the chest.

Like any other type of physique, an asthenic physique is nothing more than characteristic predispositions and features programmed at the genetic level, inherited and passed down from generation to generation.

Why are they needed and what application do they find in people's daily lives?

First, depending on the physique, the level of metabolic activity (the rate of metabolic processes) is determined. This information is used by both doctors and nutritionists when formulating diets.

Secondly, there is a certain predisposition of people of one type or another to a certain number of diseases. So asthenic physique indicates a person's predisposition to gastritis, gastric ulcer, as well as to the occurrence of tuberculosis. Doctors noticed that the latter in asthenics is much more difficult than in persons with other somatotypes.

Hypersthenics are characterized by diseases of the cardiovascular system, cholelithiasis, metabolic disorders. Among metabolic disorders in hypersthenics, there is a serious risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

The dependence of the development of a particular pathology has been proven in clinical trials. Today, doctors all over the world know that even blood counts in people of different somatotypes are different, for example, elevated blood cholesterol levels in hypersthenics or increased blood oxygen saturation in asthenics.

All these features indicate a subtle connection between the constitution of the body and possible diseases. Given these predispositions, modern medicine allows for early diagnosis of a developing disease even at the stage of latent clinical manifestations. Such early detection allows not only successful treatment, but also prevention with visible success.

The human body has its own unique characteristics - weight, shape, proportions. It is customary to distinguish the main body types. Although each person has it at the genetic level, it can be corrected in childhood. The structure of the body and its features should be considered during the selection of diets and training.

Body types

Types of figures are divided into several systems. One of the famous German doctors managed to find the relationship between psychological characteristics and characteristics of the somatotype. Kretschmer names three body types:

  • asthenic;
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

Owners of one or another configuration are not always satisfied with their own figure. If desired and following simple recommendations, it is possible to change your own appearance, making the male and female physique slimmer and more perfect. In some cases, you need to change your eating habits, and sometimes you need to switch to a healthy lifestyle. The sooner you start working on yourself, the sooner you will be pleased with the results.

Asthenic physique

Representatives of this type of figure are distinguished by:

  • thinness;
  • long thin neck;
  • flat chest;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • elongated thin limbs;
  • long face;
  • thin nose;
  • above average growth.

Those with a slender physique have poorly developed muscles, therefore they are not very hardy and strong. The advantage of such people can be called their vigor, lightness, grace. Women with such a figure are often in the center of attention of the opposite sex, because they look fragile and feminine. In addition, asthenics never suffer from overweight in their lives, because they are not inclined to be overweight. The metabolism of such people is very fast, which prevents the deposition of fatty tissues.

Normosthenic physique

Normostenics are characterized by:

  • proportional figure;
  • slender legs;
  • thin waist.

Often, the fair sex with this body constitution is of medium height. Such ladies have good coordination, are distinguished by speed and sharpness. Men with an athletic build have well-developed muscles, a strong and well-formed skeleton, a convex chest, and proportional legs. In sports, it is better for normosthenics to give preference to basketball, volleyball, tennis and water aerobics. Owners of this configuration enjoy the attention of representatives of the opposite sex.

Hypersthenic physique

Representatives of this constitution have:

  • wide heavy bones;
  • large shoulders;
  • wide chest;
  • slightly shortened limbs.

The growth of such people is below average. Nature endowed them with strength and endurance, but saved them from flexibility and grace. For this reason, the owners of such a figure should choose sports disciplines that will help them remove their shortcomings. Among such sports are yoga, martial arts, callanetics. People with a dense physique have a very slow metabolism, so they often have problems with. They can cope with their imperfections by opting for a healthy lifestyle.

Body types according to Sheldon

The famous American psychologist and numismatist Herbert Sheldon suggests that a person's physique can determine his temperament. However, this dependence is hidden, and it is possible to reveal the relationship between the physical and mental by highlighting certain properties. Using the photographic technique he developed and anthropometric calculations, the psychologist was able to describe the main body types of a person:

  • endomorphy;
  • mesomorphy;
  • ectomorphy.

mesomorph body type

The mesomorph is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • natural muscles;
  • no fat;
  • massive body;
  • thick bones;
  • voluminous muscles.

Such people have the best chance of becoming successful in bodybuilding. A person with a normal physique has excellent potential for growth and gaining muscle strength. Representatives of this species are usually classified into ectomorphs and endomorphs. For this reason, not every one of them can build up equally sculpted beautiful muscles.

Endomorph body type

Endomorphs are distinguished from all others by:

  • rounded, soft body;
  • high percentage of adipose tissue;
  • small shoulders;
  • short limbs;
  • pear-shaped body type.

People with a strong physique have a slow metabolism. They tend to be overweight and therefore gain weight very easily, and in order to lose kilograms they have to work hard on themselves. Among the owners of this constitution are many pop stars and actresses. However, even rounded shapes do not spoil them, but emphasize the merits of an attractive and extraordinary appearance. Physical activity and will help them become slimmer and more perfect.

Ectomorph body type

Ectomorphs have the following differences:

  • thinness;
  • long, thin bones;
  • skinny muscles;
  • little fat.

People with these body types are rarely seen in the gym, because they are the least predisposed to bodybuilding. If you ever manage to notice a person with a thin physique in the gym, then this will be a rare exception. Among them, most of all are such people who have certain physical features that allow them to pump their body, making it stronger and more attractive.

How to determine body type

It is not so difficult to find out which of the above body types the body constitution belongs to. The definition of physique is calculated by the size of the girth of the wrist. For a man of average height, the following scale is taken into account: when the indicator is in the range of 15-17.5 cm, this will be a sign of a fragile bone foundation, 17.5-20 cm - medium, and above 20 cm - powerful. The circumference of the wrist is proportional to the circumference of the ankle, which is five or six centimeters larger.

However, there are people whose lower half of the body is more massive than the upper. In this case, the wrist in girth will be 16.5 cm, and the ankle - 25 cm. And it also happens that the ankles do not differ from the wrists. Whatever the results of the calculations, there is no need to be upset, because they still do not say that a person will not be able to achieve certain heights in sports. The only thing is that you have to work a little more on yourself. You need to believe in yourself and that you can change, no matter what level you have to start from.