Baby gift for the new year. List of practical New Year presents for girls. Romantic Gifts for New Year

New Year is one of the main and most beloved holidays in our country. Traditionally, on this day, close people exchange congratulations and gifts. But sometimes it is difficult to choose a good present. If you cannot decide what to give a woman for the new year to please and hit her, our tips will help.

How to choose the new year gifts to a woman

Before you begin to choose, it would not hurt to determine the purpose of the present. The same subject in different situations can be perfectly suitable or completely inappropriate gift. Therefore, you definitely decide why you give this presentation:

  • To confess love. It is necessary to choose something romantic, for example, dinner in an unusual setting. Also relevant will be decorations and a variety of cute little things - flowers, aromatic candles, etc.
  • To pay attention without any hints of personality. Usually such gifts are given to colleagues and acquaintances. Symbolic little things should be chosen, for example, a key chain with an image of an animal symbol of the year or a desktop calendar.
  • To show care. Most often, such things are given to close relatives. You can give a useful object for home or warm things.

Avoid gifts that can be turned interpreted. In no case in any case, the present should not hint of the physical imperfection of the recipient. Even if with the best motives you give a loss belt or wrinkle cream, a woman can be offended.

Top 10 Gifts Woman for New Year

  1. Sweets
  2. Beautiful New Year souvenirs
  3. fashionable accessories
  4. Gift certificates
  5. Interior decorations
  6. Items for hobby
  7. Subscriptions in the spa, swimming pool, etc.
  8. Tableware and household appliances
  9. Accessories for PC
  10. Maintenance devices

Most Popular Gifts for Women for New Year

If you need to choose a gift to a woman who you don't know very well, you can give preference to one of the most popular presents. These include:

  • Sweets. Most women love them, just need to try to choose something interesting. It is not necessary to bring a simple box of candy, it is better to collect a composition or a pretty gift basket. You can also order an original cake or cupcake with a decoration of mastic. Another good option is a cake with a photo of the recipient. The image is printed on a special edible paper. Therefore, such cakes can be used by destination.
  • Souvenirs and different beautiful little things. Men are not perceived by such gifts, considering the useless Mishur, but women belong to them favorably. Beautiful Christmas decoration or bright festive souvenir will be appropriate, both in the workplace and at home.
  • Practical accessories. Good umbrella, wallet, business card reader or stylish notebook for recordings - these are gifts that can be given almost any woman. They are quite useful and at the same time neutral.
  • Romantic gifts Suitable only with your beloved women, and you need to choose them very carefully.
  • Dishes and household appliances. They will suit almost everything, the exception is colleagues with whom the relationship is purely business.
  • Fur. Do not think that this is necessarily a fur coat and give it permitted only to the beloved woman. You can also choose shawl or mittens, headphones or fur bezel.

Such gifts are difficult to call original, but many women do not really crave to get something unusual. Often predictability and understandableness is more important than the originality.

Interesting and useful gifts for the new year

If you need to combine interesting and utility in one gift, it can create a lot of problems. But choose such a present possible. The most successful options:

  • Cervical handkerchief with a special ringbonding its ends without knots. The handkerchief itself is so interesting, but the ring-ornament makes it original and very stylish present.
  • Self-relieving mug. There are all ordinary circles with funny drawings or inscriptions, but such a mirror will accurately surprise and please the recipient.
  • Set for nail design. It will come in handy any woman who watches his appearance, only colors need to be chosen taking into account the style of the recipient.
  • Unusual usb-hub. This is the perfect gift for a colleague or girlfriend - it is inexpensive and benefits.
  • Jewelry holder. Usually they are stored in the boxes. But this is not very convenient, as you have to look for small products in the corners every time. The stand will conveniently place your favorite decorations and always have them at hand.
  • Safe in the form of wall clocks. A very interesting product that looks outside as ordinary hours, but inside has several small shelves for different valuable trifles.
  • Summer holder. It is a beautiful and useful device that allows you to conveniently place the bag anywhere.
  • Flowers in vacuum. This is a very interesting analogue of a simple bouquet. The composition is treated in a special way and placed in a sealed vessel. So flowers can stand for several years without care.
  • Opera glasses. Surely such a gift has not yet received a lady.

Choosing an interesting gift to a woman for the new year, be sure to take into account her age and interests. Young girl can give funny and funny accessories, and adult women should pick up restrained and stylish things.

What to give for new year your favorite woman

Gifts beloved can be completely different - romantic or intimate, economic and useful, or valuable and exquisite. Most young women love cute little things reminiscent of feelings. Therefore, pair T-shirts or mittens will be prevented. You can also give funny cups for two or acquire similar baseball caps and beloved.

And you can also give something to leisure and rest, for example, a certificate for dance training. Of course, you have to participate in this. But you can with benefit and it is interesting to spend time together. You can also give a favorite subscription to the spa or pool. If she has a hobby, a good gift will be a visit to the master class of the appropriate theme.

Typically, the sweethearts are not recommended to give household appliances and objects for life. In fact this is not true. If the recipient is a real host and adores comfort, she will be glad to a new pan, a towel set and other similar presentations.

Naturally, you can not forget about romantic gifts. This is not necessarily a diamond or a luxurious fur coat - dinner, cooked by the hands of a beloved, too, a completely pleasant and romantic present. Do not be afraid to show your fantasy. A romantic gift can be easily made with her own hands - to serve breakfast in bed, present a chocolate with a photo of your favorite on wrapper or make a photo collage.

If the financial situation allows, a loved one will be glad to get a romantic journey somewhere in warm edges or even the nearest country boarding house. The main thing is to be with your loved one. You can also come up with something unusual, for example, flying on a balloon or limousine riding through the night city.

What to give to the new year the boss

A woman is not necessarily a favorite, girlfriend or relative, sometimes she can be a strict and serious leader of the company. In this case, the right choice of the New Year's present is very important, because all the future career may depend on it. A gift to a woman head for the new year should be restrained and official, as well as high-quality and interesting. Best options:

  • Unusual bookmark for books, you can handmade. It is a beautiful and useful product that will be useful to a woman who loving books.
  • Massage cushion. It will come in handy in the office, and while traveling.
  • Set for a tea ceremony. If you add it a good tea, it will be just the perfect present.
  • Photo album in the form of a box. A pretty and useful product that will help, if it is difficult to come up with what to give the boss.
  • Garden stones. This is an original interior decoration, which will fit perfectly in most of the cabinets. In addition, it will help to relieve stress and relax a little in the midst of a difficult day.

New Year's gifts for loved ones

Choose presents of expensive mothers, sisters, grandmothers and other close women a little simpler, because you know their interests and hobbies. But in this case I really want to please, so the choice is complicated. Try to take into account the tastes and the preferences of the recipient:

  • The host, who is ready for days to restore the order in the house and prepare delicious delicacies, like a slow cooker, beautiful cutlery, tablecloths and towels, a set for sushi, ice cream or a device for cooking sweet wool.
  • Amateur home plants can give a beautiful pot or a new pet. Also, he can use the humidifier or a beautiful watering can be useful.
  • Business Lady will like a good briefcase, an electronic notebook, a diary, business card holder or travel accessories in an elegant handbag.
  • Beauty, which spends a lot of effort and time to treat itself, use hair styling devices, a subscription to a spa or fitness club, a device for manicure, a beautiful road cosmetics, a certificate from a cosmetics store or from jewelry.
  • Needlewood can be given any necessary materials and tools, as well as organizers for storage.

If you are exactly sure that everything you need have everything you need, and choose a gift is very difficult - do not be discouraged. You can choose something simple and pleasant, such as an elite variety tea or a set of bath salts. Do not forget to beautifully pack the present and accompany him the best wishes, then he will definitely like the recipient.

Every year has its own patron - one of the twelve animals of the Eastern calendar. Symbol of 2017 - red fire rooster. This is an interesting and temperamental animal. Element of fire symbolizes continuous circulation of vitality and power. A gift to a woman for the new year is better to pick up in a warm color scheme to hide the rooster.

Gifts to a woman for the new year

Souvenir.A small souvenir will serve as an inexpensive symbolic gift. A pretty statuette, a fridge magnet, a key chain or a cup with a picture of a rooster, you will have to see the finest representative.

New Year's wreath. Wreath on the door - the original christmas decoration. He will be a pleasant surprise for a woman. Wreath will decorate the dwelling and give the atmosphere of the holiday. It can be made with your own hands with the help of finished accessories or girlfriend. Wreath in red or orange colors of the owner of 2017.

Festive tablecloth. New Year's table must correspond to the symbolism of the upcoming year. A tablecloth of yellow, red or orange color with the image of a rooster will delight the hostess. She will decorate the festive table and will attract good luck to the house.

Bath set. Warm terry bathrobe, soft bath towels and slippers will serve as a useful gift. Such things will create a feeling of home comfort. The original idea will be a bath kit with a name embroidery.

Aroma candles. A set of handmade aromatic candles will serve as a pleasant New Year's surprise for a weak floor representative. Candles of unusual color and design with aroma of spices, coffee, chocolate, fruits or flowers will decorate the interior, fill the house atmosphere of comfort and romance.

Kitchen accessories. Kitchen accessories will enjoy a housewife or a woman who loves to cook. Frying pan with a non-stick surface, shapes for cupcakes or pies, pots for casserole, mixer, cool tags, apron or recipe book will take an honorable place in the kitchen.

Gift Certificate. Beautiful sexes are dreaming of looking stylish, well-groomed and spectacular. Gift certificate for professional manicure, pedicure, haircut, massage, cosmetic procedures or visiting a solarium will damage delight.

Portrait. An unusual portrait, made to order with paints or pencils, pleasantly surprise a woman. You can depict it in an extraordinary image or with the addition of original design elements.

Oil burner. The aromacuator will serve as an original gift. With an aroma and a set of natural exotic oils it is easy to arrange homemade aromatherapy sessions. Depending on the mood, you can select invigorating, relaxing or romantic smells.

Bedding set. The elegant set of bed linen will have to do with a woman. When choosing a kit, it is worth considering the color preferences of the ladies and the material from which it is made.

Appliances. Multifunctional vacuum cleaner, bread maker, iron, TV, oven or dishwasher will delight the hostess. Modern household appliances will facilitate the work on the house.

Elite tea / coffee. Winter - the time of hot drinks. Luxury varieties of tea or coffee will serve as a win-win version of the New Year's gift. They can be handed to hand, even if the taste preferences are not known. It will not refuse to try an elite drink. An excellent addition will be unusual sweets: hazelnuts, almonds, figs, chocks in dairy or black chocolate.

Picture. Reproduction of a famous picture or picture in the beloved style of visual art will be delighted with an amateur of interesting elements of the decor. The picturesque winter landscape will give the opportunity to admire a wonderful view, being in a warm cozy room.

Plaid. In the cold season I want home comfort and heat. Woolen checkered plaid will serve as an excellent gift. He will fill the house atmosphere comfort.

Jewelry.A pleasant surprise for an expensive beloved woman will be a jewelry. Ring, bracelet, earrings, brooch or necklace with precious stones will serve as a luxurious accessory and will resemble a close person.

Before finding a gift, a woman for the new year should be asked about its preferences and needs. A practical lady is better to present a pre-ordered needed thing. The unusual original presentation with the symbols of the upcoming year is suitable for creative cheerful nature.

This question is asked by every young man on the eve of December 31 ... At this wonderful holiday, most people make surprises with their loved ones. I want to surprise and give something useful ... If you still do not know what you can give a favorite girl for the new year 2019 inexpensive and original to like it 100%? This article contains some useful information and classification of gifts that can help you decide what to buy the best gift for the new year 2019. Having read it, make the choice will be much easier.

Of course, the best gift for the girl is desirable, it is if you accidentally find out that she wants to see under the Christmas tree in the New Year 2019 in the form of a gift. Currently, store shelves are broken from various New Year's offers for every taste and color - souvenirs, decorations, decor elements, etc., which will satisfy the requests of even the most pressing customers. And if you still doubt about a gift, or it has a special purpose - dear and close to a person, use the classification below, it will help to figure out what and who is better to give.

What best to give a girl for the new year 2019

Romantic - those who create a romantic atmosphere and pumps feelings ... For example, a chic bouquet of flowers with a card (just don't forget about the color language, it is important when choosing a bouquet: so, for example, a white rose symbol of tenderness, and red - love), and The best gift for the girl is a ring, not necessarily with a diamond and immediately make an offer, and the fact itself, the fact that you gave the ring deserves tremendous respect.

  1. Intelligent - all related to development, knowledge, intelligence. Books, wheels, subscription to the interesting publication of the magazine, an artistic or not a new album, a tool for classes.
  2. Cosmetic - perfumery - creams, gels, salts, perfume and so on (here you need to be very wellware about tastes and the preferences of your beloved person, who is planned all this), because it is suitable for a young couple or loved ones, dads, sisters, brother.
  3. Culinary - who loves to eat delicious? All ... You can buy a cake, a bottle of elite drink or a box of candy. And it is best not to neglect the information about the mode of nutrition and the style of a person's life to whom the present is selected.
  4. Practicals that a 100% person can apply and extract benefit from it. For example: pajamas, gloves, scarf, umbrella. ATTENTION, it is important to remember that the linen is given only to relatives or loved ones.
  5. Household - among them - blender, kettle, kitchen scales, set of spices, salad bowls, tablecloth with napkins, toaster, shovel for cake, tea or small coffee set, sofa cushion, pillings for eggs, vases for flowers, etc.
  6. Developing and encouraging - it is necessary to have information about the interests and hobbies of man. Sledge, ball, set of brushes, cloth for embroidery, paints, roller skates, camera, dumbbells, chess, drum sticks, spinning, flippers, stick, skis, etc. Just do not try your gift to try to impose a hobby man. So, a man who is interested in motorcycles is useless to give a saxophone or hunting rifle.
  7. Souvenirs - here there is where to get roaring! They can be original, with a joke, with a highlight, with a mystery, with a hint. The soft toy is perfect for this role. The souvenir may correspond to the coming new 2019 of the yellow dog, then you can buy a statuette, or a soft toy of the snake, as well as the souvenir presents refers paintings, icons, unique crafts from wood, glass, metal.
  8. Classic - take place to be given on various holidays, except for the new year - for the birthday, February 23, March 8, May 9 and other holidays. Here is a brief list of such: belt, clock, e-book, player, money, gift coupon ...
  9. Souvenir selection is a creative interesting process that requires knowledge and money. It needs to be chosen with a good mood and you can with a friend or friend, a gift and presentation of his pleasant and memorable process, and the present is a long memory! For this, do not skimp on and choose with a soul.
  10. Gifts hide a lot of information about the donor. People who constantly consider their income and expenses or those who have the nature of the guardian, usually prefer to buy useful, functional things. Lovers, most often make extraordinary and unexpected surprises, over which they think for a very long time and pick up, traveling through a variety of shops and fishing on the Internet. There is a special kind that, first of all, insanely please the donor itself - these are those who wanted your loved ones, and you doubted to take anything else and when you see a joyful face of a person, inside yourself you shout "Hurray, I guess."

Giving and sharing gifts on New Year's Eve is an oldest tradition, and do not create flour and problems from it. The ideal option is to choose the one that brings joy and warming soul, that's what is really important! No need to suffer from finding - it should always be enjoyable. There are presents from which the girl will be delighted, even if you were in prisred or lived a lot, they will be very relevant.

Top inexpensive gifts to the girl to the new year 2019

When there is not enough money for the purchase of an expensive gift, but I want to be very pleased with your loved one, then we have a list of inexpensive but good gift for you, which will be a reminder of you and about how much you love her.

  • Plush toys (here the first place is taken by a bear, 2nd bunny, 3rd heart)
  • Tea set will become an excellent option for your beloved. Such a nominal set includes twelve portions of tea, it includes tea with a rose and with vanilla.
  • Romantic and unusual chocolate sweets - in every city there are already chocolate handmade crafts (suitable for sweet tooth)
  • Cosmetic bag or small man for beauty.
  • Pillow in the form of a heart with your sharing photo.

Top Original Gifts Girl for 2019

Sometimes for the girl it is better to give an original gift that will be not only useful, but which will surprise her. Our list will help you quickly decide on the choice.

  • Erotic underwear - many girls like sex like us, just do not always show (for passionate girls)
  • The Hollywood Star Funny (Ceramic) with her name will lead the girl delight.
  • Pet - Kitten, parrot, doggy (for girls who are often at home and are waiting for their guys, husbands)
  • Gift coupon of the shopping center where your girlfriend is often skoo.

The best gifts to the girl for the new year

It is best to give a girl something cool and creative, which will be useful for her in everyday life. Our list of the best gifts will help you choose a really necessary gift.

  • Ring - (Super gift for your beloved girl, which she will always appreciate the only reminder ring should be gold, because gold - metal love and wealth, and silver - friendship)
  • Chain or earrings
  • Elite perfume - expensive perfume of such manufacturers (Dior, Versace, Chanel, Gucci Guilty, Nina Ricci, Coco) just need to know the taste of your beloved girl
  • Romantic trip to Paris - explain why I think it is not worth 🙂

Gifts to the girl for the new year 2019 do it yourself

An equally beautiful and pleasant gift is the one who is made with his own hands, for the girl such a souvenir seems very cute and mental. And make such a gift is not a bunch of money and does not occupy a large number of The time below is detailed video instructions as you can make a gift to the girl for the new year with your own hands, and that's what we have prepared for you:

  1. But it is best not to be lazy and release your own magazine that will be devoted to your close person. Today in the network there are many templates for the cover of the magazine, on the first page of which you need to make all the main events in the life of the person you decide to glorify your glossy number. But it is necessary to make it so that on New Year's Eve your close personally stumbled upon this miracle in the mailbox and appreciated all your efforts.
  2. Can present Name Site With a beautiful pattern in the form of a heart or pictures, where you can do anything: to pull out photos, video, communicate with the whole world.
  3. You can write a close-up disk to a person, pose only those songs that are able to cause positive associations and good memories. But for this you need to be as-aware in the tasks of the recipient. And for the disk, you can also make a nominal box with the best wishes.
  4. As options, you can bake the pizza with the ingredients that loves and show a fantasy with the inscription "Beloved, the best mom in the world"; Buy a simple cookie and pour it with chocolate icing so that it seems that this is your job. Here everything will depend on the tastes of a person who you are planning to do a surprise.

Money gift


New Year is a holiday that even adults are eagerly awaited. This is especially true of the beautiful half of humanity. Unlike men, women generous on emotions. Therefore, make presents to them - the real pleasure! You just need to choose a good thing based on the size of your wallet. If you want to create a winter fairy tale, but do not know what to give a woman for the new year 2019, follow our advice. We will give a lot of interesting ideas, thanks to which you will be fully armed.

Choosing a New Year's Gift: Some Nuances

A gift for the new year 2019 will delight a woman if you analyze important moments before buying:

  • what is like a lady and what she likes;
  • what do you want to say a gift. For recognition in love, jewelry are perfectly suitable. New Year's souvenirs can be used as a business present. But to express care and respect with the help of a gift for comfort;
  • think if the woman did not say that she wants to get on New Year's Eve;
  • consider the age of a fair sex. The girl can be bidder of handmade, a new smartphone model, an original photo frame. An adult woman will be glad to the subscription to visit the pool and the stylish accessory, emphasizing the image. An elderly lady can be purchased warm clothes, a medical device or kitchen appliance, simplifying life.

Gifts beloved girl

The new year 2019 is almost on the threshold. It's time to choose the presents. If your favorite girl did not hint, whatever she wanted to see under the Christmas tree, you will have to connect fantasy. As an option, you can buy a bottle of expensive wine, a box of chocolate candies, a soft toy in the shape of a pig and arrange a second half a romantic evening. Such a surprise girl will appreciate.

In addition to classic solutions, there are original options:

  1. Handmade palatine.
  2. Mittens with ornament.
  3. Winter fur headphones.
  4. Beautiful storage casket rings, bracelets, necklace.
  5. Set of underwear from the brand manufacturer.
  6. Pig with a print.
  7. A ticket for an interesting event: a concert of the beloved group, a sports contest, a theater representation.
  8. Certificate for the winter photo session.
  9. Accessory for mobile phone or smartphone.
  10. A ticket to the ski resort.

If the girl likes modern technologies, buy her levitizing globe. Such an innovative device imitates the rotation of our planet in the abyss of space. This is a stunning spectacle, fascinating eyes!

Gift wife

From the fact that the spouse will find under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, its mood depends on all winter holidays. This is a good reason why you need to buy my wife a good gift. Choose a decent thing is easy, because women often sound wishes. Ask the spouse that she needs from Santa Claus and make dreams!

Household present, for example, a food processor or a pancake, not suitable for this purpose. A woman will be glad to such a gift, but she will like something romantic anymore. An ideal option is a ticket to a filmmaker or the theater. You can also give a spouse certificate to the store for the purchase of cosmetics, brand clothing.

This list of solutions is not limited. We want to help you choose the best gift for the new year 2019:

  • natural fur coat - Constant attribute of ladies about married life. This is an element of outerwear, who wants many ladies in their wardrobe. If there are no problems with money, make a chic gift. After that you will become a real hero in my eyes;
  • gold decoration - a win-win. The best friends of women are diamonds. Therefore, the path to their heart lies through the jewelry store. The choice of gold jewelry is large: rings, earrings with pendants, pendants in the form of zodiac signs, chains;
  • tour in a warm country - A gift that will lead your wife in full delight. Woman can move from the snowy winter to the hot summer. After a few hours spent on the plane, it will be in another world and will swim in the sea;
  • subscription in the gym - A great present for a woman who watches his physical form. Select the establishment equipped with properly. Let his wife go to the gym and improves his appearance;
  • designer dress - Visit the fashionable boutique and pick up a beautiful product. Do not think that the cost of the dress will be too high. In front of the winter holidays in many boutiques there are discounts.

If the budget is limited, select an inexpensive gift for the spouse. In the list of economical solutions there is a beautiful wallet, leather bag, iron for equalizing hair, an anti-stress toy.

In the year of yellow pig, you can give a gift for hobbies and creativity: set for embroidery beads, ribbons or cross. Select the appropriate option based on the spouse in free time.

Gifts sister

When buying a present for the new year 2019, follow how many years your own native person. We offer interesting ideas of gifts for a young woman who loves unusual things:

  • prediction cookies;
  • a mug with a knitted cuff;
  • flash drive with engraving;
  • apron with the inscription "Queen of the kitchen";
  • set of plates for snacks in the shape of a star, bell, Christmas trees;
  • certificate for visiting the attraction "Aerodynamic tube";
  • scarf with ornament "Northern deer";
  • named plate on which Santa Claus is depicted;
  • wall clock from vinyl record;
  • wooden christmas tree in the shape of a pig with a congratulatory inscription.

An adult sister, which already has a family, can give a case for jewelry. Select a product made of genuine leather. Pay attention to the number of departments and the presence of the lock.

An excellent gift for a woman for the new year is a certificate in the spa. To this gift, your sister will definitely come true. Choose a spa with a good reputation. Decide with the procedures. The choice is extensive: Thai massage, pearl baths, sugar epilation, wrapping of the mud of the Dead Sea.

Gifts mom and mother-in-law

The choice of a present for relatives and loved ones for many turns into a real test. It is not surprising, because people want to please a person and give a part of happiness. If you have not yet decided on a gift for the new year 2019, check out our ideas:

  • grocery basket - Mom and the mother-in-law, such a present will have to do. Put in a basket of delicacies that close people cannot afford. It can be cheese, a jar of red caviar, ham, exotic fruits;
  • quality Skovorod - Buy an aluminum product with a multi-layer bottom and an internal non-stick coating. Such a frying pan will last long and will be a reliable assistant in the kitchen;
  • set for spices on the stand - Prefer glass or ceramic jars. Mom and mother-in-law can keep spices and herbs in special containers;
  • blanket with sleeves - A gift with which you can show your care and love. Choose in the store Plaid from Microfiber or Fleece. Such a product has excellent warming properties. It has a special cut, thanks to which you can conveniently work for a laptop or read the book;
  • means for care - Go to the store with my wife and choose a suitable product. The assortment of cosmetic products is huge: fragrant gels for the soul, moisturizing creams, restoring masks, face scrubs;
  • appliances - Look at what is not in the kitchen at mom or mother-in-law. Buy a device facilitating cooking. It can be a juicer, a food processor, a milk fries, marinator;
  • room fountain - A device that adorns the interior and creates a cozy atmosphere. This is a present who informs his originality and unique design design;
  • rocking chair - Perfect gift for a woman aged. Buy a product woven from natural rattan. It will harmoniously fit into any interior. The seat on the rocking chair brings great benefits: the nervous system, the muscles relax are reassured, the heart rate is restored;
  • biocamine - Wall or outdoor type device, warming room and creating a feeling of comfort. This is the optimal option for homes in which the ordinary fireplace cannot be mounted.

If you want to make a woman a pleasant present, give her rest. It can be a ticket to a sanatorium or a trip to the country boarding house. The choice depends on your financial capabilities and from mom's health, mother-in-law.

Yes. Choose New Year gifts to women is still a test. Especially for men who consider a waste of time aimless shopping in search of that, I do not know what. No, naturally, rings with diamonds, new iPhones, car keys and TV latest models on the prestainment are in the first place in the list of women's desires. But not all men oligarchs and not everyone is ready to delight the army of their favorite women, consisting of mothers, sisters, wives and colleagues, expensive surprises.

We could not stay aside and decided to help choose an inexpensive gift to a woman for the New Year, to which she would be glad no less than a jewelry trinket. So we will not translate love, care and attention to zeros on the price tag, and right now I will pick up cute ladies a pleasant New Year's presents, we will order and we will sleep calmly until the New Year's night, firmly and sweet.

What to give your favorite girl for the new year inexpensive?

Mittens "Scandik"

Real in love is funny to read vanilla walls in the spirit "How nice to admire snowflakes on her hair." Thoughtful guys know - the most pleasant thing is the confidence that your beloved is not cold without a hat, scarfing and mittens. Therefore, giving the girl stylish mittens with the Scandinavian ornament, they will not only delight her fashionable accessory, but and are touched by their concern.

Little handmade notebook

In my handbag, you will always always find anything interesting: cosmetic bag, all sorts of beauty tools, gadgets, key chains and more. But that's what she's not exactly, it is a small handmade notebook. The same cute, attractive, little and unique, like she herself. Here is this little book and give. The book is useful to the girl on studies or work, and will also become a stylish addition to its image.

Flash drive "Pokemon Pikachu"

This earlier, the girls embroidered with a cross and bred flowers on the balcony. Now they are on a par with guys to be cut into computer games and participate in exciting quests. Take, for example, the sensational game Pokemongo, where you need to wander around the surroundings in search of "pocket monsters". Yes, she girls are a nice seasonal discounts in fashionable boutiques!

Your adorable special is the same? Then be sure to give her a bright flash drive in the form of Picacha Pokayon. Favorite you will be pretty grateful for the right and original gift, which shows that you are far from indifferent to her itself and respecting her interests.

Good inexpensive gift wife for new year


A woman with an active life position should be given bright and dynamic gifts, which will be useful to her at work, at home, during recreation or sports. We offer to buy a wife activist, athlete and simply beautiful unreal stylish thermos "Haik". The spouse will be able to take it with him to work, carry in the car, wearing in a hiking backpack.

By the way, an avid dacha, a housewife and a business woman from such a present will not refuse. Hot tea and coffee love everything, but not everyone has time to drink their cup of invigorating drink in a relaxed atmosphere. So the thermos is always needed.

Watch-scales for the kitchen

The clock, with accuracy, determining not only the time, and the amount of product needed for a particular dish is the real dream of culinary, eternally thin housewives and a young mother, which introduces the baby's babies. The clock will not allow the time when the culinary masterpiece will be ready, and the scales embedded in them will help to do everything according to the recipes and recommendations of the nutritionist. Give your wife with an unmatched kitchen accessory. She will definitely appreciate.

TV-plaid with sleeves

What to do long winter evenings? Of course, reading books or viewing your favorite TV series. And so that the cold does not doubt rest, you need to wrap up in a warm blanket. But the trouble, from under him it is so uncomfortable to get hands to switch the channel, reversal the page or send another portion of the cookies in the mouth ...

Sad story. But it is unnecessary, since she is not about your wife. As you give her a steep and unreal convenient TV-plaid with sleeves. Favorite will be able to roam around the apartment, read, knit, write and with absolute comfort to engage in any other affairs.

Interesting inexpensive gift for mom for the new year

Towel "Beloved Mom"

It is difficult to find a special gift at an affordable price. Basically, everything is very unique very expensive. But not that we offer to give your mom. See what we have a towel. It is written on it "Favorite Mom". More precisely, it is not written, but neatly embroidered. Consequently, the inscription will never erase, it will not wash off, and will always be a mom to delight.

We ask you to pay attention to that this textile miracle can be chosen as a gift to her husband, wife, girlfriend. It is better to order a nominal towel, so that certainly to fight with your care and originality.

Set for cutting cheese "Nakhodka"

This is really a find for housewives, cheese gourmets and those who are looking for an inexpensive, but useful gift to mom. In the set for cutting cheese there is a blackboard with a glass surface and a fishing line, three knives and a special fork, which is convenient to lay a capricious product on a plate. The accessory kit must be supplemented with your favorite mother cheese and then the gift is simply destined to become perfect.

Warmer on the kettle "Chicken Case"

If my mother loves to drink tea, then we know how to please her for the new year! This is an original, bright and very actual cover warmer for the kettle in the form of chicken-naews. No one will even suspect that the chicken "raises" the kettle. The case looks like an exclusive interior decoration, allows not to spend time to heal water, generates positive and attracts good luck. After all, the symbol of the upcoming year is a red rooster. Friend, comrade and relative are motley there.

Pleasant inexpensive gift for new year woman colleague

Notepad Freenote

The office of the office is desirable to give the same New Year gifts. And it will begin to compare yourself with each other, decide who has a gift better, quarrel and quietly hate you for poor-quality congratulations. This we will not allow and show you here such a notebook in a red cover with a lass, loop and rubber band. Notepad is useful for fixing important meetings, smart thoughts and rewriting a friend of the recipes of New Year's dishes. And he will become a bright emphasis in the form of a modern business lady. So give and rejoice your women.

Desktop calendar "Cockerel in a vest"

The next 2017 will be held under the auspices of a bright, eccentric and very generous zodiac animal - fiery rooster. To enlist his support and all year to be happy, healthy, rich and successful, you need to buy yourself and give colleagues cute souvenirs depicting this bird. A good choice will be the desk calendar "Cockerel in a vest." Inexpensive, relevant and needed in the office.